SEPTEMBER 2-8 Topic for Conversation 1. How will you introduce topic? 2. What questions can be used to stimulate interest?
3. How will you tie in literature offer?
SEPTEMBER 9-15 How can we demonstrate good manners
1. In house-to-house work?
2. On return visits?
3. On Bible studies?
SEPTEMBER 16-22 Scheduling time for field service
1. Why is it important to have a schedule?
2. Why is it good to set personal goals?
3. How has the Society helped us in this?
SEPTEMBER 23-29 Making street witnessing productive
1. Why is street witnessing important?
2. How should it be done?
3. When can it be done?
Security—Now and in the Future.
Prov. 1:33—Applying Jehovah’s counsel brings security.
Isa. 11:9—Earth-wide security promised.
Demonstrating Faith by Being Content
1 Being content in a world that is filled with discontent requires strong faith. Most people are not satisfied with what they have. They want more, no matter what the cost maybe. (Eccl. 5:10,12b; 1 Tim. 6:9) Satan tries to cultivate materialistic inclinations in us, tempting us with things ‘desirable to the eyes.’ (1 John 2:16) This is what he did in the garden of Eden, and it worked. So he uses similar schemes to trick the unwary today.
2 To defend ourselves against Satan’s trickery, we need to demonstrate our faith by being content with what we have. Jesus taught his disciples to pray to the Father for “our bread for this day.” (Matt. 6:11) Being satisfied with his provisions leaves us free from anxiety so as to put Kingdom interests first. To strive for material things would belie our claim in this regard. (Matt. 6:33) Jesus warned that we should not store up “treasures upon the earth.” He urged us to keep our eye simple, focused on just one thing, the doing of God’s will.—Matt. 6: 19, 22.
Marvelous New Helps for Our Ministry
1 The announcement that appeared in the June 1 Watchtower regarding this past summer’s “Integrity Keepers” Convention surely aroused the interest of many. It stated that the concluding presentation on Saturday “will provide you with something beautiful that not only will be a treasure to you but also should make a tremendous impact on our activity in the field ministry.” And on that afternoon we were indeed surprised and delighted at receiving the marvelous new book Life—How Did It Get Here! By Evolution or by Creation! Some remarked: “It’s a masterpiece.” Others commented on the fine teaching aids in its illustrations and photographs, many in beautiful full color. Still others noted the vast amount of research that had been done, as evidenced by the documentation at the end.
2 No doubt the new Creation book will pave the way for many to come to an accurate knowledge of God and his creative works. Did you note that while the book thoroughly deals with the questions that arise about evolution, it has even more to say about the Creator, Jehovah God? It highlights his exis
3 After coming to a knowledge of the truth, we had to make changes in our lives. Now we must be determined to keep putting Kingdom interests first. We would not want to be attached to material possessions as was the rich, young ruler. He asked Jesus, “What good must I do in order to get everlasting life?” Not willing to make the changes Jesus recommended, he went away grieved. (Matt. 19:16-22; Luke 18: 18-23) However, we are happy to make these changes. Now that we are moving in the right direction, the challenge is to keep the Kingdom first in our lives. Working to provide suitable “sustenance and covering” is right and necessary. But Satan has a way of inducing a person to become more and more involved in his secular work, thus causing Kingdom interests to slip into the background. We can avoid Satan’s subtle snares by being content, not letting the love of money lead us astray.—1 Tim. 6:7-10.
1 Like the apostle Paul, we gain (Continued on page 2, col. 1)
tence, his works, his purpose for humans and for this earth, as well as his prophetic Word and its fulfillment. Thus, the Creation book will likely have a profound effect on the lives of sheeplike persons who have had doubts about the existence of God. Too, how timely its publication is now, when more and more people throughout the world are turning away from belief in a purposeful Creator! During December we will be featuring the new book in the field, and Our Kingdom Ministry will have more to say about this later.
3 The June 1 Watchtower also noted that at the convention “you will receive what will prove to be long-lasting assistance to reason with others from the Scriptures.” And that is just what was provided in the new book Reasoning From the Scriptures. Every major subject that someone might bring up in the field is covered. Did you note the helpful feature toward the end of many subjects under the heading, “If Someone Says—”? This gives us the most common objections on
(Continued on page 4, col. 2)
Song 64
10 min: Local announcements. Discuss with audience need for a good start in field activity by being out early in the month. Pioneers find it advantageous to build up their activity at the beginning of the year to reach their required 1,000 hours.
15 min: “Demonstrating Faith by Being Content.” Question-and-answer discussion.
20 min: “What Will You Do in School This Year?” After discussing article with audience, have a brief, well-prepared demonstration of parents reviewing with teenager a situation most likely to come up during school year. Call attention to experiences related on pages 20 and 21 of the September 8 issue of Awake! Other similar experiences will be published in The Watchtower for October 1,1985. In line with suggestions on page 3 of July Our Kingdom Ministry, encourage all to make good use of September 22, 1985, issue of Awake! with cover title “Schools—Do They Pass the Test?”
Song 98 and concluding prayer.
Song 164
10 min: Local announcements and accounts report.
20 min: How Can We Strengthen One Another’s Faith? Talk ana audience discussion. Elder handling this part should first draw comments from audience on practical ways to apply the following points so as to build up our own faith and strengthen this quality in others. (1) Draw close to Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and to one another within the congregation. (Heb. 11:6) (2) Make the Christian ministry one of the most important things in
Demonstrating Faith (Cont’d) many blessings by building our lives around the Christian ministry. He worked hard and he encouraged fellow Christians to do the same. (1 Thess. 2:9; 2 Thess. 3:7-12) His thoughts were constantly on how he could advance Kingdom preaching, and yet he showed a tender concern for the spiritual welfare of all in the congregations. (1 Thess. 2:7, 8) We should also concern ourselves with the spreading of the good news and with the needs of others. Contentment comes from knowing that we are doing what Jehovah wants us to do.
life and share in it with others. (Jas. 2:26) (3) Let the strong bear “the weaknesses of those not strong.” (Rom. 15:1; Gal. 6:10) (4) Encourage upbuilding conversation, regular Bible reading, and perseverance in prayer. Elder then explains that this takes much time and effort in our day-to-day routine. It may not be easy for some but is necessary. (Jude 3) Why must we strengthen one another’s faith while keeping up our guard? Devil seeks to destroy our relationship with Jehovah by false teaching, loose conduct, disregard for divinely constituted authority, murmuring and complaining, selfishness. How vital is it that we strengthen one another’s faith? “The righteous one will live by reason of faith.”—Gal. 3:11; Rom. 1:16,17.
15 min: Review and demonstrate use of current Topic for Conversation. Encourage all to share in magazine work this Saturday.
Song 100 and concluding prayer.
Song 22
10 min: Local announcements, Theocratic News, and Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry that apply locally.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News —By Using Published Suggestions.” Question-and-answer discussion. Show by experiences how local congregation has benefited from applying suggestions found in Our Kingdom Ministry.
20 min: Congregation service report for 1985 service year. To be handled by service overseer. Highlight what has been accomplished by the local publishers. Some totals and averages can be given regarding Bible studies, return visits, auxiliary pioneers, and
5 Some of us can devote more time to the field ministry than others. But we cannot judge others by our situation. Individual circumstances vary. Age, health, and family responsibilities are all factors to be considered. So we should not be critical of others but continue to be moved by faith to work for personal improvement, serving God to the full extent that our own circumstances permit. Such an attitude will not cause discontent or be discouraging to others.
6 Jehovah has given us much to do in the Kingdom work. In September so forth. Have audience comment on what they hope to do during the 1986 service year.
Song 136 and concluding prayer.
Song 178
5 min: Local announcements.
15 min: “Peaceable People Are Truly Needed!” based on July 1, 1985, Watchtower, pages 12-15. Elder demonstrates how he would discuss need for peaceableness with a new publisher who has been trained according to the world’s aggressive tactics and still has a tendency to show favoritism to people he thinks are important. Stresses replacing human wisdom with divine wisdom and the need to be a peaceable evangelizer.
15 min: Local needs.
10 min: Suggest and demonstrate several well-prepared 30- to 60-second magazine presentations that publishers can use in Saturday magazine activity. Enthusiastically encourage field activity.
Song 170 and concluding prayer.
Song 54
10 min: Local announcements. Encourage all to support field service on the first Sunday of the month.
15 min: “Marvelous New Helps for Our Ministry.” Question-and-answer coverage of article.
10 min: “Walk Worthily . . . With Long-Suffering.” Talk and audience discussion based on article from the August 1,1985, Watchtower.
10 min: October Subscription Offer. Highlight talking points from October 1 and 8 magazines that can be used in field service and suggest appropriate presentations.
Song 20 and concluding prayer.
we will offer the Peace and Security book or any other 192-page book for $1.00. To be most effective in placing literature, it is good to be well acquainted with the publication we are offering. Be enthusiastic about the message it contains, knowing that it can be the means of helping honest-hearted ones develop interest in God’s Kingdom.
’ Our strong faith in Jehovah’s promises moves us to share zealously in proclaiming the good news. Let us continue to move ahead, content and confident that Jehovah will bless us with success as we loyally do his will.
Copyright O 1985 by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., and Internationa] Bible Students Association. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Printed in U.S.A.
• Literature offer for September: Peace and Security; if not in stock, any other 192-page book for $1.00 contribution. October: Subscription for either Awake.' or The Watchtower, or both, for a contribution of $4.00 for each one-year subscription. November: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with any older 192-page book of which the congregation has a good supply, for a contribution of $4.50. December: Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? for a contribution of $2.50.
• The presiding overseer or someone assigned by him should audit the congregation’s accounts on September 1 or as soon as possible thereafter.
• The recent circuit overseer’s public talk, “Prayers That Are Heard by God,” will become No. 86 in the regular series of public talks. Congregations will be sent copies of the outline and it may be assigned to local speakers after September 1,1985. • The Society will begin moving its Shipping Department to new facilities on October 1,1985. Therefore, delays in shipment of literature orders can be expected during the month of October.
• We are pleased to announce that a new Cost List has been prepared. Four copies are being sent to each congregation. The secretary should keep one copy. The other three should be given to the brothers caring for the literature, magazines, and accounts.
• In addition to the languages listed on page 8 of Our Kingdom Ministry for May 1985, "Examining the Scriptures Daily" —1986 will also be available in Arabic and Chinese.
• Subscription and distributors’ requests for the large-print edition of The Watchtower in Dutch, German, and Italian are now being accepted. The printing will not be handled in the United States but by European branches. Due to the distance and mail service, the magazines may not arrive in time for use at the Watchtower Study. However, these large-print editions are being made available so that the visually impaired are able to receive spiritual food in a form easy to read. The regular Watchtower subscription slip (M-l) and Distributors’ Order form (M-202) should be used. Please mark clearly in the upper right-hand corner, “LARGE PRINT.” Some may be interested in receiving airmail subscriptions for these large-print foreign-language magazines in order to receive them in time for the Watchtower Study. This would involve extra cost to the subscriber for the airmail postage. Any who might be interested in this special service may inquire of the Society.
• New Publications Available:
Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?
—English, French, Portuguese, Spanish Reasoning From the Scriptures
—English, Spanish You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (Reduced size) —Portuguese The Government That Will Bring Paradise —English, French, Greek, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish
• New Cassette Recordings Available: Kingdom Melodies No. 6 (congregation and public: $2.00; pioneers: $1.75)
• Out of Stock in U.S.A.:
True Peace and Security—From What Source? —English
What Will You Do in School This Year?
1 September is back-to-school time. For many young Witnesses this means new teachers, new subjects, and new challenges. As you are being taught in school, you also have the opportunity to teach others. You can share the good news of the Kingdom with your teachers and your classmates. Your skillful witnessing at school can do much to bring praise to Jehovah’s name and will bring great satisfaction and joy to you.
2 Jehovah God wants youths to be involved in true worship. (Ps. 148: 12, 13) He purposed a place for young ones in his service. (Ps. 110:3; Matt. 19:13, 14) By involving yourself zealously in witnessing to fellow students and by maintaining upright and honest conduct while in school, you will be sharing in the sanctification of Jehovah’s name. (Prov. 27:11) Your sincere example of faith may incite others also to glorify Jehovah God. —Matt. 21:15,16; Phil. 2:20.
3 Keep in mind that skill comes with training and practice. Just learning to play a musical instrument does not mean that a person plays well. Similarly, youths must first share fully in basic Christian activities before they can become effective in the ministry. Go on pro-
• The following price changes will become effective September 1,1985.
Item |
Pio. |
Cong, and Public |
All 32-page booklets |
$ .05 |
$ .10 |
All 64-page booklets |
.10 |
.15 |
Aid to Bible Understanding |
5.00 |
7.00 |
Comprehensive Concordance |
5.00 |
6.00 |
The Two Babyions |
8.00 |
10.00 |
Bible Topics for Discussion |
.10 |
.15 |
Byington Bible |
4.50 |
8.00 |
New World Translation Regular Edition (1961-70 edition) |
2.00 |
3.00 |
(1981 edition) |
2.00 |
3.00 |
(1984 edition) |
2.00 |
3.50 |
New World Translation Deluxe Edition (1961-70 edition) |
4.00 |
5.00 |
(1981 edition) |
4.00 |
6.00 |
(1984 edition) |
4.00 |
7.00 |
New World Translation Pocket Edition (1961-70 edition) |
1.50 |
2.50 |
American Standard Version |
2.00 |
3.00 |
gressing just as the youthful Jesus did. (Luke 2:52) Learn to read well. Apply yourself to your school studies. View your family and congregational studies seriously. By doing this, you can be viewed favorably, as was the young man Timothy. —Acts 16:1, 2.
4 Parents, encourage and help your children to witness informally while they are in school. Show them that standing up for the truth and bearing witness to it often safeguards and protects them from getting involved in wrong conduct while at school. It also builds respect among non-Witness students.
5 In school, situations often arise in which there is much peer pressure to participate in class projects or day trips at times other than during regular school hours. Pressure from teachers and athletic coaches to participate in extracurricular activities may be greater than your child can withstand alone. Fine information has been published on pages 22-5 of the School brochure to reinforce correct thinking on these matters. Why not make such subjects the basis for your weekly family study for a while? The section found on pages 8-11 briefly but clearly outlines moral principles a young Witness should follow in order to please Jehovah. If additional in-depth study is desired, more information can be found in the Youth book. Taking the necessary time to consider these matters with your children will produce beneficial results.—Prov. 22:6.
6 Why not take the brochure with you to school? If your teacher does not have a copy, make one available. Show how things are outlined forthrightly but briefly, and explain that you would appreciate having the teacher read the brochure to become familiar with what to expect of your conduct throughout the school year. This can save you many difficulties in connection with flag salute ceremonies, holidays, and other situations.
7 As you continue to apply Christian principles during the school year, you can be sure that many fine blessings from Jehovah await you, both now and in the future. As Proverbs 20:11 says, “Even by his practices a boy makes himself recognized as to whether his activity is pure and upright.”—See also Psalm 37:37.
By Using Published Suggestions
1 To become proficient at a trade requires much time and effort. Some trades require a person to refine his skills continually through additional education or training. Similarly, being effective servants of our God Jehovah involves progressing in the truth and keeping up to date in our ministry.
2 When Jesus sent out the 70, he taught them what they should say and how to conduct themselves. (Luke 10:1-11) He reviewed with them principles on Christian living and matters pertaining to their ministry. The apostle Paul also stressed the need to keep ministerial skills sharpened, when he admonished Timothy: “Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching.” (1 Tim. 4:16) All of this shows that proper training is needed to be successful in the Christian ministry. To meet this need, “the faithful and discreet slave” provides many aids, one of which is Our Kingdom Ministry.
3 Through the years this monthly provision has given us many helpful reminders. In it we find recommended presentations, the offer for the month, instructions on how to conduct our house-to-house ministry, and other information on how to improve our field service activity. But to benefit fully from such direction, we need to apply the things we learn. By doing so, we tap the wisdom and experience of brothers who have a rich background as active preachers of the good news. Psalm 19:7 says: "The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise.” Hence, especially those who have just begun to publish the good news can benefit from helpful counsel given in each issue of Our Kingdom Ministry. Those active for many years also show wisdom by taking full advantage of the fine suggestions and direction given. So whether we are new or experienced in the ministry, appreciatively applying helpful reminders brings rich rewards.—Ps. 119:2; compare Proverbs 1:5.
4 Consider the example of a brother who took to heart the direction in the May 1983 issue under “Presenting the Good News—By Developing Magazine Routes.” How did he benefit? Now he calls regularly on some 60 people, supplying them with the current magazines. Certainly this brother and those he now regularly calls on have been blessed by his applying the direction found in Our Kingdom Ministry.
5 In the June 1981 issue, the article “Have You Worked Your Territory Thoroughly?” made a very helpful suggestion on working notat-homes. It had to do with keeping a good record of not-at-homes and then calling back on them before leaving the territory. One congregation following this suggestion has found that 50 percent of those not at home earlier were contacted when the publishers returned an hour or so later. Hence, they too have experienced the happiness that comes from heeding fine suggestions.
6 When on vacation, a couple applied the suggestion found in the June 1984 issue under “Presenting the Good News—When on Vacation.” Looking for occasions to give an informal witness, they were able to place literature and to have many fine conversations. They found that this made their vacation more enjoyable. While visiting with friends and relatives, their experiences provided a basis for upbuilding conversation.
7 Jesus exhorted his apostles: “If you know these things, happy you are if you do them.” (John 13:17) He knew that his disciples would be truly happy in their ministry if they put into practice the things he taught them. Yes, happiness in the ministry results from taking advantage of what Jehovah’s organization provides. Let us continue to use the reminders and suggestions provided in Our Kingdom Ministry so that we may be effective servants of Jehovah.
Marvelous Helps (Cont’d)
that particular subject and how we can tactfully deal with them.
4 Did you notice, too, the very useful section near the front of the book, “Introductions for Use in the Field Ministry”? It shows how experienced Witnesses in many lands begin conversations on basic subjects of interest to people in the territory. Yes, Reasoning From the Scriptures should be a practical help to all of us, whether we have
♦ Bolivia reports a peak of 4,207 publishers In April, a 16-percent Increase. They also had a new peak of 7,190 Bible studies. Chile reports peaks of 25,287 publishers (a 15-percent increase) and 35,134 studies.
* Britain reached a peak of 100,115 publishers In April, thus becoming the seventh land with more than 100,000 Kingdom proclaimers. The congregation publishers averaged 10 hours In service despite unseasonably cold weather.
* Dominican Republic had a peak of 8,789 publishers in April, an 11-percent Increase. This was their ninth consecutive peak. They had peaks also In regular pioneers, auxiliary pioneers, hours, magazines, return visits, and studies. They had 15,641 studies, and congregation publishers averaged 1.1 studies each.
* April in Italy was a fine month of activity. They report an all-time peak of 125,297 total publishers. Also, 78 new congregations were formed during the month.
* Luxembourg reports their eighth consecutive all-time peak in publishers with 1,222 reporting in April. This is an 11 -percent increase.
* Nigeria reports a new peak of 121,729 total publishers In April. They had a new peak of auxiliary pioneers and reported a new peak of 128,299 Bible studies.
♦ Spain passed the 60,000 mark In April with a new peak of 61,110 Kingdom proclaimers. This is an 11-percent increase.
* Sri Lanka had their sixth consecutive peak In April with 852 reporting, a 12-percent Increase. The Memorial was attended by 2,975.
Schedule for congregation studies in the book Survival Into a New Earth:
Av Av Av Av Pubs. Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Aux. Pios. 31,555 59.1 32.6 16.3
TOTAL 658,583
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 4,848
been in the ministry for many years or we are relatively new. In the months to come, more will be said in Our Kingdom Ministry about the use of this new book.
5 Truly, we are grateful to Jehovah for the instructive conventions this past summer and for the excellent publications that will enhance our ministry. Surely, Jehovah is directing his faithful organization to ‘give us our food at the proper time’! —Matt. 24:45.