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Meetings for Field Service

JULY 30-AUGUST 5 Offering "Bible Stories" Book

  • 1. How can illustrations be used to stimulate conversations? (Briefly review Stories 2, 10, 33, 70, 92, 115.)

  • 2. How would you offer book to an adult? To a youngster?

AUGUST 6-12 Responding to: "Who Is It?"

  • 1. Why are some understandably cautious about opening the door?

  • 2. What kind of response might encourage them to open the door? What else might reassure householder?

AUGUST 13-19 Using Literature Discreetly

  • 1. In displaying literature, how can you avoid appearance of being a salesman?

  • 2. Under what circumstances might it be advisable not to feature or make extensive comments about literature?

AUGUST 20-26 Experiences in Using the “Bible Stories" Book

  • 1. Relate some experiences from the article "It Is Filling a Need!" in the July 15, 1979, Watchtower.

  • 2. Invite others to relate experiences they have enjoyed in offering or using the book.

  • 3. Offer suggestions that might be helpful in starting studies with it.

(Cont’d on page 4, col. 1)

Helping,Those with Special Needs

  • 1 Do we look for ways to work together with those whose opportunities to speak of Jehovah and his goodness are greatly limited due to some handicap or disability? There is hardly a congregation that does not have one or more individuals who are limited in what they can do because of some disability. There are many who are incapacitated physically because they are crippled, blind, deaf, or aged. While Jehovah is certainly pleased with their limited service, should we conclude that their desire to share fully is any less than ours?

  • 2 It is true with some that physical infirmities produce a greater awareness of Jehovah’s love and goodness, prompting the individual to want to do more. Such a person may look for greater opportunities to serve Jehovah, and with some assistance from others, this may be possible, with greater joy resulting to all. Would it not be a fine expression of loving interest to include such ones in our plans for service, being alert to opportunities to take them with us or assist them to participate? This is

    The Service Overseer-How He Can Help Us

  • 1 As a result of recent adjustments in the arrangement for elders a service overseer will be coordinating all the field activity in the congregation. What does this tell us? For one thing it emphasizes the importance of preaching the good news and making disciples. Additionally, we see the need for improved leadership and participation in the field service.

  • 2 During recent visits of the circuit overseer, one elder was selected to serve as the service overseer. Thought was given to having a brother who is zealous for field service, who loves the preaching work and who is capable of assisting others in making disciples. By the end of August, all congrega-in line with our set goal to HELP ONE ANOTHER!


    We are happy fo report that on April 11, 1979, the Memorial attendance was 1,335,268 in the United States. This is a 5.6% increase over last year—a genuine' cause for rejoicing! We pray that these hundreds of thousands of interested persons who ’ attended the Memorial this year will make further progress in their association with Jehovah's people. To that end, let us continue in our efforts to help them derive the greatest benefits from the spiritual provisions of the congregation.


  • 3 This thoughtfulness certainly harmonizes with the operation of Jehovah’s spirit, which permeates the Christian congregation. Paul explained that there are “many members, yet one body” and observed that there are “members of the body which seem to be weaker” due to limitations that could be of a physical nature. The result? “If one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it.” The effort to assist such ones with “helpful services” draws the congregation together in love and amplifies the proclamation of the Kingdom message.—1 Cor. 12:19-31.

  • 4 Can you think of some ways to do that? In one congregation there was a blind brother who was not entirely satisfied with what he was doing in Jehovah’s service. He wanted to do more. Sensing a need, another brother asked if there was some way he could assist. As things worked out, the blind brother was (.Continued on page 3, col. 1) tions will have an assigned service overseer.

3 The service overseer is not given a lot of records to keep, so he is free to take the lead out in the field. He will need and should have the cooperation of all the elders and ministerial servants, who will share in the field service leadership just as shepherds go ahead of the flocks.

4 He will care for the basic responsibilities assigned to the field overseer as outlined on pages 73-76 of the Organization book. (However, field reports will be handled by the secretary.) He will give consideration to the field service arrangements throughout the week and see what improvements might be recommended to the body of elders. If some arrangements are not well supported, why is this the case? Should any adjustments be made? Is there a need for better leadership in some group (s) ? Is the maximum being done to provide assistance to those who want help in the service? How is the territory being covered? What can be done to help more conduct Bible studies? (Cont’d on page 3, col. 2)

Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples


5 min: Song 85. Announcements.

18 min: ‘■Helping One Another (Part II): Through the Book Study.” Talk and demonstration. The book study arrangement lends itself well to providing personal assistance for those who desire some help in service. Helping one another Is part of our service to God. (1 Pet. 4:10, 11) Stress that participation is prompted by loving interest in one another and is Intended to aid those desiring assistance.

Present a brief demonstration showing how a conductor might approach a publisher to help get things started. Scene 1: He speaks to experienced sister, commending her for good consistency and effectiveness in the held service. Tells her about a newer sister in the group with a family and a busy schedule wlio appears to be In need of assistance. Asks her if she would be willing to work with her for a day or two. depending on the need, when they are able to do so. She is agreeable; willingly offers to help. Scene 2: Later, she approaches the other sister. Inquires how she is getting along and suggests the possibility of working together. Explains that she feels that preparing for service together with someone else and working with them would be mutually encouraging. Tells her that she would enjoy her company and likely each of them would do much to assist the other. Sister is pleased, readily agrees. They discuss tentative plans for the coming week. Both optimistic about the outcome. Scene 3: These two sisters are conversing with study conductor after the book study, relating experience they had in service. Both comment on how much they enjoyed working together and how they benefited. Conductor encourages them to let him know if he can assist In some way.

All of us can benefit from such a mutual Interchange of encouragement and the congregation is strengthened by the building up of its members.—Rom. 1:11, 12; Eph. 4:12, 13, 16.

17 min: "Presenting the Good News— With My Book of Bible Stories.’’ Questlon-and-answer discussion of article. Include brief demonstration of two teen-agers witnessing at two homes. At one door, use picture accompanying Story 115. At the next door, use Psalm 146:4, 5. with comments that lead to resurrection theme and picture (Story 92).

15 min: Invite audience to relate experiences using the Bible Stories book or something of special Interest found in the service last weekend. Also, include some experiences from 7/15/79 Watchtower article "It Is Filling a Need!” Invite all to share in field service in coming week.

5 min: Song 98 and prayer.


10 min: Song 5 and announcements. Read accounts report.

15 min: “Helping Those with Special Needs.” Audience discussion. How can we do this in our congregation? Invite experiences showing benefits gained by giving or receiving this kind of help.

15 min: How Can We Assist Those Who Are Weak? (Based on April 15. 1979, Watchtower, pp. 24-27) Discussion between two elders. Discuss material from the standpoint of how genuine love will help us to be understanding and patient toward those needing help. 15 min: "The Service Overseer—How He Can Help Us.” A talk by the service overseer. Explain new arrangement and advise congregation of what changes this has required locally. Point out benefits that can come from his good example and kind encouragement.

5 min: Song 41 and prayer.



15 min: Song 78 and local announcements. Family group having discussion from Yearbook of day's text (breakfast or evening meal). After comments on the text, father (or mother) relates interesting experience about zealous witness from page 83. Family appreciates this experience, expresses a desire to do likewise.

23 min: Helpful Guidelines for Young People. School starts shortly and there young people face many dilficult situations. Parents or others approached may be able to help. Many youngsters show little Initiative in school, often complaining that it is uninteresting and tiring. If not really involved In learning, Interests may center on social activities, sports, and so forth, which can be spiritually harmful. Parents have good reason to be concerned.

Demonstration: Mother and father are talking to their children about coming school year. Children are commended for past good efforts in studies, but parents express concern about a few poor grades last year and involvement in certain activities that could be harmful. Children voice complaint that some subjects in school were boring. Parents reason with them kindly, helping them to appreciate the practical benefits to be gained. Father suggests that all open Youth book to chapter 11 and review discussion on "Why Study in School?” Emphasize practical reasons why youngsters should appreciate opportunity to receive training for developing skills in secular work, reading, increasing their learning abilities, and so forth. Family discusses situations where such training will be genuinely useful and appreciated. Children now view things differently and express determination to apply themselves more diligently as school begins. Parents commend them and suggest they get together as a family later to review progress and discuss any further problems.

18 min: Faithful Youths Like Samuel. (This part should be well rehearsed under supervision of qualified elder.) Group of young people on stage for discussion of the life of Samuel, especially as a youth. Group reads 1 Samuel chapter 3. Young brothers who are good readers take the parts of Samuel, Eli, the voice of Jehovah, and a narrator. What can youth today, faced with the problems and environment of the present wicked system of things, learn from Samuel's example? Invite group to comment on following: (1) How can youth be eager to respond like Samuel? (2) How can young ones Imitate his respect for an older person and his willingness to go to someone older for counsel? (3) How can youth today learn from his not being influenced by the bad examples around him? (4) His faithfulness from youth until old age should help youth in what ways as they Plan for the future?—See ad pp. 1438,

4 min: Song 75 and prayer.


8 min: Song 94. Encourage all to share in field service on Sunday with tract distribution. Announce any local arrangements for service on holiday, September 3.

.."What. Has . Happened to Love? Use 10 minutes for consideration of the tract; show how material can be used in the field. Have a number of short demonstrations on how the tract along with the revised brochure and two latest magazines can be offered. Show what can be stated to (a) young (b) middle-aged and (c) older persons we meet at the door. We may start by saying: "Good day. We are leaving this free tract “What Has Happened to Love?” with all of our neighbors. This is your copy. [Hand person a copy of tract. Then, depending on the age of the householder, we can use one of the pictures.] It certainly saddens us when we see scenes like these, doesn't it? Can you imagine how it would be if people would follow the principles that are mentioned In the Bible citations that are listed here, like . . . [Read one or two on page 3.] There are many persons living today who are finding true enjoyment in life because of upholding the Bible’s definition of love. Also, this brochure explains how such a way of life is possible. I would like to leave It with you, along with these two magazines, on a contribution of 25c.” Encourage all to share during the month of September in distributing the tracts that the congregation has been allotted.

12 min: Have several publishers relate experiences they had during August. Include some that highlight use of My Book of Bible Stories.

15 min: What Are We Doing with What We Are Learning? Prepare well in advance, requesting Individuals or book study groups to present their experiences In actually using or applying what was learned at the service meetings during August. Comments should show how information is being used in a practical, beneficial way. Points to be stressed: (1) In what ways are you helping one another in the book study arrangement? (2) What kind of assistance have you been able to provide for those who are infirm or incapacitated? (3) Young people: How do you view school? In wnat ways are you trying to imitate the good qualities found in young Samuel?

5 min: Song 97 and prayer.


• Literature offer for August: My Book of Bible Stories for $2.00. Or, alternative offer of three pocket-size books for $1.00 for those who do not prefer a book for children. September: A tract will be used along with two magazines and the revised brochure Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Twentieth Century for 25c. October: Awake! subscription for $2.50 with a pocketsize book given free to new subscribers.

© Since the Society receives quite a number of inquiries relating to gifts and wills and the conditional donation arrangement, it may prove helpful to read to the congregation again the Society’s letter of last year. Especially Is this suggested If. for some reason, it was not read to the congregation before. With this letter, enclosures were sent. These were to be placed In the congregation file by the secretary who is to make them available to any who request to read them.

O As of July 1, the Society Is produc-(Continued on page 4, col. 3)

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Our Kingdom Service (USPS 295-360) Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed In U.S.A.

Those with Special Needs (Cont’d) soon conducting a regular Bible study of his own. How did he do it? The helping brother took time each week to read the entire lesson out loud for him. He would accompany the blind one on the Bible study and read the questions. Being familiar with all the material, the blind brother was able to conduct a fine study, much to his joy.

  • 5 In another congregation, several deaf ones became associated. There was no one to assist them as an interpreter, so a few of the young brothers and sisters were alert to this need and learned the sign language. They made a fine expression of their brotherly love by helping to convey the benefits of the meetings to such ones. They also arranged to take them along with them in the service, setting up opportunities on various calls where these deaf ones could express their hope to others. Needless to say, there was a mutual interchange of encouragement among all involved.

  • 6 A severely crippled sister found it almost impossible to get to the meetings or share in group arrangements for service. Several thoughtful publishers arranged to take turns recording congregation meetings so that she could get the benefits even though confined at home. Besides regular visits to give encouragement, they also helped her arrange things so as to share in the service. They provided her with names and addresses of interested persons to whom she could write and some of them she was even able to develop into Bible studies. There have been similar cases where the interested person has been brought to the bedside of the infirm one and the study was conducted there regularly. Other experiences tell of kindly publishers taking infirm ones along in a wheelchair when they do street work or when they work in apartment buildings where such ones can move about more easily from door to door. It takes a little more time and effort, but think of the far-reaching benefits of thus working together.

  • 7 You likely can discover a wide variety of similar needs existing right in your own congregation. Do you have a foreign-speaking publisher with a language barrier? Is there some older brother or sister who needs a helping hand? What about those who might have a chronic ailment that permits service activity only under specialized conditions? If you give this matter some thought, you may be able to contribute toward helping your brother in a manner that can bring

The Service Overseer          (Cont’d)

® Much of his work of strengthening field service will be within the book study groups. Many, if not all, of the elders will be book study conductors, and having discussed and understood what is needed as a body of elders, they will be able to cooperate more readily and effectively with the service overseer in implementing and building support for field service.

  • 6 The service overseer usually will conduct a book study, but once a month he will visit one of the other book study groups, showing particular interest in how the group is doing in the preaching work. (While he is away, his assistant will conduct the study.) With the study being reduced to 45 minutes during his visit, the service overseer will use the closing 15 minutes to encourage all in the group to appreciate their privilege of sharing the good news with others. In addition to working with publishers from house to house as he is able during the week, perhaps he can go with one or more on a Bible study.

  • 7 The service overseer will serve continuously unless circumstances make it necessary for a replacement. If a change must be made, the body of elders will assign that responsibility to another elder and inform the congregation. At his next visit, the circuit overseer will show on his report to the Society which elder is currently serving in that position. The service overseer can take his regular turn as presiding overseer according to the local rotation schedule.

  • 8 We invite your full cooperation with the service overseer in your congregation, as you give good support to the field service arrangements in your book study group.

Schedule for congregation studies in the book Is This Life All There Is?:

August 5: Pages 43 to 51* August 12: Pages 51 to 60* August 19: Pages 60 to 69* August 26: Pages 69 to 78*

• To subheading or chapter heading, great joy to him, as well as to yourself.

8 Planning our activity with a view to working together assures the incapacitated ones that “if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up.” It also gives real meaning to the proverb: “Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share trouble?”—Eccl. 4:10; Prov. 17:17, Today’s English Version.

Helping One Another (Part II): Through the Book Study
  • 1 While all of us equally share the responsibility to preach, we are not all equal in experience or abilities. (1 Cor. 12:29, 30) There are those who are new or lack experience. Some are limited due to education or language barriers. Others are particularly experienced in one feature of field service, but not in another. Naturally, we all desire to be capable and effective preachers of the good news. By sharing the benefits of our experience and capabilities with others, much happiness can result.—Acts 20:35.

  • 2 The book study group arrangement is a fine provision for providing mutual help. Many publishers have experience and abilities that they can use to assist others in their group. In many cases, it is simply a matter of making known the need and asking them to assist. We suggest that each book study conductor give thought to some who may need a helping hand in the service, and those who might be willing and in the best position to give effective help.

  • 3 When he has this in mind, perhaps the conductor can first approach the experienced publisher about working with one less experienced. For example, he might say to a sister: “Would you mind working with Sister---- for a day

or two in the house-to-house service? I am sure that she would benefit from your experience. I think both of you would enjoy working together as companions for awhile and it would prove to be mutually upbuilding.”

  • 4 If the experienced sister is agreeable, the conductor can suggest that she talk to the other sister about it, working out arrangements that would be suitable for them. In some cases, they might want to discuss such with the study conductor, as he may have suggestions on how to proceed. They can plan what would be most convenient in the way of preparing together, sharing in the service and following up interest.

  • 5 The conductor should take a real interest in the brothers by inquiring from time to time as to how they are getting along. His helpfulness and words of encouragement will demonstrate that he is more than just someone who conducts the study; he has tender affection for others and is sincerely interested in their spiritual prog-(Continued on page 4, col. 2)




    Ing two Braille Watchtower magazines ✓ each month. Henceforth, the Braille

    With "My Book of Bible Stories"

    1 “Simple, yet very instructive!” That is what many are saying about My Book of Bible Stories. Undoubtedly, this fine Bible study aid can help us reach many more sincere ones, both young and old, who have yet to understand the Bible’s message.

    • 2 Since many have been affected by the death of a loved one, you may wish to speak of the condition of the dead and the hope of the resurrection, tying in Psalm 146:4, 5 and Story 92 of the Bible Stories book.

    • 3 We might start our presentation like this: “Good day. As a neighbor of yours it is a pleasure to bring you some good news. All of us have experienced the loss of a close friend or relative in death. Perhaps you have wondered what has happened to such ones. [Allow time for comment.] God’s Word gives us hope in Psalm 146:4, 5. [Read.] How kind God is in giving hope both for those who have passed away in death and for those of us who are living. This picture [turn to Story 92] shows a resurrection that Christ Jesus performed not only for the young girl’s sake, but also for the joy of her parents. You can just imagine how happy those parents must have been. But this was not the only person Jesus resurrected. The last paragraph of this story shows that he resurrected the son of a widow and his good friend Lazarus. And note the good news mentioned in the last two sentences. [Read.] This publication is designed for young and old alike, to help us all better appreciate the love and concern that God has for us. We are offering it on a contribution of $2.00.” You may adapt this presentation to fit the circumstances.

    • 4 Where people are busy, we might like to use a shorter preMeetings for Field Service (Cont’d)

    sentation, including the illustration in Story 115. We might approach the householder by saying: “Good day. To provide good reading material for young people, I have found this publication to be of great assistance to parents and children alike. It helps them to learn about what God has promised for the future. [Turn to Story 115; read last sentence in paragraph one.] The publishers have made this Bible Stories book with over 125 Bible-based illustrations [quickly thumb through the book] available at a very reasonable cost of $2.00. Would you care to have a copy for your children (grandchildren)?”

    • 5 Many have enjoyed fine experiences offering the Bible Stories book informally. One sister reported placing copies by offering it to pediatricians, mentioning that it would be good reading for youngsters in the waiting room. A sister who offered the book at a nursery school was able to start a study with the children. Additionally, she placed 70 books with the children, their parents and their neighbors. The lady in charge of the nursery took 24 books for herself, her relatives and friends. Be alert to your opportunities to offer this easy-to-place book.

    • 6 With many young people home from school because of summer vacation, we should have many opportunities to talk to young ones and their parents. This month should prove to be a most enjoyable one as we render praise to Jehovah with the aid of My Book of Biple Stories.—Ps. 146:10.

    Book Study . .


    ress. When the service overseer spends a week with that group, he, too, will be interested in what is being accomplished. Anything that he and the conductor can do with a view to developing the arrangement to help one another at the book study level will strengthen the congregation as a whole. —1 Thess. 2:7, 8.




    AUGUST 27-SEPTEMBER 2 Offering the Tract

    Briefly review highlights, pointing out features that are most likely to attract attention.

    What can you say that might prompt the householder to want to read it?

    What features of the brochure could you highlight to tie in with the theme of the tract?


    Sp’l Pios.


    Aux. Pios.










    Av. Hrs.

    129.9 82.8 59.9




    95.6 64.7 47.7


    Av. Av.

    R.V. Bl.St.









    Dedicated Ones Baptized: 2,183

    MEMORIAL REPORT 1979 Total Attendance 1,335,268 Number of Partakers 4,246

    1978 1,264,420


    *-*^^**» **«v«.^**. * —* vv , — — — — — edition will be available on a subscrip-

    tian basis only, the partnership arrangement for exchanging magazines being discontinued. The subscription rate is $6.00 per year. Other publications are available in Braille. Those who are interested should write the Society, Attention: Braille Desk.

    0 As soon as the August report Is compiled, the form (S-10) for supplying the Society with the activity of the congregation should be completed and sent promptly to the Society. Keep the duplicate in the congregation file.

    O Pioneer report cards and forms for use by the congregation during the coming year are being mailed in Au-


    © New


    Publications Available:

    News—to Make you Happy —Bengali, Hungarian, Marathi, Serbian

    Holy Spirit—The Force Behind the Coming New Order! —Hungarian Study Questions for the book Is the Bible Really the Word of God!

    —Chinese, Japanese, Spanish

    Available Again In U.S.A.: The Truth That Leads to Eternal


    O Out of Stock in U.S.A.:

    God’s “Eternal Purpose” umphing for Man’s Good

    • “The Bible—A Book for


    Now Tri-


    This Gen

    eratlon” Is the timely subject for the new slide talk that circuit overseers will show starting September 1979. In Srevious years it took four years to ave a slide showing world wide, but this time enough sets of slides are being sent out so that all congregations earth wide will see the slide talk within the 1980 service year.

    O Due to the steady Increase in the cost of materials and services, the Society finds it necessary to Increase the prices

    of the following publications, effective September 1, 1979:


    Semimonthly Magazines 1 Year

    6 Months

    Monthly Magazines 1 Year

    and Awake! Subscriptions

    Pioneer $1.25 .65

    Publisher $2.40 1.15






    (No 6-month subscriptions monthly magazines.)


    Pocket-size book .10      .45

    1.25 on


    There is no change in price for larger books, and individual copies of the magazines will still be placed with the public at 10c a copy.

    0 The Literature Inventory forms should be completed and forwarded to the Society no later than September 6. In view of September price changes, the vhlue of 192-page books should be shown as 45c.


    Trust in God Brings Hope for the Dead.




    Many view death as —Ps. 146:4.

    Jehovah is a God of even for the dead.—Ps. Resurrection prospects cause for joy.


    hope, 146:5.

    are a