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Our kingdom ministry

JULY 2011


Song 34 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

bt chap. 6 V9-16 (25 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: Psalms 69-73 (10 min.) No. 1: Psalm 72:1-20 (4 min. or less) No. 2: What Effect Will God’s Kingdom Have on Human Governments?—rs p. 227 V1-2 (5 min.)

No. 3: Lessons That Youths Can Learn From Kings Hezekiah and Josiah (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 79

5 min: Announcements.

10 min: Use Questions to Teach Effective-ly—Part 3. Talk based on the Ministry School book, page 239. Briefly demonstrate one or two points from the material.

10 min: “Be ‘Tenderly Compassionate.’” Questions and answers.

10 min: Make Sure of the More Important Things. (Phil. 1:10) Interview one or two family heads who have a regular, zealous share in the ministry despite having a full-time job or heavy family responsibilities. How do they make room in their busy schedule for the ministry? How has having a regular share in the ministry benefited them and their family?

Song 73 and Prayer

Be “Tenderly Compassionate”

1 Never before in history have so many people been in such dire need of compassionate assistance. Deteriorating world conditions have resulted in widespread feelings of unhappiness, depression, and hopelessness. Millions need help, and we as Chris-

  • 1. What are people in dire need of today? tians are in a position to demonstrate genuine concern for our neighbors. (Matt. 22:39; Gal. 6:10) How can such concern be shown?

  • 2 A Work of Compassion: There is no real, lasting comfort that does not originate with God. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Jehovah urges us to imitate him by becoming “tenderly compassionate,” and he has given us the commission to visit our neighbors with the good news of the Kingdom. (1 Pet. 3:8) Active participation in this work is the best way for us to comfort “the brokenhearted,” because God’s Kingdom is the only real hope for suffering mankind. (Isa. 61:1) Out of compassion for his people, Jehovah will soon act to clear away wickedness and establish a righteous new world.—2 Pet. 3:13.

  • 3 View People as Jesus Did: Even when preaching to large crowds, Jesus saw more than a mass of people. He perceived individuals having spiritual needs. They were like sheep with no shepherd to guide them. Jesus’ heart was touched by what he saw, and he was moved to teach them patiently. (Mark 6:34) Our viewing people the same way Jesus did will prompt us to show genuine compassion for them as individuals. This will be apparent in our tone of voice and facial expressions. Preaching will be our priority, and we will tailor our words to address each one’s personal concerns.—1 Cor. 9:19-23.

  • 4 A great crowd of people from all nations are responding favorably to the Kingdom message and the refreshing interest shown in them. As we continue to clothe ourselves with compassion, we will honor and please our compassionate God, Jehovah. —Col. 3:12.

  • 2. What is the best way for us to show compassion?

  • 3. How may we view people as Jesus did?

  • 4. Why should we clothe ourselves with compassion?


Song 98 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

bt chap. 6 V17-24, box on p. 48 (25 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: Psalms 74-78 (10 min.) No. 1: Psalm 77:1-20 (4 min. or less)

No. 2: Ways in Which We Can Oppose the DevilJas. 4:7 (5 min.)

No. 3: God’s Kingdom Will Sanctify Jehovah’s Namers p. 227 V3-5 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 130

5 min: Announcements.

15 min: What Do We Learn? Discussion. Read and discuss John 4:3-24. Consider how we can imitate Jesus in our ministry. Then have a demonstration of a publisher witnessing informally in a realistic setting.

15 min: “Are Your Children Ready?” Questions and answers. Invite parents and youths to name some of the specific challenges that Christians face at school. After considering paragraph 3, demonstrate a practice session in which a father pretends to be a teacher and the child explains why he cannot participate in an objectionable class assignment or activity.

Song 91 and Prayer

Are Your Children Ready?

1 The time is approaching for another school year to begin. Your children will no doubt experience new challenges and pressures. They will also have fresh opportunities to “bear witness to the truth.” (John 18: 37) Are they ready?

  • 1. Why is there a need for schoolchildren to be prepared?

  • 2 Do your children clearly understand what constitutes participation in nationalistic ceremonies and pagan holidays and why sharing in them is wrong? Are they prepared for the pressure they will receive to pursue higher education, date, and use alcohol or drugs? Would they simply say that an objectionable activity is against their religion, or do they know how to explain their beliefs? —1 Pet. 3:15.

  • 3 Use the Family Worship Evening: Of course, you will likely have discussions throughout the school year as the need arises. Your making a special effort to consider school-related matters before classes resume will give your children confidence. Why not use one or more Family Worship evenings for this? You might ask your children what causes them the most anxiety as they contemplate going back to school. Matters that you have considered in previous years can be reviewed now that the children are older and have increased understanding. (Ps. 119:95) You could include practice sessions in which you pretend to be a teacher, counselor, or fellow student. Teach your children how to answer from the Bible and to use such tools as the Reasoning book and the Young People Ask books. One parent used practice sessions to prepare her children to approach their new teachers at the start of each school year and inform them that they are Jehovah’s Witnesses.—See The Watchtower, December 15, 2010, pages 3-5.

  • 4 The challenges Christian youths must face during these last days are increasingly “hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Wise parents will try to anticipate them. (Prov. 22:3) Before the new school year begins, do all you can to help your children be ready.

  • 2. In order to be prepared, what should your children know?

  • 3. How may parents use their Family Worship evening to prepare their children?

  • 4. What will wise parents do?

    © 2011 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299.           Printed in Canada


Song 97 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

bt chap. 7 fl1-8, box on p. 53 (25 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: Psalms 79-86 (10 min.) No. 1: Psalm 84:1-85:7 (4 min. or less) No. 2: God’s Kingdom Will Unify All Creation in Pure Worshiprs p. 228 fl1-2 (5 min.)

No. 3: Why None of the Demons Are AtheistsJas. 2:19 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 70

5 min: Announcements. Mention the literature offer for August, and have one presentation demonstrated.

10 min: Preaching Despite Health Limitations. Discussion based on the 2011 Yearbook, page 64, paragraphs 1-2, and page 69, paragraph 1. Invite audience to comment on the lessons learned.

20 min: “Our Magazines—Designed to Have Wide Appeal.” Questions and answers. After considering paragraph 2, take a minute to discuss the contents of the August Awake! Then invite the audience to suggest several questions and scriptures that could be used in a presentation, and demonstrate how the Awake! might be offered. After considering paragraph 3, do the same with the August 1 Watchtower.

Song 134 and Prayer

Our Magazines—Designed to Have Wide Appeal

1 Just as the apostle Paul adapted the way he presented the good news in order to gain “people of all sorts,” the faithful and discreet slave class uses our journals to reach people of different backgrounds and beliefs. (1 Cor. 9:22, 23) So that we can make good use of

  • 1. How does the faithful and discreet slave class imitate the apostle Paul?

The Watchtower and Awake! we do well to keep in mind the intended readership of these magazines.

  • 2 Awake!: This journal is aimed at reaching the same type of people as the apostle Paul spoke to when addressing the “men of Athens.” (Acts 17:22) Those men had a nonChristian background, and they had little understanding of the Scriptures. Likewise, the readership for which Awake! is designed has little or no knowledge of the Bible. They may know nothing about Christian teachings, they may be somewhat distrustful of religion, or they may be unaware that the Bible has practical value. A primary objective of Awake! is to convince its readers that the true God exists. The aim of this journal is also to build faith in the Bible and help the reader to understand that Jehovah’s Witnesses are different from other religious groups.

  • 3 The Watchtower: The intended readership of the public edition of this journal has a measure of respect for God and for the Scriptures. They have some knowledge of the Bible but do not understand its teachings accurately. They are similar to the audience Paul referred to as those who “fear God.” (Acts 13:14-16) The study edition of The Watchtower is written primarily for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Paul assumed that those who read his letters were familiar with the Scriptures and had an accurate knowledge of truth. (1 Cor. 1:1, 2) Likewise, articles in the study edition are written for those who attend our meetings and are familiar with Witness terms and concepts.

  • 4 Although we normally offer the magazines as a set, we usually feature only one of them in our presentation. Therefore, make it your goal to be familiar with each issue. Then you will be in the best position to feature what will appeal to those you meet.

  • 2. Awake! is designed to appeal to whom?

  • 3. What is the intended readership of each edition of The Watchtower?

  • 4. Why should we become familiar with each issue of the magazines we use in the field?


Song 31 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

bt chap. 7 ^9-13, box on p. 56 (25 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: Psalms 87-91 (10 min.) No. 1: Psalm 89:26-52 (4 min. or less)

No. 2: Reasons Why Jehovah’s Faithful Servants Are Happy (5 min.)

No. 3: God’s Kingdom Will Eliminate War and Corruption—rs p. 228 fl3-p. 229 V2 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 131

10 min: Announcements. Using the sample presentation on this page, demonstrate how a Bible study may be started on the first Saturday in August. Encourage all to have a share.

15 min: Use Illustrations That Teach. Discussion based on the Ministry School book, pages 240-243. Invite audience to relate brief illustrations they have used successfully to reason with a householder or a Bible student.

10 min: Local needs.

Song 129 and Prayer


Literature offer for July: Was Life Created? August: Any 32-page brochures that are in stock except How Can Blood Save Your Life?, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Education, Jehovah’s Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe?, and The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking. September: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Endeavor to start Bible studies on the initial call. If householders already have the book and do not accept the offer of a Bible study, offer an older magazine or any brochure that addresses the person’s interest. October: The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Where interest is shown, present the tract Would You Like to Know the Truth? and endeavor to start a Bible study.

Sample Presentations

To Start Bible Studies on the First Saturday in August

“People belong to various religions and worship God in many different ways. How do you think God feels about that? [Allow for response.] Notice what Jesus taught on this subject.” Hand the householder a copy of the August 1 Watchtower and consider together the material under the first subheading on page 16 and at least one of the cited scriptures. Offer the magazines, and arrange to return to discuss the next question.

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Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom          *■*

“Should children be taught about God when they are young, or is it better to wait until they are older and allow them to choose their own religious beliefs? [Allow for response.] Notice what the Bible instructs fathers to do. [Read Ephesians 6:4.] This magazine gives some tips on how parents can teach their children about God.”

!"#$ August

“I’d like to get your opinion on this verse. [Read 1 Samuel 16:23.] According to this, music has power. Do you think it is possible for some songs to have an unwholesome influence? [Allow for response.] This magazine discusses how we can make wise choices in our music and how we can help our children to do so too.”

Field Service Highlights

In the month of February 2011, the Turks and Caicos Islands reported two new all-time peaks: 295 publishers and 736 Bible studies. In the United States, when compared with the same six-month period last year, there were increases of 7 percent in regular pioneers and 8 percent in auxiliary pioneers. Bermuda too had an increase of 25 percent in auxiliary pioneers during the same time period. Truly, Jehovah’s servants are imitating his zeal for fine work!—John 5:17.