July 2000 For United States of America km-E Us 7/00 Vol. 43, No. 7
“We Cannot Stop Speaking”
1 Jesus Christ is closely monitoring the preaching work. (Matt. 28:20; Mark 13: 10) Though there are nearly six million active proclaimers bearing witness in 234 lands, we must not presume that our witnessing is finished. Until God declares that the work is done, “we cannot stop speaking” about the things we have learned.—Acts 4:20.
2 Rely on God’s Spirit: Satan applies great pressure to discourage us. (Rev. 12:17) Our own imperfect flesh also plagues us with many problems. Such things can divert our attention from the all-important preaching work. Nevertheless, if we trust in Jehovah, his spirit will help us face any obstacle.
3 When the first-century Christian congregation was severely persecuted, the brothers prayed to God for help to keep speaking his word with all boldness. Jehovah answered their prayer, infusing them with his spirit and giving them the zeal and determination needed to keep on preaching. As a result, they continued without letup boldly declaring the good news.—Acts 4:29, 31; 5:42.
4 Do Not Fear Negative Talk: General opinion or slanderous publicity may tend to have an intimidating effect upon us. However, remember the bold statement of Peter and the other apostles to the Sanhedrin, recorded at Acts 5:29-32. As the Law teacher Gamaliel admitted, God’s work cannot be overthrown. It is not accomplished by our power. This great work has God’s backing, and only he can accomplish it!—Zech. 4:6.
5 Let us daily beseech Jehovah for his spirit to help us zealously proclaim the good news. May we say, as Jeremiah did, that the Kingdom message is like a burning fire in our bones. (Jer. 20:9) We cannot be silent!
“Let All Things Take Place for Upbuilding”
1 In dealing with our brothers, we should do what is good for their upbuilding. This means being concerned about protecting their spiritual interests. If we engage in some type of secular work that involves promoting a product or service, we need to be careful that nothing we do will stumble our brothers. —2 Cor. 6:3; Phil. 1:9,10.
2 Some have become involved in various business ventures, targeting fellow Christians as potential customers. Certain sales organizations encourage their representatives to view everyone as a potential customer—including those who belong to the same religion as they do. Some brothers have organized large gatherings of Witnesses for the purpose of encouraging them to become involved in a business enterprise. Others promote their venture by directing unsolicited articles, brochures, information on the Internet, or tapes to fellow believers. Would it be proper for a Christian to use his theocratic contacts to take advantage of his spiritual brothers? No!—1 Cor. 10:23, 24, 31-33.
3 Brothers Should Beware: This does not mean that a Christian cannot do business with a brother. That is a personal matter. However, some initiate business schemes that encourage greed, and they prompt fellow believers to become their partners or investors. Many of these ventures fail, costing participants huge sums of money. Although those who joined in the enterprise may have been motivated by a desire to make quick money, the organizer should not feel that he is free from blame if the undertaking fails. He should carefully consider in advance how the spiritual and physical well-being of his brothers would be affected in the event that the venture does not succeed. Those holding positions of theocratic responsibility should be especially cautious about their secular endeavors because others may look to them with respect and place considerable trust in them. It would be wrong to abuse that trust. Privileges of sacred service may be forfeited if a brother loses the respect of others.
4 Our goal should be to “let all things take place for upbuilding.” (1 Cor. 14:26) We must avoid doing anything that introduces commercial activities into the congregation or promotes them. Such things have nothing to do with our Scriptural reasons for assembling together.—Heb. 10:24, 25.
Week Starting July 10
Song 7
12 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Comment on April field service report for the country and the local congregation. Direct attention to the box “Look at the Back Page,” and demonstrate one of the suggested presentations that would work well in the local territory.
15 min: “We Cannot Stop Speaking.” Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion. Stress reasons why we take our preaching assignment so seriously. Include pertinent points from January 15,1997, Watchtower, pages 23-4.
18 min: “Let All Things Take Place for Upbuilding.” Two elders discuss the article. Read each paragraph and cited scriptures. Highlight the principles involved. Emphasize the need for discernment when handling business matters or making investments. Review counsel in March 15,1997, Watchtower, pages 18-19, 22.
Song 15 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 17
Song 23
15 min: Local announcements. Accounts report. Briefly explain how to use the Divine Name brochure to help an interested person appreciate the need to know and use God’s personal name.—See Reasoning book, pages 196-7.
10 min: “New Circuit Assembly Program.” Questions and answers. Announce date of the next circuit assembly, and urge all to attend both days. Encourage all to make a special effort to invite Bible students. Attending the assembly may quicken their desire to associate regularly with the congregation.
20 min: Who Should Be Your Role Model? A father conducts his family study with one or two teenage children. He has recently observed that their conversations often dwell on sports heroes, movie stars, TV personalities, and musicians. He expresses concern because this type of fascination is a manifestation of the spirit of the world. They discuss the May 22, 1998, Awake!, pages 12-14. The youths realize that there is danger in idolizing worldly figures and agree that worldly prominence has nothing to offer Christians. They consider the benefits of viewing parents, elders, other exemplary ones in the congregation—and especially Jesus Christ—as their role models.
Song 34 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 24
Song 45
5 min: Local announcements.
15 min: Recommending Ourselves as God’s Ministers. Two ministerial servants discuss the Scriptural admonition given in the December 15, 1998, Watchtower, pages 19-20. They appreciate the need to measure up in a fine way as ministerial servants and review what they personally can do to show that they are fulfilling their assignments. They see the importance of being good examples in the field ministry and discuss ways they can be helpful to the elders in giving personal assistance to others. They agree that they want to do all they can to help the congregation appreciate the urgency of the times and grow and prosper spiritually.
10 min: Writing Letters to People Whom We Are Unable to Contact. Talk and audience discussion. As it is increasingly difficult to find people at home, some publishers get good results by writing letters. Consider these guidelines. Letters should be brief, Scripturally based, and respectful. Do not send anonymous letters. Write or type neatly and legibly. Give the Kingdom Hall address and the congregation meeting times along with an invitation to attend. Do not use the Society’s return address. Review suggestions offered in the School Guidebook, pages 87-8, and the November 1996 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.
15 min: Use Effective Introductions. Select two or three introductions from pages 9-15 of the Reasoning book, and discuss how these can be used effectively in local territory. Ask the audience, “What introductions do you use when approaching someone on the street, informally, or otherwise?” Demonstrate one or two introductions as time allows.
Song 54 and concluding prayer.
Song 66
15 min: Local announcements. Remind all to turn in field service reports for July. Invite audience to relate personal experiences enjoyed this month when distributing brochures.
12 min: Local needs.
18 min: “Do You Appreciate Jehovah’s Patience?” Questions and answers. Include pertinent comments about Jehovah’s long-suffering.—See Insight, Volume 2, pages 263-4.
Song 75 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 7
Song 88
10 min: Local announcements.
17 min: “Are You a Shy Person?” Questions and answers. Relate an encouraging experience from the 1997 Yearbook, pages 43-4.
18 min: Become Wise in Your Future. Talk by an elder. Young people desire to enjoy a happy future with those they love. While this is natural, they must apply godly counsel if they are to enjoy success. (Prov. 19:20) Attraction toward the opposite sexJs strung-in yoTTtS'. If feelings are not controlled, the reSUftS'Effii'be disastrous. Many questioris~afi'se about the wisdom of teenagers becoming emotionally involved with the opposite sex, developing romantic relationships that lead to dating. Review admonition giveri in Young People Ask book, pages 231-5. Highlight major points in November 15, 1999, Watchtower, pages 18-23, that show the importance of youths fulfilling their whole obligation to God. Encourage teenagers to reflect on this counsel and to discuss it with their parents if they have questions.
Song 101 and concluding prayer.
Look at the Back Page
The back page of what? Past issues of Our Kingdom Ministry. For suggestions on how to offer various brochures that will be featured in the ministry this month and next, look at the July and August issues of 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998.
© 2000 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; Milton G. Henschel, President: Lyman A. Swingle, Secretary-Treasurer: 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, c/o Watchtower, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in U.S.A.
■ Literature offer for July and August: Any of the following 32-page brochures may be used: Does God Really Care About Us?, Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!, Should You Believe in the Trinity?, The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, The Government That Will Bring Paradise, What Happens to Us When We Die?, What Is the Purpose of Life—How Can You Find It?, and When Someone You Love Dies. The brochures A Book for All People, Our Problems—Who Will Help Us Solve Them?, Spirits of the Dead—Can They Help You or Harm You? Do They Really Exist?, and Will There Ever Be a World Without War? may be offered where appropriate. September: Life —How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? October: Individual copies of The Watchtower and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered.
■ Starting in September, circuit overseers will give the public talk entitled “Human Rule—Weighed in the Balance.”
■ Since the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held on Saturday, October 7, 2000, no tours will be conducted that day at the Society’s facilities at Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill, New York. Any who have planned to visit on that Saturday should reschedule their visit to another convenient time. No congregation literature requests will be processed for shipment or for pickup that day.
■ If you wish to provide monetary assistance for disaster relief, you may send your donations to the Society, where a relief fund is set aside for this purpose. The address is: Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. (See the December 1,1985, Watchtower, pages 20-2.) Please do not send clothing, supplies, or materials to the Society or to the disaster area unless specifically requested to do so by the Society or the relief committee. This will ensure an orderly relief effort and the proper distribution of goods.
■ New Publications Available:
“All Scripture”—Authentic and Beneficial (Brochure for use in 2000 Theocratic Ministry School) —Russian,
Bible Topics for Discussion —Romanian Does Fate Rule Our Lives?—Or Does God Hold Us Responsible? (Tract No. 71)
—French, Wolof Hellfire—Is It Part of Divine Justice?
(Tract No. 74) —French
Jesus Christ—Who Is He? (Tract No. 24)
—Italian, Kinyarwanda, Persian My Book of Bible Stories (Small size)
—French Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work —Maltese, Serbian
Watch Tower Publications Index 1997
Watch Tower Publications Index 1986
1995 —French
What Hope for DeadLovedOnes? (Tract
No. 16) —Miskito
Will Suffering Ever End? (Tract No. 75)
April Service Report | ||||
Number of: |
Av. Hrs. |
Av. Mags. |
Av. R.V. |
Av. Bi.St. |
Sp’l Pios. 146 122.8 109.9 |
59.2 |
4.7 | ||
Pios. 94,010 |
68.5 |
48.9 22.9 |
1.7 | |
Aux. Pios. 153,774 |
48.4 |
38.2 12.0 |
0.7 | |
Pubs. 740,539 |
9.8 |
8.4 |
3.4 |
0.3 |
TOTAL 988,469 Baptized: 2,466
The insert in the March issue of Our Kingdom Ministry posed the question “Can We Make April 2000 Our Best Month Ever?’ We are happy to report that in April we had a new peak of 153,774 auxiliary pioneers! The combined total of regular and auxiliary pioneers was 247,784. This exceeded the previous peak set in March 1997 by 32,795. The increased activity resulted in new peaks of 21,144,343 hours, 16,687,638 magazines, and 6,509,747 return visits! May Jehovah continue to bless our efforts in answering the call to proclaim his Kingdom with great intensity.
New Circuit Assembly Program
We know that Jehovah God is worthy of our love and our exclusive devotion. However, the world seeks to entice us away from maintaining our close relationship with him. (John 17:14) To reinforce our love for Jehovah and to strengthen us to resist the things of the world that endanger our spirituality, the new circuit assembly program for the 2001 service year will have as its theme “Love God —Not the Things of the World.” —1 John 2:15-17.
Deep love for Jehovah impels us to give a witness about him. Even so, the field service is not easy for many of God’s people. In the part “Love for God Motivates Us in Our Ministry,” learn how many have overcome shyness and other obstacles in order to share fully in this work.
How do the deteriorating standards of the world influence us? Actions once considered wicked are now so-called normal behavior. The talk “Lovers of Jehovah Hate What Is Bad” and the symposium “Things in the World —How Do We View Them?” will bolster our determination to say no to wrong desires.
A model Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting will be included in the program, as well as a summary of the Watchtower study article for the week. The public address, “How Love and Faith Conquer the World,” will encourage us to imitate Jesus in resisting worldly pressures. (John 16:33) Be sure to invite your Bible students to attend. Any who wish to be baptized should tell the presiding overseer as soon as possible so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
This circuit assembly will focus our attention on exactly where our love should be centered so as to enjoy Jehovah’s rich blessings. Do not miss any of it!
1 We are not surprised when we see a young child peeking at us from behind his mother or father. Shyness is natural in early childhood. Even in adulthood, many are somewhat shy by nature. If shyness affects your participation in the ministry, what can you do?
2 Coping With Shyness: It is important to give attention to “the secret person of the heart.” (1 Pet. 3:4) Strengthen your love for Jehovah and for your neighbor. Be thoroughly convinced that fulfilling the preaching commission is one of the best ways to demonstrate self-sacrificing love. Pursue a good routine of personal study and meeting attendance. Pray regularly and specifically for Jehovah’s help. Strong faith and trust in him will build confidence and give “all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly.”—Phil. 1:14.
3 Fight feelings of inadequacy. It appears that Timothy had to do this. Paul encouraged Timothy to “let no man ever look down on [his] youth,” reminding him that “God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power.” (1 Tim. 4: 12; 2 Tim. 1:7) Timothy was used fully by Jehovah, who will also use you if you move forward with complete confidence in Him.—Ps. 56:11.
4 Reflecting on a Bible text, such as Matthew 10:37, helped a sister whose timidity made her fearful of her opposed husband. As she persevered, the ministry became easier for her, and eventually her husband, mother, and brothers all accepted the truth!
s Preparation Is Essential: Your confidence will further increase when you prepare thoroughly for the ministry. Select a simple presentation from the Reasoning book or past issues of Our Kingdom Ministry, get it well in mind, and rehearse it. Rather than building up unnecessary anxiety, think positively. Draw courage from working closely with others. Keep in mind that many of the people you will meet at the doors are timid, just like you. Everyone needs the Kingdom message.
6 If you are shy, do not despair. As you apply yourself, Jehovah will help you to be an effective preacher of the good news. Then you will have joy in your ministry.—Prov. 10:22.
1 If Jehovah had not been patient for the past 10, 20, and more years, allowing an extended witness to be given, would you have learned the truth? How grateful we are that he has allowed many more people “to attain to repentance.” Yet, Jehovah’s great day of judgment “will come as a thief.” (2 Pet. 3:9, 10) Hence, the patience of God should not be misinterpreted as a delay in bringing the end to this system of things—Hab. 2:3.
2 Feel Pity for People: Jehovah’s long-suffering far exceeds our comprehension. We must not lose sight of its purpose. (Jonah 4:1-4, 11) Jehovah sees the pitiable condition of mankind and has compassion for them. Jesus feels the same way. Having pity for the crowds to whom he preached, he wanted the evangelizing work to expand so that more would have the opportunity of gaining everlasting life.—Matt. 9:35-38.
3 When tragedies and disasters strike, do not our hearts go out to people who do not know the truth? People today are like “sheep without a shepherd” as they try to cope with and make sense of the chaos in the world. (Mark 6:34) By zealously preaching the good news, we comfort those of rightly disposed heart and demonstrate our appreciation for Jehovah’s patience.—Acts 13:48.
4 Our Work Is Urgent: Last year 323,439 were baptized and over 14,000,000 attended the Memorial. What potential there is for many more to escape the destruction of this wicked system! How large the “great crowd” will be, we do not know. (Rev. 7:9) How long our commission to preach will last, we do not know. But Jehovah knows. The good news will be preached to his satisfaction, “and then the end will come.” —Matt. 24:14.
5 The time left is reduced, and God’s day is imminent. (1 Cor. 7:29a; Heb. 10:37) Without a doubt, “our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers.” (Rom. 13: 11) Let us not miss the purpose of divine patience. Instead, let us urgently preach so that more who yearn for righteousness may experience Jehovah’s great mercy.