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Our kingdom ministry


monthly theme: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow.” 1 Cor. 3:6.


Song 48 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

ia chap. 2 ^1-12 (30 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 21-25 (8 min.) No. 1: 1 Chronicles 23:1-11 (3 min. or less) No. 2: Elisha—Theme: Have Deep Respect for Jehovah’s Servants—it-1 pp. 714-718 (5 min.) No. 3: What Really Is Armageddon?—Glossary, nwt p. 1693 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 98

10 min: “I Planted, Apollos Watered, But God Kept Making It Grow.” Talk based on the monthly theme. (1 Cor. 3:6) As time allows, include points from the March 1, 1993, Watchtower, pages 20-23. Briefly preview some of the Service Meeting parts for the month, and discuss how they relate to the theme.

20 min: “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry —Offering the Bible Teach Book.” Discussion. Include two brief demonstrations, one showing a suggestion from the article and the other showing a personal presentation that has been effective.

Song 111 and Prayer

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Offering the Bible Teach Book

Why Important: The Bible Teach book is a primary tool in our teaching toolbox. However, before we can use it to study with someone, we must first place it with him. Therefore, all of us should endeavor to become skillful at offering the Bible Teach book in the ministry. (Prov. 22:29) There are many options, and publishers should use what works for them.

How to Do It:

  • Raise an interest-arousing question that you can use to direct the householder to a specific chapter in the book. You may even select one of the questions at the beginning of each chapter. After hearing the householder’s response, read an appropriate scripture and then show him a paragraph on that subject and perhaps briefly discuss it together.

  • Another option is to use the introductory pages to stimulate interest and then show the householder where the book gives the Bible’s answer. For example, you might refer to a recent tragedy covered in the news and explain that many have wondered about the answers to the questions on page 3. Or you could say that you are visiting your neighbors to share a positive view of the future. Then show the pictures on pages 4-5 and ask, “Which of these promises would you like to see fulfilled?” Another possibility is to say that you are making brief visits to help people find answers to life’s big questions. Then show the householder the questions at the bottom of page 6, and ask which one interests him the most.

  • Use the direct approach for starting a Bible study. You might say: “We are showing this Bible study aid to our neighbors. Have you seen it before? [Allow for response.] If you have just a few minutes, I’d like to demonstrate how it can be used with your own copy of the Bible.”

Try This During the Month:

  • Have practice sessions during your family worship.

  • When in the ministry, share with other publishers what you plan to say. (Prov. 27: 17) Change your presentation if it is not effective.


Song 17 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

ia chap. 2 ^13-23, review on p. 24 (30 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 26-29 (8 min.) No. 1: 1 Chronicles 29:20-30 (3 min. or less) No. 2: What Does “Atonement” Mean?

—Glossary, nwt p. 1694 (5 min.)

No. 3: Elizabeth—Theme: Be God-Fearing and Blameless—it-1 p. 719 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 35

10 min: Keep ‘Watering’ Those Who Show Interest. (1 Cor. 3:6-8) Interview a regular pioneer and a publisher. What schedule do they have for making return visits? How do they prepare? How do they deal with the challenge of finding the person at home again? What good experiences have they had?

20 min: “Audio Recordings—How to Use Them.” Questions and answers. Explain how publishers can access audio recordings on Play a sample for the audience. Include a reenactment of the experience related atthe end of the article “Use OurWeb Site in the Ministry—‘Bible Questions Answered’” from the November 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry.

Song 108 and Prayer

Audio Recordings—How to Use Them

1 Many enjoy using to read delightful and accurate words of truth. (Eccl. 12: 10) However, have you made use of the audio recordings? These make it possible to listen to much of the information on our website. How might audio recordings benefit us?

  • 1. In addition to written publications, what beneficial provision do we have?

  • 2 For Our Personal or Family Study: Listening to audio recordings of the Bible, the magazines, or a publication while traveling or engaging in everyday activities may help us to make better use of our time. (Eph. 5: 15, 16) We can add variety to our family worship by listening to the reading of material while following along in our copy of the publication. Using audio recordings during personal study is especially helpful if we would like to improve in our reading or if we are learning a language.

  • 3 For the Ministry: People in our territory who feel that they are too busy to read may be willing to listen to audio recordings. Or we may encounter those who speak a different tongue and who are more likely to respond if they hear the Kingdom message in their “own native language.” (Acts 2:6-8) In some areas, listening is an important part of the culture. For example, in the Hmong culture, people traditionally pass on their history to younger generations orally and they do quite well at retaining information that they hear. Many African cultures enjoy learning through storytelling.

  • 4 In your territory, would it be beneficial to play a sample of an audio recording in the householder’s language? Might someone benefit from an audio publication that we send him in an e-mail? Could we download an audio publication onto a CD and give it to an interested householder, perhaps along with the printed version? Every complete electronic book, brochure, magazine, or tract that we give someone in the ministry may be counted as a placement. Audio recordings are designed for us to use in our personal study and also to plant seeds of Kingdom truth.—1 Cor. 3:6.

  • 2. How may we use audio recordings for our personal or family study?

  • 3. Who in our territory may benefit from audio recordings?

  • 4. What questions might we ask ourselves about helping people in our territory?

    © 2015 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Kingdom Ministry is printed monthly by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain, The Ridgeway, London NW7 1RN (Registered in England as a Charity).


Song 26 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

ia chap. 3 fl1-13, box on p. 29 (30 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 1-5 (8 min.) No. 1: 2 Chronicles 3:14-4:6 (3 min. or less) No. 2: Enoch (No. 2)—Theme: Walk With Jehovah—it-1 p. 729 (5 min.)

No. 3: What Kinds of Baptisms Are There?

—Glossary, nwt p. 1694 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 47

10 min: “Preparation Needed to Teach With Skill.” Talk.

10 min: Good Conduct Opens the Way to Plant Seeds of Truth. Discussion based on the 2015 Yearbook, page 49, paragraph 3, to page 51, paragraph 3;and page 140, paragraph 3, to page 141, paragraph 3. Invite audience to comment on the lessons learned.

10 min: “Use Features of the Bible Teach Book Effectively.” Discussion. Include a brief demonstration.

Song 123 and Prayer

Preparation Needed to Teach With Skill

Jesus was asked the same question about everlasting life on at least two occasions, but each time he tailored his reply to the needs of the questioner. (Luke 10:25-28; 18:18-20) Therefore, although we may know the Bible study material well, we should prepare it beforehand with the student in mind. What points might he struggle to understand or accept? Which of the cited scriptures should we read with him? How much material should we try to cover? We may need to prepare an illustration, an explanation, or a series of questions to help the student grasp the information. In addition, since it is Jehovah who makes the seed of truth grow in the heart, we should ask for Jehovah’s blessing on our preparation for the study, on our student, and on our efforts to help him spiritually.—1 Cor. 3:6; Jas. 1:5.

Use Features of the Bible Teach Book Effectively

As a Bible student learns what the Bible really teaches and applies what he learns, he will grow and bear spiritual fruit. (Ps. 1: 1-3) We can help our student progress by making good use of some helpful features of the Bible Teach book.

Introductory Questions: Each chapter begins with questions that are answered in the lesson. You could ask these questions rhetorically to whet the student’s appetite for your upcoming discussion. Or you could invite him to comment briefly on each question. If he expresses a wrong idea, there is no need to correct him at this point. His comments will help you to discern what points require attention and em-phasis.—Prov. 16:23; 18:13.

Appendix: If the student understands and accepts the material in the main text, you can simply encourage him to review the corresponding appendix material on his own. At the next study, you might take a few minutes to make sure that he understands it. However, if it would benefit him, you should take time during the study to discuss the appendix material or a portion thereof by reading the paragraphs and asking questions that you prepared in advance.

Review Box: The review box at the end of each chapter contains statements that answer the introductory questions. You can use this feature to make sure that your student understands and can explain the main points. Read each statement together out loud as well as any accompanying scriptures. Then invite your student to use the scripture(s) to explain why the statement is true.—Acts 17:2, 3.


Song 94 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:

ia chap. 3 ^14-21, box on p. 30, review on p. 32 (30 min.)

Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 6-9 (8 min.)

No. 1: 2 Chronicles 6:22-27 (3 min. or less)

No. 2: How Serious Is Brazen Conduct?—Glos-sary, nwt p. 1694 (5 min.)

No. 3: Epaphras—Theme: Pray and Slave for Your Brothers—it-1 p. 731 (5 min.)

Q Service Meeting:

Song 58

10 min: Offer the Magazines During December. Discussion. Start by having a demonstration, using the two sample presentations provided. Then analyze the presentations from beginning to end.

10 min: Local needs.

10 min: How Did We Do? Discussion. Invite publishers to comment on how they benefited by applying points from the article “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Offering the Bible Teach Book.” Ask the audience to relate positive experiences.

Song 141 and Prayer

Reminder: Please play the music through once, and then the congregation should sing the new song.


Literature offer for November and December: What Does the Bible Really Teach? or one of the following tracts: (T-31) How Do You View the Future?, (T-32) What Is the Key to Happy Family Life?, or (T-36) What Is the Kingdom of God? January and February: Good News From God!, Listen to God, or Was Life Created? Va cation Witnessing Campaign 2016: All those wishing to participate in working territories in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England are invited to request an information letter and application form from their congregation secretary. There is no need to contact the branch office. Having filled in the application, it should be given to the Congregation Service Committee for approval. If approved, the service committee will forward it to the branch office and an assignment letter will be sent electronically.

During the 2015 service year over 1,600 individuals making up over 260 groups helped 138 congregations. They worked for more than 17,000 days preaching in English, French, Hindi, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and Spanish. The biggest witness ever was given. We warmly invite you to take part during 2016.

Sample Presentations

“34HTO6E7® December 1

Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom

“We’re making brief visits to clear up a common misconception about the Bible. Most people respect the Bible, but they think it’s too hard to understand. How do you feel about the Bible? [Allow for response.] Notice one reason for us to be interested in understanding the Bible. [Read Romans 15:4.] This magazine explains how we know that the Bible was written to be understood. It also gives some tips for understanding it.”

!"#$ December

“We are making brief visits as a public service to families. Everyone wants peace and harmony in the home. What do you think is more realistic for families—trying to avoid disagreements altogether or learning how to handle disagreements better? [Allow for response.] Notice what this Bible proverb says. [Read Proverbs 26:20.] This magazine outlines some practical advice from the Bible to help families have more peace in their household.”

Field Service Highlights

During the month of May, 948,007 return visits were made throughout the branch territory. This is an excellent step towards achieving the goal of starting one new Bible study each. We rejoice that Jehovah’s servants take seriously their responsibility of ‘watering’ seeds of Kingdom truth.—1 Cor. 3:6.