NOVEMBER 26-DECEMBER 2 Topic for Conversation
1. Review Topic for Conversation.
2. What introduction will you use?
DECEMBER 3-9 Offering the New World Translation
1. Why is it superior to other translations?
2. Illustrate the use of crossreferences.
3. Explain why cost is minimal.
DECEMBER 10-16 Helping people who have difficulty reading
1. Why is there a need to be tactful?
2. How can Life on Earth brochure be helpful?
DECEMBER 17-23 Offering magazines, what will you say
1. When presenting the latest issues?
2. When making arrangements to bring the next issues?
DECEMBER 24-30 During holidays, how will you 1. Respond to holiday greetings?
2. Show consideration for householders?
3. Use holiday activities to start discussions?
The Bible—A Book of Hope. Rom. 15:4—Things written aforetime to give us hope.
Titus 1:2—Gives solid basis for hope of everlasting life.
What Does the Bible Mean to You?
1 Among the millions of books written, one stands out as unique, different from all the rest. It is the Bible. It provides the oldest historical record, going back to the origin of the universe. It can be found in all parts of the earth and in more than 1,700 languages and dialects. It is the best known, most widely circulated, most quoted of all books.
2 How are its contents viewed around the world? Although largely unaware of what it contains, millions of professed Christians call it the Word of God. There are vocal critics who label much of it as myth. Others laud it as a remarkable historical record but reject its counsel as impractical for the nuclear age. To great masses of people not professing Christianity, the Bible is, at best, nothing more than the sayings of perceptive men who possessed above-average intelligence. In each case, the attitude of people toward the Bible has reflected their estimation of its value.
3 How do we view the Bible? We have “accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God.” (1 Thess. 2:13) We know its contents represent divine
Are Kingdom Interests First in Your Life?
1 Jesus was willing to give his life on behalf of God’s Kingdom. When on trial for his life before Pilate he remained steadfast. (John 18:37) Even as he hung dying on the stake he highlighted God’s Kingdom as mankind’s hope, saying to the evildoer: “You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:43.
2 We 'can understand why Jesus viewed the Kingdom as being so important. He had been sent from heaven to “bear witness to the truth” that God’s Kingdom would rule in righteousness and make it possible for His will to be done on earth as in heaven. What could bring greater joy than carrying out Jehovah’s will to transform the earth into the Paradise that was originally intended? And what a wonderful prospect Jesus held out —that of seeing all faithful and obedient mankind united in pure worship around the globe!
3 Following Jesus’ example in keeping Kingdom interests first is rarely easy. Priorities have to be established in the life of each follower of Christ. Jesus explained that he “came to start a fire on the wisdom that is “able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12) Applying its counsel will ‘equip us for every good work.’ (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Its value cannot be measured in material riches. (Prov. 3:13-15) To us, it is a guide in all affairs of life. Truly, we ‘love it.’—Ps. 119:97,105.
4 Accepting it as the Word of God obligates us to handle it aright. (2 Tim. 2:15) This means that while making a wholehearted effort to live in harmony with its counsel, we should also do our best to help others appreciate God’s Word and use it as their guide. We feel obliged to use every means we have to make the Bible readily available and better understood.
5 How grateful we are for the revised and updated 1984 edition of the New World Translation. It contains thousands of marginal references that confirm the interlocking harmony of all 66 Bible books. It will surely prove to be an invaluable aid to student and teacher alike. During December, after first placing all the 1971 and 1981 edition Bibles on hand, we will start distribution in (Continued on page 2, col. 1} earth” and that there would be divisions in families over the Kingdom issue.—Luke 12:49-53.
1 Imitating Jesus as an advocate of God’s Kingdom means carrying a “torture stake” and all that this involves. ‘Counting the cost’ means that a person must be prepared to say “good-bye” to his material belongings if they stand in the way of his service to God. (Luke 14:27, 28, 33) At the same time, Jesus encouraged all to be his followers and to share the good news with others. The attaining of everlasting life under Kingdom rule is worth any cost. —Matt. 13:44-46.
5 It is good to ask ourselves whether Kingdom interests are first in our life. Jesus explained: “No one can slave for two masters . . . You cannot slave for God and for Riches. .. . Stop being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear.” (Matt. 6:24, 25) Do we have sufficient faith in Jesus’ counsel to seek first the Kingdom, trusting that all (Continued on page If, col. 1)
Song 108
15 min: Local announcements. Review some of the features of the 1984 edition of the New World Translation. Show how marginal references can be used to locate scriptures quickly on a subject being discussed. (Example: Referring to Matthew 6:10, point out marginal references on the words “kingdom," “will” and “earth.” Show how these provide sufficient information for a well-rounded discussion on the Kingdom.) Explain how an interested person could use this feature to learn more about God’s Word. Comment briefly on the contents of the appendix. (Note to congregations having supplies of the 1971 and 1981 editions of the New World Translation: All copies of these older editions should be distributed before the 1984 edition is offered in field service. Congregations having an excess supply should try to transfer some of their stock to neighboring congregations. See km 9/84 p. 3.)
15 min: “What Does the Bible Mean to You?” Question-and-answer discussion. In considering paragraph 6, arrange for a capable publisher to demonstrate the current Topic for Conversation and the Bible offer. Conclude with comments recommending an increased effort to start home Bible studies during December.
15 min: The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever. Review highlights of the new brochure. This publication
Schedule for congregation studies in the book Making Your Family Life Happy:
December 2: Pages 1061 to 113
December 9: Pages 114 to 1221
December 16: Pages 1221 to 130
December 23: Pages 131 to 1381
December 30: Pages 1381 to 145 presents a vast array of evidence proving that God’s name is Jehovah and that it should be honored by all. Point out brochure’s major features, emphasizing how it can be used to help interested ones realize the significance of the divine name and the need to learn more about the true God it identifies. Encourage all to read it and get acquainted with its contents in order to be prepared to use it in field service during January.
Song 59 and concluding prayer.
Song 186
5 min: Announcements in Our Kingdom Ministry applicable to congregation. Local announcements.
15 min: “Youths, ‘What You Sow You Reap.’” (w84 11/15 pp. 28-31; Also </84 11/8 pp. 16-18) Talk and discussion with two or three youths.
10 min: Arrange locally according to the needs of the congregation.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News —In a Way That Brings Personal Joy.” Enthusiastic discussion by service overseer. As time permits, invite audience to relate experiences that brought them joy. Review field service arrangements for the week.
Song 16 and concluding prayer.
Song 156
10 min: Local announcements and accounts report.
15 min: “Are Kingdom Interests First in Your Life?” Talk by elder. Interview auxiliary pioneer or regular pioneer who took up full-time service instead of other pursuits. Or, relate a local experience of one who has put Kingdom interests first.
10 min: “Society Kingdom Hall Fund Progress Report.” Question-and-answer discussion. .
10 min: Holiday Witnessing. Announce arrangements for service. Consider special problems arising at this time of year in your territory and cannot be known without help and divine guidance. (Acts 8:30, 31, 35) After pointing out the refreshing Bible promise covered in the Topic for Conversation, you can explain to the householder why you have come to respect and treasure the Bible. Let him know how its teachings have brought you a solid hope for the future and a real purpose in living. These discussions may open opportunities to point out some of its wise counsel on everyday probhow to respond to householders’ remarks such as: “I’m busy,” “I’m going shopping,” “I’m preparing a meal,” “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year.” Stress need for Christian reasonableness and discernment. Encourage all to take advantage of opportunities to witness during holiday season. Song 172 and concluding prayer.
Song 191
10 min: Theocratic News and local announcements.
12 min: “Benefit Fully From the Theocratic Ministry School.” Talk by school overseer. Include encouraging comments that will motivate all eligible ones to enroll, take their assignments seriously, and endeavor to benefit fully from the weekly program. Refer to pages 72-74 of Our Ministry book.
13 min: “Your Life, Your Integrity and the Card.” Talk by elder on article appearing in the December 1, 1984, Watchtower. New cards will be made available shortly. Emphasize how important it is for all to carry their MEDICAL ALERT card and to have it available in case of an emergency.
10 min: January Offer. Review literature offer for January: Watchtower or Awake! subscription. When subscription offer is refused, we will offer one of the brochures, The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! or Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Twentieth Century, with one magazine for a contribution of 50c. Or, a brochure and the two magazines may be offered for 70c. Recommend that both subscriptions be offered where interest is shown. Give some suggestions for talking points in the brochures, especially using the illustrations. Mention some of the outstanding articles in the current magazines that will be used in service this week.
Song 160 and concluding prayer.
lems and may lead to a Bible study.
7 We should thank Jehovah every day for giving us the Bible. We are also grateful that the faithful and discreet slave has reproduced it, along with aids that provide clear insight into its meaning, in great quantity, and in language easily understood. Our appreciation is well expressed by the psalmist: “Your reminders are wonderful. That is why my soul has observed them.”—Ps. 119:129.
Copyright © 1984 by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Inc., and International Bible Students Association. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Inc., 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Printed in U.S.A.
• Literature offer for December: New World Translation with any older 192-page book, for a contribution of $3.50, $4.00 or $4.50, depending on which Bible is offered. See "Looking Ahead to the December- Campaign With the Bible.” (km 9/84 p. 3) The brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! may be offered for a contribution of 30e, especially to those with reading -difficulties or where there are children. January and February: One-year subscription for The Watchtower for a contribution of $4.00. Sixmonth subscriptions are $2.00 each. Awake! subscription may be obtained on same basis. Both subscriptions may be offered for a contribution of $8.00. When subscription offer is refused we will offer The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! or Jehovah’s Witnesses tn the Twentieth Century with one magazine for a contribution of 50e, or a brochure and The Watchtower and Awake! for 70e. March and April: Any one of the following pocket-size books for a contribution of $1.00: Choosing, Commentary on James, Evolution, Good News, Holy Spirit, Life Does Have a Purpose or This Life. (With the exception of the Evolution book, these publications may be ordered from the Society.) If congregation runs out of these books, any other older, pocket-size book may be offered. Do not use Kingdom Come, Survival, Truth or United in Worship books. Concentrate on placing one of the first seven books mentioned as long as these are available.
• The presiding overseer or someone designated by him should audit congregation’s accounts on December 1, or as soon as possible thereafter.
• Bound Volumes of The Watchtower and Awake! for 1984: Publishers and pioneers, please order your 1984 bound volumes of The Watchtower and Awake! through your congregation. Congregations should begin collecting requests for these volumes now. Then, on January 1, 1985, or as soon as possible thereafter, send this order to the Society, using the regular Literature Order form (S-14). Order only the number of volumes for which you have requests. In addition to English, the volumes will be available in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish at $5.00 each. There is no pioneer rate. Payment should not accompany the congregation order sent to the Society. (See 1984 Cost List, paragraph 23.) Until the volumes are available and shipped they will appear as “Back Ordered” on congregation invoices. Please announce to the congregation when the volumes are received so that all who ordered can obtain their copies.
• It is suggested that all congregations display the new yeartext by January 1, 1985.
• The following publications are now available in grade-two English Braille:
Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 1985. FREE upon request.
The Divine Name That Will Endure For-
Society Kingdom Hall Fund Progress Report
1 Continued support of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund by the brothers has made it possible to start 22 Kingdom Hall projects in 15 states. Loans have been made available for large and small projects.
2 Efforts are made to ensure that attractive and functional facilities are designed and built to serve the needs of the congregations now and for the future. During the design, construction and furnishing of the new Kingdom Halls, the brothers have endeavored to keep costs as low as possible. Keeping costs down has enabled more congregations to receive loans from the Society Kingdom Hall Fund.
3 Evidence of Jehovah’s blessing upon his organization is manifest in many ways, including the present numerical increase. This means there is an ever greater need for more Kingdom Halls. The arrangement for the Society Kingdom Hall Fund allows each one in the organization to have a personal share in filling that need. Money contributed to the Society Kingdom Hall Fund is loaned out to assist the congregations. As congregations send in their loan payments, such funds, along with the regular Society Kingdom Hall Fund contributions received each month, make it possible for more loans to be made available for other Kingdom Hall projects. Our accelerated efforts to meet the need for more Kingdom Halls are based on such support from the brothers. The donations received are very much appreciated.
4 In future issues of Our Kingdom Ministry there will be further information on the progress of building more Kingdom Halls. Meanwhile, we pray for Jehovah’s rich blessings upon this arrangement.
ever (1 volume) may be requested on a loan basis or purchased for $1.00.
Survival Into a New Earth (4 volumes) may be requested on a loan basis or purchased for $5.00.
"Daily Texts and Comments” from the 1985 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses (4 volumes) $5.00 to purchase.
• The following publication is now available in grade-one Braille, French and Spanish:
The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever (1 volume) may be requested on a loan basis or purchased for $1.00.
To obtain Braille publications, please send a separate order, including the remittance for items purchased, and the name and address of the person who will use the Braille publications. Mark your order: ATTENTION: BRAILLE DESK.
Benefit Fully From the Theocratic Ministry School
1 By now all have received the schedule for the coming year’s Theocratic Ministry School. It would be well for you to read carefully the introductory material as well as to pay close attention when it is covered in the Service Meeting.
2 In this schedule the Bible books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles will be covered. There will be instruction talks on each of these books before the reading begins. The talks on these books will not be based only on what appears in the book "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial.” Supplementary information on these Bible books may be gleaned from articles in The Watchtower that will appear early enough so that those giving the instruction talks may include pertinent points. These articles should serve to give freshness to the instruction talks and should prove very informative.
3 School overseers will also want to pay special attention to the following points: First, they should make sure to cover the points appearing in the written reviews if this is not done by the program participants. Second, they should give constructive and practical counsel to the students before bringing out interesting points not mentioned in the student talk. Third, school overseers will be conscious of timing, not running overtime themselves, and privately counseling those giving the instruction talk who neglect to watch their timing.
1 In working out meeting schedules, it would be well for the presiding overseer and the school overseer to collaborate so that, where possible, one elder is not given an assignment for both meetings on the same evening. Also, where there is need, qualified ministerial servants may be used for instruction talks and Bible highlights.
Pubs. Hrs. Mags R.V. Bi.St.
Sp'IPios. 302 128.9 99.1 53.9 5.6
Aux. Pios. 34,582 59.9 36.2 17.0
Pubs. 589,059 9.2 7.4 3.5 0.4
TOTAL 658,175
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 2,003
The total number of regular pioneers reporting for September is outstanding. From our previous peak of 29,764 last August, the regular pioneer ranks swelled, in one month, to 34,232 in September. What a remarkable manifestation of increase in this branch of our sacred service! The faith of these thousands who have been working toward the theocratic goal of regular pioneer service is commendable. May our efforts result in more people praising Jehovah.—Ps. 113:1. \
In a Way That Brings Personal Joy
1 Jehovah’s people have good reason to be joyful. We have a real hope for the future. As Isaiah 65: 17,18 assures, Jehovah is “creating new heavens and a new earth” and then adds: “Exult, you people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating. For here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation.”
- We should find our greatest joy in sharing our marvelous hope with others. Do you find that your joy in the ministry is limited? If so, remember that joy is a fruit of the spirit. It can be cultivated and increased through personal effort. Hard work can bring cause for joy and, in turn, great joy can cause us to work even harder. (Eccl. 2:10) Earnest effort can be rewarded with greater evidences of the spirit’s fruitage.—2 Pet. 1:5-8; 1 Cor. 14:12.
3 The enthusiasm radiated by our brothers in their service confirms that what they are doing is bringing them great joy. How can we increase our share in that joy? One way is by learning how to find satisfaction in doing our assigned work despite the negative reaction of many of those to whom we preach. Jeremiah encountered much opposition, and the same was true of Jesus; they did not stop. Satan would like to discourage us by using the apathy, indifference or opposition of others. But, as Jesus explained, by continuing on faithfully despite opposition, we will find joy and happiness.—Matt. 5: 11, 12; Heb. 12:2.
1 Understanding that the end of this system is near and the time
Kingdom Interests (Cont’d)
these other things will be added? Or, are we ‘anxious about our souls'?
6 Do you frequently miss meetings or service activities of the congregation because of secular work, taking it for granted that you must comply with the demands of your employer? Some brothers have turned down higher paying jobs because the work schedule would interfere with theocratic activities. Many have found that employers will make concessions to accommodate employees who are dependable, willing workers. (Col. 3:23, 24) The congregation is strengthened in a left to accomplish our work is short, we will be motivated to do what we can to share the truth with others. (Rev. 12:12, 17) If we truly have love for God and neighbor, we will find joy in our ministry because we know it pleases Jehovah and helps others find the way to life. .
5 You might consider your service as though you were bringing a gift to your neighbors. This gift is the prospect of everlasting life. But for those who do not yet appreciate the value of the gift, perhaps you can make it more appealing by the manner in which you present it. Do you prepare your presentation well so that it will stimulate interest? If you speak in a pleasant and courteous manner, using well-chosen words that arouse interest, you may get a good response that will give you more joy.
6 Field service is a treasure Jehovah has given us. It permits us to demonstrate our faith. We should work to improve our ability to speak convincingly to others about our hope. If we always try to leave householders in a good frame of mind, it may make them more receptive when the next Witness calls, thus contributing to his joy.
7 Remember, too, that each householder has his own interests in life. If we express personal interest in him and in his family and show how the Bible will be helpful to him, we will often find a warm response and an open door for a return visit. The joy we find in such experiences can be shared with others for their encouragement. (Acts 15:3) And most important of all, think of the joy we bring to the One who sent us!—Luke 15:7, 10.
fine way when elders, ministerial servants and pioneers set a good example in this regard.
7 Some of you young people will soon be out of school. Are you making plans now for a theocratic future? Some may intend to work for a short period and then take up pioneering. Why put off the opportunity to have a full share in Kingdom service in favor of accumulating material assets? Why not pursue first things first? If the Kingdom is first in your life, then why not pioneer first? When a secular job gets priority, there is a
♦ Watch Tower Society—100 Years Old! On October 6,1984, a memorable gathering took place at Coraopolis, Pennsylvania. This was the 100th annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, which supervises the worldwide activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The morning was marked by an enthusiastic corporation meeting. Members, along with guests, came from more than 50 countries. The attendance of 1,615 included 259 of the active membership of 429. In the late afternoon an enthusiastic program was held at Three Rivers Stadium, Pittsburgh, where 37,733 attended. An additional 59,715 listened by telephone tie line at 34 Assembly Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States and Canada, making a total attendance of 97,448. The theme of this meeting was “Jehovah Has Always Proved to Be With His People." It was developed by stirring talks and experiences related by longtime servants of Jehovah. All rejoiced that, in the words of the Society's president, F. W. Franz, “this is the 100th year that Jehovah's organization has used the incorporated society.”
* Bolivia had a new peak of 3,899 total publishers in August, a 21-percent increase over last year. Congregation publishers averaged 12 hours In field service and 6,846 home Bible studies were conducted.
♦ The 160,927 total publishers reporting activity in Brazil In August conducted 147,894 Bible studies. Both figures are all-time peaks. Also they reported their 13th consecutive peak in regular pioneers.
♦ In August, Britain reported 97,495 publishers. and Canada 80,939. Both figures are new peaks.
* The Chile branch reports a peak in August of 23.985 publishers, an increase of 24 percent over last year. With 31,823 Bible studies conducted during the month, the work there should see further rapid growth.
* Colombia's Bible study activity Is doing well. During August the 23,117 publishers (a new peak) conducted 30,045 studies. One congregation of 80 publishers reports 180 Bible studies.
♦ The Norwegian field saw a new peak of 7,670 publishers In August. Compared with last August, total hours were up by 18 percent and magazine placements by 17 percent.
♦ Peru had a 20-percent increase In August with a new peak of 19,021 reporting. Construction of their new branch facill-ties is now nearly complete.
danger that your heart can become weighed down with anxieties that discourage pioneering.—Matt. 6:26; Luke 21:34.
8 This world has a way of requiring much from those who are willing to slave for it. Succumbing to the enticement of material advantages results in large debts, which require an ever-increasing income. How much better to trust in Jehovah who knows our needs and has promised to supply them. By keeping Kingdom interests first, our lives will have real purpose, strengthened by the prospect of endless future blessings.—Matt. 6:32; 1 Tim. 6:18, 19.
To or from subheading.
Bible (Cont’d)
the field of the regular-size 1984 edition. We will offer this new Bible along with a 192-page book, for a contribution of $4.50.
8 As individuals, do we feel a responsibility to handle the Bible aright? If so, we will try to share fully in the distribution planned for December. Even though the Bible is widely circulated, it is still one of the least understood books. It is written in such a way that its real meaning