JULY 1990
Vol. 33. No. 7
Meetings for Field Service
JULY 2-8
In offering brochures
1. Which one will you offer, and why?
2. How will you tie in offer with Topic?
3. How can you lead into a study?
JULY 9-15
How would you start a study
1. On initial call?
2. Returning on brochure placement?
JULY 16-22
How might witness be given if
1. Householder keeps the door closed?
2. Husband says he will get his wife?
3. Someone says, “We don't wish to buy anything”?
4. Person says, "Come back later”?
JULY 23-29 Telephone witnessing
1. When can it be done?
2. What should be avoided?
3. How is this activity organized?
4. Why should good records be kept?
1. Review Topic for Conversation.
2. Consider talking points from brochures.
Why Wickedness Will End Soon. Ps. 92:7—When wickedness abounds, God will act.
Ps. 145:20—God protects those loving him.
823,279 Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers In April
Our third publisher peak in as many months affords a solid reason for rejoicing. Total publishers in April was 20,761 more than those reporting in April one year ago and 3,927 over the March 1990 report.
The April report also shows a new peak in the number of home Bible studies being
Use Summer Wisely
1 Schoolchildren are often asked what they plan to do during the summer, and when they return to school, they may be asked to give a report on what they did. Indeed, all of us, young and old, do well to ask ourselves: ‘What have we planned to do with our summer? When it has passed, will we be able to give a report of a worthwhile, productive summer?’ We will if we heed the advice to ‘buy_out the opportune time for ourselves.’—Eph. 5:15,16.
2 One thing all of us should have included in our plans is attending the “Pure Language” District Conven-tipn. Afterward, we Tib well to review our notes to see what points we Earned and can apply in our lives as praisers of Jehovah. At Ephesians 4^25 we are encouraged toO'speak truth each one of you with his neigh-bor.’^By doing this, we will be helping others to\“call upon the name of Jehovah, in ordej to serve him shoulder to shoulder.”-j-Zeph. 3:9.
3 During July and August, the
Encourage Bible Students to Progress
1 The world thinks of progress primarily from a technological or material standpoint. But Jehovah’s people are not that way. Rather, we exert ourselves to be spiritually progressive. We are glad to have received the encouragement that led us to become active and fruitful disciples of Christ. —John 15:8; 2 Pet. 1:5-8.
2 In the Gospels the term “disciple” is applied principally to those who not only believe in Christ’s teachings but also follow them closely. (Matt. 28: 19, 20) Do Bible students appreciate that fact? How can we encourage them to make progress in becoming disciples?
3 The student’s progress is definitely linked to his appreciation for Jehovah’s organization. Therefore, part of our responsibility as teachers is to direct the student's interest toward God’s organization. The brochure Jehovah’s Witnesses—Unitedly Doing God’s Will Worldwide provides an conducted. The 573,544 studies reported this April represent an increase of 300 over April of last year.
May we continue to keep Jehovah’s commandments and observe the direction given through his organization so as to see further increase.—Acts 16:4, 5.
suggested offer. is any brochure except the School brochure.,If we are with our 6wrTcongregation, we will want to support regular field service arrangements. We might be able to participate in evening witnessing, since the period of daylight lasts longer during the summer months. Many people are at home in the evening and tend to be in a more relaxed mood, thus making it easier for us to talk with them about the Kingdom good news that we have been taught. —Isa. 50:4.
4 When opportunities for informal witnessing present themselves, we can direct attention to one of the_hxo-chures. While away from home, we might be able to locate The Kingdom Hall, attend meetings, and share in field service with The local brothers and sisters. This should prove to be a fine source of encouragement for both us and the brothers with whom we associate.—Rom. 1:12.
5 If we are going to be away from our own congregation at the end of the month, we should mail our. flelii (Continued on page 2, col. 1) excellent framework for doing this. Does your Bible student have a copy? If not, see that he receives one right away. Encourage him to read it, and explain to him that you will be considering just a brief portion of it at each study.
4 The information on pages 14 and 15 of the Doing God’s Will brochure is designed to build appreciation for each of the congregation meetings. Why not cover just one or two paragraphs each week? Show how each meeting gives training and instruction to fill a particular need. Help the student to see that spiritual growth results from “the gathering of ourselves together.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) Warmly encourage him to join us at the Kingdom Hall. There he will personally experience the unity and love we enjoy as Jehovah’s congregated people.—Ps. 133:1; John 13:35.
5 New ones need to become true students of God’s Word, progressing (Continued on page 4, col. 2)
Song 174
>2J0 min: Local announcements and ' appropriate Announcements from 5 Our Kingdom Ministry. Highlight articles that might be used in magazine activity this Saturday. Two demonstrations, each highlighting an article from one magazine.
V25 min: “Use Summer Wisely.” Question-and-answer coverage. Include ten-minute demonstration of current Topic, offering “Look!” brochure, and demonstrating how to use it as outlined in paragraph 7. Include definite arrangement for return visit. aoAi,^
I IO min: Brochure Talking Points^ Involve audience in pointing outs some highlights from various brochures congregation has in stock for use in service. May want to have some capableVublishers assigned ahead of time.
Song 20 and concluding prayer.
Song 156
10 min: Local announcements and J accounts report. Include any donation J acknowledgments. Commend congregation for financial support of worldwide Kingdom work as well as caring for local needs.
v 20min: “Encourage Bible Students to Progress.” Question-and-answer discussion. In considering paragraph 4, have well-prepared demonstration showing how an experienced publisher encourages student to make progress during their discussion of paragraph 3 on page 14 of Doing God’s s' Will brochure.
' 15 min: When May a Bible Student
Use Summer Wisely (Cont’d)
service report to the secretary-early enough to be included with the report he sends in on the sixth of the following month.
6 Usually there are fewer studies conducted in the summer months because some Bible students go away on vacation. The one conducting the study may also go away but at a different time. Rather than allowing weeks to go by with a study not being conducted, might we be able to arrange for someone else in the congregation to conduct the study in our absence? It is good to have the study conducted as regularly as possible to Share in the Public Ministry? Talk by elder based on December 1, 1989, Watchtower, “Questions From Readers,” page 31. Emphasize that new ones, aside from our own children, should not be invited to accompany us in the Held ministry until two elders have spoken with them and have termined that they qualify.
Song 217 and concluding prayer.
Song 220 '*'■ ' ’
10 min: Local announcements.
view highlights of AprU report. Coinmend congregation for accomplishments locally. Encourage share in
field service this coming weekend.
20 min: “Your Part in Making Meet-
ings Beneficial." Elder hand.__
question-and-answer discussion. E m-phasize what needs attention loca Commend where appropriate.
15 min: Weighing Your ProspectsTo: Becoming a Pioneer, r talk with interviews. In the United States, we now havemore than 60,000 regular pioneers from all walks of life and various circumstances. What has moved them to pioneer? Love for Jehovah and neighbor (Matt. 22:37-39);
deep concern for people and a desire to help more get saved (1 Tim. 2:4); a self-sacrificing spirit in behalf of Kingdom interests. (1 Cor. 9:23) Desire must be cultivated. Are you doing this? Steps to take if you desire to pioneer: (1) Take matter to Jehovah in prayer (Matt. 7:7, 8; Phil. 4:6); (2) discuss with pioneers and elders (Prov. 15:22); (3) put tentative schedule in writing, weighing how it affects other Christian responsibilities (Luke 14:28); (4) set starting date, not waiting for totally ideal cirimpress on the student’s mind the need for regular spiritual feeding.
7 When we find interest in the territory, we shouljfollowupthat interest as quickly as possible. If the householder takes a brochure, we can offer to demonstrate howTo use it by considering a~ fevv paragraphs together. Then we should endeavor to make an appointment for a return visit at a definite time to continue the study.
8 May all of us be able to look back on the summer of 1990 and feel that, as dedicated servants of Jehovah, we indeed used the time wisely in “holding the pattern of healthful words” and in helping others to learn the healthful words of truth from Jehovah’s Word.—2 Tim. 1:13. cumstances. (Eccl. 11:4) September a good time to start; may qualify for Pioneer Service School the following year. Interview one or two pioneers on how they overcame obstacles to pioneering. Be positive.
Song 128 and concluding prayer.
p >cratic News, highlight main points in ‘ Z “Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses.” r
ProspectstoE ber 1985 Our Kingdom Ministry Encouraging^ 'pages 5-6.
Song 39,._<4^5<>h/J4V /// t/W, lOnffn: Local’announcements. Theo- r 20 min: “Presenting the Good News 7 — By Telephone.” Question-and-answer coverage by service overseer. / Include two demonstrations to show how telephone witnessing can be done and how to overcome common objections. Emphasize that this is an organized activity under the supervision of the service overseer fend that good records must be kept.VSee Novem-\15 min: Local needs. Or talk based on article “Will You Benefit From Undeserved Kindness?” on pages 21-3 of the February 15,1990, Watchtower. Song-8 and concluding prayer.
■ ■ ■
Song 10 (,'Je r
10 min: Local announcements. Two demonstrations of suggested presentations, each highlighting an article from one magazine, for Saturday magazine work.
15 min: “Showing Trust in Jehovah / by Pioneering.” Elder and ministnrL al servant discuss article in February 1990 Dur Kingdom Ministry. Include practical suggestions that would be helpful to local congregation.
15 min: “Refresh Your Relatives j. With Waters of Truth.” Talk based on article in February 15, 1990, Watchtower, pages 25-7.
5 min: Experiences in starting f studies with brochures. (If none locally, may have experiences in placing brochures.)
Song 169 and concluding prayer.
Av Av Av Av Pubs. Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Aux. Pios. 92,240 57.3 31.5 15.0
TOTAL 825,279
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 3,544
1990 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Printed in U.S.A.
• Literature offer for July and August: Any 32-page brochure except the School brochure. September: Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? October: Subscription to either Awake! or The Watchtower or both.
• Anyone making plans to begin regular pioneer service on September 1, 1990, should fill out an application promptly and submit it to the elders for review. After the application is approved and signed by the Congregation Service Committee, it should be mailed to the Society by the early part of August. By forwarding approved applications early, requests for retroactive appointments can be avoided.—See August 1986 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, paragraphs 21-26.
• An adequate supply of forms for use during the 1991 service year is being sent to each congregation. These forms should not be wasted. They should be used only for their intended purpose.
• A supply of Medical Document and Identity Cards is being shipped to the congregations. These cards are not to be given out immediately upon their receipt but should be held until further direction is given on issuing them to the brothers at the end of the calendar year. Publisher identification cards (S-65) may be issued according to what was stated in the February 1989 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4.
• Beginning in September, circuit overseers will give the public talk “Live With Soundness of Mind in a Depraved World.” • New Publications Available:
Bible Topics for Discussion —Samoan Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!
—Tiddim Chin
“Look! I Am Making AU Things New" (Brochure) —Chitonga
Watch Tower Publications Index 1986-1988 —German
Watch Tower Publications Index 1987
Tract No. 13 —Hmong
Tract No. 14 —Hmong
Tract No. 15 —Hmong
Tract No. 16 —Hmong
• New Cassette Recordings Available:
My Book of Bible Stories (set of four cassettes in an album) —Croatian The Second of Kings (set of two cassettes) —Italian
Judges, Ruth (set of two cassettes)
Kingdom Melodies Album (empty)
Schedule for congregation studies in the brochure Should You Believe in the Trinity? (See Our Kingdom Ministry insert for June 1990.):
July 2: Third Week
July 9: Fourth Week
July 16: Fifth Week
July 23: Sixth Week
July 30: Seventh Week
Your Part in Making Meetings Beneficial
1 Ouj meetings help us to get better acquainted witli jehovah. They Help us understand his laws and principles and encourage us to live by them. Meetings prepare us for a more effec-tFvejhare in the lifesaving preaching activity. And they aid us in reaching our goal of everlasting life in God’s new world. The hours we spend together in meetings will bring us the greatest benefit iLwe individualLv do our part to make the meetings beneficial.
’ ’There are three keys to making meetings beneficial—preparation, participation, and practical application. l hcs~e are interrelated, flood preparation makes participation easy ana enjoyable. Joytul, enthusiastic expressions of faith encourage and motivate those listening.-(Epn. 4:25) All in attendance are far more likely to use what is presented if they understand it and are helped to appreciate how the information can be applied in practical ways in their own lives and in helping others become disciples.
3 The Watchtower Study and Congregation Book Study arevery important meetings because by them “the faithful and discreet slave” feeds the" household of faith. (Matt. 24: 45^47) Do you set aside time to study the material that wilFbeconsidered? Are youjprepared to comment at the meetings? ObviousIy, yotyplay a_key role in this regard.
' * If you have carefully studied the material for the Watchtower Study or the Congregation Book Study, you will be ready to share in the greater happiness of giving. (Acts 20:35) Many find Ithelpful to underline key words. By looking up unquoted scriptures and considering BOW these ap-
Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses
1 In view of the oft-changing world scene, how appropriate that the circuit assembly theme for the 1991 service year is “Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses.” (1 Thess. 5:6) This series will begin in September. All of us should make preparations to attend as soon as our circuit overseer informs us of the dates.
2 Some of the program highlights will include a four-part symposium designed to help us ‘keep our senses in all things.’ (2 Tim. 4:5) In spite of a possibly senseless past, how can we now be successful in avoiding Satan’s snares and resisting the spirit of the world? Be sure not to miss out on this vital information. Throughout the two-day assembly, we will also have nly, you will gain understanding of the Scriptural basis for the answers. Can you now answer in your own words, or must you ft'ad the fiftStver?.' Key objectives in theocratic study are to make the information your own and to act on i£ with heart appreciation and understanding.—Prov. 2:5; 4:7, 8.
5 Do you view your student talks on the school a? assignments from Jehovah and reflect this in how you prepare? Make sure you understand the material and can present it appealingly. But even if you do not have a specific assignment, study by reading the scheduled Bible chapters and other material each week. The same should be done for the Service MEef-ing. If this is done ahead oTtimg, during the meeting you can be thinking actively on what is presented? rattier than struggling to acquaint yourself with the material for the first time.
6 Service Meeting demonstrations and student talk setting^ SB0UTd~5e realistic, reflecting local situations to which all can relate. Rehearse your part well. Also, dress appropriately so that your attire is a good example for others.
7 Aim for well-prepared parts enthusiastically presented. Parents, <. help your children to prepare and answer in their own words when opportunity affords. Indeed, if all make it' their personal concern to be on time and ready to participate, our mee’t-ings will glow with vital, motivating information presented in a way that holds the attention of the audience. Will you do your part in this regard so that(“all things take place for upbuilding” others assembled with you?) —1 Cor. 14:26. / our attention drawn to practical counsel contained in the publication Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work. You may wish to bring your copy with you. Young ones in particular will want to pay special attention to the information directed to them by the circuit overseer on Saturday. As usual, there will be arrangements for baptism on Saturday, so those desiring to symbolize their dedication at the circuit assembly should let the presiding overseer know in advance as soon as possible.
3 On Sunday morning valuable lessons will be driven home by a series of demonstrations showing how we can benefit from adversities, including (Continued on page 4, col. S')
By Telephone
1 We prefer to preach the good news to people face-to-face, but circumstances may make witnessing over the telephone a necessary alternative. Publishers temporarily or permanently confined to their homes because of illness or physical disability may make good use of the telephone for witnessing. Also, telephone calls can be very successful in contacting the residents of high-security buildings, mobile-home courts, or other areas where one may not be permitted to enter without a prior invitation. Telephone witnessing presents unique challenges, but with careful thought and planning, these can be overcome.
2 Sometimes names may be obtained from directories in lobbies of buildings or from mailboxes. Telephone directories can then be used to locate the telephone numbers. This should be done under the direction of the service overseer so that telephone territories can be organized and complete records kept.
3 A warm, pleasing voice is needed for effective telephone witnessing. Avoid making calls early in the day, late at night, and during mealtimes. It is not necessary to let the telephone ring many times. If you reach a telephone answering machine, you might say: “My name is . . . , and I am calling to share the Bible’s hope for the future. I will call you again.” It may be best to treat the call as a not-at-home and telephone again at another time.
4 Thoroughly rehearse your presentation beforehand so that it does not sound as if you are reading it. Make the householder feel that you are personally interested in him by attempting to involve him in the conversation. Personalize your call by using your first and last name in your introduction, and strive to use the householder’s name throughout the conversation.
5 Speak slowly and deliberately, but do not pause unless actually asking a question, as a pause may be interpreted as a question. You might say, “My name is ... , and I am calling you because I am not able to come to see you personally." Then, without pausing, you can continue as follows: “The purpose of my call is to invite your opinion on a very interesting question. Have you ever wondered if . . . ?” You can change the question by asking, “Has it ever occurred to you . . . ?” or “Have you ever thought about. . . ?” There are no wrong answers to these questions, and they provide an easy way for the householder to enter the conversation. Do not invite negative responses by saying, “I hope I am not interrupting you” or “I hope you are not too busy.” Assume it is a good time unless the householder tells you otherwise.
6 If the person asks, “Whom do you represent?” simply say without pausing, “I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I am calling to invite your opinion on this interesting question. Have you ever wondered ... ?” If the householder asks, “Where did you get my telephone number?” you could reply, “From the directory, and I am calling to invite your opinion on this interesting question. Has it ever occurred to you .. . ?”
7 Some have had success in simply telling the householder that we have a free program for answering Bible questions and then mentioning some of the chapter titles in the Live Forever book. Or you could say, “Since your building is secured due to high crime, I am calling to invite your opinion. Why do you think there is such a high crime rate today?”
8 In one high-security building, not much success was experienced until telephone witnessing was tried. The result was that 14 new Bible studies were started. Thus, limited-access buildings can constitute virtually untouched territory and have tremendous potential. With a positive attitude, knowing that we have Jehovah’s help, we may find telephone witnessing another effective way to present the good news.—2 Tim. 4:5.
Encourage Progress (Cant’d) in knowledge, understanding, and application of its principles. For this reason we will continue the study in the Live Forever book and United in Worship or True Peace book even if the student gets baptized before completing these publications. The student can receive copies of these books even if he will not be ready to begin studying a second book for several months. This may whet his spiritual appetite, stimulating him to do additional reading that will hasten his progress. Also, we should point out the value of having Watchtower and Awake! subscriptions and obtaining other publications of the Society in order to keep up with the “measure of food supplies at the proper time.” (Luke 12:42) Those who do so will be rooted, built up, and stabilized in the faith.—Col. 2:7.
♦ The Azores are happy to report a new peak of 419 publishers in February, a 31-percent increase over last year's average. Publishers are active on eight of the nine islands.
♦ Korea had a new peak in February of 59,483 publishers. This is their 29th consecutive peak.
♦ Arrangements are being made to build another small riverboat for service In the southeastern part of Peru. Plans are to witness to all the goldmining settlements along the rivers in that area.
♦ St. Lucia had a new peak of 449 publishers in February for a 14-percent increase.
♦ During the months of December and January, a special effort was made to cover some of the less frequently worked territories in Venezuela. A total of 123 different towns and villages were temporarily assigned by the branch to be worked. A total of 900 Bible studies were started.
Stay Awake (Cont’d)
our own mistakes. In the afternoon the district overseer will deliver a public discourse on the subject “Acting Wisely in a Senseless World.” All Kingdom publishers and interested persons should make every effort to be present.
4 Since the pressures of life are continuing to mount, we believe all will derive benefit and refreshment from this material prepared for our encouragement. We will see ways by which we can be even more alert to our personal spiritual needs and those of our families and others in the congregation. Determine to be present for the entire circuit assembly and to keep attentive throughout the program, “for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers.”—Rom. 13:11.
6 As prospective fellow Witnesses of Jehovah, Bible students need our help if they are to grow to maturity. (Heb. 5:14) We should offer appropriate commendation to encourage progress. (Phil. 3:16) Is he sharing with family and acquaintances the things he is learning? If he qualifies, has he joined the Theocratic Ministry School? Is he desirous of becoming a publisher of the good news?
7 If we as teachers do our part, we can look forward to Jehovah's rich blessing. (2 Cor. 9:6) Never should we forget the power of prayer in behalf of Bible students. Ask Jehovah to direct them to respond to what they are learning. (1 Cor. 3: 6, 7) May they take decisive action to become actively associated with the congregation and thus add further glory and praise to Jehovah’s name.