Song 72 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cf chap. 17 ^16-20, box on p. 181 (25 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Nehemiah 9-11 (10 min.) No. 1: Nehemiah 11:1-14 (4 min. or less) No. 2: Does Matthew 1:23 Indicate That Jesus When on Earth Was God?—rs p. 214 fl1-3 (5 min.)
No. 3: Ways in Which God’s Undeserved Kindness Is Expressed—1 Pet. 4:10 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 48
5 min: Announcements.
12 min: How to Converse With Strangers. Discussion based on the Ministry School book, pages 62-64. Briefly interview a publisher who is known for his ability to start a conversation when witnessing informally or when going from door to door.
18 min: “The Memorial Season—An Opportunity for Increased Activity!” Questions and answers by the service overseer. After considering the article, outline local arrangements for meetings for field service during March, April, and May. Suggest schedules that would allow those of various circumstances to obtain 50 hours a month in the ministry. Interview two or three publishers who auxiliary pioneered during the Memorial season last year despite having a busy schedule or physical challenges.
Song 8 and Prayer
The Memorial Season—An Opportunity for Increased Activity!
1 Can you increase your share in the ministry during the upcoming Memorial season?
1. What reasons do we have to consider increasing our activity during March, April, and May?
Many places will experience good weather and longer hours of daylight. Some publishers will have vacation from work or school that they can use for the ministry. Beginning on April 2, we will enjoy a special campaign to invite interested ones to attend the Memorial with us on April 17. Thereafter, we will endeavor to develop the interest of those who attended and invite them to the special talk that will be given during the week of April 25. Indeed, there are many reasons to consider increasing our activity during March, April, and May.
2 Auxiliary Pioneering: One excellent way to do more is to auxiliary pioneer. Since we are all busy, this generally requires planning ahead and making adjustments in our schedule. (Prov. 21:5) Perhaps you can postpone some nonessential activities in your normal routine. (Phil. 1:9-11) Why not express your desire to pioneer to others in the congregation to see if they can join you as an auxiliary pioneer?
3 During your next Family Worship evening, it would be good to discuss your goals as a family. (Prov. 15:22) With cooperation, perhaps some members of the family can auxiliary pioneer one or more months. What if you determine that this is just not possible? The family can still arrange to increase their activity by sharing in the ministry on some evenings or by staying out longer on the weekends.
4 Jehovah takes note of all we do to serve him and appreciates our sacrifices. (Heb. 6: 10) Joy results from giving to Jehovah and to others. (1 Chron. 29:9; Acts 20:35) Could you increase your activity this Memorial season and reap the increased joy and blessings that result?
2. What is one excellent way to do more in our ministry?
3. How may families arrange to increase their activity?
4. What blessings will result from increasing our activity in the ministry this Memorial season?
Song 97 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cf chap. 18 fl1-9 (25 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Nehemiah 12-13 (10 min.) No. 1: Nehemiah 13:15-22 (4 min. or less) No. 2: What It Means to Give Jehovah God Exclusive Devotion—Ex. 20:5 (5 min.)
No. 3: What Is the Meaning of John 5:18?
—rs p. 214 ^4-5 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 133
5 min: Announcements.
10 min: Jehovah Will Not Leave His Loyal Ones. (Ps. 37:28) Discussion based on the 2010 Yearbook, page 149, paragraph 2, to page 150, paragraph 4; and page 175, paragraph 2, to page 179, paragraph 5, excluding the time line. After discussing each experience, invite audience to comment on the lessons learned.
10 min: Effective Conclusions in the Field Ministry. Talk based on the Ministry School book, page 221, paragraph 5, to the end of page 222. Briefly demonstrate one or two points from the material.
10 min: “‘Bearing Thorough Witness’About God’s Kingdom.” Questions and answers.
Song 31 and Prayer
1 During the week of March 14, 2011, we will begin consideration of “Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom at the Congregation Bible Study. This publication covers the book of Acts in such a way that the reader can feel the excitement of the fast-moving events recorded therein. Instead of providing a verse-by-verse commentary, the Bearing Witness book draws lessons from the accounts in
1. What will we consider at the Congregation Bible Study beginning the week of March 14?
Acts and helps us to see how we can make personal application.—Rom. 15:4.
2 Features of the Book: The introduction on page 2 is a warm letter from the Governing Body expressing how they want us to benefit from this publication. Beginning with chapter 2, a focus line explains the thrust of each chapter and a Scripture citation indicates the portion of Acts that will be discussed. Many of the chapters contain informative boxes that offer background information about people, places, or events. Wide margins allow us to make notes. Throughout the book are richly detailed illustrations of Biblical scenes to help us visualize important events, and on the last page is a helpful image index to explain what is being depicted in various pictures. Inside the front and back covers are maps to assist us in following the progress of fellow worshippers in the first century as they began spreading the good news “to the most distant part of the earth.”—Acts 1:8.
3 Answers to Important Questions: Consideration of the book of Acts will help us to discern clearly the answers to important questions about the Christian ministry. For example, what work and message identify true followers of Jesus Christ? Who directs this worldwide preaching work, and how? What opportunities do persecution and opposition create for ministers? What role does the holy spirit play in our ministry?
4 In order to benefit to the full, study the material in advance and prepare to share in the congregation’s discussion. Be present at each meeting, and reflect on how you can apply the lessons learned in your personal ministry. May our consideration of this exciting publication stimulate us to bear thorough witness about God’s Kingdom!—Acts 28:23.
2. Explain some of the features of the Bearing Witness book.
3. What important questions will our study of the book of Acts answer?
4. How may we benefit to the full from our consideration of this publication?
© 2011 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada
Song 5 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cf chap. 18 ^10-18 (25 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Esther 1-5 (10 min.)
Theocratic Ministry School Review (20 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 93
5 min: Announcements.
10 min: Keep the Message Positive. Discussion based on the Ministry School book, page 202. Using the offer for next month, demonstrate the suggestions in the last paragraph.
10 min: Benefit From Examining the Scriptures Daily. Discussion based on the foreword of Examining the Scriptures—2011. Encourage all to consider the text each day. Invite audience to relate when they have set aside time to read the text and how they have benefited. Briefly review the yeartext for 2011. Discuss “Daily Text No Longer to Be Considered at Meetings for Field Service.”
10 min: Prepare to Offer the Magazines in March. Discussion. Take one or two minutes to review some of the contents of the magazines. Then choose two or three articles, and invite audience to suggest questions and scriptures that could be used in a presentation. Demonstrate how each issue may be offered.
Song 33 and Prayer
In the past, meetings for field service might have included a brief discussion of the daily text if it related to the ministry. This is being adjusted. Examining the Scriptures Daily should no longer be used as a basis for discussion during meetings for service. As before, conductors may make use of the Bible, Our Kingdom Ministry, the Ministry School book, the Reasoning book, and other material related to the ministry. Those assigned to conduct should prepare to share something practical to help those going in the ministry that day. As in the past, the length of the meeting should be no more than 10 to 15 minutes and should be shorter if it follows a congregation meeting.
The following questions will be considered at the Theocratic Ministry School during the week beginning February 28, 2011. The school overseer will conduct a 20-minute review based on material covered in assignments for the weeks of January 3 through February 28, 2011.
1. What work did Hezekiah initiate at the beginning of his reign, and how can we imitate him today? (2 Chron. 29:16-18) [w09 6/15 p. 9 par. 13]
2. How does 2 Chronicles 36:21 underscore the fulfillment of the prophecy recorded at Jeremiah 25:8-11? [w06 11/15 p. 32 pars. 1-4]
3. How does Ezra 3:1-6 support the Scriptural evidence that Jerusalem’s 70-year desolation ended right on time? [w06 1/15 p. 19 par. 2]
4. Why was Ezra stunned when he learned of the intermarriage with the people of the land? (Ezra 9:1-3) [w06 1/15 p. 20 par. 1]
5. Who were the “majestic ones,” and what attitude of theirs should we avoid? (Neh. 3:5) [w06 2/1 p. 10 par. 1; w86 2/15 p. 25]
6. How is Governor Nehemiah a fine example for Christian overseers? (Neh. 5:1419) [si p. 90 par. 16]
7. Like the Israelites in Nehemiah’s day, how can we avoid neglecting “the house of our God”? (Neh. 10:32-39) [w98 10/15 pp. 21-22 par. 12]
8. Reflecting on Nehemiah’s course may cause us to ask ourselves what questions? (Neh. 13:31) [w96 9/15 p. 17 par. 3]
9. Did Esther have immoral intercourse with King Ahasuerus? (Esther 2:14-17) [w91 1/1 p. 31 par. 6]
10. Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman? (Esther 3:2, 4) [it-2 p. 431 par. 7]
Song 102 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cf chap. 18 ^19-23, box on p. 191 (25 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Esther 6-10 (10 min.)
No. 1: Esther 7:1-10 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Does the Fact That Worship Is Given to Jesus Prove That He Is God?—rs p. 214 fl6-p. 215 fl2 (5 min.)
No. 3: Why Jesus Is the Chief Agent and Per-fecterof Our Faith—Heb. 12:2 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 10
5 min: Announcements.
10 min: Teach With Persuasion. Talk based on the Ministry School book, pages 255-257. Briefly demonstrate one or two points from the material.
10 min: Make Good Use of Tracts. Discussion. List some of the tracts that are available locally. Consider when they might be used and why they are appealing. Invite comments from the audience on how they have been able to make good use of tracts. Include one or two demonstrations.
10 min: Local needs.
Song 35 and Prayer
■ Literature offer for February: Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? Publishers may also offer The Bible —God’s Word or Man’s? or The Secret of Family Happiness. March: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Make a diligent effort to start Bible studies. April and May: The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. When making return visits on interested people, including those who attended the Memorial or other theocratic events but who are not actively associating with the congregation, concentrate on starting studies using the Bible Teach book. ■ The special public talk for the 2011 Memorial season will be entitled “Bible Principles—Can They Help Us to Cope With Today’s Problems?”
■ No meetings other than those for field service are to be held on Sunday, April 17, the day of the Memorial. Congregations that normally have a congregation meeting that day may move it to another day of the week. Where several congregations share the Kingdom Hall and a meeting cannot be rescheduled, the meeting may be canceled. In such cases, families are encouraged to consider the Watchtower Study material during their Family Worship evening.
Field Service Highlights
We are happy to report four new peaks in the United States branch territory for October 2010. The United States had new peaks of 136,697 regular pioneers and 717,382 Bible studies. The Turks and Caicos Islands recorded new peaks of 3,245 return visits and 7,756 hours spent in the ministry. Truly, Jehovah is speeding up the work of gathering disciples in ourtime.—Isa. 60:22.
WAT4HTO6ER February 1
Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom
WA4HT06E7® March 1
Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom
“Do you think it’s really possible to know what God is like? [Allow for response.] I have something interesting on this subject.” Read and discuss the material under question 2 on page 16 and one of the cited scriptures. Offer the magazines, and arrange to return to consider the material under question 3.
!"#e$ February
“Because the Bible is such an old book, some people assume that it is scientifically inaccurate. What’s your opinion? [Allow for response.] Many are surprised that the Bible says this. [Read Isaiah 40:22.] The article that begins on page 22 answers the question, Are science and the Bible compatible?”
“Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for their preaching. Have you ever wondered why we do this work? [Allow for response.] Notice this explanation. [Read Matthew 24:14.] This magazine answers the questions: What is this good news? What is the Kingdom? And what is the end that is to come?”
“Since many are battling illness, we are sharing this encouraging verse. [Read Isaiah 33:24.] When this is fulfilled, how do you think life will be different? [Allow for response.] Until God brings this change, there are basic steps that all of us can take to improve our health. This magazine explains.”