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School for Kingdom Evangelizers

Office Guidelines

October 2014

Copyright 2014

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Office Guidelines

English (skeog -E)

Table of Contents

Chapter                                                 Paragraphs

Guest Branches

Scheduling Classes.........................................................................1.0-12

Invitation Letters..............................................................................1.3-14

Appointment of Instructors

Admin Enrollment for Field Instructors

Instructors’ Arrival at and Departure From the School Location

Instructors’ Assignments

Substitute Instructors

Audiovisual Presentations

Attendance at Bethel Family Spiritual Programs

Instructors’ Allowances and Personal Expenses

Allowances for Special Full-Time Servants

Automobile Expense Account (AEA) Credit

Personal Expense Account (PEA) Credit

Pioneer Hour Credit

Issuing Tickets

Branch Representative Attending

Social Gathering for Students and Family

Table of Contents

Chapter                                               Paragraphs

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record (G-22)

Determining Assignments for Graduates


Letter From Host Branch and Cash Gift

Moving Expenses

Material Needed by the Service Committee

Postgraduation Evaluation Program

Circuit Training................................................................................1.0-11

Assignment to Another Country

Class Files

Class Photo


Host/Guest Branches


  • 1. The Service Committee gives approval for branches to host the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. A list of these branches can be viewed in the Materials Distribution System by selecting the Request to Schedule Classes for Selected Theocratic Schools (G-23) form and then clicking on the “Policies and Directions” tab. The host branch is responsible to organize and schedule classes.


  • 2. All nonhost branches are considered guest branches.         Guest

branches should send the host branch electronic copies of approved Applications to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8) along with a color picture of each applicant. There is no need to send hard copies of these documents. A copy of the application should be retained for the guest branch files. The host branch will then invite those approved to future classes. Approved student applications can be sent electronically to the respective host branch throughout the course of the year. Guest branches may write to the Service Committee for direction if a question arises on where to send approved applications.

  • 3. It may be that a guest branch would like to send an applicant to a host branch where the applicant’s secondary language is spoken. While an applicant might have a working knowledge of the language in which the class will be conducted, he may benefit from first spending six months serving with a congregation or group of that language.

Identifying Needs in the Branch Territory

  • 1. In order to know who to invite to the School for Kingdom Evan-gelizers, the branch office should analyze their branch territory and

identify and prioritize the personnel and congregational needs for

the coming year.

Identify and Prioritize Short- and L ONG- T ERM N EEDS

Are there territories that have not received a witness?

Are there areas that need elders to support and stabilize congregations?

How many circuit overseers will be needed to replace those discontinuing circuit work at the end of the service year?

What populous foreign/indigenous-language fields need support or development?

Are individuals experienced/licensed in building trades needed for construction projects?

Is there a need for Assembly Hall servants?

What are the needs at Bethel (for example, computer, legal, medical, maintenance, secretaries or deskmen for the Service Department, translators)?

  • 2. The following are suggested ways to identify the personnel and congregational needs of your branch territory:

The Service Department may write circuit overseers each April and request that they fill out and forward a Congregation Needing Assistance (S-310) form for any congregations in need of assistance.

The Service Department may inquire of the Bethel Office and the Local Design/Construction Department regarding needs at Bethel, the need for construction servants/volunteers, and the need for Assembly Hall servants.

  • 3. At any time, the Branch Committee may inform circuit overseers of specific needs in the branch territory and ask them to encourage qualified individuals to apply for the school.

Selecting a Suitable Location

  • 1. Generally, a Kingdom Hall or an Assembly Hall is used as the location for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (SKE). In this case, ideally only two classes a year should be scheduled at each location because of the load on the local congregations to provide housing for students. However, when local circumstances require that other locations be considered, the Branch Committee should evaluate whether a potential location has the following provisions or such can be made available with minor adjustments and minimal expense:

Sanitary conditions and suitable bathroom facilities

Good lighting and ventilation

A classroom large enough for 20 to 28 students, with reasonable space between desks

Adequate sound equipment

Adequate private accommodations with separate study areas for students and instructors

  • 2. After reviewing the aforementioned points, the Branch Committee should send a recommendation to the Publishing Committee for approval. The SKE is not normally held at Bethel. However, if a branch office is unable to find a suitable location and wishes to hold the school at Bethel, the Branch Committee should write the Service Committee to provide the details.

Application Process


  • 1. Those who wish to apply for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (SKE) will obtain the Application to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8), the letter to applicants for the SKE (G-14), and the letter to those applying for theocratic schools,           Bethel ser

vice, or other forms of special full-time service (A-63) from their local congregation secretary. Husbands and wives should complete separate applications.

Any who wish to apply for the SKE may do so at any time during the year if they meet the minimum requirements.

Graduates of the Bible School for Single Brothers (BSSB) who marry and wish to apply for the SKE may do so. The same will be true for a single brother or sister who graduates from the SKE and later marries a nongraduate.

Graduates of the Ministerial Training School or BSSB who are still single, graduates of the Bible School for Christian Couples, Gilead graduates, and circuit overseers should not apply for the SKE.

  • 2. When applications are received at the branch office, the Theocratic Schools Desk will determine if the applicant should be considered as a possible student based on the specific needs in the branch territory and the following:

Applicants between the ages of 23 and 35: Generally, these candidates are preferred as students because they are young, can be evaluated for an extended period, and in time may qualify to serve in some form of special full-time service, such as field missionary service.

Applicants between the ages of 36 and 49: Only exceptional candidates who have the potential to serve as circuit overseers, as construction servants, or in other avenues of special full-time service would be selected as students.

Applicants between the ages of 50 and 65: Since candidates in this age group have confirmed they are self-supporting and not in need of financial or medical assistance from the organization, they are also preferred as students.

  • 3. Applications from special pioneers and field missionaries: Well-qualified special pioneers and field missionaries (who are not Gilead graduates or who do not qualify to attend Gilead)            may ap

ply for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (SKE). Furthermore, if the Branch Committee knows of qualified special pioneers and field missionaries who would benefit from SKE training, they may also invite such ones to fill out an application. If the branch office receives a positive recommendation from the Congregation Service Committee and circuit overseer, then the special pioneer or field missionary may be scheduled for a future class.

  • 4. Applications from foreigners: Branch offices may receive applications from foreigners who are living in the branch territory.              If

they wish to attend a class locally, their applications would be processed in the normal way. However, they may wish to attend a class in their home country or at a branch where their mother tongue is spoken. If the applicants are approved as students and they are able to pay their own travel expenses, the branch office may forward the approved applications to the appropriate host branch for class scheduling. If those selected as students request assistance with travel expenses or if the branch office has a question as to where the student applications should be sent, the branch office should write the Service Committee for direction.

  • 5. Applications from Bethelites: The Branch Committee may determine that certain Bethelites would benefit from training at the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (SKE) to enhance their spirituality and thus qualify for greater responsibilities at the branch office. For instance, brothers who serve as secretaries in the Service Department, brothers and sisters who serve as translators, or others who have proved to be good workers and have good potential to be used in assignments of oversight should be considered. The Branch Committee should invite such ones to fill out an application. If they receive a positive recommendation from both their work overseer(s) and their local Congregation Service Committee and circuit overseer, then they may be scheduled for a future class with the intent that they will return to Bethel service after graduation. This is especially true in the case of a qualified Bethelite who does not speak English and thus cannot attend Gilead. Of course, if a Branch Committee has in mind recommending a Bethelite for Gilead, he should not be sent to the SKE.

  • 6. On the other hand, if a Bethelite desires to return to the field after serving at Bethel for at least one year and the branch office no longer requires his services or he can be easily replaced, he may apply to attend the SKE and the Branch Committee may consider his application. Such applicants could be allowed to attend the school directly from Bethel. This would be with the understanding that after graduation the Bethelite would be allowed to return to Bethel for no longer than 30 days to pack up his things before taking up service in the field as a regular pioneer or perhaps as a temporary special pioneer or special pioneer.

  • 7. If an applicant does not fit a specific need or is not approved, the Theocratic Schools Desk will acknowledge receipt of the application and kindly inform him that he was not selected using the S-258 letter posted in the Materials Distribution System. The application should be retained for one year and thereafter destroyed.

  • 8. Branches should take a modest approach toward scheduling SKE classes. The number of classes is not to be determined by the total number of pioneers in the branch territory or even the total number of applicants who meet the basic qualifications.

  • 9. From approved applications, the Theocratic Schools Desk will determine the number of classes to be held in the following year. The number of classes recommended should not be determined by the number of candidates who have applied. The host branch should only organize the number of SKE classes that they can reasonably manage during the year.


  • 10. Once the Request to Schedule Classes for Selected Theocratic Schools (G-23) is approved by the Service Committee, the host branch will create a student entry in Admin from the student’s name, date of baptism, date of birth, and so forth, as found on the Application to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8). Thereafter, the concurrent enrollment code “SKE” should be assigned in Admin for each student.

  • 11. Using the Admin Training Schools module, the host branch should create classes. Those invited from guest branches should be proportional to the total number of approved applications from each branch and the size of the class.

  • 12. The Theocratic Schools Desk will select students for the approved classes. After these classes are approved by Service Department oversight, the invitation letters can be sent to the students.


  • 13. Invitation letters (S-237) should be sent by the host branch at least three months before a class begins. Invitations should be sent in care of the Congregation Service Committee, thus ensuring that the applicants receive the invitation and that they still qualify to attend the school. (The S-233 letter may be used for this purpose.) The invitation letter for an applicant not living in the territory of the host branch should be forwarded to the respective branch office for delivery. The School for Kingdom Evangelizers Acknowledgment Form (S-229) should also be sent along with the invitation letter so that details about travel arrangements and other necessary information may be provided. One copy of the completed S-229 form should be kept by the Service Department, and the other should be sent to the brother arranging for accommodations.

  • 14. Once students are confirmed for a class, a class profile should be printed from the Admin Training Schools module. A class profile along with the applications should then be forwarded to the instructors at least two months before a class begins. If a confirmed student cancels less than a month before a class begins, it would normally not be necessary to find a replacement.

Observers and Instructors


  • 1. Before a brother is recommended to serve as an instructor, he must first sit in on a class as an observer. It is preferred that instructors be selected from circuit overseers who are above-average teachers, have a good comprehension of the Scriptures, stay up-to-date with our current understanding, and display a loving personal interest in others. The Branch Committee will determine who may sit in on classes as observers.

  • 2. The “A” and “B” instructors will recommend to the host branch whether or not an observer qualifies to be an instructor.            If the in

structors feel that an observer, though having the potential to become an instructor, still needs more training, the host branch could recommend to the Teaching Committee that the observer be assigned to share in teaching a class as a third instructor.             In this

rare circumstance, the “A” and “B” instructors would recommend a schedule dividing the curriculum among the three instructors. The host branch may give approval to this adjusted schedule showing the lessons that the “C” instructor would be assigned to teach. Once the class term has ended, the “A” and “B” instructors should submit a definite recommendation to the Branch Committee indicating whether or not they feel the third brother should be appointed as a regular class instructor. In turn, the Branch Committee will forward the instructors’ recommendations along with their own comments to the Teaching Committee for final approval.


  • 3. After reviewing the recommendations and observations of the Branch Committee and the instructors, the Teaching Committee will determine if the observers can be approved to serve as instructors. The host branch will then select two instructors from those approved by the Teaching Committee to teach each class.

  • 4. For instructors who are circuit overseers, the branch office will arrange for substitutes to care for their circuits while they are teaching the school.


  • 5. In cases where a circuit overseer will serve as a field instructor for a period of more than three months, his enrollment code should be changed to “FI” and, if married, his wife’s enrollment code should be changed to “IW.” Though such an adjustment is made,            these

brothers will remain as appointed circuit overseers. If the instructor will be away from his circuit assignment for more than three months, an appointed circuit overseer should be used to cover the brother’s assignment.

  • 6. It may prove helpful to schedule classes in such a way that each set of instructors will finish at different times. This makes it easier for the Service Department to return the instructors to the circuit work in a gradual fashion.

  • 7. In cases where a circuit overseer will serve as a field instructor for a period of less than three months, it will not be necessary to change his enrollment code. For these shorter periods, a substitute circuit overseer may be used to care for the circuit assignment. The substitute circuit overseer will not be given the “FC” enrollment code.


  • 8. Depending on the distance from an instructor’s assignment to the school location, the branch office should allow enough time for him to arrive at the school by either Sunday evening or Monday morning of the week of class enrollment. Following the graduation, a few days will be needed for the instructors to finalize their reports and care for other matters related to the class. However, in most cases, the brothers should be able to return to their respective assignments by the Thursday morning following the graduation.


  • 9. The host branch should inform each instructor whether he will serve as the “A” instructor or the “B” instructor.            However, all ap

proved instructors should become familiar with all the outlines so that they can be prepared to teach any subject in the course. Those assigned as instructors are entrusted with the responsibility of keeping their presentations current. This includes keeping up-to-date with current understanding and incorporating the latest information into the classes as necessary. Some outline questions will require the instructor to refer to the latest branch or organizational direction. The host branch should rotate each instructor between the “A” and “B” assignments from class to class. This will help the instructors to keep up-to-date with the entire course. The “A” instructor will usually serve as the coordinator and will be responsible for organizing the class and for forwarding reports to the host branch.

  • 10. The wife of an instructor will have opportunities to share in the ministry during the week. Instead of a specific hour requirement being designated for her, she will serve under her husband’s direction and do as much as her circumstances allow. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the instructor to provide direction concerning the service schedule for his wife. Depending on where the school is held, his wife may have the option of working one or two days a week at the school location if there is productive work available for her.

  • 11. It is also left to the discretion of the instructor as to where his wife will attend the midweek meeting. If he wants her to associate with a local congregation for these meetings and he is able to arrange for safe and suitable transportation for her, this is allowed. On the other hand, if he prefers that his wife attend the model meeting held as part of the school curriculum along with him,           there would

be no objection to this. If so, the instructors should use good judgment as to how much their wives will participate in these meetings.


  • 12. If an instructor becomes ill and the other instructor is unable to teach an entire day or two, an instructor will contact the branch office as soon as possible. The branch office should make arrangements for a substitute instructor to care for the assignment until the ill instructor is able to return.

Curriculum and Audiovisual Presentations


  • 1. An electronic copy of the school curriculum along with a sample introduction to the Student Notebook is posted in the Materials Distribution System for download by host branches.         The introduc

tion should be adapted as needed, and the complete set of outlines should be made available to instructors and observers in an editable format on If necessary, the branch office should provide a password so that instructors can open the documents.          Thereafter,

the instructors will make site-specific adjustments to the introduction before printing it and including it in the Student Notebook.

  • 2. The Teaching Committee will determine if any revisions to the curriculum are needed. If translators have questions about the material, a general translation query should be sent to Translation Services in the usual way. The six-digit reference number located at the bottom of the outline should always be included. Then the reply can be hyperlinked in the Watchtower Translation System for the benefit of other translators. If instructors have questions about the school curriculum or some procedure, they may forward their comments to their local branch office for consideration. If the branch office cannot provide a suitable answer, the branch office may forward the inquiry (including the six-digit reference number) to the Theocratic Schools Department at Patterson. No one should make unauthorized changes to the curriculum. If there is an adjustment in our understanding of a Bible teaching or if there is a change in some procedure, the affected outlines will eventually be revised and released to the branches in the usual way. In the meantime, the instructors should take note of any recent updates in our Scriptural          understanding, theo

cratic terminology, and procedures and adjust their comments accordingly.

  • 3. Host branches will see to it that the instructors receive any revisions approved by the Teaching Committee.          If an approved in

structor serves in another branch territory, the host branch will send this material to the instructor in care of the branch office under which he is serving.


  • 4. Some of the units are based primarily on video clips.          In some

cases, the video clip will be played uninterrupted to the conclusion of the clip. In other cases, there will be points within the video clip where there will be an indication for the instructor to pause the video to allow for a brief review and classroom discussion based on the provided outline for that unit. The video clips should be distributed

Curriculum and Audiovisual Presentations

to instructors via under the “Documents” tab in the “Event Media” section. The branch office should work with the instructors to make sure that the necessary equipment is obtained.

Additional Theocratic Activities While Attending School


  • 1. The Assembly Hall Committee or the bodies of elders using the Kingdom Hall where the school will be held should assign a local brother to coordinate the search for accommodations for the students and instructors and to make congregation assignments for the students. (See the S-246 and S-252 form letters that have been posted in the Materials Distribution System.) If the class is held at Bethel, the Service Department will make the assignments.


  • 2. If students are attending a class on branch property,           it is ex

pected that they will attend and benefit from the study of The Watchtower with the Bethel family. However, students should not be scheduled to participate in spiritual programs at Bethel. Students should also attend morning worship with the Bethel family Monday through Friday. An instructor will conduct morning worship with the students on Saturdays.

Allowances and Credit


  • 1. The host branch should arrange for the distribution of the students’ allowances each month. Students who are not in special fulltime service should receive the same monthly allowance as regular Bethel family members unless the Publishing Committee directs otherwise. If the Branch Committee feels that an adjustment in the amount of the allowance is needed, they should make a recommendation to the Publishing Committee to explain their reasons for the adjustment.


  • 2. If the school is held at Bethel, the circuit overseers who serve as instructors will receive the Bethel allowance. If the school is held in the field, the instructors will receive the allowance of a circuit overseer. Those with the field instructor (FI) enrollment code will receive half the sum of the special pioneer (FS) allowance.

  • 3. If the school is held in the field and an Assembly Hall Committee volunteers to care for any general weekly expenses for the instructors, such as some food expenses, routine office supplies, and transportation expenses, this would be acceptable. Otherwise, the instructors may submit their expenses on a Monthly Report (S-301) form and forward it along with the receipts to the branch office for reimbursement.—tg chap. 10 par. 23.

  • 4. Other personal expenses, such as cell-phone service, cosmetics, dry cleaning, haircuts, shoe repair, and vitamins, will be covered from the instructors’ personal funds, their monthly allowance, or their Personal Expense Account. Instructors would continue to use their fuel cards to purchase gasoline, if this arrangement is approved for your branch office.


  • 5. When those in special full-time service in the field are invited to the school, no deductions should be taken from their monthly allowance. They will continue to receive their respective monthly allowance based on their field enrollment.

  • 6. When Bethelites are invited to attend the school directly from Bethel, they will continue to receive the Bethel allowance.


  • 7. During the school term, special full-time servants may request AEA credit for the distance traveled between their accommodations

Allowances and Credit

and the school location and for theocratic activities with their assigned congregation.


  • 8. PEA credit is only given to students who are in special full-time service.


  • 9. Regular pioneers attending the school may receive 160 hours toward their yearly hour requirement.

  • 10. If any students are serving as temporary special pioneers, special pioneers, or field missionaries, the branch office should confirm that their Admin Person records indicate the period that they were attending the school.

Preparing for the Graduation Program


  • 1. Graduation programs may be held in a multipurpose room of the Assembly Hall where the school is held or at a nearby Kingdom Hall. If the program is held in a multipurpose room of an Assembly Hall, it should not interfere with any other scheduled Assembly Hall event. The main auditorium of the Assembly Hall may be used if the Branch Committee feels that circumstances warrant it and such use would not interfere with a scheduled Assembly Hall event.           The to

tal attendance for the graduation program should not exceed 350.


  • 2. The instructors are responsible for the issuing of tickets. However, if the graduation program will be held at Bethel,           the Branch

Committee may provide input on the selection of guests. A template for producing the tickets (G-26) is posted in the Materials Distribution System and should be made available to the instructors.


  • 3. A branch representative may be assigned by the Branch Committee to serve a graduation as long as the criteria outlined in Branch Organization, chapter 7, paragraph 105, are met. If a branch representative is present for the graduation,          he might be able to

conduct morning worship on Saturday morning as well as present a Scripturally upbuilding talk to the class as long as the criteria outlined in Branch Organization, chapter 7,          paragraphs 106-107, are



  • 4. On the Saturday evening prior to the graduation, a simple gathering may be arranged for students and visiting family members to enjoy some time together.

Student Evaluations


  • 1. On the first day of classes, the instructors will have each student complete a Skills Questionnaire. The instructors will immediately forward the completed forms to the host branch.           Any Skills

Questionnaire for a student of a guest branch should be sent immediately to the guest branch by the host branch. The information from the forms should then be entered into Admin by the respective branch offices.

  • 2. If a student has construction experience, the student’s home branch office can provide the student’s information to the Local Design/Construction Department (LDC). If the LDC feels there is a need for the person’s skills, they should advise the Branch Committee.


  • 3. At the conclusion of the fifth week of classes, the instructors will fill out a School for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record

on each student and forward these to the host branch.         Any School

for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record for students of a guest branch should be sent immediately to the guest branch by the host branch.


  • 4. Based on the recommendations from the instructors, along with the graduate’s age, abilities, experience, and circumstances, the Service Department will recommend to the Branch Committee that a graduate serve as indicated below:

Graduates between the ages of 23 and 35 have the greatest potential. Since they are young, they can be evaluated for a time and eventually qualify to serve in some form of special full-time service. In lands where the work is well established and where there are larger numbers of graduates, they may be assigned to densely populated areas to gain experience and be prepared for a possible future field missionary assignment. In lands where there are still unassigned territories and fields not worked, graduates may be assigned as temporary special pioneers to those areas.

Graduates between the ages of 36 and 49 would most likely continue as regular pioneers after graduation and be assigned to a location based on their circumstances. Depending on their age and abilities, exceptional graduates could be assigned to a form of special full-time service.

Student Evaluations

Graduates between the ages of 50 and 65 would continue as regular pioneers and be assigned to a location based on their circumstances. Depending on their age and abilities, exceptional graduates could be assigned as construction servants or construction volunteers.

Age Range



Regular pioneer

Temporary special pioneer Construction servant Construction volunteer Bethel service

Prospective circuit overseer Prospective special pioneer Prospective field missionary


Regular pioneer

Exceptional graduates:

Temporary special pioneer Construction servant Construction volunteer Bethel service Circuit overseer


Regular pioneer

Exceptional graduates:

Construction servant

Construction volunteer

  • 5. Before single sisters and older pioneers are given an assignment, the branch office should consider both their physical and their financial limitations.

Assignment Letters and Certificates


  • 1. The Service Department will prepare assignment letters for the graduates. If a graduate will be assigned as a temporary special pioneer, the S-227 assignment letter should be prepared. If a graduate will be assigned to continue regular pioneering, the S-231 assignment letter should be prepared. The letters should be dated the day after graduation. Guest branches will need to forward their assignment letters to the host branch no later than two weeks before the graduation. The host branch should arrange for the assignment letters to be received by the instructors one week before graduation.


  • 2. The electronic files for the certificates (G-27) are available in the Materials Distribution System. Graduates should receive certificates in the language in which the school was taught. The signature that should appear on the certificate above the word “Director” should be that of a Branch Committee member or of a brother designated by the Branch Committee to oversee the school arrangements.          If pre

ferred, the signature may be inserted electronically. All who complete the course should receive a certificate.


  • 3. Along with the certificate, each graduate will receive a letter from the host branch (S-235) together with a cash gift equivalently based on one month of the Personal Expense Account allowance in the “C” category for Bethel family members on the Record of Allowances (A-29) form. Please note that although the letter from the host branch has a form number for office use, the number should not appear on the letter itself.


  • 4. If a special full-time servant requests that the branch office help cover the cost of his moving expenses, the branch office should be guided by the direction provided in Branch Organization, chapter 6, paragraphs 104 and 123.

Graduation Program

  • 1. The Teaching Committee oversees the graduation program.

Two sample programs have been provided, outlining the various parts to be presented and to whom they should be assigned. (See the G-24 and G-25 forms in the Materials Distribution System.) The G-24 form should be used when a branch representative from the host branch will be serving as chairman. The G-25 form should be used when no branch representative will be attending the program. The host branch should send the appropriate program to the “A” instructor as early as possible but no later than the fourth or fifth week of the school term. This will allow him time to follow through with assigning the parts that are to be handled by local brothers.

  • 2. The graduation program would normally begin at 10:00 a.m. However, depending on local circumstances, the branch office may decide to begin the program earlier or later. The audience should be informed of the graduates’ assignments at the graduation program.

After Graduation


  • 1. At the conclusion of each school term, a class photo and a copy of the graduation program with the names of the brothers who delivered the various parts should be forwarded to the host branch to be placed in the class file.


  • 2. At the conclusion of each school term, the host branch should send a copy of the graduation program to the Service Committee. The program should indicate the names of the brothers who delivered the various parts. In addition, a class profile should be provided that indicates the class number, the location, the enrollment date, the graduation date, the language, the total number of students in the actual class, and a breakdown of that total number of students into the number of married couples, the number of single brothers, and the number of single sisters in the class. The host branch may also include any outstanding experiences relative to the students who attended the school.


  • 3. The Service Department will monitor and evaluate the progress of graduates who serve as temporary special pioneers and any regular pioneers who have good potential for an assignment in special full-time service, with the exception of those who are over 50 years old. The Bible School Graduates form in the Admin Persons module may be used to track graduates. This annual renewal can continue up to a maximum of three years. If a graduate is assigned as a special pioneer, a circuit overseer, a Bethelite, or a field missionary during this three-year period, he will no longer be tracked.

  • 4. Once a year, the S-247 or S-249 form letter will be used to request that the circuit overseer fill out a Personal Qualifications Report (S-326) on graduates serving in his circuit.          The Theocratic

Schools Desk will review the Personal Qualifications Report, along with the supplementary letter provided by the circuit overseer. The Theocratic Schools Desk will then generate from Admin the School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report (S-254)             for

each couple or single person, filling out the numbered questions based on the comments found in the Personal Qualifications Report (s).

  • 5. The Theocratic Schools Desk will forward the School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report to the service desk. The service desk will review the report and provide their comments and recommendation in the appropriate section.           If needed, the Theocratic Schools Desk may add pertinent comments in the appropriate section of the report.

  • 6. The Theocratic Schools Desk will forward the School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report along with any recommendation to two members of the Branch Committee. If the graduate is showing good potential, he may be retained in the evaluation program. The Branch Committee can extend a temporary special pioneer appointment for another year.

  • 7. After each review, the Service Department will write an encouraging letter of appreciation to each single brother,            single sis

ter, or married couple and communicate how they will continue to be used in the postgraduation evaluation program. The School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report, the Personal Qualifications Report, and the letter of appreciation should be retained in the graduate’s electronic permanent file.

  • 8. If it is determined that a graduate should no longer be considered for special full-time service or he discontinues full-time service, he would no longer be tracked under the postgraduation evaluation program and the electronic permanent file should be marked as inactive. The Service Department should send a letter (S-239 or S-244) thanking the graduate for his service and letting him know that he is no longer under the postgraduation evaluation program.            Please

note that although the letters have form numbers for office use, the numbers should not appear on the letters themselves.

  • 9. If a circuit overseer feels that a greater need exists elsewhere in his circuit, he may wish to recommend a change in congregation assignment for a graduate. The Service Department may consider such recommendations. However, circuit overseers do not have the authority to reassign graduates. All congregation assignments for graduates in the postgraduation evaluation program come from the branch office.


  • 10. If the instructors or other traveling overseers recommend a graduate for training in the circuit work and the Branch Committee agrees after reviewing the Application to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8), the School for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record (G-22), and the qualifications outlined in Traveling Overseer Guidelines, the graduate could be assigned as a temporary special pioneer in his home congregation, pending circuit training. It would not be advisable to announce at the graduation that he will be receiving circuit training. The branch office may wish to have the recommended brother fill out a Questionnaire for Prospective Substitute Circuit Overseer (S-324). When the questionnaire is returned, it should be examined for information regarding health

situations, previous discipline, or other limiting factors that may not have been known. This will give the Service Department time to review the qualifications of the graduate and, if appropriate, recommend him to the Branch Committee for circuit training.             If the

Branch Committee approves the training, the Service Department will select an experienced circuit overseer to handle the ten-week training program as outlined below:

Weeks 1-2: The graduate will observe the circuit overseer.

Week 3: The graduate will serve a congregation while the circuit overseer observes and gives counsel.

Weeks 4-8: The graduate will serve congregations by himself.

Week 9: The graduate will observe the circuit overseer, share in conducting meetings for service and the pioneer meeting, and give one of the service talks.

Week 10: The graduate will serve a congregation while the circuit overseer observes and gives counsel.

  • 11. Following the ten-week training period, the circuit overseer will send a Personal Qualifications Report (S-326)         to the branch

office, giving his observations and recommendations as to the brother’s prospects for the circuit work. If all reports are positive, he can be recommended to the Governing Body for appointment as a circuit overseer.


  • 12. If the instructors or circuit overseer recommend a graduate to serve as a field missionary and the Branch Committee agrees after reviewing the Application to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8) and the School for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record (G-22), then the graduate should be evaluated for a time after graduation, perhaps a year or so, as a temporary special pioneer in an area of need within the branch territory.            (bo chap. 6

pars. 98-101) If he had been serving as a special pioneer prior to attending the School for Kingdom Evangelizers, then he would continue as a special pioneer after graduation. Thereafter, if the branch office feels that he may qualify to serve as a field missionary in another land, they should ask him to complete a Questionnaire for Prospective Field Missionary (S-214). The completed questionnaire along with a numbered letter should be submitted to the Service Committee, explaining in detail the qualifications, language abilities, citizenship, and background of the individual. The Service Committee will then decide whether or not to appoint him as a field missionary and assign him to another country.

Office Files


  • 1. Each branch office should create an electronic file for each single brother, single sister, or married couple serving in their territory and attending a class of the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. The file would include each student’s application (G-8), the School for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record (G-22), and a copy of the assignment letter (S-227 or S-231).


  • 2. The host branch should create an electronic file for each class. This class file should contain a copy of any correspondence relative to the class as well as copies of the applications (G-8) of students who come from other branches.


  • 3. If a photo is taken of the class, a copy should be put into the class file. Do not send the photo to the Service Committee. If the Governing Body has a need for it in the future, a request will be made to the host branch.




3:1; 7:1


class profile


creating classes


enrollment for field instructors

5:5, 7

School for Kingdom Evangelizers An


nual Evaluation Report (S-254)


student entry

4:10; 10:1

tracking graduates



distribution to students




students not in special full-time service


students who are Bethelites


students who are field missionaries


students who are special pioneers



invitation to attend school


not invited


processing applications


when to apply


Application to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8)

class file


information entered into Admin



4:1-9, 14

review by Branch Committee

13:10, 12

sending to host branch


student file


Assignment letters for graduates


Audiovisual presentations


Automobile Expense Account (AEA) credit



Bethel applicants serving at


classes held at        3:2; 5:10; 7:1-

•2; 8:2; 9:2

graduates assigned to


identifying personnel needs


Branch Committee

certificate for the School for Kingdom

Evangelizers (G-27)


circuit training for graduate


determining graduates’ assignments

evaluating and recommending class locations



graduate’s assignment as a field missionary


graduation program arrangements


informing circuit overseers of specific needs                               2:3

inviting qualified individuals to apply

4:3, 5

recommending instructors


selecting observers


students’ allowances





Certificate for the School for Kingdom

Evangelizers (G-27)


Circuit overseer

circuit training for graduate


Personal Qualifications Report (S-326)

13:4, 11

recommending a change in a graduate’s



Circuit training








13:1; 14:3


4:14; 13:2


4:8-12; 5:6

Class file


class photo

13:1; 14:3

graduation program


Class profile

4:14; 13:2

Congregation assignments


Congregation Needing Assistance (S-310)


Curriculum                              6:1-3


Forms and form letters

Application to Attend the School for

Kingdom Evangelizers (G-8)            1:2;

4:1-10, 14; 13:10, 12; 14:1-2

certificate for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (G-27)                    11:2

Congregation Needing Assistance (S-310)


letter appointing a School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduate as a temporary special pioneer (S-227)           11:1; 14:1

letter assigning a School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduate to continue as a

regular pioneer (S-231)           11:1; 14:1

letter from host branch at the conclusion of the School for Kingdom Evangelizers

(S-235)                                    11:3

letter inviting applicant to the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (S-237)        4:13 letter to applicant not invited to the

School for Kingdom Evangelizers


letter to applicants for the School for

Kingdom Evangelizers (G-14)

letter to a regular pioneer School for

Kingdom Evangelizers graduate no longer in the postgraduation evaluation program (S-244)

letter to Assembly Hall Committee on coordinating arrangements for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers


letter to a temporary special pioneer

School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduate no longer in the postgraduation evaluation program (S-239)

letter to body(ies) of elders on coordi

nating arrangements for the School for

Kingdom Evangelizers (S-252)

letter to circuit overseer requesting a

Personal Qualifications Report (S-326)

on a regular pioneer School for King

dom Evangelizers graduate (S-249)

letter to circuit overseer requesting a

Personal Qualifications Report (S-326)

on a temporary special pioneer (S-247)


letter to the Congregation Service

Committee of an applicant invited to the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (S-233)

letter to those applying for theocratic

schools, Bethel service, or other forms

of special full-time service (A-63)

Monthly Report (S-301)

Personal Qualifications Report (S-326)

13:4, 7, 11

Questionnaire for Prospective Field

Missionary (S-214)

Questionnaire for Prospective Substi

tute Circuit Overseer (S-324)

Record of Allowances (A-29)

Request to Schedule Classes for Select

ed Theocratic Schools (G-23)       1:1; 4:10

School for Kingdom Evangelizers

Acknowledgment Form (S-229)

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report (S-254)      13:4-7

School for Kingdom Evangelizers

graduation program with branch

representative (G-24)                  12:1

School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduation program without branch representative (G-25)                  12:1

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Per

manent Record (G-22)      10:3; 13:10, 12;


Skills Questionnaire (A-2)               10:1-2

Student Notebook


ticket template for School for Kingdom

Evangelizers graduation (G-26)



Graduate’s electronic permanent file


Graduation program


branch representative attending certificate for the School for Kingdom


Evangelizers (G-27)


issuing tickets


printed program


sample programs




social gathering for students and family




Guest branches


assignment letters for graduates


student evaluations



Host branches


adapt introduction to Student Notebook


assignment letters for graduates


class file


class profile                           4:14; 13:2

distribution of students’ allowances


letter to graduate with cash gift


revisions to curriculum


student evaluations


Hour credit

regular pioneers attending school


temporary special pioneers, special pio


neers, and field missionaries attending




Identifying needs in the branch





3:1; 7:1




arrival at and departure from school




circuit overseers serving as            ;


class assignments


class profile




introduction to Student Notebook


qualifications                                 5:1

questions about curriculum                6:2

responsibilities               5:9-11; 9:2; 10:1-3

student evaluations                   10:1,3

teaching                             5:9; 6:2, 4

wife’s activity                            5:10-11

Invitation letters


Letters (See “Forms and form letters”)

Local Design/Construction Department

identifying personnel needs

student evaluation



graduation program

instructors’ arrival at and departure from



Monthly Report (S-301)

Moving expenses





Office files                                 14:1-3


Personal Expense Account (PEA) credit 8:8

Personal Qualifications Report (S-326) 13:4, 7, 11

Pioneer hour credit                     8:9-10

Postgraduation evaluation program 13:3-9, 12

Publishing Committee adjustments to students’ allowances 8:1


Questionnaire for Prospective Field Missionary (S-214)

Questionnaire for Prospective Substitute Circuit Overseer (S-324)


Record of Allowances (A-29)

Request to Schedule Classes for Selected Theocratic Schools (G-23)            1:1; 4:10


School for Kingdom Evangelizers Acknowledgment Form (S-229)

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report (S-254)              13:4-7

School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduation program with branch representative (G-24)

School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduation program without branch representative (G-25)

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Permanent Record (G-22)      10:3; 13:10, 12; 14:1

Service Committee

approval to host school

assignment of graduate as a field


classes held at Bethel

class profile materials needed at conclusion of class 13:2 questions regarding student travel

expenses or applications            1:2; 4:4

Service Department

approval of classes

assignment letters for graduates

change in graduate’s congregation assignment

circuit training for graduate            13:10-11

congregation assignments during class 7:1 identifying personnel and congregation


letter of appreciation to graduate in post

graduation evaluation program

letter to a regular pioneer School for

Kingdom Evangelizers graduate no longer in the postgraduation evaluation program (S-244)

letter to a temporary special pioneer

School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduate no longer in the postgraduation evaluation program (S-239)

postgraduation evaluation program 13:3-9 recommending graduate assignments 10:4

Skills Questionnaire (A-2)                  10:1-2

Student Notebook


accommodations                    3:1; 7:1

allowances                          8:1,5-6

attendance at Bethel family spiritual programs

Automobile Expense Account (AEA)


cash gift at conclusion of class


congregation assignments

entry into Admin

evaluations                            10:1-5

hour credit                            8:9-10

invitation letters

letter from host branch at the conclusion

of class

permanent file

Personal Expense Account (PEA)

School for Kingdom Evangelizers

Acknowledgment Form (S-229)

Substitute instructors


Teaching Committee

appointment of instructors

approval for observers to share in teaching


graduation program

Theocratic Schools Desk

determining number of classes

postgraduation evaluation program 13:3-9 processing applications

scheduling classes                4:8-12; 5:6

School for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report (S-254)       13:4-7

Ticket template for School for Kingdom Evangelizers graduation (G-26)
