MARCH 1977
Vol. 20, No. 3
All of us have enjoyed sharing in the Theocratic School. We have benefited greatly by our participation. In the future we hope to gain even more.
For some time now no counsel has been given students having parts on the Theocratic School conducted at the circuit assemblies. This method has allowed time for the one conducting the school to highlight truths and principles that the students may not have included in their presentations. It has provided more information and knowledge to all in attendance. It also allows flexibility for giving better counsel to the student in that it is not given on the spur of the moment. More than two minutes may be used as advisable, and, being given privately, it could be more direct and specific.
Because of all these advantages, this method will be used in the Theocratic Schools in each congregation as of March 1977. Hence, all school overseers will need to familiarize themselves fully with the material on which student talks are based so as to be able to mention the main points if they have not been presented, or perhaps by questions to highlight certain pertinent points.
So that the Theocratic School may prove yet more helpful, literacy and/or reading improvement classes may be arranged in connection with it. Because of poor teaching systems in some communities, more and more youths are growing up with inadequate reading skills. Some adults may need further assistance in this respect, too. It will be up to each body of elders to survey carefully the needs of any associated with their congregation and then make such arrangements as they find are appropriate. As a suggestion though, the material scheduled for Bible reading may be used or a publication like the Great Teacher (Continued on page 3, col. 3)
The Book Study—A Good Place for Spiritual Growth
1 Jesus called attention to the vital need that his followers would have for spirituality, that is, to be the kind of persons who think like God, whose thoughts are elevated above those of man. He said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.”—Matt. 5:3; 6:19-21.
2 There are many ways that all of us can work toward the spirituality that Jesus outlined. One of such is through the congregation book study arrangement. Have you taken time lately to think about the many benefits we receive through this arrangement?
3 First of all, the material that we consider at our book studies helps us to think God’s thoughts, and by regularly elevating our minds and thoughts above those of man we are assisted in bringing every aspect of our lives into closer harmony with God’s requirements for his name people. For some weeks now we have been reading the paragraphs first at the book study, and it has been observed that this has enabled us
Wise Use of Available Bible Study Aids
1 For over one hundred years Jehovah’s organization on earth has used the printed page to assist millions of people in coming to an accurate knowledge of the truth. Among the many printed publications used are both the large bound books and the pocket-size books.
2 It was in 1968 when The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life was released for general distribution. At that time there were over one million of Jehovah’s servants sharing the good news of the Kingdom with others. This large number of persons were assisted greatly in a spiritual way by the 384-page books available to them up to that time. Since then we have received additional large bound books at many of our yearly conventions and the information has been to our spiritual benefit and upbuilding.
3 Many who have come to a knowledge of the truth in recent years have not had the opportunity to study these publications. Such ones will benefit from getting copies of available publications to read and study. When using these books to get more out of the lesson. Further, during March, as we study the Peace and Security book, we will discuss Romans 12:2, analyzing together what is involved in not being fashioned after this system of things. It will be especially beneficial for us to do this at our book studies because there is greater opportunity to comment personally in these smaller groups.
4 Our spiritual growth also includes progressing in appreciation of our privilege of sharing Bible truths with others. Every one of us can encourage others in the group to share fully in spreading the Kingdom good news. How? By inviting others to work with us in the house-to-house field service, possibly by using one’s automobile for service, or perhaps by taking someone along on a particularly good return visit or Bible study. Do we give needed attention to older ones among us? What encouragement do you give to younger ones in your book study group? Our genuine concern for one another will be of much help toward good spiritual growth. —1 Tim. 4:15, 16.
in our field service activity during March we should have in mind a highlight or two. For example, if you are using the topic for conversation centering around Psalm 37:8-11 and wish to highlight the value of the ‘Impossible to Lie’ book, you could refer to pages 298 and 312, or the ‘Know Jehovah’ book has a comment on this thought on page 122. In this way these older publications can be utilized in our field service.
4 Each congregation can stress placing such books that they have in stock. Congregations that would like to order what we have in stock in Brooklyn may do so. Or, they may ask neighboring congregations if they have extra supplies on hand. Mention of what is available in Brooklyn was made in the February issue of Our Kingdom. Service. These publications will be placed at the regular contribution of 50c, and two booklets will be given free for study purposes. Where there is an opportunity to do so, try to use a booklet to introduce people to the Bible study arrangement. Surely this will result in praise to Jehovah’s name.
Note: In this issue of Our Kingdom Service we have arranged for only-three parts on each service meeting. Be sure to plan on having as many participants in each part as seems advisable. Keep meetings lively, informative, spiritually upbuilding and within the allotted time. This calls for preparation on the part of each one and especially those responsible for the various parts of the program.
20 min: Song 81, announcements and a question-and-answer coverage of the article “The Book Study—A Good Place for Spiritual Growth.” Develop these points, with practical local application: (1) What will help us and our families to benefit fully in a spiritual way7 from the study itself? (2) How field service is involved in our spiritual development, and (3) What we can do to help one another in this.
25 min: “Presenting the Good News —With Effective Bible Conversations.” Discuss article with audience. Demonstrate approach suggested in paragraph three: include questions and answers on “Use Topics for Conversation in Field Service.”
15 min: “Wise Use of Available Bible Study Aids.” Question-and-answer coverage. Suggest demonstration (2-3 minutes) of information in paragraph three. Encourage new ones to get copies of available publications for personal library. Booklets will be used in March and April, so begin working with them in starting studies. Song 58.
WEEK STARTING MARCH 6 Cultivating a More Spiritual Outlook
25 min: Song 4. Announcements including accounts report.
Making the Book Study More Interesting. Brother handling part may use following outline of points in audience discussion. It may be possible for study conductors to make expressions on point one, others attending study on point two, and those with studies in their homes on point three.
(1) Consider the conductor’s role
To teach others, conductor himself must have a good knowledge of the material, getting the Bible’s view (2 Tim. 2:2; Mal. 2:7)
Teaching involves not just asking questions, but drawing out information
He should analyze how material being studied can contribute to one’s relationship with Jehovah and how it can be used in a practical way
Conductor should listen carefully to comments to see if heart appreciation manifested. Should not expect more than is reasonable from those with limited education
Be kind, considerate of those in group (2) Those attending the study
Show interest by sharing in giving comments (Gal. 6:6)
Now that paragraphs are read first, make it a practice to give answers to questions in your own words. However, if new, you may read answers to questions propounded and seek to grow in knowledge
If a parent, consider needs of your children as well as others in attendance who appreciate an atmosphere conducive to learning. Thus when youngster may disturb meeting, take him outside of study area if possible and quiet him down so that study not disrupted
Always be ready to look up and read Bible texts
(3) Consider privilege to have such a study in your home
Householder should try to do his or her part to make each one welcome Strive to maintain clean, well-lighted area for study
All should respect property of householder.
15 min: Reaching Hearing Ears. Talk, with audience participation. Revelation 22:17 says in part: “And let anyone hearing say: ‘Come!’ ”
We appreciate how satisfying it is to drink in waters of life.
Have desire to help other thirsty ones (1 Cor. 9:16)
Many opportunities to do so.
Need to realize people will live or die according to their reaction to good news (1 Pet. 4:5, 6, 17; 2 Thess. 1: 6-8)
Our concern not just to cover territory or report activity.
Help < all sheeplike persons because we love them (1 Thess. 2:8)
Heart appreciation should prompt us to speak at every opportunity
Do not allow selves to become discouraged by lack of results.
When persons do not respond, that is their responsibility
Determination to prove our devotion and love for others should move us urgently to speak truth at every opportunity with assurance Jehovah will bless our efforts (Mal. 3:10)
Give encouragement to share in auxiliary pioneer work in April; make diligent efforts to reach hearing ears. 20 min: (The following information may be used if desired. If elders feel some congregation matters are in need of attention, this material may be deleted.)
“Have Tender Affection for One Another.” February 1, 1977, Watchtower. Suggest having cross section of congregation represented on stage, to express what they appreciate about article and how practical application of such can be made. Prepare well so that main points are developed. Song 50.
25 min: Song 63, announcements and audience discussion of article “Improving Our Service Together.” Highlight scriptures and show how they apply. Wherever possible, have experiences showing benefits of giving and receiving assistance in field service. Include comments on Branch Letter, emphasizing beneficial adjustments in School. Review congregation field report.
20 min: How Our Young People Have Benefited from the Youth Book. Interview several young people, preferably teen-agers, who have sought and found answers in i connection with certain problems or situations in life. Great pressures on them to conform to worldly ways. Stress realistic approach to each problem and in each case show how the Youth book material helped. Following situations are suggested, but if others fit your congregation, feel free to adjust. (1) How do you view discipline? (Pp. 92-96) (2) Movies and television? (Pp. 119-122) (3) Honorable conduct in courtship? (Pp. 152-156) (4) Is it realistic to be honest? (Pp. 172-179)
Use whatever situations fit and can be covered in allotted time. If not sufficient young people to match intended points, could discuss practical nature of material.
15 min: Consideration of Watchtower article of 11/15/76, “How Far Should Kindness Extend?” Cover as talk but with participation of audience on some key points. For example, appropriate to involve audience in discussion of paragraphs one through four of column one, page 676. Highlight fact Christians should not want their kindness and generosity to be less than that shown by persons who do not claim to serve God. Consider example of people on island of Malta where Paul was shipwrecked and what they did, in contrast with people claiming to be chosen of God in cities of Israel who showed Jesus greatest unkindness and indignity. Show need for Jehovah’s servants to exhibit kindness and consideration for all. Give consideration to how kindness can appropriately be shown in dealing with any who prove to be rebellious, unrepentant or stubborn. Highlight 2 Corinthians 10:1 as criterion for all our dealings. Song 37.
25 min: Song 9. Starting and Continuing Home Bible Studies. Audience discussion.
On page three suggestions are given as to how we can improve our field service together. If you have heartfelt desire to start home Bible study, the following suggestions may prove helpful:
Start home Bible study on initial call. Some have had success by stating reason for calling is to find honest-hearted ones looking for God’s solution to problems that plague man today.
Then having a specific Bible thought in mind, such as Psalm 37:8-11, which deals with complete elimination of crime and violence, you could proceed to offer the Bible study. May tie in with booklet, Is There a God Who Cares?, pages 21-24.
More often, studies are started through return visits. Sometimes several visits are required before the actual study is started. May need to develop friendly basis first, perhaps by making a number of brief visits, featuring a helpful Bible thought. (Discuss information page 122, or.) Or by regularly placing magazines with individuals. Some have Bible questions they will want answered.
At appropriate time, demonstrate how regular study will answer many questions. Likely will stimulate desire to have regular Bible study.
What should we study?
No set rule; consider individual student’s needs, interests. Topics the student first mentions may help you to determine what to study. Consider with audience some of local interests of people. Try to use what will help the student most and hold his attention. Show sincere interest in him.
Right from start of study, good to include other members of family. Fewer problems when husbands and wives, whole families, study the truth together. Good to explain why there may be opposition to their study. —Matt. 10:36, 37 (tr, p. 16)
10 min: Local announcements and information on arrangements for special public talk scheduled for March 27, “The Faith That Means Survival.”
25 min: Memorial discussion, based on March 1, 1977, Watchtower article, "Memorializing Christ’s Death—Why? When? How? Who? Where?” Draw audience into discussion. Alert brothers previous week to bring copy with them. Song 118.
(Continued on page 3, col. 1)
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Ine., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.
1Who is there among us that does not need and appreciate encouragement from time to time? In this connection have you ever felt the need for help in handling objections you meet in your house-to-house activity, or in learning how to rekindle interest on a return visit? Or would you like someone to take you along in field service with the objective of starting a home Bible study? Since approximately one half of all those sharing in Kingdom service have been in the truth only five years or so, doubtless a good number would be pleased to have help in some way to become more capable in field service. What can we do to improve our field service together?—1 Cor. 3:6; Gal. 6:9.
2 In terms of being able to help, think of your own book study group. If you see there is someone you might take with you from house to house, who would appreciate learning how to converse better with householders, could you take the initiative to assist that one? Together the two of you could discuss the points outlined in “Presenting the Good News,” which center around Psalm 37:8-11. This is also highlighted in the article “Use Topics for Conversation in Field Service.” (The topic suggested is, “Will there ever be an end to violence?”) Then endeavor to discuss this information from house to house. This will prove helpful in improving your effectiveness as well as in building confidence, and you will train your perceptive
Your Service Meetings (Cont’d')
Getting the Mind of Christ
20 min: Song 46, announcements, including Memorial arrangements, and brief comments on offer for month. Audience participation. Gonsider introductory article in March 1, 1977, Watchtower, “Judging with Righteousness, Wisdom and Mercy.’’ Highlight points showing that judges should always be Christlike in their thinking, decisions and dealings with others.
12 min: Interview those who have shared in auxiliary pioneer work recently. Get comments on working out satisfactory schedule for family, school, secular work; recommendations for others to participate. Encourage this for April, since there are holidays and better weather.
28 min: Imitate the Faith and Example of Our I.ord Jesus Christ. Audience participation. April 3, 1977, will be occasion of celebrating Lord’s Evening Meal. Most appropriate to spend few moments now to reflect on the life of the Son of God. Following references are to material to be used, as taken from Aid book under “Jesus Christ.” Use scriptures only as time permits. powers by using them.—Heb. 5:14; Prov. 27:17.
3 Perhaps you need help in making return visits or in starting a home Bible study. Quite likely there is someone available to offer skilled help in these fields right in your own book study group. Do not hesitate to discuss your needs with the book study conductor, and perhaps he can make arrangements for helping you. How?
4 Often when midweek service arrangements are well organized and coordinated, pioneers and other qualified brothers and sisters are available to help, and these delight to do so. Or, if the best time for you to receive assistance is in the evening, perhaps some calls can be made for a short period of time before the book study. More and more people are working secularly, and a good time to visit them may be during the early evening hours, if conditions allow in your area. Saturday and Sunday are days most of us have time to share in field service and when many working people are at home. It is also the time most elders and ministerial servants can work with others in field service.
5 Book study conductors, aware of the spiritual needs of their groups, can do much to arrange for them to have assistance in improving their service, which can add so much to enjoyment and effectiveness. Can you cooperate by either giving or receiving assistance in this avenue of our sacred service? Surely you will be rewarded greatly.
Vital Place in God’s Purpose (P. 923) Discuss Colossians 1:18-20.
‘Chief Agent of Life’ (Pp. 923, 924) Discuss John 3:16.
But not only our ransomer, also our High Priest (Heb. 3:1)
Our Judge (John 5:22); our resurrection hope (John 11:25)
His Ministry: ‘Bearing Witness to the Truth3 (P. 924)
The reason for his birth (John 18:37)
His Works and Personal Qualities (P. 927)
Set a hardworking example for his disciples (Mark 1:32-34)
Privacy often interrupted (Mark 6: 31-34)
Courageous fighter for truth (Luke 4:28-30; Matt. 15:1-9; John 10:31-39)
Strong faith (Mark 4:37-40; Matt. 26: 39; Luke 23:46)
Witnessed even when facing death (Luke 23:43)
Depth of Feeling and Warmth (Pp. 927, 931)
Jesus’ perfection did not make him hypercritical or arrogant toward imperfect persons (Matt. 9:1-13; Luke 7:36-48, paraphrase) Did not use authority to become demanding (Matt. 11:28-50)
By his example we should be strengthened to work hard to do all things pleasing to Jehovah. Song 47.
O New Publications Available:
God’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good
—Norwegian, Xhosa
Your Youth—Getting the Best out of It —Dutch
Is There a God Who Gares?
Q Permanently out of Stock:
Hew World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Deluxe edition) Maroon —English
O Congregation accounts should be audited on March 1, or as soon as possible thereafter, by the presiding overseer or someone appointed by him.
O Literature offer for March: Any of the 384-page books with two booklets, for 50c. If all of these are distributed, any pocket-size book may be used. April: The Watchtower subscription, with three booklets to new subscribers, for 81.50, or subscriptions to botn magazines, with six booklets, for 33.00.
O The special report card listing attendance and partakers at the Lord’s Evening Meal and total regular pioneers should be sent to the Society by the presiding overseer immediately after that meeting.
Q Since Memorial will be on Sunday this year, it is suggested that no other meetings be held on that day. Some may wish to have Watchtower study on Saturday or another day. Use April 3 as a service day.
O Recorded programs for the radio series “All Scripture Is Beneficial” now number over three hundred and fifty. Therefore, it seems inadvisable to continue producing new programs when many of those on hand have never been run by many stations. Continued use of the program will be left to the initiative of the brothers locally. Any congregations with time available to use them on a radio station may request tapes as needed. Please address your envelope: Attention: Radio Tapes.
Branch Letter (Cont’d)
book, if necessary. Classes could be held at the same time the Theocratic School is being conducted if convenient to do so, with additional time given to the program on another occasion if deemed necessary to aid certain ones. The arrangements could include individual tutoring on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.
How happy we are to be working with you. We take this opportunity to send you an expression of our warm Christian love and greetings.
Your fellow servants, Brooklyn Branch Office
Av. Av. Av. Av.
Pubs. Hrs. R.V. Bi.St. Mags.
Aux. Pios. 10,025 58.0 18.5 1.3
TOTAL 516,107
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 2,242
599,108 Publishers
With Effective
Bible Conversations
1 Conversation, like music, is an art. To become skilled at it requires practice. If we are conscious of the need to cultivate the art, we will find much opportunity as we go from house to house. How grateful we are to Jehovah that we have the opportunity to carry on Bible conversations with those we meet at the doors. But what is involved in making our conversations “effective” and how do we get good results when “conversing” with householders? There are several ways: Be friendly, be discerning, be tactful, be a good listener.
2 Initially, it is good to put ourselves in the householder’s position. For example, many people are occupied with household duties and other matters when we ring the bell. So we may be viewed as intruding on their time, "uninvited guests” as it were. What will help to resolve this problem and gain a listening ear?
2 Perhaps we could say, after introducing ourselves appropriately: “Quite likely you have things to do, so I’ll get to the point of my
Use Topics for Conversation
Will there ever be an end to violence? —Psalm 37:8-11.
1. Soon the wicked will be removed.
2. True peace will prevail.
Almost everyone responds to kindness, warmth, and a genuine concern for his welfare. As we approach householders in this manner, we will also want to have something to say that will immediately appeal to them. This is where “Topics for Conversation in Field Service” should prove quite helpful.
Most of us are not pioneers and so we are not out in the field service as often as we would like to be. But when we go, surely we would like to be winsome and discerning in our conversations. Since Topics for Conversation in Field Service will now be featured in
Schedule for congregation book studies in Peace and Security book: March 6: Pages 104 to 110 March 13: Pages 111 to 119 March 20: Pages 120 to 1241 March 27: Pages 124 to 131
call. Have you ever hoped for an end to the increasing violence we see all around us?” (Mention a local example of this, if available.) Allow time for a response by householder. Then you could say: “On this subject the promises made by God at Psalm 37 are of interest, and I’d like to share them with you.” Remember, conversation is a two-way street. It means listening as well as talking, so we should allow time for a response from the householders as we discuss matters with them.
4 At an appropriate time you can ask the householder how he feels about the fulfillment of such a promise by the only One really capable of carrying out his promises. Then, depending upon the reaction and the interest displayed, you could show’ him something in a publication that might interest him.
5 Since the offer during March is any one of the 50c books, it would be good to select in advance some fitting points relative to the end of wickedness by means of the Kingdom. Preparation will aid you to converse and to make practical use of the literature too.
Our Kingdom Service, perhaps some questions and answers relative to this feature will be helpful.
Q. Do these topics have to be changed by you each time a new subject is introduced in Our Kingdom Service1?
A. No. Perhaps changing three or four times a year may work out well for you personally. This will allow you the time and practice in the field so you can get thoroughly acquainted with them and the Scriptural thoughts presented therewith. This should be helpful in building confidence and ability to present the good news with ease.
Q. How should these topics be introduced?
A. Local current events such as what is happening in the community or on the world or national scene often prove helpful. An example of this is given in “Presenting the Good News” in this issue.
Q. Are we required to stick to these topics at every door?
A. No. While we believe that most of the publishers will find
The three tentative Yonkers, N.Y., district assemblies have been replaced by a second English assembly in Elmont, N.Y., on August 18-21 and a third in Allentown, Pa., on July 21-24. Therefore, the assemblies listed in the February 1, 1977, issue of The Watchtower that are affected by this change are shown in the following list, with the closest assembly for each circuit to attend: JULY 7-10:
Allentown, Pa.: N.J. 81; Pa. 3, 5-A.
JULY 14-17:
Allentown, Pa.: N.J. %51; N.Y. %22;
Pa. 2, %9.
Springfield, Mass.: Conn. l-A1, 1-C1;
Mass. 3; N.Y. 3-A1; Vt. %1.
JULY 21-24: Allentown, ysll.
Pa.: N.J. l-A1; Pa. 6,
New Haven, Conn.
Springfield, Mass.
3-B«, 161.
Conn. 1-B, %2, 3.
Conn. %2; N.Y.
AUGUST 11-14:
Elmont, N.Y. (Near New York City): N.J. %5 (Staten Island); N.Y. 1, 2-C, 2-D, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 (Greek also: N.Y. Greek Circuit).
AUGUST 18-21:
Elmont, N.Y. (Near New York City): N.J. 1-B, 2, 7-A; N.Y. 2-A, 2-B, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15 (Italian also: N.Y. Italian Circuit).
(Some congregations in those circuits marked with an asterisk (1) may be slightly closer to another assembly city, but it would be best, if possible, to attend the assembly shown so there will be plenty of room.)
Please see the February 1, 1977, Watchtower for additional details, pages 94 and 95.
these topics helpful, if you have been able to develop something more effective, more applicable locally, feel free to use it. These are only suggestions and can be used or varied at the discretion of the publisher. Pioneers who are out in the field often will no doubt find it helpful to use variations of this topic or other topics of conversation. And if your territory is covered frequently, you will necessarily vary your themes.
Q. What is our goal in being able to share these topics of conversation? Is it merely placing literature?
A. Not in itself. We want to give a testimony or message to the people. First, we can acquaint householders with God’s Word, the Bible, which points to the real remedy for man’s problems, namely the Kingdom. Secondly, we desire that people use the literature to help them to understand what is in the Bible, since it is usually difficult for them to appreciate its teachings. The topic for conversation is designed to help us to talk to those who will give us a listening ear, so we might stimulate interest in God’s Word.
To subheading.