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Our Kingdom Ministry

September 1996

For United States of America

Vol. 39, No. 9

Walk by Faith

* Millions of people build their lives around their material possessions, foolishly trusting in the deceptive power of riches. (Matt. 13:22) They learn a hard lesson when their riches are lost or stolen or prove to be of little benefit. We are urged to pursue a wiser course, striving for spiritual treasures. (Matt. 6:19,20) This involves “walking by faith.”—2 Cor. 5:7.

2 The word “faith” is translated from a Greek word that conveys the thought of confidence, trust, firm persuasion. To walk by faith means to face difficult conditions with confidence in God, trusting in his ability to guide our steps and in his willingness to care for our needs. Jesus set the perfect example; he kept focused on what was truly important. (Heb. 12:2) Similarly, we need to keep our hearts focused on unseen, spiritual things. (2 Cor. 4:18) We must be ever mindful of the uncertainty of our present life and acknowledge our total dependence on Jehovah.

  • 3 We must also be firmly persuaded that Jehovah is leading us by means of his visible organization under the direction of “the faithful and discreet slave." (Matt. 24:45-47) We demonstrate our faith when we are “obedient to those who are taking the lead” in the congregation. (Heb. 13:17) Humbly working in cooperation with the theocratic arrangement manifests our trust in Jehovah. (1 Pet. 5:6) We should be moved to give wholehearted support to the work that the organization has been given to do. This will draw us closer to our brothers in a strong bond of love and unity.—1 Cor. 1:10.

  • 4 How to Strengthen Faith: We must not allow our faith to become static. We need to put up a hard fight to increase it. Regularity in study, prayer, and meeting attendance will help us strengthen our faith so that, with Jehovah’s help, it can withstand any test. (Eph. 6:16) Have you established a good routine for dally Bible reading and preparation for meetings? Do you often meditate on what you learn, and do you approach Jehovah in prayer? Is It your custom to attend all meetings and to participate in them as opportunity affords?—Heb. 10:23-25.

  • 5 Strong faith Is proved by good works. (Jas. 2:26) One of the best ways to demonstrate our faith is by declaring our hope to others. Do you seek opportunities to share the good news? Can your circumstances be adjusted to enable you to do more in the ministry? Do you apply the suggestions we receive to improve the quality and effectiveness of our ministry? Do you set personal spiritual goals and exert yourself to attain them?

“Jesus warned about getting overly Involved in everyday affairs of life and allowing materialistic or selfish interests to dim our spiritual outlook. (Luke 21:34-36) We must keep strict watch on how we walk in order to avoid shipwreck concerning our faith. (Eph. 5:15; 1 Tim. 1:19) All of us hope that ultimately we will be able to declare that we ‘have fought the fine fight, have run the course to the finish, and have observed the faith.’—2 Tim. 4:7.

Be an Example in Speaking and in Conduct

  • 1 The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to become an example In speaking and in conduct. (1 Tim. 4:12) We also should display exemplary speech and conduct, especially when engaging in the ministry, for doing so may determine whether or not we reach the heart of those we meet.

  • 2 We need to display all aspects of good manners, including courtesy, consideration, kindness, politeness, and tact. By reflecting these qualities, we show that we are aware of how our actions affect the feelings of others. Good manners in the ministry may be compared to seasonings, which are used to enhance the flavor of food. Without them, wholesome food can taste bland and unappetizing. The failure to display good manners In our dealings with others can have a similar effect.—Col. 4:6.

  • 3 Be an Example In Speaking: A friendly smile and a warm greeting are vital elements of our presentation of the good news. When we flavor our Introduction with warmth and sincerity, we let the householder know that we are genuinely interested in him. When he speaks, listen carefully and show due respect for his opinion. When you speak, do so with tact and graciousness.—Compare Acts 6:8.

  • 4 Occasionally we meet an individual who may be unfriendly, even belligerent. How should we react? Peter urged us to speak in a way that displays “a mild temper and deep respect.” (1 Pet. 3:15; Rom. 12:17, 18) Jesus said that if a householder rudely rejects the Kingdom message, we should simply ‘shake the dust off our feet.’ (Matt. 10:14) Our displaying exemplary manners under such circumstances may eventually soften the heart of the opposer.

3 Ba an Example In Conduct: Preaching the good news on busy streets and in public places requires that we be considerate, never loud or insistent, and that we do not interfere with the flow of passersby. When in the homes of interested persons, we ought to maintain proper decorum and conduct ourselves as gracious guests, showing appreciation for their hospitality. Any children who accompany us must show respect for the householder and his property and should be mannerly and attentive when we are conversing. If children are unruly, this will leave an unfavorable impression. —Prov. 29:15.

“Our personal appearance should make it obvious to others that we are ministers of God’s Word. In our dress and grooming, we should be neither slovenly and unkempt nor flashy and extravagant. Our appearance should always be worthy of the good news. (Compare Phillppians 1:27.) By giving careful attention to our appearance and equipment, we will not give others a cause for stumbling or for finding fault with our ministry. (2 Cor. 6:3, 4) Our exemplary speech and conduct add an appealing quality to the Kingdom message, bringing honor to Jehovah—1 Pet. 2:12.

Service Meetings for September

Week Starting September 2

Song 98

12 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Encourage everyone, and especially Congregation Book Study conductors, to review September 1992 Our Kingdom Ministry article “Studying The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived." Highlight main points of article.

is mln: “Walk by Faith.” Questions and answers.

18 mln: “Presenting the Good News With a Positive Attitude.” Make opening remarks based on paragraph 1. Explain that as an alternative offer to the Creation book, the Live Forever book or the Family Life book may be used if the congregation has any on hand. Then cover only paragraphs 2-5 of the article. Demonstrate well-prepared presentations that show how to offer the Creation book, make a return visit, and start a study in the Knowledge book. Give a reminder about mentioning the donation arrangement.

Song 48 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting September 9

Song 18

12 mln: Local announcements. Ac-


Schedule for congregation studies in the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Lite.

September 2: Chapter 19

Schedule for congregation studies in the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

September 9 Introduction

September 16: Chapters 1-3

September 23 Chaptera 4-8

September 30 Chaptera 7-10

June Service Report

Number of:

Av Hrs.



Av R.V.

Av Bi.St.

Sp'l Pios.

178 117.5 83.5





72.9 41.3



Aux. Pios.












TOTAL 901,432 Baptized: 7,328

counts report. Discuss “Preach the Kingdom."

18 mln: Review Congregation’s 1996 Service Year Report. Upbuilding, enthusiastic talk by service overseer. (See Our Ministry book, pages 100-2.) Point out wherein the congregation did well, and give commendation. Show how the activity of the regular and auxiliary pioneers has done much to help advance the work locally. Mention meeting attendance figures, stressing the importance of regular attendance. Outline practical goals the congregation can try to achieve in the coming year.

13 mln: “Presenting the Good News With a Positive Attitude.” Review paragraphs 6-8 only, and demonstrate store-to-store presentations for both the initial call and the return visit. (See additional suggestions in September 1989 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4.) Encourage all to make their return visits promptly.

Song 123 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting Septamber 16

Song 10

15 mln: Local announcements. Mention the fine results from using the video Jehovah’s Witnesses—The Organization Behind the Name to direct interested ones to the organization. Briefly relate one or two experiences from October 1, 1992, Watchtower, pages 30-1.

15 mln: “Be an Example in Speaking and in Conduct.” Questions and answers.

15 mln: Christian Conduct in School. Father talks to his son or daughter to point out serious pitfalls in school environment; he stresses need to watch association and to avoid questionable activities. He reviews box on page 24 In Education brochure and explains need to set good example as a Witness. Father mentions somd temptations that arise involving using drugs, dating, attending social gatherings, or participating in sports; they discuss how to avoid problems. Father encourages youth not to delay in confiding in him when having difficulties—he wants to know and to help.

Song 32 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting September 23

Song 21

1O mln: Local announcements. Offer suggestions on how to mention the donation arrangement when offering literature, Including the following: “Our literature is offered without charge, but we do accept small donations to support our worldwide work." “Many have asked how we can distribute literature without charging for it; we are pleased that many people who appreciate its value offer small donations to our worldwide work.” “Our work is supported by voluntary donations. Many people who enjoy reading our literature make a small donation to support this Bible-educational work.” (See December 1993 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 7.) Explain why it is important to allow interested ones an opportunity to help support our vital work.

15 mln: Local needs. Or a talk based on “Look Beyond the Things You See!” in the February 15, 1996, Watchtower, pages 27-9.

20 mln: “Preach the Good News Everywhere.” Questions and answers. Cover paragraphs 1-15 only. Read paragraphs 3 and 5. Include local experiences of those who have had success witnessing on the street or on public transportation.

Song 215 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting September 30

Song 171

12 mln: Local announcements. Discuss Question Box.

20 mln: “Preach the Good News Everywhere." Questions and answers. Cover paragraphs 16-35. Show how the suggestions can be applied locally. Demonstrate paragraphs 23-5. Read paragraphs 34-5.

13 mln: Review Literature Offer for October. We will feature the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Subscriptions may be offered on return visits. Discuss various points, such as: (1) Purpose for which the magazines are published, as explained in the opening pages. (2) They are published in many languages, making Bible knowledge available worldwide. (3) The Watchtower is designed for personal, family, and group study. (4) People who are associated with many different religions read them. (5) We will personally deliver the latest issues to anyone who sincerely wants to read them. (6) They are especially designed for busy people. (7) The Watchtower has been published since 1879; Awake! since 1919. (8) We distribute them without charge. (See The Watchtower, page 2; Awake!, page 4.) Conclude by relating comments made by an appreciative reader.—See April 15, 1986, Watchtower, page 32.

Song 3 and concluding prayer.

Preach the Good News Everywhere

  • 1 The early Christians preached the good news everywhere. They were so zealous that within 30 years of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom message had been “preached in all creation that is under heaven.”—Col. 1:23.

  • 2 Jehovah’s zealous servants of today have the same objective—to reach everyone possible with the Kingdom good news. What can help us to accomplish this goal? More and more people are working full-time and are often not at home when we call. When they are not working, they may be traveling, shopping, or pursuing some form of recreation. How are deserving ones among them being reached with the Kingdom message?—Matt. 10:11.

  • 3 Some are being contacted at their place of employment. Even small towns have a business section where many people spend most of the day. In large cities, people working in industrial parks or high-rise office buildings and those living in high-security apartments are receiving a witness —many for the first time. On weekends, some who have been contacted while relaxing at parks, recreation sites, campgrounds, or in cottages or while waiting in parking lots or in shopping malls have been found to be favorably disposed to the good news.                •

  • 4 An increasing number of publishers are making a special effort to witness in public places, wherever people can be found. At first, these Witnesses felt hesitant and somewhat nervous because of being accustomed to preaching in more formal settings, as from house to house. How do they feel now?

  • 6 “It has revitalized my ministry!” exclaims one experienced brother. Another adds: “It keeps me focused.” An older pioneer observes: “It has been invigorating mentally, physically, and spiritua,lly, ... and I’m still growing.” A publisher notes that he is now reaching many people who have never spoken to Jehovah’s Witnesses before. Young people are also getting into the spirit of this enjoyable work. A youth expresses himself this way: “It’s fun because you get to talk to so many people." Another says: “I am placing more literature than ever before!” All of this is taking place in territory that is worked over and over again.

  • 6 Traveling Overseers Are Taking the Lead: Recognizing that “the scene of this world is changing,” the Society recently suggested that traveling overseers adjust their field service schedule from week to week so that as many people as possible can be reached with the good news. (1 Cor. 7:31) For years, circuit overseers set aside weekday mornings to engage in the house-to-house work, while the afternoons were devoted to making return visits and conducting home Bible studies. In some areas, that schedule may still be practical. In others, little may be accomplished by working from house to house during certain weekday mornings. In such cases, the traveling overseer may decide that early in the day it would be good to engage in store-to-store work or street witnessing. Or he may arrange for small groups to witness in high-rise office buildings, shopping areas, parking lots, or other public places. By publishers making more effective use of the time available for field service, many more people will be contacted.

’Reports indicate that this adjustment has been very well received by traveling overseers and publishers alike. A number of bodies of elders have invited the circuit overseer to train a few publishers in features of the work that need attention locally. It has been helpful for these publishers to accompany the traveling overseer as he engages in one of these activities. They, in turn, have been able to train others. (2 Tim. 2:2) As a result, more people are now being reached with the good news.

  • 8 Of course, you do not have to wait for the circuit overseer to visit to try out some of these other ways of preaching. Here are various ideas that you may find practical in your territory:

  • 9 Street Witnessing: ‘Where are all the people?’ we sometimes wonder as we visit a deserted residential area on a weekday morning. Some may be found running errands or shopping. Have you tried to reach them through street witnessing? When it is properly done, this feature of the ministry can be very productive. Rather than stand in one place with the magazines, it is best to approach people and strike up a friendly conversation. It is not necessary to give a witness to every passerby. Speak to the ones who are not in a rush, such as window-shoppers, those in parked automobiles, or people waiting for public transportation. At first, you may simply extend a friendly greeting and wait for a response. If the person is willing to talk, ask for his opinion on a subject you feel may interest him.

  • 10 One traveling overseer Invited six publishers to join him and his wife in street witnessing. With what results? “We had a wonderful morning!” he reports. “There were no not-at-homes. Eighty magazines and many tracts were placed. We had several stimulating conversations. One of the publishers, who was engaging in street work for the first time, exclaimed: ‘I have been in the truth for years and didn’t realize what I had been missing!’ By the end of the week, the congregation’s overstocked magazine supply was depleted.”

  • 11 While serving the next congregation, the same traveling overseer learned that several publishers had shared in street witnessing early one morning but had only limited success. One sister had spoken to only two persons during the entire witnessing period, as everyone else she met was rushing off to work. The traveling overseer suggested that all of them return to the same street a little later in the morning. They did, and they stayed until noon. The sister who had had only two conversations earlier in the morning did much better when she returned. She placed 31 magazines and 15 brochures, obtained the names and addresses of seven individuals, and started two home Bible studies! Others in the group had similarly encouraging results.

  • 12 When you find someone who shows interest, try to obtain the person’s name, address, and telephone number. Rather than ask for the information outright, you might say: “I’ve enjoyed this conversation. Is there any way we can continue it at another time?” Or ask: “Is there any way I can reach you at home?” Many contacted in this way agree to a return visit. Be sure to have an ample supply of handbills for use in inviting those who would like to attend our meetings.

  • 13 If you speak to an interested person who lives in territory assigned to another congregation, you should pass the information along so that the brothers there can follow up on the interest. Would street witnessing be an effective way to spread the good news in your area? If so, review the article “Finding Interested Ones by Means of Effective Street Witnessing” in the July 1994 issue of Our Kingdom Ministry. Then arrange to engage in street witnessing at an appropriate time of day that will enable you to reach as many people as possible.

M Witnessing on Public Transportation: One morning a number of pioneers decided to witness to people who were waiting for the bus near a local college. While they had some pleasant conversations, there was a problem. By the time the discussion got well under way, the bus would come, bringing the conversation to an abrupt halt. The pioneers solved the problem by boarding the bus and continuing to witness to the passengers as they traveled across town. At the end of the line, the pioneers would make the return bus trip, witnessing as they went. After several trips back and forth, they totaled up the results of their efforts: Over 200 magazines were placed and six Bible studies were started. Some passengers willingly gave their address and telephone number so that they could be visited at home. The next week, the pioneers returned to the bus stop and followed the same method as before. They placed 164 magazines and started one more Bible study. At one stop a passenger boarded the bus and took the only available seat—next to a pioneer. He looked at the brother and said with a smile: “I know, you have a Watchtower for me.”

  • 15 Many publishers give an effective witness while traveling by bus, train, or airplane. How can you start a conversation with a passenger seated next to you? One 12-year-old publisher simply began reading a copy of Awake! on the bus, hoping to arouse the curiosity of a teenage girl seated next to him. It worked. The girl asked him what he was reading, and the youth answered that he was reading about the solution to problems young people have to face. He added that he had greatly benefited from the article and that it could help her too. She gladly accepted the magazines. Their conversation was overheard by two other youths who also asked for copies of the magazines. At this, the bus driver pulled over to the side of the road and asked why there was so much interest in these magazines. When he found out, he also accepted copies. Of course, none of this would have been possible if the young publisher had not had an ample supply of magazines to share with everyone who showed interest!

  • 16 Witnessing in Park* and Parking Lots: Witnessing in parks and parking lots is an excellent way to reach people. Have you tried witnessing in the parking area of a shopping center? Always take a few moments to observe your surroundings. Look for someone who is not in a hurry or who is waiting in a parked car and try to initiate a friendly conversation. If the conversation continues, bring in the Kingdom message. Try working separately but with another publisher in the vicinity. Avoid carrying a large, bulky bag or in other ways attracting attention to your work. Be discreet. It may be best to spend only a short time in one parking lot and then move to another. If someone does not wish to converse with you, politely go on your way and look for someone else to approach. Using these methods, one brother placed 90 magazines in one month while witnessing in parking lots.

  • 17 Some people go to a park to relax; others go there to play a game or to spend time with their children. Without unduly interfering with their activities, watch for an opportunity to give a witness. One brother began a conversation with the grounds keeper of a park and found that he was concerned about drugs and the future of his children. A home Bible study was started and was regularly conducted in the park.

  • 18 Informal Witnessing in Shopping Malls: While it is not always possible to preach formally from store to store in shopping malls because of local restrictions on such activities, some publishers create opportunities to witness there informally. They sit down on a bench and strike up a friendly conversation with others who stop to rest. When interest is shown, they discreetly offer a tract or a magazine and endeavor to make arrangements for a return visit. After spending a few minutes witnessing in one section of the mall, they proceed to another and engage someone else in conversation. Of course, care should be taken not to attract undue attention while witnessing informally in this way.

  • 19 When greeting a person, begin the conversation on a friendly note. If your listener responds, ask a question, then listen attentively as he expresses himself. Take a personal interest in what he is saying. Show that you value his opinion. Where possible, agree with him.

  • 20 One sister had a delightful talk with an elderly woman by mentioning how high the cost of living has become. The woman readily agreed, and a lively conversation resulted. The sister was able to obtain the name and address of the woman, and a return visit was made that same week. (

  • 21 Working From Store to Store: Some congregations have business districts as part of their assigned territory. The brother caring for the territory may prepare special map cards of these heavily concentrated business sections. Any residential territory map cards that overlap them should clearly indicate that the businesses are not to be worked as part of the territory. In other territories, business places can be worked along with the residences. The elders may invite qualified publishers to work the business territories on a regular basis so that store-to-store work is not neglected.                  . L

  • 22 If you are invited to share in this work and you have never done it before, a good way to ‘muster up boldness’ is to work a few smaller stores first; then, when you feel more confident, work the larger ones. (1 Thess. 2:2) When working from store to store, dress as you would if you were attending a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. If possible, enter the store when there are no customers waiting to be served. Ask to speak to the manager or to the person in charge. Be warm, and above all, be brief. There is no need to be apologetic. Many businesses are customer-oriented and have come to expect interruptions.

  • 23 After greeting a storekeeper, you might say this: “Businesspeople have such full schedules that we rarely find them at home, so we are visiting you here at your place of business to leave you a very thought-provoking article to read.” Then make a comment or two about a magazine being offered.

  • 24 Or you might try this when approaching a manager: “We have noticed that businesspeople make it a point to be well-informed. The latest issue of The Watchtower (or Awakefeatures an article that affects all of us personally.” Explain what it is, and conclude by saying: “We are sure you will epjoy reading it.”

  • 25 it there are employees, and it seems appropriate, you might add: “Would you mind if I gave the same brief presentation to your employees?” If permission is granted, remember you have promised to be brief, and the manager will expect you to keep your word. If any employees wish to enter into a long discussion, it would be best to call on them at their home.

“Recently, a few publishers in a small town joined the circuit overseer in store-to-store work. Some of the publishers were apprehensive at first, having never done the work before; but they soon relaxed and began to enjoy it. In less than an hour, they spoke to 37 people and placed 24 magazines and 4 brochures. One brother observed that normally they would not be able to contact as many people in one month of house-to-house work as they did while working from store to store in that short time.

  • 27 Creating Opportunities to Preach: Jesus did not confine his witnessing to formal settings. He spread the good news on every appropriate occasion. (Matt. 9:9; Luke 19:1-10; John 4:6-15) Notice how some publishers are creating opportunities to preach.

  • 28 Some make it a practice to witness to parents who are waiting for their children near the entrance of a school. Since many parents arrive up to 20 minutes early, there is time to engage them in a stimulating conversation on a Scriptural topic.

  • 29 Many pioneers are conscious of reaching people who may have a special interest in a particular subject that is dealt with in our magazines. For example, one sister got good responses calling on six schools in her congregation’s territory with the series “Schools in Crisis," which appeared in the December 22,1995, Awake! She also visited familycare services with magazines on family life and child abuse and was given a standing appointment to return with future issues dealing with similar topics. The response she received at the unemployment office to the March 8, 1996, Awake! on unemployment was described as “overwhelming.”

  • 30 A district overseer reports that he and his wife regularly witness informally while doing their grocery shopping. They shop at a time of day when the store is not overly crowded, and the customers are proceeding up and down the aisles at a leisurely pace. They report many fine conversations.

  • 31 Many publishers report good results while witnessing to people in public laundries. They do not simply leave magazines when no one is there. Their goal is to reach people with the good news, so they endeavor to speak personally to those who are using the facility.

  • 32 In some localities, selected publishers have authorization to witness at airports. At times, they have had the joy of witnessing to international travelers who live in countries where Jehovah’s people are few in number. Where interest is found, they have offered a tract or the magazines.

  • 33 If not permitted to witness personally to the tenants of high-security apartments in the congregation’s territory, some have made a practice of witnessing tactfully to the security guards on duty or to the managers in the rental offices. The same method is used in private, gated communities. A circuit overseer and a few publishers visited seven apartment complexes in this way. In each case, they told the manager that although they are not permitted to call at the apartments in our usual way, they did not want him to miss the information in the latest journals. Managers at all seven complexes gladly accepted the magazines and asked for the next issues as well! The residents of such complexes are then contacted by telephone. You will find practical information on the subject of telephone witnessing in the insert “Telephone Witnessing—A Way to Reach Many” in the August 1993 Our Kingdom Ministry.

  • 34 Exert Yourself to Preach Everywhere: Living up to our dedication includes feeling a sense of urgency about our assignment to preach the Kingdom message. In order to reach people at a time that is convenient for them, we need to set aside our personal preferences so that we “might by all means save some.” All dedicated servants of Jehovah want to be able to say, as did the apostle Paul: “I do all things for the sake of the good news, that I may become a sharer of it with others.” —1 Cor. 9:22, 23.

  • 35 Paul wrote further: “Most gladly, therefore, will I rather boast as respects my weaknesses, that the power of the Christ may like a tent remain over me.... For when I am weak, then I am powerful.” (2 Cor. 12:9, 10) In other words, none of us could accomplish this work in our own strength. We need to pray to Jehovah for his powerful holy spirit. If we pray to God for strength, we can be confident that he will answer our prayers. Then our love for people will move us to look for opportunities to preach the good news to them, wherever they may be found. During the coming week, why not try one of the suggestions featured in this insert?

    New publications Available

■ New Publications Available:

Does Fate Rule Our Lives?—Or Does God

Hold Us Responsible? (Tract No. 71)


Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!

—Montagnais, Sidama

Good News for All Nations    —Polish

How to Find the Road to Paradise (for Muslims)                 —Italian

Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Twentieth

Century                 —Urdu

Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life         —Bengali, Macedonian

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

—Solomon Islands Pidgin The Greatest Name (for Muslims) (Tract No. 72)   —Serbian, Turkish

United in Worship of the Only True God —Persian Watch Tower Publications Index 1991

1994                  —Spanish

Will Suffering Ever End? (Tract No. 75)

—Japanese, Sinhalese ■ New Braille Publications Available: What Does God Require of Us?—Grade-one English, Grade-two English, Grade-one Spanish.

The Secret of Family Happiness

(two volumes) -Grade-two English The Secret of Family Happiness

(three volumes)       —Grade-one


Please mark requests for Braille publications, ATTENTION: BRAILLE DESK. Include name and address of the person who will use the Braille material.

■ New Videocassettes Available:

The Bible—Accurate History, Reliable

Prophecy                —Thai

United by Divine Teaching —Chinese

(Mandarin), Czech, Finnish, Greek


■ Literature offer for September: Life —How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? Congregations having You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth or Making Your Family Life Happy in stock may offer these books. October: Individual copies of both The Watchtower and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered. November: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. A special effort will be made to follow up on all placements, with a view to starting home Bible studies. December: New World Translation with the book The Bible—God's Word or Man’s?

■ The presiding overseer or someone designated by him should audit the congregation’s accounts on September 1 or as soon as possible thereafter. Make an announcement to the congregation when this has been done.

■ Publishers planning to serve as auxiliary pioneers in October should turn in an application early. This will allow the elders to make necessary arrangements for magazines, literature, and territory.

Question box

■ What should be kept in mind regarding reading the paragraphs at the meetings?

Much of the time allotted for the Watchtower Study and the Congregation Book Study is used for the reading of the paragraphs. This means that the brother assigned as reader carries a heavy responsibility as a teacher. He must read in a manner that will ‘put meaning’ into the material so that listeners not only will understand it but also will be motivated to action. (Neh. 8:8) Hence, the reader needs to prepare well for his assignment. (1 Tim. 4:13; see study 6 of the School Guidebook.) Here are some essentials for meaningful public reading.

Use Proper Sense Stress: Determine in advance which words or phrases need to be emphasized in order to convey the correct understanding.

Pronounce Words Correctly: Proper pronunciation and clear enunciation are necessary if the audience is to comprehend expressions that appear in the publication. ■ The elders are reminded to follow through on instructions given on pages 21-3 of the April 15, 1991, Watchtower, regarding any disfellow-shipped or disassociated persons who may be inclined toward becoming reinstated.

■ It is important that groups of 30 or more persons planning to visit the Society’s facilities first correspond by mall with the Central Tour Desk at 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, NY 12563-9204. Please note that this is a change of address for the Central TomDesk. The Central Tour Desk will care for groups that will be visiting Brooklyn Bethel, Watchtower Farms at Wallkill, the Watchtower Educational Center at Patterson, or the Jersey City Assembly Hall. Please provide information on the number coming and the dates and times for visiting each location. The Society will provide a description of the tours that are available as well as a map giving directions to each location. LODGING information HAS BEEN SENT TO THE CONGREGATION ELDERS AND MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE CONGREGATION SECRETARY

■ The quarterly edition of Awake! in

Look up unfamiliar or seldom-used words in a dictionary, or listen to the Society’s cassette recordings.

Speak With Volume and Enthusiasm: Speaking up enthusiastically creates interest, stirs the emotions, and motivates the listener.

Bo Warm and Conversational: Naturalness comes with fluency. With preparation and practice, the reader can be relaxed, and the result will be appealing Instead of monotonous and tedious.—Hab. 2:2.

Read the Material as Printed: Footnotes as well as information in parentheses or brackets are ordinarily read aloud if they clarity the printed text. The only exceptions are references that simply Identify source material. A footnote should be read where it is referred to in the paragraph, prefacing it by stating: “The footnote reads ...” After reading it. simply continue with the rest of the paragraph.

When public reading is done well, it is one of the vital ways that we can ‘teach others to observe all the things commanded’ by our Great Teacher—Matt. 28:20.

Hiri Motu is being suspended. The July-September issue will be the last one.

■ Beginning with the October-December 1996 issue, Awake! will be printed In Georgian as a quarterly edition.

  • ■ Beginning in January 1997, the Marathi edition of Awake! will be a monthly publication.

  • ■ Semimonthly publication of The Watchtower in the Georgian language will begin in January 1997.

Preach the Kingdom

1 At Hebrews 10:23, we are urged to “hold fast the public declaration of our hope." And our hope is centered on God’s Kingdom. Jesus specifically commanded that the good news of the Kingdom must be preached in all the nations. (Mark 13:10) We need to keep this in mind while engaging in our ministry.

’When we contact people, we try to start a conversation about something that interests or concerns them. Usually we mention things that they are well aware of, such as crime in the neighborhood, the problems of young people, anxieties about making a living, or a crisis in world affairs. Since the minds of most people are focused on these “anxieties of life,” when we show that we are concerned and understanding, people will often express what is on their mind. (Luke 21:34) This may open the way for us to share our hope.

3 If we are not careful, however, the conversation can dwell on negative things to the point that we fail to accomplish the purpose of our visit—to preach the Kingdom message. Although we call attention to the bad conditions that bring so much distress, our goal is to direct attention to the Kingdom, which will ultimately resolve all the problems of mankind. We have a truly wonderful hope that people desperately need to hear about. So while we may initially discuss some aspect of these “critical times hard to deal with,” we should quickly focus on our primary message, the “everlasting good news.” In this way we will fully accomplish our ministry. —2 Tim. 3:1; 4:5; Rev. 14:6.

Presenting the Good News With a Positive Attitude

  • 1 All of us like to find joy and accomplishment in what we do, especially in the disciple-making work. What brings us such satisfaction? It starts with our maintaining a positive mental attitude while we keep busy in the worthwhile work of helping others. (Prov. 11:25) Our manner in presenting the good news should show that we truly believe what we are saying. If we speak from our heart, then our sincerity and personal conviction will shine through. (Luke 6:45) By rehearsing our presentation, we will feel more confident when speaking to the people in the territory. This will be of particular value during September when we offer the book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? You may find the following suggestions helpful in presenting the good news with a positive attitude.

  • 2 When offering the “Creation" book, you could say this on the initial call:

■ “In talking to our neighbors, we have found that some put their confidence in God. Others find it difficult to believe in him. How do you feel? [Allow for response.] Notice how the Bible reasons on this matter. [Read Romans 1:20.] We can see proof of God’s ‘eternal power and Godship’ by observing the things he created.” Read the last paragraph on page 48 of the Creation book, and draw attention to the complexity of the living cell. Or use paragraph 18 on page 147 to show how a tree’s amazing circulatory system highlights the work of a Creator. Offer to let the person have the book if he will agree to read it. If he does, place it with him, and explain that we gladly accept donations for our worldwide work.

  • 3 When returning to visit those with whom you discussed God’s Creatorship, you might wish to say this:

■ "On my previous visit, we talked about the evidence for God’s existence—his marvelous creation. Do you find it hard to believe that the One who created the universe would also be interested in our future? [Allow for response.] It is of interest to note that the future has already been determined by the Creator.” Read Isaiah 46:9, 10. Depending on the individual’s interest, use the pictures and captions in chapter 19 of the Creation book to highlight the ideal conditions promised by God. Read paragraph 1 of chapter 20, and offer a Bible study. If accepted, start the study in the Knowledge book.

  • 4 You might try this presentation when offering the “Creation” book:

■ “In speaking with people in the neighborhood, I have observed that most long for a safe community and a peaceful world. What is your opinion as to why man has failed to achieve such conditions? [Allow for response.] Some leaders may be sincere and do some good, but notice what the Bible wisely counsels.” Read Psalm 146:3, 4; then ask: “Is there anyone who can satisfy man’s needs?” Read verses 5 and 6. Show the picture on page 251 of the Creation book, and draw attention to the benefits of God’s rule. Offer the book, and mention our arrangement for donations.

  • 5 It God’s rulership was discussed initially, you could try this suggestion on the return visit:

■ “When I was here a few days ago, we discussed the failure of man to bring about real peace on earth. You may recall that we determined the reason the Bible gives for such failure. [Read Psalm 146:3 again.] Did you notice why God advises us not to pin our hopes on humans? [Allow for response.] Perhaps you agree that any hope for a permanent ' solution has to come from God. The reason we can have this confidence is explained at Psalm 146:10. [Read.] If we want to be a subject of God’s Kingdom, what must we do?” Turn to page 250 of the Creation book, read paragraph 13, and highlight John 17:3. Offer to demonstrate how, through a study of the Bible, millions have gained the knowledge that leads to everlasting life. If permitted, introduce the Knowledge book and start the study.

6Zn working from store to store, you might use this brief approach with the “Creation” book:

■ “Today we are rendering a special service to the businesspeople of the community. All of us are concerned with the escalation of crime and violence in our area. Do you feel that anyone has a real solution to the problem? [Allow for response.] God has a solution.” Turn to page 196 of the Creation book; read and comment on Proverbs 2:21, 22 in paragraph 19. Show the title of chapter 16, and offer the book. Explain that while there is no charge for the publication, we do accept modest donations for our worldwide work.

  • 7 When making a return visit on a businessperson with whom you placed the “Creation” book, you might say this:

■ “On my last visit, I mentioned that God is the only one who really has the lasting solution to crime and violence. According to his promise, we can trust that a peaceful earth will be realized. Notice the choice that is set before each one of us.” Read paragraph 11 on page 250 of the Creation book, including Psalm 37:37,38. Comment on the picture on page 251, and read the first sentence of paragraph 14. Offer a free Bible study, to be conducted either at their place of business or in their home.

  • 8 As “God’s fellow workers,” we have every reason to be positive when presenting the good news. (1 Cor. 3:9) Our maintaining this attitude will result in Jehovah’s rich blessing.

© 1996 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ol New Mark. Inc., and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn. NY and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, c/o Watchtower. 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483.                     Printed in U SA