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Continue to Put Your Heart Into the Work

“And the people continued to put their heart into the work.” —Nehemiah 4:6.

To be studied by all who are members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses and who are construction servants. As you study this manual, please look up and read every scripture cited.

This manual is for your use only while you are a construction servant. It may not be copied, duplicated, or distributed to others. At the conclusion of your service as a construction servant, this manual must be turned in along with all keys and any identification that may have been provided to you.

© 2015






Wallkill, New York, U.S.A.

August 2015 Printing

This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

Continue to Put Your Heart Into the Work

English (cph-E)

Made in the United States of America




Construction Organization

Program Requirements

Being a Construction Servant Is a Serious Responsibility


Personal Provisions

Transferring to Another Project

Other Reminders



  • 1. It is a grand privilege to be able to help provide our brothers with suitable places for meeting to worship Jehovah and with other facilities needed for the advancement of the good news. Thank you for making yourself available! Be assured that your willingness to serve is greatly appreciated by Jehovah and our brothers. (Isa. 6:8) Some of you serve in remote assignments or far away from your families. Please be assured that we love you and that the many sacrifices you make to advance Kingdom interests do not go unnoticed.

  • 2. Along with your privilege of service also come responsibilities. (Luke 12:48) This manual will explain what is expected of you as a construction servant. Please remember that participating in this program involves adapting to procedures and customs that may require you to make adjustments in order to serve harmoniously with others. Also, please note that being a construction servant and a member of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses does not give you any special designation that exalts you above other brothers.

Construction Organization

  • 3. The Worldwide Design/Construction Department (WDC), under the direction of the Publishing Committee, oversees the scheduling and expediting of worldwide construction and renovation projects. This includes acquiring property for, planning, designing, engineering, constructing, renovating, and maintaining the organization’s facilities. The WDC supervises the four Regional Design/Construction Departments (RDCs) located around the world. The WDC also provides the guidelines and procedures followed by the Local Design/Construction Departments (LDCs) located at each branch. Each LDC organizes the actual construction and maintenance of Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and other theocratic facilities within its branch territory under the direction of the local Branch Committee. Depending on the scope and complexity of each construction project, a Construction Project Committee, a Construction Committee, or a construction group working under the LDC will be assigned to oversee it.

  • 4. Construction groups perform the actual construction of Kingdom Halls. These groups are made up of trained brothers and sisters who serve full-time on Kingdom Hall projects, moving from one location to another as needed. At times, those assigned to a construction group may

be called upon to assist with the construction or maintenance of other theocratic facilities, such as Assembly Halls or remote translation offices. The personnel for each construction project are drawn from construction servants, construction volunteers, full-time construction commuters, LDC volunteers, and brothers and sisters from the local congregations. Construction servants are in special full-time service and thus receive food, housing, and an allowance for personal needs.

Program Requirements

  • 5. You were appointed as a construction servant because you met the requirements and there was a need for your help. It is hoped that you will continue to qualify. (Gal. 5:22, 23) The finest assets to Jehovah’s organization are mature, spiritual men and women. Thus, all Christians should strive to “have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Heb. 5:14) Your continued progress as a spiritual person should be evident to all. (1 Tim. 4:15) How can you accomplish this? By making full use of all the spiritual provisions available to you and then applying what you learn.

  • 6. Arrangements have been made for a number of spiritual programs that will help you to continue making progress. Morning worship is conducted each workday. It begins with a prayer, followed by an upbuilding 15-minute discussion of the daily text. You are expected to attend unless you are ill or have the day off. Depending on local circumstances, you may be connected to the local morning worship program conducted at Bethel. Additionally, each week (typically on Monday evening or on Tuesday evening when Monday is a day off) there is an encouraging consideration of The Watchtower, which you should attend. (Please note that those who are not appointed as construction servants or construction volunteers are not invited to attend the family Watchtower Study unless they are approved overnight guests.) If you are assigned to a branch construction project, it may also be possible for you to be enrolled in Bethel Entrants’ School.

  • 7. We encourage you to be resolved to read a portion of the Bible every day of your life. (Ps. 1:1, 2; Acts 17:11) Additionally, we expect you to read the entire Bible during your first year as a construction servant. The importance of staying strong and progressing spiritually, ‘making sure of the more important things,’ cannot be overemphasized. (Phil. 1:10) Thus your life as a full-time servant will be purposeful, and you will be happy in promoting the interests of Jehovah’s Kingdom. (John 13:17) In addition, you will be assigned to a local congregation. Regularly attending and participating in all congregation meetings and supporting the field service activity are basic Christian requirements. Whenever possible, congregation meetings will be provided in a language you speak. However, if you are serving in a foreign assignment or in a location where your language is not spoken, you are encouraged to attend congregation meetings in the local language even if you do not speak it well. This will assist you to understand the local language better, and more important, it will draw you closer to the local brothers. Taking full advantage of these provisions is essential to your progress and spiritual growth, enabling you to be a blessing to others.—Ps. 22:22; Heb. 13:15.

  • 8. In addition to being spiritual people, Jehovah’s servants endeavor to be diligent, skillful workers. (Prov. 22:29) It is important to maintain the habit of being punctual and to give a full day of service to Jehovah. (Luke 16:10) Additional assignments, such as cleanup after meals or watchman duties, may make it necessary to work extra hours. There is no arrangement to have an equal amount of time off for these additional periods of service. It should always be a joy to serve our brothers.—Mark 9:35.

  • 9. Jehovah hates what is bad, and so should we. (Ps. 97:10; Eph. 5:1) Jehovah’s servants do not lie, steal, or become busybodies in other people’s affairs. (Prov. 6:16-19; 26:17; 1 Pet. 4:15) It is expected that we will have long ago stopped any unclean habits or unscriptural practices that we may have had before learning the truth. (2 Cor. 7:1; Rev. 22:11) Our dealings with others should be honest and truthful at all times. Our speech should always be positive and upbuilding, never profane or obscene. If a person has in his possession or makes use of pornography, morally corrupting music, or videos that feature violence, demonism, or sexual immorality, a determination will be made as to whether he qualifies to continue in special full-time service. It is important that we keep ourselves spiritually clean, avoiding anything that could blemish our clean standing before Jehovah. —Isa. 52:11; 1 Pet. 1:15, 16.

  • 10. Alcoholic beverages may be used in the home, but they must be used in moderation and in harmony with local legal guidelines. Heavy drinking and drunkenness are condemned by Jehovah and will not be tolerated. (Prov. 23:29-34; Eph. 5:17, 18) Overindulgence will call into question an individual’s Christian qualifications and may result in his being asked to discontinue his service as a construction servant.—Rom. 14:16-18.

  • 11. Proper respect for the opposite sex and for the same sex must always be maintained. Jehovah condemns fornication, adultery, and homosexuality. (Rom. 1:26-28, 32; 1 Cor. 6:9, 10) It is required that you leave the door of your room wide open and be in a location where you are in full view of passersby if you are alone with one of the opposite sex who is not your marriage mate, parent, fleshly brother or sister, or other close relative. The same principle applies to offices. (1 Tim. 5:2) If you come to know of anyone who has been involved in wrong conduct, you should urge the offender to bring it immediately to the attention of the overseers in charge. If he does not, then you are obligated to do so in order to keep the organization spiritually clean.—Lev. 5:1.

  • 12. Out of consideration for the best interests of our brothers, good manners should always be shown. For instance, you should not enter someone else’s room without first knocking and being invited to enter. Making too much noise in your place of residence shows a lack of respect for others and may disturb those trying to study or rest. Christian behavior calls for reasonableness and understanding. For example, if your roommate wants to sleep, it would be a kindness to turn off any music or the television.

  • 13. Your dress and grooming should always reflect Christian standards, which “adorn the teaching of our Savior, God.” (Titus 2:10) You should be in the habit of wearing neat, clean clothes. The clothes you wear on the construction site should be modest and well-kept and should not have slogans on them. The construction overseers or other elders will give counsel to those needing improvement in these areas.

  • 14. The elders will kindly give needed counsel and reproof to any who cause problems, stir up trouble, assume an independent attitude, or lord it over their brothers. (1 Pet. 5:1-3, 5) If such individuals change their course of action, mercy will be extended to them. But those who are unwilling to accept counsel and be guided by God’s spirit will be asked to leave special full-time service.

  • 15. Regardless of the location where you serve, it is our desire to provide you with sufficient privacy, amenities, and security so that you will have a place to relax and do personal study. Your accommodations need to be kept clean and orderly, reflecting well on our worship. While someone may be assigned to assist in caring for your room, it is still your responsibility to care for basic duties, such as daily making your own bed, removing all the trash, and cleaning and putting away all the dishes.

Taking local circumstances into consideration, construction oversight will also make arrangements for meals, laundry, and other services that may be needed. We appreciate your cooperation with and support for whatever arrangements are made for you.

Being a Construction Servant Is a Serious Responsibility

  • 16. As a construction servant, you should be able to plan for a reasonable and regular share in preaching the good news of the Kingdom along with the publishers in your congregation. However, if a conflict arises between your work assignment and your activities in the congregation, naturally your assignment should take priority. As a reminder, the following statement appears in your Application to Become a Construction Servant in the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses:

“This application is an expression of my personal desire to become a construction servant in the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If accepted, I will give that assignment of service priority over all other activities. I will be diligent in taking full advantage of the provisions for study and discussion of God’s Word that are made, including attending morning worship and the family Watchtower Study. I will also share regularly in the field service and in the meetings of the congregation that I attend. I will at all times conduct myself in full harmony with all the regulations that apply—such as matters having to do with secular work and the high standards for dress and grooming—as well as the counsel of God’s Word that applies to all Christians. I will be content and satisfied with the modest support that I receive from the Order as long as I am privileged to serve as a construction servant. Should I choose to leave the Order or should it be determined that I no longer qualify to serve in the Order, I will not expect any remuneration. (Matt. 6:30-33; 1 Tim. 6:6-8; Heb. 13:5) I recognize that the branch office has the right to determine if and when my membership should be terminated.”

  • 17. Each new construction servant takes the “Vow of Obedience and Poverty for One Serving as a . . . Member of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” the text of which includes the following:

In harmony with the intensity of purpose reflected in the words of Ecclesiastes 5:4, I vow as follows:

  • 1. In the spirit of the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8) and the prophetic expression of the psalmist (Psalm 110:3), to offer myself to do whatever is assigned to me in the advancement of Kingdom interests wherever and in whatever category of service I am assigned by the Order;

  • 2. While a member of the Order, to live the simple, non-materialistic lifestyle that has traditionally existed for members of the Order;

  • 3. To be submissive to the theocratic arrangement for members of the Order (Hebrews 13:17);

  • 4. To devote my best full-time efforts to my assignment;

  • 5. To abstain from secular employment without permission from the Order;

  • 6. To turn over to the local organization of the Order all income received from any work or personal efforts in excess of my necessary living expenses, unless released from this vow by the Order;

  • 7. To accept such provisions for [members] of the Order (be they meals, lodging, expense reimbursements, or other) as are made in the country where I serve, regardless of the level of my responsibility or the value of my services;

  • 8. To be content and satisfied with the modest support that I receive from the Order . . . as long as I am privileged to serve in the Order and not to expect any remuneration should the Order determine that I no longer qualify to serve in the Order or in the unlikely event that I should choose to leave the Order (Matthew 6:30-33; 1 Timothy 6:6-8; Hebrews 13:5);

  • 9. To abide by the principles set out in God’s inspired Word, the Bible, in publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and in policies dispensed by the Order (including any manuals or guidelines specifically applicable to members of the Order in my category of service), and to follow the directions of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses; and

  • 10. To accept readily any decision made by the Order regarding my membership in the Order.

  • 18. Because you took a vow of obedience and poverty when you became a construction servant, you should not engage in secular employment while under the vow. While taking personal time away from your assignment, you are released from your vow as it applies to secular work. However, there is no release from the vow during evenings or weekends of the regular workweek. To work secularly during an evening or a weekend, at least one half day of personal time away must be used. If an emergency should arise in which you need to work, please feel free to explain the situation to the Branch Committee through the construction overseer or the Local Design/Construction Department (LDC).

  • 19. If you find it necessary to discontinue your service as a construction servant, please submit a notice in writing at least 30 days in advance. The notice should be submitted to the Branch Committee through the construction overseer or the LDC. This will allow time to arrange for a replacement.


  • 20. It is essential that everyone give attention to safety at all times. Use proper safety equipment. Follow the instructions of the brothers in charge of the project. Report unsafe conditions to your overseer. Do not take chances, nor allow others to do so. Your life and health, as well as that of our brothers, is important to us and to Jehovah. Equipment and materials can be purchased, but fingers and hands cannot.

  • 21. You should not operate power tools, equipment, or vehicles without proper training and approval. Personal use of equipment is not allowed except by permission of the overseer in charge. Taking equipment or supplies without permission is a serious matter that amounts to stealing. A person may be directed to discontinue serving as a construction servant for doing so.

  • 22. Recreation and relaxation have their place in our lives, but sometimes more brothers are injured when engaging in sports activities than when caring for their work assignment. So when engaging in recreation, guard against the competitive spirit, which calls for winning at all costs. —Gal. 5:26.

Personal Provisions

  • 23. As you enjoy the meals that are provided for you, take only your share for that meal so that everyone else has enough to eat. Be careful not to waste food. Since meals are prepared for those assigned to the project, you should not take extra food for those not working on the project.

  • 24. Each month, construction servants receive an allowance equivalent to that received by members of the Bethel family in the branch territory where they are serving. Additionally, construction servants have a Personal Expense Account (PEA) to care for their personal needs and incidental medical expenses. This account is credited once a year on January 1. The amount received is based on the number of complete months the person served as a construction servant in the previous year and is equivalent to what is provided to Bethel family members in that branch territory.

  • 25. All construction servants are granted 12 basic days of personal time away on September 1 for the new service year. A service year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 inclusive. Those who are not transferring from another field of special full-time service and who begin serving as construction servants after September 1 are given a prorated amount of basic personal time away for the remaining full months in the current service year. This is credited on a person’s start date as a construction servant. For example, one who starts special full-time service on March 1 would receive six days of personal time away upon his arrival, one day for each complete month left, March through August. One who starts special full-time service on June 5 would receive two days for each complete month left, July and August. A person who transfers from another field of special full-time service retains the personal time away he has already accumulated. You are normally allowed to arrange your personal time away when you prefer, but only after it has been credited. You are allowed to divide the time as you wish, subject to the requirements of your work assignment, but you may not take less than a half day at a time. Before planning any personal time away, you should be sure of how much time you have available. Additionally, please endeavor to inform your overseer of your time away at least a week in advance. Personal time away may be accumulated from one year to the next. It is wise to save a few days for unexpected needs.

  • 26. There is also a beneficial arrangement for granting additional personal time away each service year until a person reaches the maximum annual credit of 30 days. There are three provisions explained below for accumulating additional personal time away. All additional time is credited on September 1 for those in special full-time service. If a person enters special full-time service after September 1, none of the additional days described below will be prorated to him for that service year.

  • 27. A seniority credit is based on the number of years a person has been in full-time service. For every two complete years a person has been in full-time service, he is granted one additional day of personal time away.

Consider two examples. After a person has completed two years in full-time service, on September 1 he will be granted 12 basic days plus 1 additional day for his seniority, making a total of 13 days. A person who has completed 15 years in full-time service would be granted 12 basic days plus 7 additional

days for his seniority, making a total of 19 days. If a person has had a break or to completing 12 years of full-time service are granted six additional days of personal time away each year, the same as if they had completed 12 years of full-time service. Those reaching 65 years of age prior to completing 36 years of full-time service are granted the maximum of 18 additional days of personal time away each year. As is true of the seniority credit, the age credit progressively increases every two years until a person reaches the maximum number of 30 days of personal time away per year. A person will receive either the seniority credit or the age credit, whichever is greater, on September 1.

breaks in his full-time service history, his seniority will be the combined total of days spent in full-time service assignments.

28. An alternative to the seniority credit is an age credit. Some construction servants have not served for many years in full-time service and thus do not receive many additional days of personal time away based on their full-time service seniority. As shown in the chart on this page, those 45 years old and older may benefit from this age credit. For example, those reaching 45 years of age prior

Age on September 1

Additional Personal Time Away (days)





















65 and older


  • 29. Construction servants assigned to a foreign land for more than one year are appointed as expatriate construction servants. These special full-time servants qualify to receive a foreign-service credit of seven additional days of personal time away on September 1. This provision takes into consideration the special nature of their work in a foreign land. This credit of seven additional days is added to the basic time and additional days based on seniority or age, previously described. Individuals benefiting from the foreign-service credit will not receive more than 30 days per service year. Any exceptions should be approved by the Personnel Committee. Expatriate construction servants are credited this time so that they are in a position to visit their homeland or elsewhere at their own expense, if they choose to do so.

  • 30. The workweek is similar to the regular Bethel schedule. But in order to accommodate weekend volunteers from the congregations, the branch may decide that it is preferable to schedule a full day of activity on Saturdays. If this alternate schedule is used, then Sundays and Mondays can be used to participate in field service and associate with the local congregation. You are expected to start work on time and not to leave until the designated time. (Luke 16:10) It is important to maintain the habit of being punctual. Brothers who are 70 years of age and older and sisters who are 50 and older may return to their rooms an hour before the workday officially ends if they feel it is necessary. Or they may prefer to take a rest after the noon meal before returning to their assignment.

  • 31. It could be that at some point, a serious emergency may arise or some Scriptural responsibility may require you to spend additional time to help loved ones. You should discuss the matter with those in charge. The Branch Committee, consulting with the Construction Committee or Local Design/Construction Department, will consider the circumstances and determine whether time should be granted, especially to those who have been in full-time service for a number of years. Or they may suggest that accumulated personal time away be used or that your service be discontinued in order to render assistance.

  • 32. All those in special full-time service may be granted one and a half days to attend a regional convention. The half day off could be used immediately before or after the convention for travel or rest. This provision may be used regardless of the distance of the convention from your assignment.

  • 33. When your application was approved, it was with the understanding that you were strong and healthy, having no serious medical problems. Every effort will be made to keep everyone healthy by means of the provision of clean rooms, comfortable sleeping quarters, wholesome food, and good conditions under which to live and carry on sacred service. However, with respect to proper hygiene, cooperation on the part of all is essential. It is your personal responsibility always to use good judgment when eating and drinking, especially if you serve in a location where health problems may be more common. Sufficient rest and sleep are also important. Be moderate in your entertainment and in your eating and drinking habits. Every form of overindulgence should be avoided. —Prov. 21:17; 23:20, 21; Luke 21:34.

  • 34. If you feel sick, report it to the overseer or the one assigned to provide medical care. Advice will be given that may help you recover in a short time. If it is necessary to call a doctor, the brother in charge will not hesitate to do so. If it is determined that medical care cannot be provided within the branch territory where you are assigned, the Branch Committee may request approval from the Personnel Committee for alternate arrangements to be made for you. Arrangements for medical care at another branch should not be made personally. Additionally, it should not be assumed that the branch will cover the expense if you decide to make personal arrangements for medical care, be they conventional or alternative treatments.

  • 35. If you had a preexisting health condition that may now require surgery, or if you have extensive dental or other health problems, it is not the responsibility of the branch to arrange for such matters. Such things should have been handled before you accepted the invitation to serve as a construction servant. Similarly, if you now become chronically ill and are unable to keep the schedule and routine of activity, it would be better for you to discontinue your service as a construction servant so that you can give close attention to your health.

  • 36. First-aid supplies and equipment suitable for the size of the construction proj ect are available. Whenever possible, a capable, symp athetic, experienced brother is assigned to oversee first-aid arrangements. If a major accident occurs, either a doctor’s help will be obtained or the injured person will be taken to a hospital. A full and accurate report will be provided to the Branch Committee.

  • 37. Often, single people are invited to serve as construction servants. As time passes, it may be that a single person determines that he or she would like to be married. (1 Cor. 7:36-38) After serving for at least a year or perhaps a number of years, a construction servant may wish to marry someone who is also interested in this field of service. However, he should have in mind that he is relatively new after only one year, so it is not likely that approval would be granted to continue in service as a construction servant with his marriage mate. If he decides that he would like to marry and he and his future mate would like to serve as construction servants following their marriage, then they should both fill out new applications and submit them to the Branch Committee. This would be true even if both of them are already construction servants. They should endeavor to submit the applications at least 90 days in advance of the wedding date.

  • 38. Because of imperfection, problems with people or with your assignment may come up from time to time. Always follow the Scriptural counsel to settle them quickly and peaceably. Whenever possible, differences should be settled privately between those involved. (Matt. 5: 23, 24) If this is not possible, then feel free to approach one of the elders working in the construction group. He will assist you, with a view to preserving a peaceful spirit. If the problem has to do with your assignment, then it would be best to talk it over with the overseer. A married sister should always discuss a problem with her husband first. Single sisters may approach one of the elders serving on the project or a congregation elder.

Transferring to Another Project

  • 39. It is often possible to transfer construction servants to another construction project when the project they have been working on nears completion. However, please keep in mind that there may be delays in issuing building permits or there may be rigid immigration restrictions. These factors and others may not permit you to transfer to another project. Please be assured that every effort will be made to inform you as soon as possible as to whether an assignment may be available for you or not. If you are in a foreign assignment and another foreign assignment is not immediately available, you may be assigned as a construction servant in your home territory to assist with Kingdom Halls or other projects in the country.

  • 40. When you are transferred to another assignment, especially one in a foreign country, be prepared to meet new challenges. These may include differences in climate, culture, and personalities. The tendency may be to compare assignments. However, the expressions of kindness that may be extended in various ways at one branch should not be compared with those of another.

  • 41. The costs of your transfer to another construction project are paid by the branch. The most direct and economical transportation will be used. Any personal travel you may wish to do in conjunction with the transfer will be at your own expense. Also, you must use accumulated personal time away for any additional travel days required if you alter the itinerary.

  • 42. When transferring to another assignment or leaving the program, you may take a total of 250 pounds (115 kg) of personal belongings per person. Any additional items you may wish to take will be at your own expense. If traveling by airplane, the 250 pounds permitted includes the airline allowance. Additionally, if there are exorbitant charges for the excess luggage, the cost may dictate that you take on the airplane only what the airline will allow without additional cost. In that case, the remainder will be shipped to you economically so as to arrive at your new location within a reasonable amount of time.

  • 43. To be prepared for any possible immigration requirements, please take with you copies of any trade or educational diplomas or certificates, your birth certificate, and your marriage certificate if applicable, along with any official letters of recommendation.

Other Reminders

  • 44. If a cell phone is provided for you, it should be used in connection with your work. It would be appropriate for you to contribute for any personal calls that you make.

  • 45. Our construction projects are supported through the voluntary contributions of our brothers and sisters all over the world. Those contributions can be used more effectively when we are careful not to waste anything, be it food, water, electricity, or materials. That means everyone should be conservation-minded. Turn off lights that are not in use. Make sure faucets are turned off properly. Take good care of the tools assigned to you so that they will last as long as possible. If equipment or tools are lost or broken, this should be reported immediately.

  • 46. We encourage you to keep in touch with your loved ones, whether they are in the truth or not. Your family members, especially if they are Jehovah’s Witnesses, are going to be interested in knowing how you are doing. In communicating with them, you should want to share the positive aspects of your assignment, allowing them to rejoice along with you in what Jehovah is accomplishing. You should not share matters that are confidential, nor should you spread harmful gossip about others. Keeping confidences is a mark of a mature person.


  • 47. While there may be times when you get homesick or discouraged, do not allow negative thinking to cause you to conclude that your assignment is not the best place for you. If you get discouraged, speak with some of the older, spiritually mature brothers and sisters who have served for many years as construction servants or in other avenues of special full-time service. We feel sure that when you became a construction servant, your friends and family were pleased to see your advancement in rendering sacred service to Jehovah. So do not give up, but keep persevering, looking for Jehovah’s direction and blessing. Keep in mind that you are able to help many people by your service.

  • 48. We urge you to think in terms of not just a minimal amount of time as a construction servant but, rather, a longer period in which you can be well-trained to make an excellent contribution to Kingdom interests. Since true happiness stems from things that have to do with spirituality, worship of God, and the fulfillment of God’s promises, you will feel good knowing that you are pleasing Jehovah and that your actions are leading you to eternal life in God’s new world.

  • 49. Because the need for theocratic facilities is steadily growing, we encourage you to continue learning more skills, improving your abilities, and looking for more opportunities to reach out. Furthermore, we encourage you to share your skills and knowledge with others, so that they too may qualify to participate more fully in this avenue of sacred service.

  • 50. We feel as did the Israelites in the days of Nehemiah when they were busy building Jerusalem’s wall. Nehemiah 4:6 says that “the people continued to put their heart into the work.” What was the secret of that fine heart condition? It is mentioned later at Nehemiah 8:10: “The joy of Jehovah is your stronghold.” We certainly have every reason to be joyful workers. We have Jehovah’s blessing. We have Jehovah’s spirit, and joy is part of the fruitage of that spirit.—Gal. 5:22.

  • 51. What a marvelous privilege you have to be so actively involved in supporting theocratic interests at this late date in the time of the end! It is our prayer that Jehovah will continue to bless your efforts to do all that you can in his service. Please be assured of our warm love and best wishes for you.

Your brothers, Personnel Com m ittee