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January 2007                     For United States of America km-E Us 1/07 Vol. 50, No, 1

Love—The Key to a Fruitful Ministry

  • 1 “Come to me, . . . and I will refresh you.” (Matt. 11:28) Such winsome words reflected Jesus’ deep-seated love for people. As Christian ministers, we desire to imitate Jesus in demonstrating our love for people who are worn down by a loveless world. How can we do so as we share the good news?

  • 2 In Word: Love for people moved Jesus to take advam tage of every opportunity to share the good news. (John 4:714) Love will help us to overcome hesitancy to witness informally. A six-year-old girl gave a Une witness to a woman sitting beside her in a medical waitingroom. What prompted her to do so? She explained, “The lady looked like she needed to know about Jehovah.”

  • 3 We can convey our interest in people with a sincere, warm smile and a friendly tone of voice. Listening carefully to the comments of others, acknowledging their concerns, and reflecting genuine personal interest likewise demonstrate love. (Prov. 15:23) In imitation of Jesus, we should emphasize the positive Kingdom message and Jehovah's loving compassion for people.—Matt. 24:14; Luke 4:18.

  • 4 In Deed: Jesus was sensitive to the needs of others in practical, tangible ways. (Matt. 15:32) We too may have opportunities to perform acts of loving-kindness while in the ministry. One sister observed a woman struggling to comprehend an important telephone call. Our sister volunteered to help by translating the caller’s words. This loving act opened the way for a Scriptural discussion that helped the woman accept a Bible study. In another case a brother making a return visit found the householder exasperated, having wedged a heavy piece of furniture in the doorway. After providing neighborly assistance, the brother was soon sitting on the couch that he had helped move, starting a Bible study with the appreciative man.

6 As we share in the ministry, we demonstrate our love for God and our love for neighbor. (Matt. 22:36-40) Such demonstration in word and deed helps honesthearted ones realize that we have the truth.

“I’m Not Interested”

  • 1 That is a common reaction to our message in some areas. What will help us to avoid becoming disheartened when faced with apathy in the territory? How might we be able to stimulate interest in the good news?

  • 2 Maintain Joy: Remembering why many are apathetic will help us to maintain joy. People who were taught the theory of evolution or who were raised in an atheistic society may not have considered the value of the Bible. Others may be disillusioned by the hypocrisy they have observed in religion. For some, their apathy may mirror their frustration and hopelessness. (Eph. 2:12) Some ‘take no note’ because they are weighed down with the anxieties of life. —Matt. 24:37-39.

  • 3 Regardless of the negative reaction of some, we can have joy in the ministry, knowing that our efforts glorify Jehovah. (1 Pet. 4:11) In addition, talking about the truth, even to those who do not yet appreciate it, strengthens our own faith. Let us endeavor to view people in the territory as Jehovah does. He felt sorry for the people of Nineveh who did not “know the difference between their right hand and their left.” (Jonah 4: 11) Those living in our territory need the good news! Therefore, we should not give up but should seek ways to stimulate their interest in the Bible’s message.

  • 4 Discuss Local Concerns: Perhaps you could bring up a matter of local concern in your introduction and ask the householder to express his views. Listen as he speaks, then show him the Bible’s comforting message in response to his concerns. After a local tragedy, one Witness expressed his sincere regrets at each door. “Suddenly, the people started talking,” he said. “I had many fine conversations that day because I showed interest in their lives.”

  • 5 Each problem facing mankind will be solved by God’s Kingdom. Try to discern the one that most concerns the householder. He may allow you to explain the Bible’s message of hope. If not, he may be willing to listen “even another time.” —Acts 17:32.

    Service Meeting schedule

Week Starting January 8

Song 12

1O min: Local announcements. Encourage everyone to view the video No Blood—Medicine Meets the Challenge in preparation for the discussion that will be held at the Service Meeting the week of January 22. Using the suggestions on page 4 or other presentations appropriate for your territory, demonstrate how to offer the January 15 Watchtower and the January Awake! In one of the demonstrations, show how to handle the potential conversation stopper “I’m busy.”—See Reasoning book, pp. 19-20.

15 min: Benefit From Examining the Scriptures Daily. Talk and audience discussion based on the foreword of Examining the Scriptures Daily—2007. Discuss the need for all to take a few minutes each day to consider the Scripture text and comments. Arrange in advance for one or two to comment on their routine for considering the text and how they have benefited. Conclude with a brief discussion of the yeartext for 2007.

20 min: Reach Everyone With the Good News. Talk and audience discussion based on Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will, page 92 to the subheading on page 102.

Song 165 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting January 15

Song 93

10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry.

15 min: Is Something Holding You Back? A talk by an elder based on the April 1,2002, issue of The Watchtower, pages 13-15.

20 min: “I’m Not Interested.”* When discussing paragraph 4, ask the audience what issues are of interest in the local territory. Have two brief demonstrations showing how to overcome the potential conversation stopper “I’m not interested.”—See Reasoning book, p. 16. Song 135 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting January 22

Song 224

1O min: Local announcements. Read accounts report and donation acknowledgments. Using the suggestions on page 4 or other presentations appropriate for your territory, demonstrate how to offer the February 1 Watchtower and the February Awake! In one of the presentations, demonstrate making a return visit on a magazine-route call.

10 min: Local needs.

25 min: “The Highest Quality of Medical Care—What Is It?” To be handled by an elder. Get right into a discussion of the No Blood video with the audience, using the questions that are provided in the article. Conclude by reading the last paragraph and encouraging all to review carefully the cited Watchtower articles.

Song 188 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting January 29

Song 55

10 min: Local announcements. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for January. Mention the literature offer for February, and have one presentation demonstrated.

20 min: “Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster?”'"' To be handled by an elder. Include comments on the November 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 3.

15 min: If You Promise to Return, Return. Talk and audience discussion based on the September 15, 1999, Watchtower, page 11. Invite audience to relate experiences that show how they were blessed by returning as promised.

Song 137 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting February 5

Song 3

1O min: Local announcements.

15 min: This Is Who I Am! Talk and audience discussion. Some youths are reluctant to identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses because they feel their peers may ridicule them. However, there are good reasons to Identify who you are. Teachers who know your beliefs are more likely to respect them and not insist that you participate in something inappropriate. Unprincipled youths will not be so quick to invite you to share with them in misconduct. Others will more readily understand your decisions regarding matters such as dating or engaging in school sports and other extracurricular activities. You will also feel less apprehensive about witnessing in school or meeting a classmate while preaching in the territory. (g02 3/22 p. 12) Invite publishers to comment on how they benefited by identifying themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses in school. One or two comments may be arranged in advance.

20 min: “Love—The Key to a Fruitful Ministry.”* Include comments on the February 1, 2003, Watchtower, page 23, paragraphs 16-17.

Song 83 and concluding prayer.

5 Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.


Av. Av. Av Av Number of:               Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

Sp’l pros. 286 102.7 78.5 38.4 3.6

Pios. 100,627 68.3 45.5 20.4 1.9

Aux.Pios. 38,198 50.9 37.4 12.2 1.0

Pubs 885,827 10.0 8.7 3.5 0.3

TOTAL 1,024,938 Baptized: 1,727

We are happy to report a new peak in regular pioneers! The total of 100,627 regular pioneers reporting is an increase of 3,105 over the previous peak of 97,522 in December of 2005. This Is the first time we have exceeded one hundred thousand regular pioneers.

© 2007 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses: W. L Van De Wall, President: w H. takes, Secretary-Treasurer: 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, NY. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, WOO Red Mills Road. Wallkill, NY 12589-3299.                         Printed in U.S.A.


■ Literature offer for January: The Knowledge book or any book published prior to 1991 that the congregation may have in stock. If you do not have any of these in stock, please check if nearby congregations have a surplus on hand that you can use. Congregations that do not have these books may offer the Keep on the Watch! brochure. February: Draw Close to Jehovah. If this publication is not available, you may use the Worship God book. March: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Make a special effort to start Bible studies. April: The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. When making return visits on interested people, including those who attended the Memorial or other theocratic events but who are not actively associated with the congregation, concentrate on starting Bible studies using the Bible Teach book.

  • ■ Starting in February, and no later than March 4, the new public talk for circuit overseers will be “God's New World .Who Will Qualify to Enter?”

  • ■ The video program Young People Ask —What Will I Do With My Life? will be considered at a Service Meeting in April. If needed, copies should be requested through the congregation as soon as possible.

■ Our Chinese literature is published in two scripts. People from Hong Kong and Taiwan generally read the traditional script, which we designate “Chinese" (CH). Most other Chinese readers usually read a simplified script referred to as “Simplified Chinese” (CHS). Since the script that a person reads is unrelated to whether he speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, or another dialect, it is important to determine the script that he prefers. The booklet Good News for People of All Nations, pages 19-20, may be used for comparison. In this way, literature in the correct script will be requested.

■ Congregations should make appropriate arrangements to observe the Memorial this year on Monday, April 2, after sundown. Although the talk may start earlier, the passing of the emblems should not begin until after sundown. Check with local sources to determine when sundown occurs in your area. Each congregation should try to hold its own Memorial observance. However, this may not always be possible. Where a number of congregations normally use the same Kingdom Hall, perhaps one or more congregations can obtain the use of another facility for that evening. Where possible, we suggest a minimum of 40 minutes between the programs so that all may benefit fully from some association after the Memorial. Consideration should also be given to traffic conditions and parking, including the dropping off and picking up of passengers. The body of elders should decide what arrangements would be best locally.

■ Congregation secretaries should make sure that they have a pioneer appointment letter (S-202) for each regular pioneer in the congregation. If they do not, they should inform the branch office in writing.

■ The branch facilities in Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill, New York, will be closed on the following dates: March 10, 2007 (Gilead graduation); May 11-12, 2007 (spring cleaning); September 8, 2007 (Gilead graduation); and October 6, 2007 (annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania). There will be no arrangements for tours or for congregations to pick up literature on those dates.

■ As a reminder, all congregations should notify the branch office of their meeting times as they will be on January 1. If this has not been done, the congregation secretary should immediately submit it on the Congregation Internet Site (CIS) or on a Congregation Meeting Information (S-5) form.

The Highest Quality of Medical Care—What Is It?

“Any patient who receives bloodless medicine is, in essence, the recipient of the highest quality surgery that is possible.” So said Dr. Michael Rose, medical director and anesthesiologist. What procedures and transfusion alternatives may be included in “bloodless medicine”? You need to know in order to make informed decisions involving medical treatment and surgery. Watch the video No Blood —Medicine Meets the Challenge. Afterward, test your understanding with the questions that follow.—Note: Because the video includes brief surgical scenes, parents should use discretion in viewing the video with young children.

(1) What is the main reason why Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions? (2) When it comes to medical care, what do Jehovah’s Witnesses desire? (3) What basic right do patients have? (4) Why is it rational and responsible to choose transfusion alternatives? (5) When severe blood loss occurs, what two urgent priorities do doctors have? (6) What are the four principles of transfusion-alternative strategies? (7) How may doctors (a) minimize blood loss, (b) conserve red blood cells, (c) stimulate blood production, and (d) recover lost blood? (8) Describe the procedures known as (a) hemodilution and (b) cell salvage. (9) What should you want to be informed about regarding any transfusion alternative? (10) Can serious and complicated surgeries be performed without the use of blood transfusions? (11) What positive development is taking place within the medical community?

Acceptance of some of the treatments featured in the video is a matter for private decision in accord with each one’s Bible-trained conscience. Have you decided which transfusion alternatives you are willing to accept for yourself and your children? Non-Witness family members should also be fully informed of your decisions and the reasons for them.—See “Questions From Readers" in the June 15, 2004, and October 15, 2000, issues of The Watchtower.

Are You Prepared fora Natural Disaster?

What to Say About the Magazines

1 Each year, millions of people around the world, including many of our brothers and sisters, are affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, and Hoods. Since natural disasters occur unexpectedly and could affect any of us, it is the course of wisdom to be prepared—Prov. 21:5.

  • 2 In Advance: Sometimes the authorities are able to warn of impending disasters. It is important to pay attention to those warnings. (Prov. 22:3) In such situations the elders will try to contact all in the congregation to help them to make necessary preparations. After a disaster, the elders will also endeavor to contact all who are associated with the congregation to see if they are safe and to discern what assistance may be needed. Valuable time can be lost if the elders do not have up-to-date contact information. So it is good for publishers to keep the secretary and their book study overseer informed of their current address and telephone number(s).

  • 3 If the congregation is located in a disaster-prone area, the elders may ask publishers to provide the name and telephone number of a relative or friend who does not live in the vicinity and who should be contacted in case of an emergency. This will enable the elders to locate those who have

  • 1. Why is it prudent to be prepared for disasters?

  • 2. Why should we keep the elders informed of our current address and telephone number(s)?

  • 3. How may we cooperate with the elders if we live in a disaster-prone area? evacuated. The elders may also wish to develop a contingency plan for the congregation that includes such things as a simple checklist of emergency supplies to keep on hand, evacuation arrangements, and plans for assisting those with special needs. Cooperation with these loving arrangements is important.—Heb. 13:17.

  • 4 After a Disaster: What should you do if a disaster strikes in your area? Make sure that your family’s immediate physical needs are cared for. As you are able, give necessary assistance to others who have been affected. Endeavor to contact your book study overseer or another elder as soon as possible. This should be done even if you are safe and do not need help. If you need assistance, be assured that your brothers are making every effort to help you. (1 Cor. 13:4, 7) Remember that Jehovah is aware of your situation; rely on him to sustain you. (Ps. 37:39; 62:8) Be alert to opportunities to provide spiritual and emotional support to others. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Resume your theocratic routine as soon as possible.—Matt. 6:33.

  • 5 While the threat of disaster causes the world much anxiety, we can look to the future with confidence. Soon all disasters will be a thing of the past. (Rev. 21:4) In the meantime, we can take reasonable steps to prepare for times of trouble and difficulties as we maintain our zeal in declaring the good news to others.

  • 4. What should we do if a disaster strikes in our area?

  • 5. How are we as Christians affected by the threat of disaster?

"Watchtower® Jan. 15

Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom

“Where do you think married couples can go for reliable advice? [Allow for response.] Notice who originated marriage. [Read Genesis 2:22.] God also provided instructions on the dignified role of the husband and the wife. This magazine explains.”

Awake! Jan.

“Have you noticed that many professed Christians do not follow the teachings of Jesus? [Allow for response.] For example, many do not follow Jesus’ words here. [Read John 13:35.] This article examines the difference between what Jesus taught and the view of many professed Christians.” Feature the article that begins on page 18.

"Watchtower® Feb. 1

Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom

“Do you think our community would be a better place if everyone lived by these words? [Read Ephesians 4:25. Then allow for response.] Many people think that lying is acceptable in some situations. This magazine explains the benefits of always telling the truth.”

Awake! Feb.

“Attitudes toward religion seem to be changing in some communities. Do you think the churches are losing their influence? [Allow for response.] These words of the apostle Paul give a reason why some have lost confidence in religion. [Read Acts 20:29, 30.] This magazine shows what the Bible says about the future of Christianity.”