July 1997 For United States of America Vol. 40, No. 7
Faithfulness Is Rewarded
1 At Hebrews 11:6 we are told that God “becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.’ One way in which he rewards his devoted servants who have been ‘faithful in a few things’ is by ‘appointing them over many things.’ (Matt. 25:23) In other words, Jehovah often rewards good work by giving his faithful witnesses additional privileges of service.
2 The apostle Paul’s faithfulness was rewarded by his being assigned to a ministry that took him into the cities and villages of Europe and Asia Minor. (1 Tim. 1:12) Although much effort was involved in fully accomplishing his ministry, Paul highly esteemed the privilege he had received. (Rom. 11:13; Col. 1: 25) He showed his heartfelt appreciation by earnestly looking for opportunities to preach. By his zealous activity, he clearly showed that he was living his faith. His example moves us to treasure our privileges of service.
3 Jehovah Ha* Given U* a Ministry: How do we show the same view of this privileged reward that Paul showed? We look for ways to increase our share in the ministry. We take advantage of every opportunity to witness informally as well as from door to door. We follow up on all not-at-homes and make return visits on all who are interested. And we keep the appointments we make to conduct home Bible studies.
4 Regarding our ministry, Paul admonished: “Be at it urgently.” (2 Tim. 4:2) Something that is urgent calls for immediate attention. Do we go about our ministry in an urgent fashion, giving it priority in our lives? For example, we would not want to allow our recreational activities and other personal pursuits on the weekend to interfere with the time we ought to devote to the field ministry. Since we are convinced that the end of this system is fast approaching, we are also convinced that preaching the good news of the Kingdom is the most important work we can do.
5 Our faithfulness to God is marked by our being true and loyal to him and constant in the work he has assigned us. Let us fully accomplish our ministry, so that Jehovah will reward our faithfulness in a large way.
Witness Wherever There Are People
1 Recognizing the role God’s spirit played in his ministry, the apostle Paul stated: “God kept making it grow.” He also acknowledged: “We are God’s fellow workers.” (1 Cor. 3:5-9) This is a marvelous privilege. How can we demonstrate publicly that we appreciate being fellow workers with God? By declaring the good news to all whom we meet in the house-to-house work and everywhere else.
2 We are commanded to “make disciples of people.” (Matt. 28:19) If we contact only a few people when we share in the ministry, we may tire quickly and feel we have accomplished little. On the other hand, we enjoy our ministry most when we are able to find many people and converse with them. This can be rather challenging, since it requires some initiative on our part to go wherever the people are so that we can make contact with them.
3 Practical Example*: We can witness to people at markets, parks, rest stops, and transportation terminals. When you ride public transportation, are you prepared to give a witness along the way? Two Witnesses who were riding in a crowded bus to their meeting for service carried on a conversation about the picture of Paradise in the Knowledge book, discussing God’s promises for the future. As they had hoped would happen, a young man standing close by listened in and was impressed by what he heard. Before leaving the bus, he accepted a book and requested that someone visit his home.
4 Many publishers have found joy in doing informal witnessing. One sister went to the local shopping center on an afternoon and approached people who had finished their shopping but who did not appear to be in a hurry. She placed all the literature she had in her bag. One man who was waiting in his car was happy to receive the magazines from her. He had attended meetings before, and their conversation rekindled his interest.
6 It is a privilege to exalt Jehovah’s name. By demonstrating our zeal for the preaching work, we show that we have not missed the purpose of God’s undeserved kindness toward us. Because “now is the especially acceptable time” to help others, let us go wherever there are people and witness to them about Jehovah’s “day of salvation.”—2 Cor. 6:1,2.
Service Meetings for July
Week Starting July 7
Song 6
10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Comment on April field service report for the country and the local congregation.
15 min: “Faithfulness Is Rewarded.” Questions and answers. Include example related in the January 22, 1993, Awake!, pages 18-21.
20 min: “Help Others Find Comfort.” Audience discussion. Have one or two presentations demonstrated. Invite audience to relate other ways they have started conversations, using the same brochures. Encourage using simple, well-choserTwbrds to stimulate interest. (See sc/iool Guidebook, page 7, paragraphs 9-11.) Mention the other brochures that might be offered and that the congregation basin stock. When placing brochures, do not hesitate to make positive mention of the donation arrangemept. .
S6ng7(Jand concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 14
Song 5
12 min: Local announcements. Accounts report. Review “We Will Study the Family Happiness Book.”
18 min: “Witness Wherever There Are People.” A talk. As time permits, additional experiences may be shared from the 1997 Yearbook, pages 43-6.
15 min: Parents—Teach Your Children From Infancy. Elder discusses Scriptural principles outlining need for parents to teach their children from infancy. (Prov. 22:6; 2 Tim. 3:14,15) Some parents feel that serious Bible education for children should not be provided until they are old enough to make their own decisions. In such cases many children have been lost to the world. Spiritual instruction should begin in infancy. (p97 3/8 26-7; w88 8/112-13) Interview married couple who show concern about the spirituality of their children. Show how father takes the lead but that both parents do their part in providing a consistent, thorough program for teaching their children. Couple relate what they have been doing in an effort to teach their children the truth, applying suggestions the organization has provided on having a good, practical program for teaching at home. Elder emphasizes importance of applying what God’s Word exhorts parents to do—w85 4/1 23; Eph. 6:1-4.
Song 71 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 21
Song 14
12 min: Local announcements. Review “New Circuit Assembly Program.”
13 min: “Who Will Go for Us?” A positive talk. Include the encouragement to regular pioneer and the experience found in the February 1997 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, paragraphs 16-17. Those who cannot be regular pioneers may wish to plan which month(s) to auxiliary pioneer during the coming service year.
20 min: Be Prepared to Do Informal Witnessing. Every day, we encounter opportunities to witness to people we meet. When an opening occurs, we may find we have no Bible or publications to use. Plan ahead. At home, keep some literature accessible near the door where you greet visitors. Put a variety of literature items in a case or purse, and keep it with you or in your car, at your workplace, or in your locker at school. Carry something with you when you ride public transportation. Pack some literature when you take a business trip, travel to a convention, or go on vacation. Discuss additional suggestions in the School Guidebook, pages 80-2, paragraphs 11-16. Briefly demonstrate several ways to approach a salesman, a workmate, a schoolmate, another traveler, or a vacationer.
Song 72 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 28
Song 15
12 min: Local announcements. Remind all to turn in field service reports. Review literature offer for August. Concentrate on following up brochures placed in July with return visits in August, trying to start Bible studies. Using the March 1997 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, point out some of the essentials for an effective return visit. Studies should be started in the Require brochure or the Knowledge book.
15 min: Local needs.
18 min: Fully Accomplish Your Ministry. Talk by service overseer based on Our Ministry book, pages 5-8. Emphasize the importance and urgency of the preaching work, stimulating all to take their responsibility as ministers seriously.
Song 75 and concluding prayer.
Congregation book Study
Schedule for congregation studies in the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.
July 7: Chapter* 112-113
July 14: Chapter* 114-11S
July 21: Chapter 116 to subheading ‘Further Departing Admonition'
July 28: Chapter 116 from subheading •Further Departing Admonition' to end of chapter
April Service report | |||||
Number of: |
Av Hrs. |
Av Mags. |
Av R.V. |
Av Bi.St | |
Sp'l Pios. |
181 122.9 96.4 51.5 |
4.1 | |||
Pios. |
69,091 |
81.0 |
50.1 |
26.0 |
2.0 |
Aux. Pios. |
78,640 |
57.1 |
37.2 |
14.1 |
0.9 |
Pubs. |
776,489 |
9.7 |
7.2 |
3.5 |
0.3 |
924,397 |
Baptized: 3,729 |
■ Literature offer for July and August: Any of the following 32-page brochures: Does God Really Care About Us?, Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!, Should You Believe in the Trinity?, The Government That Will Bring Paradise, What Is the Purpose of Life—How Can You Find It?, and When Someone You Love Dies. September: The Secret of Family Happiness. October:
“Who Will Go for Us?”
When this question was raised by Jehovah, Isaiah immediately responded: “Here I am! Send me.” (Isa. 6:8) Because the harvest is great today, the same call is being sounded now. More fulltime workers—regular pioneers—are urgently needed! (Matt. 9:37) Are you willing to volunteer? If so, September 1, the beginning of the 1998 service year, would be a fine time to enroll as a pioneer. Why not ask the elders for an application?
Individual copies of The Watchtower and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered. ■ With five full weekends, the month of August may be a
We Will Study the Family HappinessBook
You will be glad to know that starting the week of October 6, 1997, we will consider the book The Secret of Family Happiness at the Congregation Book Study. No one will want to miss out on the group study of this practical Scriptural guide for a happy family life. The study schedule will allow for a thorough examination of every paragraph and Bible text in the book.
The entire first chapter will be considered the first week of the study, since it contains few unquoted scriptures. For the same reason, chapter 15 will be considered in one session. However, all other chapters will be divided into two parts, with about half of a chapter being considered each week. convenient time for many to auxiliary pioneer.
■ Starting in September, circuit overseers will give the public talk entitled “Trust In Jehovah’s Saving Power.”
Thus, there will be sufficient time to read and discuss all cited scriptures as well as to examine carefully the application of all quoted scriptures in each paragraph.
An important feature of the study will be a discussion of the material in the teaching box at the conclusion of each chapter. Therefore, ample time should be allotted to consider the questions and the cited scriptures in the box.
Congregation Book Study conductors are urged to give special attention to their preparation for the study and to encourage all assigned to their group, including new ones, to prepare well, attend regularly, and participate. —om 74-G.
New Circuit Assembly Program
“Keeping Jehovah’s Day Close in Mind” is the theme of the two-day circuit assembly program beginning in September. (2 Pet. 3:12) It is designed to arouse our sense of urgency. Earth’s inhabitants will soon experience Jehovah’s judgments. Who will survive “the great day of God the Almighty”? Only those who remain spiritually awake and who establish a life pattern of “holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion.”—Rev. 16:14; 2 Pet. 3:11. .
Baptism is essential for a person to survive Jehovah’s day. (1 Pet. 3:21) Publishers who desire to be baptized at the assembly should tell the presiding overseer, who will make the necessary arrangements.
A four-part symposium, “The Sort of Persons We Ought to Be,” will clearly show what actions are involved in keeping close in mind the presence of Jehovah’s day. The public talk, “Act Wisely as Jehovah’s Day Nears,” will explain what it means to ‘seek Jehovah, righteousness, and meekness,’ so as to be a survivor. —Zeph. 2:3.
The circuit assembly will conclude with two motivating talks by the traveling overseers, entitled: “Does Your Life Center Around the Truth?” and “Planning Ahead With Jehovah’s Day in Mind.” These discourses will move us to examine our life and make any needed adjustments. Bible prophecy and world events clearly indicate that Jehovah’s day is near. This assembly program will encourage us to ‘keep our senses and be watchful.’ (1 Pet. 5:8) Make definite plans to attend both days.
1 Many people are tired of hearing about disasters, wars, crime, andsuffefing. Comfort, though conspicuously absent from today’s news reports, is something that mankind really needs. Tocpin-' fqrtmeans “to give strength and hope to” and “to ease the grief or trouble of” another. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are equipped to help people in this way. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Our Bible-based brochures that we will be offering in -Tn ly ano August contain comforting messages of truth. (Rom. 15:4) Here are some suggestions for presenting them under various circumstances:
2 A tragic news story can create an opportunity to give awitness andTnTng comfort to others, perhaps by your saying something like this: ■ “When such things happen, some wonder whether God really exists and, if he does, whether^he cares about us. What do you think? [Allow for response.] One way to determine whether there is a God is to apply a well-established principle.” Read Hebrews 3:4. Point out other things around us that obviously required a maker. Then continue: “I have a brochure that I know you will find comforting. It is entitled Does God Really Care About Us? [Read the quesfiohsbh the cover.] It contains convincing prooLnot only that God does exist but that he will soon bring an end to all the unjust conditions we-face today. Would you like to read it?” Arrange to return.
3 On the return visit, you might say:
■ “We were talking about the proof of God’s existence when I left the brochure Does God Really Care About Us? Perhaps you noticed this point on page 7. [Show the picture and summarize paragraph 15.] This is just one example showing that a caring God must really exist. [Read paragraph 27 on page 9.] A personarstudy of the Bible has helped-njetb~cdpe wltlTTife’s everyday problems because it gives God’s view of matters.” Offer to demonstrate a study.
4 Telephone witnessing can be done using the brochure “What Is the Purpose of Life —How Can You Find It?” You could introduce yourself and say:
■ “I am calling you with an important message because I cannot come to see you personally.” Read the first paragraph on page 4 of the brochure, doing_so naturally, as if you were conversing with the individual in person. Ask him what he thinks, and allow for a response. “I have my Bible open to Isaiah 45:18. This vers? shows that €fie~earth was created with us in mind. Mav I readjt to you?”~Afterward, explain the purpose of the brochure, and ask how you might deliver a copy.
5 On the follow-up call, you might try this approach to start a study:
■ “I would like to build on our last conversation by illustrating who it is that can tell us the purpose of life. [Paraphrase paragraphs 1 and 2 on page 6 in the Purpose of Life brochure.jReye^ lation 4:11 explains that Jehovah Go8Ts\50r Creator. [Read.] He surely must have had a reason for creating us. People who have wanted to find out what it is have studied-God's Jvntten Word, the Bible. I would like to offer you that opportunity.” Explain how our free home Bible study course is conducted, and make arrangements to start the study.
6 This positive approach might comfort those who have experienced the death of a loved one:
■ “I am doing a public service in behalf of all who have lost a loved one in death. Since this may be one of the hardest things any of us will ever have to cope with, this brochure,MyhenSofhe-one You Love Dies) has been prepared. It has helped millions of people. I would like to shovTyou what it says about an exciting promise made by Jesus Christ [Read the fifth paragraph on page 26, including John 5:21, 28, 29.] Notice this picture on page 29 depicting the Gospel account of Jesus actually raising Lazarus from the dead. If you would like to read this comforting bro-cfiure, I will be glad to leave it with you.”
1 When you return, you could again show the picture on page 29 of the brochure “When Someone You Love Dies” and say:
■ “Recall our discussion about Christ’s resurrection of Lazarus. [Read the caption on page 28, and consider the material under the subheading “Did It Really Happen?”] If your heart yearns to believe that you could see a deceased loved one again, let me help you to make the resurrection hope your own.” Offer a home Bible study.
’May we do our best in the months ahead to Imitate Jesus by ‘comforting all the mourning ones.’—Isa. 61:2.
© 1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Mxk. Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn. NY. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, c/o Watchtower. 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483. Printed in U SA