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October 1996

For United States of America

Vol. 39, No. 10

How to Buy Out the Opportune Time

  • 1 Having plenty to do in Jehovah’s service keeps us busy! (1 Cor. 15:58) We recognize the need to study personally and as a family, to read the Bible daily, to prepare for and attend congregation meetings, and to share regularly in the field ministry. Overseers have shepherding responsibilities, and they care for other congregation duties. Some have weighty family responsibilities or a variety of obligations to others. To get everything done properly, everyone needs balance and good personal organization.

  • 2 Set Priorities: Success in 'buying out the opportune time for ourselves’ depends on our discernment and good Judgment. (Eph. 5:15, 16) We must determine what “the more important things” are and put them at the top of our list of priorities. (Phil. 1:10) One couple described their theocratic household in this way: “We fill our lives with the truth . . . The truth is not part of our life, it is our life. Everything else revolves around it." Putting Jehovah’s worship and service first in one’s life is essential.

  • 3 Identify Time Wasters: There are 168 hours in a week, and we need to make wise use of our available time. To have enough time for theocratic activities, we need to identity and minimize time wasters. One survey revealed that the average adult in the United States spends more than 30 hours a week watching TV! For others, much time is consumed reading worldly literature. Some may find that they devote an inordinate amount of time to social activities, hobbies, recreation, or some sort of computer activity. We may need to take a close look at our daily routine to see how we might better use our time. Wisdom requires that we set limits on how much time we allow for nonessential activities.

* Develop a Good Routine: Whatever our personal circumstances, each of us can buy out time for spiritual pursuits. Some have found that getting a little earlier start each day helps them accomplish more. If we spend much time commuting to work or waiting for others, we might use some of that time for Bible reading, preparing for meetings, or listening to material provided by the Society on audiocassettes. Families benefit greatly by setting aside a regular, specific time to study together. If each family member is punctual when coming to the family study, it gives everyone some extra time.

5 With each passing day, we should become more keenly aware that “the time left is reduced.” (1 Cor. 7:29) Our lives depend on how we use the precious time that remains. We will be blessed if we buy out the opportune time so that we can keep Kingdom interests in first place!—Matt. 6:33.

Publishing Good News of Something Better

  • 1 For 117 years The Watchtower has served as a defender of Bible truth. Currently, 18,950,000 copies of each issue are printed in 125 languages. Awake! too has long advocated God’s Word, and it now has a circulation of 15,730,000 copies in 80 languages. —Compare Colossians 1:23.

  • 2 Magazines Fill a Spiritual Need: The Watchtower and Awake! have benefited millions of honesthearted people by helping to fill their spiritual need. Faith-building articles are published. For example, in The Watchtower of February 1, 1996, we studied material dealing with the need to trust in Jehovah and his Word. The March 1, 1996, issue of The Watchtower encouraged us to keep busy in Jehovah’s service and to keep in expectation of him. How stimulating the detailed discussion of Zephaniah’s prophecy was! Then there was the faith-strengthening discussion of Christian loyalty in The Watchtower of March 15, 1996. The May 15, 1996, issue emphasized the value of reading and studying God’s Word on a regular basis. These articles have served to deepen our understanding of God’s Word, and our appreciation for his Kingdom has been enhanced.

  • 3 In addition, these magazines contain timely, practical articles on godly conduct, Christian morals, and other subjects o^ vital importance. They come to grips with the real issues affecting our lives. As a result, we enjoy a superior quality of life now while we await the fulfillment of God’s promises of something even better in the future.—Isa. 48:17; 1 Tim. 6:19.

  • 4 A brief review of what is stated on page 4 of each issue of Awake! gives us good reason for recommending this magazine as excellent reading material for people everywhere, young and old alike. There it states: “Awake! is for the enlightenment of the entire family. It shows how to cope with today’s problems. It reports the news, tells about people in many lands, examines religion and science. But it does more. It probes beneath the surface and points to the real meaning behind current events, yet it always stays politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another. Most Important, this magazine builds confidence hi the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things.”

  • 5 Share the Magazine* With Others: Be liberal in distributing The Watchtower and Awake! (Compare 1 Timothy 6:18.) Have copies available so that you can offer them to anyone you happen to meet. (Eccl. 11:6) All of us, including young and new publishers, can have a full share in distributing magazines this month by using brief presentations based on the timely articles featured in the current issues. Become well acquainted with their contents, and offer them with sincerity and conviction.

  • 6 The Watchtower and Awake! contain information that every person needs. Distributing them is one of the best ways we can help others to learn the good news that something better is soon to come!

    Service meetings for October

Week Starting October 7

Song 47

10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Comment on July field service report for the country and the local congregation.

15 min: Question Box. Service overseer or other qualified elder discusses information with audience.

20 min: “Prepare Your Own Magazine Presentation.” (Paragraphs 1-7) Ask questions on paragraphs 1-4, and then have two or three brief demonstrations to show how current magazines may be offered, using the suggestions in paragraphs 5-7. Include comments from March 1,1987, Watchtower, page 17, paragraphs 8-9.

Song 222 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting October 14

Song 39

10 min: Local announcements. Accounts report.

15 min: “Publishing Good News of Something Better.” Questions and answers. Point out some of the history-making articles that have appeared in The Watchtower.—See The Watchtower of March 1,1987, page 13. 20 min: “Prepare Your Own Magazine Presentation.” (Paragraphs 811) Questions and answers. Include comments on the four suggestions in the January 1, 1994, Watchtower, pages 24-5, paragraphs 18-21. Using the October issues of the magazines, show how to prepare a presentation: (1) Select an article that will likely attract interest in your territory, (2) look for an interesting point to feature, (3) formulate a question that could be used to draw attention to that point, (4) pick out a scripture to read if given the opportunity, and (5) prepare your opening words and what you will say about the magazine so that you will encourage the householder to accept it. Have two or three capable publishers each demonstrate a presentation. Include a youth who will demonstrate a simple magazine offer. They should mention that donations are accepted for our worldwide work.

Song 82 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting October 21

Song 169

15 min: Local announcements. Explain how to start a magazine route: (1) Record each placement and the article that was featured, (2) arrange to return with the next issues, and (3) set aside a specific time in your weekly service schedule to make these calls. Offer six-month subscriptions where you find interest, and remember to report each magazine route call as a return visit.

15 min: “Work Your Territory Thoroughly." Discuss article and what the local arrangements are for working businesses. Invite audience to relate encouraging experiences they enjoyed when they worked the stores included in their territory.

15 min: Local needs. Or a talk by an elder on the article “Maintain Your Confidence Firm to the End,” from the May 1, 1996, Watchtower, pages 21-4.

Song 12 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting October 28

Song 27

10 min: Local announcements. With several worldly holidays coming up in November and December, perhaps allowing time off from secular work and school, encourage all to think about the possibility of enrolling as auxiliary pioneers. Urge all to

Work Your Territory Thoroughly

  • 1 In residential areas we occasionally encounter a small business place, such as a grocery store, restaurant, or retail shop. If these establishments are to be covered along with the rest of this territory, you should call on them the same as the residences.

  • 2 You cpn use a simple, brief presentation, perhaps saying: “I have something I would like to show you.” If the proprietor seems to be busy at the moment, you might just offer a tract and say: “I will stop by again when you are not so busy. I would like to know what you think of this."

’There is no need to feel apprehensive about doing this work. One publisher reported: “I expected that the response would be negative. However, to my surprise, the turn in October field service reports this weekend.

20 min: “How to Buy Out the Opportune Time.” Questions and answers. Include comments from December 1, 1989, Watchtower, pages 16-17, paragraphs 7-11.

15 min: Review Literature Offer for November. The Knowledge book will be offered, and a special effort will be made to follow up on all placements, with a view to starting home Bible studies. Two or three capable publishers discuss the value of the book and how it can be used. The information it contains touches the lives of people in every walk of life. It covers the fundamental Bible subjects and principles new ones need to understand before they get baptized. If we keep the study moving at a good pace, the student can make rapid progress. Discuss and demonstrate how to start a study by using the direct approach: Review picture and caption on pages 4-5; explain our study method; briefly discuss the first five paragraphs in chapter 1; make an appointment to return later and continue the discussion, answering the question, Is everlasting life only a dream? Emphasize the joy that comes with the privilege of conducting a home Bible study.

Song 162 and concluding prayer.

reaction to the Kingdom message was just the opposite. They were genuinely polite and friendly and almost always accepted the magazines.”

  • 4 A woman working at a realestate company invited the Witnesses into her office. She accepted the magazines and expressed interest in having a Bible study. She was shown the Knowledge book, and a study was started on the spot, right in her office!

  • 5 The assignment to work your territory thoroughly includes calling on individuals who operate neighborhood businesses. (Acts 10: 42) Plan to call at these doors just the same as at private homes. Not only will this give better coverage to your territory but you may be rewarded with some delightful experiences!



During 1997 the following will be the arrangements when conducting theTheocratic Ministry School.

TEXTBOOKS: The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures [bi!2], Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God's Kingdom [Ji>], "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial’ (1990 Edition) [si], Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life [kl], and Insight on the Scriptures Vol. 1 [it-1] will be the basis for assignments.

The school should begin ON TIME with song, prayer, and remarks of welcome and then proceed as follows:

ASSIGNMENT NO. 1:15 minutes. This should be handled by an elder or a ministerial servant, and it will be based on Jehovah's Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom or “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial." When based on the Proclaimers book, this assignment should be delivered as a 15-minute instruction talk with no oral review; when based on the ‘All Scripture’ book, it should be delivered as a 10- to 12-minute instruction talk with a 3- to 5-mlnute oral review following, using the printed questions in the publication. The objective should be not Just to cover the material but to focus attention on the practical value of the information being discussed, highlighting what will be most helpful to the congregation. The theme shown should be used. Illustrations, photographs, and charts found in the Proclaimers book may be commented on by the speaker and used as teaching aids.

The brothers assigned this talk should be careful to keep within the time limit. Private counsel may be given if necessary or if requested by the speaker.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING: 6 minutes. This should be handled by an elder or a ministerial servant who will effectively apply the material to local needs. This should not be Just a summary of the assigned reading. A 30- to 60-second overall review of the assigned chapters may be Included. The principal objective, however, is to help the audience to appreciate why and how the information is of value to us. The students will then be dismissed to their various classrooms by the school overseer.

ASSIGNMENT NO. 2:5 minutes. This is a Bible reading of the assigned material to be given by a brother. This will apply in the main school as well as In the auxiliary groups. The reading assignments are usually short enough to permit the student to present brief explanatory Information in the opening and concluding remarks. Historical background, prophetic or doctrinal significance, and application of principles may be included. All the assigned verses should be read without a break. Of course, where the verses to be read are not consecutive, the student may cite the verse where the reading continues.

ASSIGNMENT NO. 3:5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. The subject for this presentation will be based on Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. The setting may be an informal witness, a return visit, or a home Bible study, and the participants may be either seated or standing. The school overseer will be particularly Interested in the way the student helps the householder to reason on and understand the material and In how the scriptures are applied. The student assigned this part should know how to read. One assistant will be scheduled by the school overseer, but an additional assistant may be used. The student may determine whether or not to have the householder read certain paragraphs in the book. Not the setting but the effective use of the material should be given prime consideration.

ASSIGNMENT NO. 4:5 minutes. This will be assigned to a brother or a sister. It will be based on a Bible character. For S-38a    10/96 each assignment the name of a Bible character and a theme are set forth In the schedule. Information about the Bible character can be found in Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, under his name. The student should study Scriptural references in the material in order to get a clear picture of the Bible character—the events of his life, as well as his personality, traits, and attitude. Thereafter, the student should develop the assigned theme of the talk and select appropriate scriptures to be used. Additional scriptures that highlight Bible principles that tie In with the theme may be Included. The purpose of the talk is to show what can be learned from the example of the Bible character under consideration. Acts of faithfulness, courage, humility, and unselfishness furnish good examples to be followed; unfaithful acts, as well as undesirable traits, stand as strong warnings to turn Christians away from an Improper course. When assigned to a brother, this talk should be given with the Kingdom Hall audience In mind. When a sister is given this part, it should be presented as outlined for Assignment No. 3.

COUNSEL AND REMARKS: After each student presentation, the school overseer will give specific counsel, not necessarily following the program of progressive counsel outlined on the Speech Counsel slip. Rather, he should concentrate on those areas where the student needs to Improve. If the student merits solely a “G" and there Is no other speech quality marked “I” or “W," then the counselor should circle the box, where the “G," “I," or “W" would normally appear, of the speech quality that the student should work on next. He will advise the student of this that evening as well as show this speech quality on the student's next Theocratic Ministry School Assignment slip (S-89). Those on the program should sit toward the front of the hall. This will save time and enable the school overseer to give his counsel directly to each student. As time allows after the giving of necessary oral counsel, comments may be given by the counselor on informative and practical points not covered by the students. The school overseer should use no more than a total of two minutes for counsel and any other brief remarks after each student presentation. If the brother who handles the Bible highlights assignment needs counsel, this may be given privately.

PREPARING ASSIGNMENTS: Before preparing an assigned part, the student should carefully read the School Guidebook material dealing with the speech quality to be worked on. Students given Assignment No. 2 may choose a theme appropriate to the portion of the Bible that is to be read. Other assignments are to be developed in line with the theme shown on the printed schedule.

TIMING: No one should go overtime, nor should the counsel and remarks of the counselor. Assignments No. 2 through 4 should tactfully be stopped when the time is up. The one designated to give the stop signal should do so promptly. When brothers handling Assignment No. 1 and Bible highlights go overtime, they should be given private counsel. Total program: 45 minutes, excluding song and prayer.

WRITTEN REVIEW: Periodically a written review will be given. In preparation, review the assigned material and complete the scheduled Bible reading. Only the Bible may be used during this 25-mlnute review. The balance of the time will be devoted to a discussion of the questions and answers. Each student will check his own paper. The school overseer will consider with the audience the answers to the review questions and concentrate on the more difficult ones, helping all to understand the answers clearly. If local circumstances make It necessary, the written review maybegivena week later than what is shown on the schedule.

3                      OUR KINGDOM MINISTRY, OCTOBER 1996


Jan. 6 Bible reading: Zechariah 1 to 5

Song No. 113

No. 1: Introduction to Zechariah (si pp. 168-9 pars. 1-7)

No. 2: Zechariah 2:1-13

No. 3: Man Was Not Made to Die (kl p. 53 pars. 1-3)

No. 4: Eve—Theme: Do Not Ignore Theocratic Headship

Jan. 13 Bible reading: Zechariah 6 to 9

Song No. 215

No. 1: How the Kingdom Work Is Financed (Jv p. 340 par. 1-p. 343 par. 3)

No. 2: Zechariah 7:1-14

No. 3: A Sinister Plot (kl pp. 55-6 pars. 4-7)

No. 4: Ezekiel—Theme: How to Keep Free From Bloodguilt

Jan. 20 Bible reading: Zechariah 10 to 14

Song No. 91

No. 1: Zechariah—Why Beneficial (si pp. 171-2 pars. 23-7)

No. 2: Zechariah 12:1-14

Nb. 3: How Satan Carried Out His Plot (kl pp. 56-8 pars. 8-12)

No. 4: Ezra (an Aaronlc priest)—Theme: Be Zealous for Pure Worship

Jan. 27 Bible reading: Malachi 1 to 4

Song No. 118

No. 1: Introduction to Malachi and Why Beneficial (si pp. 172-5 pars. 1-6,13-17)

No. 2: Malachi 1:6-14

No. 3: How Sin and Death Spread (kl pp. 58-9 pars. 13-15)

Nb. 4: Felix—Theme: Whether Corrupt or Just, the Superior Authorities Are to Be Respected

Feb. 3 Bible reading: Matthew 1 to 3

Song No. 191

Nb. 1: Introduction to Matthew (si pp. 175-7 pars. 1-10)

No. 2: Matthew 2:1-15

Nb. 3: Beware of Satan’s Tactics (kl pp. 59-60 pars. 16-18)

Nb. 4: Festus—Theme: The Effects of a Bold Witness

Feb. 10 Bible reading: Matthew 4 and 5

Song No. 36            .

No. 1: Financing Meeting Places and Expansion of Bethel Facilities (jv p. 343 par. 4-p. 347 par. 1; may refer to examples on pp. 352-401)

No. 2: Matthew 4:1-17

Nb. 3: Have Faith and Be Prepared for Opposition (kl pp. 60-1 pars. 19-21)

No. 4: Gabriel—Theme: Faithfully Deliver God’s Messages

Feb. 17 Bible reading: Matthew 6 and 7

Song No. 52

No. 1: The Kingdom Work Is Not Commercial (jv p. 347 par. 2-p. 351 par. 6)

No. 2: Matthew 7:1-14

No. 3: God’s Means of Saving Mankind (kl pp. 62-3 pars. 1-5)

No. 4: Gedallah (son of Ahlkam)—Theme: When a Warning Is Given, Take Precautions

Feb. 24 Bible reading: Matthew 8 and 9

Song No. 211

No. 1: Witnesses to the Most Distant Part of the Earth (jv p. 404 par. 1-p. 408 par. 3)

No. 2: Matthew 8:1-17

No. 3: Why the Messiah Would Die (kl pp. 63-5 pars. 6-11)

No. 4: Gehazi—Theme: Keep Your Heart Free of Greed and Deceit

March 3 Bible reading: Matthew 10 and 11

Song No. 224

No. 1: Appreciation Moved Them to Speak (Jv p. 409 par. 1-p. 414 par. 3)

No. 2: Matthew 11:1-15

No. 3: How the Ransom Was Paid (kl pp. 65-8 pars. 12-16)

No. 4: Gideon—Theme: God Approves the Faithful and Modest Ones

Mar. 10 Bible reading: Matthew 12 and 13

Song No. 133

No. 1: The Light of Truth Shines Worldwide (jv p. 414 par. 4-p. 422 par. 3; may include summary on p. 422)

No. 2: Matthew 12:22-37

No. 3: Christ’s Ransom and You (kl pp. 68-9 pars. 17-20)

No. 4: Goliath—Theme: Trust Jehovah, Not Your Own Strength

Mar. 17 Bible reading: Matthew 14 and 15

Song No. 145

Nb. 1: The Dark Years of World War I and Then Renewed Life (jv p. 423 par. 1-p. 427 par. 2)

No. 2: Matthew 14:1-22

No. 3: Is God Responsible for Human Suffering? (kl pp. 70-1 pars. 1-5)

No. 4: Hagar—Theme: A Slave Girl and Her Prophetic Role

Mar. 24 Bible reading: Matthew 16 and 17

Song No. 151

No. 1: Zealous Ministers Share Precious Bible Truths (jr p. 427 par. 3-p. 433 par. 1)

No. 2: Matthew 17:14-27

No. 3: A Perfect Beginning and a Malicious Challenge (kl pp. 72-3 pars. 6-10)

No. 4: Haggai—Theme: Persevere in Doing God's Will

Mar. 31 Bible reading: Matthew 18 and 19

Song No. 117

No. 1: Spiritual Light Shines in African, Spanish, and Portuguese Fields (Jv p. 433 par. 2-p. 439 par. 1)

No. 2: Matthew 19:16-30

No. 3: The Real Issues and Jehovah's Way of Settling Them (kl pp. 74-6 pars. 11-15)

No. 4: Ham—Theme: Disrespect Can Bring Dire Consequences

Apr. 7 Bible reading: Matthew 20 and 21

Song No. 6

No. 1: Reaching People in Remote Areas and Obeying God in the Face of Opposition (jv p. 439 par. 2-p. 443 par. 2; may Include summary on p. 443)

No. 2: Matthew 20:1-16

No. 3: What God’s Permission of Wickedness Has Proved (kl pp. 76-7 pars. 16-19)

No. 4: Haman—Theme: Pride and Hatred Are Characteristics of the Devil’s Children

Apr. 14 Bible reading: Matthew 22 and 23

Song No. 172

No. 1: Intensely Occupied With Preaching the Good News (jv p. 444 par. 1-p. 448 par. 2)

Nb. 2: Matthew 23:1-15

No. 3: On Whose Side Do You Stand? (kl pp. 78-9 pars. 20-3)

No. 4: Hannah—Theme: Unselfish Devotion Brings Blessings

Apr. 21 Bible reading: Matthew 24 and 25

Song No. 193

No. 1: Preaching in Europe in the Face of Wartime Persecution (jv p. 448 par. 3-p. 454 par. 2; as time permits, Include brief comments on faithful Witnesses, pp. 451-3)

No. 2: Matthew 24:32-44

Nb. 3: What Happens to Our Dead Loved Ones? (kl pp. 80-1 pars. 1-6)

No. 4: Hanun (son of Nahash)—Theme: Be Careful About Judging Another’s Motives

Apr. 28 Written Review. Complete Zechariah 1 to Matthew 25

Song No. 217

Song No. 205

No. 1: Progress Despite Hardships During War Years (jv p. 455 par. 1-p. 461 par. 2; may include summary on p. 461)

No. 2: Matthew 26:31-35,69-75

No. 3: What Returning to Dust Really Means (W pp. 82-3 pars. 7-10)

No. 4: Hazael—Theme: A Ruthless Oppressor Fulfills Bible Prophecy

May 12 Bible reading: Matthew 27 and 28

Song No. 102

Nd. 1: Matthew—Why Beneficial (si pp. 180-1 pars. 29-33)

No. 2: Matthew 27:11-26

No. 3: What Is the Condition of the Dead? (kl pp. 83-4

pars. 11-14)

No. 4: Herod the Great—Theme: A Man's Works Reveal Whom He Serves

May 19 Bible reading: Mark 1 and 2

Song No. 185

No. 1: Introduction to Mark (si pp. 181-3 pars. 1-11)

No. 2: Mark 1:12-28

No. 3: All Those in Jehovah's Memory Will Be Resurrected (W pp. 85-7 pars. 15-18)

No. 4: Herod Antlpas—Theme: The Consequences of Ungodly Ambition

May 26 Bible reading: Mark 3 and 4

Song No. 166

No. 1: Searching Thoroughly for Sheeplike Ones (jv p. 462 par. 1-p. 466 par. 2)

No. 2: Mark 3:1-15

No. 3: Resurrection to Where? (kl pp. 88-9 pars. 19-22)

No. 4: Herod Agrippa I—Theme: Hypocrisy and Pride Lead to Death

June 2 Bible reading: Mark 5 and 6

Song No. 42

No. 1: Promoting Education for Life (jv p. 466 par. 3-p. 470

par. 2)     •

No. 2: Mark 5:21-24,35-43

No. 3: God’s Kingdom and Its Purpose (kl pp. 90-1 pars. 1-5)

No. 4: Herod Agrippa II—Theme: God’s Favor Requires More Than Intellectual Curiosity

June 9 Bible reading: Mark 7 and 8

Song No. 33

No. 1: Preaching in the Pacific Islands Despite Opposition (jv p. 470 par. 3-p. 474 par. 4)

No. 2: Mark 7:24-37

No. 3: God’s Kingdom Is a Government (kl pp. 91-2 pars. 6-7)

No. 4: Herod Philip and Philip the Tetrarch—Theme: Family Intrigue and Worldly Position Are Vanity

June 16 Bible reading: Mark 9 and 10

Song No. Ill

No. 1: A Great River of Truth Flows in Africa (jv p. 475 par. 1-p. 481 par. 1)

No. 2: Mark 9:14-29

No. 3: How We Know That God’s Kingdom Is Real (kl pp. 92-3 pars. 8-11)

No. 4: Herodias—Theme: The Folly of Pursuing Prominence

June 23 Bible reading: Mark 11 and 12

Song No. 119

Nb. 1: Identifying the Real Sheep (jv p. 481 par. 2-p. 484 par. 4)

No. 2: Mark 11:12-25

No. 3: Why God’s Kingdom Is Mankind's Only Hope (kl pp. 94-5 pars. 12-13)

No. 4: Hezekiah (king of Judah)—Theme: Faith and Zeal Are Not Hereditary

Song No. 127

No. 1: More Workers Share in the Harvest (jv p. 484 par. 5-p. 488 par. 1)

No. 2: Mark 14:12-26

No. 3: Why Jesus Did Not Begin to Rule Immediately After His Ascension to Heaven (kl pp. 95-6 pars. 14-15)

No. 4: Hiram (king of Tyre)—Theme: Friendly Neighbors Can Be Helpful

July 7 Bible reading: Mark 15 and 16

Song No. 187

No. 1: Mark—Why Beneficial (si p. 186 pars. 31-3)

No. 2: Mark 15:16-32

No. 3: When Did the Appointed Times of the Nations Begin and End? (kl pp. 96-7 pars. 16-18)

No. 4: Hobab—Theme: Making a Decision to Serve Jehovah

July 14 Bible reading: Luke 1

Song No. 189

No. 1: Introduction to Luke (si pp. 187-8 pars. 1-9)

No. 2: Luke 1:5-17

Nb. 3: These Are the Last Days (fcl pp. 98-9 pars. 1-4)

Nb. 4: Hophnl—Theme: A Privileged Position Is No License for Ungodly Conduct

July 21 Bible reading: Luke 2 and 3

Song No. 195

Nb. 1: The Orient and Europe Produce More Praisers of Jehovah (jv p. 488 par. 2-p. 495 par. 2)

Nb. 2: Luke 2:1-14

Nb. 3: What Are Some Features of the Last Days? (kl pp. 99-103 pars. 5-7)

No. 4: Huldah—Theme: Jehovah Inspired a Fearless Prophetess

July 28 Bible reading: Luke 4 and 5

Song No. 156

No. 1: How More People Were Reached With the Good News (jv p. 495 par. 3-p. 500 par. 4; may include summary on p. 501)

No. 2: Luke 4:31-44

No. 3: Debased Human Behavior Foretold for Last Days (kl pp. 103-4 pars. 8-12)

No. 4: Hushal—Theme: A Loyal Friend Speaks Up

Aug. 4 Bible reading: Luke 6 and 7

Song No. 201

Nb. 1: Large Conventions and Christian Conduct Give a Witness (jv p. 502 par. 1-p. 507 par. 4)

No. 2: Luke 6:37-49

No. 3: Two Unique Features of the Last Days (kl p. 105 pars. 13-14)

Nb. 4: Hymenaeus—Theme: Beware of Apostates!

Aug. 11 Bible reading: Luke 8 and 9

Song No. 143

No. 1: The Fields Are White for Harvesting (jv p. 508 par. 1-p. 513 par. 1)

Nb. 2: Luke 9:23-36

Nb. 3: Respond to the Evidence That These Are the Last Days (kl pp. 106-7 pars. 15-17)

No. 4: Isaac—Theme: Obedience Reveals the Quality of Faith

Aug. 18 Bible reading: Luke 10 and 11

Song No. 34

No. 1: Witness to People Wherever and Whenever Possible (jv p. 513 par. 2-p. 517 par. 1)

No. 2: Luke 11:37-51

Nb. 3: Wicked Spirits Do Exist! (kl p. 108 pars. 1-3)

No. 4: Isaiah—Theme: Cultivate a "Send Me” Attitude

Aug. 25 Written Review. Complete Matthew 26 to Luke 11

<Sept. j) Bible reading: Luke 12 and 13

~SongNo. 123

No. 1: Jehovah Is Speeding Up the Work (jv p. 517 par. 2-p. 520 par. 2; may include summary on p. 520)

No. 2: Luke 13:1-17

Nd. 3: Wicked Angels Take Sides With Satan (W p. 109

pars. 4-5)

No. 4i_Jjsh-bosheth—Theme: A Fearful but Righteous Man

< Sept. 8 _^ible reading: Luke 14 to 16


No. 1: Zealous Missionaries and the Role of Gilead School (jv p. 521 par. 1-p. 524 par. 3)

No. 2: Luke 14:1-14

No. 3: Reject AU Forms of Spiritism (kl p. Ill pars. 6-8)

No. 4: Ishmael (son of Abraham)—Theme: Blessed by God but Not as Abraham’s Heir

<Sept. 15\ Bible reading: Luke 17 and 18

SongNo. 131

No. 1: How Gilead Missionaries Were Different (jv p. 525 par. 1-p. 531 par. 4)

No. 2: Luke 17:22-37

Nd. 3: Why the Bible Condemns Spiritism (kl pp. 112-13 pars. 9-11)

—ULai—Theme: Be Loyal to Those Taking the Lead

ZiSept. 22 JBible reading: Luke 19 and 20


No. 1: Learning a New Language and Opening New Fields (jv p. 532 par. 1-p. 537 par. 3)

No. 2: Luke 19:11-27

No. 3: The Bible Reveals How Wicked Spirits Operate (kl pp. 113-14 pars. 12-13)

No. 4: Jacob (son of Isaac)—Theme: Be Blameless and Pursue Spiritual Goals

Sept 29 Bible reading: Luke 21 and 22

Song No. 86

No. 1: How the Love and Zeal of Missionaries Have Advanced Kingdom Work (jv p. 537 par. 4-p. 541 par. 3)

No. 2: Luke 22:24-38

No. 3: How to Resist Wicked Spirits (kl pp. 114-15 pars. 14-15)

No. 4: Jael—Theme: Courageous and Decisive Action Fulfilled Prophecy

Oct. 6 Bible reading: Luke 23 and 24

Song No. 218

Nb. 1: Luke—Why Beneficial (si pp. 192-3 pars. 30-5)

Nb. 2: Luke 23:32-49

Nb. 3: How to Strengthen Your Faith (kl pp. 115-16 pars. 16-17)

No. 4: Jairus—Theme: Exercise Faith in Jesus Christ

Oct. 13 Bible reading: John 1 to 3

Song No. 31

No. 1: Introduction to John (si pp. 193-5 pars. 1-9)

No. 2: John 1:19-34

No.3: Keep Up Your Fight Against Wicked Spirits (klpp. 116-17 pars. 18-20)

No. 4: James (son of Zebedee)—Theme: Be a Zealous FoUower of Christ

Oct. 20 Bible reading: John 4 and 5

Song No. 10

No. 1: Equipped to Serve Jehovah Despite Opposition (jv p. 541 par. 4-p. 546 par. 6)

No. 2: John 4:39-54

No. 3: Living a Godly Life Brings Happiness (kl pp. 118-19 pars. 1-4)

No. 4: James (son of Joseph and Mary)—Theme: Never Give Up on Family Members

Oct. 27 Bible reading: John 6 and 7

Song No. 150

Nb. 1: The Power Behind the Good News (jv p. 547 par. 1-p. 551 par. 1)

Nb. 2: John 6:52-71

No. 3: Honesty Results in Happiness (kl pp. 119-20 pars. 5-6)

No. 4: Japheth—Theme: Respectful Actions Bring Blessings

Nov. 3 Bible reading: John 8 and 9

Song No. 121

No. 1: Reaching ’Inaccessible Territories’ With the Good News (jv p. 551 par. 2-p. 553 par. 4)

No. 2: John 9:18-34

No. 3: Generosity Brings Happiness (kl p. 120 pars. 7-8)

No. 4: Jeduthun (a Levitical musician)—Theme: Praise Jehovah With Music

Nov. 10 Bible reading: John 10 and 11

Song No. 162

No. 1: Preaching Publicly and From House to House (jv p. 556 par. 1-p. 560 par. 3)

No. 2: John 10:22-39

’ No. 3: Guard Your Thinking Abilities and Avoid What Is Bad (kip. 121 pars. 9-10)

No. 4: Jehoash (king of Judah)—Theme: Respect All of Jehovah’s Faithful Servants

Nov. 17 Bible reading: John 12 and 13

Song No. 200

No. 1: How the Responsibility to Witness Was Carried Out (jv p. 561 par. 1-p. 565 par. 2)

No. 2: John 12:1-16

No. 3: Faithfulness to One’s Mate Brings Happiness in Marriage (kl pp. 122-3 pars. 11-13)

No. 4: Jehoash (king of Israel)—Theme: Jehovah Does Not Favor Halfheartedness

Nov. 24 Bible reading: John 14 to 16

Song No. 3

No. 1: Witnessing in Public Places and Learning to Explain Our Faith (jv p. 565 par. 3-p. 570 par. 1)

No. 2: John 16:1-16

No. 3: Be No Part of the World (kl pp. 123-5 pars. 14-15)

No. 4: Jeholachln—Theme: Jehovah’s Word Never Falls

Dec. 1 Bible reading: John 17 and 18

Song No. 96

No. 1: An Identifying Mark of God’s True Witnesses (jv p. 570 par. 2-p. 574 par. 4)

No. 2: John 18:1-14

No. 3: Why True Christians Do Not Celebrate Christmas or Birthdays (kl p. 126 pars. 16-17)

No. 4: Jehoiada (high priest)—Theme: Promote True Worship With Wisdom and Courage

Dec. 8 Bible reading: John 19 to 21

Song No. 87

No. 1: John—Why Beneficial (si pp. 198-9 pars. 30-5)

No. 2: John 19:25-37

No. 3: Keep On Observing the Lord’s Evening Meal (kl p. 127 par. 18)

Nb. 4: Jehoiakim—Theme: Nothing Can Stop the Fulfillment of God’s Word

Dec. 15 Bible reading: Acts 1 to 3

Song No. 55

No. 1: Introduction to Acts (si pp. 199-200 pars. 1-8)

Nb. 2: Acta 1:1-14

No. 3: How Bible Principles Apply to Work and Recreation (kl pp. 127-8 pars. 19-20)

No. 4: Jehonadab (son of Rechab)—Theme: Loyally Support Those Taking the Lead in Jehovah’s Worship

Dec. 22 Bible reading: Acts 4 to 6

Song No. 2

No. 1: Producing Bible Literature for Use in the Ministry (jv p. 575 par. 1-p. 579 par. 3)

No. 2: Acta 5:27-42

No. 3: Show Respect for Life and Blood (kl pp. 128-9 pars. 21-3)

No. 4: Jehoram (son of Ahab)—Theme: Faithless Men Cannot Expect God’s Blessing

Dec. 29 Written Review. Complete Luke 12 to Acts 6


■ Literature offer for October: Individual copies of both The Watchtower and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered. November: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. A special effort will be made to follow up on all placements, with a view to starting home Bible studies. December: New World Translation with the book The Bible-God’s Word or Man’s? January: Any 192-page book published prior to 1984 that the congregation may have in stock. Congregations that do not have a supply of such books may offer Survival Into a New Earth. ■ The Insert in this Issue of Our Kingdom Ministry is the “Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 1997” and should be kept for reference throughout 1997.

■ Congregations should begin requesting Examining the Scriptures Daily—1997 with their October literature request. The booklets will be available in Arabic, Chinese, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Boko, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. Until these booklets are available and shipments are made, they will appear as “Pending” on congregation packing lists. Examining the Scriptures booklets are specialrequest items.

■ New Publications Available: Does God Really Care About Us?


Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! —Czech, Kirghiz

Hellfire—Is It Part of Divine Justice?

(Tract No. 74)         —Turkish

Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting

Life               —Malayalam

“Look! I Am Making All Things New"

—Slovak The Government That Will Bring Paradise            —Serbian, Slovak

Watch Tower Publications Index 1991

1994                 —Danish

Watch Tower Publications Scripture

Index 1991-1994      —Romanian

Will Suffering Ever End? (Tract No. 75) —Thai

■ New Compact Discs Available: Kingdom Melodies on Compact Disc, Volume 2

■ New Videocassettes Available:

Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm

Against Nazi Assault —English United by Divine Teaching —Chinese

(Cantonese), German, Portuguese


Schedule for congregation studies in the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

October 7: Chapter* 11-13

October 14: Chapter* 14-16

October 21: Chapter* 17-19

October 28: Chapter* 20-22

July Service Report

Number of:

Av Hrs.

Av Mags.



Av Bi.St.

Sp'l Pios.

168 120.2 80.1





70.9 38.1



Aux. Pios.














Baptized: 8,970

Question box

■ How long should a formal Bible study be conducted with an individual in the Knowledge book?

f Jehovah is blessing his organization today. We see evidence of this each year as thousands of new ones take a stand for the truth. The Knowledge book is proving to be an effective tool in accomplishing this. The January 15, 1996, issue of The Watchtower pointed out that this'book is designed to help a Bible student make spiritual progress rather quickly, perhaps to the point of baptism within a few months.

V For this reason, the same Watchtower, page 17, advised: “After an individual has completed his Bible study in the Knowledge book and has been baptized, it may not be necessary ttTConduct a formaHstucTy With him in a second book.” ” ^What about a person who does not get baptized after completing' the Knowledge book? The June 1996 Our Kingdom.Ministry, page 6, paragraph 23, reminded us of the point made in The Watchtower about not studying._addi-tional books with the same student after completing the Knowledge book. Does this mean that we are not interested in helping a Bible student beyond this point? No. We want people to receive a basic knowledge of the truth. Yet, it is expected that within a relatively short period of time, an effective teacher will be able to assist a sincere average student to acquire sufficient knowledge to make anin-telligent decision to serve Jehovah. It may be that because of their personal circumstances, some Bible students will even desire to study more than once a week.

M Admittedly, some students will progress more slowly than others. But if after studying the Knowledge book, which may have taken longer than would normally Tie the case, the person has not decided that he wants to become associated with the congrega-tfonTThe'publlsher would do well to discuss the situation with one of the elders on the Congregation c ft Service committee. If extenuating ol uh liAualTSl c umstances are involved, some further help mav i be warranted. This is in harmony with the principle of what is stated in paragraphs 11 and 12 on page 17 of the January 15, 1996, Watchtower.

$ Appreciation for taking in even a 'basic knowledge of the truth should motivate , the student to_ attend Christian meetings. This" could lead the student to giving some clear evidence of his desire to serve 3ehovafi. If such spiritual appreciation is not evident after the study in the Knowledge book has been conducted for an extended period, it may be adyjs-able to discontinue the study.

Prepare Your Own Magazine Presentation

  • 1 We appreciate the Watchtower and Awake! magazines for their timely and Informative articles, which cover everything from world issues to “the deep things of God.” (1 Cor. 2:10) All of us recall many new and upbuilding things we have read in these journals, which Jehovah is using in progressively revealing the truth. (Prov. 4:18) We want to be eager to distribute them as widely as possible.

  • 2 Analyze Your Territory: What type of people live in your area? If their pace of life is fast, you may need to prepare a presentation that is brief and to the point. If you have territory where the pace of life is less hurried, you may be able to say more. If most householders work during the day, you may have better success calling at their homes in the late afternoon or early evening. You might contact some in the daytime through street witnessing or working from store to store. Some publishers get good results by approaching people informally in parking lots and city parks.

  • 3 Acquaint Yourself With the Magazines: Read each issue as soon as you receive it. Select the articles that you feel might appeal to the people in your territory. What subjects concern them? Look for a specific point that you can quote from the article you plan to feature. Think of a question that you can raise to stimulate interest. Pick out a timely scripture to read to the householder if you get the opportunity to do so. Think about what you might say to mention the donation arrangement and how you could lay the groundwork for a return visit.

  • 4 Prepare Your Opening Words: Carefully choose the words you plan on using to introduce yourself and to start a conversation. Some have found success with this opening comment: “I’ve read a fascinating article in this magazine, and I want to share it with others.” Many open with a question that focuses on the talking point they plan to use. For example:

  • 5 If highlighting an article on the prevalence of crime, you could ask:

■ “What will it take for us to be able to sleep at night without fear of being robbed or harmed?” Explain that you have some information about a remedy for this problem. The remedy will soon eliminate every other kind of social disorder as well. Refer to something in the magazine that offers such a hope. When you call back, you can draw the householder’s attention to chapter 1 of the Knowledge book.

  • 6 When offering an article on family life, you might say this: ■ “Most parents find it a real challenge to raise a family these days. Many books have been written on the subject, but even the experts don’t agree. Is there anyone who can provide reliable guidance?” Share a specific comment from the magazine that demonstrates the wise counsel found in the Bible. When you make the return visit, discuss the Scriptural thoughts on rearing children covered in the Knowledge book, pages 145-8.

  • 7 In featuring an article on a social problem, you could say: ■ “Many people feel under pressure because of the stressful times in which we live. Do you think God intended that we live this way?” Point to an article that shows how to cope with today’s problems or that gives reasons to look forward to a future that will be free from anxiety. On your next visit, discuss the illustration and caption on pages 4-5 of the Knowledge book, and then lead right into a home Bible study.

  • 8 Adapt to the Householder: You will meet people having different interests and backgrounds. Prepare a basic presentation that you can adjust for each householder. Have in mind how you might adapt what you say to a man, a woman, an older person, or a youth. There are no rigid rules about what you must say. Use whatever is comfortable for you and gets results. However, be enthusiastic, speak from the heart, and be a good listener. Those who are “rightly disposed” will sense your sincerity and will respond favorably.—Acts 13:48.

  • 9 Assist One Another: By sharing ideas with one another, we learn new ways to express ourselves. Practicing our presentations together gives us experience and confidence. (Pr. 27:17) If you rehearse what you are going to say, you will feel more at ease at the door. It is vital that parents take the time to help their children prepare, listen as they practice their presentation, and offer suggestions for Improvement. New ones can benefit by working with more experienced publishers.

  • 10 Preparing your own magazine presentation need not be difficult. It Is simply a matter of getting something specific in mind to say and then expressing it in an appealing manner. With initiative and forethought, you can work up a fine presentation that will get a good response.

  • 11 Magazine distribution is one of the primary ways we spread the Kingdom message worldwide. If you can get The Watchtower and Awake! into the hands of sincere people, the magazines can speak for themselves. Always remember their value and how their message can save lives. This kind of ‘doing good and sharing of things with others’ is what pleases Jehovah very much.—Heb. 13:16.

© 1996 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society ol Pennsylvania All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Ifcrk. Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn. NY. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, c/o Watchtower; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.                     Printed in USA