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JULY 1973           “But we, for our part, shall walk In the name of Jehovah oar God to time indefinite, even forever.”—MIc. 45. VOL. XVI NO. 7

^Dea* ^PuMisfas:

We were thrilled to- hear announced at the Bethel table that 454,779 persons, moved by love for Jehovah, had shared in the field ministry in this country during April. That is our third consecutive peak, 8,468 more publishers than the all-time peak in March, and 23,600 more than last April!

And not only were there more workers in the field, but the report showed that those sharing in the work were exerting themselves. As a result, 8,237,205 hours were devoted to preaching the good news—the highest figure ever for any one month! It was fine, too, to see that 27,866 publishers put forth the added effort to share in the temporary pioneer service during the month; only once before did we have as many. And a marvelous witness was given by means of magazine distribution. There was a record placement of 11,239,822 copies—412,121 more than our previous peak two years ago!

The outstanding event in April, of course, was the celebration of the Lord’s Evening Meal. How many attended? For the first time, over a million persons in the United States were present—1,046,346 in all, which is 70,113 more than last year. It is fine to see so many who show some appreciation for Jehovah’s loving provisions. But, of course, attending that meeting Is not all that is required, is it? The majority of those who were there need further help to take their stand firmly on Jehovah’s side while there is still the opportunity to do so. Will you offer them your help?

One way that you can do so is by conducting Bible studies. During April the total number of studies dropped somewhat. Why was that? Well, no doubt one reason is that some with whom we were studying got baptized. By April, 29,557 persons had already been baptized during the service year. That’s wonderful ! Also, we have probably dis

Come, You People, to Jehovah's House!

1A frequent question these days is, "How many are attending the meetings at your Kingdom Hall?” In many congregations, large and small, the joyful answer seems to be the same, “Huge crowds!” It is not unusual now to hear of congregations with 100 publishers having 150 or more in attendance at their meetings. From all nationalities a growing crowd of worshipers is flocking to the “mountain of the house of Jehovah,” causing the meeting places to bulge at the seams.—Isa. 2: 2, 3.

  • 2 Are these new ones only attending the meetings? No, to the contrary, the figures show that over 680,000 persons were baptized in the past five years. This means that every four minutes around the clock a new person was baptized. To what extent the “unnumbered” great crowd will grow in the future remains to be seen.—Rev. 7: 9.

  • 3 Should we continue with urgency to preacli the good news and to continued a number of studies because of their failure to make progress, and that is a wise thing to do. It gives us more time to search for persons who are really hungry for the truth. And we may find that some who have begun to attend our meetings are not yet having a personal study. Let’s offer them our help.

Not long ago here at Bethel we also enjoyed a report from Brother Knorr about his two-week trip to the Orient via Alaska this spring. In Fairbanks he spoke to 497. In Japan with 677 in attendance he dedicated their new printery and Bethel home, and spoke to 12,396 at two other meetings in Tokyo and Osaka. In the Philippines he dedicated another new factory and Bethel home, and spoke to a crowd look for sheeplike ones? Yes, our search goes on for others who are depressed because of this system of things and who are looking for a real hope that is in harmony with Jehovah’s righteous standards. Jehovah, who always provides abundantly, has given us the right instrument to use to help those of all nationalities. In July we will be especially featuring the Truth book in our field ministry. Over 59 million copies of this book in 84 languages have already been produced. Next to the Bible it is the most widely distributed book in the Western world.

■* We all appreciate the good results that have already been attained from using the Truth book, so with enthusiasm we can make use of it in the field ministry. While any of the other 25c books may be carried along and placed, it would be good to start out by offering the Truth book, along with the opportunity to study the Bible.

(Continued on page 3, col. 1)

of 18,638 in Manila. Expansion is taking place, and the brothers are enthusiastic about it! On his way back to New York, Brother Knorr addressed an audience of 4,622 In Hawaii. The brothers are looking forward to meeting many delegates from abroad at the International assemblies.

During the next few months there will lie hundreds of thousands of our brothers attending the “Divine Victory” International Assemblies. What a grand witness will result as people of all nationalities thus unitedly worship Jehovah at his temple! By all means, put forth every effort to be among them.

Be assured of our warm love and our prayers on your behalf.

Your fellow servants, Brooklyn Branch Office

* Helping All Nationalities to Worship at God’s Temple. *


10 min: Song 2. Introduction, text and comments.

15 min: Can You Make Yourself Available? To be handled by talk using material in “Organization” book, pages 141-145, on special pioneer and missionary service. Highlight willingness needed for such work, serving wherever assigned and sticking to assignment. Special pioneers or former missionaries in congregation could be interviewed to show how they have appreciated their assignment.

15 min: “ ‘Come, You People/ to Jehovah’s House!” Discuss with audience, eliciting from them practical suggestions on how they have placed the “Truth” book and started studies with others.

3 min: Accounts report.

17 min: Concluding comments. Include “Question Box.” Use opportunity to discuss the implanting of Bible principles in the hearts of those with whom we study, building durable Christian qualities Into the student. (1 Cor. 3:10-15) Song 62.


10 min: Song 48. Introduction, text and comments. Could handle text by discussion with audience.

15 min: “A Theocratic Summer.” Family head discusses with family applicable points from article. Father can show need of studying •‘Watchtower” and “Awake!” articles such as those about drug abuse to protect youngsters against what they must face on returning to school in fall. Use material applying to local situations or problems. Include thoughts in paragraphs 5 and 6.

20 min: Letting the Magazines Help You to Teach. Important to follow up on subscription placements and on

A Smooth

1 Nearly a year has passed since the elder arrangement went Into effect and many have been the blessings resulting from it. Appreciative elders have taken their responsibilities very seriously and have looked well to the spiritual condition of the congregations.

2 In September there will be a rotation of the elders, with each one moving to the position of oversight that he will be holding during the coming year. The one currently serving will do well to help the new overseer to learn Ills responsibilities. His spiritual responsibilities lie should understand, but help may be needed with the correspondence, records and business affairs of the congregation. For example, the presiding overseer can acquaint his replacement with the material In the congregation files. He should discuss with him the financial situation of the congregation and aid him to others who regularly take the magazines to stimulate Interest and encourage Bible study. Be prepared to discuss article of interest with subscriber, highlighting key scriptures, if article is a Scriptural one, to encourage persons to read the magazines he is receiving. When you read an article that you think would be helpful to someone you have met, make a note to call on the person and discuss it with him. Demonstrate such calls: Using a few points from the article “Why You Can Believe in a Resurrection” (April 15, 1973, “Watchtower,” page 247), show how material might be used to encourage person who had a death in the family. Another demonstration could use article from May 8, 1973, “Awake!”, page 27, “Is It Right to Eat Blood?” to show Bible student who had difficulty understanding this matter that early Christians took same view. (Choose articles appropriate to local situations.)

15 min: Concluding comments. Discuss Branch Letter with audience. Enthusiastically encourage weekend field service activity. Points from article “The Apostle Paul—Zealous for Righteousness” in May 1. 1973, “Watchtower” may also be used. Song 55.


13 min: Song 49. Introduction, text and comments, along with Theocratic News items.

12 min: “Organization” book, page 145, paragraph 2, through page 147. Elder discusses material with two brothers, one who is In a position to apply for Bethel and another whose family responsibilities will not allow him presently to serve thus.

15 min: Using the “Great Teacher” Book. Discuss with audience how


know what debts, if any, the congregation lias, either to the Society or to individuals. Any correspondence that needs to be handled in regard to such situations or other matters should lie discussed so that these may be properly looked after. This Is also true of disciplinary problems currently being handled. It Is helpful, too, to gite a reminder always clearly to identify the congregation when corresponding with the Society.

s In other departments, there should be a smooth transition if there will be a change in the one handling the literature, territory or other responsibilities. Whether there will be a change is up to the local elders to decide. (See the Organization book, page 68, paragraph 4.) The Cost List, with its excellent information on ordering magazines and other literature, can be considered together, along with any “Great Teacher” book may be used in August. Demonstrate brief scenes of using different chapters. For example, in talking to a parent one could use Chapter 23, “The Blessing of Work,” showing that the attitude of many young people today is to get something for nothing. Jesus worked and taught his disciples to be workers. Another might demonstrate placing the book by using Chapter 32, “Happy Are the Peaceable,” to show how youngsters can be taught to avoid becoming involved in violence.

Make part practical, applying to local circumstances and situations. May wish to have audience relate presentations they have found practical in placing “Great Teacher” book.

20 min: Enthusiastic talk reflecting on new things learned at the “Divine Victory” International Assembly that the elders feel would be of particular benefit to the congregation. Also concluding comments. Song 66.


10 min: Song 82. Introduction, text and comments.

15 min: Talk on “Will You Make the Effort to Be Honest?” coverlngmate-rial In the May 15, 1973, ‘nVatch-tower.”

10 min: “A Smooth Transition.” Might have an elder discuss the information in the article and what can be done locally to see that the work is carried on efficiently, not only by them, but also by any ministerial servants who may be taking on new positions In September.

15 min: Presenting the Good News. Question-and-answer coverage, with emphasis on how the material can be applied in a practical way in the congregation’s territory.

10 min: Concluding comments. Some items from Announcements. Song 68.

other appropriate material, such as that on the handling of subscriptions. The one formerly doing the work should kindly make himself available to explain matters later on in case assistance is required.

•* We know, too, that all in the congregation will benefit as they cooperate with the elders and are helpful to them so that they in turn may look well to spiritual interests. (Heb. 13:17) Many of the elders have been called upon to conduct at least one, and sometimes two, congregation book studies each week, and so, here again, wholehearted cooperation and assistance from the publishers in those groups, supporting the meetings as well as the field service arrangements, can lighten the load of the elders.

5 As these “older men" and ministerial servants take up their new responsibilities in the congregation, we look forward to receiving added blessings as each contributes his gifts and talents to the congregation In his new position.

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society o! New York, Inc., lit Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed In U.S.A.

A Theocratic Summer

  • 1 The summer months for many bring very happy times. There are vacation periods, longer daylight hours, pleasant weather and, in general, more opportunities to do things one enjoys. At the same time, we do not want to forget that “the time left is reduced .. . for the scene of this world is changing.” (1 Cor. 7:2&-31) We are living in momentous times, times of change, in fact, the time of the end for tills system of things.

  • 2 Obviously, then, even our “free time” should be used wisely and purposefully. And, aS' you think back over previous summers and vacation periods, what has there been that you enjoyed the most? Many will think about theocratic activities such as working territory that had not been worked often, either Isolated or in the congregation’s own territory, temporary pioneering, visiting congregations while on vacation, attending conventions, meeting new brothers, getting Bible studies started, etc.

  • 3 Would it not be good to plan ahead to use wisely and in the best interests of the family the time we have available? For example, summer can be a fine time to study even more together as a family. You may find that having mealtime reports of a few minutes on inter-J esting subjects read in the Society’s publications will be of spiritual benefit. Each member of the family may wish to set a goal to read a certain amount each day In the Bible or the Society’s publications, and then the points learned could be discussed together. Surely this would deejten spiritual thinking with a view to becoming better representatives of your congregation.

■* How good it is, too, when a family can work together in the

Come to Jehovah's House! (Coat’d)

  • 5 Some will be doing their house-to-house work in territory that is seldom worked. If you are privileged to work such territory and you place a Truth book, try to arrange a study that you can conduct while in the territory and then keep in contact later through personal return visits or correspondence to see the progress the individual makes. You can also encourage them to study on their own. A sister calling from house to house in Isolated territory was greeted by a kindly older woman with the words that she did not believe in a “burning hell.” Why? Because, the summer before, she had obtained the Truth book and on her own had come to the realization that field ministry. Could a member of your family be a temporary pioneer? If so, then other members of the family could arrange to work with the temporary pioneer from time to time, enjoying companionship in the service. Many who are today regular pioneers, missionaries or in Bethel service came from families where the parents gave the field ministry a high priority in their lives and encouraged their children to do likewise.

  • 5 With the children free from school for a few months, perhaps parents could help them to plan a few worthwhile projects at home, such as learning to cook or sew or helping to repaint and repair the home. These, too, can be fine occasions for a father and son or a mother and daughter to get to know and understand each other better.

  • 6 Wholesome recreation is also an important part of summer family life. Picnics, games, swimming and other occasions for family fun are most enjoyable. Visiting educational places of interest may also be worked into the family agenda. These occasions, too, can lie balanced with the time spent in reading the Bible or studying The Watchtower together as a family. Too, If you are taking a trip, the Society can inform you of the time and place of meetings at the city you will be visiting.

  • 7 As Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything there Is an appointed time," and certainly summer is a good time for the whole family to come closer to Jehovah by activities designed to build up and strengthen our faith. You will find that they bring the greatest happiness as well, what she was reading was the truth. She wanted to serve Jehovah too.

  • 6 In whatever territory you work you will likely find many who have the Truth book. Ilas someone studied it with them? If not, then make every effort to get a Bible study going. In most instances this will be preferable to placing another book. Too, you will be cultivating that which has already been planted, rather than only sowing more in the same spot.

  • 7 In the starting of studies some pioneers report that they have had excellent success using Chapter Ten to begin their study, helping the interested ones to see right from the outset that God’s kingdom is a vital force in the lives of people today. They emphasize the rulership of Christ Jesus, showing how this is an expression of divine rulership. Of course, people and situations are

Ann o un cemen ts

Presiding overseers should order regular pioneer report cards (S-200) for the coming service year on the next literature order.

♦ Literature offer for July: Truth book. August: Great Teacher book. September: Evolution book. (Note: Any of the 25c books may be offered during July, August and September according to circumstances.) October: Awake/ subscription, with three booklets, for $1.50.

♦ When witnessing by mail, please use either your personal return address or the local Kingdom Hall address. Do not use the Society’s address. Also, please put on sufficient postage to cover any enclosure.

♦ The New English Bible (without apocrypha) is now being stocked by the Society. Publisher rate: $8.95; pioneer rate: $6.40.

♦ If a pioneer finds It necessary to leave the pioneer ranks, the presiding overseer should send along a brief explanation when returning the pioneer identification and assignment card. See the Organization book, page 140, paragraph 1.

♦ Again available in U.S.A.:

From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained              —Turkish

“Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie” —Portuguese

♦ Out of stock in U.S.A.:

World Government on the Shoulder of the Prince of Peace —English “Let Your Name Be Sanctified”

—Spanish ♦ The Society has a good supply of 1971 bound volumes of The Watchtower and Awake/ We will be glad to supply them through the congregations at the reduced rate of $1.50 per volume.

♦ Beginning in September, circuit overseers will give the public talk "Does Your Thinking Agree with God's?” District overseers will speak on the subject "Act Wisely As the End Draws Near.”


Av Av Av Av

Pubs. Hrs. R.V. Bi.St. Mags.

Sp’l Pios.     706 146.7 63.0  5.6

Pios.        14,922 101.6 41.8  3.4

Temp.Pios. 27,866  79.8 26.8  1.4

Pubs.      411,285   10.7   5.0   .5

TOTAL  454,779

Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 4,088

UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1973 460,063 Publishers

MEMORIAL REPORT 1973    1972

Total Memorial attendance          1,046,346 976,233

Number of Partakers 4,720   4,559

different, so whichever subject may apiteal to the interested person mai’ be the best one in which to start, and then, in the following six months, cover all of the material in the book.

  • 8 As Jehovah continues to speed up the growth, we who are now associated have the precious privilege of helping these new ones to progress. As they develop their spiritual abilities they can in turn help others. In this way “many peoples will certainly go and say: ‘Come,’ ” to more who will bring praise and honor to Jehovah.—Isa. 2: 2, 3; 60 : 22.


By Making Good Use of the Telephone

1The commission given to God’s anointed ones and shared by the ‘‘other sheep” is to preach the ‘‘good news” for the purpose of a witness and to “make disciples.” (Matt. 24: 14; 28:19, 20) Sometimes, though, our efforts may be blocked somewhat by persons living in restricted places, such as retirement centers, apartment buildings or on military reservations where one may not go freely from door to door. Another problem is to find people at home, even though repeated efforts may be made to reach them. Sometimes bad weather conditions or health problems may prevent a person personally from getting out to make the calls that he wants to make. In all such situations you may find the telephone the help you need to overcome the problem.

2 In one midwestern state there is a restricted military community of about 20,000 persons within the territory of the congregation. The brothers were concerned about how they would preach the good news to those living there, so they decided to try using the telephone. They designated a page of the telephone book as a “territory” and the publisher holding this “territory” made telephone calls to all those persons, endeavoring to give a witness to each one. The results were excellent. Within a little over a month, although covering only part of the territory, they had placed 17 books, four subscriptions and 133 magazines, also made 100 return visits, started eight Bible studies and found one inactive sister.

3 When one sister called, she was informed by the householder that she was very busy, but when told, "I’m one of Jehovah’s witnesses,” she asked the sister to come to her home. As a result of a mix-up in appointments the householder was not there when the sister called, so she telephoned the Kingdom Hall and, in contacting the sister, informed her that just before the original call she had been praying to Jehovah to help her to get in contact with his people again, as someone had studied with her when she had been in Germany.

4 In large cities where often both husband and wife work and the weekends are used to "get away from it all,” the only time such persons may be contacted personally is in the evening, when a house call might not be appreciated, but a call on the telephone at a reasonable time in the evening would be acceptable. Have you tried this?

5 In making telephone calls, be warm, friendly and tactful. One might say: “Good evening. I’m one of Jehovah’s witnesses and we have l>een making an effort to contact all the people in the community, offering them a free home Bible study. If you have a moment I would like to explain what benefits you and your family could derive from such a study.” Then, according to the response, a further witness could be given and arrangements made for a personal visit. A word of caution, though, is in order. Be mindful to keep your call brief and exercise much discernment and kindness, just as you would in a door-to-door call.

8 It would be well to keep in mind, too, that when telephone calls are made to interested persons and some interest is shown, then any subsequent contacts of the individual by telephone or in person for the purpose of giving a witness could be counted as return visits. Some who are elderly and sickly have found that they can use the telephone to initiate interest and then have the interested person come to their home for a Bible study.

7 In addition to our using the telephone to preach the good news to others, it can be used effectively to call others within the congregation who may be ill or who need encouragement, especially if a limited time schedule will not allow a personal visit to be made. These calls, too, may be brief, but if they are filled with spiritual encouragement, they may be just what is needed to build up one who may be momentarily depressed. Personal calls, whether on the public or on those within the congregation and who need encouragement, are still the best way to help people, but It is always good to take advantage of whatever alternative provisions are available to us to help others—such as the telephone.


$ Three California congregations meeting in the same Kingdom Hall made April 17 (Memorial date) a special service day. Of a total of 280 publishers, 274 spent 605 hours in field service, placing 1,145 magazines. Thirteen new publishers started in field service that day, and 569 attended the Lord's Evening Meal.

+ In the South Congregation of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 44 of 89 publishers were temporary pioneers in April, placing a total of 900 books, 108 subscriptions and 8,283 magazines.

In Alaska 16 brothers from Fairbanks worked 24 isolated villages by plane and placed 929 books and 548 magazines.

Surinam reports a special pioneer couple, ages 71 and 62, have worked more than two years in an isolated Indian village. Nine Indians now report field service. Despite opposition from a Catholic priest, the couple study with half the village.


* Should users of tobacco and those addicted to drugs, or those taking “substitute” drugs (like those on the “methadone program”), be allowed to share with us in the field ministry?

All kinds of people today, as in the first century, are coming to a knowledge of the truth and are making drastic changes in their lives. This they are doing out of love for Jehova’ and in order to become baptized members of the Christian congregation. (1 Cor. 6:9-11; Col. 3:9) To help these people to make the necessary changes, we encourage them to attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall as well as the congregation book study. We also urge them to talk to their friends and relatives about the good things they are learning. But should we allow these individuals who have not yet broken their addictions to accompany us in the public preaching and disciple-making work?

What was recently published in the June 1, 1973, “Watchtower,” pages 336-343. may be considered as a supplement to the material set out in the “Organization” book, pages 128-130, under the heading “Who May Share with Us in Our Kingdom-preaching and Teaching?” Circumstances of individuals will vary, but in every case involving those not completely free of their addiction the deciding factor is whether their accompanying us in our field ministry will be cause for stumbling or not. In some cases their going along to a home Bible study or on a return visit might cause no problem, whereas going from door to door might require greater caution to avoid a wrong impression.

However, such a one would certainly not be encouraged to go from house to house on his own or to represent himself at the homes as one of Jehovah’s witnesses. Neither would a field service report be accepted from such a one.

*         Fill Summer Months with Happy Theocratic Activities.         *