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Our Kingdom Ministry

August 2005                       For United States of America km-E Us 8/05 Vol. 48, No. 8

Kingdom Preaching—A Precious Privilege

  • 1 Daily, billions of earth’s inhabitants benefit from Jehovah’s generous provisions for life. (Matt. 5:45) However, very few enjoy the unique privilege of showing appreciation to their Creator by preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom. (Matt. 24:14) How highly do you esteem this precious privilege?

  • 2 Kingdom preaching honors God and brings hope and peace to people who are distressed by today’s turbulent times. (Heb. 13:15) To those who respond to the message, it means everlasting life. (John 17:3) What secular career or profession offers such benefits? The apostle Paul demonstrated his appreciation for the ministry in the way he carried it out. He viewed it as a treasure.—Acts 20:20, 21, 24; 2 Cor. 4:1, 7.

  • 3 Treasuring Our Precious Privilege: One way we show appreciation for the privilege to preach is by giving attention to the quality of our service. Do we take time to prepare a presentation that will touch the hearts of our listeners? Can we improve our skill in using the Scriptures and in reasoning with people? Do we work our assigned territory thoroughly? Can we start and conduct a Bible study? Like faithful Christians, both past and present, we are motivated by a proper view of this activity, and we cherish our privilege. —Matt. 25:14-23.

  • 4 When we are dealing with the effects of advanced age, poor health, or other difficult circumstances, it is comforting to know that our zealous efforts to share in the ministry are indeed highly valued. God’s Word assures us that Jehovah values such efforts in serving him, even those efforts that may not seem impressive in the eyes of others. —Luke 21:1-4.

6 Kingdom preaching is a source of great satisfaction. A 92-year-old sister said: “What a privilege to look back over 80 years of dedicated service to God—with no regrets! If I could live my life again, I would live it the same way because, indeed, ‘God’s loving-kindness is better than life itself.’” (Ps. 63:3) May we too treasure this precious privilege from God—the Kingdom-preaching work.

Conducting Progressive Bible Studies

Part 12: Helping Students Start and Conduct Bible Studies

  • 1 When our Bible students begin sharing in the field ministry, they may be intimidated by the thought of starting and conducting their own Bible studies. How can we help them develop a positive attitude toward this essential part of our ministry?—Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20.

  • 2 Once a Bible student qualifies to be an unbaptized publisher, he is likely already taking full advantage of the Theocratic Ministry School. The training he receives in preparing and presenting student assignments will help him to develop the teaching skills that are needed by “a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright.” —2 Tim. 2:15.

  • 3 Teach by Your Example: Jesus trained his disciples by giving clear instruction and setting a fine example. He said: “Everyone that is perfectly instructed will be like his teacher.” (Luke 6: 40) Your imitating Jesus by setting a proper example in your own ministry is vital. As your student observes your lead in the ministry, he will appreciate that the objective in making return visits is to start Bible studies.

  • 4 Explain that when we offer a study, it is not generally necessary to describe the study arrangement in detail. Often it is best simply to demonstrate the study by using one or perhaps two paragraphs from a study publication. Helpful suggestions for doing this can be found on page 8 of this issue and on page 6 of the January 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry.

  • 5 When appropriate, invite the student to accompany you or another experienced publisher on other Bible studies. He might share in commenting on a paragraph or a key scripture. Thus, by observation, the student will learn much about conducting progressive Bible studies. (Prov. 27:17; 2 Tim. 2:2) Give him commendation, and discuss how he can improve.

  • 6 Training new publishers to be teachers of God’s Word will equip them for the “good work” of starting and conducting studies of their own. (2 Tim. 3:17) How satisfying it is to work side by side with them in extending the loving invitation: “Let anyone that wishes take life’s water free”!—Rev. 22:17.

    Service Meeting Schedule

NOTE: A month or two after the congregation attends the “Godly Obedience” District Convention, 15 to 20 minutes should be set aside on the Service Meeting (perhaps using a local needs portion) for a review of points from the convention that the publishers have found to be helpful in the field ministry. The special Service Meeting part will give us the opportunity to explain how we are using what we learned at the convention and how it has helped make our ministry more effective. —See the April 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry, p. 2.

Week Starting August 8

Song 125

io min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Remind publishers of the dates of the circuit assembly and special assembly day programs for the 2006 service year if these are known.

10 min: “Are You Using Handbills?” Talk and audience discussion. Invite audience to comment on the good results obtained from using handbills. Include a brief demonstration of a publisher inviting an interested person to a meeting by using a handbill.

25 min: “Now Is the Time to Preach!”* Arrange in advance for one or two regular pioneers to comment on the adjustments they made in order to pioneer and the blessings they have enjoyed as a result.

Song 197 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting August 15

Song 11

10 min: Local announcements. Use the suggestions on page 8 (if appropriate for your territory) to demonstrate how to present the August 15 Watchtower and the August 22 Awake! Show an elder and an infirm publisher doing telephone witnessing.

15 min: Do You Remember? Audience discussion based on the April 15,2005, Watchtower, page 30. Invite audience to comment on each question. Highlight the practical value of the material. Encourage all to read carefully each issue of The Watchtower and Awake!

20 min: “Starting Bible Studies at the Doorstep and by Telephone.”* Include a brief demonstration showing how a Bible study can be started on the initial call, using just one or two paragraphs in the Require brochure. Relate briefly one or two encouraging experiences about starting studies by telephone.

Song 30 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting August 22

Song 161

io min: Local announcements. Read accounts report and donation acknowledgments.

15 min: Local needs.

20 min: “Kingdom Preaching—A Precious Privilege.”* When discussing paragraph 4, review the special provision for reporting field service time in 15-minute increments by those who are very limited by advanced age or health problems.—See the October 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry, p. 8, par. 6.

Song 204 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting August 29

Song 45

10 min: Local announcements. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for August. Using the suggestions on page 8 (if appropriate for your territory), demonstrate how to present the September 1 Watchtower and the September 8 Awake! In one of the presentations, demonstrate making a return visit on a magazineroute call.

15 min: “A Witness Without Words.”* Invite selected publishers to comment on how observing the fine conduct of God’s people helped them to become servants of Jehovah.

20 min: Feature the Bible on Initial Calls. Talk and audience discussion. Review suggestions in the September 2004 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4, paragraph 2, for directing attention to God’s Word on initial calls. Demonstrate how one or two of the suggested presentations could be used with the literature offer for September. Suggestions in the January 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry insert for presenting the offer may also be discussed and demonstrated as time permits.

Song 71 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting September 5

Song 98

10 min: Local announcements.

15 min: “Conducting Progressive Bible Studies—Part 12.”* Arrange in advance for one or two publishers to comment on what helped them to make progress in starting and conducting Bible studies.

20 min: Organizing to Assist the Elderly. Talk by an elder based on the August 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 28-9, under the subheading “Organizing Is Valuable.” Mention arrangements that have been made in the congregation to assist sick and elderly ones.

Song 164 and concluding prayer.

* Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.

May Service Report

Av Av. Av. Av.

Number of:             Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

Sp'IPibS. 245 97.7 113.3 44.3 4.5

Pios. 92,495 65.3 45.2 20.6 2.0

Aux.Pios. 31,115 49.3 39.9 12.7 1.0

Pubs 867,595 9.4   8.6 3.5 O.3

TOTAL 991,450          Baptized: 2,009

© 2005 Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses; W. L. Van De Wall, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299.                         Printed in U.S.A.

Now Is the Time to Preach!

  • 1 “Fear God and give him glory.” Under angelic direction, this message is being declared “to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” Why? “Because the hour of the judgment by [God] has arrived.” Today, we are living in that ‘hour of Judgment,’ which will culminate with the destruction of the present system of things. It is vital for people to “worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.” No other work being done today can compare in importance or urgency with the proclamation of the “everlasting good news.” Yes, now is the time to preach! —Rev. 14:6, 7.

  • 2 During the past ten years, servants of Jehovah have spent nearly 12 billion hours in the Kingdom-preaching and disciplemaking work. Many have made adjustments in their lives in order to share more fully in the spiritual harvest. (Matt. 9:37, 38) Last year, for example, an average of over 850,000 publishers each month served as pioneers. For regular pioneers, this requires spending an average of 70 hours every month in the preaching work. For auxiliary pioneers, the requirement is 50 hours.

  • 3 How to Pioneer: Recognizing that “the time left is reduced,” pioneers strive to keep their life simple. (1 Cor. 7:29,31) They look for ways to reduce expenses so that they can spend less time doing secular work. For example, some have moved into smaller dwellings. Others have eliminated unnecessary material possessions. (Matt. 6:19-21) Often, they must also curtail personal pursuits. All of this is done with the goal of devoting more time and attention to the ministry. (Eph. 5:15, 16) With persistence, a self-sacrificing spirit, and prayerful reliance on Jehovah, many publishers have been able to arrange a practical schedule that enables them to pioneer.

  • 1. Why is now the time to preach?

  • 2. How are servants of Jehovah demonstrating that they recognize the urgency of the times?

  • 3. What adjustments do publishers often need to make in order to pioneer?

  • 4 Can you pioneer? Why not ask successful pioneers how they are able to do it? Work with them in the field ministry, and experience their joy. Consider articles on pioneering that have appeared in our publications. Set practical goals for yourself that can serve as stepping-stones to pioneering. If there are obstacles that presently prevent you from serving as a pioneer, bring them before Jehovah in prayer, and ask him to help you resolve them.—Prov. 16:3.

  • 5 Blessings and Joys: Pioneering sharpens our skills in the use of God’s Word, which in turn brings increased joy. “Being able to handle God’s Word of truth aright is a real blessing,” commented one young pioneer sister. “When you pioneer, you use the Bible so much. Now when I go from door to door, I can think of scriptures that are appropriate for each householder.”—2 Tim. 2:15.

  • 6 Pioneering also teaches many valuable life skills. It can help young people learn how to budget time wisely, how to manage finances, and how to get along with people. Many develop a more spiritual outlook on life as a result of pioneering. (Eph. 4:13) Furthermore, pioneers are often privileged to see Jehovah’s hand at work in their behalf.—Acts 11:21; Phil. 4:11-13.

  • 7 Perhaps one of the greatest blessings of pioneering is that it helps us draw close to Jehovah. This can sustain us through trials. A sister who endured a period of severe difficulty said: “The close relationship that I have developed with Jehovah through pioneering helped me through it all.” She added: “I feel so happy that I’ve spent my adult life serving Jehovah full-time. It has enabled me to give of myself in ways I never thought I could.” (Acts 20:35) May we likewise experience rich blessings as we do our utmost in the all-important preaching work. —Prov. 10:22.

  • 4. What practical steps can help you to work toward the goal of pioneering?

  • 5. How does pioneering help us to improve our skills in the ministry?

  • 6. What training does pioneering provide?

  • 7. How does pioneering help us to draw close to Jehovah?

    km-E Us 8/05



The following questions will be considered orally at the Theocratic Ministry School during the week beginning August 29, 2005. The school overseer will conduct a 30-minute review based on material covered in assignments for the weeks of July 4 through August 29, 2005. [Note: Where there are no references after the question, you will need to do your own research to find the answers.—See Ministry School, pp. 36-7.]


  • 1. When sharing our hope with others, how can we let our “reasonableness become known to all men,” and why is this important? (Phil. 4:5; Jas. 3:17) [be p. 251 pars. 1-3, box]

  • 2. How will knowing when to yield help us deal successfully with others? [be p. 253 pars. 1-2]

  • 3. Why is skillful use of questions important when we help others to reason on a matter? [be p. 253 pars. 3-4]

  • 4. What factors should be considered in order to make a presentation persuasive? [be p. 255 pars. 1-4, box; p. 256 par. 1, box]

  • 5. What should we keep in mind if we decide to use corroborative evidence to support the reasonableness of the Scriptures? [be p. 256 pars. 3-5, box]


  • 6. What clear evidence testifies to the historicity of Jesus? [w03 6/15 pp. 4-7]

  • 7. How does ‘the mouth of the upright ones deliver them,’ and how does the very house of the righteous ones “keep standing”? (Prov. 12:6, 7) [w03 1/15 p. 30 pars. 1-3]

  • 8. Since the Bible is not written in the form of a list of dos and don’ts, how can we ‘perceive what the will of Jehovah is’? (Eph. 5: 17) [w03 12/1 p. 21 par. 3-p. 22 par. 3]

  • 9. What Bible principles when applied can help one to cope with poverty or unfavorable economic circumstances? [w03 8/1 p. 5 pars. 2-5]

  • 10. How should Jehovah’s example in freely giving affect us? (Matt. 10:8) [w03 8/1 pp. 20-2]


  • 11. What was signified by the two pillars named Jachin and Boaz at the entrance to the temple built by Solomon? (1 Ki. 7:15-22)

  • 12. Was Solomon’s gift of 20 cities in the land of Galilee to King Hiram of Tyre in harmony with the Mosaic Law? (1 Ki. 9:10-13)

  • 13. What lesson can we learn from the disobedience of “a man of God”? (1 Ki. 13:1-25)

  • 14. In what way did King Asa of Judah demonstrate his courage, and what can we learn from his example? (1 Ki. 15:11-13)

  • 15. How does the incident involving King Ahab and Naboth illustrate the danger of selfpity? (1 Ki. 21:1-16)

    Are You Using Handbills?

One day an 11-year-old boy found a handbill advertising a public lecture on the subject of hell. “This keenly interested me,” he later explained, “as it seemed that I was always doing the wrong thing, and so I worried a lot about going to a burning hell when I died.” He attended the lecture, and about a year later, after several sessions of Bible study, he was baptized. Thus began the Christian career of Karl Klein, who later served for many years as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It all began with a handbill.

Handbills continue to be an effective witnessing tool today. Many publishers find that handing one to a person is a good way to introduce themselves and start conversations. Parents can involve their young children in the ministry by having them offer a handbill at the door. Publishers who share in witnessing by letter can advertise the meetings by enclosing a handbill. And, of course, handbills are a convenient way to invite Bible students and other interested ones to come to our meetings.

On the front of the handbill is a brief description of each congregation meeting. Since the Kingdom Hall address and meeting times are not included, you will need to supply that information when offering the handbill. There is space to print or stamp that information on the handbill if desired.

Are you making good use of handbills in your ministry?


This material will be used on the Service Meeting program shortly before and shortly after the congregation attends the circuit assembly for the 2006 service year. The presiding overseer will arrange for this preview and review, as outlined in the August 2004 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4. During the review, all the questions should be asked, focusing attention on how we can apply the information that was presented.


  • 1. How do we put on the new personality, and why must we maintain it?

  • 2. How have some increased their share in the preaching work?

  • 3. Why should we avoid comparing ourselves with others?

  • 4. How can family members manifest the new personality within the family circle?

  • 5. How can we show loyal support within the congregation?

  • 6. Why do we need to display the new personality in the field ministry?

  • 7. What does proper meditation include, and how do we benefit from such meditation?

  • 8. What qualities will make us malleable in Jehovah’s hands?


  • 9. How important is it to use our tongue aright?

  • 10. What benefits come from using wholesome speech with workmates, schoolmates, and others?

  • 11. How can we apply Paul’s counsel at Ephesians 4:25-32 in our dealings with fellow believers?

  • 12. What is the most honorable use of our tongue?

  • 13. What must we do in order to conquer the wicked one?

  • 14. In what areas should we endeavor to remain without spot from the world?

  • 15. Why must we daily renew the person we are inside, and how can we do so?

  • 16. What counsel from this year’s circuit assembly program are you planning to apply?

    New Circuit Assembly Program

During the final days of this corrupt old world, it is vital that we maintain our spiritual attire and safeguard our Christian identity. (Rev. 16:15) It is appropriate, therefore, that the theme of the circuit assembly program for the 2006 service year is “Clothe Yourselves With the New Personality.”—Col. 3:10.

First Day: The first symposium, “Manifesting Aspects of the New Personality,” will highlight how cultivating the new personality benefits us in every area of our lives. How do we cultivate the new personality? That will be considered in the last two talks of the first day, “Discipline Yourself to Meditate Properly” and “Education That Molds the New Personality.”

Second Day: How the new personality influences our use of the tongue will be considered in the second symposium, “Cultivating the Tongue of Wise Ones.” “Are You Conquering the Wicked One?” is the theme of the public address, which will highlight the need to remain alert to Satan’s tactics. The last two talks of the assembly, “Keep Yourself Without Spot From the World” and “Daily Renewing the Man We Are Inside,” will help us to shun attitudes and conduct that conflict with God’s righteous ways and to remain steadfast in our worship of Jehovah.

How we look forward to receiving this encouragement to put on and maintain the new personality!


This material will be used on the Service Meeting program shortly before and shortly after the congregation attends the special assembly day for the 2006 service year. The presiding overseer will arrange for this preview and review, as outlined in the August 2004 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4. During the review, all the questions should be asked, focusing attention on how we can apply the information that was presented.


  • 1. What does it mean to keep one’s eye simple, and why is that a challenge today? (“Why Keep Your Eye Simple?”)

  • 2. How do we benefit by keeping a simple eye? (“Reap Blessings for Keeping a Simple Eye”)

  • 3. What danger do many so-called normal activities pose? (“Keeping a Simple Eye in a Wicked World”)


  • 4. How can parents and others encourage youths to pursue spiritual goals? (“Parents Who Aim Their Arrows Aright” and “Youths Who Reach Out for Spiritual Goals”)

  • 5. How can we move ahead with Jehovah’s organization (a) as individuals? (b) as families? (c) as a congregation? (“Focus On Moving Ahead With Jehovah’s Organization”)

    New Special Assembly Day Program

The eye is a marvel of design. (Ps. 139:14) Yet, it can focus on only one thing at a time. That is true both literally and figuratively. For our spiritual vision to be clear and in focus, we must center our attention on doing God’s will. In view of the everincreasing distractions of Satan’s world, how appropriate that the special assembly day program for the 2006 service year will develop the theme “Keep Your Eye Simple”!—Matt. 6:22.

How can we put ourselves in line to receive blessings from Jehovah? (Prov. 10:22) This question will be considered in the part “Reap Blessings for Keeping a Simple Eye.” Interviews will highlight how we can benefit from applying Scriptural principles. The first talk by the visiting speaker, “Keeping a Simple Eye in a Wicked World,” will warn us of things that can complicate our lives and gradually choke our spirituality. We will also learn what is involved in choosing “the good portion.”—Luke 10:42.

How can parents and others encourage young Christians to focus on spiritual pursuits? The parts “Parents Who Aim Their Arrows Aright” and “Youths Who Reach Out for Spiritual Goals” will include expressions from parents and youths on this important question. (Ps. 127:4) The concluding talk by the visiting speaker will consider how we can keep pace with Jehovah’s organization as individuals, as families, and as a congregation.

Whether we are newly acquainted with the truth or have been serving Jehovah for decades, it is vital that we ‘keep our eye simple.’ The special assembly day program will help us to do just that.


■ Literature offer for August: Worship the Only True God. If a Bible study is started, it is recommended that the Knowledge book and the Require brochure be studied before the Worship God book. September: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. Before requesting additional supplies from the branch office, congregations should use what is available locally and check if nearby congregations have a surplus on hand. October: The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Where interest is shown, offer the Require brochure and make a special effort to start Bible studies. November: Learn From the Great Teacher. If individuals say they have no children, offer the Knowledge book or the tract Would You Like to Know More About the Bible?

■ On August 26 and 27, 2005, an inventory will be taken of all literature on hand at Wallkill Bethel. Because of this, no congregation literature requests will be processed for pickup during those days.

■ Since October has five full weekends, it would be an excellent month to auxiliary pioneer.

■ Pages 5 and 6 of this issue of Our Kingdom Ministry should be kept for use in connection with the circuit assembly and special assembly day programs for the 2006 service year.

■ The presiding overseer or someone designated by him should audit the congregation’s accounts on September 1 or as soon as possible thereafter. If a separate checking account is maintained, such as for maintenance or construction, arrangements should also be made to audit this account. When the audit(s) have been completed, this should be announced to the congregation with the next accounts report.

■ The annual inventory of all literature and magazines on hand should be taken on or as close to August 31, 2005, as possible. This inventory is similar to the actual count taken monthly by the literature coordinator, and the totals should be entered on the Literature Inventory form (S-18). The total number of magazines on hand should be obtained from the magazine servant(s). The secretary of the coordinating congregation should supervise the inventory. He and the presiding overseer of the coordinating congregation will sign the form. Each coordinating congregation will receive three Literature Inventory forms (S-18). Please mail the original to the branch office no later than September 6. Keep a copy for your flies. The third copy may be used as a work sheet.

■ Congregations should begin requesting the 2006 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Examining the Scriptures Daily—2006, and the 2006 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses with their next literature request. A listing of the languages in which these items are available will appear in the “Announcement to All Congregations,” which is mailed to all congregations each month.

A Witness Without Words

  • 1 Without uttering a word, Jehovah’s physical creation speaks volumes about his invisible qualities. (Ps. 19: 1-3; Rom. 1:20) Similarly, our fine conduct, Christian qualities, and modest appearance give a witness without words. (1 Pet. 2:12; 3:1-4) It should be the desire of each of us to “adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things” by the way we comport ourselves.—Titus 2:10.

  • 2 How is it possible for imperfect humans to add luster to Bible teachings? This is possible only through the guidance of God’s Word and the power of holy spirit. (Ps. 119:105; 143:10) God’s word “is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Heb. 4:12) It penetrates deep within us and enables us to put on the new personality. (Col. 3:9,10) Holy spirit produces in us desirable qualities, such as kindness, goodness, mildness, and self-control. (Gal. 5:22, 23) Are we individually allowing God’s word and spirit to work in our lives?—Eph. 4:30; 1 Thess. 2:13.

  • 3 Others Take Notice: When we live by Jehovah’s standards and strive to reflect his qualities, others take notice. Consider, for example, a man who was ridiculed by his workmates because he was short. A sister who worked in the same office always treated him with dignity and respect. This moved him to ask her why she was so different. She explained that her respectful conduct was the result of applying Bible principles in her life. She also shared with him the marvelous Kingdom hope. The man began to study the Bible and eventually progressed to baptism. When he returned to his homeland, his relatives were impressed by his fine conduct, and several of them also accepted the truth.

  • 4 At work, in school, or in dealing with relatives and neighbors, we can by our fine conduct, along with our witnessing, cause others to give glory to God.—Matt. 5:16.

Starting Bible Studies at the Doorstep and by Telephone

What to Say About the Magazines

  • 1 People today are busy. Yet, many have an interest in spiritual things. How can we help them to satisfy their spiritual need? (Matt. 5:3) Many publishers are able to study the Bible with people at their doorstep or by telephone. Could you expand your ministry in this manner?

  • 2 To start Bible studies, we need to be prepared to demonstrate a Bible study whenever the opportunity presents itself. How and where can this be done?

  • 3 At the Doorstep: When you meet a person who is willing to converse about the Bible, simply open to a paragraph that you have prepared in advance, such as the first paragraph of lesson 1 in the Require brochure, and begin. Read the paragraph, consider the question, and discuss one or two cited scriptures. Often this can be done right at the doorstep in five to ten minutes. If the person enjoys the discussion, make an arrangement to consider the next paragraph or two at another time.—Further suggestions on using the direct approach to start studies can be found in the January 2002 Our Kingdom. Ministry, p. 6.

  • 4 A similar approach can be used to start Bible studies when making return visits. For example, you might introduce the Require brochure and feature God’s name, using les-

1, 2. How may we adapt our Bible study program to help busy people?

  • 3. Why demonstrate a Bible study on the initial call, and how can this be done?

  • 4. How might we start a Bible study at the doorstep when making return visits? son 2, paragraphs 1-2. On the next visit, you could discuss what the Bible reveals about Jehovah’s qualities, using paragraphs 3-4. For the following discussion, you could consider paragraphs 5-6 and the picture on page 5 to highlight how a study of the Bible helps us to get to know Jehovah. All of this can take place while standing at the doorstep.

  • 5 By Telephone: Some people may be more willing to study the Bible by telephone than in person. Consider the following experience: While preaching from house to house, a sister met a young woman who is a mother and a busy career woman. When the sister was unable to contact her again at home, she decided to telephone her. The young woman explained that she really did not have time to discuss the Bible. The sister said: “In 10 or 15 minutes, you can learn something new, even by telephone.” “Well, if it’s by phone, then, OK!” answered the woman. Before long, a regular study was being conducted over the telephone.

  • 6 Would some of those whom you visit be willing to study by telephone? You could try the approach just described, or you might simply say: “If you prefer, we could discuss the Bible by telephone. Would that be better for you?” By adapting our Bible study program to the circumstances of others, we may help them to “find the very knowledge of God.”—Prov. 2:5; 1 Cor. 9:23.

5, 6. (a) Why may some people prefer to study the Bible by telephone? (b) What approach can we use when offering to study by phone?


Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom

“After a tragic loss, many wonder what happens at death. Do you think that it is possible to understand death? [Allow for response.] This magazine explains what the Bible says about the condition of the dead. It also discusses God’s promise to resurrect our deceased loved ones.” Read John 5:28, 29.

Awake! Aug. 22

“Did you know that tourism has been called the world’s number one employer? [Allow for response.] The rise of tourism has brought both benefits and problems. This magazine examines the pros and cons of the modern tourist industry. It also offers some practical tips for international travelers.”


Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom         ■

“In today’s world, loyalty is a virtue that is more often praised than practiced. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people were like the friend described here? [Read Proverbs 17:17. Then allow for response.] This magazine discusses the benefits that come from being loyal to our family and friends.”

Awake! Sept. 8

“Perhaps you have marveled at the cooperation that exists in nature. [Mention one of the examples cited in the article.] Isn’t it sad that we do not see more cooperation between humans? [Allow for response.] This magazine explains how God will soon bring peace and harmony to our earth.” Read Isaiah 11:9.