Vol. 33, No. 4
Meetings for Field Service
1. How can the printed invitations be used effectively?
2. What can we say?
3. How can we help others to attend?
1. What article will you highlight?
2. How will you ensure that subscriptions are not wasted on those who really are not interested?
1. On a Memorial attender?
2. On a magazine placement?
3. Where previous call was brief or interrupted?
1. Why do we need to be discerning in offering subscriptions?
2. How can we offer subscriptions on a complete donation basis?
3. Are we soliciting funds? (rs, p. 20, last subhead)
1. Review the main points.
2. Who bears the costs of our ministry?
3. Are we engaged in public fundraising?
Honor Jesus Christ —The Foundation of Our Faith
1 Understanding the role of Jesus Christ in the outworking of Jehovah’s purposes is vital. Jesus gave his life as a ransom for obedient mankind. (Matt. 20:28) Without Jehovah’s loving provisions through Jesus Christ, we would continue to be in a dying condition with no hope for the Future.
2 During the Memorial season especially, we reflect on Jesus’ life, his teachings, and his sacrifice. (Luke 22:19) Appreciating that (“God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”/we are motivated to honor God and Christ by enthusiastically sharing with others the good news. How can we do this?—Rom. 5:8, 10.
3 We recognize that Jehovah’s visible organization works under the headship of Jesus. Here on earth, the faithful slave class gives us the spiritual nourishment we need. From his youth onward, Jesus showed deep appreciation for his Father’s Word, and we want to followhis example by studying and digesting the spiritual food provided with a view to teaching others effectively. (Matt. 24:45, 46; Luke 2:46-50) Our gratitude for the organization and' the spiritual provisions it supplies is shown by our following its direction and cooperating with the elders.
4 We can also show honor for Christ and adorn our ministry by applying
Boldly Declare the Good News
1 Historically, true Christians are known fpr their boldness. The apostles Peter and John are prime examples of this. Despite being thrown into prison and threatened, these apostles fearlessly and boldly continued speaking the truth. (Acts "4: 18-20, 23, 31b) Paul too boldly carried on. with his ministry in difficult territory even though he experienced much persecution.—Acts 20: 20; 2 Cor. 11:23, 28.
n like manner, Peter and John4-We nevertheless have abundant evidence of Jehovah’s hacking. When we see the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, are we moved to speak the good (Continued on page 8, col. 1)
2 How is it that despite great adver-sities.The apostles as well as other Christians throughout history were able to continue boldly declaring the good news? The apostle Paul answers that question at lDigSsa’-lopiaps_2;2, where he says,.“We mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God. "I as well as the other disciples were able to proclaim the good news boldly. After being released from their prison bonds, Peter and John reportwhat we learn from God’s Word. Jesus was a high priest without fault, “separated from the sinners." (Heb. 7:26) He was not guilty of saying one thing and doing another. As fellow slaves, we need to live up to the same high standard. So when we tell others about the righteous new system Jehovah has promised, we want to be living now in a way that will identify us with that new world.—Matt. 7:21; 1 John 2:17.
5 During April and May, we will offer the WatcAfower subscrip_tiojCLOn a donation basis. We can honor Jesus by showing prospective readers that the purpose of The Watchtower, as explained on page 2 of each issue, is to encourage “faith in the nowreigning King, Jesus Christ, whose shed blood opens the way for mankind to gain eternal life.” Be sure to offer the subscription first whenever possible. If the subscription is not accepted, you may present two magazines and a brochure, thus planting some seeds of truth. Publishers must be discerning so that magazines and especially subscriptions are not wasted. (Isa. 26:10) After accepting a subscription, those who are truly interested will generally show it by a donation. When an interested person cannot give a donation and a subscription is placed, (Continued on page 7, col. 2) ed back to their fellow disciples. In prayer they implored Jehovah to give them the courage and strengthT/tb keep speaking his word with all boldness.’ (This prayer was immediately apswered by God when '“they were one and all filled with the holy spirit and were speaking the word of God with boldness.Acts 4:29, 31.
3 The apostles were confident Jehovah was backing them ma. All the promises Jehovah had made through his Word were proving true. And the ones to be fulfilled were guaranteed by means of Jesus Christ. Do we have this same confidence to declare boldly the good news? While we do not speak in tongues-or heal the sick,
^Song 87
—10 min: Local announcements. Remind all that Memorial will be Tues-
day evening, April 10. Give time of celebration, and outline local arrangements. Special effort to be made on weekend to invite interested persons. Demonstrate inviting Bible student to Memorial.
20 min: “Presenting the Good News ' —By Boldly Offering Subscriptions.”
Questions and answers. After paragraph 4, present a demonstration using new Topic for Conversation. Feature points from lead articles on peace in The Watchtower. One making presentation should be positive when offering subscription on a complete donation basis.
15 mln: “Memorial—The Christian Celebration.” Questions and answers. After paragraph 6, briefly demon-\ strate calling to remind one previously invited, then ask congregation
to relate how they plan to invite new ones to the Memorial and help them to attend. Remind congregation that printed invitations are available. Song 181 and concluding prayer.
Song 148
10 min: Local announcements and accounts report.' Demonstrate two 30- to 60-second presentations for current magazines, inform congregation of field Service, report for March. Commend for good work accomplished.^
’’ IKmin: “Honor Jesus Christ—The
Foundation of Our Faith.” Question, anchanswer discussion.
, 4-7min: The Value of the Good News in Our Lives. Talk. Material can be
found in January 1, 1990, Watchtower, pages 4-6. Arrange prepared comments from the congregation as to how the good news has helped them to improve their lives.
■Song 193 and concluding prayer.
'~Song23 xVx-i-r-
(_ 10 min: Local announcements and pertinent Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry.
20 min: “Boldly Declare the Good News.” Question-and-answer discussion of material. Read paragraphs as time allows.
15 min: The Bible’s Viewpoint. Talk and demonstration. Since the July 8, 1985, issue of Awake!, “The Bible’s Viewpoint” has been an interesting
feature of the magazine. The articles concerning the Bible’s position on the subjects discussed are designed for the inquiring mind, whether a person believes in the Bible or not. Oftentimes the articles give a fresh approach to subjects explained previously. Are we using this feature in the field ministry? The articles are short and to the point, being two pages in length. Review with audience several of these articles that are appropriate to your local territory. Demonstrate how articles may be featured in the ministry.
Seng 92 and concluding prayer. OCA
pj WEEK STARTING APRIL 23 song 106 flu
10 min: Local announcements and
Theocratic News. Speaker should also discuss with audience what could be said when featuring May 1 issue of 77ie Watchtower. One might say that true peace could only come by means of a ruler strong enough to guarantee it. Psalm 72:7 says God’s Kingdom under Christ will bring abundance of peace. As a righteous ruler, he could do away with the wicked and even assure the resurrection of those who have died. (Ps. 37:10, 11) Point out specific points from May 1 issue that may be used on magazine day or when offering subscription on a complete donation basis.
25 min: Be Wise—Apply the Things That You Learn.” Elder, discusses material with audience. Emphasize need to study publications carefully so that what is learned may be remembered and applied. Call attention to practical points from recent publications that have local application. Examples: how youths can deal with situations at school; how to handle
Pubs. Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bl.St.
Aux. Pios. 28,093 58.9 25.3 17.2
Pubs. 714,934 9.7 6.0 3.8 0.5
TOTAL 807,836
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 2,991 problems encountered at place of employment; how to resolve problems between brothers or marriage mates. Use information that will be most helpful to local congregation.
10 min: Blessings From Applying!” What We Learn. Have well-prepared experiences related on how things learned have been applied and the blessings that have come to individuals who have applied them. Local experiences are best, but if needed, ones from 1990 Yearbook may be used.—See pages 7-9, 43-5, 50-3, 57-8,64. •!>1&2 -
Song 75 and concluding prayer.
A pt2 ■
Song 200
10 min: Local announcements. Ask for experiences enjoyed by those who auxiliary pioneered during April.
15 min: Planning Ahead for Spiritual J Good Times. Presiding overseer discusses with audience the plans that need to be made for coming months, including attending assigned convention (accommodations, travel arrangements, time off from work, preparation for baptism by prospective candidates, and so forth), auxiliary pioneering, and possibly yorking seldom-worked territory. Summer months allow for increased activity by youngsters who are on vacation. Make this a summer to remember by wise planning now.
20 min: “Bearing Fruit With En- r durance.” Talk on material on pages 253-5 of the 1990 Yearbook. Warmly commend publishers for the local congregation’s share in boldly witnessing and bearing fruit despite trials and difficult circumstances.
Song 72 and concluding prayer.
Schedule for congregation studies in the book Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!:
April 16: Pages 279’ to 2822
April 23: Pages 2822 to 286’
April 30: Pages 286’ to 29OA
© 1990 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Printed in U.S.A.
1 It is the goal of most humans to live a happy, peaceful life. Thousands of books and articles give advice on how to have a successful marriage, how to raise children, how to succeed financially, how to acquire and maintain good health, and numerous other subjects related to helping people achieve happiness. Although some practical wisdom may be found in worldly publications, most people in the world are anything but happy and peaceful. Why is this so?
2 The answer can be found in the Bible at Proverbs 1:7, which says: “The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Wisdom and discipline are what mere fools have despised.” A person cannot expect to have peace and happiness if he does not acknowledge and respect the Source of true knowledge and wisdom, Jehovah God.
3 The world is spiritually impoverished —famished. Ironically, this sad state of affairs is self-imposed, since an abundance of spiritual food is available to all throughout the earth, and it is free for the taking. (Prov. 1:20, 21; Rev. 22:17) Because people in the world reject wisdom from Jehovah, they continue to stumble about in spiritual darkness. (Prov. 1:22-32) On the other hand, as Jehovah’s people, who respect his laws and follow his commandments, we are spiritually well-fed and happy. (Isa. 65:13,14) Also, the love that abounds in God’s organization identifies us as Christ’s true disciples. (John 13:35) Yes, the worldwide brotherhood of Jehovah’s Witnesses gives living proof that adherence to Bible teachings is the wise course to follow.
4 Still, some who are associated with Jehovah’s organization may not be experiencing the happiness that could be theirs. They may even adversely affect the happiness of others around them by the things they say and do. How could this be so? It is simply because they do not apply God’s wisdom in their lives. They may attend congregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and district conventions. They may be up-to-date on what the Society’s publications say, but their life-style and the manner in which they deal with others, including fellow Christians, does not reflect application of the truth they have learned. What needs to be done? Such persons need to concentrate on “sowing with a view to the spirit” so that they may bring true happiness into their own lives and contribute to the happiness of those around them.—Gal. 6:7, 8.
5 If we individually become lax, let down our guard, and succumb to Satan, the world, or our imperfect flesh, we will lose the joy of having a close relationship with Jehovah. Now, more than ever before, it is necessary to be alert to apply the things we learn at our congregation meetings and assemblies cis well as through other provisions of the organization. The world in which we live is a dangerous place that is constantly changing. We need to be alert to apply the counsel Jehovah lovingly provides through “the faithful and discreet slave,” recognizing it as food at the proper time.—Matt. 24:45-47.
6 In the current program for our special assembly day, much good information is provided on how to stand firm as one flock. Practical suggestions are given on how to combat weakening influences, such as discouraging circumstances, the worldly spirit of independence, and time-wasting distractions. Are we putting into practice the good counsel to trust fully in Jehovah and his ways, to recognize and submit to theocratic authority, to be humble and modest, and to buy out the opportune time for theocratic pursuits? (Mic. 6:8; Eph. 5:15, 16; Heb. 6:10; 13:17) Are family members helping one another to conform to a Christian course of life? Our selection of entertainment, our habits, and our daily routines should be affected by the counsel we receive from the Scriptures. Unless there is diligent effort to apply the things learned, there will be little or no spiritual progress, and our peace of mind and happiness will be affected adversely.—Phil. 4:7-9; Jas. 1:22-25.
7 A concerted effort in personal and family study is needed. The Watch Tower Publications Index can direct us to detailed information about the application of Bible principles. The Young People Ask book is an excellent aid for parents to use in helping their children cope with today’s complicated satanic world. By referring to such material, we will get Jehovah’s viewpoint on matters and can be guided by righteous principles. Not doing this would be like having medicine for an illness but never taking it, even though we know it would alleviate the malady afflicting us. Regular personal and family study will make our faith grow and give us the strength to endure. In a time of testing, our faith will not wither, causing us to fall away.—Matt. 13:6; Luke 8:13; Heb. 2:1.
8 Elders and ministerial servants must set an example in presiding over their households. This would include helping their wives and children to apply the things they are learning from God’s Word and organization so as to keep spiritually strong. In this way, the family as a whole can be exemplary in Christian living and provide encouragement for others inside and outside the congregation.—Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:4, 12, 13.
9 Among those attending the Memorial each year are many who need further encouragement to apply what they learn and to associate actively with the organization. Loving consideration can be shown to our Bible students by teaching them how to apply Bible principles in their lives and how to carry out God’s righteous commands. We should demonstrate concern for those who are progressing toward becoming our brothers and sisters in the faith.
10 Any who have become irregular or inactive should be helped to see the need to share in regular activity with the organization. They need to regain the peace and happiness that they previously enjoyed when serving Jehovah more fully. (John 13: 17) By kindly helping them to rekindle their appreciation for the truth and “offer to God a sacrifice of praise,” they will be able to apply the things they learn and stay on the road to life.—Heb. 13:15; see Our Kingdom Service, June 1979, page 7, and February 1977, page 3.
11 All God’s people need to keep pace with Jehovah’s fast-moving organization. We cannot allow ourselves to be lured into complacency. We must always maintain our spirituality, keeping abreast of the latest information provided through God’s organization and making ready application of it. This takes diligent effort and at times personal sacrifice. But Jehovah does not ask of us what we are not capable of doing. He is our Creator, and he knows what is best for us. Let us therefore prove ourselves wise by continuing to be taught by Jehovah and to apply the things we learn. This will bring praise to him and result in everlasting benefit for us.—Isa. 48:17; 54:13.
Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for the weeks of January 1 to April 23, 1990. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question. References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following statements True or False:
1. First Thessalonians apparently enjoys the distinction of being the first of Paul’s letters to become part of the Bible canon. [si p. 227 par. 1]
2. Although the Mosaic Law covenant had fenced off Gentiles from Jews, they became united in approach to God through Christ, [si p. 220 par. 10]
3. One of the benefits of Paul’s imprisonment at Rome was that the brothers were encouraged to speak the word of God fearlessly, [si p. 223 par. 8]
4. The congregation at Colossae had learned of the undeserved kindness of God as a result of Paul’s preaching the good news among them, [si p. 225 par. 6]
5. The modern-day remnant of anointed Christians will not precede early anointed ones in the resurrection, [si p. 228 par. 10]
6. Some misunderstood Paul’s words in his first letter to the Thessalonians and contended that the presence of the Lord was imminent, [si p. 230 par. 3]
7. Luke 3:1, 2 would indicate that Luke was a careful researcher and that he consulted public records. [Weekly Bible reading; see w89 11/15 p. 24.]
8. At Luke 17:30 Jesus was illustrating an attitude; eternal judgments were not involved. [Weekly Bible reading; see w88 6/1 p. 31.]
9. Only Luke records that on one occasion Jesus miraculously restored the ear of the high priest’s slave. [Weekly Bible reading; see w89 11/15 p. 24.]
10. Jesus’ statement at John 9:41, “If you were blind, you would have no sin,” means that some humans are sinless. [Weekly Bible reading; see w88 8/1 p. 31.]
Answer the following questions:
11. What release were the Galatians ignoring? [si p. 217 par. 11]
12. How did the Philippians come to hear the good news? [si p. 222 pars. 1, 2]
13. What resulted from the early success of Paul’s ministry at Thessalonica? [si p. 227 pars. 3, 4]
14. What is the point of the illustration at Luke 12:16-21? [Weekly Bible reading; see w86 7/15 p. 31.]
15. What meaning did Jesus’ words at Luke 23:30 have in his generation? [Weekly Bible reading; see re p. 112 par. 28.]
16. According to John 4:27, why was there such a reaction to the fact that Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman? [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 3/15.]
17. What two groups of people today respond to Jesus’ voice, follow his lead, and enjoy his tender care? (John 10:27, 28) [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 3/15.]
18. When was 2 Thessalonians written? [si p. 230 par. 4]
Provide the word or phrase needed to complete each of the following statements:
19. In Galatians, Paul argued “that a man is declared righteous, not due to works of law, but--[si p. 217 par. 9]
20. Wives should be in to hus
bands, even as the congregation is in to the Christ, [si p. 221 par. 14]
21. A Bible book that emphasized the God-given superiority of Christ in the face of heathen philosophy, worship of angels, and Jewish traditions was [si p. 225 par. 5]
22. According to 2 Thessalonians, the day of Jehovah will not come unless
comes first and gets revealed,
[si p. 230 par. 6]
23. The only Gospel account that gives the parable of the neighborly Samaritan is that of[Weekly Bible reading; see w89 11/15 p. 24.]
24. Being of short stature, , a chief tax collector, climbed a tree to see Jesus. [Weekly Bible reading; see w89 11/15 p. 24.]
Select the correct answer in each of the following statements:
25. ‘The disciple Jesus loved’ was (Peter; John; Paul). (John 13:23) [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 3/15.]
26. Paul especially commended the congregation at (Corinth; Ephesus; Philippi) for generous giving, [si p. 223 par. 11]
27. While Paul was in Corinth, he sent (Timothy; Titus; Barnabas) to the congregation at Thessalonica in order to make their faith firm and to comfort them, [si p. 228 par. 8]
28. It seems that the only one of the 12 apostles from Judea was (Peter; Matthew; Judas Iscariot). (Luke 6:12-16) [Weekly Bible reading; see w86 9/1 p. 8.]
29. Only (Mark; Luke; John) tells us of Jesus’ prehuman existence. [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 3/15.]
30. The great goddess in Ephesus was (Venus; Artemis; Aphrodite), [si p. 219 par. 5]
Match the following scriptures to the statements listed below:
Luke 5:1-6; Luke 8:30-32; Luke 16:9;
31. As long as we are alive, we should use our money in a way that will make friends with Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus. [Weekly Bible reading; see g88 4/22 p. 8.]
32. Jesus here alluded to a custom added to the eight-day Festival of Booths. [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 3/15.]
33. The demons are aware that an abyssing is God’s eventual judgment for them. [Weekly Bible reading; see w87 5/15 p. 8.]
34. The apostle Paul here sounded a warning. [si p. 225 par. 9]
35. One of six miracles that are unique to Luke’s Gospel. [Weekly Bible reading; see w89 11/15 p. 24.]
• Literature offer for April and May: Watchtower subscription. One-year subscriptions to semimonthly editions are available on a complete donation basis. Six-month subscriptions to semimonthly editions and one-year subscriptions to monthly editions can also be obtained. When the subscription is not obtained, two magazines and a copy of any brochure, except the School brochure, may be offered. June: Survival Into a New Earth. July and August: Any 32-page brochure, except the School brochure. •.
• District convention, badge cards for 1990 in English and Spanish will be consigned to congregations and includedwith April literature shipments. It will not be necessary to order these. Based on the size of each congregation, consignments in lots of 25 will be made. If additional badge cards are needed by the congregation, these should be ordered on a Literature Order form (S-14). It is necessary to order plastic badge card holders for any in the congregation that desire them. The holders are available from the Society.
• Where practical, elders should intensify arrangements for congregations to share in evening witnessing as daylight hours increase.
• The material on pages 266-9 of the Reasoning book may be helpful in inviting persons to attend the Memorial. However, for up-to-date information on John 6:53, 54, refer to The Watchtower of February 15, 1986, pages 19, 30, 31.
1990, and continuing through the week of September 17, the brochure Should You Believe in the Trinity? will be considered at the Congregation Book Study. Questions to be used for this study will be published as an insert to the June 1990 Our Kingdom Ministry. This detailed consideration of the Trinity brochure will require careful preparation on the part of the book study conductor and all who attend. Being present each week at the Congregation Book Study will help equip us to use this brochure more effectively in the field service.
• New Publications Available:
The Bible —Laotian
The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s?
—Cebuano, Iloko, Tagalog Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work —Cebuano, Iloko, Tagalog Reasoning From the Scriptures
Should You Believe in the Trinity?
—Cebuano, Iloko, Japanese, Tagalog (Continued on page 8, col. 3)
Memorial —The Christian Celebration
1 Jesus instituted the Memorial on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., and he instructed his apostles: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) The apostle Paul explained that by so doing “you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives.” (1 Cor. 11:26) It is fitting to memorialize Jesus’ death because of all it accomplishes in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose. The ransom sacrifice provides the very basis for our faith and gives us hope of future existence.
2 Since the beginning of the Christian congregation, Jesus’ disciples have faithfully celebrated the Memorial of his death. In modern times it was reported as early as 1899 that 2,501 in the United States participated in the Memorial celebration. Now, 91 years later, Nisan 14 falls on Tuesday, April 10, after sundown, and close to two million people in the United States are expected to observe this annual celebration.
3 In view of the importance of this occasion and the expected large attendance, the congregations make advance preparation. (1 Cor. 14:40) Ritual and stiff formality are not involved. No, for at Matthew 26:26-30 we note the simplicity with which this very important celebration was initiated by Jesus. (1 Cor. 11:23-26) But some essential details must be observed if the Memorial is to be celebrated correctly. What do these include?
4 Among other things, the elders make sure that respect is shown for the Lord’s Evening Meal by having the proper type of emblems. Unleavened bread, such as unseasoned Jewish matzoth, made only with wheat flour and water may be used. Also, only an unadulterated red grape wine, such as Chianti, Burgundy, or a claret, should be used. A homemade red wine may be used if it has not been sweetened, spiced, or fortified.
Honor Jesus Christ (Cont’d)
the publisher who.Qbtained the subscription may have an increased responsibility and privilege to honoT Jehovah With his-valuable things. —Prov. 3:9.
6 A huge crowd of people who are not yer Witnesses show respect, for Jesus by attending the Memorial. Could these be helped to make greater spiritual progress through a personal Bible study? It would be good
5 The elders will also want to select brothers who are exemplary and well-qualified, preferably elders or ministerial servants, to serve the emblems. They should be well-organized and should understand precisely what their assignment entails. Those serving as attendants should be briefed as to their duties, such as directing persons into and out of the hall as well as controlling the added automobile traffic. Particularly is this important in cases where several congregations will be using the same Kingdom Hall or Kingdom Hall complex. Arrangements should also be made to ensure that the speaker is properly informed of the time and place of the celebration.—For additional reminders on things to prepare for the Memorial, see The Watchtower, February 15,1985, page 19, and February 15,1990, pages 16-18; Our Kingdom Ministry, March 1989, page 4.
G All of us should endeavor to derive full benefit from this most sacred celebration. Among other things, we can prepare ourselves mentally by following closely the Bible reading for April 5-10, as noted on the 1990 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, we should make plans to invite and assist as many persons as possible to attend this very special occasion. And we should make those who attend feel welcome.
7 By thorough advance preparation, we will show that we view attendance at the Memorial as a privilege and as an opportunity to show appreciation for the sacrifice of Christ. May this year’s Memorial celebration prove to be a time of upbuilding encouragement to all of Jehovah’s servants. May it instill in all of us the spirit of confidence displayed by Jesus. Our trust in Jehovah will help us conquer the world and gain our respective rewards. —John 16:33; 2 Pet. 1:10; Rev. 7: 9,10, 14.
to make sure that someone calls on them and" offers the help they need. With loving assistance, some may progress to the point of sharing in the ministry before the next celebration of the Lord’s Evening Meal.
7 How thankful we are for the loving sacrifice of our Redeemer, Jesus! He has provided us with a sure hope. His life pattern and the record of hie ministry serve as a perfect example . for us to follow.
1 The Watchtower is unquestionably the finest Bible study magazine on the face of the earth! Are you convinced that this is true? If so, then should not everyone be given the opportunity to obtain it?
2 How have you personally been helped by reading The Watchtower and Awake!? Likely we could each relate ways the magazines have helped us. Some might say that they have been the primary means of alerting us to the significance of the times in which we live. Or they have enabled us to learn the true meaning of “the signs of the times” that perplex mankind today. (Matt. 16:3) Others would say that they have been comforted by the good news that God’s Kingdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen. The Watchtower has championed that thought from its very beginning over 110 years ago. The Awake! has alerted people to the significance of the events in our time for over 70 years. Undoubtedly we would all say that these remarkable Bible journals have helped us to build faith in the ransom provision that gives imperfect humans the opportunity to gain eternal life. Others need to learn these truths.
3 God’s wisdom and not human reasoning is stressed in The Watchtower and Awake! (Isa. 55:8, 9) Such wisdom is desperately needed by everyone today. It can improve lives and help develop right motives. This
Declare the Good News (Cant’d) news of God’s Kingdom with boldness?
4 It is to be expected, though, that such bold preaching wifi meet with opposition. (John 15:20) Such was the case with Jesus and the first-century Christians. But this did not hinder them nor diminish the intensity with which they preached. In fact, such opposition often gave them greater opportunities to spread the Kingdom good news. (Acts 4: 3, 8-13a) Because of our Christian adherence to God’s Word on vital issues, we are oftentimes called on to give a reason for our stand. We.view such occasions as opportunities to declare boldly the good news. Bv doing so, we imitate Jesus Christ and his apostles.
5 Auxiliary pioneering affords us greater opportunities to declare the is necessary in order to “keep living.” (Prov. 9:1-6) Being thus convinced, we will offer the subscription with a positive attitude, recognizing that we have what others need. Carefully pore over each issue to find statements that you believe may be helpful to householders. Such advance preparation will aid you in reflecting a positive spirit when presenting these magazines in the ministry.
4 In the past, some may have been negative about offering subscriptions. Perhaps the cost of the subscription has held some publishers back from offering it. Offering subscriptions on a complete donation basis should prove exciting to all proclaimers of the good news. It will also be challenging. Why? Costs for mailing, paper, and printing presses continue to rise. We cannot afford to waste our valuable magazines. For the Society’s subscription arrangement to continue, contributions to the Society for its worldwide work will have to keep pace with these costs.
5 We have every reason to be bold in our ministry—we have Jehovah’s backing. (Acts 14:3) One of the primary instruments that Jehovah is using to spread the good news today is The Watchtower. If we place subscriptions and then follow up with encouragement to read the magazines, our diligent effort may save people’s lives. So let us enthusiastically and boldly offer subscriptions to all we know and to those we meet in the field ministry.
good news. Many will be auxiliary
while others are arranging to do so during the summer months. Will your circumstances allow you to apply? By making the effort to share in the auxiliary pioneer work, we prove ourselves to be like Paul arid Barnabas. At Acts 14:3 it says that (^they spent considerable time speaking with boldness by the authority of Jehovah."Tf we are able to buy out time from other activities to spend at least 60 .hours in the field ministry during one month, our blessings will undoubtedly increase.
6 Being bold in the ministry is especially helpful when offering subscriptions. The magazines contain a lifesaving message based on God’s Word. So let us not hold back but preach with boldness in imitation of our Exemplar, Jesus, and his apostles.
♦ During the months of October and November, 28 district conventions were held In Argentina with an attendance of 130,262. The 79,858 publishers reporting activity for November represents a new all-time peak.
♦ Iceland reported a new peak of 233 publishers in November. There was a peak attendance of 382 at their recent special assembly day.
♦ Ireland reported their 20th consecutive publisher peak of 3,255 during November. It was encouraging to note that 78 were baptized at the recent series of special assembly days.
♦ Madagascar had an 8-percent increase in November with a new peak of 3,424 publishers reporting.
♦ St. Maarten had a new peak of 141 publishers in November, a 17-percent increase. Their special assembly day was attended by 282.
♦ Zimbabwe reached a new peak of 17,113 publishers for November. They are conducting a total of 19,190 Bible studies.
♦ The fifth class of the Ministerial Training School in the United States graduated in Los Angeles, California on Sunday, January 14, 1990. The 20 graduates were assigned to serve in six different lands outside the United States.
Announcements (Cant’d)
• New Cassette Recordings Available:
Jehovah’s Judgment Against LawDefying People—Drama (single cassette) —English
Listening to the Great Teacher (set of five cassettes and a book in an album) —Portuguese
Numbers (set of three cassettes)
—Spanish Deuteronomy (set of three cassettes)
—Spanish • The February 15, 1990, Spanish-language issue of The Watchtower should have listed an additional English-language convention for JUNE 21-24 as follows:
LOS ANGELES, CA (Sign language also), Dodger Stadium, 1000 Elysian Park Ave.
The Los Angeles, CA, convention listed for JULY 12-15 should have read as follows:
LOS ANGELES, CA (Spanish only), Dodger Stadium, 1000 Elysian Park Ave.
• The dates for the Bismarck, North Dakota, district convention have been changed to June 28-July 1, 1990, one week earlier than previously listed.
God Will Soon Bring Peace.
Ps. 72:7—God’s Word promises peace.
Ps. 37:10, 11—True peace will come soon.
’ To or from second subheading.
To or from subheading.
' To or from chapter heading.