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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

How Good Are the Ten Commandments?


West German High Court Renders Key Decision


Schizophrenia—a Mental Ailment That Is Not Hopeless


Africa Struggles Anew for Independence


AUGUST 22. 1968


News sources that are able to keep you awake to the vital Issues of our times must be unfettered by censorship and selfish interests. “Awake!” has no fetters. It recognizes facts, faces facts, is free to publish facts. It is not bound by political ties; it is unhampered by traditional creeds. This magazine keeps itself free, that it may speak freely to you. But it does not abuse its freedom. It maintains integrity to truth.

The viewpoint of "Awake!" Is not narrow, but Is international. "Awake!" has its own correspondents in scores of nations. Its articles are read in many lands, in many languages, by millions of persons.

In every issue "Awake!" presents vital topics on which you should be informed. It features penetrating articles on social conditions and offers sound counsel for meeting the problems of everyday life. Current news from every continent passes in quick review. Attention is focused on activities in the fields of government and commerce about which you should know. Straightforward discussions of religious issues alert you to matters of vital concern. Customs and people in many lands, the marvels of creation, practical sciences and points of human interest are all embraced in its coverage.. "Awake!" provides wholesome, instructive reading for every member of the family.

"Awake!" pledges itself to righteous principles, to exposing hidden foes and subtle dangers, to championing freedom for all, to comforting mourners and strengthening those disheartened by the failures of a delinquent world, reflecting sure hope for the establishment of God's righteous new order in this generation.

Get acquainted with "Awake!" Keep awake by reading "Awake!"

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Light Means Life J-in

More Ways than One!

How Good Are the Ten Commandments? 5

West German High Court Renders

Key Decision

Not So Large, but Long

Schizophrenia—a Mental Ailment

That Is Not Hopeless

‘‘Star Differs from Star"

Africa Struggles Anew for Independence 17

Tiny but Vital Muscle

Bethel’s Busy Ministers Preach

the Good News

Training for Violence

Why Ants Are Called “a People”

“Your Word Is Truth”

Is Belief in Fairies Justified?

Watching the World


66T IGHT is sweet, 1 j and it is pleasant for the eyes to behold the sun.” How true! We can he thankful that a wise and loving Creator has provided us with light, and especially the precious and beautiful sunlight. He has also endowed us with sight, which serves, more than any other of our senses, to enlighten and inform us regarding what is going on all about us as Well as to take in knowledge from printed literature, television, and so forth.—Eccl. 11:7, RS.

What is light? That is a question that has puzzled men of learning for many centuries. Among those interesting themselves in the subject was Isaac Newton, who appears to have been the first to show by means of a prism that white light is made up of a spectrum of colors ranging from red to violet. On the basis of his experiments he concluded that light was composed of tiny particles that he named “corpuscles,” and he said that these traveled in a straight line. About the same time another scientist claimed that light travels as do waves of water. At the beginning of the twentieth century the quantum theory was developed. This might be said to have harmonized the two theories.

Important as light is for feeding our minds, it is even more important to the feeding of our bodies. Plants depend upon a process known as “photosynthesis,” which means, literally. “putting together by light." Green plants combine the energy they derive from light with water and carbon dioxide in order to make food. And at the same time that the plants take in carbon dioxide they give off oxygen. Thus in a twofold way light literally means life to man. It accounts for all the food that man eats, either in the form of plants or of animals that live on plants; food energy originally comes from light. In this process oxygen is produced, without which man could not live. No question about it, light had to come first, even as the Bible’s account of creation shows. On the first creative day or epoch God said, “Let light come to be.” —Gen. 1:3-5.

Just how valuable light is to life man is learning to appreciate more and more, even as can be seen from a report that appeared in JfedicaZ World .Veil's, May 26, 1967, entitled “Bath of Light Prevents Jaundice in Babies.” It told how doctors had discovered that premature babies, who are especially susceptible to jaundice, did not develop it when bathed in light for the first six days, wearing only diapers and eyeshields.

The jaundice in these babies is caused by an excess of a reddish-yellow pigment known as “bilirubin” in the blood. Not a few premature babies, in the United States, develop this condition on the fourth to the sixth day of life and, of these, from 5 to 10 percent die. Some who survive develop a type of cerebral palsy or similar afflictions. The usual method of treating these babies has been to exchange their blood by means of a transfusion. But, according to doctors using the light treatment, “this carries a definite risk, because the death rate during transfusion is only slightly less than the risk of [too much bilirubin].”

This same condition is helped in still another way by light, in that charcoal is an indirect product of light. Thus in the same medical publication, February 17, 1967, a report told that charcoal each day keeps jaundice away. As a result of this treatment more than 90 percent of the children usually given blood transfusions were cured without such transfusions.

However, to appreciate fully just how true it is that light means life we must direct our attention and thoughts beyond the mundane, material things. How so? Because the same is true in a spiritual sense. Thus Jehovah God, the Creator of all things seen and unseen, is spoken of in his Word as “the Father of the celestial lights,” and of him the psalmist David sang, “Jehovah is my light.” At the same time we read that “with you [Jehovah, who is light] is the source of life; by light from you we can see light.” Yes, it could be no other way, since he is the only one without beginning; all life proceeds from him, the Father of light.—Jas. 1:17; Ps. 27:1; 36:9.

God’s Word, the Bible, is also spoken of as light and as life. “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.” Jesus Christ said that his words, now found in the Bible, “are spirit and are life.” God's Word is further described as “the word of life.”—Ps. 119:105; John 6: 63; Phil. 2:16.

Similarly, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is described in terms of light and life. He said of himself: “I am the light of the world. He that follows me . . • will possess the light of life.” Thus also the apostle John wrote of Jesus: “By means of him was life, and the life was the light of men.” He was "the true light that gives light to every sort of man.” By his faithful course he “has shed light upon life and incorruption through the good news.”—John 8:12; 1:4-9; 2 Tim. 1:10.

All who become true followers of Jesus Christ will, like him, be bringing the hope of life to the people by means of the light of truth found in the Bible. Thus Jesus said of them: “You are the light of the world,” and commanded them, “Let your light shine before men.” That the light these bring means life to those who accept it Jesus’ further words show: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge [enlightenment] of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—Matt. 5:14, 16; John 17:3.

So, would you enjoy good health? Then do not minimize the value of light, sunlight in particular. And would you enjoy everlasting life? Then recognize Jehovah God and Jesus Christ as your Lights and the ones to whom you must look for life. Listen to their servants as they hold fast the “word of life” as “illuminators in the world.”—Phil. 2:15, 16.

fow Good Are the

ten Commandments?

Are they irrelevant? How should they be viewed by servants of God today?

MANY religious leaders now say that the Ten Commandments are out of date, irrelevant to modern society. Joseph F. Fletcher, professor of ethics at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is one prominent theologian with this view.

According to The National Observer of April 24, 1967, Fletcher “has spelled out a controversial manifesto of individual freedom and responsibility, based on an ethic of brotherly love, which he says should free modern man from rigid, archaic rules and codes like the ‘Ten Commandments.’ ”

Another person with such views is Kenneth C. Bailey. As professor at the Lutheran Concordia College in Minnesota he wrote an article entitled “The Decalogue as Morality and Ethics,” which appeared in the prominent religious journal Theology Today, July 1963. In it he said:

"What I hope to show is that observance or non-observance of a set of rules, such as the Ten Commandments [or Decalogue], has nothing whatever to do with morality or conviction of sin....

"Morality, for the Christian, consists precisely in doing whatever he honestly believes is right. We cannot insist that his behavior must be thus and so, for we have no way of knowing what he himself honestly believes is right under these particular circumstances. . . . This, and only this, is the essence of morality: behavior consistent with what one honestly believes to be right!’’

Many ministers are now teaching these views, even from their pulpits and through the public news media. For example, the cover of the Star Weekly, Toronto, Canada, of October 8, 1966, carried the picture of a robed minister declaring: “The Ten Commandments Are Dead.” And the four-page feature article, written by United Church minister G. W. Goth, asserted:

“The 10 commandments are no more relevant for today’s need than the particular forms of government and science that were acceptable in the time of Moses....

“We are failing to be the masters of the events of our time because in a world that has changed immeasurably in every other form we continue to cling stubbornly to the code of a primitive people in a simple society.”

Also in England, George Wilkins, a Church of England minister, declared regarding the Ten Commandments: “They are very largely responsible for giving young people the idea that the church is a wet blanket. . . . My opinion is not unusual. In common with many other clergymen, I do not refer to the commandments in my Sunday services.”

Well, then, are the Ten Commandments really outdated and irrelevant? Should the substance of them be discarded and ignored as a proper standard of conduct?

Of Divine Origin

The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, were not conceived or authored by mere humans. Rather, they were written by Jehovah God himself, as the Bible explains: "He [Jehovah] declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.” (Deut. 4:13; Ex. 31:18, 4V) These commandments were incorporated into the so-called Mosaic law, or the "law of Moses,” which Jehovah gave through Moses to govern the nation of Israel. They became the ten principal laws of that Law covenant—1 Ki. 2:3; Ex. 24:12-18.

The Ten Commandments, like all other works of God, are good. (Deut 32:4) No set of moral laws ever produced by man can compare with them in excellence. The book Biblical Law by H. B. Clark says of them; “They have been called the greatest short moral code ever formulated and the idealized model of all law.” The superiority of the Ten Commandments is commonly recognized by honest men and women.

Appropriately, the first three of them concern man’s worship of the Creator, emphasizing his obligation to hold Jehovah God in highest esteem.

First, God commanded: 'You must not have any other gods against my face.”

Second: “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is In the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them . .

And third: ‘You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way ...”—Ex. 20:2-7.

How fine are these laws, which emphasize that nothing should become more important in one’s life than worshiping his Creator!

The fourth commandment is unique. It set aside a day in the week on which no work was to be done. It was to be a sabbath, or rest day, to be kept sacred. —Ex. 20:8-11.

Finally, the last six commandments concern man’s dealings with his fellow creatures. They are:

Fifth: “Honor your father and your mother in order that your days may prove long upon the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you.”

Sixth: ‘You must not murder.”

Seventh: “You must not commit adultery.”

Eighth: “You must not steal.”

Ninth: “You must not testify falsely as a witness against your fellow man.”

Tenth: “You must not desire your fellow man’s house. You must not desire your fellow man’s wife, nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his ass nor anything that belongs to your fellow man.” —Ex. 20:12-17.

Certainly if everyone sincerely endeavored to live up to the spirit of these commandments this would be a much safer, happier world in which to live!

Clergy Undermine Commandments

Nevertheless, some religious leaders say these commandments are irrelevant, and they seek to undermine them in the eyes of the people. For example, in his article in Theology Today on the Ten Commandments, Kenneth C. Bailey wrote concerning the prohibition on adultery:

“Sexual chastity is a highly emotive subject, so it is easy to imagine that any suggestion that under certain circumstances adultery would be ethically right will be met with many a raised eyebrow. But suppose, to take a not-so-extreme example, that a man and a woman, each the husband or wife of another, were cast away upon an island, with little or no hope of rescue. It would be ridiculous to suppose that it would be ejhi-cally wrong for them to cohabitate, even without benefit of clergy! . . . the possibility of one single instance when insisting upon sexual chastity would be wrong is sufficient to demonstrate that the commandment is not universal.”

Thus, theologian Bailey endeavors to show that under certain circumstances it is all right to break the commandments —in this instance to commit adultery. He explains: “The demands of modem society require decisions be made according to circumstances, and we cannot bind ourselves to an ancient code of laws.”

Therefore, in connection with the next commandment, prohibiting stealing, Bailey writes: “If a situation were to arise in which the only alternatives were taking another’s property without permission, stealing if you will, and starvation, the only proper ethical course is clear. . . . then stealing another’s property is clearly right." And relative to the ninth commandment, which says, “You must not testify falsely,” Bailey asserts: “There clearly are cases in which it is our obligation not to tell the truth.”

The prominent Episcopal theologian Joseph F. Fletcher expresses similar views. According to The National Observer, April 24, 1967, Fletcher teaches that “in some situations, unmarried sexual activity could be infinitely more moral than 'married love.' Lying could be more Christian than telling the truth. Stealing could be more acceptable than respecting private property.”

This religious teaching of modem clergymen has undoubtedly contributed to the tremendous increase in lawlessness. When persons are told that they are free to decide when to obey laws, many are bound to do what is harmful. Selfish passions easily distort decisions. Humans need definite guidelines.

But someone might ask: “Are not Christians released from the Mosaic law? And so are they not free from the obligation to adhere to its many commands? Should they not, therefore, enjoy the freedom from law of which the clergymen speak?” Decalogue's Principles Ever Valid

It is true that the Mosaic law was fulfilled and as a law code it was brought to an end by means of Jesus Christ. The Bible explains: “For Christ is the end of the Law.” “Now we have been discharged from the Law.” (Rom. 10:4; 7:6; Matt. 5:17) Concerning the action that Jehovah God himself took toward the Mosaic law, the Bible also says: “He kindly forgave us all our trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees [including the Ten Commandments] and which was in opposition to us [because of condemning us as sinners]; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.”—Col. 2:13, 14.

However, this does not mean that the Mosaic law was not good, or that the principles underlying the Ten Commandments are not still binding upon Christians today. The setting aside of the Law covenant does not mean that Christians are not bound by laws. True Christians have come under a “new covenant,” with its better sacrifice of Jesus’ perfect human life, and they are subject to the laws and commands connected with it. (Heb. 8:713; 10:1-4; Luke 22:20) Many of these laws have been adopted from those found in the Mosaic law.

This is not unexpected or unusual. A similar thing often happens when a new government takes over the rule of a country. The constitution under the old government might be canceled and replaced with a new constitution, but the new constitution may include many of the regulations in the old one. So, too, the Law covenant came to an end, but Jehovah God established a “new covenant,” included in which are many commands and instructions that were embodied in the old Law covenant.

Note how this is the case. The Ten Commandments ordered that no other gods besides Jehovah are to be worshiped, no idolatrous images are to be made or bowed to, and Jehovah’s name is not to be treated in a worthless way. Are Christians required to obey what is expressed in these first three commandments? Most assuredly!

Jesus Christ himself emphasizes that ‘it is Jehovah your God alone that you must worship.’ (Matt. 4:10; 1 Cor. 10:20-22) Also, Christians in the new covenant are warned: “Guard yourselves from idols.” (1 John 5:21; 1 Cor. 10:14) And Jesus’ followers were taught by him to pray that Jehovah’s name be sanctified, or hallowed, which certainly requires that a Christian praying that prayer treat God’s name respectfully and not in a worthless way. —Matt. 6:9.

How about the commandment to honor father and mother? It, too, is carried over into the Christian system of things, children being instructed: “Be obedient to your parents.” (Eph. 6:1, 2) And not only are Christians not to murder, as the Sixth commandment prohibits, but they are commanded to love their enemies. They are also counseled: “Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer.”—1 John 3:15; Matt. 5:44.

While clergymen may make allowance for adultery under certain circumstances, the Bible does not. Rather, for Christians this commandment is given emphasis. “God will judge fornicators and adulterers.” (Heb. 13:4; 1 Thess. 4:3-7) Nor are exceptions made in the Bible for stealing or lying. Both of these practices are specifically prohibited for Christians living under the new covenant. (Eph. 4:25, 28; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Rev. 21:8) The tenth commandment, against desiring what belongs to one’s fellowman, is also carried over into the Christian system of things, Jesus making a special point of warning against such desires.—Luke 12:15; Col. 3:5.

“But what about the sabbath law?” someone may ask. “That fourth commandment has thus far been skipped. Are Christians under obligation to observe a day of rest?”

No, nowhere in the Bible are Christians commanded to keep a literal rest one day in seven. On the contrary, they are told: “Therefore let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath.” The bringing to an end of the Mosaic law, by “nailing it to the torture stake,” relieved Christians from observing the many Jewish religious festivals, including the sabbath observance. —Col. 2:13-16; Lev. 23:1-44; 25:1-12.

Nevertheless, the principle underlying sabbath observance was carried over into the Christian system. For Christians that means they must observe a spiritual sabbath or rest. This is a rest that is continuous, not one day a week but all seven days. It is a rest that comes from faith and obedience; a rest from selfish works, including efforts to establish one’s own righteousness. (Heb. 4:10) Even as the literal seventh-day sabbath served to guard the Israelites against being taken over by materialism, so the spiritual rest of Christians safeguards them against the same snare.

Truly, the Ten Commandments are very good, and certainly the principles of them are relevant and up-to-date for our day. So even though the Mosaic law, with its Ten Commandments, was brought to an end, the principles of that wonderful law code are still valid. Love for God will motivate Christians to obey all his commandments for them. (1 John 5:3) At the same time, they will turn away from clergymen who undermine God’s Word and from the religious organizations they represent.



IN THE Federal Republic of Germany, the Constitutional Court is regarded as the highest court of the land. The decisions of other high courts can brought to the Constitutional Court if one feels that his constitutional rights have been violated.

The Court serves much the same function as the Supreme Court of the United States. When it decides a case, it is not possible to appeal the case to another court. The same matter could come up again only if the Constitutional Court would accept it at a later time either to confirm or to reverse its own decision.

This means that the West German government and courts are bound by the decisions of the Constitutional Court A change can take place in constitutional matters only if that high court makes the change.

Key Decision

Recently, the Constitutional Court rendered a key decision that affects those who for reasons of religious conviction refuse military service.

On March 7, 1968, the Court declared by a 5 to 2 margin that it is unconstitutional to sentence a person to jail a second time after he has already served one term for refusing to accept military service or substitute duty.

In this important case the complainants were a number of Jehovah’s witnesses. All


be appealed and

of them had already been sentenced to prison terms by lower courts and had served between two and eight months for

their conscientious objection to service in Germany’s armed forces.

The point involving constitutional law in West Germany arose after they had served their prison sentences. They were given a new summons from the Federal Minister of Labor, who is responsible for inducting persons into alternative civilian service. This summons again called upon these witnesses of Jehovah to enter civilian service as a substitute for induction into the armed forces. Maintaining the same stand on the matter as the first time, they refused and were sentenced to jail once more, some of them for terms of six months.

The complainants all considered their second prison term as being contrary to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. On what basis? On the basis of Article 103, Paragraph 3, of the constitution. According to this statute, it is a violation of the rights of West German citizens to be sentenced twice for the same act.

While a person can be sentenced to a prison term each time he breaks the law anew, he cannot be sentenced twice for the same violation. Thus, when Jehovah’s witnesses refused military service or its alternative the first time, they were sentenced to jail and served their sentences. Yet, when released from jail, they were again brought before the courts, tried for refusing alternative service in lieu of military service, and once more sentenced to jail.

Decisions of Lower Courts Annulled

After hearing the case, the Constitutional Court handed down its decision on March 7. It declared null and void all the decisions of lower courts that had resulted in some of Jehovah’s witnesses’ being sent to prison a second time.

In its decision,' the Court declared the following: “To exercise justice in the problem of refusal to perform alternative service out of conscientious reasons, it is therefore necessary to consider that their conscientious decision, as Jehovah’s witnesses, was not continually renewed, but rather in every case had been made only once, and this decision was made at the same time as that to refuse military service for all time. This was already shown In the fact that they, being irreproachable citizens of the state until this time, were willing without hesitation to take on even a criminal imprisonment for their refusal.”

The Court saw the injustice of treating “irreproachable citizens” in the same way that it would treat persons who repeatedly had committed crimes such as murder, assault or theft. Jehovah’s witnesses are well known in Germany for their strict obedience to all the laws of the land that do not conflict with God’s laws, which is why the Court recognized them as citizens who were without reproach.

Hence, the Court stated that when sanctions were applied to Jehovah’s witnesses, these sanctions must show “that they are not rtferring to the conduct of a common law-breaker, but rather that a decision of conscience is at hand, . . . Therefore one responsible to do alternative service who refused his service out of honest, conscientious grounds cannot be repeatedly abducted to alternative service, and, because of refusing to do this service, be punished. Such a kind of compulsory punishment would run contrary to the meaning of freedom of conscience.”

Thus, Jehovah’s witnesses in West Germany are now released from the burden of having to serve repeated prison terms for their conscientious objection to military service or voluntarily accepting an alternative.

Other Lands

The course that the Federal Republic of Germany has taken is similar to the course taken by many other countries in handling the cases of Jehovah’s witnesses relative to military service.

For example, in the United States Jehovah’s witnesses who are not in the full-time work of the ministry are called upon for induction. When they refuse they are often given prison terms, most of these ranging from two to five years, heavier sentences than have been given in West Germany. However, in the United States, as in West Germany now, they are not usually called upon for service again after having served one prison term.

In Sweden the matter is handled with even greater recognition for the freedom of conscience. As in Germany, Sweden earlier recognized the irreproachable conduct of Jehovah’s witnesses as citizens, and saw the futility of jailing them as common criminals. Sweden’s parliament ttien came to a new decision, A Swedish paper, Freden, of June 10, 1966, stated of it in an editorial: “Jehovah’s witnesses will in the future, after an individual investigation, be relieved of compulsory service by the simple method of not being called up at all.” The editorial added: “Sweden’s Riksdag is to be congratulated for this decision which solves a problem that has hitherto been looked upon as un-solvable. Sweden can in this respect serve as an example to other countries."

In Brazil a similar course is now being followed. There, the constitution had provided for the freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion. However, its application to Jehovah’s witnesses was unclear. But on June 8, 1967, the application of these freedoms was clarified. In Decree No. 56 the minister of the army set out instructions to the Directory of Military service for granting claims for exemption from performing military service. It directed that Brazilian citizens may, after an investigation, be exempted from military service because of religious convictions.

On the other hand, there are countries that do not at all recognize the freedom of religion or conscience. Among such, of course, are the Communist countries. There, Jehovah’s witnesses are denied classification either as ministers or conscientious objectors, but are given stiff jail sentences for not serving in Communist military forces. However, such treatment is not confined to Communist lands alone. The same, or worse, is meted out in countries such as Spain and Portugal.

Of Spain, the New York Post of July 6, 1967, reported: “At least 67 Jehovah’s witnesses face the possibility of life terms in Spanish prisons for refusing to do military service.” Under Spanish law Jehovah’s witnesses are repeatedly imprisoned on the same charge. When called upon for military service in Franco’s armed forces, they refuse. Hence, they are sentenced to between six months and six years in prison. At the end of that sentence they must again present themselves for military service. When they maintain the same stand as originally and refuse induction, the courts impose even harsher prison sentences upon them. This is in addition to the term already served. England’s Guardian of July 4, 1967, noted: “Four of the men are now serving their third consecutive prison sentence. They have been in prison for periods totalling between eight and 14 years.”

Thus, we can observe how the matter of conscientious objection to military service is handled by various countries. On the one hand there is the course taken by Sweden, which recognizes the freedom of religious conscience and deals with the matter in a very humane and enlightened manner. At the other extreme there is Spain, which deals with conscientious individuals in a way that is reminiscent of the “dark ages” and the Inquisition.

By its recent decision, the high court of the Federal Republic of Germany shows it has respect for the constitutional rights of the individual and for the freedoms of religion and conscience. West Germany thus joins the more liberal nations, which, to this point at least, have been careful to protect the freedoms that mankind cherishes so much.

Not So Large, but Long

• How large is a stroke of lightning? Though there may be a “corona envelope” around the central section that measures ten to twenty inches in diameter, the central section itself is only about a half inch in diameter. What may help to make a “bolt” of lightning seem so large is that the average stroke of fork lightning is about three and three-quarters miles long.

hopeless. There is treatment that brings positive results.

AMONG your acquaintances there may be someone who is afflicted with schizophrenia. This mental ailment is so common that one percent of the earth’s population are afflicted with it. In the United States it is responsible for putting about 250,000 people in mental hospitals, which is around 50 percent of all people in such places. It is not confined to any particular society of people, culture, social group or race, but afflicts people of all types and ages.

There is no general agreement among doctors as to what constitutes schizophrenia or what causes it. The term is applied to a wide variety of mental disorders. Psychiatrists differ as to where the border line should be drawn. What one group might classify as schizophrenia is not necessarily what another group would classify as such.

Despite the fact that a very high percentage of mentally disturbed people are schizophrenic, very little is actually known about the illness. This, according to the book Schizophrenia—An Integrated Approach, which was edited by Dr. Alfred Auerback, “is a paradox of modern psychiatry." Nevertheless, the ailment is not


There are many symptoms that are regarded as indications of schizophrenia. Not all of them, however, may be experienced by one person, although the symptoms he does experience may change from month to month. With some people they develop slowly over a period of months or perhaps years, whereas with others they develop almost overnight.

A change in personality without any obvious explanation for it is perhaps the chief mark of this illness. It does not split a person’s personality into two or more personalities, as some persons mistakenly think, but it alters his personality. An outgoing person, for example, may become shy, seclusive, lonely and irritable without apparent reason.

Schizophrenia also causes changes in a person’s sense perception. Thus ordinary sounds may seem deafening to him, and ordinary conversation may sound as if people are shouting. Colors may become more brilliant to the eye; pictures may take on a three-dimensional quality whereas three-dimensional objects may appear flat; the faces of other people may appear in strange shapes such as a triangle or a square; and there may be difficulty in estimating distances and the sizes of things.

The sense of smell becomes distorted so that the person may become sensitive to odors that he never paid much attention to before. Body odors, for example, may become especially noticeable and unpleasant to him, and so he may wash himself excessively.

Delusions and hallucinations are common with schizophrenics. They may have delusions of seeing lights or other things in the sky or may imagine that people are laughing at them behind their back or are plotting things against them. They may be certain that they are being watched and followed and may claim that plotters are afflicting them with electricity or burning rays that they feel on their skin. As might be expected, they tend to withdraw within themselves and may even hide themselves somewhere, becoming wholly occupied with their hallucinations and delusions. Some have the delusion of being Napoleon, George Washington or some other notable person of history. Others may believe that they are brittle and think that they will break if they smile or move, and so they stay for hours in one position.

The illness brings about a change in the sense of taste, causing food to have. a bitter, metallic or tainted taste. As a result a schizophrenic may conclude that someone is trying to poison him and may take elaborate precautions in obtaining and preparing his food.

Recognition of friends and relatives may become difficult because of the alterations the illness causes in his senses of perception. He may become thoroughly convinced that someone as close as a marriage mate is a total stranger or that a total stranger is a dear friend. In one cafee a mother failed to recognize her baby and thought that a strange baby had been substituted for hers. In still another case a high-school youth had difficulty recognizing his friends and relatives and concluded that they were having their faces made over. He did not realize that he could no longer trust his senses.

Popular Theory of Cause

Influenced by the thinking of the Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, most modern psychiatrists think that schizophrenia is a maladjustment to other people that was seeded in childhood. They look at it as a pattern of behavior that is sick rather than as a disease. So they view the person who develops schizophrenia as having an inadequate personality that finally succumbs to an environmental stress.

The parents of one who has schizophrenia are usually charged with much of the responsibility for his having it, marital strife being regarded as one of the causes. Mothers in particular are accused of a long list of evils that are thought to cause this mental sickness. These include: emotional deprivation, overt rejection, covert rejection, cold mechanical handling, overprotection, capricious punishments^ severe discipline, and so forth. Such accusations, however, may unwisely lead some parents to feel guilty for the sickness of their child, and others to be too permissive with their children in fear that the children may develop schizophrenia.

It seems strange that parents should be blamed for causing schizophrenia when there are a great many children who have received the same treatment from their' parents as schizophrenic children are supposed to have received, and yet only one percent of the world’s population have schizophrenia. In his book The Abnormal Personality, Professor Robert W. White observed: “In addition it must be kept in mind that not every child in a family is likely to be schizophrenic. There is no reason to dbubt that each child will be treated a little differently, but if we want the psychogenic hypothesis to be completely adequate we must be prepared to show how the well children escaped the fate of the sick one.”

There are psychiatrists who take Issue with the theory that schizophrenia is caused by childhood environment. Doctors Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond, in their book How to Live with Schizophrenia, said; “Myth No. 3 is that schizophrenia is due to bad mothering. It is remarkable how well established this is in spite of the fact that no research has ever been done which proves it.”


There is reason to conclude that a genetic defect is linked with schizophrenia. This was pointed out in a report made by Dr. David Rosenthal in 1964. In the first case ever recorded of schizophrenia in identical quadruplets, he found that they and their father had the same abnormal brain wave and that a pattern of mental illness was in the family. He concluded that an "inherited factor needs to be present for schizophrenia to develop. However, without severe environmental stresses the illness may not appear in those who have a predisposition to it.”

Further evidence supporting this conclusion is the finding of Dr. F. J. Kailman, which revealed that if one identical twin has schizophrenia, there is an 85-percent chance the other will too. He also found that when one parent in a family suffered from it, 16.4 percent of the offspring from those parents would also have it. But if both had it, then 68.1 percent of their offspring would be schizophrenic.

Biochemical Theory

A theory that does not yet have widespread acceptance among psychiatrists but that appears to be a reasonable explanation for schizophrenia views the illness as being caused by a flaw in the chemical operations of the body. Joining the psychiatrists who hold this view, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dr. Linus Pauling said, in April 1968, that therapy seeking to restore chemical balance is “the best method of treatment for many patients.”

That the mind can be affected by an upset in the body’s chemistry is evident from the disease known as pellagra. It is due to a deficiency in the body of a B vitamin called niacin. This vitamin is also called nicotinic acid. A person who gets pellagra may become mentally unbalanced.

Experiments have indicated that there are chemical substances in the body of a schizophrenic that are not present in normal people. On this point Dr. Nolan D- C. Lewis remarked: “It would seem to be established that there is something different circulating in the blood of schizophrenics than in that of other people."

Dr. Robert Heath has discovered a substance in the blood of schizophrenics that causes a disturbance in the behavior of animals when injected into them. Human volunteers who received this substance were also affected mentally, developing schizophrenic symptoms. Doctor Heath calls the substance taraxein.

Independent research by Dr. Arnold Friedhoff revealed a distinctive chemical in the urine of schizophrenic patients that he called DMPE. It was in the urine of 15 out of 19 schizophrenics but not in 14 normal subjects. When injected into test animals it proved to have mind-altering properties. The substance seems to be closely related in chemical structure with adrenaline, a hormone that is produced in the human body.

The research done by Doctors Hoffer and Osmond also focused attention on adrenaline. They concluded from their findings that it is definitely linked with the cause of schizophrenia. They have pointed out that this hormone is toxic and is quickly changed in the body to another toxic substance called adrenochrome. This, in turn, is quickly changed in normal persons to a harmless substance called leuco-adrenoehrome.

These doctors believe that the body of a schizophrenic has a flaw in the manner in which it handles these chemicals, with the result that adrenochrome is changed into a poisonous substance called adrenolutin. Their conclusion is that too much adrenochrome, adrenolutin, taraxein and other detrimental substances are produced in the body of a schizophrenic and carried to his brain by the blood. The result is that the message-carrying ability of the brain cells is affected adversely, causing the various symptoms of schizophrenia. Human volunteers who have taken adrenochrome and adrenolutin have experienced striking changes in personality and other schizophrenic symptoms.


In about 50 percent of the persons who experience the symptoms of schizophrenia the body is able to make the necessary adjustments for a natural recovery. But other persons require treatment.

It was not so long ago that there was little hope for a schizophrenic who did not recover naturally. He was very likely to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital. Psychotherapy based upon Freud's theories proved ineffectual. Commenting on this, Doctors Hoffer and Osmond stated: “Psychotherapy of a deep and interpretive kind has not been shown to bring about any improvement in this illness, and many in fact consider that it disrupts the patient and may impede recovery.”

With the discovery of tranquilizing drugs it was possible to produce marked improvement in the behavior of schizophrenics. These drugs brought good results on the short term but not a cure. They suppress the symptoms of schizophrenia, making it easier to break down the patient’s withdrawal into himself and easier for him to live with normal people. But these drugs have bad side effects on the long term. Using a drug such as chlorpromazine, for example, over a long period of time can damage the eyes and skin. It might also be noted that, according to Doctor Hoffer, such drugs as amphetamine, preLudin and some antidepressants are even dangerous for schizophrenics and should be avoided.

In times past insulin-coma therapy was used in treatment for schizophrenia, but since the introduction of tranquilizing drugs it has been abandoned almost everywhere. Insulin-coma therapy was a dangerous treatment in which a person was put into shock and deep coma by lowering his blood sugar with insulin. Doctors view tranquilizers as being much safer and more effective.

Today stubborn cases of schizophrenia that do not respond to drug treatment are given electroconvulsive therapy called ECT. Small quantities of electricity are passed across the patient’s temples, causing him to fall into a deep sleep, and then he has a convulsive seizure. Doctors say that this therapy is safe and painless, and it is often helpful in producing a temporarily improved condition in a schizophrenic that may last for a few days or weeks, making possible the effective use of other forms of treatment.

Remarkable, long-lasting results have been obtained by doctors who have approached schizophrenia with the theory that it is due to a breakdown in a chemical operation in the body. Working with the objective of reducing the poisonous effects of this breakdown, they have been experiencing good success with niacin. Doctors Hoffer and Osmond, for example, claim a recovery rate of 75 percent of those they have treated, and there has been a low percentage of these that had to be readmitted to the hospital.

These doctors stated: "In 1962 we followed up the first sixteen patients treated with the vitamin in 1952, and compared them with a group of twenty-seven schizophrenic patients who were receiving the treatments popularly in use at that time, psychotherapy, barbiturates, tranquilizers and ECT. We found that the twenty-seven non-niacin patients did not fare very well. Seventeen of them, or almost sixty-three percent, had to return to hospital for further treatment for a total of sixty-three times. ... By comparison, twelve of the sixteen vitamin-patients, or seventy-five percent, did not have to return to hospital for further treatment, and are well today.”

The vitamin treatment for schizophrenia used by Doctors Hoffer and Osmond consists of massive doses of niacin and vitamin C, amounting to 3,000 milligrams of each every day. One thousand of each is given to a patient with every meal. This dosage might be increased substantially in difficult cases. These doctors say that pronounced improvement can be expected in a period of several weeks to three months. The treatment must be continued for one year and can then be stopped indefinitely, the doctors say, if no symptoms return. If they do, several years of treatment will then be necessary. In especially stubborn cases additional treatment with electroconvulsive therapy and perhaps the drug penicillamine may be necessary. Dr. Linus Pauling also recommends vitamin treatment for mental sickness.

When niacin is used it tends to cause a flush to go over the body, but this is natural and said to be harmless. The massive doses of this vitamin and also of vitamin C are harmless, according to Doctors Hoffer and Osmond. As an additional benefit from the treatment, niacin lowers blood cholesterol and high blood pressure and slows hardening of the arteries.

If you have a relative or friend who has schizophrenia, do not conclude that his case is hopeless. As has just been pointed out, there are forms of treatment that can benefit him. It is necessary, however, to recognize that a schizophrenic is a sick person and should be treated as such. Be as considerate and forgiving of his peculiarities as possible. Help him to determine what is real and unreal, and, above all, make it clear that you love him. With proper treatment, a schizophrenic can, in time, lead a normal and productive life.

“Star Differs from Star”

•it- In proving a point about spirit bodies as contrasted with fleshly bodies, the apbstle Paul wrote: ‘The glory of the sun is one sort, and the glory of the moon

is another, and the glory of the stars is another; in fact, star differs from star in glory" (1 Cor. 15:41) How true Paul’s words are! Just the variety of sizes among the stars proves that In 1966 it was said that the star with the greatest diameter, Epsilon Aurigea B, measured 2,500 million miles. That would allow our sun and planets out as far as Saturn to be accommodated within it. Yet the smallest then known star had a diameter only half that of our moon.

Do they also differ greatly as to brightness? Absolutely! Why, if all the stars in the universe were to be viewed from the same distance, 8. Doradus would be 300,000 to 500,000 times brighter than our sun, which is also a star. In contrast, a tiny red star has been detected that would be one two-millionths of the brightness of the sun.


By “Buiahel" correspondent in Liberia

S RECENTLY as 1950, only four countries in all Africa were independent. But now, eighteen years later, thirty-nine African countries have their own governments. In the year 1960 alone, seventeen former colonies gained their political independence. However, the new African states have remained, for the most part, underdeveloped suppliers of raw materials to industrially rich Europe, an economic subjection as distasteful as had been the political.

Therefore, the struggle now in progress is for economic independence. With this objective in mind, nine West African countries met in conference at Monrovia, Liberia, toward the end of April.

In the keynote address on the opening day, Liberia’s president W. V. S. Tubman made a solemn plea to his colleagues to put aside the obstacles and hindrances that, in the past, have obstructed the formation of a free trade area in the region. He urged that their nations be committed to the path of economic cooperation. He called for the kind of cooperation that “tends to build up economies by integrating regional economies through greater utilization of resources, the creation of larger markets and the exploitation of all the possible economic opportunities available.”

The results of the three-day conference were encouraging to the participants. Representatives of the nine countries—Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Upper Volta, Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria—signed a pact establishing a West African Regional Group. Support for the agreement was expected also from Sierra Leone, which did not attend the conference due to a critical political situation. The new Regional Group was hailed as a first step in setting up a West African common market to benefit the more than 100 million people of the region, about a third of the population of all Africa.

Problems to Integrating Economies

Building up trade between African nations, however, will not be easy. There are many problems. Serving to emphasize this is the decision of the West African nations of Togo, Niger, Ivory Coast and Dahomey not even to attend the conference. This alarmed some observers. Commenting on the decision, one delegate said: “We are disappointed and sorry. We realize that there are differences among us.”

This is indeed true. Political and economic systems in the region are quite diverse, ranging from liberalism to state socialism. Also, there are varying trade relationships with overseas powers, the terms of which could interfere with interregional trade. Naturally, individual African countries are concerned with whether regional integrating of economies would affect economic advantages now enjoyed.

Another problem is that different monetary systems are used throughout the region. In places the basis for exchange is the sterling, in other places the franc, still other countries use dollars, and there are also independent currencies. In fact, now, with thirty-nine independent African nations, there are more than twenty individual national currencies in circulation!

But despite the many problems, the will prevailed at the conference to make integration a reality. Guinea’s Sekou Toure noted that the six members of the European Common Market had differing political systems, currencies and economic legislation, but that this did not block successful trade relations between them. He said: "Diversity of systems does not imply a contradiction of interests, nor preclude community of ideas and action.”

Potential for Greater Independence

The heavy dependence of African countries upon trade with industrialized nations is reflected in the fact that only 5 percent of the total African trade is among African countries. Must this situation continue to exist? Can intracontinental trade be increased?

Efforts in this direction are being made, and not only in West Africa. Other regions in Africa also are seeking to improve trade relations. For example, on December 1, 1967, an East African Community of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania went into effect, thus strengthening the existing East African Common Market. Proposals call for the community to extend from Sudan to Zambia.

Also, in 1966, an economic union of the five Central African states of Chad, the Central African Republic, Cameroun, Congo (Brazzaville) and Gabon provided for the elimination of all trade barriers among the member states, the fair distribution of industrial projects and the coordination of development programs. A common customs tariff was also adopted, as well as harmonization of the financial systems and investment codes of the member states.

So efforts are being made to increase intra-African trade. The potential for doing so is obvious, since it is reported that Africa imports over ?3,000,000,000 annually in food and raw materials, even though a substantial portion of these commodities is available within the continent.

Transportation Facilities Needed

As a start toward greater intra-Africa trade, Prime Minister David Jawara of Gambia declared: "It is imperative to develop transport and communications within the group, to facilitate the movement of goods and people.”

In the past, roads and railroads have been constructed primarily to get produce out of the region to industrialized nations. Therefore, there is no coastal highway that directly links the population centers of West Africa. Such highway connections could prove valuable. In addition, waterways, such as the Niger and Senegal Rivers, can be improved for trade. Also, additions to the existing rail links would increase the potential for transporting produce. For example, there is a railroad that connects inland Niger and Bamako, Mali, with the coastal city of Dakar, Senegal. A short extension could tie in Gambia.

As it is, surface transportation within West Africa is presently inadequate. If there is to be substantial growth in interregional trade, it must be improved.

Natural Resources Encouraging

West Africa is very rich in iron ore, manganese, bauxite, gold, diamonds and other minerals. Also, she is-blessed by a variety of good soils. Considering such marvelous natural resources, poverty and backwardness are altogether out of place in the region.

Stepped-up production of Malian and Guinean rice and garden products coupled with modem processing of Liberian sugar, Senegalese peanuts, Ivorien coffee, and Ghanian cocoa could substantially replace overseas imports. Mali is estimated to have almost four million cattle and seven million sheep and goats, and possesses an important refrigeration plant. Development of this industry and better transportation links could supply protein-deficient areas with more and better meat at lower cost.

Since West Africa consists of numerous small countries with populations of 5 million or less (Nigeria and Ghana being exceptions), large-scale industries would not be profitable unless markets covered more than one country. An integrated regional economy could make this possible. To develop more local industries, there is a growing insistence that West African producers of primary products be allowed to process them partially before export

An example of that principle at work is the recently dedicated $53 million iron washing and pelletizing plant located at Buchanan, Liberia, the first of its kind in Africa and the largest outside of North America. Washed-out fine particles of ore are agglomerated into pellets the size of marbles high in purity and uniform in ore content for which there is great demand today.

With a superabundance of natural resources and hydroelectrical potential in the region, West Africa has already embarked on working out the details of a proposed iron and steel industry. The day may well come when the region will produce steel and steel products. Another fine potential lies in bauxite, from which aluminum can be produced if vast quantities of electricity are available. Ghana and Guinea have plenty of bauxite, and Ghana has the electrical power produced by the Volta River Dam.

Outside Assistance

Aid from the industrialized nations of the world will be needed by the West African Regional Group to meet the high cost of new transportation links and other development programs. It is reported that the United States, for one, favors West African development on a regional, multinational basis. If the Regional Group demonstrates the capacity for initiative and self-responsibility, rich donor countries will be attracted to lend positive aid, including technical assistance.

At the Monrovia conference African leaders appeared desirous of using their potentials to boost the economy of their region. At the same time they evidenced a realistic awareness of the difficulties involved. In a world filled with frustration and national self-interest, it will be interesting to see how far West Africa can go in its quest for greater economic independence.

"Tiny but Vital MuieU

• Though we often think of muscles as useful for heavy lifting and moving, the smallest muscle in the human body, the tiny stapedius in the middle ear, could hardly do that. It is less than one-twentieth of an inch long. Yet, because of its valuable contribution we can hear.



THIS magazine that you are reading was printed by a group of dedicated ministers. Yes, ministers who devote their full time to seeing to it that you and millions of others are supplied with books, booklets and magazines in scores of languages to help explain the teachings of the Bible and the significance of our restless times. Motivated by a deep love for God and for you, their neighbor, these Christian servants of God have freely volunteered to undertake this time-consuming, mammoth project.

If you were to observe them on their way to their assigned duties, you would immediately notice the great variety of persons in this family of ministers known as the “Bethel family,” living at the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society, in Brooklyn, New York. Among them are smiling Negroes, polite Orientals, enthusiastic Latins and others. Speaking with them, you would find that they hail from forty-nine States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Further, within their ranks are ones from Australia, Hong Kong, the Philippine Islands, Italy, Greece, Lebanon, Turkey, Mexico, El Salvador, Cuba, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, England and Canada,

They are from all walks of life and many different professions. Yes, this Bethel family contains ■ carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, barbers, artists, beauticians, electricians, musicians, engineers, medical workers and many, many others. Here they are, unitedly pooling all their natural abilities and talents to the gigantic job of helping to care for the needs of the world’s spiritually hungry.

They individually spend forty-seven or more hours a week at their duties in the Bethel home or at the printing plant a few blocks away. However, their activity does not end when the quitting-time bell resounds throughout these buildings in the evening and at Saturday noon. No, these ministers scatter into every section of New York city by automobile, bus and subway to preach God’s Word or to attend meetings in various homes and at the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s witnesses. Like the majority of their fellow Witnesses throughout the earth, they devote time each week to preaching God’s kingdom. Moreover, they endeavor to attend and share in all five meetings sponsored by the Christian congregation to which they are assigned. Of the 184 congregations in New York city, members of the Bethel family work with or hold responsible positions in 149. Yes, their days are packed with activity, beginning at 6:30 a.m. and ending when they turn off the lights in their rooms at 10:30 p.m. or, sometimes, later. No wonder some visitors to their home called them ‘the busiest, fastestwalking people in the world.’

You. cannot help but sense the deep devotion that these Bethel family members have for God’s work today. The spirit of self-sacrifice is displayed by them, from the youngest, who is eighteen years old, to the oldest, who, in his ninety-fourth year, still makes his way to work each morning. Yes, it is seen in the semiparalyzed sixty-four-year-old who has been devoting his full time to God’s service for the past twenty-six years. Though walking is difficult for him, he visits families living in basements and first-floor apartments and works on streets in rain or shine to preach the good news of God’s kingdom. He spends about fifteen hours each month doing this in addition to his work in the Bethel home. No one can doubt his devotion to Jehovah God!

Preaching to New York’s Spanish

and French Populace

Here in New York city there is a huge population of Spanish-speaking people, and thirty Spanish congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses have been organized to feed them spiritually. Thirty members of the Bethel family who speak the language fluently are assigned to work with these zealous congregations. Two of them serve as presiding ministers, and twenty-five others serve in other responsible capacities. Their contribution to the spiritual welfare and growth of these congregations is greatly appreciated by those whom they serve. Their taking the lead in preaching, setting the example in abiding by Jehovah’s righteous principles and teaching of new ones has had a stabilizing effect on these groups. The Spanish folks love them and treat them as if they were members of their own family. Heartwarming is the fact that other members of the Bethel family are learning Spanish in their spare time. Why? They want to qualify to be assigned to one of these congregations and help humble Spanish-speaking persons to understand the Bible.

The Brooklyn Bethel home from across East River

On December 1, 1967, New York city saw the establishment of its first Frenchspeaking congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses. Its formation was due to Jehovah’s blessing the zealous efforts of some of the French-speaking members of the Bethel family, among others. The congregation has since grown from forty persons to sixty-six persons. Five members of the Bethel family work with this joyful group. Yes, there are some others in the Bethel family who are learning French to assist them.

Since New York’s large French population do not all live in one section of the city, you might wonder how they are reached by this group. They call on persons whose addresses are supplied them by Haitians and others. Two records are kept of this activity. One is for the minister in their congregation who is responsible for the work of mapping out the territory where French-speaking persons live. The other so that these individual ministers can make return visits on the interested ones they find. Obviously, this is time-consuming, but the Bethel family members, along with their companions in this congregation, know that lives are involved.

One of these French-speaking Bethel ministers was asked to call on a Haitian woman. When he did so, he found that she was searching for God’s truth. She was disillusioned with the Catholic church because the priests never gave her a satisfying answer to her questions. They never referred to the Bible but just used tradition, She knew that Jehovah’s witnesses had Bible truth and she wanted to learn it from them. A study was started with her, and the next day, Sunday, she attended the meetings. The following Sunday she expressed her desire to participate in the Watchtower study. In a short time she has made rapid progress, and the Bethel minister is elated because of having the privilege of helping this meek person.

Caring for Chinese and

Italian New Yorkers

The many Chinese who live in New York’s colorful Chinatown are being cared for by a small group of Chinesespeaking witnesses of Jehovah. A Chinese member of the Bethel family is in charge of the group, which averages fourteen persons. Since the group was formed a while back three new ones have joined it. Associated with them are nine members of the Bethel family. These have undertaken to learn the difficult Cantonese Chinese language under the tutelage of the Chinese brother in charge of the group. Twice a week they assemble in his room for instruction that takes two hours. They will spend further time to do the required study and homework. They do all this In their spare time—truly an act of love. Five of these students are of Chinese descent and the other four are non-Chinese.

One of these students was asked to call on a Chinese family who were somewhat acquainted with Christendom’s doctrines. He was able to start a Bible study with them. When they told their relatives that they were studying the Bible with Jehovah’s witnesses, a campaign of opposition broke out. The relatives spoke against the Witnesses and gave them Chinese antiWitness literature. These sincere people, however, saw clearly that Jehovah and Jesus are two different persons. Their relatives were contending that they were one. One evening they barged in on the study as the Bethel minister was conducting it. They began their tirade on the validity of the Trinity. Calmly, the minister showed them how they were misapplying the Scriptures and completely refuted their arguments. The ones who were studying with him could see the truthfulness of the Bible, especially after a number of these sessions. This strengthened them to continue in their studies and enhanced their appreciation of the Bible’s truth.

At present there is an Italian-speaking member of the Bethel family who is working with a group of forty Italian persons. This group may some day become /an Italian-speaking' congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses in New York city. If you could speak with this minister he would tell you that the zeal and enthusiasm of these Italian persons are a joy to him. He radiates this when he tells how he looks forward to being with them on the evenings he is to work with them. About five other Bethel ministers are spending some of their spare time in learning Italian, Yes, they want to join this enthusiastic group and help other sincere Italians to find the truth that will lead them to everlasting life.

Last summer this Bethel minister took a large family of Italian persons to the district assembly. Though they could not understand English, they wanted to be in the audience with their spiritual brothers. The Bethel minister helped them to follow some of the program by indicating what scriptures were being quoted. This enabled them to follow it in their Italian Bibles. How mutually encouraged they were by this manifestation of love and Christian brotherhood!

Privileges and Experiences in the Ministry

Among the unique privileges that some of the members of the Bethel family have enjoyed is the one involving a local FM radio station. On Sunday mornings they share in broadcasting a half-hour program that reaches out over a radius of about fifty miles. The program is devoted to explaining the Bible and the teachings of Jehovah’s witnesses. It is called “All Scripture Is Beneficial.” The program is divided into two parts of fifteen minutes each. The first is a discussion between two persons on a particular Bible theme and the second is a talk based on an article published in the Watchtower or Awake! magazine. Many listeners who are not Jehovah’s witnesses are getting an idea of the truthfulness of the Bible and the faith that Jehovah’s witnesses have in its promises.

Every now and then there is a call for someone to address a local church or college group about the beliefs of Jehovah’s witnesses. Over the years many different members of the Bethel family have shared in this rewarding privilege. They have been able to give a fine witness to many people who otherwise would not pay heed to the urgent message preached by the Witnesses or who could not be reached due to certain circumstances.

In their preaching from door-to-door and studying the Bible with people, these Bethel ministers have had some very happy experiences. One Bethel minister who serves as a presiding minister took over a Bible study with an interested woman. He and his wife studied with her for about a year and this woman’s zeal was kindled. She wanted to spend a vacation period in the full-time preaching work. The presiding minister tactfully explained the requirements she had to meet. The following week she gave prayerful consideration to dedication and baptism so that she could qualify for this privilege. Though she met all the other qualifications, she was yet unbaptized.

The only day she could be baptized was on April 1, which was also the day she wanted to enter the vacation full-time preaching work. How joyful all were when she was baptized that day and then began to fulfill her desires! Her course of faithfulness has brought great happiness and satisfaction to this married couple in Bethel.

By showing hospitality to strangers, another married couple at Bethel were greatly blessed. While they were attending the meeting at the Kingdom Hall located in the Bethel home, a stranger walked in. The husband quickly introduced himself and his wife to him. After getting acquainted, they invited him to sit with them during the meeting. They found out that he was to be in the United States for only six weeks. He had come to the international headquarters of Jehovah’s witnesses here in Brooklyn at the request of his wife who was studying with the Witnesses in England.

They arranged to call on him and he reluctantly accepted. Soon the married couple’s loving interest, warm hospitality and generosity began to convince this man that there was something to their work and religion. His interest was kindled and he asked them to study with him every night until he left the country. The couple agreed to do so. So when they were not attending meetings, this man would come to their room at Bethel directly after his work in the evening, eat what they lovingly prepared for him and study with them for three to four hours. Before he left, he even joined the husband in the preaching work.

As he traveled to the various places that his work required, the Bethel couple kept in touch with him. They wrote to various Witnesses in the cities on his itinerary asking them to care for his spiritual needs. After two years of diligent care they were rewarded with the joy of hearing from him saying that he and his wife were baptized. They rejoice that today he holds a responsible position in the congregation where he attends in England and is helping others to learn the Bible.

Another experience involves a young college student who walked into the lobby of the Watchtower factory. He had come to learn more about Jehovah’s witnesses. Why? A non-Witness friend in college spoke so highly about them that it aroused his curiosity. The Bethel minister in the lobby answered his intelligent questions. The student obtained some literature, which he later read and absorbed.

In the short conversation they had, the student saw that he needed to learn more and that he could not do this on his own. The free home Bible study arrangement of Jehovah’s witnesses was a joyful surprise to him. He wanted to have one but not at his home, because his Jewish parents would not appreciate it. The Witness volunteered to teach him, inviting him to study in his room at Bethel. They studied for about four weeks, and then the Bethel minister arranged for someone near his home to study with him. He has continued to progress and is trying to live up to what he wrote the minister after their first conversation. He wrote: “You said that one is not born a witness of Jehovah. One becomes such. With God’s help, with assiduity in study and forthrightness in intention, it is to this that I strive.”

Many, many other experiences could be related about Bethel’s busy ministers. While they have not come here for the sole purpose of preaching, they do not neglect this vital activity when away from their duties. They know that this helps them to maintain a spiritually balanced outlook on their work at the headquarters facilities. The great amount of work each one does in a week can be attributed only to the power that God’s holy spirit infuses in them.—Phil. 4:13.

When night falls and the lights throughout the Bethel home are flicked off, God hears many prayers of thanksgiving and requests for strength and blessings. These devoted ministers, having done all things for God’s glory, now fall into a deep sleep that is pleasurable, having done what they ought to have done. (Prov. 3:23, 24; Luke 17:10; 1 Cor. 10:31) They rest and sleep in security, assured that God’s eyes are upon them, keeping watch over them. —1 Pet. 3:12.


♦ It is estimated that war toys sold In the United States in a recent year were worth an estimated $70 million—the cost ot recruiting, training and equipping 7,000 Soldiers for a year. Commenting on the effect that such toys can have on a child, Dr. Penelope Pollaczek, staff psychologist at Edgewood and Heathcote Schools in Scarsdale, New York, observed;

"When a parent gives a child an exact reproduction toy gun, he is expressing his approval of this toy. Since there is only one way to use such a toy, the parent is by implication expressing approval of guns as a means for resolving disputes.”


Are Called r “A PEOPLE”

ANTS are small insects, but their industriousness and foresight are held high as examples to man by the Creator. (Prov. 6:6-8) During spring, summer and fall they are incessantly at work and their activity affords a bright pattern for man.

Ants are extremely numerous and widespread. They live in colonies. They have their houses, towns and public roads. It is estimated that there are some 15,000 varieties of ants. These insects are found in all parts of the earth with the exception of the polar regions.

The ants are called “a people” by wise King Solomon, even as the prophet Joel referred to the locusts as “a nation.” This expression is very suitable for these small creatures. (Prov. 30:25; Joel 1:6) While some ant colonies may contain only a few dozen ants, others have a huge population running into the hundreds of thousands. The nest or tunneled area where they live is generally of moderate size but may be as much as an acre.

Within each colony there are three basic castes: the “queen” or “queens,” the males, and the workers (sexually undeveloped females). Yet, as Proverbs 6:7 states, the ant “has no commander, officer or ruler.” The “queen” is not such in a governmental sense. She more fittingly can be called the “mother” ant, for her function is that of egg-laying. Whereas a "queen” ant may live as much as fifteen years, the males live only long enough to mate and then die.

The worker ants, whose life-span may reach six years, have various duties to per-

form, such as searching for and gathering in food for the colony, feeding the “queen,” acting as nurses for the larvae, cleaning the nest or digging new chambers as expansion is needed, and defending the nest.

Worker ants may be of different sizes and proportions even within the same colony. In some cases the larger ones act as “soldiers” in the event of invasion of the nest. Still, despite the fairly precise division of work (which in some colonies is arranged according to the age of the workers and in others according to size) and the relatively complex social organization existent, there is no sign of any superior “officer” or taskmaster.

“Wisdom” of the Ants

The "wisdom” of the ants is not the product of intelligent reasoning, but results from the instincts with which they are endowed by their Creator. Thus, it has been demonstrated that an ant that comes upon a scented path (made by another ant) that accidentally leads in a circle may continue walking around the path until it dies from exhaustion.

The different ant varieties display their “instinctive wisdom” in various ways. While many build their nests in the earth, some ants ("carpenter” ants) excavate tunnels and chambers in wood. Others make leaf houses in trees. The worker ants, in effect, “sew” the leaves together by taking ant larvae in their jaws and carrying them back and forth so that the silk spun by the larvae (which silk the adult ants cannot produce) binds the edges of the leaves together. Still others build nests of a mixture of wood fibers and saliva with, at times, some sand added.

Ant Food

It was once thought that all ants were basically carnivorous, living off other insects and small creatures, and that they did not “store” food for the winter months because of remaining in a torpid state during that season. Hence some scholars took issue with the Bible’s reference to the ant as ‘preparing its food and gathering its supplies in the harvest? (Prov. 6: 8) It is now known, however, that certain ants, living in arid regions, feed almost entirely on seeds. The black ant (Atta barbara) and a brown ant (Atta structor) are two of the most common varieties found in the Middle East. They are seed feeders that store up a large supply of grain in the summer and make use of this in seasons, including winter, when the obtaining of food becomes difficult.

These “harvester” or "agricultural” ants are usually found in the vicinity of threshing floors where seeds and grain are plentiful. If rain causes dampness to reach the stored seeds, the harvester ants will thereafter carry the grains out into the sun for drying. One type of ant (llfessor semirufus) is even known to bite off the germ part of the seed so that it will not germinate while stored.

The “instinctive wisdom” of other ants is also notable in their ways of obtaining food. Many types obtain part of their food from aphids and scale insects, which, when stroked (or “milked”) by the ants, exude a nectarlike fluid called “honeydew” from their abdomens. Some ants maintain “herds” of these aphids, caring for the aphid eggs during the winter and then, when the growing season begins, carrying the aphids to feed on the roots of plants.


« What You Can Do When Tragedy Strikes, a Work for a Balanced Education.

* What Can Be Done About “Hay Fever”?

• Selecting Bread for Your Family?

<—The Smithsonian Series, Vol. 5,

A type called the “honey ant” solves the problem of storing supplies of honeydew by feeding it to certain worker ants until these become veritable storage tanks, their abdomens swelling up like a pea as they hang stationary from the ceiling of the nest chamber. These storage ants later regurgitate honeydew for the other ants of the community when outside supplies become depleted.

The "leaf cutter” or “parasol” ants are gardeners, transporting pieces of leaves down into the nest, chewing and then using them as a garden bed for planting the spores of certain types of fungus. The crop of fungi is carefully tended.

Thus, a brief investigation of the ant gives force to the exhortation, “Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise.” (Prov. 6:6) Not only is their instinctive preparing for the future notable but also their persistence and determination. Often they carry or tenaciously drag objects weighing twice their own weight or more, doing everything possible to fulfill their particular task, and refusing to turn back even though they may fall, slide or roll down some steep precipice.

Remarkably cooperative, they keep their nests very clean and show concern for their fellow workers, at times assisting injured or exhausted ants back to the nest. Certainly in all this the ant provides a worthy example to man.

Is Belief in Fairies Justified?

DID you realize that just a few centuries ago belief in fairies was quite popular and widespread in the Western world, and that it affected the lives of many people and their general behavior? But today, you may conclude, people no longer hold to such beliefs. Yet this is not so. For there are still places where belief in fairies is prominent.

One such place is Iceland. There the question of the existence of fairies is likely to prompt an earnest discussion of events, both recent and of bygone days, that are taken as proof that fairies really do exist.

An interesting example of such beliefs is found in events occurring during the late winter of the year 1962. At the town of Akureyri in the northern part of Iceland work was under way to build a quay for a factory. The workers planned to blast a rock nearby in order to use it for filling material. However, before they could carry out their intentions, some older workers at the factory reported to the foreman that, according to old popular belief, the rock was an abode of fairies. Lights had reportedly often been seen there after dark.

The foreman decided to investigate. He called to the scene a young man known for his clairvoyant powers. Here is the account of what this man claimed to see:

"When I came to the rock, I saw there a fairy man, very magnificent in appearance. He was among the tallest fairies I have seen and his clothes were rich in colour; usually fairies are somewhat smaller than humans. I spoke to him, asking whether the blastings had done some damage. He answered that the already planned blastings would be allowed as they took place about 25 metres from the dwellingplace of the fairies, and that would suffice. However, he said, he would talk to me later. I saw no other fairies there, nor any of their abodes.”—Skyggna ktinan, by Eirikur Sigurdsson, Volume II, pages 121, 122.

However, sometime later the fairies are said to have asked for the work to be halted while they moved to safety. This was allowed for, so from the end of February to March 6, 1962, the work was at a standstill.

Origin of Belief

Although prevalent in Iceland, belief in such supernatural beings is not of Icelandic origin. Long ago, before the apostate “Christian” religion began to make inroads in northern Europe, the Germanic tribes of that area were steeped in superstition, believing in elfs, fairies, goblins, wood nymphs, and other such things.

This superstition was brought to Iceland by the Old Norse or Scandinavian settlers in the late ninth century C.E. A probable reason for the prevalence of these beliefs in Iceland is its relative isolation, a fact that also accounts for the Icelandic language’s constancy. This has hardly changed for a thousand years, since the era of the Vikings.

■But what are fairies considered to be by those believing in them? Here is one definition:

“Fairy, the name given to a wide range of supernormal beings, differing in type and character but allied in race, who were once believed to inhabit this world or a magical kingdom lying near or below it. Fairies were akin to men in many respects, but they were not human, nor were they pure spirits. Robert Kirk describes them in his ‘Secret Commonwealth’ (1691} as ‘of a middle nature betwixt Man and Angel.’ They were skilled In magic of all kinds, able to change their shape and size at will, make themselves invisible and delude and enchant human beings, with whose lives they frequently interfered for good or evil. They lived far longer than men but died at last and were usually supposed to perish utterly at death, having no souls.” —The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1964, Volume IX, page 39.

This definition goes well with Icelandic accounts of the old sagas of medieval times. But in even older days it seems that fairies were classified with the gods, and these beliefs were not totally discarded after the advent of apostate Christianity. Rather, seemingly they were mixed with the sayings of the new religion. Thus, fairies are even represented as children of Adam and Eve.

According to the legend, once when Eve was showing her children to God she hid some of them, as she had not had time to wash them. When God asked her whether these were all her children, she said Yes. God, of course, knew that she was lying, and said: “What is to be hidden‘from me shall also be hidden from men.” And so these hidden children of Adam and Eve became fairies, or in Icelandic, huldufolk, which means “hidden people.”

Another aspect of the belief in fairies was the fear of cultivating or mowing certain fields or meadows. It was believed that the fairies dwelling there might take revenge by burning down the farm or killing off the cattle. To this day some spots or hillocks are still left untouched, even by modern-day Icelandic farmers.

Scriptural View

But what is the Scriptural view of belief in fairies or such superhuman beings? Does the Bible mention fairies or in some way indicate what they are?

The Bible does not mention fairies. However, Bible accounts do clearly show that invisible spirit creatures more powerful than man really do exist. Of such ones, the Bible says: “The angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.”—Jude 6.

These angels joined the rebel angel Satan in the time of Noah, and even went so far as to materialize human bodies and to begin living as humans, taking women as wives. At the time of the flood in Noah’s day these persons dematerialized their human form, limiting themselves to spirit bodies once again. Since then they have tried all means of spiritism, occultism and other forms of deceit to communicate with men, and the disguise of fairies seems to be just another means of deceit on their part.—Gen. 6:1-4; 2 Pet. 2:4; Rev. 12:9.

This conclusion is corroborated by the fact that belief in fairies is usually connected with some form of spiritism, such as clairvoyance. Thus it was a clairvoyant that was called in during the rock-blasting incident in Iceland in 1962. It was he who reported in detail about seeing and talking with the fairy. To whom was he really speaking? Apparently to one of these deceptive wicked spirit creatures. The Christian apostle Paul warned that Christians have a fight “against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” They can deceive persons.—Eph. 6:12.

Consequently, those who want to serve God and “worship with spirit and truth” will not be deceived in this matter. They will not allow stories about fairies to influence the things that they do. They will recognize that Satan and his demons use such beliefs to mislead those who do not accurately know the Word of God.—John 4:24; 2 Cor. 4:4.

God’s Rule EJxalted

<& "A thrilling assembly,” “A truly great program,” "They will talk about this assembly for a long time to come” were expressions from delegates who attended the four-day “Good News for All Nations” District Assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses. The assemblies began on June 27 irf Cardiff, Wales, and continued the following week in eight North American cities. On July 11 ten other cities in the United States, Canada and in the British Isles thrilled in the stimulating Christian program that encouraged delegates to faithfulness and to greater zeal in the proclamation of the Kingdom good news for all nations. Among the highlights of the assembly program are live Bible dramas emphasizing principles by which Christians should live, and the public talk “Man’s Rule About to Give Way to God's Rule.” The combined attendance at the public talk in the United States for July 14 was 78,486. At each assembly there are arrangements for baptism of those who have dedicated themselves to Jehovah God. The assemblies will continue through July and August in various locations throughout the United States, Bermuda, Canada and the British Isles.

H-Bomb and Thyroid Damage

<$> Seventeen of 19 children on the Pacific isle of Rongelap who were ten years old or less when a hydrogen bomb was exploded on nearby Bikini Atoll in 1954 have developed abnormal thyroid glands. All are. now being treated with thyroid extract to avert further stunting of growth.

Cold Cure?

& Dr. Yinder Urban, an ear-nose-and-throat specialist, said a simple therapy cured most of his patients' colds. The Czechoslovakian Medical Tribune, published in Prague, said the doctor’s treatment consists of immersing his patients’ forearms in a basin of hot water (104-113 degrees Fahrenheit), for 30 to 60 minutes. The cold symptoms then disappeared, it was said. Dr. Urban claims the soaking of the forearms increases blood circulation and temperatures in the walls of the nasal passages, which, in turn, appears to counteract the activity of the cold-causing microorganisms.

Shopping Centers

<$> A recent United States Supreme Court case that is of interest to Jehovah’s witnesses, although not involving them, is Amalgamated Food Employees Union Local 590 vs. Logan Valley Plaza, Inc. The case extends the First Amendment right of free speech and press to private shopping centers, that is, to those that are privately owned and where the general public has access. It would appear that, on the basis of the opinion rendered by the Court, Jehovah’s witnesses have additional legal confirmation of their right to carry on their Kingdom-witnessing activity in the shopping centers as long as they do not interfere with the purpose for which these places are established, namely, for people to come and go to do their shopping. Justice Marshall, who delivered the opinion of the Court, said: "The shopping center premises are open to the public to the same extent as the commercial center of a normal' town.” Tactfulness in carrying on the Kingdom work, of course, is always wise, and it is important not to go beyond what the rights really are, thereby confusing license with liberty.

High Cost of Benefits

•$> According to Business News Features, released by the United States Chamber of Commerce, a 1965 survey showed that employee benefits were costing American businessmen $75 billion-plus each year, nearly four times as much as dividends paid to stockholders. A similar survey for 1967, being conducted by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, indicates total fringe benefits may now be worth $90 billion. Payments for vacations (now averaging 11 days), holidays (6), rest periods, and so forth, constitute almost half of the total fringe costs. Other benefits are pensions, Social Security, workmen’s compensation, hospitalization and surgical-care insurance. Fringe costs are rising twice as fast as wages.

Experiment on Humana

<$> The London Daily Express reported one of Britain’s leading experimental surgeons as saying that doctors have to experiment on human patients because the Health Service does not provide the money for experiments to be carried out on animals. Dr. William Dempster, Reader in Experimental Surgery, at Hammersmith Royal Post Graduate Medical School, stated, in part, that many forms of "severe palliation" are carried out on humans in which the patient "suffers high morbidity (illness) and often severely mutilating effects.” “Many quite dangerous and purely investigative procedures are frequently performed which are not intended to be of value to the patient. Such procedures are of a scientific interest only," he says. Experimentation on people is cheaper than experiments on animals. Patients cost nothing to acquire Would you like to be next?

The Bones of Peter

In 1939, the Vatican excavations beneath the main altar of St. Peter’s in Rome began to uncover a series of tombs. But the first announcement came only in 1949, ten years later, when Pope Pius XII stated that an urn containing the remains of the apostle Peter had been uncovered and that Roman Catholics must have the “moral conviction” to believe these remains authentic. Later, however, the bones in the urn were shown to be those of a woman. Then there was Professor Margherita Guar-ducci, a Vatican archaeologist, who said that writings on walls beneath the altar pointed to a niche as the place of Peter’s burial. But it was reported earlier to the pope that the niche, and a box in it, were empty. Sometime later two workmen strangely turned up who said they removed some bones from the niche without the knowledge of Vatican archaeologists. It was these bones that Pope Paul in June identified as those of the apostle Peter, European archaeologists familiar with the Vatican diggings remain privately and understandably skeptical and publicly silent.

Diamonds Recovered

4- Some $36,000 worth of stolen diamonds were hidden by thieves in a wall in Tel Aviv. Ants began carrying away the diamonds to build an anthill. Some children saw the ants carrying the little sparkling stones and notified the police.

When a Priest Prays

In a high school benediction in Glendale, Arizona, a Roman Catholic priest, William Healy, prayed: "We ask your blessing on things and people you created .. . Bless hair spray, miniskirts, turtleneck shirts . . . For God’s sake bless our parties, religious exercises.... We ask because we realize you are an understanding God, a swinging God, Sock it to em, God." The concluding phrase provoked a storm of protest in the city. Some said the remark bordered on blasphemy. The priest said that he was trying to relate God with the teen-age world, that he “was praying from the heart, not just from words.” Little wonder youth find it difficult to relate religion with a loving God.

Ban Prostitution

<$> A published Associated Press dispatch stated that the San Juan Municipal Assembly has voted to outlaw prostitution in Puerto Rico's largest city. But people generally believe the law cannot be enforced. Why not? Prostitution has been a legal practice in Puerto Rico for as long as people can remember. Women openly solicit customers on the streets and in front of San Juan's finest hotels.

Illegitimacy Up

In 1944 the Soviet Union passed what it called the “family edict," which absolved Russian men of any responsibility for children born out of wedlock. Now the law is being changed. In the 24 years the edict has been in effect, more than 6,000,000 illegitimate children have been born in the Soviet Union.

In New York city last year one of every six births was illegitimate, a rise from one of every 15 in 1957, a labor union analysis reported on June 30. Nicholas Kisburg, legislative director of the Teamsters Joint Council, said that for whites, Puerto Ricans and Negroes there appears to be “growing rejection of the idea that a stable, legal family is the fundamental socializing agency in our society.”

Dirty Meat and a $1 Fine

<$> Twelve thousand pounds of dirty veal was confiscated by, the United States Health Department. Health Department inspectors had found hair, paint, brush bristles and sawdust in the veal. The meat was to have been shipped to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Feldman Veal Company was taken to court and found guilty. Judge Milton Shalleck on June 18 Imposed a $1 fine on the company. This the judge defended as a suitable penalty in the public interest.

College Girls and Sex

$> Nearly all the unmarried undergraduate women of Oberlin College responded to a study conducted to determine the gynecological and sex-related health needs of its women students. Forty percent of those questioned said they engaged in sexual intercourse. Of the 40 percent, the study showed, one in 13 had become pregnant and more than 80 percent of these pregnancies had been terminated by abortions. Nearly 80 percent also wanted the coed Ohio college to provide birth-control devices.

Guns In America

<$> The same week that President Lyndon Johnson signed an anticrime bill containing gun-control provisions, 189 persons died in the United States as a result of gunshot wounds. The shooting deaths included 109. homicides, 64 suicides and 16 accidents. In 1966 there was an average of 125 gun deaths a week.

Police Misconduct

<$> A study of police operations in three slum cities in America disclosed that 27 percent of all the police were either observed in misconduct situations or admitted to observers that they had engaged in misconduct. The police misconduct included such things as shaking down traffic violators and accepting payoffs to alter sworn testimony. The seriousness of the problem-of police misconduct was underscored when District Attorney Frank S. Hogan indicted 37 men, including 19 present and former New York policemen, on- charges involving protection payoffs to the police by gamblers and nightclub owners. How can youth come to respect the law when the police in great numbers themselves do not respect it? On the other hand, the police are but representative of the society of which they are a part. Corruption exists, not only among the police, but among the public as well.

Too Much Sunshine

Sun in moderation is good. But when the skin begins to get tender, you have had enough. A severe sunburn can be fatal. The American Cancer Society said there were 3,000 deaths from skin cancer last year, and that incidence in 1968 is estimated at 100,000 cases, with the death rate about the same as last year. Overexposure to the sun’s rays can cause skin cancer. Fortunately, skin cancer is easier than most other varieties to diagnose and it responds well to treatment. But, if neglected, it can enter the lymphatic or circulatory systems. A dermatologist active with the cancer society said: “There was a 1,300 percent increase in surfing in the Northeast alone last year. Unless there is early education (to danger of over-sunning) I fear we’ll have a skin cancer epidemic."

Student Suicides Soar

<$> In 1966, suicide threats were made by more than 100,000 college students in America. One in 10 of these actually tried it, and 1,000 succeeded. Suicide among college students is now the second greatest cause of death in the 15-24 age range. One of the reasons given is parental pressure to make good grades.

The Watchtower

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