JUNE 1984
Vol. 27, No. 6
Meetings for Field Service
JUNE 4-10
What points in the “Kingdom Come” book will appeal to
1. Men? Women?
2. Youths? Elderly persons?
JUNE 11-17
Return visits
1. How can you pave the way on initial call?
2. Why call again soon?
3. How would you start a study?
JUNE 18-24
In offering current magazines
1. What pictures can be used?
2. What articles would you use?
3. Why be brief?
How would you begin a conversation with a person
1. In his yard?
2. Who is waiting?
3. Who is walking by?
Hope Despite World Distress.
Matt. 24:7—Jesus foretold world distress.
Matt. 24:13—He also said some will be saved.
Imitating Our Loving Shepherd
1 As our Loving Shepherd, Jehovah is sensitive to our need for nourishment, guidance and protection. (Ezek. 34:11-14) His record of activity in these modern times has consistently highlighted his tender care for distressed humanity. Each year his love draws tens of thousands into the security of a close relationship with him and the precious unity of our Christian brotherhood. In the United States more than 400,000 Bible studies are being conducted. Many thousands with whom these studies are held attended the Memorial April 15. If these newly interested ones are to grow spiritually, we must render loving personal assistance to them, thus endeavoring to imitate Jehovah’s own gentle care.—Isa. 40:11.
2 In harmony with Jehovah’s leading of his people at this time, we should keep in mind the need (1) to help new ones to attend the congregation meetings regularly and (2) to prepare them, as they qualify, to share in the field ministry. (Heb. 10:24, 25; Matt. 28:19, 20) This joyful, yet sobering, responsibility requires that we lovingly impart to new ones “all the counsel of God.” (Acts 20:27) As they increase in
Do You Have Pity for People?
1 Of Jesus it was said, ‘He felt pity for the people.’ (Matt. 9:36) Do we feel such tender affection for others? (Matt. 9:36b, Kingdom Interlinear) How strongly are you moved to show it?
2 If your neighbors* house was on fire and their lives were in danger, how persistent would you be in an effort to reach them? (Matt. 22:39) Would you tap lightly on the front door once or twice and, getting no response, go home? Surely you would exert utmost effort to reach them and save their lives! The lives of people worldwide are now at stake. For this reason Jehovah has provided his message of salvation and commissioned us to carry it to the people whether they hear or whether they refuse. —Ezek. 3:10, 11.
3 In an effort to reach all people, we should share jp the hnnse-to-house work and do so regularly. Pioneers usually share in this work each day. Many of us have some share in the house-to-house work knowledge and begin to associate with the congregation they will appreciate the gentle way in which our Loving Shepherd cares for his sheep.—1 Thess. 2:7, 11, 12.
3 Jehovah’s interest in us is seen in his provision for our feeding regularly at his spiritual table. What can we do to help our Bible students and those who attended the Memorial to develop appreciation for the congregation meetings? First, invite them to attend the meetings on a regular basis. Second, encourage and help them to prepare in advance and participate in congregation meetings. As the student expresses his personal conviction in his own words, he gives evidence of progress toward sharing in the field ministry as a Christian disciple.
4 Working with Jehovah’s organization, you play a helpful role as a teacher in preparing new ones for field service. By word and example encourage the qualified prospective publisher to enroll in the Theocratic Ministry School, since (Continued on page If, col. 3) each week. All of us should make it our goal to share in this lifesaving work as often as possible and especially on the first Sunday of each month as well as on the second and fourth Saturday.
4 In preaching the Kingdom message, do you make it your goal to reach everyone you can? Some publishers share in the house-to-house work in the late afternoon and par, ly evening, hones because they find many more people at home at that time. Could you do this? Also when doing house-to-house work, do you stop tn talk-with those who are out-dQfiors? Good results have come fromdoing so. One brother, while in house-to-house work, noticed a young man walking down the street. Our brother approached him and struck up a conversation. This led to a Bible study. The young man progressed rapidly and is now active in Kingdom preaching.—Acts 13:48, 49.
(Continued on page S, col. 2)
NOTE: Our Kingdom Ministry will schedule a Service Meeting for each week during the summer. Each congregation may make adjustments as needed to allow for attending the district convention and then for a 30-minute review of the program highlights on the Service Meeting the following week.
WEEK STARTING JUNE 3 Song 76 (41) (Number in parentheses refers to 1966 songbook.) 10 min: Local announcements and Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry.
20 min: “Imitating Our Loving Shepherd.” Questions and answers. Read paragraphs and appropriate scriptures as time permits. Emphasize need to help Bible students get to the meetings and then progressively prepare for field ministry.
15 min: “Hope Despite World Distress.” Father discusses with teenage child Topic for Conversation and presentation outlined in paragraph 5 of article entitled “Imitating Our Loving Shepherd.” Youth gives presentation to father. Thereafter father gives his presentation of Topic for Conversation and, in presenting “Kingdom Come" book, reads points on page 25 under heading “What God’s Kingdom Will Do.” Encourage all to share in magazine work on second Saturday as well as house-to-house work with the offer on Sunday, if possible.
Song 114 (61) and concluding prayer.
WEEK STARTING JUNE 10 Song 221 (31)
15 min: Local announcements and accounts report. Consider Question Box.
15 min: “Are You a Young Witness for Jehovah?” Questions and answers. Read paragraphs and scriptures as time permits. Interview teenagers who are putting forth a good effort in some of the areas discussed. Ask about their schedule for study and service, as well as their preparation for meetings and field service. Many have been helped greatly to grow in knowledge and understanding by reading some of the older publications such as “Your Will Be Done on Earth” and the “Mystery" and Babylon books. Ask audience to comment on benefits of reading such older publications. Encourage youths to benefit from such reading. If some young publishers will be having a fuller share in the field service this summer, encourage others to work with them. It may be appropriate also to get comments from some parents as to what they are doing to assist their children in some of these matters. 15 min: “Why Hesitate? Listen and Obey!” Encouraging talk to congregation. (w84 5/1 pp. 8-10) Encourage families to participate in group witnessing this weekend. Song 157 (73) and concluding prayer.
WEEK STARTING JUNE 17 Song 156 (82)
5 min: Local announcements.
15 min: Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry. Question-and-answer consideration of pages 138-41. Read paragraphs and scriptures as time permits. Conclude with brief talk on three paragraphs on page 141 and encouragement for all to conduct themselves in harmony with Jehovah's will to his praise.
20 min: “Do You Have Pity for People?” Question-and-answer consideration of article. When considering paragraph 6, briefly outline how arrangements are made to help with seldom-worked as well as unassigned territory as explained in the Society’s letter of January 1, 1984, addressed: “To All EnglishSpeaking Congregations.” Mention arrangements already made by the congregation, if any.
5 min: Field service for the weekend. Encourage all to share in magazine witnessing on fourth Saturday of the month. Draw attention to articles in the current issues of The Watchtower and Awake! that would appeal to men, women, the elderly and the young. Demonstrate presentation of current magazines, using the information under “Feature Articles” on page 2 in Awake! Song 133 (68) and concluding prayer.
WEEK STARTING JUNE 24 Song 15 (92)
8 min: Local announcements. 15 min: Use time for local needs. Otherwise, encouraging field service experiences may be used. Be sure to prepare these in advance. Or, the time could be used for a talk on “Are You Trustworthy?” —u>84 4/1 pp. 26-9.
22 min: “Presenting the Good News—When on Vacation.” Questions and answers. Ask some to comment on how they begin conversations in informal witnessing and how they considerately witness to relatives. As time permits entertain experiences on good results from following up on not-at-home calls and making return visits. Encourage all to share in field service on first Sunday.
Song 192 (58) and concluding prayer.
• Literature otter for June and July: “Kingdom Come" book, for 75c. Otherwise, any 192-page book released prior to 1981 may be used. August and September: Live Forever or Bible Stories book, for $2.50.
• New Publications Available:
“All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial" —Korean
Making Your Family Life Happy
Our Incoming World Government —God’s Kingdom —Hebrew Watch Tower Publications Index for 1982 —Portuguese
Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!
—Bari, Cinamwanga, Luhya-Wanga, Pa-Zande, Runyankore, Rutoro, Vietnamese School and Jehovah's Witnesses
Awake! binder —French
Watchtower binder —French
• New Cassette Recordings Available:
(single cassettes; congregation and public: $2.00; pioneers: $1.75)
To the Romans —Dutch
The First to the Corinthians —Dutch The Second to the Corinthians, To the Galatians —Dutch
Beware of Losing Faith by Drawing Away From Jehovah—Drama —Dutch
• At the upcoming “Kingdom Increase” District Convention one of the dramas will deal with the material in Joshua chapters 6-8. It is recommended that all read these chapters in advance.
• Presiding overseer or someone designated by him should audit congregation’s accounts on June 1 or as soon as possible thereafter.
• Some congregations still have supplies of older literature, books and booklets published before 1957. Since these publications will not be reprinted, individuals in these congregations are encouraged to obtain copies for their libraries before supplies are exhausted.
Schedule for congregation studies in the book United in Worship of the Only True God:
Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Printed in U.S.A.
Question QBox
• What procedure should be followed in presenting resolutions to the congregation?
The local body of elders decides many matters affecting the congregation. In making decisions, these responsible brothers are guided by Bible principles along with suggestions or direction provided by the Society. However, there are certain decisions in which the congregation shares, requiring a resolution. These matters would include obtaining a better place of meeting, purchasing property, remodeling or building a Kingdom Hall, sending contributions to the Society to further Kingdom interests, and so forth. Normal operating expenses do not require a resolution, but all major or out-of-the-ordinary expenditures should be approved by the congregation in resolution form.
How are resolutions prepared and presented? The body of elders thoroughly discusses the matter, considering what is in the best interest of the congregation and the Kingdom work. After they come to an agreement, an elder, perhaps a member of the congregation’s service committee, will prepare a written resolution stating clearly the recommendations of the elders. During a Service Meeting the relevant facts and proposed resolution will be discussed. The elder handling the matter will allow congregation members the opportunity to ask questions if something is not clear. If a major decision is involved, the elders may allow the congregation a week or so to consider it before voting. If the congregation wishes to accept the resolution as presented without further discussion, the chairman will call for a show of hands of those who favor and then of any who may not favor the resolution. If the majority of dedicated and baptized publishers are in favor of the proposal, the elders can follow through with what has been approved.
With the exception of cases where legal requirements stipulate otherwise, all dedicated and baptized publishers would be allowed to vote on matters presented in a resolution.
When considering corporation matters, Kingdom Hall loans, and so forth, it may be necessary to use parliamentary procedure in order to comply with legal requirements and the bylaws of the corporation. For example, sometimes it is necessary to record the name of the
Are You a Young Witness for Jehovah?
1 If you were asked that question, would you say yes? Why? Is it because your parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses and they have studied with you? Perhaps they take you to the meetings and you go with them in field service. It may be that many of your friends and acquaintances are Jehovah’s Witnesses. But what about you personally? Are you a witness for Jehovah? —Isa. 43:10-12.
2 To be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we need to take in knowledge of Jehovah, his purposes and requirements for us. Have you set aside time for personal study? Are you regular at it, just as you take time to eat regularly? (John 17:3) When you read the Bible and other theocratic publications, do you watch for information that tells you more about Jehovah, his thinking and his purposes so that you can properly express these things to others and thus truly be a witness for Jehovah? This is a fine thing to do as you read the recent as well as older publications of the Society.
3 Do you try to keep up with the Bible reading schedule for each week? Do you prepare for the meetings? Do you mark the answers to the questions for the Watchtower Study and Congregation Book Study? Do you comment at the meetings? In your own words? If you do, you are to be commended. (Heb. 10:23-25) It is evident that you are putting forth a fine effort
People (Cont’d)
3 Are you conscientious in calling back where no one was at home? One brother observed that many of those who are not at home may seldom, if ever, have been contacted with the Kingdom message. It often happens, when we do find them, that they show appreciation and sheeplike qualities. Have you been brother who made a motion to adopt the resolution and the name of the brother who seconded the motion, as well as how many voted for it and against it. If such parliamentary procedure is not directly required, it would suffice simply to call for a vote on the matter after it has been considered by the congregation. In any event, written resolutions that are adopted should be signed and dated by the responsible elders before filing them with the records of the congregation.
to be a real witness for Jehovah in your youth.
4 Of course, to be a witness for Jehovah we must speak about him. Do you share regularly in the field service? Many young people set an excellent example in this. When you offer the magazines from house to house, do you draw the attention of the householder to a subject that you believe will be of interest to him? If so, you do well. When working with the regular offer, do you introduce the Topic for Conversation and read appropriate Bible verses to the householder? Do you ask for his comments on the points being discussed? When presenting the literature, do you point to specific information that you believe will interest the householder? It may be that these are areas in which you can make progress. If so, put forth the effort and pray that Jehovah will help you and bless you just as he has many other young publishers who are proving themselves to be effective witnesses for Jehovah.—Col. 1:9, 10.
5 To be pleasing to Jehovah, it is necessary that we eventually dedicate our lives to him and then, as Jesus commanded, be baptized in water. (Matt. 28:19, 20) You can be sure that as you take positive steps both to know and to do Jehovah’s will, he will help you to be a zealous, faithful young witness to his praise.—Heb. 6:10-12.
following the suggestion given to call again at not-aLJwmes^Sgfare leaving the territory? (km 6/81 p. 3) Publishers who have been doing so report finding as many as half of these people at home the second time they call. Our love and concern for other people should also move us to make return visits, endeavoring to start studies where interest is shown.—Rom. 12:11.
6 Brothers will be working unassigned territory this summer or helping another congregation with territory that is seldom worked. Could you help in this way, too?
’ Now, suppose your house was on fire! How persistent would you want your neighbor to be in knocking at your door to warn you? With similar feelings for others and a real sense of urgency, let us show pity for others as Jesus did.
IPRESENTING THE GOOD NEWS --------------------------------/
—When on Vacation
1 Will you be taking a vacation this summer? If so, what will you be doing? Many use their time caring for things around their home. Others visit friends and relatives. Of course, we should all be in attendance at the “Kingdom Increase” District Convention. Vacation time may also provide an opportunity to have a fuller share in Kingdom preaching.—Mark 6:30-34.
2 During vacation time, we usually have more freedom to spend our time as we wish, do we not? Possibly we could then have a fuller share in preaching the good news of the Kingdom. You care about other people and have a desire to do something about it. Vacation time may furnish you with that opportunity. (Mark 1:40, 41) Do you have notat-home calls that need attention? Do you have a list of interested people who have not been visited recently? Will your vacation period provide you with the opportunity to make additional return visits and perhaps start a study? Are you planning to serve as an auxiliary pioneer during your vacation period? If so, will you invite other publishers to work along with you? All of these are opportunities to show we really care about other people and to have an increased share in the field service.
2 While vacationing and traveling or relaxing, we are often presented with fine opportunities for informal witnessing. Do you use this means to present the good news to others? Or is this a feature of service in which you could have a greater share this summer? (John 4:7-9, 23) Those who have been successful in witnessing informally say that it helps to be friendly and sincerely interested in the other person. Also, giving advance thought to what you will say helps you to be at ease and, consequently, more effective in speaking with others.
4 While traveling, many brothers and sisters take the initiative to engage others in conversation. Then during the conversation they simply ask, “Do you like to read?” If a positive response is received, they continue: “I read something very interesting in this magazine. [Show subject and make appropriate comment.] I have finished it. If you would like to read it, you are welcome to it.” They have done this in offering older issues of the magazines informally. Some persons may be pleased to contribute for the current issues when offered in a similar way. Those who decline your offer of the magazine(s) will often accept your gift of a tract.
•® When witnessing informally, some have found it effective to identify themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses and ask, “How do you feel about the Bible and what it teaches?” This has often opened the way for a fine conversation. If you always carry a few tracts, magazines or the current offer, you may find many opportunities to present them to others.
6 Usually our unbelieving relatives know we are Jehovah’s Witnesses. They may be curious about our beliefs or activities but hesitate to ask because they do not want to be ‘preached to’ or get involved in a lengthy discussion. Some brothers have successfully handled matters by just making one statement about the truth and then giving the relative an opportunity to continue the discussion if he wants to. For instance, you might simply mention where you and your family attended the convention this summer. You might show one of the Society’s publications. Or, a comment about world conditions, the high cost of living or a family problem may open up the way for a further discussion and witness concerning God’s Kingdom. Younger ones often get a hearing ear from relatives.
7 While we are zealous in presenting the good news and endeavor to speak a word at the right time, we need always to be discerning and considerate of others. Remember the importance of being friendly and showing a real interest in the other person.—Prov. 15:23; 1 Pet. 3:15.
8 Vacation time and the summer months come and go quickly. For Jehovah’s people, the most treasured memories usually include the fine experiences resulting from time spent giving a Kingdom witness. Take the initiative in telling others about our loving God and his Kingdom rule. As you do, look to Jehovah to bless your efforts.
Loving Shepherd (Cont’d)
it provides training for the ministry. When you are sure that the individual qualifies, you can invite him to share with you in field service. Before doing so, however, you should carefully evaluate the student’s progress, being guided by the questions on pages 98 and 99 of the Our Ministry book. This will help you to determine whether he is ready to take a very important step. If so, invite him to go along with you in the field service. Prepare simple presentations that he can use as he accompanies you from door to door.
5 Those who qualify should be encouraged to begin sharing in the ministry this month as we offer the "Kingdom Come" book. You may be able to help them use the current Topic for Conversation. After a brief introduction, some might say: “World conditions have gone from bad to worse, haven’t they? [Allow response.] Economic problems and threats of nuclear war have caused many people to wonder what man’s future will be. The Bible provides us with encouragement and a hope for the future. Notice how present world conditions were foretold in a remarkable prediction about our generation. [Read Matthew 24:7.] We have seen these things, have we not? [Allow response.] However, Jesus shows that there are better things ahead for you and your family. [Read verse 13.] It is God’s Kingdom that will save mankind.” There can be a brief transition to introduce selected points in the "Kingdom Come" book.
6 When we teach others we have the responsibility of doing so in a gentle yet helpful way. Like Paul, each of us should share “not only the good news of God, but also our own souls” as we imitate our Loving Shepherd.—1 Thess. 2:8.
Av Av Av Av Pubs. Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Sp’l Pios. 334 131.7 98.3 55.3
Aux. Pios. 43,895 59.1 38.3 18.0
TOTAL 652,318
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 2,784
The new publisher peak for March is 9,124 more than our January peak. A total of 442,* 104 home Bible studies was reported, ex* ceeding our peak In April of last year by 5,604. And the total regular pioneers is our sixth peak this service year. What a joy it is to experience the blessing of Jehovah upon our united efforts, thus enriching us spiritually!—Prov. 10:22.