No. 51—Heathendom’s Hope Future, Therefore Wait Thou Upon the Lord
0iblp students'
No. jz.—O dob er, igoo. >
Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the P. O., Allegheny, Pa.
-----ISA. 25:9.-----
O zealous friend of missions and men I Thy questioning lines reveal
A Martha’s care for the Master’s cause Not needful for thee to feel.
Your verse declares that heathendom wails, And eagerly “ pleads for light;”
While Christian prayer and denial fails To rescue their souls from blight.
You say, “They cry on misery’s brink For succor within our power;” “Yet twenty-nine hundred heathen sink Into Christless graves each hour.”
Are you more wise than the Father, who gave To justice his cherished Son ?
Or has the Lord of a conquered grave Abandoned his work undone ?
Doth God depend on fallible men To publish “The Only Name?” And, if they fail, can his love condemn
The helpless to endless flame ?
Hath He, who claims all silver and gold, Ordained that my scanty store
Must win a soul for the upper fold Or sink it forevermore?
Hath He, before whose radiant face The heavens and earth shall flee, Consigned the fate of a blood-bought race To mortals like you and me?
N. B. These Old Theology Trails, quarterly, varying in number of pages are six cents per year. Send a postal card requesting a free sample —The World’s Hope, or Bringing Back the King.
Tell us, O Christ, who suffered such loss;
Have billions of untaught slaves
Been wrecked in sight of thy bloodstained cross And perished in hopeless graves ?
Creeds answer—Yes! but reason cries—Not And reason and truth agree:
No jot can fail of that word, I know, “I will draw all men unto me!” '
When all are drawn by wooings of love And knowledge and duty blend,
Then only they who rebellious prove Will merit a traitor’s end.
God hasteth not: the centuries sweep All obstacles from his path.
His gracious plan worketh wide and deep, While slow is his righteous wrath.
His glory yet shall cover the earth
As waters o’erspread the sea:
Each soul shall learn of the Savior’s worth And blood of atonement free.
“Good will to men!”—Blest echoes that thrill His “ first-fruits ” with rapture grand—
“ Shall be to all, ” when on Zion’s hill The “ Bridegroom” and “Bride” shall stand.
God works by means, or worketh alone, As serveth his purpose best;
By finite hands makes his power known, Or showeth his arm undressed.
O brother mine 1 no longer repine, Nor question God’s love and might.
He sips the cup of a joy divine Who readeth the lesson right.
George M. Bills.