finding an answer to THE PROBLEM OF RACE
What Are You Doing This Summer?
Take a Deep Dreath
PAGE 2 5
JULY 22, 1968
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Racial Tension Mounts in United States 3 The Roots of Racial Troubles
What Basis for Racial Prejudice?
The Real Causes of Racial Problems 10 Solving the Problem of Race
What Are You Doing This Summer?
"Your Word Is Truth”
“It is already the hour for you to awake.” —Romans 13:11
Volume XLIX London, England, July 22, 1968 Number 14
RA0ALTENSION mounts in united states
ON April 4, 1968, an assassin’s bullet took the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was considered by many to be the leading moderate exponent for the civil rights of Negroes in the United States.
His death sparked an avalanche of Negro rioting throughout the country. It was reported that 168 towns and cities were affected, more than in the entire year of 1967. About 5,000 fires were started, 2,000 homes or shops wrecked or looted, and 21,000 arrested. The death toll was 46.
In addition to the tens of thousands of police used to restore order, about 70,000 Federal and National Guard troops were called out. For the first time since the Civil War of 1861-1865, army troops stood guard in all sections of the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. Soldiers ringed the White House and the Capitol building.
One report stated of the nation’s capital: “Washington was like a city under enemy assault. Smoke poured from scores of flaming buildings. Mobs roamed many areas—including the business district and sections close to the White House. . . . Parts of Washington looked as though they had been hit by enemy bombing planes. . . . Police were frank to say that without military help there was no possibility of containing the situation. The officers often found themselves outnumbered by as much as 100 to 1.”—U.S. News <& World Report, April 15, 1968.
The death of Dr. King and the violence that followed shocked much pf the world. Many foreign news analysts felt that the breach between whites and Negroes in the United States was beyond repair.
In the United States itself, many leaders saw a definite hardening of attitudes between whites and Negroes. One expert on racial problems, L. M. Killian of Florida State University, stated: “Even before Dr. King’s death I felt that the nation’s racial crisis was heading for open warfare. ... I see no way for the country to avoid being plunged into racial war.”
While others disagreed with the severity of such judgments, there was a general agreement that racial tensions had indeed worsened in the United States. The commission appointed by President Johnson to investigate the 1967 riots came to this conclusion even before Dr. King’s death. Composed of leading officials of the nation, this body, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, said: “This is our basic conclusion: Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.”
The commission acknowledged the complexity of the situation, but concluded: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of white Americans toward black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of World War H.”
However, others disagree with the* conclusion that white racism should take so much of the blame for the racial difficulties in the United States today. Many, including some Negroes, feel that the Negro was making progress, although admittedly slow. They contend that the rioting, looting and destroying may severely undermine much of that progress. They say that such lawlessness cannot be justified for any reason and can only hurt the Negro cause.
Why has this tragic situation come about? What are the root causes of this racial unrest? Is there an answer to the problem of race, in whatever nation it appears? What is the best way for individuals of different races to cope with the problem today, regardless of what others may choose to do? And what does the future hold in regard to relations between the races?
THE roots of ra-.
cial troubles in the United States are not difficult to find. Most authorities agree as to what they are.
The New York Times " of March 1, 1968, pointed to these roots when it stated: “The causes of recent racial disorders are embedded in a tangle of issues and circum
stances—social, economic, political and psychological—which arise out of the historical pattern of Negro-white relations in America.”
It is to this “historical pattern” that we must look for the roots of racial troubles in the United States.
History tells us that over the centuries the nations of Europe gradually overtook in political, economic and military power the nations of Africa, the Middle East and Asia that had gone before them. Beginning several centuries ago, this ascending power of Europe was used to acquire colonies in the Americas, in Africa and in Asia. Much of the “underdeveloped” world was eventually divided up among the European nations.
These European countries, particularly England, France, Portugal and Spain, quickly claimed almost all of North and South America. In what was later to become the United States, the British influence was the stronger and she established colonies along the east coast. As the colonies developed, more acreage was planted in certain profitable crops. But the labor force was small, restricting the amount of land that could be cultivated.
The World Book Encyclopedia, 1966 edition, Volume 14, states: “In the 1400’s European traders began to go to the west coast of Africa for slaves. With the discovery of the Americas, a cheap and plentiful labor supply was needed. As a result, the African slave trade became a profitable business. Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British traders took part in the traffic. Many New England families made fortunes in the slave trade. Because of treaties made with Portugal, Spain was not allowed to trade in Africa. Therefore, Spanish colonists in the Americas had to have traders of other nations bring in slaves.
“Slave traders from Europe and America tapped the human resources of Africa for about 400 years. The Negro kings waged war on each other to capture slaves they could sell or exchange with traders for guns, rum, cloth, and many other items. In all, more than 15,000,000 African Negroes are believed to have been carried to other parts of the world by slave merchants.
“Aboard ship, the slave captives lived for weeks in filth and horror. Many were chained hand and foot and packed together in the holds so tightly they could hardly move. Thousands died on the slave ships from brutal treatment and from disease. Sometimes slaves killed themselves, preferring death to their ordeal.”
Yes, here was a main root of racial troubles in the United States. Could such an abuse of human life have a good result? A principle found in the Bible states: “Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” (Gal. 6:7) Consider, too, that every nation involved in the slave trade to the Americas called itself a Christian nation! Yet the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, had said: “Just as you want men, to do to you, do the same way to them.”—Luke 6:31.
However, it must not be overlooked that Negroes themselves were implicated in this slave trade. Many slaves were hunted down by other African tribes who were themselves Negroes. These were unconcerned with the suffering of their own fellow Africans, but were interested only in selfish gain.
The bringing of slaves to the Americas destroyed the tribal, language and cultural ties the slaves had in Africa. In many cases, it also destroyed their family ties as husbands and wives, and even children were sold separately to different slave owners. These slaves were used mainly as farm workers and house servants.
By the time of the Revolutionary War, which began in 1775, there were about 700,000 Negro slaves in a total population of about 2,500,000 in the colonies.
Abolition of Slavery
In time, there arose many who saw the injustice of slavery. Attempts were increasingly made to abolish it. ThUs, in 1808 the United States Congress outlawed further importation of slaves. However, this law was largely ignored. It is estimated that as many slaves were imported illegally between 1809 and 1861 as had been imported legally in the preceding two centuries!
During the American Civil War, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation,' freeing the slaves. It became effective beginning in 1863. However, it applied only to those slaves in Confederate territories. It did not apply to the four states where slavery existed on the Union side. Not until 1865 were all slaves freed by the adoption of Amendment 13 to the Constitution. Other amendments were later adopted to give certain rights to former slaves, who then numbered about 4,500,000.
The decade that'followed the Civil War was one of severe adjustment for Negroes, as few had the skills to find other kinds of work. Many ended up working for their former masters. The January 1968 issue of Theology Today observed: “By 1880 the white population of the Southern states had regained control of the political and social order. ‘White supremacy' and a series of ‘Black Codes’ operated to reduce the status of the Negro to that of an inferior caste member based on his color. A bi-racial society was established in the South, and in the North subtle means were frequently used to accomplish the same purpose.”
After World War n, many Americans began to show increasing concern over racial injustices. Thus, in the 1950’s and early 1960’s a series of laws were passed by Congress to guarantee the legal rights of Negroes in the United States. By the mid-1960’s the legal barriers to full civil rights had been broken down.
Also, by this time most Negroes had moved off the farms. Fewer than 15 out of every 100 lived on farms, and it is now estimated that over 90 percent of all Negroes in the United States can read and write. Several hundred thousand have attended colleges and universities. Many have made careers as prominent educators, judges, athletes and political leaders, several recently being elected mayors of predominantly white Northern cities,
Little Difference for Poor
Yet for the majority of Negroes, particularly those living in “ghetto” areas of big cities, this gradual progress was making little difference. These ghetto areas had swelled with the mass movement of millions of Negroes into the cities. In 1910 only 27 percent of American Negroes lived in cities that had a population of 2,500 or more. But now the Negro population of about 22,000,000 in the United States finds approximately 15,000,000 in cities.
Much ef this Negro migration was the result of expecting better jobs and living conditions in th$ North, for in the South poor living conditions and unemployment created by the shift to mechanized labor on farms proved unbearable for many. This movement of population resulted in large concentrations of poor Negroes in cities. In some cases, this Negro population approached the majority. Indeed, the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., is now about 65 percent Negro.
Of such cities the President’s riot commission said: “The future of these cities, and of their burgeoning Negro populations, is grim.” Why? It says:
' "Black in-migration and white exodus have produced the massive and growing concentrations of impoverished Negroes in our major cities, creating a growing crisis of deteriorating facilities and services and unmet human needs.
“In the black ghettos segregation and poverty converge on the young to destroy opportunity and enforce failure. Crime, drug addiction, dependency on welfare, and bitterness and resentment against society in general and white society in particular are the result."
At the same time the rising prosperity of the country over the past decade was brought to the attention of ghetto dwellers, causing huge frustrations. Additionally, the many legal victories in behalf of civil rights had raised the expectation of poorer Negroes. Yet they did not see any Immediate benefits materially. Adding to the difficulties of many poor Negro families is the fact that often the Negro male, the head of the house, leaves his family. Of this, the book Assuring Freedom to the Free, edited by A. M. Rose, said: "In the northeastern and midwestern cities ... if [Negro] households with incomes under $3,000 and whose heads are in the 35- to 44-year age bracket are considered, 1960 census data reveal that over 50 percent have female heads.”
Summing up this situation, the president’s riot commission reported: "The culture of poverty that results from unemployment and family breakup generates a system of ruthless, exploitative relationships within the ghetto. Prostitution, dope addiction, and crime create an environmental ‘jungle’ characterized by personal insecurity and tension. Children growing up under such conditions are likely participants in civil disorders.”
THE foregoing helps explain the roots of racial troubles in the United States. But what explains the racial prejudice?
One source of racial prejudice is the belief that some races are inherently superior or inferior to others.
What Basis For
Is this true? Is there a difference in the inborn abilities and mentalities of people of different races? What accounts for the fact that some races have advanced more than others economically, scientifically and otherwise?
Racial Superiority
It ought to be noted that scientists are in agreement on this matter. The World Book Encyclopedia states: "Science does not support the claim that some races are biologically superior or inferior to others. Civilizations of any race may be advanced or retarded, and the people within them may have greater or smaller opportunities for contact and for personal development. People who live in an advanced civilization, regardless of race or stock, develop much more rapidly than people who live in a retarded civilization. But there is no scientific evidence to prove this has anything to do with inborn abilities or aptitudes.”
At times the superiority of one race over another is claimed on the basis of a larger brain size. However, in his book Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: the Fallacy of Race, professor of anthropology M. F. Ashley Montagu states:
"Upon the basis of the available facts the scientist can come to only one conclusion, . . . there is therefore no significance to be attached to brain size as a mark of cultural or intellectual development....
“If this were not so, then the Amahosa of Africa, who have few cultural opportunities but more brains by size than whites, with 1,490 cc. as compared with 1,450 cc. for European males and 1,300 cc. for females, would be culturally and intellectually superior to whites, as would the Buriats, 1,496 cc.; the Eskimos, 1,563 cc.; and the Polynesians, 1,470 cc. If we are to hold that the Negro is mentally inferior to the white because his brain has a volume of 50 cc. less than that of the white, then by the same token we must hold that Amahosa, Eskimos, Polynesians, and many other peoples are superior to whites. This we have reason to believe is untrue. There is no evidence that any people is either biologically or mentally superior or inferior to any other people in any way whatever.”
Hence, there is no evidence that any single race, people, or natioii has a special ability for creating civilization,
Negroes a Cursed Race?
But does not the Bible teach that the Negro race is inferior because it was cursed by God? Is not this what accounts for their skin color and condition of servitude over the centuries?
Those who promote this view refer to the Bible account at Genesis 9:25 fpr support. There it states: “Cursed be Canaan. Let him become the lowest slave to his brothers.” Why was Canaan, the grandson of Noah, cursed? Apparently because of an immoral act committed upon the person of the patriarch Noah.
However, where does this Bible account show that Noah mentioned the turning of anyone’s skin black as a result of that curse? And please note carefully that the descendants of Canaan were not Negro. They were white.
The dark-skinned Negroid peoples, such as the Ethiopians, come primarily from Noah’s other grandson Cush, and possibly from Put, both sons of Ham. The Canaanites did come into slavery later, but in no way did this involve a curse against the black race.
Oriffin of Races
Another fact that helps us understand that no race is basically different from others is that all races have a common origin. As Professor Ashley Montagu states: “All varieties of man belong to the same species and have the same remote ancestry. This is a conclusion to which all the relevant evidence of comparative anatomy, paleontology, serology, and genetics, points.”
The overwhelming majority of those who honestly study the evidence regarding racial origins come to the same conclusion. In the publication The Races of Mankind, by Prof. R. Benedict and Dr. G. Weltfish, we read the following:
"The Bible story of Adam and Eve, father and mother of the whole human race, told centuries ago the same truth that science has shown today: that all the peoples of the earth are a single family and have a common origin. Science describes the intricate make-up of the human body: all its different organs cooperating in keeping us alive, its curious anatomy that couldn’t possibly have ‘just happened’ to be the same in all men if they did not have a common origin. . . .
"The fact of the unity of the human race is proved, therefore, in its anatomy. ... all the racial differences among them are in nonessentials such as texture of head hair, amount of body hair, shape of the nose or head, or color of the eyes and the skin. . . .
"The races of mankind are what the Bible says they are—brothers.”
Corroborating this is the book What Is Race, published, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It says:
“All of us, if we went back far enough, hundreds of generations, would arrive at the same place—the base of the human family tree with the first Homo sapiens. . , ,
“Our common zancestor could, as well be called Adam, which also means man in Hebrew, for the familiar Biblical story foreshadowed the evidence of science that present men derive from a common stock,”
All the scientific evidence in this matter harmonizes completely with the evidence found in the Bible, man’s oldest and most reliable history source. In the Bible we read that God “made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth,” (Acts 17:
26) And of the first man and woman, the Bible tells us: “Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living,” (Gen. 3:20) So the entire human race has had the same mother and father.
Because all mankind is really one human race, some scientists object to the classifying of different groups of peoples into “races,” Their objection is well founded if the word “race” is used to infer different origins or different inborn capabilities. However, the term “race” is mostly used to refer to different groupings of peoples all within the same basic human family, which acknowledges their common origin.
The Differences
So, then, it is not inherent, inborn racial capabilities that have accounted for the differences in cultures down through history.
Different cultures began as a result of migration away from the center of man’s activity in Mesopotamia, particularly after the flood of Noah’s day more than 4,300 years ago. Following this migration to all parts of the earth, time, geography, language, politics and social factors combined to isolate groups of mankind, allowing them to develop differently from other groups.
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Also, the genetic system in man was created to produce great variety. Thus, in time, certain gene patterns or groupings came to the fore, the result, particularly, of the geographic isolation of , different groups.
This, “genetic drift” produced the different “races” of mankind with their somewhat different physical characteristics.
But why, within a given country, do some groups progress and others do not? For example, why, many ask, has the Negro in the United States not progressed farther or more rapidly in various fields tharnhe has? In the book The Idea of Race the author states: “The simplest and the soundest answer to that question is that the Negro in America has never been afforded the kind of opportunities necessary for accomplishment of any distinction. . . . The Negro in America has for three hundred years been isolated from the mainstream of American culture and segregated . . . from virtually all opportunity to enjoy the right even to the feeling that he was a man like other men.”
Hence, it is not inborn racial inferiority that has been the problem in the United States, or anywhere else for that matter. The problem has been inferior opportunity. Given equal opportunity, peoples of various “races” will generally progress similarly.
It is obvious, therefore, that racial superiority or inferiority is not inborn. Why, then, has there been so much prejudice throughout history?
RACIAL problems are not new. They have existed for a long time. Not only has prejudice existed between those whose skin color was different; far more prejudice has existed throughout history between those whose skin color was the same!
No doubt you have noted such prejudice. For instance, there is the prejudice that comes because someone’s nationality is different. Even among those who have the same nationality, have you not observed that there is often prejudice due to one’s having different political or religious beliefs? Also, one’s financial or social standing, occupation, or even the section of the country one is from, has been used as the basis for prejudice.
So Negroes should not feel that they have been singled out by history to feel the lash of prejudice. Many, many other peoples, including multitudes of white persons, have been victims.
Yet why should prejudice, as well as all kinds of injustice and wickedness, plague the human family for so long? Why, at this late date, in a so-called progressive and enlightened age, are racial problems not being eliminated?
An honest look at the situation will bring you to the conclusion that mankind, on its own, has never successfully coped with the problems of race and prejudice. Why? Is there something fundamentally wrong with the human family that so many of its members repeatedly ignore the welfare of others?
Man's Creation
God created man with certain capabilities and freedoms. He was created perfect, without a defect in his mind or body. He was told to cultivate the earth and also to bring forth children who, in turn, would multiply until the earth was comfortably filled. So mankind had a fine start and marvelous prospects for the future. —Gen. 1:26-31.
However, since the human family would grow, there would need to be standards by which human affairs could be regulated. So while man was created a free moral agent, his freedom was not to be total, but only relative. It had certain limits to prevent him from infringing on the rights and happiness of otherfe. Thus, man would need and would be given God’s laws and principles as a guide.
Just as God did not create man so he could live without food, so God did not create man with the capacity to manage his affairs successfully without divine guidance. Man was not made to rule his own affairs independently from God. That is why the Bible writer Jeremiah said: “I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Correct me, O Jehovah.” (Jer. 10:23, 24) To be successful man would always need the wise direction that would come from his Creator. Similarly, an automobile runs only as long as it has fuel, and an electrical appliance runs only as long as it is plugged in to its source of electricity.
But what would happen if man rebelled against guidance from God? Well, what happens to a vehicle denied fuel? What happens to an electrical appliance disconnected from its power soured? They begin to run down until they cease to function altogether. That is what happened to man. Our first parents 'rebelled against God, and so man’s affairs began to break down. Pushing aside God’s , clear warning, our first forefathers, Adam and Eve, believed they could manage their affairs without God.—Gen. 3:1-6.
1 Among the many reasons why God has permitted time for humans to go their own way is to demonstrate conclusively that satisfactory rule apart from God is not possible for man. The trouble-filled, prejudice-plagued history of the human family shows beyond doubt that this is true. As the Bible says: “Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it,” —Ps. 127:1.
Tendency Toward Bad
On their own, our first parents were like the vehicle that runs out of fuel, like the appliance that is disconnected from its power. Cut off from God, man was now . imperfect, defective. That is what he would pass on to his children. “Through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men.”—Rom. 5:12.
So from birth up mankind is defective. That is why he has a tendency toward doing what is bad. “The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up.” (Gen. 8:21) “Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy.”—Prov. 22:15.
Because of man’s alienation from God, and his subsequent tendency toward doing what is wrong, humans have caused great hurt and injustice toward other humans. That is why the Bible says that “man has dominated man to his injury.”—Eccl. 8:9.
Deterioration Ahead
for Immediate Future
Since this system of things is not being ruled by God, nor is it under his guidance, it can only deteriorate further. (2 Cor. 4:4) And the Bible foretells that it will do just that: “Wicked men . , . will advance from bad to worse.”—2 Tim. 3:13.
But God’s permission of man’s independence is near an end. We live in the “last days” that the Bible foretold, in the “conclusion of the system of things” about which Jesus spoke. Shortly, God will intervene in man’s affairs and rip rulership away from him. Read some of these prophecies in your own Bible at Matthew chapter 24, Second Timothy chapter 3, and at Daniel chapter 2, verse 44.
So whatever your “race” or nationality, you should not think that any of man’s efforts, however noble, will reverse the trend in the world today. It is impossible for man, on his own, to solve the inequities of the social systems today.
However, does this mean we can do nothing, individually, to cope with the problem of race now, today? Not at all! The Bible clearly shows that the problem of race not only can be solved, but is being solved, and right now! And the Bible "’also shows us that racial strife will be eliminated altogether in the near future in God’s new system of things.
SOIVIMi THE 11111111.1111 OF j—■— ■ HUE
IS THE racial problem being solved today? Yes! By hund r e d s of thousands of persons, and in a permanent way! The solution has made a vast improvement in their relations with others, and in their daily lives.
How is it possible for persons of different races to solve this problem when it is worsening in many parts of the world? How are they able to overcome lifelong prejudices? How have they learned to treat others with dignity and honor, and also to improve their own way of life and personal habits?
For persons of different races and nationalities to come to unity and peace, they must observe the same standards of conduct. The only standards that produce such true harmony come from God. Since his laws and principles do not originate with imperfect, selfish men, we can have the utmost confidence that they are the very best standards of conduct available to humans.
These standards of conduct are found in the Bible. The apostle Paul showed that we can confidently accept the Bible, “not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God." (1 Thess, 2:13) And that Word of God is not a dead book! It “is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Heb. 4:12) It can cut through the bitterness and hatred in individuals to set matters straight between them. “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.”—2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
Does It Really Work?
You may logically ask, “Does it really work?” No doubt you have observed many religions claiming to teach and use the Bible but who have not really lived up to Bible standards. Of them, God’s Word says: “They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort.” (Titus 1:16) No, those who adhere to that kind of religion are not solving racial problems, but are adding to them.
What you need to do is to observe the lives of those who really do believe and live by God’s laws and. principles, people who uphold them above all else. You will learn that persons who sincerely live by the Bible, as do Jehovah’s witnesses, really are solving the racial problem, and not in just one country, but in every nation throughout the world. How do Jehovah’s Witnesses solve the racial problem?
Applying the Bible Standards
Persons who become Jehovah’s witnesses learn to accept and believe the Bible’s standards. So they come to appreciate that, as the Bible states, “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:34, 35) Thus, they learn that God does not show prejudice, nor does he approve of it. As their knowledge and . appreciation of God’s Word grows, they are helped to respect and apply this standard. Because they want to please God, they learn not to be prejudiced.
In this regard Jesus Christ commanded: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:39) The Bible also says: , “Let each of us please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding.” (Rom. 15:2) And it adds: “Pursue peace with all people.” (Heb. 12:14) Jehovah’s witnesses sincerely believe that these are the right things to do, and they know that a person who does them will not look down on other persons because of their being of a different race or nationality.
God’s Word also states: “In showing honor to one another take the lead.” (Rom. 12:10) Could this be done if a person were prejudiced? No. Therefore, out of respect for God and his laws, persons who become Jehovah’s witnesses are encouraged to change their attitude toward others so as to treat them with dignity.
Often a person becomes a victim of what he believes to be prejudice, not because of his skin color, but because of the bad personal habits he may have. He may show little respect for the rights of others, or be sloppy and use bad language. But those who learn Bible standards are aided to make a change in their personality, a change for the good, in harmony with God’s will. (Col. 3:9, 10; Eph. 4: 22-32) And when persons newly associated with Jehovah’s witnesses begin to make this change, they see that others often have more respect for them and treat, them more decently.
True, not all persons appreciate the effort one makes at improving him; self by applying Christian standards, but many do. And it should be kept in mind that those who choose to ignore these standards will, in due time, have to account to God for their attitudes and actions. But those who do learn the fine standards of God and who begin to apply them in their lives will see their own attitude and their relations with persons of other races and nationalities vastly improve. Gradually, past prejudices will be overcome.
Respect for haw
In addition to having respect for all races and improving one’s own conduct toward others, those who obey God’s standards are also required to obey all the laws of the government under which they live that do not conflict with God’s laws. So Jehovah’s witnesses apply to themselves the Bible command: “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities.’^—-Rom. 13:1.
This means that they are obligated to obey all governmental laws that do not contradict God’s laws. Because they take to heart what God says on this matter, they refuse to share in such lawless activities as rioting, looting, burning and destroying. It is very practical to have such respect for law, because most of those killed or injured in rioting are the rioters themselves.
Daily Needs
But what about one’s daily needs of food, clothing and shelter? Jehovah’s witnesses have these needs, just as others do. But they appreciate that, as they do their part, God will do his.
What obligation does the able-bodied Christian have in this regard? The Bible principle is that “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.” (2 Thess. 3:10) Alsq, the Bible says that “one working with a slack hand will be of little means.”—Prov. 10:4.
JULY SS, 1968
Hence, by accepting God’s standards and applying them, a person who becomes one of Jehovah’s witnesses learns to improve his attitude toward work. He learns not to be lazy. He also, improves his use of the money he does make, not wasting it when his family needs food and clothing. He uses wisely the resources he has.
What is God’s part in this? Jesus taught his followers to pray: “Give us today our bread for this day.” (Matt. 6:11) So as long as a person submits to God’s will and is willing to work, then, as Jehovah’s witnesses have experienced, God makes a way for him to sustain himself. And if a devoted servant of God is unable to hold a regular job because of poor health, advanced age, or other circumstances, God still provides for such a person. That is why the psalmist could say: “I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread.”—Ps. 37:25.
Thus, confident that he will have God’s backing if he does his part, the person who becomes one of Jehovah’s witnesses learns that he must accept the responsibility to work hard, if he is able to do so, to provide for his needs. And if he previously resorted to illegal means to ae-quire things, on becoming one of Jehovah’s witnesses, he abandons such lawless practices, for the Bible states: “Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need.”—Eph. 4:28.
Applying Bible laws and principles makes a tremendous improvement in the homelife of those who become Jehovah’s witnesses. The housewife who applies these standards gradually begins to Improve her home. Even if it used to be messy, her friends observe that she no longer lets it stay that way; she begins to keep it neat and clean. She endeavors to keep herself and her children that way too. And such a home does not require a great deal of money. It requires mainly effort and an appreciation for God's reasonable standards of decency, cleanliness and orderliness. Such a home is a pleasant place to live, a place to which a husband and father is glad to return at the end of the day. So application of these godly principles helps to keep families together.
The husband that learns to guide his life by God's standards also begins to improve his conduct. By attending the meetings of Jehovah's witnesses, where the Bible is discussed, he Is aided to abandon bad habits such as drunkenness, abusing his wife and laziness, which cause strife in the home. Over a period of time, he learns to shoulder his responsibility as the head of the house.
Both husband and wife improve their marriage greatly by searching the Bible together for knowledge of the will of God, just as the early Christians did. (Acts 17: 11) This helps to eliminate boredom and frustration and gives the entire family something of the highest value to do together. It strengthens family ties and helps them to learn the right answers to the problems of life.
Even where a husband has already abandoned his family, the mother, on becoming one of Jehovah’s witnesses, finds that Bible standards serve as a great aid to her in making a living and managing the home. By building on the foundation of right knowledge from the Bible, she knows the right way to bring up her children, how to discipline them, what their goals in life should be.
Gradually, then, by applying God’s standards, they find that family life is vastly improved. And Bible knowledge gives these families a grand hope for the future, helping to overcome the depression and gloom so much in evidence today.
Not Forcing Solutions
While Jehovah’s witnesses believe in and live by God’s standards, they do not try to force changes in the social systems of the nations. Tha| is not what the Bible teaches. Forced solutions -lead to violence, bloodshed and .anarchy. Appreciating this, Jehovah’s witnesses wait on God. They have confidence that, in his due time, God will change the entire social system for mankind’s benefit just as he has guaranteed in his Word.
Hence, when the law or custom of the country permits, Jehovah’s witnesses meet together as one group regardless of their national origin. However, if the law forbids integration, or where it could cause serious difficulty, they do not insist upon it. How practical would it be for them to pursue peace in obedience to God’s laws, and then try to force a social issue that would create violence?
Yet, whenever and wherever it is permitted, Jehovah’s witnesses of all races meet together for united worship. They obey the same high standards, treating one another with dignity and honor. Others, too, observe this and comment on it. One of many such comments appeared in the Asheville, North Carolina, Citizen of July 26, 1967. An observer said: 1
"These days when all we hear or see are news items about rioting, looting and hate propaganda it is time to console ourselves with the balance of good tidings that are entered on the plus side of the ledger.
“I am referring particularly to the recent convocation of Jehovah's witnesses that
came to Asheville for a week early this month. ...
"Never was there a policeman, in sight. There were no raucous noises, no disturbances and no altercations. . . .
“The order was perfect and there was no obscene shouting. Remember there were at times as mapy as seven thousand people around the headquarters—a good many of them colored.
“There was NO litter about. . . . Undoubtedly they were motivated by the Spirit of Good Will towards humanity."
Such clean, decent, respectful and law-abiding persons are living proof that the problem of race can be and is being solved* They know that, whatever a person’s race or nationality, he will improve his life in every respect by living up to Bible standards. Today, as an organization, hundreds of thousands of Jehovah’s witnesses are doing so. No, they do not claim to live perfect lives, nor do they expect perfection from those who associate with them. But they do continually work to improve their love for God and for neighbor. That is why they have been able to overcome the problem of race.
Perhaps just a few of many experiences In this regard can best illustrate how one’s life is affected for the good, and how persons have been able to overcome lifelong prejudices by applying Bible standards.
One Negro mother in the United States relates:
“Jehovah’s witnesses came to our house at least two or three times before we ever decided to have a Bible study conducted in our home. Along with being prejudiced toward white people, I was very opposed to having the Witnesses come to. my home. But I just decided to let my husband find it all out by himself.
' “About a month later, the Witnesses Invited us to their Kingdom Hall. Well, here is where I really thought that it would do my husband in. However, even I was surprised to see the Witnesses when we got to the hall. They were altogether different than I thought they would be. Warm and iriendly just aren’t words enough to describe them. The Witnesses didn't even treat us as if we were Negroes. To them there was no difference in our colors. We were just the same as they were. That did it with me, I was so ashamed of myself.
"From all of our Bible studies we have learned how to conduct ourselves, how to love each other, and now we know that this is the right way to go. It has changed our relationship with each other, made us have a happier marriage, made us be better parents,
"It has given us something to hang onto and showed us what we have to do in order to gain everlasting life. Before that, we could have gone to church for a hundred years, and we never would have learned what Jehovah God’s purpose for us was.
“To live up to Bible standards, and to conduct ourselves accordingly, are not hard to do. Even despite imperfection it can be done.”
Many have had the experience of this Negro man, about 50 years of age, who was raised in the southern part of the United States. He writes:
"We lived on a farm and were sharecropping, the produce being divided between us and the landowner. But during the bad seasons when the land wasn’t productive, the landowner came and took all our farm animals as well as the little feed we had left. That was in 1928. Then my mother agreed to raise some hogs on share for another landowner. But after we raised them, he took ,them all for himself without giving us any share. Mother consulted a lawyer but was told that it was pointless to go to court, as we could not hope to win.
“After working on the farm hard until November, I’d get outside jobs on construction work for 10 cents an hour. This way I’d make $1.20 by working 12 hours a day.
"With all the hardships and prejudice I experienced through the years from 1928 to 1958, I knew there had to be something better. But what it was, I wasn’t sure.
“Then Anally in 1958 I was invited to the first meeting of Jehovah’s witnesses that I’d ever attended. I found something greater than anything any man had ever deprived me of. Since then, I have had no problems in seeing to my family’s needs. Of course, I didn’t have a high-paying job or anything like that. I just worked hard and tried to use what I had in the proper way. And I could see very well that I had help from Jehovah,
“Now that I am one of his Witnesses, I can see that it Is possible for whites and Negroes to get along together. I've found among them the best friends I’ve ever had anywhere or at any time. They’re always ready to do anything possible to help me in any way. And now I also have a hope of life everlasting in God’s new order.
“No matter what happened over the years before, I’m now sure there can be peace, but only in God’s way.’’
Many persons learn Bible standards in their youth, enabling them to avoid the pitfalls that swallow up other young people in delinquency. One Negro youth writes of his experience in this regard:
"I was born in New York city, one of six children. With the limited education of my father and mother, and being Negro, there was but one place we could live, and that was in the ghetto.
“In 1950 our whole family started to study the Bible with a minister of Jehovah’s witnesses. We began to learn about things we had never heard of before, about a new system of things, that there was no hellfire, and we learned many other Scriptural points.
“By the time I was twelve I understood more of what the Bible was saying, and how it would be Jehovah God that would bring about a permanent change in the condition of all Godfearing persons. I also learned what I needed to do now to help improve my condition in life. The key was WORK, for all of God’s servants in the Bible are spoken of as being hard workers. So I began to look up instead of down. I got a job after school and also worked on Saturdays.
“At the age of thirteen I was able to make enough money after school to buy all my own clothes, and so was always decently (dressed. And by being busy after school I stayed out of trouble. I was learning what the Bible meant when it talked about being self-sufficient. Also, Dy now 1 nan advanced in Bible Knowledge and was associating with a congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses, where I gained many real friends, both white and Negro, all getting along together in peace. It gave me great hope for the future, knowing that in God’s new system of things all mankind yzould live in such peace.
“After I finished high school, I was able, not only to worjt to sustain myself, but also to devote much time in teaching other persons God's purposes as found in the Bible. At twenty-five, I married and began raising a family. Because I had applied myself in school and on the job, I was able to go to a data-processing school and learn computer programming. Thus I am able to make a decent living for my family.
“By staying close to Bible standards, I have improved my life and my associations with others, especially those who also live by Bible standards. Yes, the truths from God's Word made it clear that I could enjoy the fine, upbuilding association of other Christians regardless of their race, and could look forward to such pleasant association forever in God’s new order of things. No doubt about it, living by Bible standards is the best way!"
These experiences are not unusual for persons applying God’s standards of conduct For hundreds of thousands of Jehovah’s witnesses in 197 lands throughout the earth, the nagging questions about life’s problems are being answered, including the problem of race. And all of them look forward to the only permanent solution for all such problems—when God soon brings to an end this wicked system and establishes his new order where “righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Pet. 3:13) Then God “will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away.” (Rev. 21:4) Then never again will racial problems mar the peace and happiness of the human family.
ATER is a precious commodity in desert country. For one stranded on the desert without water, survival can appear to ' be all but impossible. From one Australian ' source, however, comes the suggestion that ,i. travelers through desert regions should al- < ways carry with them some sheet plastic, ,1 for with this they are equipped to collect water. But from where, and'how?
Dig a small hole in the ground, perhaps one foot and a half deep and some two feet square. Place at the center of this hole an openmouthed container of some kind, and : surround it with some of the local desert vegetation. Over the hole spread your sheet- ' of plastic, anchoring it at the corners. Place ' a small stone or pebble on the upper side of the sheet immediately over the center of your container. This should cause the sheet to * dip downward at the center. In course of £ time the heat of the sun through the plastic will draw moisture from the earth and the vegetation below. The moisture will form in droplets on the underside of the plastic and then run down to the center and drop into your container.
In one demonstration it was found that there were two pints of water after the container had been in position for three days. Since each person needs about four pints of water per day in the midst of the summer, one could calculate just about what would be necessary to yield the right quantity. Perhaps one could increase-the number of excavations, containers and plastic squares; even enlarge the excavations and the size of the plastic sheet. One could also experiment by renewing the vegetation in the hole each day. At least he could count on wringing some water out of the ground itself.
P ERHAPS, first, I ought to introduce myself. My name is Jute and I belong to the family of natural fibers. I make no claim to being an aristocrat, unlike my cousins, the delicate silks and cottons that grace milady’s wardrobe. No, I am the coarser type, designed for the rough and tumble of commerce and industry.
You may have met me at your place of employment, for I appear in jute tarpaulins that are used to protect goods against the elements,' I turn up in the form of sackcloth employed for packing and bagging. I come in all sizes of ropes used for towing heavy loads, I even succeed in penetrating your very homes, for I have a share in the carpet industry. And then, believe it or not, I turn up In theatrical stage wigs. So, in spite of my rougher associations, I do get ahead sometimes!
But where did I come from? How did I get here? Well, let me tell you, it was by no means easy, I had to go through the harrowing experiences of being cut, beaten, broken, stretched and twisted. But I survived, and here I am—a brand-new hank of jute yarn. Of my early beginnings, I am none too clear. I know it all started in the jute fields of Bengal, India, and led to the jute mills of Calcutta, where I was spun Into my present shape.
By ‘Awoke!'' correspondent in India
My ancestors first attained importance back in 1746, when jute manufacturing began. Not until a century later did the demand for my family begin to expand world wide. The first jute mill, operated by power, was activated in Calcutta, in 1854. Now Calcutta has over 300,000 workers employed in this industry, and it constitutes the world’s largest jutemanufacturing location.
From Field to Mill
The sowing of jute may begin anytime after February, and the harvest may stretch from June to October, Being of Oriental extraction, we prefer the hot moist climate with a fair amount of rain. So, the Brahmaputra basin and the Ganges valley are highly suitable for growth of jute. Given the right conditions, we jute stalks can grow as high as ten feet, cylindrical in shape and thick as a man’s finger. Harvesting begins when our whitish-yellow flowers are fading. Gathered before this, the fiber will be too weak for commercial use. Left till too late, or until the seed Is ripe, the fiber, though stronger, will now be coarser, lacking luster.
Once the harvest is cut, the jute fibers are separated from the stalks by a process called “retting.” The stalks are completely immersed in water for periods ranging from a few days to a month, depending on the temperature. Here the stalks decompose and the next step, extraction of the fibers, is facilitated. This step is cared for by native operators, ryots, who beat the stalks fan-wise on the water’s surface, extracting the fibers by skillful manipulation of the hands and fingers. Manhandled in this fashion, we are grouped into bundles in readiness for the jute presses.
This is when the grading takes place. The fibers are sorted according to color, 1 luster, softness, strength, length, firmness, uniformity, and so forth. Oh, by the way, my name “jute” in Sanskrit means “braid of hair,” because of my hairlike fibers!
Now we come to the baling stage. Have you ever been in a hydraulic press? I have, and it was quite a crushing experience. We were subjected to pressures that are frightful, and emerged in the form of bales weighing 180 kilograms. Of course, our family is comforted in the knowledge that we are in great demand internationally. And in India we get the name of “the golden fiber,” for jute is India’s biggest earner of foreign currency.
From Fiber to Yarn
But there are many more trying stages through which we must pass before we can get to be a bobbin of refined jute yarn. After our crushing experience it is a real relief to enter the loom mills and submit to the softening process, accomplished by a mixture of mineral oil and water, mixed to the correct consistency and spread uniformly through the fibers. It is like going to warm baths after a* hard day’s work. This process gives us a buoyant resilience that will enable us to stand up well to the ordeals that still await us. This softening stage is called “batching.”
At this point we are still a mass of disconnected fibers, so the carding section is next. What an excruciating affair! They literally pull us to shreds and break us up and then weld us into one continuous layer of interwoven, sandy-colored gauze. I shudder in every strand of my being every time I think of it. But somehow we survived and felt a lot cleaner and lighter in spite of everything.
The carding machinery consists of a series of rollers covered with fine teeth, called “workers” and "strippers,” We loose fibers are pushed in between these rollers onto a large drum with a high-speed surface also covered with steel teeth. By the time we emerge at the other end we are all knit together into one endless sheet of clean, gauzy fiber.
In still another step my brothers and I are drawn into a narrow cylindrical roll of material that they call a “jute sliver.” Next comes the pulling and stretching. Phew! Four of us slivers are drawn together into rollers and gently pulled out so that we become longer and slimmer. But, whereas we went in as four, we come out as one. So we now contain four times as much material and begin to feel a bit stronger. That process is the “drawing” stage. And now most of the inequalities and irregularities have been smoothed out. We are really improving in looks too.
But if we cherished the hope that that was the end of the stretching torture, we were badly mistaken. Still in the “drawing room” (sounds quite civilized, doesn’t it?), two of us newly refined slivers must go through the same thing all over again. The result: a still finer and stronger and slimmer sliver. But imagine! In each of those two drawing processes I was pulled out to eight times my original length. The torture racks of the Inquisition had nothing on this, believe me!
Up to this point there was one thing to be grateful about: the loom workers had been “straight” with me and my kind. But now, as if all the preceding stages were not enough to snap one’s fiber strands, they introduce a twist process! They call the machine used for this process a “rover,” but for personal reasons I still call it a “twister.” Here I-am converted into jute rove. Even on this machine I am stretched as never before, but with the twist added. Now, wound around a rove bobbin and looking more like jute thread, I feel stronger and ready for work.
At this point some of my relatives may be used for the manufacture of coarse jute materials. But I am privileged to move along to the final operation—the spinning frame. The looms are operating at high speeds, and again I am pulled out as much as previously and 1 must also suffer a final twisting, which completes the job and spins me into finished jute yam. At this point I begin to feel as if I have had enough of the grueling workout, and happily the jute spinners appear to think the same way, because now they consider the spun yarn to be just right. How glad I am that they find me to be precisely the required strength and diameter! Am I glad it is all over!
In the finished state, as jute yam, I am reeled onto bobbins or into hanks, ready for use in making jute fabrics or webbing or cordage. Through the years our family have been great travelers. Starting early in the nineteenth century, a world center for jute products began to develop in Dundee, Scotland. Later, some of their grandchildren were actually born in the United States arid expanded into a vast agricultural enterprise, particularly in the Gulf States. But though having a home-grown supply, the United States is still one of the chief importers of Indian jute. Other importers include Britain, Germany, France, Japan and Argentina.
So there you are. You know my story now. You can appreciate the strains and stresses I have endured to become a hank of yarn. Now that is all over, and I do not mind. I am happy to be of service to man. If I can serve any useful purpose, it is all my pleasure. And I have enjoyed telling you my story. Now you know how they spin a yam—with jute.
a The New York World Telegram, and Journal of February 20, 1967, made this startling observation:
“Most of us so-called 'nice people’ think of the country as being made up of a great mass of law ^.biding folks and a small, maladjusted bunch of criminals, A report by the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice indicates that just the opposite ratio exists.”
To confirm such a shocking revelation, a study of a sampling of 1,700 persons was cited: “Ninety-one per cent of the respondents admitted having committed one or more offenses for which they might have received jail or prison sentences. Thirteen per cent of the males admitted to grand larceny, 26 per cent to auto theft and 17 per cent to burglary! Sixty-four per cent of the males and 27 per cent of the females said they’d committed at least one felony! And when you add this whopping majority of ‘hidden’ offenders to the whopping list of detected offenders, the crime picture gets murky indeed.’’
Jesus Christ foretold that an “increasing of lawlessness” would be a feature of the sign marking the conclusion of the system of things. How clear that it is presently finding fulfillment!—Matt. 24:3,12,
An OBSERVATION among a number of young people is that their parents seldom do anything different on weekends or vacations. One youth said: ‘My parents look forward to weekends only to sleep late. They bury themselves in funny papers and television, only to end up Monday morning grouchy and exhausted.’ What are you doing this summer?*
A young couple who used to sleep or idle away their weekends and vacations decided on a change, primarily because of their growing children. Allowing their children to run loose with little or nothing to do, they realized, was not good for them. The summer city-street environment was even worse. Sending them off to summer camps was not good either, especially because of the association to which they were exposed for so long a time without parental supervision. So the parents thought of taking “vest pocket” vacations, that is, weekend vacations, instead of expensive, big ones. They found that imaginative planning paid off with extra rewards. It added zest to their family life.
During one weekend, as a trial, they went on a family picnic near a creek that ran through a park not far away. There was much to learn about cooking outdoors, but they and the children enjoyed the change. The children talked about it all week. So on another weekend the parents decided to drive some thirty miles away to a zoo. This was a surprise to the children, who were not expecting anything. The family recorded the whole trip with pictures, and the parents had the children write about the things they enjoyed most about the trip, and why.
The biggest change Was in themselves. They found that, not only were they less tired, but they were more alert to life in general. And the children’s response was unbelievable. There was a feeling of family attachment. So from then on the parents planned occasional short vacations. Some of them were close to home and some were far away. Was there a museum nearby? They would read up about the museum, its exhibits, then spend time leisurely appreciating each exhibit.
Maps were consulted to see if there were any national parks or forests nearby that could be visited. They would set aside a day to walk in the woods and along streams, to follow trails, climb hills and even to camp out at night. The memory of those experiences, photographed on their children’s minds, did much for them. They were surprised, too, to find how many natural wonders were within hiking distance of their own backyard.
Going on Tours
All kinds of interesting and educational tours are available in many cities. Your city or town may have a radio or a television station. You may wish to write to the manager and request permission for your family to visit and tour the studips as a part of your family educational program this summer.
Small and big cities have libraries that specialize in certain fields, and a tour of them is well worth the time. Some are medical libraries; others deal with business. Still others are lending libraries and some specialize in periodicals. Teach your family how to use a library; it could prove very beneficial
There are courthouses in which trials may be attended. Prisons may be visited. A tour of these may increase appreciation for law and order.
There are all kinds of factories, bakeries and printing plants that are fascinating to visit. A tour may take an hour or two, but the experience is valuable. A tour of the Watchtower printing plant in Brooklyn, New York, or of the Watch Tower Society’s printing plants in other countries is always rewarding. It increases the spirituality of your children and has a tendency to draw them closer to you. It also keeps them off the streets and away from undesirable associations.
A trip to the airport is always exciting. Have your children or have you ever been up in an airplane? You may find it an unforgettable experience.
Family Togetherness
When was it that you went swimming last or played ball with your children or took them to a circus or an ice show? There is no end of things that can be done together as a family. Some families during the summer enjoy adventures in cooking. Each weekend or so they cook up a different specialty of a different country. One weekend it may be a Chinese feast, perhaps including use of chopsticks. Another weekend the menu could consist of Hungarian goulash or Russian borsch, or Italian spaghetti. At times another family might be invited over to help with the specialty and enjoy the occasion.
A life-insurance agent took his two sons up an icy stream to pan for gold. They never found any gold nuggets, but the experience was stimulating for his teenage* boys.
A doctor who spent his weekly hours with the sick in a hospital found relaxation on weekends by chopping trees and sawing logs for his fireplace. Later, he branched out into pruning trees for his neighbors.
Change of Pace
An occasional weekend used in one of these ways is delightful because it represents a change of pace. Small breaks from the weekly routine are stimulating to health. Dr. Harry Johnson, president of the Life Extension Institute, said: “It is definitely better for a person to get frequent short breaks in the routine than one long, continuous vacation. But change is the important factor. People need to enjoy activities that are refreshing and different, and they should get as much physical activity, within reason, as possible.”
Backing up this viewpoint is a doctor from California who stated: “We often prescribe the long weekend as a medical treatment. It gives people a chance to recharge their batteries."
Many families of today need their “batteries” recharged. Those who have tried this method of relaxing have found that “an annual plan” works best. It enables one to book well ahead for major three-and four-day weekends, helps ensure a well-balanced program that includes amusement, education, physical activity, and care for the family’s spiritual needs. Alternative programs could be worked out so that if, for instance, bad weather cancels a field trip, then you have an indoor substitute ready to take its place.
Another interesting focal point is a big calendar that can be placed in a prominent place where parents and children can see it At the dose of the year a glance at the calendar will suffice to show that summer months brought some fine changes of pace. The calendar stimulates discussion and enthusiasm.
Thinking of an Extended Vacation?
Many persons this summer will be taking extended vacations. Some of them do the same thing year after year and wonder why they do not get excited looking forward to vacation time. It is because their vacations may represent little change. But even those who do a lot of sight-seeing sometimes are not altogether satisfied. They would much rather get to know the people of a land or locality better. Some are beginning to realize that seeing all the art museums in the world in two weeks will not give one instant culr ture, any more than two weeks of outdoor life will give one instant health. Money and leisure time help to make for enjoyable vacations, but imagination and curiosity count even more.
In your planning stage, pick the place or places you would like to see during your vacation time. For Jehovah’s witnesses, who have fellow Witnesses living in all parts of the earth, it always adds to their enjoyment to couple their vacations with conventions. When traveling, they also endeavor to find out in advance if there are Kingdom Halls near the places they will visit. In this way they can combine their leisure hours with Christian fellowship and the spreading of the Kingdom good news.
Farm Vacations
It is becoming increasingly popular these days for farmers to open up some of their spare rooms to rent to tourists. It is estimated that some 100,000 vacationers will spend several million dollars at more than 35,000 farms in America this year. The United States Department of Agriculture, which is pushing the idea as a supplemental source of income for farmers, estimates that the harvest will triple by 1970.
Farm vacations are proving an inspiration to children, who learn to pat cows, horses and barnyard kittens. Some city children have never seen a “real cow” or walked through a green field. On arriving at a Maryland farm, children pointed to black Angus cattle and asked, “Can we ride those horses tomorrow?” A small boy who was considered bold in the city ran terrified into a Vermont farmhouse. Asked what had happened, he gasped, “A butterfly was chasing me!” A teen-ager on her first morning got up early and walked barefoot through the hillside fields. “When I got back,” she said, “the landlady could see I had been crying. ‘Poor child,’ said the landlady, ‘you’re homesick.’ How could I tell her I was crying because it was so beautiful?” said the girl.
Farm vacations usually prove economical. The accommodations are generally comfortable, although not luxurious. In the United States a booklet Farm <& Ranch Vacation Guide, 36 E. 57 Street, New York, New York 10022, lists names of farms th^t take guests in all fifty states and Canada.
Swapping Homes
A New York couple lived abroad, first in England, then in Germany, Greece and Spain—all without paying a single hotel bill. The man’s income of $400 a month hardly allowed for the kind of luxurious living that he and his wife had been enjoying. How did they do it? They had a five-room house in Long Island, New York. They wrote to European families who wanted to visit New York, then swapped their house for one in London, at another time for one in Germany, then Spain, Greece, and so on. The families who swapped homes had a vacation of their choice without paying lavish hotel bills.
All over the world families are discovering the benefits of trading houses and apartments for a week, a month or longer. The exchangers find that the advantages are great and the exchange allows them to get acquainted with their new environment more intimately.
How does one go about arranging such an exchange? Some work through ftiends or they advertise in the newspaper of the town they want to visit. There are now several organizations to help swappers.
But is it sensible to entrust your home and furnishings to strangers? Those in the business of arranging for swapping of houses say that they can recall no serious complaints during the seven years they have been in business. Most swappers are considerate people who live, not in ornate museums, but in ordinary houses.
Vacations do not have to consist of doing the same things year after year. If you went to the seashore last year, you may wish to take an inland motor trip this year. If you have gone to the same bungalow in the hills, you could explore the waterways. If you have a desk job, try traveling. If you are a traveling salesman, you may wish to settle down in one place on your vacation or prefer to stay close to home.
People left with time on their hands and with no stimulation from their environment, no genuine physical or spiritual satisfaction or accomplishment, are not truly happy people. The weekend vacation and the extended vacation can be useful instruments to brighten up one’s life. By your following some of these suggestions, this will be, not just another summer for you, but a significant experience, a memorable chapter in your life.
Where Is the Proof?
(Z Though millions of persons throughout the earth have categorically rejected the Bible’s account of creation, preferring to accept, instead, the theory of evolution, It sometimes comes as a shock to such individuals to read information to the effect that evolution is not a proved fact. One such is the comment made by J. G. Wood, in his lengthy book Bible Animals: "It is admitted that there are no facts—that there is not even a single fact—directly proving the doctrine. We, have no experience of one species being transmuted into another. We do not see it taking place before our eyes. There is no trace of it in the historical ages. The vines found depicted in the tombs of Egypt, and the animals on the monuments, are of the same species as those now on the earth. ... If thousands of years cannot create a new creature, it may be doubted if millions can.”—Page 732.
By "Awake!" correspondent in Ireland
HAVE you ever enjoyed the experience of getting away from the smoke-polluted atmosphere of the larger city into the clean, stimulating fresh air of the open countryside? Of course you have. You took a deep breath. Immediately yoti felt the invigoration. Depression and lethargy began to shake off. What a wonderful sense of well-being!
Instead of merely taking for granted this swift and refreshing transformation, why not pause and ask some pertinent questions? Why is fresh air so beneficial? Why is air so vital to life itself? What happens when you take a deep breath, filling your lungs with this precious substance? Getting an understanding of these matters aids one to build up appreciation for the intelligence and design that are obvious in this feature of our makeup, our respiratory system.
What Is Air?
We humans live at the bottom of a vast ocean of air that envelops the earth. This ocean consists of a mixture of gases in fairly regular proportion. The most important of these, a component of air that is essential for us to keep alive, is oxygen. This is what the body uses, combining it with carbon from food eaten, to build up energy needed for the multiplicity of bodily processes.
Oxygen makes up about one-fifth of the total volume of air. The other components of the gaseous envelope in which we spend our lives are nitrogen, making up about four-fifths of the total volume, and carbon dioxide, of which there is less than one percent.
Realizing that all the food in the world would be quite useless to us without oxygen, we can afford to be curious about how the body uses the oxygen we breathe in. What part do the lungs play? Just how is this vital element of the air converted into a fund of energy?
The Lungs
Let us take note of the lungs and their function. Take a deep breath and feel your lungs expanding to fill the chest ravity below the ribs. The lungs are roughly conical in shape, with the narrow ends uppermost. Like the bellows of an accordion, yes, but much more complicated inside.
Imagine the movement of air taken in through the nose into the windpipe or “trachea,” a tube having a diameter of about three-fifths of an inch. After about four inches this “trachea” splits into two branches, called “bronchi,” leading into each of the lungs. Once inside the lung, each “bronchus” divides yet again into smaller branches, which, in turn, keep subdividing into smaller and smaller tubes filling the interior of the lung.
JULY 22, 1968
To get a clearer idea of this amazing structure inside the lung, just imagine an inverted tree with a main stem four inches long dividing into two branches and then subdividing again and again to terminate in clusters of the tiniest twigs. Only, instead of twigs at the end of those minute passageways, the smallest being known aS “bronchioli,” there are clusters of tiny air spaces, “alveoli,” as they are called. The “bronchioli,” by the way, have a width of only about one-hundredth of an inch.
Exchange of Oxygen
Note, now, those “alveoli” or tiny air spaces grouped together at the extremities of the “bronchial” tree. It is here that the oxygen filling these air spaces is transferred to the cells of the bloodstream. Intertwined with the subdividing branches of the air tubes within the lung, there is a network of arteries breaking down into veins and minute capillary blood vessels —vessels so small that eventually the red blood cells are moving through in single file.
By the time that the extremities of the air tubes are reached, the walls separating the air tubes from the capillary blood network are so exceedingly thin that the transfer of oxygen to the bloodstream becomes possible. It is a two-way transfer, for at this same location the blood discharges its waste cargo of carbon dioxide into the air spaces, to be expelled by lung action back into the atmosphere.
Meantime, the oxygen-enriched blood moves back through capillaries and veins to the heart, from there to be pumped through the body again.
Intricacy of Design
According to one authority, there are an estimated 750 million of these tiny air cells in our lungs, ensuring a constant and plentiful supply of the vital oxygen for all the complicated processes going on inside the body. This might be compared to a vast exchange area, connecting, let us say, road and rail traffic, with 750 million loading and unloading platforms. All that within the small compass of the chest cavity!
If all those air spaces at the extremities of the “bronchial” tree were opened out and spread flat, it is believed they would cover an area of some 1,000 square feet. That is the equivalent of sixteen blankets, each measuring seven by nine feet! Little wonder, then, that men would find it far more difficult to produce an artificial lung than to make an artificial heart. How could this intricate, beautifully designed organ be the product of blind, nonintelligent force, as some would have us believe?
And another amazing feature of our breathing apparatus is that no matter how hard we try, we just cannot empty our lungs. There is always a large residue of air left in the bronchial tubes and air spaces. In normal breathing, it is claimed, only about one-tenth of the total volume of air passes out of the lungs. And the process of exhaling and taking in a fresh supply is repeated । eighteen to twenty times each minute.
Transport of Oxygen
That so little is expelled at each exhalation -raises the question as to how a good, constant supply of fresh air is guaranteed to the exchange units at the extremities of the “bronchial” tree. And here is where a basic law of the created universe comes into operation, making possible the transport of oxygen from the outside atmosphere to the inner cells of our bodies.
It has been found that two samples of the same gas, say oxygen, at different pressures, when brought into contact with each other, will mix and diffuse until an equalizing of the pressure takes place. So, the highly concentrated incoming oxygen swiftly mixes with the oxygen-depleted air already in the lungs, and in this way the level of oxygen at the exchange points is constantly maintained.
The same principle applies in the actual exchange of oxygen from the air spaces to the bloodstream. The exceedingly thin walls at these terminal points allow the same diffusing of oxygen, so that the concentration in the bloodstream is - built up and maintained. The red blood cells absorb the oxygen, carry it to the millions of cells throughout the body, and there it is used to burn up the food eaten.
Since food eaten combined with oxygen breathed in is the energy source for all body activities, we can understand why we often have to struggle for breath after any particularly strenuous exercise. Energy spent leaves our oxygen supply depleted. The importance of a constant supply of oxygen is underlined by the fact that only a few minutes of oxygen starvation can cause irreparable brain damage.
Our illustration of the inverted tree with its branches representing the bronchial system is all the more apt when we learn that in reality trees and plants operate in a converse manner in relation to animal creatures, and have a great deal to do with the maintenance of the vital oxygen supply on our planet. For, while the breathing creatures take in oxygen and throw off carbon dioxide, plants with their intricate mechanisms take in needed carbon dioxide, during the sunlight hours, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. How marvelously the Creator has balanced matters!
Also, we can begin to have some appreciation of fresh air as distinguished from the contaminated air of many industrial regions. Investigation has shown that Eskimos and others who live in a dust-free atmosphere retain the original rose-pink color of the lungs, while the lungs of coal miners become a shade of almost uniform jet black. The black and dirty condition of city buildings also bears witness to the hazard to which the lungs of city dwellers are subjected.
It is altogether to the credit of the Great Designer of lungs that they continue to function so efficiently in spite of the many hazards. Opportunities to get away, even if only temporarily, from polluted atmosphere are really opportunities to learn what God provided for us to breathe. Be thankful for the abundant provision of the enveloping atmosphere. Take a deep breath, and marvel at Jehovah’s amazing handiwork.
lfou.1 Vocabulary—flour Jlatya?
If English is your regular language, how many words do you imagine you know? How many words are there in your normal working vocabulary? The English language has more words than any other language, some 800,000 words, with new ones being originated regularly. Yet normal written English amounts to some 10,000 words, and spoken English of a reasonably well-educated person is only about 5,000 words.
THROUGHOUT the history of mankind, few have been the men and women of faith. The words of the apostle Paul, “faith is not a possession of all people,” are just as true today as when they were penned back in the first century C.E. (2 Thess. 3:2) Naturally the question arises as to why this is so. To arrive at the answer, we must know exactly what faith is.
According to the Bible’s definition, “faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Heb. 11:1) “Assured expectation” translates the Greek word hypo'sta-sis. This term is common in ancient papyrus business documents and conveys the idea of something that underlies visible conditions and guarantees a future possession. Faith may therefore be compared to having a title deed to the things hoped for. The Greek word for “evident demonstration,” &l^glcho8f carries with it the thought of bringing forth evidence that demonstrates something, particularly something contrary to what appears to be the case, thereby making evident what has not been discerned before and so refutes what appears to be the case. The “evident demonstration,” or showing something to be true by other things in evidence, is so positive or so powerful that this is said to be faith itself. Obviously, then, faith is not the 'possession of credulous persons.
To illustrate the Scriptural meaning of faith, consider the case of the first man of faith, Abel, and his brother Cain. Both men had a basis for hope, since they had undoubtedly heard about God’s promise concerning the “seed” that would bruise the “serpent” in the head. (Gen. 3:15) However, was there in each one an “assured expectation of things hoped for”? It was possible for each one to have such, for both Cain and Abel could see tangible evidences of the fulfillment of the sentence that Jehovah God had pronounced upon their parents in the garden of Eden.
Outside Eden, Adam and his family ate bread in the sweat of their face, because the cursed ground produced thorns and thistles* Likely Cain and Abel could observe that their mother’s craving was for their father and that he dominated her. Undoubtedly Eve commented about the pain attending pregnancy. The finality of God’s judgment was further indicated by the fact that cherubs with the flaming blade of a sword guarded the entrance to the garden of Eden. (Gen. 3:16-19, 24) Since Jehovah had proved to be true in all of this, there was a valid basis for both Cain and Abel to cultivate the “assured expectation” that God’s promise about the “seed” would also be fulfilled.
Although both Cain and Abel were in a position to observe the very same things, only Abel exercised faith. Prompted by faith, Abel “offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than Cain”—Em offering involving lifeblood, which could fittingly represent the needed human sacrifice for the redeeming of man from slavery to sin smd death. (Heb. 11:4; 9:22-24) Apparently Cain turned down the evidence at hand of the appropriateness of Abel’s kind of offering and thus did not humble himself to imitate the faith of his righteous brother Abel, but killed him out of jealousy.—Gen. 4:3-8.
Why, in view of the same circumstances, was there this difference in the two men? The answer becomes more obvious when we are considering that faith is the “evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” Actually the things in evidence that were available to both Cain and Abel demonstrated something contrary to what appeared to be the case. From the mere surface appearance of things there was no hope of liberation from sin and death. Conditions were not improving outside the garden of Eden. Each year the ground produced thorns and thistles. Both Cain and Abel undoubtedly could see that their parents were in a dying condition. They themselves also expected to die in the course of time. Any prospect of gaining access to the “tree of life” in the garden of Eden was blocked by the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword. However, the situation, although providing no basis for hope in itself, constituted an’ “evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” How so? The very conditions that did exist testified to the reliability of God’s word. The promise of God concerning the “seed” of liberation was bound to come, and the then-existing conditions would, therefore, not always remain, although otherwise suggested by the surface appearance of things.
Abel had faith because he correctly understood what the things in evidence demonstrated. Cain did not. Why was this? Words recorded by the apostle Paul about four thousand years later provide the answer. Faith is a fruit of God’s spirit. (Gal. 5:22) Cain had, not God’s spirit, but that of God's adversary, Satan the Devil. His works were wicked. On the other hand, Abel’s works were righteous. (1 John 3: 12) Abel allowed God’s spirit to lead him. Evidently, therefore, God’s spirit made Abel’s faith possible, enabling him to discern that an offering involving lifeblood was needed to restore what had been lost through the disobedience of his father, that is, perfect human life with all of its rights and prospects.
Today, nearly six thousand years since Abel’s day, the conditions existing on the earth, from the surface ''appearance of things, give no promise of liberation. This century has seen wars, revolutions, riots, terrorism and violence, and their attendant loss of life, on a scale never known before. Famines, earthquakes and pestilences have taken other millions to an untimely death. And the world’s problems are mounting, not lessening. Every year there are more hungry mouths to feedCrime is on the increase.
Faced with these conditions, what reason could anyone have for believing that a peaceful earth will soon be a reality? There is every reason for doing so, because the things in evidence demonstrate something contrary to what appears to be the case. An examination of Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke chapter 21, and 2 Timothy chapter 3, verses 1 to 5, clearly indicates that this generation is in its “last days.” The unerring fulfillment of these prophecies and others gives us a basis for exercising faith that the promised deliverance from the present state of affairs is at hand.
Without the help of God’s spirit, however, an individual will not be convinced by the evidence, abundant though it is, that ours is indeed the generation there referred to in the Bible. Hence many today are heard to say, in effect, as also foretold in the Bible, “Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as jfrom creation’s beginning.” (2 Pet. 3:4) So, as in the past, faith is the possession of the few who desire to be led by God’s spirit, which is available to all who petition him for it.—Luke 11:13.
Sirhan No Witness
> Since the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, press dispatches have published varied reports about the religious background of the alleged assassin's family. Early press dispatches quoted some Arab village elders in Israel-occupied Jordan as believing the Sirhan family were Jehovah’s witnesses and received their help. However, a published United Press International report' stated that Bi-shara Sirhan, 52, father of the alleged assassin, told reporters that “the family belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church and that little Sirhan went to a Lutheran Church school in Jerusalem.’’ The Associated Press printed a-similar story. A Los Angeles Times report for June 8 says the Sirhan family was brought to America "under sponsorship of two members of First Nazarene Church of Pasadena, Califbr-nia,’’ and “members of that church recall that the family attended the church.” This report says further that Mrs. Sirhan and other members of the family attended the Baptist Church for several years. The family, says this dispatch, "sometimes went to St. Nicholas Antiochan Orthodox Church in Los Angeles.” Mrs. Sirhan is currently employed tn a nursery at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Pasadena and attends services thebe, as acknowledged by the minister of that church.
“God Has Galled Him’’
The eulogy delivered by Archbishop Terence J. Cooke at the funeral of Senator Robert F. Kennedy on June 8 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York raises some serious questions. The archbishop pleaded that the Senator be joined with those “immortals from every land and nation who live forever with God in Heaven." Then he added: "For God has called him once again. God has called him home.” How does God call people? Does he call people by means of an assassin’s bullet? Was the assassin in reality carrying out the will of God? And if God be responsible for the death of the Senator, why term his death a crime? Why mourn an act of God? The answers to these questions would < be difficult if what Archbishop Cooke said were the truth. But the Bible does not agree with him; God’s Word makes clear that murder is no act of God.
Scotland Yard Scores
<$> On June 8, at 11:15 a.nx London time, a man who identified himself as Ramon George Sneyd was passing through British immigration offices when he was asked to step into an office for some routine questions. Sneyd was found carrying two Canadian passports and a loaded pistol. Scotland Yard said the man they were holding was hi fact James Earl Ray, wanted for the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Killed Trying to
See a “Miracle"
<$• Rumors spread that a vision of the “Virgin Mary” had appeared in a Cairo church on May 20. Some 10,000 people rushed to the Church of Archangel Michael in Shubra. Fifteen people were trampled to death inside the church or in the narrow alleys surrounding it. Church leaders publicly appealed to the people to ignore rumors of divine apparitions and avoid such stampedes in the future. But do they not believe in such things because of what the church has taught them?
Famine by Mid-70's
♦ Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist, said millions of people are going to starve to death soon and that there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. It. is too late, he said. He said these people will die because of short-sighted governments and because some religious organizations have blocked attempts to control the birthrate and because scientists have managed to persuade Influential people that a technological rabbit can always be pulled out of the hat to save mankind at the last minute. There will not be a last-minute rabbit, said Ehrlich. He says it has been predicted that the “time of famines” will be upon the world by the middle of the 1970's.
For Whom the Guns Toll
■$> “It amazes me that we continue to tolerate a system of laws which make it so outrageously easy for any criminal, insane person, drug addict or child to obtain lethal firearms which can be used to rain violence and death on innocent people.” These words wer^ spoken in the United States Senate in May by Edward M. Kennedy, but the Senate ignored them. Senator Edward Kennedy introduced an amendment to control mailorder sale of rifles and shotguns. It was defeated 53-29. Senator Dodd introduced an amendment making it illegal for anyone under eighteen to buy a rifle or shotgun on his own. It was defeated, 54-29. Senator Javits introduced an amendment that included an affidavit procedure for mailorder rifle and shotgun sales. It was defeated, 52-28. Senator Brooke introduced an amendment to outlaw other destructive devices, such as hand grenades, bombs and machine guns. It was defeated, 47-30. The record suggests that arms and ammunition makers can greatly influence government.
“Educated” Criminals
At the American Booksellers Association convention held on June 4 delegates were told that employee dishonesty in retail stores had doubled in the last five years. Young men and women hired because of advanced education have been involved in many thefts. Norman Jaspan, head of a New York management consulting firm, said: "Too many college graduates enter industry with the objective of achieving prestige and instant financial success with little regard for moral and ethical considerations.” The book, stationery, greeting card and phonograph divisions of department stores that were studied showed a 24-percent year-to-year increase in inventory shortages. The shortages exceeded $13,000,000, eliminating the profits on $200,000,000 of sales. Seventy-three percent of the members of a psychology class at a university said they stole books.
Are these the seeds of a better generation to come?
Birds Fly High
<$> An airplane flying at 21,000 feet hit an object, which was later identified from its feathers as a mallard. Radar often detects birds at 20,000 feet, an altitude at which the atmospheric pressure and oxygen levels are less than half those at sea level. During flight, birds consume oxygen some eight times faster than at rest, yet they survive where man would soon coilapse. Dr, Tucker, of the zoology department at Duke -University, North Carolina, found that at 20,000 ‘feet, 74 percent more oxygen enters those regions of the lung where oxygen is exchanged with the blood than penetrates there at sea level. Moreover, while at sea level only 7 percent of the oxygen entering these regions of the lungs is actually used, at 20,000 feet 12 percent is utilized.
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kinds, and of the age of mankind. But look for more in this unique publication. It presents evidences on botft. sides of the question that is the title of the book, “Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?” Then the book concludes on the provocative themes “Why Has Wickedness»Been Permitted for So Long?”, “How Much Longer Will It Be?” and “A Marvelous Future.”
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JULY 8«, 1968 31
Thousands are yet to experience the joy and stimulating instruction of the “Good News for All Nations” District Assemblies. Will you be among them?
Why should you be there? Because from the first day to the last the program will focus attention on God’s Word, the Bible. The practical counsel presented on problems of everyday life, the instruction on how the ministry can be made more effective in the remaining time, the demonstration of benefits to be derived from increased at-tivjty, all will enhance your understanding and strengthen your faith. AH meetings are arranged to benefit "die entire family but some also provide special counsel and instructions for servants in the congregations, for pioneers, for parents, for children. Each day is designed to provide a new and different treat, each day a stimulating and rewarding experience of its own. And on Sunday, the advertised talk especially for the public, “Man’s Rule About to Give Way to God’s Rule.”
But time is running out! Arrange at once, if you have not done so already. For rooming accommodations and information see the list of assembly locations below.
JULY 18-31: Fairbanks, Alaska, 345 A St, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701. Minot, N.D., 2 & 52 Bypass West, Minot, N.D. 58701. Pawtucket, Ft.I., 82& Mln er aS Spring Ave., Pawtucket, R.T. 02860. San Bernardino, Calif. (English and Spanish), 7842 Grape St., Highland, Calif. 93346. Wailuku, Maul, Hawaii Box 231 Kahului, Hawaii 96732. Washington, D.C. (English and Spanish), 2950 Arizona Ave. NW,, Washington, D.C. 20016.
JULY 25-28: Albuquerque, N.M, (English and Spanish), 339 Pennsylvania NE., Albuquerque, N.M. 87108. Memphis, Tenn., 3849 Elliston Rd., Memphis, Tenn. 3M.11. Muskegon, Mich., 1947 S. Getty St,, Muskegon, Mich. 49442. Spokane, Wash., N. 2824 Lee, Spokane, Wash. 99207. Ventura, Calif., 476 Cedar St,, Ventura, Calif. 93001.
AUGUST 1-4: Charleston, W. Va., 812 Bigley Ave., Charleston, W. Va, 25302. Greenville, S.C., 1000 Rutherford Rd., Greenville, S.C. 29609. Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, 1228 Pensacola St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96814. Tulsa, Okla., 120 S. Rosedale, Tulsa, Okla. 74127.
AUGUST 8-11: Columbus, Ohio, 580 Riverview Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43202. Indianapolis, Ind., 2764 East 56th Pl., Indianapolis, Ind. 46220. Inglewood, Calif., 411 Centinela Ave., Inglewood, Calif. 90302, Santa Roaa, Calif., 1233 Rutledge Ave., Santa Rasa, Calif. 95404. '
AUGUST 15-18: Bakersfield, Calif., 2400 South P St., Bakersfield, Calif. 93304. Burlington, Vt., 1416 North Ave., Burlington, Vt. 05401. Eureka, Calif., 1324 Sth St., Eureka, Calif. 95501. Jacksonville, Fla., 6603
San Juan Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 33210. Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii, 1228 Pensacola St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96814. Medford, Ore., 2402 W. Main St., Medford, Ore. 97501.
JULY 18-21: Victoria, B.C., 2780 Shelbourne St., Victoria, B.C.
JULY 25-28: Kamloops, B.C., 260 Leigh Rd., Kamloops, B.C.
AUGUST 1-4: Glace Bay, N.S., 40 McLean St., Glace Bay, N.S. Moose Jaw, Sask., 302 Athabasca St. E., Moose Jaw, Sask,
AUGUST 8-11; Ottawa, Ont. (English, French, Italian), 405 Gladstone Ave., Ottawa 4, Ont. Winnipeg, Man., 1338 Main St., Winnipeg 4, Man.
AUGUST 15-18: Calgary, Alta., 804 12th Ave. SB., Calgary, Alta. Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, 239 Pennywell Rd., St. John’s, Newfoundland.
JULY 18-21: Belfast, Ireland, Kingdom Hall, Magdala St., Belfast, BT7 1PU, Northern Ireland. Bolton, Lancashire, Kingdom Hall, 163 Crook St., Bolton Lancs., England.
AUGUST 1-4: Edinburgh, Scotland, Kingdom Hall, 10 Pennywell Rd Edinburgh 4, Scotland. London (Twickenham), Rugby Union Football Ground, Whittpn Rd., Twickenham, Middlesex, England.
AUGUST 1-4: Pembroke, Bermuda, Box 72, Hamilton, Bermuda.
Write: A ATCH'A iVs'KR CONVFSNTIGX at any address above