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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania


Origin, status and ultimate defeat of the Red menace

German Rearmament

For peace or for war?

Muscle—an Object of Wonder

A vastly complex, yet beautifully simple mechanism

What Would You Have Done?

Is it "betrayal” to turn in a criminal?

MARCH 22, 1955 semimonthly


Newtf sources that are able to keep you awake to the vital issues of our times must be unfettered by censorship and selfish interests. “Awake!” has no fetters. It recognizes facts, faces facts, is free to publish facts. It is not bound by political ambitions or obligations; it is unhampered by advertisers whose toes must not be trodden on; it is unprejudiced by traditional creeds. This journal keeps itself free that it may speak freely to you. But it does not abuse its freedom. It maintains integrity to truth,

“ Awake I” uses the regular news channels, but Is not dependent on them. Its own correspondents are on all continents, in scores of nations. From the four corners of the earth their uncensored, on~the-scenes reports come to you through these columns. This journal's viewpoint is not narrow, but is international. It is read in many nations, in many languages, by persons of all ages. Through its pages many fields of knowledge pass in review—government, commerce, religion, history, geography, science, social conditions, natural wonders—why, its coverage is as broad as the earth and as high as the heavens,

°Awake 1" pledges itself to righteous principles, to exposing hidden foes and subtle dangers, to championing freedom for all, to comforting mourners and strengthening those disheartened by the failures of a delinquent world, reflecting sure hope for the establishment of a right* eous New World.

Get acquainted with “Awake 1” Keep awake by reading “Awake I”


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Appeal to Reason or to Emotion? 3 Communism or Christianity

—Which Will It Be?

Wind Tunnels Contribute to Progress 9 Respect for Religious Scruples Rewarded 12 German Rearmament—for Peace

or for War?

Denominational Education

in Newfoundland

Children Not Naturally Good Citizens

The Story of the Muttonbird

Muscle—an Object of Wonder

Sensible or Stubborn?

A Day of Crime in Just One City

"Your Word Is Truth”

What Would You Have Done?

Jehovah’s Witnesses Preach

in All the Earth—Reaching into

Literal Prisons

Watching the World

Volume XXXVI

Brooklyn, N.Y,, March 32, 1955

Number 8

Appeal to Reason or to Emotion?

THE churchmen of England confessed themselves sadly in need of help. Only five per cent of Londoners and ten per cent of the rest of the Englishmen were attending church services on Sundays. America’s foremost evangelist, ‘"Billy” Graham, was invited to help revive religion. Contrasting his manner of preaching with that of Jehovah’s witnesses was the following item that appeared in the Toronto Daily Star, July 20, 1954:

“An appeal to reason, and not to emotions, is the way Jehovah’s Witnesses try to relay their message to the people, Percy Chapman, supervisor of ministers and evangelists for Canada, said today* The meetings of Rev. Billy Graham have tended to be on an emotional plane, Mr, Chapman said, and he expressed doubt that they would mean a permanent change for the large numbers of converts reported coming forward at the close of them.”

That Graham does capitalize on emotional appeal is apparent from his use of a thousand-voice choir at his London meetings, by his preparing his audiences with an hour of mood music before he speaks, and by his entourage, which includes a production manager, song leader, baritone soloist, trombonist, organist, press agents, etc., some twenty-five for his trip abroad.

According to a writer in the London News Chronicle, March 11, 1954, Graham

“seemed to think he could solve all our problems by merely repeating that God loved us. He took as his text John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son . . ? And then he added: ‘There is enough gospel here for a person to be converted, even if you’ve never heard any other part of the Gospel? But there simply isn’t enough.”

That Graham does appeal to emotion rather than to reason to gain converts is apparent from a description of his method as given in the New York Daily News, June 13, 1954. After the musical program and an hour of “athletic oratory he mounts the podium, rests a moment, and says soothingly: ‘Has anybody forgotten you tonight? Well, God hasn’t ... He loves you. Will you do business with God tonight? This could be your last chance. This is God’s night. This is harvest time? At this point the organist launches softly into a hymn, ‘Almost Persuaded? and the audience picks up the chorus. . . . Weeping and praying, people crowd the aisles to reach the platform.” No wonder one of London’s reporters described him as "a very sincere man, with very little to say, and all the tricks of the modem demagogue at । his finger tips,” while another referred to him as “this theatrical disciple, the Hollywood version of John the Baptist.”

His emotional approach is further be-

trayed by his inconsistencies. On the one hand he states to the press: “What I preach does not matter a row of beans —it’s how I live that counts”; and on the other hand he preaches: “What does a man go to hell for? Not for getting drunk, cursing, committing adultery or lying. The only thing that will send a man to hell is rejecting Jesus Christ.” With feigned humility he says, “I just can’t explain my appeal—I am not a good preacher,” but then admits that he engages in generalities so as not to offend others: “I just preach the Bible in such a way as all groups can listen without being in any way embarrassed.”

A Watch Tower missionary in eastern Canada was witnessing to a sailor who had just come from England where he had been “thrilled to pieces" by Graham’s preaching. When asked what it was about Graham’s message that had so impressed him he could not say. He remembered the man but not the message. Then for an hour and a half the witness for Jehovah told him about the Kingdom hope. As they separated, the sailor agreed with the observation of the witness regarding the value of the message and stated that while he may forget the particular witness that had spoken to him he would never forget the message.

The appeal to reason is God’s way: “Come now, and let us reason together.” Instead of flaunting a powerful personality, Paul says: “I came to you in weakness and in fear and with much trembling, and my speech and what I preached were not with persuasive words of wisdom but with a demonstration of spirit and power, that your faith might be, not in men’s wisdom, but in God’s power.”—Isaiah 1:18; 1 Corinthians 2:3-5, New World Trans.


OHtidtivUtit be?

ATEVER before in history has an issue of IN such magnitude thrust itself upon mankind. There is no escaping it. There is no neutrality. Life depends upon being on the winning side. True, in times past, when a great crisis arose, men could remain uninvolved. Not any more. For the arena in which the present issue will come to its decisive conclusion is the whole earth. No mere conflict between East and West is this. It is Communism versus Christianity. The outcome will profoundly affect your life.

But is there not a hope of “peaceful coexistence”? Not in this issue. This is strikingly clear when we realize the aim of communism. Says the Communist book A Short History of the Communist Party

(Bofeftenifc) of the Soviet Union: “Studies of the history of the party strengthen the belief in the ultimate victory of the great task of Lenin and Stalin, the victory of Communism in the whole world?' Never will the leaders of communism be satisfied with anything less than world domination. Yet what of Christianity? The Bible, the basis for Christianity, declares that God’s kingdom must rule this earth and that the King, Christ Jesus, “must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:25, New World Trans.)

Clearly, the declarations of both communism and Christianity show they cannot coexist.

Origin and Growth of Communism

The final conflict draws near; happy are those that will be on the winning side. But to make a decision of such lasting consequence we need facts on both Christianity and communism. First, what is communism? What is its origin? How is it that communism boasts of a zeal and enthusiasm among its adherents that is unusual to politics?

Communism is defined as a social system based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. In practice it is a system in which all economic, religious and political activity is directed by a totalitarian state. In practice modern communism has come to include, besides the philosophical ideal, a revolutionary method.

Communism’s origin takes us back to the days of ancient Greece. Plato advocated a community of property, and also of wives, in his Republic. But revolutionary communism is generally regarded as dating from publication of the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848. This document called upon the workers of the world to fight for common ownership of all means of production and to establish a rule of the proletariat (the laboring class).

But communism made no lasting progress until the Bolsheviks, after the revolution of November, 1917, established a dictatorship of the Communist party in Russia. Origi

nally, the Communists expected the Russian Revolution to be the first in a worldwide series. Lenin, one of the revolutionaries, taught that the Communist party must be the advance guard of the proletariat and must consist of well-disciplined men ready to assume control and lead discontented masses in seizing power whenever opportunity should arise. So the Comintern, a world-wide union of Communist parties, was organized at Moscow in 1919 to spread the Communist idea throughout the world. But the Comintern failed to bring about world revolution. Russia's economic resources became exhausted; so the Comintern adopted a new policy to gain time to build up a great economic and military empire.

Today the colossus of communism stalks all nations. Already communism's iron and bamboo curtains have enclosed more than one third of the earth's surface and almost 1,000,000,000 people! There is no doubt that the so-called “Christian*1 religion is in peril. Declared the Sixth Congress of the Comintern: “One of the most

important tasks of the cultural revolution, affecting the wise masses, is the task of systematically and unswervingly combatting religion—the opium of the people.”

What Communism Really Is

Still, how can we explain the fanaticism that Communist party members manifest? The answer is that communism is more than a social system; it is a religion. Communism arrogates to itself power that belongs to God and causes people to look to the state for salvation and to worship it instead of God. In his book Communism and Christ Dr. Lowry wrote: “The miracle of Marxism is its social and institutional embodiment and its transformation into an aggressive, universal religion of salvation. . . . The appeal of Marxism was, and is twofold. It exploited, and exploits, the prestige of science, claiming to be a scientific system for a scientific age. It offered, and offers, deliverance from present injustice and misery, promising to all believers a new world of equality and happiness.”

So communism’s sales talk is for “a new world of equality and happiness.” Its religious aspects go even farther, for communism has its gods and “saviors.” Not only was Lenin made a god from the standpoint of adulation but he was elevated to the pantheon alongside Marx. When Stalin was alive the people in Albania erected a statue of “The Deity Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.” Albania’s premier said: “The great Stalin is our people’s glorious saviour." (Chicago Daily Sun Times, January 11, 1950) The “Holy Scriptures” of communism now include writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. The Red religion has its holy days and its parades. Nearly every nation is honeycombed with the missionaries of communism; its prophets predict a new world of economic bliss.

Like all religions, communism can be judged by the quality of its fruits. What are they? "Lying, hate, suspicion, censorship, torture, brutality and murder—all evil fruits. Why such rotten fruits? Because governments of this world derive their authority from an unseen wicked spirit, “the god of this system of things.” Of this master spirit the Bible declares: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” So communism is just this: a false religion that receives its power and authority from none other than the Dragon, Satan the Devil.—2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19, New World Trans.

False “Christian” Religion Responsible

The so-called “Christian” religion is often called the bulwark against communism. How is it, then, that this Devil-inspired Communist religion has deluded so many who profess to be Christian? Indeed, the United States is alarmed not only over its scientists but even over its clergymen! In France, where , from 85 to 95 per cent of the people are Catholic, the Communists have polled as high as 26.5 per cent of the vote. In Italy, where over 99 per cent of the people are born Catholics, communism has taken even far greater strides.

An article in the Roman Catholic magazine The Commonweal (May 7, 1954) should make us think. Under the title “When Catholics Turn Communist” the article said that, on the basis of information gathered by parish priests in all parts of Italy, communism has maintained a steady rate of growth. Then referring to the period since the pope decreed excommunication (1949) for Communists, the article says: “During this period Italian communism has not even been slowed; 1,626,957 more baptized Italians have voted Communist or pro-Communist, which brings the total number of ‘Catholic Com-monists’ to nearly 10,000,000.” About 10,000,000 Communist-voting Catholics— this in the Vatican’s own front yard! What is wrong?

Honest clergymen have to admit where the responsibility lies. So a Presbyterian preacher in Brooklyn, New York, admitted that communism is an “instrument of social change born in the intolerable vacuum left by a thousand years of Christian failure to achieve a better instrument or any instrument at all.”—New York Times, February 5, 1951.

So the failure of the “Christian” religions to bring real hope and comfort to the people has given communism the stimulus for existence. How the organized religions have failed! Have they brought the people the heart-cheering news of a new world of happiness? No! They have only offered the people hope in some dim kind of afterlife. But communism promises a new world of happiness in this life and on the earth. Not only that, but the hypocrisy and greed of the clergy have become notorious. Besides the pagan doctrines of trinity and immortality of the soul, organized religion has taught the unscriptural money-producing doctrines of eternal torment and purgatory. The truth of God’s Word the clergy have watered down so that the only real reasons people have for going to church is to show off toggery, socialize, hear music, take a lesson in psychology, get the facts on the latest “best-selling” novel, play bingo, learn which candidate to vote for, see a show of magic and drop cash into a zestfully passed collection plate or specially dated coin envelope. Is there any wonder that this spiritual vacuum has failed to strengthen professed Christians in a stand against communism?

True Christianity Demonstrated

It is false Christian religion, then, that has degraded and besmirched the name of Christianity. But Lenin’s charge that religion is “the opium of the people” does not apply to true Christianity. For true Christianity brings joy and hope. It brings the promise of a righteous new world, a promise that is sure because it comes from the Creator of the universe, the Most High God, Jehovah. Of that promise Christ’s apostle wrote: “There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Peter 3:13, New World Trans.) False religion has failed to tell the people of God’s new world. Who, then, demonstrate true Christianity? Who are telling the people of a paradise earth, of never-ending happiness and life in the new world that will be ushered in during this generation? Who are obeying Jesus' command: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come”? The only organization doing this and living up to all righteous principles of God’s Word is the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses.—Matt. 24:14, New World Trans.

False Christian religion not only fails to bring the hope of God’s kingdom to the people, but it mixes with the world, meddles in politics. Jehovah’s witnesses demonstrate true Christianity by obeying the Bible’s command: “Do yfiu not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.” “Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world.” —James 4:4; 1 John 2:15, New World Trans.

In Communist lands today the Christian work of Jehovah’s witnesses is banned. And why? Because the Communists fear the good news that Jehovah’s witnesses bear. But never will these true Christians, though outlawed or imprisoned, cease announcing the truth that God’s kingdom is the only hope for distressed mankind. So whether in prison or out of prison Jehovah’s witnesses will keep on telling the truth. The Bible is the source of their truth. No wonder one commando leader of the peoples’ police at a penitentiary said: “A Bible in the hand of one of Jehovah’s witnesses is just as harmful as a torch in the hand of an incendiary.” The Bible harmful to what? Harmful to error, because Jehovah’s witnesses use the Bible to expose communism as a false religion, a vain hope.

The Issue Decided at Armageddon

The issue presses for settlement. It goes deeper than just Communism verses Christianity. For the issue narrows down to the question: Who is supreme? Jehovah God or Satan the Devil? The issue is to be decided for all time at the great war of Armageddon, “the great day of God the Almighty.” So now we see why this issue is far greater than any other that has ever arisen in history. This time the angels in heaven, under the command of Christ Jesus, fight for righteousness. Far-reaching will be the effects of this war.—Revelation 16:14, New World Trans.

False Christian religion, in God’s sight, deserves the weightiest judgment. Its wickedness surpasses that of which communism is guilty. For communism professes to be godless and has never represented itself as being of God and Christ, but false Christian religion has. And so for that reason it is the most reprehensible and will be destroyed first at Armageddon. God has foretold this in the Bible. The prophecy declares that the political powers, with whom organized religion has committed spiritual fornication, will turn against and destroy this false Christianity: “And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely bum her with fire. For God put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose.” Next in line for destruction come all governments of this earth: “And the wild beast was caught.” The “wild beast” represents the earthly governments including communism. What will be the fate of those who remained neutral in this issue? The prophecy continues: “But the rest [all others who are not on God’s side] were killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse.” Thus Armageddon will have wiped out every vestige of this hollow-hearted world. All, that is, except those practicing true Christianity,—Revelation 17:16,17; 19:20, 21, New World Trans.

Armageddon reaches its culmination with the abyssing of Satan the Devil so that during the 1,000-year reign of Christ Jesus that master wicked spirit cannot spoil the peaceful conditions on the earth. What a glorious time follows! Earth’s King, Christ Jesus, brings mankind back to perfection. And finally all who become obedient subjects of Jehovah’s King will gain the right to live on this earth with no fear of ever dying. “For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. As the last enemy, death is to be destroyed.”—1 Corinthians 15:25, 26, New World Trans.; Revelation 20:1-3.

Gone forever will be communism and all other imperfect forms of government. Never, in all the ages to come, will man have need for bombs, cannons or bullets. Live to see that happy time begin. Abandon communism. Abandon all forms of false religion. Take your stand with the New World society for true Christianity. Then when “Jehovah cometh forth out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity,” you will survive with the hope in view of everlasting life on this earth. —Isaiah 26:21, Am. Stan. Ver.




be conducted

in the wind tunnel to ascertain the causes

By “Awake!" correspondent in Great Britain

AN AIRCRAFT streaks across the sky.

Its newly designed features seem perfectly styled for its graceful flight. The appreciative onlooker wonders in amazement at such an achievement. He may well ponder the question: What research and development lie behind the accomplishment of such a feat? Wind tunnels play an important part in the behind-the-scenes work, but they are usually away from the public eye and little is known of them by the, average person.

The stages in the design of a prototype aircraft generally conform to set pattern. First the specifications are drawn up, that is, the required load-carrying capacity, speed, range, operational altitudes and compass are decided upon. Next a configuration is planned that, according to theory, should possess aerodynamic qualities that will fulfill the required conditions. Models are then constructed for testing in wind of such discrepancies.

There are different forms of wind tunnels, but to present a clear picture to the reader a conventional form is used for the purpose of description. The diagram shows its layout and indicates the names of its components.

Since the model is stationary and air is propelled round the circuit by means of a fan, every effort is made to ensure a uniform flow of air through the working section so that the effects produced by an aircraft flying in ideal conditions through still air are simulated. Consideration of this point reveals the reason for the parts indicated in the diagram. As the stream of air flows from the fan round the circuit, the rotation of the fan will tend to rotate the air stream, so straightener vanes are placed behind the fan to induce linear flow. To minimize loss of energy in turning the air around the abrupt comers, specially shaped turning or comer vanes are placed on the diagonals. To prevent turbulence in the air stream, a wire screen of fine mesh is placed in the settling chamber just ahead of the entrance cone. Then the sudden contraction of the air stream through the cone brings about an increase in its velocity and also a steadying effect in addition to that produced by the wire screen, A steady stream of air with a fair freedom from turbulence is thus distributed throughout the entire working section. The stream then flows through a gradually diverging passage called the diffuser and then around two more corners on to the fan where it receives further impulses to complete the circuit. The speed of the fan can be varied to give a range of air speeds through the working section.

tunnels. When some preliminary experiments have been conducted, with perhaps some confirmation of theory, a start is made on designing the structural form of the main components. Then, as information is fed back from the wind tunnels, necessary changes are made in design. Eventually, when the machine is produced,

Varieties of Wind Tunnels

The three main groups of wind tunnels are: (1) low speed, (2) high speed and (3) supersonic. There is a wide range of size and form within the groups, and selection depends upon individual requirements, such as economy and the types of tests contemplated. In low-speed tunnels the speed of the air in the working section does not exceed 250 to 300 miles an hour. The working section of a general-purpose tunnel of average proportions would measure 9 feet by 7 feet and about 200 horsepower would be needed to produce a 170-miles-an-hour wind.

The largest wind tunnel in the world, controlled by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and located at Moffatt Field, California, possesses a working section of amazing proportions—80 feet by 40 feet! To produce the maximum wind speed of 250 miles an hour through this enormous working section, six 40-foot-diameter fans absorb about 36,000 horsepower. To convey an impression of the size of this tunnel, just imagine such a gale rushing through an auditorium capable of accommodating about 2,000 persons! Full-size aircraft or components can be tested in it

A high-speed tunnel is one capable of providing wind speeds in excess of about 300 or 400 miles an hour and which can approach the speed of sound (763 mph at sea level). It is within that range of speeds that violent changes in the pattern of air flow over an aerofoil can take place, sometimes with catastrophic results. Therefore supersonic tunnels are used to supply information on the effects produced by an aircraft passing through the sound barrier and attaining speeds above that of sound.

Attempts to investigate the phenomena arising from supersonic air flow have been conducted by placing the models directly in the exhaust from the high-pressure containers. Another supersonic tunnel injects a high-pressure supply of air through an annular Slot just downstream of the working section, A unique type of supersonic tunnel is one where a valve just downstream of the working section can be opened to permit a rush of air through and on into a hollow sphere that has been previously evacuated. An inconvenient feature of all these arrangements is that the running time is limited to a few seconds. This is because the air stream is supplied by storage vessels and not by a continuously running fan as in the case of the conventional form of tunnel. However, continuous-running types of supersonic tunnels are now in existence. Pushing even farther into the unknown are tunnels used to test very small models in hypersonic wind speeds, that is, five times the speed of sound.

A problem arising from supersonic speed is aerodynamic heating. The amount of heat generated due to the frictional resistance of an aircraft traveling faster than sound would make conditions within the

aircraft intolerable for the occupants. Furthermore, it can cause the structural material of the aircraft to become pliable with consequent failure of the aircraft members. Supersonic wind tunnel experiments provide much information on this problem.

Testing Procedure

The stage is reached where the lines of a new aircraft have been decided upon and now the model testing procedure follows. First, a complete model made of solid mahogany is tested in a low-speed tunnel to obtain preliminary measurements of the six components, namely, lift, drag, side force and rolling, yawing and pitching moments. Then the model may be modified so that tests can be conducted with various conditions and settings of control surfaces such as ailerons, elevators, rudder and flaps. Thus the effects of the controls can be determined. If these preliminary tests prove satisfactory, larger models of component parts, called “partial” models, are tested. Components are constructed with suitable mechanisms incorporated to facilitate structural design. Depending upon the available facilities of the wind tunnel organization, there are a number of other tests that may be conducted, such as the exploration of the effects due to air gusts and flutter. Air-flow patterns can be revealed by sticking tufts of wool on the model at strategic positions. It may surprise the reader to know that one of the most valuable pieces of equipment of wind tunnel technicians is a lump of plasticine. This is because, in the case of low-speed tunnel models, alterations in model component shapes can be accomplished speedily and easily with this humble molding material from the kindergarten.

Much more could be said about the techniques of aerodynamic research; but perhaps the information that has been presented will prove sufficient for the inquirer to catch a glimpse of the contribution made by wind tunnels toward the amazing developments in aviation.

It cannot be denied that the study of the phenomena associated with flight is most complex, and that the measures adopted by man are truly remarkable. So it is appropriate that man should be truly grateful to the great and loving Creator, Jehovah God, for the possession of the mental and material facilities enabling him to conduct intelligent and useful inquiry into the subject of aerodynamics, to the extent that he can enjoy safe mechanical flight. All praise should be to Jehovah, the One who introduced the marvelous facility of flight by saying: “Let flying creatures fly over the earth in the bosom of the expanse of the heavens.” And it came to be so. —Genesis 1:20, New World Trans.

At Miami, Florida, a bloodhound owned by the sheriff's office disappeared during a man hunt. Five days later the dog turned up in the city pound. Sheriff’s deputies angrily charged city officials with kidnaping the bloodhound while he was hot on the trail of a fugitive. A police inspector, they said, lured the canine detective into a car and took him to the pound. City officials explained that a woman reported a sick dog near the city limits, and so, to the men from the pound, the sad-eyed bloodhound looked sick. Pleading Innocent, they said they had no way of knowing the dog was a sleuthhound out on official duty.

Respect for Religious Scruples Rewarded

HERE are certain physicians and surgeons < who profess such great respect for their i procedures that they would not think of J making an exception for the sake of a patient’s ( scruples even though the patient’s life is in- i volved. They insist that the patient surrender J his scruples or die. By pursuing such a course ; they are, in effect, claiming to be omniscient i or Infallible. However, there also are some in J the medical profession who, while having s great respect for and confidence in their pro- j fessional procedures, are willing, for the sake J of saving a life and out of respect for a pa- s tient’s religious scruples, to make an excep- 5 tion. A reporter for the Winston-Salem Jour- J nal, April 23, 1954, told about it as follows: \ “One Chance in 10 Wins . . . Woman Re- i covers From Operation Without Needed Blood ■ Transfusion. A woman bet her life against ; heavy odds here recently—and won. Doctors j said she must undergo surgery or die. But J that wasn’t the choice she had to make. She ( told them she would not submit to surgery un- j less they promised not to give her blood or a ■ blood derivative during the operation. Her $ religion, she explained, prohibited her having i another person’s blood introduced into her J bloodstream. With blood transfusions, the sur- j geon said, she had nine chances in 10 of living, i Without the blood, she had just one chance of ■ making it. She took the one chance.           s

£ "It happened at City Hospital. The woman i was taken there sometime back. She was in J severe pain and was unable to lie down. The i pain was located in the abdomen and chest, i The diagnosis: A pregnancy in one of the Fai- J lopian tubes. The tube had ruptured; she was i losing blood rapidly; immediate surgery was i necessary if her life was to be saved.          J

H “She and her husband agreed to the opera- i tion, but they told the surgeon he must not i —under any conditions—order blood or a blood derivative during the operation. The surgeon explained that he couldn’t make such an agreement. She had already lost too much blood; she would lose more during the operation. He asked the patient, ‘Would you rather die than have a blood transfusion?’ She looked at him calmly and replied, ‘Yes.’

“He told her that he could not perform the operation under her conditions, and another surgeon was consulted. He, too, turned her down. And so did another and another. [All apparently willing to let her die rather than even to try to save her life because she stood by her religious scruples!] In the meantime, the patient’s condition grew steadily worse. The first surgeon, still confronted by her calm resolution to stick by her religious belief, finally agreed to try the operation. ‘Somebody had to do it,' he said. ‘Without it, she didn’t have a chance.'

<[_ "The woman’s husband signed a paper first. It stated the conditions under which the operation was being performed. It said he understood that the surgeon "had advised against it. Then thetwoman was taken to the operating room, and the operation began. An incision through the abdominal wall confirmed the diagnosis. Blood was pulsing steadily through the ruptured tube. Clamps stopped the bleeding; the damage was repaired. The patient was returned to her room, and, a few days later, she returned home. The surgeon says she’s doing fine.”

<1, Did that surgeon feel any regrets for having made an exception for the sake of his patient’s religious scruples? Hardly. Rather, deep down in his heart he must have felt thankful that he had made an exception for the benefit of a patient that showed such loyalty to her religious scruples.

WAy 4/iVty, Alt. Alotoziit?

A sign put up in North Carolina gave speeding motorists a jolt. It simply said: “It’s better to be late, Mr. Motorist, than to be the late Mr. Motorist.”

Tot Wayward Walkali

Some pedestrians overdo their rights; they think in terms of the earth's being a pedestrian’s planet. So they cross streets carelessly and walk according to any vagary of the moment A sign put up in Kansas City woke up some of the wayward walkers. It said: "To avoid that run down feeling, cross the street carefully,”


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hava an art ids by the French corre-reflecting the view of that country.

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Thii article by “AwakeI” corretpondent in Germany give) the German view. The following

J. ment of Germany is of worldwide interest, and in Germany it is the talk of the hour. It was on Saturday, October 23,1954, that John Foster Dulles of the United States, \ Anthony Eden of Britain, ex-Pre- x mier Mendes-France of France and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of Germany signed the document that, when ratified by their various governments, will allow Germany to rearm and will restore her to her place among the sovereign nations of the world. Some viewed this agreement as a promise of a securer and safer future—an added protection against the armies from the East that they fear are only biding their time awaiting an opportunity to take over the rest of Germany, if not all of Europe. Others considered German rearmament a morbid omen of troublesome conditions to come and perhaps the forerunner of a feared third world war. The entire situation is explosively charged with emotion, and almost everyone, both professional politician and common man, has his own very definite views on the matter.

Heated debate and intensive discussions preceded the signing of the agreement. Problems arose that made agreement seem remote if not downright impossible. Would France give in and agree to the rearming of her long-time enemy, Germany? The deep-seated feeling of hatred between these two European nations is nothing new, and the last two wars only heaped coals upon the fire. It is understandable that France would be cautious in thrusting weapons back into the hands of a possible future attacker, though it is thought that both sides were anxious for some kind of agreement. Another problem was the Saar question. For many years it has been a ticklish issue. Mendes-France demanded an immediate settlement before signing the sovereignty agreement. This demand momentarily threatened the conference with defeat, but a decision was finally reached that seemingly was satisfactory to all involved, and the way was left open for final negotiations.

German Rearmament

Just what does this agreement provide? The German "Bundesrepublik” receives its full inner and outer sovereignty. The Allied occupation of Western Germany comes to an end, although Allied troops will continue to be stationed throughout Germany as part of the NATO forces. Western Germany is the fifteenth member-nation of this organization whose express purpose is the defending of Western Europe and the Americas from the spread of communism. It is rather paradoxical to think that Germany, crushed into unconditional surrender in the second world war, should now be regiven her freedom by her conquerors solely for the purpose of rebuilding this armed might that they-once so ferociously fought to destroy. But in this upside-down, mixed-up world paradoxes seem to have become the order of the day.

Germany’s armed force is not to exceed 500,000 men. Some 20,000 of these will go to biiild up a small navy of 180 craft (all less than 3,000 tons), such as submarine chasers, mine layers, motor gunboats and harbor-protection vessels. An air force of 80,000 men and 1,500 planes is planned. This does not include heavy bombers, which, according to the agreement, may not be built. Of the 80,000 air force members, only some 3,000 will be pilots.

This army, incorporated into the NATO forces, will be under the direct and immediate supervision of NATO headquarters, and the German rearmament will be supervised by the Brussels Treaty organization (composed of Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, with Germany and Italy as new members) that controls continental arms manufacture. The new Republic of Germany agrees to produce no rocket weapons (like the famous V rockets used in the last war), no large warships, no heavy bombers, and also not to produce any atomic, biological or chemical weapons (known as the a-b-c weapons). The checking of this by the armament committee is In line with the policy that no nation will possess any weapon greater than necessary to preserve the safety of the NATO forces and programs as decided by NATO itself.

One hundred billion German marks (approximately $25 billion) will be necessary, according to preliminary estimates, to build this defense force. Already the government has money on hand that has been earmarked for this purpose. And on his recent whirlwind trip to the United States, Chancellor Adenauer was able to arrange for aid from Uncle Sam to the extent of 12.6 billion marks, or some $3 billion. One persistent argument raised by opponents of rearmament is that the spending of so much money at this time is “unjustifiable” in view of the serious social needs of millions of people who are still in need of homes and other facilities that were lost during the war.

Here are some of the other things provided for by the new agreement. The Allied High Commissioner offices will cease to exist and will be replaced by regular ambassadors as exchanged between other nations. Any veto power previously held by the Allies over the law-making factions of the new government will end. All Allied civilians in the German republic will be liable to the German laws. All control of German industry will come to an end. All export and import affairs will now be handled by the government itself.

Further, the three Western powers retain their rights in Germany only as regards Berlin and the German reunification arrangements and the making of a peace treaty with the German government. The state of emergency powers that up to now would have allowed the Allies to resume complete control in the event of an emergency have been lifted, though certain powers and rights are granted, at least temporarily, to maintain the safety of their troops on German soil. Later a Four Power office will be set up to deal with the problems of foreign troops stationed in Germany. The Allied powers retain. the right to check and approve all plans and treaties that have to do with reuniting Germany.

The Internal Political Issue

As could be expected, the party in power, Adenauer and his Christian Democrats, is generally in favor of this move, although evidences of complete unanimity are lacking; whereas the other major party, Ollen-hauer and his Socialists, is sharply against the ratification movement. Adenauer contends that a rearmed Germany in the ranks of NATO makes the possibility for a reunited Germany better; Ollenhauer, on the other hand, contends that West Germany’s entry into the NATO forces makes reunification with Russian-occupied East Germany not only improbable but almost impossible. Political difference on this point has been sharp and many bitter words have been and still are being spoken in debate.

Particularly is Chancellor Adenauer's handling of the Saar question being received with sharp criticism. By many it is considered a downright sellout to the French, Said one critic: "A business man is seldom considered successful when he sells articles very much in demand at a shamefully reduced price. It is therefore astounding that some consider our Chancellor in his foreign ministry politics as successful; all his ‘success’ is nothing more than the extremely moderate price that the Western Powers have paid for the much to be desired German military contributions." Even the French admitted that the Germans had made a great concession in the matter of the Saar. Said the French newspaper Le Monde: “One must fully appreciate the enormity of the sacrifice that the Germans have made, especially in giving up a population whose German background cannot be disputed."

Getting this agreement ratified may cause Chancellor Adenauer and his party many long hours of debate and worry, and the possibility of defeat is not to be overlooked. The uncertainness of the situation was augmented by the untimely death of Dr. Hermann Ehlers, the German “Bundestag” president, who was being counted upon by Chancellor Adenauer for strong support of his ratification program.

Not only the politicians, but also the common people are strongly divided in their views. Some feel that Germany's rearmament will only further the possibility of a third world war. Others feel that through this action the threat of another earth-wide wave of devastation and ruination has been dismissed. One thing, however, is sure. That is that the average person, like peace-loving peoples the world over, desires an end to the bickering and quarreling of the nations and fervently prays that a third world war—this time an atomic war—will not become a grim reality.

The horrors of the second world war are still fresh in the minds of many; people who still have no decent homes, who still have not been able to regain the necessities of life, not to speak of those who still grieve for lost loved ones who are either dead, maimed, missing or perhaps still held prisoner behind the iron curtain. Still fresh in their minds are the horrors of Allied bombing raids when whole cities were turned into gigantic flaming funeral pyres for thousands of men, women and children. The graphic description of their frantic efforts to escape and of the excruciating agonies they underwent makes you realize why they want no third world war in which Germany would no doubt be caught in the middle, between the East and the West

Of course, there are other elements, too, although in the minority. There are those who let national pride and patriotism run away with them, those who still hang on to Hitler’s Nazi ideas, and other warmongers who no doubt look forward to the future and the potential possibility of saving face for the “Vateriand.” One has the impression, too, that many of the younger generation, those who will now make up the new army in the biggest part, are just a little eager to see the adventure and excitement that this will bring. Will they too learn only through the sufferings and privations of themselves and others that war, being the crime that it is, does not pay?

The General Attitude

We can sum up the general attitude of most Germans, then, as “wait and see.” There were no wildly cheering, flag-waving crowds proclaiming the rebirth of a mighty world power. Nor were there political soapbox speakers declaring the possibilities of a iparvelous future brought about by the military might of the new nation, nor are there any hints of such to come. There are those, of course, who always agree with their political idols, be they right or wrong; there are the others who always disagree. But the majority of the people seem to be holding to the middle of the road between the two extremes, hoping that things will work out for the best for the eventual peace of this entire war-weary world.

Whether the rearming of Western Germany will be a wise move that will contribute to peace is anybody’s guess. Whether Germany is to become the bloody battlefield of yet another world war, complete with atomic cannons and perhaps even hydrogen bombs, also is anybody’s guess. But the final outcome of this entire situation is not anybody’s guess; it is based upon the confirmed and true word of Jehovah God. He has declared that all nations, both of the East and the West, will together go down into staggering defeat before the invincible armies of his Son Christ Jesus, and that very shortly. It is marvelous to see that thousands of Germany’s common people—yes, 48,000 in the Western area alone—are turning their backs upon man’s failing efforts and are looking to the Almighty God of the universe to bring into existence the new world of righteousness that he long ago promised. Then will be fulfilled the psalmist’s words: “He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow, and shatters the spear, he burns the chariots with fire!’’ —Psalm 46:9, Rev. Stan. Ver.

"Awake!" Article Appreciated

Recently Awake! received the following letter from one of its subscribers: "Not long ago the superintendent of city schools of W—— moved injto the neighborhood of one of Jehovah’s witnesses and the two families became well acquainted with each other. One day the superintendent dropped in on the witness and asked if she had anything he could use in his talk before the Parent-Teachers’ Association. She gave him a copy of the Awake! magazine that contained the article 'Crime Comics Produce Child Criminals,’ In his talk he made generous use of the information contained therein even quoting some of the scriptures used. The large group of teachers and parents were carried away with his discussion and afterward several of the teachers showed interest in the issue of Awake! he had with him. Several days later another witness of Jehovah was surprised when her boys came home with the request for every copy they could get of the Awake! magazine that carried the article on the crime comics. And the superintendent has been scheduled to give the same talk at six other schools. The effect of this has already been felt in our placing of Awake! on the streets. The attitude of the particular section where he first gave the talk has generally been hostile, but, right after that, in one Saturday afternoon 100 magazines were placed.”


Education in Newfoundland

HE slogan “Education Is Everybody’s Business” has been highlighted in Newfoundland during the past few years. This is especially so during planned “education weeks” and during various financial campaigns conducted by the various religious denominations. Since education is everybody’s business, more and more people are asking questions and discussing the remedies put forth by some to improve the condition of education in Newfoundland.

The results of public examinations conducted in the past two years indicate that there is much room for improvement. In the 1953 examinations the percentage of students passing the examinations was 55.6 for Grade 9 and 54.4 for Grade 10, while the results for the 1954 examinations were 54.4 for Grade 9, and 53.2 for Grade 10.

Editorials and considerable correspondence printed in the columns of two leading Newfoundland newspapers revealed many reasons for the ‘poor showing1 in the examinations and education matters generally. The opinions expressed listed several weaknesses, for example, (1) the number of unqualified teachers is far too high; (2) a considerable turn-over in the teaching profession is due to insufficient remuneration; (this has resulted in the granting of new salary and grading scales by the government, giving the teachers over one million dollars additional salaries in 1954); (3) there is the lack of school accommodation to meet the increasing population; (4) the various boards of education need larger grants of monies by the government, and more generous voluntary contributions from an already generous public*

Admittedly these and similar reasons are confronting educational authorities elsewhere in Canada and throughout the world. However, there is one aspect of education in Newfoundland that is believed to be unique, and that is what is known as “ denominational education.” Under this system, the religious systems have, under the department of education, assumed the responsibility of teaching the children. The four major denominations, Roman Catholic, Church of England, United Church of Canada (Methodist and Presbyterian) and the Salvation Army, operate their own schools under their own local boards of education, provide teachers of their own particular denomination and appoint supervisors and superintendents of their own denomination in the department of education, who are employed as civil servants.

Politically, education is a provincial matter. The system of denominational education is treasured so much that, when negotiating the Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada in 1949, tactful

MARCH M 1955


politicians insisted on the insertion of a special clause in the Terms of Union guaranteeing no change in the system of denominational education at any time, except where two denominations at any time mutually desired to unite their facilities in any location.

Financially, education in Newfoundland is said to be "free." Yet, in most schools children have to pay for their books, and pay tuition fees that in the capital city of St John’s range in price from $1.50 a month in kindergarten to $4.50 in Grade 11. Colleges, operated by the various denominations, teach the same grades but at a higher fee. Also the various religious boards of education receive substantial grants from the government based on the number of pupils attending the schools. In addition to that, the general public and the parents are solicited at least annually by each of the denominations for money contributions in the interests of education. Local business and professional men are expected to patronize denominations other than their own for business’ sake in the name of education. Besides all this there are socials, sales of teas, bingo, school entertainments, athletic games of all sorts in season, and many other ways in which parents and others are expected to contribute, namely, cookies, cakes, salads, sandwiches, clothing or any thing that can be sold, and, last but not least, money. Well, certainly “education is everybody’s business."

Unless the population of an "outport” or village is practically all of one denomination, two or more separate schools will be found in every one of these smaller settlements as well as in the larger towns. These schools are in many cases “one-room” schools with grades from kindergarten to Grade 11 being taught by one teacher. In many places children of one denomination have to walk long distances past schools of other denominations so as to attend their own school. Supporters of this system state that the problem is simply geographical.

In towns started or controlled by mining and paper companies there has developed what is known as “public" or “amalgamated” schools. With company support they have been able to build good school buildings and pay teachers better than is usual in other settlements, and they have had good success in public examinations. In some other communities this idea of “amalgamated” schools is gaining headway, and the Protestant denominations in particular have united their forces and facilities in a few locations. However, Roman Catholics are not amalgamating with any other denomination. Supporters of amalgamated schools point out that the Roman Catholic denomination is in a very favorable position in Newfoundland, to compare with other provinces of Canada. In some places, in order to operate their own schools Roman Catholics or any other denomination would have to pay directly for this privilege, but in Newfoundland they receive grants from the government based on the number of- pupils attending their schools, just as other denominations do, and at the same time have the majority of their teaching in the larger cities and towns done by the “religious,” Irish Christian Brothers and various orders of sisters, whose lives are devoted to their church and who do not receive any salary. Roman Catholics themselves claim that their support of denominational education is “ . . . our age-old position that education without religion is not real education at all. .. for it leaves out all consideration of the one essential purpose for which man was created,” which they believe is to become “a citizen of Heaven.”—From a report of Bishop O’Neill’s address in the St. John’s Evening Telegram,, February 20, 1954,

The Status Quo to Be Maintained

It Is admitted that much progress has been made In educational matters in Newfoundland in the last few years, but there is still room for improvement. Some feel that the remedy for all grievances would be to abolish the system of denominational education. But such persons will get no help from the present government, whose aim, as stated repeatedly, is to continue the existing system “until our grandchildren’s time” while allowing for amalgamation of any denominations who so desire. At the same time any other denomination may apply for and get government approval to operate its own schools when it has enough people in any district. In 1954 the Pentecostal Assemblies were authorized to operate their own schools, or they may amalgamate in some areas. At the same time it was announced that Jehovah’s witnesses could for similar privileges.

Jehovah’s witnesses in Newfoundland are engaged in an educational work far more important than any secular or denominational school. They are busy teaching all who will hear that the kingdom of Jehovah was established in the heavens in the year 1914, and that now is the time to gain education for everlasting life. What do they do about denominational education? The St John's Evening Telegram reported on November 29 that "C. F. Barney, a missionary representative of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” told the regular meeting of the St. John’s congregation: “Denominational Education has tried to instill into the minds of children teachings which are flatly contradicted by Holy Scripture.” He explained that the state has made provision in the Education Act “forbidding teachers to impart to any child any religious instruction which may be objected to by the parent or guardian of such pupil.” Thus, the speaker stated that “in cases where religious denominations have assumed the responsibility of the State to teach children the three R’s (Reading, ’riting and ’rith-metic), we shall gladly co-operate, but as Christian witnesses of Jehovah according to the Scripture we reserve the right to teach our children the fourth R (Religion). We shall continue to take full advantage of the Education Act to protect our children from unscriptural teachings, because we want to keep our children in the way of life.”

Thus Newfoundland has an educational controversy that has a different twist from that found in most lands, yet it properly promises that the children’s parents will have final say as to religious training.

Children CMot ^Naturally Qood Citizens

With the rate of juvenile delinquency soaring in many countries, it was a surprise to learn that juvenile offenses, during 1953, fell off 14 per cent in Britain. There are some especially interesting facts behind this. First of all, some places, such as Wigan, Lancashire, require that parents of young offenders appear in court with their children. The blame for delinquency is placed squarely on the parents, who, in many instances, are fined heavily. On the Isle of Man, the literal rod is used on juvenile delinquents. Though whipping was abolished in 1946, it was revived in 1952. The youth crime rate has dropped. Most interesting is the maxim of Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, home secretary, who is Britain’s top law-enforcement officer: “Children are not naturally good citizens.” (New York Times, August 24, 1954) So, many of Britain’s law officers, by demanding that parents be responsible for their children’s conduct, are applying the Bible principle: “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.”—Proverbs 22:15, Am. Stan. Ver.


By “Awake!" co rrc span dent

OT without romance, life of the mutton .intriguing. A letters

in Australia

ery name is flights that they aie-’EiTOwnw fishermen as

___...         ..                 n in 1790 by a®;:b^e **Muttonbird Gajes.’*’'A j^n'gie white egg is officer of the Royal Mdlrigs says tll^s namWrlaid almost immeMately»ari& then follows a trial was. given the birds bec&il&swtheir “tasting^' of fo^titufleCXbr^aeh' ocean rover—a cloistered

j           ’, ! u u _ XI. — H ml*            A          A 1 A A 1 ***. T T*1                   ■ -w ■         - _

like to mutton.” The birds are also known by' ffhe name “petrel,” no doubt a dimmutiv^, of

Peter in allusion to the bird’s habit-of appar-ently walking on water, as the apostle Peter did. Still another name is “shg^rivater,” given th. them because of their skjpnming low over the waves. Though muttopbirds are somberly oblored, being black gpd brown, they do live colorlul lives. v

One hundred ant} twenty miles to the northeast of Australia’s-Island state, Tasmania, lie the Furneaux Islands. These islands constitute the main breeding" place in the Southern Hemisphere for theUnuttonbird. When not feeding bit the surfaW the ocean, muttonbirds can .pe seen flyingwin long undulating lines a short distance off the island. Their vanguard dips to the water wift the Ups of their wings shearing .the crest of the waves. Then they soar up again to renew the"fline while the remainder dip be-hind in a movement that from the shore looks like the undulation of some giant caterpillar. Occasionally tlife^ settle on the water to feed, especially if they espy a colony of small mol-lusks and jellyfish. Then the surface is churned white by the scrafmble.

■^’During the “Winter muttonbirds migrate to Alaska. With the" coming of September the muttonbirds return" and nest building becomes their main job. Instead of building a nest in the trees the muttonqird digs into the soil an Obltqueiy driven burrow ranging in length from one to seven feet. depending on the nature of the soil- During intcryal* of several weeks, by day qnd; liight, clouds of sand arise from thou-.....op. burruwa. During October the birds i|ike.- ai- hoi id ay,- ret urri i n g I u -(jocks to the ocean



Beginning ''Sbout November Xm huge flocks of v- muttonbirds   re

turn to their nesting islands. So huge are some of


period in a dark burrow.

*|g» In about eight weeks the young birds emerge from the eggs. For several months they receive attention until they become balls of fat heavier than the adults. But then a strange thing occurs: the parent birds suddenly desert their babies. The abandoned babies, do not forget, have never been in the open daylight, nor have they been taught to fly. For ten or twelve days the youngsters live by absorption of fat; then they become hungry and restless. They emerge from the burrows and exercise their wings. This they do, it is said, under cover of darkness. The moon for the present is not their guide. Should the nights become bright they remain in retreat. But when the friendly darkness falls again, they re-emerge, shuffle along their parents’ paths to the nearest cliff and commit themselves to life on the ocean.

“g It is remarkable that these young birds And their way thousands of miles northward into warmer waters of the Pacific. Again it is remarkable that at the call of spring they And their way back to the breeding islands.

The residents of the Furneaux Islands have made the muttonbirds the basis of a valuable industry. It is known as “muttonbirding.” This is a seasonal industry, the season being the ten to twelve days during which the young fledglings are left by the parents in the burrows to live on their own fat. The young, fat mutton-birds are plucked right out of their burrows. The islanders eat them or sell them in Tasmania and on the mainland. In a single day hunters may pluck thousands of birds from their burrows (450,000 in 1951). Yet year after year the flocks return to the same nesting island and often to the same neat burrow. Tasmanian laws protect the parent birds and eggs for the preservation of the species.

Along with the other wonders of bird life found throughout the world, Tasmania's muttonbird gives mute praise to the wisdom of a wonderful and intelligent Creator. Its habits and flights follow instinctively the marvelous guidance of Jehovah.




Muscle— an Object of Wonder

AM fearfully and wonderfully ■ made.’’ Because of modern man’s scientific progress he is in a better position to appreciate the force of those words of the psalmist than any of his forebears. But does he? No, instead of his discoveries’ causing him to bow in humility and wonderment before the wisdom of the great Creator, they have made him so proud that he knows so much that he has lost faith in the existence of the One that made all such things, and would have us believe that all these marvelous things came by themselves through a blind, unreasoning, unintelligent force which he glibly refers to as “nature.” What folly!—Psalm 139:14; 14:1.

Time and again in this magazine the above words of the psalmist have been termed true regarding some certain organ of man’s body, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., and with good reason. But perhaps few have given thought to how true those words are when applied to the very muscles of our body. For example, we are told by a scientific writer:

“No mechanic, however ingenious, could hope to build a working model of a muscle. The merest twitch of an eyelid is actuated by a mechanism far too complex yet at the same time too beautifully simple, to be simulated by any contraption of bolts, cams, gears, springs, or the like. Even an electronic servo-mechanism . . . would seem a clumsy plodder beside the compact, lightning-fast living muscle. We have here a chemical machine which is more elegant than any that electronics or mechanics could ever create.”

The Body’s “Little Mouse”

Movement “is the prime characteristic of animal life, shared by only a few plants,” and movement depends upon a muscle or set of muscles. Muscles are capable of great speeds, for a fly can flap its wings 300 times a second. Muscles are also capable of great tenacity and endurance: a clam will close its shell and keep it closed for days, even though it is hung up by one shell and a considerable weight attached to the other.

According to Webster a muscle is “an organ whose special function is the production of motion; also, the tissue of which such an organ is made.” The term “muscle” comes from the Roman mwscuZ?z,s, “little mouse,” evidently because the musde in the upper arm resembled a mouse. As has been well observed, “We begin life enclosed in a strong bag of muscle, the womb, which is inactive for nine months and then goes into strong contraction to bring us out into the world. And life is terminated, for more than half of us, by failure of another muscle, the heart.”

The human body has more than five hundred muscles, and' since its right side complements its left, most of these muscles are in pairs. The longest, some eighteen inches, extends from the hip to below the knee; the shortest, about one sixth of an inch in length, is located in the ear.

Muscles are either voluntary or involuntary, The voluntary, which are under the control of the will, account for about two fifths of the weight of the body. They are termed skeletal muscles because of being fastened to the bones of the body and also striated because of being grooved or furrowed. The involuntary muscles are generally smooth or nonstriated and are to be found, among other places, on the walls of the intestines and the blood vessels. While some use the terms voluntary, skeletal and striated interchangeably, not all voluntary muscles are skeletal, not all are furrowed or grooved, striated.

Not only should the mystery of how muscles function cause wonderment and reverence for the Creator, but even their beautiful and intricate design, their varied shapes and how they weave in and out to serve their purpose best should do so. Thus, for example, in the front part of the forearm there are four layers of muscle, the first containing four muscles, the second, one, the third, two, and the fourth, one. The rear of the forearm has two layers of muscles, the superficial layer containing three and the deep layer, five different muscles.

Structure and Composition of Muscles

A skeletal muscle consists of a center or “body” capable of contracting and expanding, and with tendons at each end not capable of either. It is composed of five major parts: the framework of connective tissue, the muscle fibers, which do the work, the nerve fibers, which trigger the action, and the capillaries and the lymphatics, which nourish the muscle fibers. The nerve fibers are fastened to the center of the muscle fibers and send their impulses toward each end. Each muscle fiber is triggered by a separate nerve fiber, either directly or by means of a branch of a nerve fiber. About 73 per cent of the muscle is water, 18 per cent protein, and about 9 per cent gelatin, fat. and inorganic salts.

A strip of skeletal muscle may be likened to an elastic garter, having fibers running the length of the strip and which are alternately shaded light and dark. Muscle fiber is formed of threadlike fibers barely visible to the naked eye and which in turn are composed of thousands of tiny fibriles or threadlike molecules. When a muscle contracts it becomes thicker to the extent that it becomes shorter, there seemingly being no loss of volume. The smooth muscles consist of shorter, spindle-shaped cells.

The heart muscle is in a class by itself. In addition to being striated or grooved it has a peculiar network of reinforcing cross fibers, which consist of extremely small fibers called sarcosomes. “These carry enzymes that promote chemical reactions in the body and keep the heart muscle from getting tired under normal conditions by providing the heart with great quantities of enzymes for the chemical processes by which the heart tissue is nourished and restored.” Additionally, the heart has its own peculiar capillary system, not only richer in quantity but also more effective, in that they enter the muscle fibers, whereas in other muscle the capillaries merely rest on the surface of the muscle fibers. Obviously the heart muscle is ideally constructed for its ceaseless activity.

Among other properties of muscle fiber is myoglobin, a pigment seeming to correspond to hemoglobin in the blood. Its presence depends upon the activity of the muscle and accounts for some muscles’ being

darker than others. Thus we find that the barnyard fowl, which depends upon its legs for locomotion, has dark flesh in its legs, whereas the sea gull, which deperids upon its wings, has dark flesh in its wings and breasts. “Myoglobin stores up oxygen and feeds energy gradually into the muscle fibers during such prolonged activity as the sea gull’s sustained flights.” Most human muscle is dark.

Muscle Characteristics

Among the physical and physiological properties of muscle tissue is that of consistency, it being capable of becoming hard or soft according to degree of tension required to accomplish the work at hand. Another is that of cohesion, which is largely dependent upon the quantity of connective tissue it contains, and indicates its ability to resist pressure. A square piece of human muscle one fourth of an inch in diameter can resist a weight of seven pounds without rupturing or tearing. Still another quality is elasticity. It appears that a muscle has perfect elasticity, as it is able to return completely to normal length after stretching, unless, of course, its health has been impaired by fatigue, insufficient blood supply or disease.

Tonicity or muscular tone is another characteristic, distinguishing youth from age. Muscular tone really is the permanent tension a muscle has and which can be readily noticed by the way the two sides of the flesh draw back in a knife wound, making it necessary to sew them together until healed. Always having a slight tension means that the muscle is always poised, ready to go into immediate action’ upon receiving the nerve impulse.

And finally, there is what is known as contractility or irritability, the property of being able to respond by a change in form. While triggered by the nerves, this property is nevertheless an independent endowment, for it can persist for longer or shorter periods of time even after all nerve fibers have been destroyed. Muscular activity both results in and can be caused by changes in temperature, mechanical, chemical and electrical effects or stimuli.

Yes, so “beautifully simple,” but how does it work? “When it comes to understanding how muscle performs its prodigious feats, biologists are still groping in dim light.” With the aid of electronic microscopes man has been able to analyze muscle structure; he has measured the force and speed of muscular contractions and has learned that a nerve impulse changes soft flesh to taut muscle; he has analyzed the chemical composition of muscle; but with all his knowledge man does not know what is the source of the energy, how the molecules act and why, what chemical changes take place and how these result in mechanical changes. “The question still remains as to how the protein chains kink to produce shortening, and the precise nature of the relation that transforms chemical energy into mechanical work.” And says another: "The actual conversion of chemical energy to muscular work is still a mystery. Many theories have been offered to explain this miracle.” Modern man stumbles at the miracles mentioned in the Bible and yet there are miracles all around him!


C, In New Bedford, Massachusetts, the police recaptured two jail breakers without any commotion at all. In handcuffs, the frustrated fugitives explained that they had not heard police surround their hideaway because they were too absorbed in reading comic books.


SENSIBLE or stubborn? That question is 1 particularly applicable to the reactions । aroused by the controversy as to whether ? tobacco is Injurious to one's health or not. For j example: even though the American Medical Association saw fit to ban all tobacco ad ver- J tising from its publications, as of January 1, 1954, and even though the British medical pro- \ fession is preponderantly of the opinion that 1 smoking tobacco represents a real health haz- J aid, as indicated by its devoting the entire 140 pages of the April, 1954, issue of Medical $ World to the subject, yet there are many doc- ? tors who refuse to accept the evidence. ;

Thus the Rhode Island Medical Society’s i Journal* late in 1954, in discussing the effects j of tobacco stated that it was surprising the | tenacity with which people “cling to cigarette j smoking as a prop for their stability” and $ “equally surprising that there are physicians J Who refuse to accept the evidence available." j As to what may be their reasdn, Dr. Wynder, j one of America’s foremost cancer researchers, ; observed that “those physicians who were the j hardest set against believing that tobacco ? might play a role in the etiology (cause] of J lung cancer were heavy smokers themselves. \ It Is only human for one not to believe that ( harm can come from something one likes.” J

Doctors may doubt there is a relationship $ between cigarette smoking and lung cancer j but their doubt does not prevent the facts < from applying to them. Thus a recent report 5 by the British Medical Society showed that of J some 40,000 doctors who had reported on their smoking habits, two thirds of the total znam* bership, 789 had 'died in a 29-month period. Of that number 36 died from lung cancer. That was double the average for the country and every last one of the doctors who died of lung cancer was a smoker and many of them heavy smokers. Not one nonsmoking doctor died of lung cancer during that 29-month period.

t A few popular magazines have published articles jn defense of the tobacco habit, such as “Don’t Smoke—Unless You Like It!” (Coi-lier’s, November 4, 1950); and “Who Says Smoking Causes Lung Cancer?” (True, an American man’s magazine) Their writers make a point about insurance companies not penalizing the smoker. But according to Kisfc Appraisal, an authority on insurance: “Use of tobacco entails extra mortality. Why ignore it?” Its writer goes on to show that in such common ailments as cold&> gas on stomach, nervousness and coughs, habitual smokers have an incidence from 62 to 300 per cent above that of nonsmokers.

They also make a point of the obvious fact that merely because both cigarette smoking and lung cancer have experienced phenomenal increases in the last two decades does not prove they are related. True, but when we note that lung cancer is as rare today among nonsmokers as it was twenty years ago, but takes the lives of thousands of smokers, do we need a high-powered searchlight or microscope to see that there is a connection?

A Day Of Crime In Just One City

Shortly after J, Edgar Hoover reported that crime in the United States was outstripping the rate of growth of the population by four to one, New York's police commissioner declared that the new crime growth rate was more than true in the big city. Describing an average day of crime, he said: “Before this hot August Sunday is over, one of us in this city will have been murdered. Another of us will have died as the result of criminal negligence. Twenty-seven of our people will have been feloniously assaulted. Three women will have been raped. One hundred and forty of our homes and businesses will have been burglarized. Forty of us«will have had our cars stolen. Thirty-one of us will have been held up and robbed on the streets of this city. Sixty-nine grand larcenies will have taken place before this ffay is over. And there will have been fifteen other miscellaneous felonies, such as frauds, possession of dangerous weapons, and sex offenses other than rape and the like. ... Is it any wonder that in many areas sensible people are reluctant to walk our streets at night?”—New York Times, August 2, 1954,



IN THE London Times a case was reported of a man in Naples, Italy, who was imprisoned in 1934 for being an accomplice in a murder. Two years later a priest was called upon to hear a confession of an apparently dying convict. This convict confessed that he, and not the accused, Carlo Corbisiero, was the murderer. The prisoner, however, unexpectedly recovered, but died about a year later. All this time innocent Carlo Corbisiero was being unjustly punished as a murderer. After hearing the confession the priest was not immediately moved to right the wrong that was brought to his attention, being bound by church law to keep absolutely secret whatever is said in confession. A priest possessing ordinary or delegated jurisdiction to hear confessions is called a “confessor.” The fourth Lateran Council commanded confessors “not to betray the sinner in any manner, whether by word or sign or in any other way.” “A priest may not break the seal of confession, either to save his own life or his own good name, to save the life of another, or to further the aims of justice." The priest’s hands were seemingly bound. The convict, on the other hand, who confessed his sin felt relieved, thinking that he had discharged his responsibility by making known his crime to the priest.

The Question remains, Was the priest right in concealing the true criminal while an innocent man was unjustly suffering for another man’s crime? Is this "sacrament" itself just and right when it harbors criminals and prevents justice from being administered? Do not confessionals encourage rather than discourage crime and delinquency by leading law violators to believe that priests can forgive sins, thus allowing them to feel that they can run anew into spiritual debt with lighter hearts?

What would you have done? Would you have exposed the criminal to free the innocent? Or would you have permitted yourself to be bound by church tradition and untheocratic law? Would you have freed the innocent man, khowing God’s law to say specifically: “You must take no ransom for the soul of a murderer who is deserving to die, for without fail he should be put to death”? Or would you have feared man, and not God, by upholding church tradition?

In Israel no fine was sufficient to expiate a murder. It was possible for neither the cities of refuge nor the altar of God nor prayers nor ablutions to shield a murderer from God’s executioner. Without fail the murderer was to be exposed and put to death. The priest, in this one instance, did break the seal of secrecy of the confessional. But it appears that, before doing so, he had waited until the confessing murderer had died before disclosing the information to the authorities. We may well ponder how many cases there are where innocent men suffer while guilty men walk free, and which facts are all well known to priests who hear their confessions but prefer not to break the seal of secrecy. The above case was also published in The Inland Register, August 14, 1953, a Catholic paper.—Numbers 35:31, 21, New World Trans.

Confession is observed as a divine law in the Catholic Church, and it has been universally observed in both the East and the West since the twelfth century. When

before the confessor, the penitent sinner must reveal every mortal sin that he has committed. The priest then prescribes the penance that must be done.

The confession or “Sacrament of Penance” is a judgment requiring, on the part of the priest-judge, an accurate knowledge of the nature, number and circumstances of the sins committed. This can be known only through the penitent himself, who is therefore defendant, prosecutor and witness in this “tribunal.” A proper and an adequate penance rests upon the penitent who can reveal or withhold information before the listening priest. The degree of punishment, therefore, rests with the defendant, and not with the judge. If the penitent says he has not sinned, when he has sinned, how shall the priest judge him? If the sinner confesses a major crime, how shall he be brought to justice, if the priest is bound by church law to keep the seal of secrecy?

In the eyes of God and according to laws in leading democratic lands, it is a serious offense to shield or harbor wanton criminals. But apparently it is approved among priests of the Catholic Church. The Bible nowhere countenances the shielding of criminals from justice. An innocent manslayer was protected by law in Israel, but a willful murderer was speedily brought to justice. The priests of Israel were the ones set aside to see that these laws were executed promptly. None were to suffer for another’s crime. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." The Jaw of Moses provided for a just and clean organization.

Ezekiel 18:20.

The early church established by Christ and the apostles also provided a way to keep the Christian congregation from becoming contaminated with wicked men who willfully practiced lawlessness. Persons guilty of unchristian conduct ar crimes condemned by God in his Word were promptly disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation. No thief, murderer or adulterer was permitted to abide in the Christian congregation.

We are informed by the teachings of Jesus and his apostles what we should do in respect to such persons. Jesus said, in effect, that, if someone as dear to us as our right hand or right eye causes us to stumble, it is best for us to cut such one off and throw him away from the organization. “For it is more beneficial for one of your members to be lost to you than for your whole body to land in Gehenna.” And the apostle Paul advises: "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.” And again: "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.” And John, bestbeloved disciple of Jesusf forbids greeting such an impious man, saying: "Never receive him into your homes or say farewell to him. For he that says farewell [or, a greeting, margin] to him is a sharer in his wicked works.”—Matthew 5:30; 1 Corinthians 5:9-11; 2 John 10, 11, New World Trans.

The Catholic Church most certainly does not live up to these principles laid down by the early Christian church. For within its borders have flourished some of the world’s most ruthless wicked rulers and criminals of all ages, Hitler and Mussolini, to mention only two.

A true Christian, then, would have immediately exposed the offender in fear of God, in respect of justice and in love for his fellow man. Is that what you would have done?

Reaching into Literal Prisons

JEHOVAH God has commanded his servants on earth to “proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound?’ (Isaiah 61:1, Am. Stan. Ver.} While this command has reference to figurative prison houses such as the political, commercial and religious organizations of this old system of things that keep people in bondage by means of false teachings, fear of man and other appeals to selfishness, the message of freedom is also reaching into literal prisons.

Thus the 1955 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses tells of the results of the preaching of imprisoned Jehovah’s witnesses in Eastern Germany: “A fellow prisoner said: ‘Yes, if I had known that when I was still free, I would not have slammed the door In your face as I did? And an imprisoned woman expressed herself to [one of the witnesses] as follows: 'Now at last I know why I had to come to prison; otherwise I never would have had a longing for righteousness? ”

The Yearbook also tells of a prisoner who was the ringleader in one of the worst prison riots in the United States receiving the truth regarding Jehovah God and taking his stand for Him, even though he has been for some time and still is in solitary confinement and has many, many years of sentence hanging over him. As a result of his stand he now says regarding his situation: “My man-made prison to me no longer is a prison, but a peaceful time for meditation and knowledge. I am taking advantage of it fully and have learned to love, trust, believe and pray?’

And telling about other literal prisoners’ receiving the liberating message of truth is the following letter from a missionary in Trinidad: “In February, 1952, I answered a call to H. M?s Prison to preach to one inmate. In the course of six months there were three others desiring to hear the same message. One of these has since been released, has been immersed and now engages regularly in house-to-house activity, conducts group studies, gives talks in the ministry school, is a promising speaker and shares in convention activities.

“The response to the Kingdom message has been so great that the governor (at the time) stated that it had not been the intention to allow me to spread my religion in there but simply to come and visit a few inmates. A request was made for better and bigger accommodations on the part of the interested inmates. By God’s gracious provision a large recreation hall has been provided for my use once a week, and the numbers have increased to a peak of forty-five, the minimum being thirty.

“There is great religious activity in this prison but Jehovah’s witnesses and their good-will companions are by far in the majority. Evening after evening the prisoners ask for literature to read during their spare moments. At present there is available to them one or more copies of all the latest publications of the Watch Tower Society, including Bibles, Bible study aids, booklets and magazines. They have learned several of the Kingdom songs and have at times asked to let them sing them for me.

“In this group are men who have in times past taken part in the most wicked of crimes imaginable. The good news of the Kingdom has changed many, and there are from ten to twelve reporting preaching activity each month and others are anxious also to have part. One particularly sincere inmate, who is serving a fifteenyear term on a murder charge, has promised me that if ever I am hindered from visiting the prison he will carry on. He is quite capable of doing so, for which I am thankful.

“An escaped prisoner serving eighteen years has also taken his stand. Indicative of the interest the inmates have in my preaching are such remarks as: 'Can you not come a little earlier and spend more time with us?’ 'Don’t let them scare you. You come every week and teach us. You have the goods, and you can deliver them? ”

And thus true freedom comes even to those in literal prisons throughout the earth who hear the message of God’s kingdom and joyfully take a firm hold on it

Air Liner Stowaways Ground Fleet

In August, 1954, the American Airlines’ pilots went on strike, so the airline’s powerful fleet of New York-area planes was laid up at Newark, New Jersey. Ground crews worked unceasingly to keep the giant air liners in tiptop condition. They checked and rechecked them all throughout the strike period. When the strike ended, pilots came to Newark to ferry some of the ships to their hangars at La Guardia airport. As the pilots revved up the planes’ engines, they noticed that the air-speed indicators and the altimeters, both of which work off compressed air absorbed through intake ducts, were as dead as the dodo. Sabotage? American Airlines had to And out. So the fleet was grounded again. Perplexed mechanics investigated; they found the ducts were clogged with stowaway meadow mosquitoes. No longer did Newark mechanics underestimate, if they ever did, the power of New Jersey mosquitoes.


• Where Billy Graham's appeal falls short?

P. 3, |4.

  • • How communism got started? P. 5, p.

  • * What explains Communists’ fanaticism for their political system? P. 6, fl.

  • • How religious failure hears responsibility for communism’s spread? P. 7, 1j2.

  • • Why the Communists ban Jehovah’s witnesses? P. 7, 1J5.

  • • What part wind tunnels play in the design of new aircraft? P. 9, fl2.

  • • Where the world’s largest wind tunnel is found? P- 10, f[2.

  • • What the two views on German rearmament are? P. 13, fli.

• How large West Germany’s new armed force will be? P. 14, flf.

  • • What the general German view is toward that nation’s rearmament? P. 16, |ji.

  • • What is so unusual about Newfoundland’s system of education? p. t7, f[4.

  • • What Jehovah’s witnesses in Newfoundland do about denominational education? P, 19,

  • • In what unusual way the muttonbird makes his nest? P. 20, fl3.

  • • What part of the human body is named after the mouse, and why? P. 21, 1J3.

  • • What keeps our hearts from getting tired?

P. 22, f6.

  • • Why the position of dark meat in a barnyard fowl is reversed in the sea gull? P. 22,

  • • Why many doctors will not accept the fact that smoking is a cancer cause? P. 24, $2.

  • • Whether a priest should shield a confessed murderer while an innocent man is punished for it? P. 26, 1)2.

• Some outstanding recent examples of spiritual freedom in literal prisons? P. 27, fl3.

Changes Id Moscow

A struggle for power fob lowed Stalin’s death. It was a struggle among three principle forces: the secret police, the Communist party and the Red army. The party won out. Secret police chief-Lavrenti Beria was executed, and party man Georgi M. Malenkov became premier. Malenkov broke away from Stalin’s policy of giving priority to heavy Industry, Addressing the Supreme Soviet in August, 1953, Malenkov reached his pinnacle of power as Tie set forth the policy that the time had come to give consumer goods equal priority with heavy industry. Late in 1954 Malenkov’s star began to wane. The power that sent him into eclipse was that of Nikita S. Khrushchev, party secretary the post that Stalin held. Then came the meeting of the Supreme Soviet (2/8). Led by Khrushchev, the Red leaders took the stage. A functionary read a statement by Malenkov in which the premier took the blame for the "unsatisfactory state of affairs” in agriculture. He asked to be relieved of the premiership. The audience hummed with exclamations, and upraised hands signaled approval. Later Khrushchev nominated Nikolai Bulganin as the new premier. Another show of hands approved. Foreign Minister Molotov followed with a speech denouncing and warning the West and declaring that the U.S. was now the laggard in the production of H-bombs. Then Premier Bulganin announced that Marshal Zhukov, hero of World War II, would replace him as defense minister. Zhukov received an ovation. But the one who received the greatest hand, when the changes were announced, was Party Secretary Nikita Krushchev,

The Significance

'$> What did it all mean? Probably Britain’s Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill summed up the moves in Moscow quite aptly: "The situation is veiled jn obscurity.” However, there was much speculation, and the consensus of opinion was this: A new chapter had begun in the struggle for Stalin’s legacy of power. The new struggle had established Nikita Krushchev as the dominant figure in the Communist hierarchy. What of Bulganin, the new premier? He is believed to be primarily a figurehead. The struggle also spotlights the newly enhanced power and prestige of the Red army, evidenced by the elevation of the soldierhero Marshal Zhukov. The new line-up, most observers thought, seemed to be an alliance between the party, and the military. This is reflected by the background of the three leading men: Khrushchev, a party man; Bulganin, both a party and a military man, and Zhukov, a military man.

How to Pronounce Their Names

With the prominence of three Soviet leaders as top-ranking figures in the Communist hierarchy came the problem of how to pronounce their names. Following are the phonetic equivalents of the names: Nikita Khrushchev—Nee-KEE-tah Kroosh-CHOV. Nicolai Bui-ganin—Nee-ko-LYE Bool-GAH-neen, Georgi Zhukov—Gay-OR-. gee ZHOOK-ov.

China: A "Regular Army”

<$> When Red China sent troops to wage war against U.N. forces in Korea, it called its soldiers "volunteers.” In February the "volunteer” label on the Chinese army underwent modification as Peiping radio announced that the government had introduced compulsory military service to build up "a modem regular army.” The new regulations implied that the switch from voluntary to compulsory military service had been made at an earlier date. Observers said that the old system was not really voluntary and that the new move apparently meant Red China was abandoning the "fiction” of a volunteer army.

France: Government No. 30 Dies

Last June, when France’s nineteenth postwar government fell, Pierre Mendes-France came to power. With his dynamic policies it appeared that he might stay in office longer than the average life of a French government —little more than six months. After the premier put an end to the Indochinese war, an American correspondent in Paris wrote: “For the first time in two decades the average Frenchman knows—and cares—who the premier is.” But gradually the premier’s support in the Assembly waned. The Communists, who had voted for him in the be-

ginning, turned against him on the German rearmament Issue. Ilie Popular Republicans never forgave him for letting E.D.C. go down to defeat. The Independents, representing business and farm interests, withdrew their support when the premier made plans to reform the economy by cutting tariffs and subsidies. That left the Socialists, Gaullists and Radical Socialists to support the premier. He had enough votes to stay in office unless a thorny issue came up. It did. For years violence had raged in North Africa, in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. The premier embarked on a policy of concession to Arab nationalism. French settlers, fearing loss of their investments, bitterly opposed him; and the Gaullists and Radical Socialists voiced disfavor with the idea of concession. When the Assembly voted (2/5) MendSs-France was ousted by a vote of 319 to 273. Observers felt that he had been defeated by a combination of the oppositions against the different phases of his program and not just on the North African issue alone.

Rome’s First Subway

<$> Back in 1938 Rome began work on a subway to link the city’s central railroad terminal with the site of Mussolini's 1942 World Fair. The purpose of the subway was to facilitate the flow of myriads of people to the fairgrounds. But World War II shattered Rome’s plans for both the fair and the subway. After World War II it was decided that so much work had been done on the subway that it would be impractical not to finish it. In February the subway, officially called the Metropolitana, was inaugurated by President Luigi Einaudi. The $40,000,000 Metropolitana is seven miles long, but only half of the mileage is underground. Subway stations bear names such as Colosseum and Circus Maximus, and a few are decorated with ancient

Roman relics unearthed during construction. The fare? Forty lire (6.4 cents). Since the subway bypasses Rome’s traffic-choked center, city officials fear that the Metropolitana will not only fail to ease traffic problems but will also swell the annual $6,000,000 deficit of Rome's city transport system,

Chile: Galloping Inflation

<$■ When the International Labor Office recently published figures on Chile’s price level, Chileans were furnished with an all-absorbing topic of conversation. For the country’s price level had soared more than 70 per cent in 1954. This was runaway inflation, the highest in all the world. (Korea, the second highest, had a 40 per cent rise.) Chile’s Finance Minister Jorge Pratt tried to pass laws to hold inflation to 40 per cent, but he was forced out of office. Chileans are no doubt wondering whether 1955 will bring more galloping inflation.

A Republic for Pakistan

<$> On August 15, 1947, Pakistan achieved the status of a self-governing Dominion of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Prime Minister Mohammed Ali officially announced (2/4) that Pakistan would now become a republic. He said, however, that the country would remain in the Commonwealth.

Pakistani Rich Lose Land

<$> Before Pakistan separated from India, British rulers granted 1,100,000 acres of cultivable land to loyal subjects. The men who owned all this land numbered only 124; they became the wealthiest men in all the country. So powerfully rich were they that an official described them as “above the law thanks to power, economic as well as political, that dazzled—almost paralyzed—administrators and ministers.” In February the Pakistani government announced that it was confiscating this land and allocating it to heads of peasant families at the equivalent of $50 to $70 an acre, payable over a 15-year period. Over 1,000,000 tenant farmers had worked for the 124 rich men. Mohammad Khuhro, the chief minister of Sind province, in which the acreage is located, said the farmers’ plight under the jagirdars (men who own land) was worse than “that of animals.” Said Khuhro: “Some merciless jagirdars had iron in their souls. Nothing belonged to the tenants—at some places not even their wives or daughters.” (New York Times, 2/9) This reminds one of the Bible’s prophecy that will have an ear th-wide fulfillment at Armageddon: "Come, now, you rich men, weep, howling over your calamities which are coming upon you. Look! the wages due the workers who harvested your fields but which are held up by you, keep crying out, and the calls for help on the part of the reapers have entered into the ears of Jehovah of hosts.”—James 5:1, 4, New World Trans.

New Estimate of H-Bomb Power •$> It has been estimated that the radioactive fall-out from an explosion of a super H-bomb would be deadly over an area of 4,000 square miles. This estimate has now been revised. When The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists came out (2/10) it contained an article by atomic scientist Ralph E. Lapp, who said that a super H-bomb could contaminate an area of 10,000 square miles with lethal fumes. (The state of Maryland represents an area of about 10,000 square miles.) Dr. Lapp said he expected the Atomic Energy Commission to release authoritative data. (A few days later (2/15) the Atomic Energy Commission did release its first official estimate of a radioactive fall-out: it indicated that an H-bomb tested a year ago polluted a 7,000-square-mile area with a lethal radio* active fall-out.) Discussing the long-lasting effect of radioactivity, Dr. Lapp said that a city hit by a super H-bomb might never be inhabited again and would have to be covered over with dirt by bulldozers.

U.S.: Union Merger

<$> At an American Federation of Labor meeting convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1935, John L. Lewis punched the late William L. Hutcheson in the nose. That fight was the beginning of a division within the A.F.L. that finally culminated in John L. Lewis’ spearheading a new union, the Congress of Industrial Organizations. In February, after 20 years of civil war, a formula for merging the two unions was approved. The pact brings the 15,000,000 members of the A.F.L. and the C.LO. under one banner. George Meany, president of the A.F.L., will

head the united trade union movement.

Tornadoes and Radar

In the United States the season for those violent, whirling storms called tornadoes is roughly from March to August. But two giant tornadoes came to life in advance of their usual season this year when they twisted their lethal way through three southern states (2/1) ravaging plantation settlements, toppling homes and crumbling a school around its 35 occupants. Swirling across 60 miles of the Mississippi Valley, the twisters killed 29 persons. As news of these deaths came in, the weather bureau announced plans to lower the annual death toll by mapping out a network of radar stations to dot the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and the Midwest. They will send warnings about 12 hours in advance

of approaching hurricanes and tornadoes.

Sardines and the North Sea

The North Sea Is noted for its violent storms and cold water. But a report Issued by the German Hydrographic Institute in January indicated that the water is growing warmer. The reason given was Increasing temperature in Arctic regions. The result is that sardines and tuna, regarded as warm-water fish, are now found in the North Sea.

Income Tax in Britain

<$> It was recently learned that only thirty-five persons In Britain were able to retain more than £6,000 ($16,800) of their income after paying Income taxes for the fiscal year 195253. For a single person to keep that much, he would have to earn more than £50,000 ($140,000). Such a person’s Income tax would be about $123,500.

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YES! You and all the world are hereby invited to come and hear the outstanding and special public Bible discourse:




— Which One Is


  • • This stirring question will he answered frankly and honestly in an hour-long Bible discourse specially prepared for delivery . . .

  • • WHERE? At all Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's witnesses throughout the world.

  • • WHEN? On April 3, 1955.

  • • FOR WHOM? Everyone desiring to know the answer to this question. Scats are free and no collection wrill be taken.

  • • At the conclusion of this extraordinary Bible talk the immediate release of a new 32-page booklet will be announced and a copy given, free to each one in attendance.

9 Loo A; /or detailed announcements of this unusual event in your local newspaper. Watch for the distribution of handbills in your community by Jehovah’s witnesses; the handbill will give the exact time on April 3 and the place when1, you can attend. DO NOT MISS THIS TALK!-

Come and Bring Your Friends — April 3

to hear this outstanding and never-to-be forgotten talk: Christendom or Christianity-^Which One is “the Light of the World”?

32                                           AWAKE!