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February 1996                      For United States of America

Proclaiming the Truth Daily in Imitation of Jesus

  • 1 Jesus had a specific work to accomplish when he came to the earth. It was remarkably simple: ‘To bear witness to the truth.’ (John 18:37) He proclaimed the truth about his Father’s marvelous qualities and purposes. This work was like food to him; his whole life revolved around it. (John 4:34) Luke reported that Jesus kept “teaching daily in the temple.” (Luke 19:47) Jesus made full use of the time that was available. (John 9:4) Shortly before his death, he was able to declare to his Father: “I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do.”—John 17:4.

  • 2 When our hearts are filled with appreciation for all that Jehovah has done, we likewise feel compelled to speak about him on a daily basis. We become just like Jesus’ disciples who boldly declared: “We cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard."/Acts 4:20) Their speaking about Jehovah was continuous, for the record states that “every day... they continued without letup.” (Acts 5:42) We should ask ourselves, ‘Am I an imitator of my Teacher, Jesus?’

  • 3 Preaching With Urgency: Jesus foretold that when the Kingdom message has been declared in all the earth, “then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) This should impress on us the importance and urgency of our work. With the lives of literally millions at stake, we can find nothing more important or beneficial to do. Since this system of things is nearing its end, the time left to complete this work is reduced!

‘Reports show that Jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of sheeplike ones. (Isa. 60:22) In many parts of the world, people are literally flocking to the truth, joyfully declaring, in effect: “We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you”!, (Zech. 8:23) More so than at any time in the past, Jesus’ words are true:(“The harvest is great, but the workers are few.... Beg the Master of the harvest to

Vol. 39, No. 2

send out workers into his harvest.” (Matt. 9:37,38) Does that not inspire us to be zealous like Jesus’ disciples who “were continually in the temple blessing God”?—Luke 24:53.

  • 5 Mak* th* Truth Known Dally: Every day, we should be looking for ways to impart the truth to others. Opportunities are readily available. Could you take a few minutes to phone a friend or an acquaintance who you feel might be receptive? Or how about writing a letter to someone you were unable to find at home? Have you thought about offering a tract to the storekeeper when you do your shopping? Likely, you can think of many other opportunities you have each day to share your hope with others. If you make the effort and demonstrate a little boldness, Jehovah will help you.—1 Thess. 2:2.

  • 6 So, as we begin each day’s activities, we should ask ourselves, ‘Will I take the initiative to share my hope with someone if an opportunity opens up today?’ Imitate the attitude of Jesus, who explained why he was sent to earth: “I must declare the good news of the kingdom OfGod.” (Luke 4:43) If we want to be like our Teacher, we will do the same.—Luke 6:40.

    Benefit From the Theocratic Ministry

    School for 1996—Part 2

  • 1 Shortly after the inauguration of the Theocratic Ministry School in 1943, one of the Society’s branches reported: “This very fine arrangement succeeded in a short while in helping many brothers who had imagined they would never be public speakers to become very efficient on the platform and more effective in the field.” The school continues to provide excellent training, which all of us need.

  • 2 Bibi* Reading: Those who are given speaking parts are not the only ones who benefit from the school. Actually, all of us have an assignment —the weekly Bible reading. The school schedule shows which chapters of the Bible are to be read each week. There are many Scriptural reminders that stress the Importance of reading the Bible daily. (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2; Acts 17:11) Bible reading is essential to good spiritual health; it nourishes the mind and heart. If we read the Bible for at least five minutes a day, we will be able to keep up. At the end of the year, we will have read over 150 chapters of God’s Word. If we keep a Bible handy, we should be able to read some of It every day.

  • 3 Instruction Talk: In Order to move the brothers to loyal, zealous service, the speaker who gives the Instruction talk needs to use good teaching methods, to convey understanding, and to build appreciation for Jehovah, his Word, and his organization. Elders and ministerial servants can accomplish this by preparing well, building their talk around the theme, speaking with conviction, and making the material live. (Heb. 4:12) It is important that the speaker keep within his allotted time. The “All Scripture’ book is replete with Bible texts and presents an array of exciting Scriptural material that can benefit us spiritually. The Proclaim-ers book contains the modern-day history of Jehovah’s visible organization and relates events in the lives of real people who demonstrated faith, zeal, devotion, and love. There is much to be learned about our theocratic heritage and the way in which Jehovah has blessed his people in modem times.

  • 4 Bibi* Highlight*: Brothers given this assignment should select specific verses that can be applied In a practical way for the benefit of the congregation. This requires reading the chapters assigned, meditating on them, and researching selected verses to find points that will clarify the meaning of those scriptures. In the back of the Watch Tower Publications Index, there is the “Scripture Index,” which can be helpful In locating information about specific Bible verses. Brothers handling this part should exercise good judgment and avoid bringing in irrelevant material. They should not prepare more material than can reasonably be covered In six minutes.

  • 5 All of us can benefit from the Theocratic Ministry School. It can help us Improve in our speaking and teaching ability. Taking full advantage of this provision will surely help us make our ‘advancement manifest to all persons.’ —1 Tim. 4:15.

    Service Meetings for February

Week Starting February 5

Song 96

io mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Theocratic News.

15 mln: “Proclaiming the Truth Daily in Imitation of Jesus.” Questions and answers. Read paragraph 5.

20 mln: “Revelation—A Key to True Happiness.” Discuss suggested presentations, and have one or two demonstrations. Remind publishers to explain how a donation can be made toward the worldwide work.

Song 14 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting February 12

Song 191

10 mln: Local announcements. Accounts report. Announce special field service arrangements for February 19. 13 mln: "Prepare for Magazine Activity in April.” Highlight value of The Watchtower and Awake! in making the good news known. Read the two-paragraph article, and outline what local congregation will do to make April a special month for magazine distribution.

22 min: “How Can I Get a Listening Ear?” Questions and answers. Have two publishers discuss how they will try to demonstrate more warmth when speaking at the doors, using some of the suggestions given in the School Guidebook, pages 165-7, paragraphs 10-21.

Song 133 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting February 19

Song 72

io mln: Local announcements.

is mln: “Benefit From the Theocratic Ministry School for 1996 —Part 2.” Talk by school overseer. Stress the need to read God’s Word daily.

20 min: “Help Them Understand.” Review suggested presentations for making return visits. Elder discusses with two or three publishers features of the Revelation Climax book and how these may be highlighted. Demonstrate one or two presentations. Offer suggestions on how to develop interest to the point where a Bible study can be started in the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life.

Song 53 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting February 26

Song 28

10 mln: Local announcements.

15 mln: Preparing Appealing Presentations. Service overseer or other elder discusses with two or three publishers the benefits in having door-to-door presentations that feature something that has local appeal. For example, local news reports about current efforts to improve standard of living; growing trend of marital problems, delinquent children, or difficulties in finding employment; or news items that show why people are becoming more and more skeptical about remedies offered by politicians and clergymen. Mention some current news items in your community, and discuss how they might be used to start conversations.

20 mln: Offering the Book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life During March. Point out some of the book’s interesting features that can be used to start conversations. (1) Draw attention to striking illustrations, such as the ones shown on pages 4-5, 86, 124-5, 188-9. (2) Show how each chapter ends with a list of review questions, and explain how these could be used as the basis for presentations. Householder could be asked if he would like to know the answers. Pick out some questions among those listed on pages 11, 22,61,149. (3) Refer to box on page 102, and give suggestions showing how “Some Features of the Last Days” could be used to stimulate interest. (4) Stress how the book is especially designed for conducting progressive studies. Chapters are short, the material Is easy to understand, powerful scriptures are cited, and probing questions focus on key points. Urge all to offer the book with the goal of starting studies.

Song 151 and concluding prayer.

Prepare for Magazine Activity in April

Theocratic News

As noted on our 1996 Calendar, the Lord’s Evening Meal will be celebrated this year on April 2. Encouraged by this grand occasion, let one and all share in zealous magazine distribution throughout April. What timely magazines we will be using! The Watchtower for April 1 will focus on last year’s district convention public address, “Praise the King of Eternity!” The April 15 Watchtower will follow the theme of last April’s special public talk, “False Religion’s End Is Near.” This year’s special talk on April 21, “Remaining Blameless Amid a Crooked Generation," should give added impetus. We will be featuring the April 22 Awake! on the topic “When Wars Wifi Be No More."

As a follow-up to last April’s Kingdom News campaign, this April should be an outstanding month for magazine distribution. Now is the time to make plans. Many will want to enroll as auxiliary pioneers. As needed, extra copies of the April magazines should be ordered. Plans can be made for Magazine Days, with everyone possible participating—morning, noon, and/or evening. Let all of us “become doers of the word.” As foretold regarding the Messiah at Psalm 69:9, may we also be able to say: “Sheer zeal for your house has eaten me up.”—Jas. 1:22; John 2:17.

Albania: The 600 publishers reporting for August was the 28th consecutive peak.

Angola: An all-time peak of 26,129 publishers was reached by the close of the service year. There was also a peak in regular pioneers of 1,309. Publishers averaged over 15 hours and two Bible studies in August.

Britain: We are delighted to report that a new all-time peak of 132,440 publishers was reached in August. This represents a 2-percent Increase over the last service year.

Chilo: During the month of August, a new all-time peak in publishers was reached, with a total of 50,283! For the first time, the 50,000 mark was surpassed. Publishers spent an average of 12 hours in field service. A total of 63,732 home Bible studies were conducted.


■ Literature to be used during February: Either Making Your Family Life Happy or Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! March: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. April and May: Individual copies of both The Watchtower and Awake! For territory that is covered frequently, any brochure (except the Education and School brochures) may also be used. Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered. NOTE: Congregations that have not yet requested the above-mentioned campaign items should do so on their next monthly Literature Request Form (S-14).

■ The secretary and the service overseer should review the activity of all regular pioneers. If any are having difficulty meeting the hour requirement, the elders should arrange for assistance to be given. Review points in paragraphs 12-20 of the August 1986 Our Kingdom Ministry insert.

■ The Memorial celebration will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 1996. Although the talk may start earlier, please remember that the passing of the Memorial bread and wine should not begin until after sundown. Check with local sources to determine when sundown occurs in your area. No meetings other than those for field service are to be held on that date. If your congregation normally has meetings on Tuesday, you may want to switch these to another day of the week if the Kingdom Hall is available.

■ Publishers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers In March, April, and May should make their plans now and turn in their application early. This will help the elders to make necessary field service arrangements and have sufficient magazines and other literature on hand.

■ On Saturday, May 11,1996, the Society’s facilities in Brooklyn, Wallkill, and Patterson, New York, will be closed for spring cleaning. So, there will be no arrangements for tours or for congregations to pick up literature on that day.

■ A packet of legal materials is available to assist publishers who are involved in lawsuits over child custody and visitation matters where our religion is under attack. The packet should be requested by the body of elders only In such a case if It is evident that the publisher's religious beliefs will be at issue. Helpful information can be found for those facing secular issues on child custody or visitation litigation in Awake! of October 22, 1988, pages 2-14, and the chart found in Awake! of April 22,1991, page 9.


Schedule for congregation studies in the book Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!



February 5:

p. 275,1111

p. 279,1124

February 12:

p. 278,111

p. 282,U 13

February 19:

p. 282,1114

p. 286, U 26

February 26:

p. 286, H1

p. 289,1113

November Service Report

Av Av Av Av Number of:              Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

SpIPiOS. 186 121.1 77.7 52.4 5.1

Pios. 76,888 77.8 38.2 24.3 2.4

Aux PIOS. 23,457 57.8 28.7 15.3 1.3

Pubs. 814,885   8.5 6.1 3.6 0.4

TOTAL 815,436         Baptized: 2,815

How Can I Get a Listening Ear?

  • 1 In the city of Philippi, “a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple,... was listening, and Jehovah opened her heart wide to pay attention to the things being spoken by Paul.” (Acts 16:14) What does this account teach us? Listening is what opens the door to a person’s learning the truth. Our success in sharing the Kingdom message depends primarily on the willingness of the householder to listen. Once we have a hearing ear, it is relatively easy to present our message. But getting someone to listen can be a challenge. What can we do?

  • 2 Before sharing in the service, we should give attention to our appearance and the equipment we will be using. Why? People are more inclined to listen to someone who presents himself with dignity. Are we dressed tastefully yet modestly? Although sloppiness may be popular in the world, we avoid such carelessness because we are ministers representing God’s Kingdom. Our clean and neat appearance adds favorable testimony to the Kingdom message we preach.

  • 3 Bp Friendly and Raapactful: In spite of today’s changing attitudes, many people still have regard for the Bible and wllj respond favorably to a respectful and friendly conversation about what the Bible contains. A warm, genuine smile can put the householder at ease and open the way for a pleasant discussion. Our sincerity and good manners should also be reflected in our speech and conduct, which includes our listening respectfully to the observations of the householder.

’ Our purpose is to share the Bible's hope with others. With this In mind, we should be sure that our conversation Is appealing, not adversarial or challenging. There Is no need to waste time arguing with a person who Is clearly opposed. (2 Tim. 2:23-25) We can select from a wide variety of encouraging and timely presentations provided for us In Our Kingdom Ministry and the Reasoning book. Of course, we need to prepare these well so that we can speak in a warm and convincing manner. —1 Pet. 3:15.

’After our visit, few householders are able to remember exactly what we said. However, virtually all of them can remember the manner in which it was spoken. We should never underestimate the power of goodness and kindness. Surely there are many sheeplike people In our territory who will give a listening ear to the truth Just as Lydia did in the first century. Giving careful attention to our appearance and manner of speech can encourage sincere ones to listen to God’s Word and favorably receive It. —Mark 4:20.

Revelation—A Key to True Happiness

  • 1 The words of the apostle John at Revelation 1:3 are good news to us because he tells us how to find happiness. He wrote: “Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and who observe the things written In it." The book Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! has aided many in finding much happiness. We have good reason to offer it to others.

  • 2 You might be able to get a conversation started ivith this question:

■ “Do you think the Bible book of Revelation was meant to be understood, or was it always to remain a mystery? (Allow for response.) Many share your view. Note what the Bible says at Revelation 1:3. [Read.] So Revelation can be understood, and the knowledge that it contains can bring us happiness. How is this possible?” Review thoughts in paragraph 2 on page 6, and then say: “This publication presents a verse-by-verse discussion of the book of Revelation. It will be well worth your time to read it. I’d be pleased to leave this copy with you.”

  • 3 Since many are concerned about providing for their material needs, this might create some interest:

■ "What do you think is our greatest need? [Allow for response.] There are many who are convinced that we need more material things.” Turn to page 73 and review the main points in the box entitled “Materialism Versus Wisdom." Continue by saying: “This shows that too much emphasis is being placed on physical things; we should be more concerned about our spiritual needs. True knowledge is what we really need. But knowledge about what?" Read John 17:3, and explain how knowledge about God can lead to everlasting life. Offer to leave the book and to come back and show how it reveals marvelous information about God’s purpose to satisfy all the needs of mankind.

’ Since many are concerned about distress in the world, you might try this:

■ “Everyone I talk to is concerned about the future. Some world leaders feel that we are on the verge of a new age of peace. How do you feel about that? [Allow for response.] In spite of all man's efforts, violence and distress continue to increase worldwide. The Bible reveals the only lasting solution to these problems. (Read 2 Peter 3:13. Turn to the illustration on page 302, and explain how God’s heavenly Kingdom will bring lasting peace and security to this earth.] This publication will help you see how you can be part of this new society of people who will enjoy everlasting life under the rule of God’s Kingdom.”

5 If you encounter someone who is busy and you must be brief, you might say this:

■ “Since you only have a moment, I would like to leave this tract [or magazine article] entitled (select appropriate tract or article]. I encourage you to read it. The next time I stop by, I’d like to know what you think of it.”

6 When offering our literature, give others the opportunity to show their appreciation by contributing toward the costs of the worldwide preaching work. Such giving will add to the happiness they will experience by discerning the meaning of the marvelous prophecies of Revelation.—Prov. 3:13.

Help Them Understand

  • 1 The apostle Peter acknowledged that some things stated In the Bible are “hard to understand.” (2 Pet. 3:16) Many have felt that way about the book of Revelation. However, its meaning has been made crystal clear In the book Revelation—Its Grand Climax Ai Hand! How can we help Interested ones to make the best use of it?

  • 2 If you discussed Revelation 1:3 on your initial visit, this thought might stir renewed interest:

■ “Previously we discussed how an understanding of the book of Revelation can bring happiness. However, such happiness does not come automatically. At least two things are required of us: We must study the Bible, and we must practice what we learn." Read and comment on James 1:25. Turn to paragraph 9 on page 8, and point out how an understanding of the book of Revelation can help us learn how we can gain happiness in a paradise new world.

  • 2 If you discussed John 17:3 on your first call, you could stress the need for taking in more Bible knowledge by saying:

■ “The last time I was here, we read at John 17:3 that taking in knowledge about God can lead to everlasting life. But would you want to live forever in the kind of world we live in today? [Allow for response.] Most would not. For this reason, we can rejoice when we hear what God has promised." Turn to paragraph 6 on page 303, read Revelation 21:4, and then describe what the world will be like when “the former things have passed away." Offer to return again for further discussion.

'If you used the illustration on page 302 to show that God’s Kingdom will bring an end to distress, you could open the book to that page again and say:

■ “We discussed the blessings depicted here that people will enjoy under the rule of God’s Kingdom. What do you think we must do if we want to live under that Kingdom? (Allow for response.] Some people in Bible times set an excellent example that we would do well to Imitate." Read Acts 17:11, stressing the need to ’examine the Scriptures daily.’ Explain that Jehovah’s Witnesses are helping sincere people In the community to study God’s Word and understand it better.

If you left the tract “Will This World Survive?” with a householder who was too busy to converse, you could use this approach:

■ “When I called recently, you were quite busy. I left a tract with you that raised a question about the world’s survival through these turbulent times. We read Revelation 21:4, which is quoted here in this book, Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! [Read it from paragraph 6 on page 303.] This illustration [on page 302] gives you an idea of what it will be like when ‘God wipes away all tears from our eyes.’ This book offers convincing proof that this promise will be fulfilled in the very near future. If you would like to read it, this is your copy.”

  • 6 If you find Interest, you will eventually want to direct attention to the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life and use It to start a study. You will surely find much joy in helping “the inexperienced ones understand."—Ps. 119:130.

© 1996 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) Is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New \brk. Inc., and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. NY. and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483.                  Printed in U SA.