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Vol. L


September 15, 1929


Satan’s Organization (Part 1)

J’.nbylon .....................................

Moral Status ..........................

Assyria ...................................

Questions for Berean Study

No. 18

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Letters ............................................

Sunday by Far the Best ............

See Jehovah’s Protection ............

Determination to Fight ................

Radio Service ..................................


Truth for the Blind ..................

Has Your Subscription Expired?

“I will stand upon my watch axd will set my foot upon the Tower, and will walch to see what He wi7l say vnlo -me, and what answer I shall make to the.j that oppose me.”—Habakkuk 2:1.


Upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves [the restless, discontented] roaring; mens hearts for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth : for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. . . . nne’ things begin to come to pass, then know that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Look up, and lift up your heads; for your ieu p draweth nigh.—Luke 21: 25-31; Matthew 24: 33; Mark 13 ; 29*



THIS journal is published for the purpose of aiding the people to understand the divine plan. It provides systematic Bible study in which all its readers may regularly engage- It gives announcement of the visits made to Bible classes by traveling speakers, announces conventions, and gives reports thereof. It announces radio programs and publishes suitable Bible instruction for broadcasting.

It adheres strictly to the Bible as God’s revealed Word of Truth. It stands firmly upon the great ransom sacrifice as the fundamental doctrine by which all doctrines are measured. It is free from parties, sects and creeds of men. It does not assume a dogmatic attitude, but confidently invites a careful examination of its utterances in the light of the infallible Word of God. It does not indulge in controversies, and its columns are not open to personalities.


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and is from everlasting to everlasting; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation; that the Logos became a man; that he is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in heaven and in earth.

THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of Adam’s wrongful act all men are born sinners and without the right to Efe.

THAT JESUS was made a human being in order that he might become the Redeemer of man; that he gave his life a sacrifice for man and thereby produced the ransom price; that Jesus the divine was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and presented the value of his human sacrifice as the redemptive price for man.

THAT TOR MANY CENTURIES God, through Christ, has been selecting from amongst men the members of his church, which constitutes the body of Christ; that the mission of the church is to follow in the footsteps of her Lord Christ Jesus, grow in his likeness, give testimony to the name and plan of Jehovah God, and ultimately be glorified with Christ Jesus in his heavenly kingdom; that Christ, Head and body, constitutes the “seed of Abraham” through which all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

TIIAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED; that the Lord Jesus has returned and is now present; that Jehovah has placed Christ Jesus upon his throne and now commands all nations and peoples to hear and obey him.

THAT THE HOPE OF THE PEOPLES of earth is restoration to human perfection during the reign of Christ; that the reign of Christ will afford opportunity to every man to have a fair trial for life, and those who obey will live on earth for ever in a state of happiness.

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Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of S. new or a renewal subscription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month. A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.

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J. F. RUTHERFORD President          W. E. VAN AMBURGH Secretary




Britislt...........34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England

Canadian ............. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Australasian .... 7 Beresford Rd., Strathfield, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia South African .......... 6 Lelie St., Cape Town, South Africa Please address the Society in every case


A convention of Bible Students will be held at Philadelphia October 31 to November 3 inclusive. The first day is the occasion of the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and the convention will follow. The regional service directors will be present, as well as other speakers. Further details of the convention will be given later. Applications for accommodations should be addressed to George G. Calhoon, 6019 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.


Several of the Society’s books and The Watch Tower are published for the benefit of the blind. The Braille method is used. The books are loaned to the blind without charge. They are also sold at prices to cover the cost of manufacture. For further information address Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, Branch for the Blind, Logansport, Indiana.


For the benefit of subscribers it is here repeated, by way of explanation, that discontinuance of an expired subscription is accomplished mechanically in every case. Machinery used to print address on label or wrapper is so constructed that the plate bearing address is automatically “dropped” from the list at expiration. A renewal blank (carrying also notice of expiration) is sent with the journal one month before the subscription is due to expire. On foreign subscriptions the expiration notice is sent with the journal two months in advance.


| LB.S.A. Berean. Bible Studies I

|                        by means of


|                “Job Sees the Truth”

|                  Issue of August 1, 1929

1 Week beginning October 6......f

| Week beginning October 13

3             “Vindication of His Name”

|                 Issue of August 15, 1929

i   Week beginning October 20......H

|   Week beginning October 27......*[

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Vol. L

September 15, 1929

No. 18


“Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”—Jas. 4: 4.

  • PART 1

JEHOVAH made it clear to the Israelites that they could not please him if there was any attempt on their part to divide their affections between him and another. He now makes it clear to the anointed that their entire devotion to him is required and that no one of the anointed can be a friend to the world and please God. Without a doubt “the world” here refers to Satan’s organization. (John 12:31; 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:3, 4) That means that men have organized themselves into bodies politic, have ignored Jehovah, and that Satan has overreached them, obtained control of their organization and made it his own.

  • 2 Many who claim to be consecrated to God have scoffed at the expressed thought of Satan’s having an organization. To this extent they are ignorant of Satan’s devices. The temple class must not be ignorant and will not be ignorant thereof. In this and a subsequent issue of The Watch Tower an effort will be made to set forth the evidence concerning that evil organization. Since, by resolution adopted at the Detroit convention in 1928, God’s people declared themselves for Jehovah and against Satan and his organization, it is essential that they inform themselves of the Scriptural proof of the enemy organization and avoid it.

  • 3 Jehovah’s great Prophet foretold two great signs in heaven that would appear unto those of the temple class. “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” (Rev. 12: 3, 4) This scripture is also a prophecy, and it is apparent that its fulfilment takes place approximately at the same time that the prophecy relating to the woman giving birth to the man child is fulfilled, as stated in the scripture. If that conclusion is correct, we should be able to find some facts showing its fulfilment.

  • 4 The prophecy discloses a great red dragon ready to devour the man child of the woman as soon as it is born. Dragon is one of the names God gave the Devil. It refers to Satan the enemy and all the wicked agencies which he employs, lied, like unto fire, symbolizes that which is destructive. The meaning of the word “dragon” is, ‘that which devours’. “Red dragon” therefore represents the devilish and extremely wicked organization moving to devour and destroy Zion and the man child, which is the new nation or government that shall rule the world in righteousness.

  • 6 Therefore the conclusion is that the “great red dragon” in the prophecy represents Satan’s organization that is opposed to God’s organization. There is both a visible and an invisible part of Satan’s organization, because Satan is a spirit being invisible to human eyes.

  • 6 The number seven is a symbol of that which is complete and invisible, while the number ten symbolizes that which is complete and visible to man. The two numbers, being divinely symbolic numbers, therefore represent the complete organization of Satan, both invisible and visible. The ‘ ‘ seven crowns ’ ’ represents the complete power and authority that is exercised over his organization, and which is invisible to human eyes, and also that the controlling power of the great organization of Satan is invisible to man. “Ten horns” is a symbol of complete dominating power over all the nations of the earth. Jesus told his disciples that Satan the Devil is the invisible ruler of the world and is opposed to him. (John 14:30) Paul gave similar testimony.—2 Cor. 4:3, 4.

  • 7 That Satan’s organization invisible is divided into and operated by departments under subrulers is quite reasonable; and the conclusion is supported by the Scriptures. We know that is true with reference to the visible part, and the visible always reflects that rule by which the invisible is governed. In addition to this, the prophet of God mentions the “prince of Persia” and the “prince of Grecia [Greece]” that opposed the angel of the Lord and therefore represented the Devil. (Dan. 10:13, 20) This would inch-cate that the Devil has appointed an acting prince over each nation or earthly division of his organization. Paul tells of these “rulers of the darkness”, and that they war against the members of God’s organization.—Eph. 6:12.

  • 8 Many have been deceived concerning Satan and made to believe that he does not amount to much, and that he was bound long ago, and that he has no organization. Many have also been induced to believe that Satan has horns and hoofs, and carries an asbestos poker with which he stirs the fires of his “inferno” and tortures the creatures who fall into his clutches. Satan himself is authority for all such fantastic lies which his agencies use to confuse the people and to blind them to his real course of action.

  • 8 The Scriptural proof is that Satan is a subtle, wily, elusive, fraudulent, hypocritical and very deceptive enemy of righteousness. He represents himself as an angel of light, and covers his deadly lies with a little truth, that he may deceive the unsuspecting. (2 Cor. 11:14; 2 Thess. 2: 9) So subtle are his methods that he has induced many good Christian people to believe that he has nothing to do with the present world governments, and comparatively few have ever seen and appreciated the fact that he has a powerful organization. Therefore it appears to be both important and necessary to set out here the proof concerning his organization, its inception and development, and its purpose.


  • 10 That which moved Lucifer to rebel and become Satan, the enemy of God, was covetousness. He desired to have an exalted throne above others of creation, that they might bow and worship him even as creation bows before the throne of Jehovah and worships him. He set about to complete his organization, both among the spirit beings and among human beings. On earth he organized men into religious systems. Then he organized the commercial power and supported it with a military arrangement, and then a political organization. He saturated the entire organization with a religion. The leaders in the commercial and political parts of his organization he made the principal ones of the flock of the religious part of the organization, and thereby formed a combination of all three parts. Babylon well represents the religious, Assyria the political, and Egypt the commercial factor of his powerful organization. In the world powers that succeeded these three named above, the three elements of commercial, ecclesiastical and political are always prominent and appear as the governing factors.

  • 11 Babylon was founded by Nimrod, who was the son of Cush, who was the son of Ham. “And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Aeead, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.” (Gen. 10:6-10) The name Nimrod means “rebellious, or him that rules”. (Cruden’s) Nimrod left the land that had been assigned to his father Ham, and invaded the land assigned to Shorn in the northern regions, and settled in the land of Shinar. In this he manifested the covetous and rebellious spirit of Satan. It seems fitting that, when the time came for God to send faithful men into the promised land of Canaan, he called Abraham and brought him away from the country controlled by Satan through his agencies. He took Abraham out of the very birthplace of Satan’s organization.

  • 12 Babylon or Babel is, according to the native etymology of the word, spelled Bab-il and means ‘ ‘ the gate of God”. The Hebrew word Babel means “confusion”. “Therefore is the name of it called Babel [margin, confusion]; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.” (Gen. 11:9) It is also called Sheshach (Shishaki), the name of the moon god. The city of Babel was built by Nimrod (the rebellious) for the manifest purpose of making a name for other than Jehovah the true God. (Gen. 11:4) The fact that the city was given the name Bab-il (Babylon) is proof that it was built in defiance of Jehovah God and was the enemy organization from its very inception. It was thus named in derision and in defiance of Almighty God.

  • 13 The Scriptures show that the deity of the rebellious city was “Bel”. (Isa. 46:1; Jer. 50:2; 51:44) Authorities, such as Strong, state that “Bel” is a contraction from the name “Baal”, which means master, husband, god or lord. Jehovah is the Lord God and “husband” of his people and his organization. (Isa. 54: 5) Satan, otherwise called Bel or Baal, was and is the husband and lord of his organization on earth, set up with Nimrod as its visible head. Nimrod became the husband of his own mother. Therefore Satan created and married Babylon his organization. All the acquisition by Satan was the result of his covetousness. Jehovah, through his prophet, says: “O thou that dwellest upon many waters [peoples and nations'!, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.” (Jer. 51:13) Jehovah named Satan the Dragon, which means de-vourer or one who swallows up; and thus Jehovah identifies Bel, Baal, as Babylon’s god, and the city or organization of Babylon as the Devil’s organization which devours others.—Jer. 51: 34.

  • 14 Baal-worship was the established Devil religion. The devotees worshiped the Devil even as he had designed that they should do. (1 Ki. 16:31-33; 18: 19-40) “Religion” was the most prominent part of the organization of the city of Babylon. The manifest purpose wTas to get the minds of the people turned away from Jehovah and to induce them to worship the Devil and his creation.

  • 15 According to one authority, the name Bel means ‘the confounder’, and he suggests that the Babylonians worshiped Bel, and not Jehovah, as the confounder of the languages. The confounding of the language or speech at Shinar resulted from the wrong-doing of Satan and his agencies; and therefore Satan is prop-’ erly called a confounder. Satan has confounded the religious belief and practices, and has blinded the people to the truth. God speaks through his prophet against the Devil and his organization, and commands his faithful witnesses thus: “Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces.”—Jer. 50:2.

  • 1 G Nimrod, the first king of that wicked city, was a giant and a great hunter of wild beasts, and a great campaigner and acquirer of property by seizure; and exalted himself before the people as greater than Jehovah God. lie shows forth, therefore, the propensities of the religionists, the profiteer or militarist, and the politician. It is manifest, however, that the chief purpose of the organization put foremost at that time was to establish the Devil-worship and bring reproach upon the name of Jehovah God.

  • 17 In the course of time Nebuchadnezzar succeeded Nimrod as the ruler of Babylon. He also was a strong sponsor of the Devil religion. “For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver.” (Ezek. 21:21) “Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits; he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.” (Dan. 3:1) He was a wicked, tyrannical and cruel ruler. (Dan. 4: 27) Jehovah’s prophet speaks of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon as a dragon. “He hath swallowed me up like a dragon.” (Jer. 51:34; Therefore the Lord, through his prophet, identifies the king of Babylon as the Devil’s representative and gives him one of the Devil’s names. The same prophet also calls the king of Babylon “the king of She-shach”.—Jer. 25 : 26.

  • 18 The Prophet Isaiah definitely identifies Lucifer the Devil as the ruler of Babylon, and supports the identification God gave through Jeremiah: “Thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased! How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. ’ ’—Isa. 14: 4, 12, 13.

  • 19 This agrees with the fact that Nimrod established his organization in Babylon in the north instead of the south; therefore that in forming that organization he invaded the land settled by others. The evidence is strong and convincing that the king, ruler, god and husband of Babylon is Satan, that old Serpent the Devil. Babylon is thereby Satan’s wife, and hence is symbolized by an evil and immoral woman.

  • 20 It has been said that Babylon pictured ‘Ilie church nominal which was originally the gateway to glory and to God’, but which fell and “became a gateway to error and confusion and a miserable mixture composed chiefly of tares and hypocrites”. The Scriptures do not support that conclusion. Babylon was never the nominal organization of God or of Christ. Babylon was never on the side of the Lord God, but was organized in defiance of Jehovah God and devoted to the Devil religion, and therefore could not fall away from God. Therefore it could not mean an apostate religion; but it does mean that which it is, and always has been, a devilish religion and devilish organization. The fact that religions other than the so-called “Christian religion” have fallen to Satan’s organization is entirely a different matter.

  • 21 Jehovah called it Babel, or “confusion”, from the time it was founded on the plains of Shinar; and therefore Babylon could not represent an organization that was once the gateway to glory. He called it “confusion”, because it was the place where he confused the tongues or speech of the people. Babylon worshiped the Devil from the very beginning. The facts show beyond all doubt that Babylon (Bab-il) is the organization founded by Jehovah’s arch-enemy, Satan the Devil. That name has from the very beginning stood for the Devil’s organization, and still stands therefor. Manifestly it is only in irony and derision that God addresses it as a virgin.—Isa. 47: 1.

  • 22 The Scriptures show that the Devil’s organization is of two parts, to wit, (1) that which is invisible to man and which really controls, and hence contro's the entire organization; and (2) that part which is visible to man. The organization is designated “this present evil world”, over which Satan is god. (Gal. 1: 4; 2 Cor. 4: 3, 4) The invisible part is called “heaven”, because invisible; while the visible part is called “earth”, because visible to man. (2 Pet. 3:7) “The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. ... I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arro-gancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. . . . Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.”—Isa. 13 :1-13; Rev. 17: 3-5, 18.

  • 23 The construction of the ancient city of Babylon represented both her heavenly and her earthly divisions and position. Out from the well-spring in Eden flowed the River Euphrates, which well represents the human race after the expulsion of man from Eden. The city of Babylon was built on both sides of that river, which flowed from north to south, and the river therefore divided the city into two parts. In one part of the city was built the temple, and in the other part of the city the palace; and the two parts were connected by a beautiful bridge and also by an underground passage. The two divisions of the city hemmed in the river, and the waters of the river passed between the two divisions. The river therefore represents the human race, hemmed in between the invisible and visible parts of the Devil’s organization over which he rules. He rules there, and his organization rests upon and draws support from the people. Babylon is described in the Scriptures as a “whore”, and is referred to by the Lord’s prophet as ‘sitting upon the multitudes, peoples and nations’.—Kev. 17:15.


  • 24 The city of Babylon, the Devil’s organization, is in the Scriptures charged with and shown as guilty of fornication, adultery, sorcery, murder, and many other crimes. (Rev. 17:5, 6) Babylon the great has “made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication”. (Rev. 14: 8) “For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication ■with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” (Rev. 18:3) “Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.” (Isa. 47:12, 13) “For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” (Rev. 18: 23) “For it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols.” (Jer. 50:38) “The nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.” (Jer. 51:7) “The great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication.”—Rev. 19: 2.

  • 25 The Scriptures associate wine with the harlot. Evidently this is not the wine that the clergy and the advocates of prohibition pretend to be against. The Lord defines what it is when he says: “They also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way.” (Isa. 28:7) “They are drunken, but not with [natural] wrine; they stagger, but not ■with strong drink.” (Isa. 29:9) It is manifest that they are intoxicated with the wicked things which the Devil has promulgated and caused to be taught. It is the wine of the harlot and is a counterfeit of the wine of God’s true organization. “Wisdom . . . hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.”—Prov. 9:1, 2.

  • 26 It has been suggested that “the wine of her fornication” (Rev. 17:2) means the union of the nominal church with the states of this world, thereby manifesting unfaithfulness toward “the Bridegroom”, Jesus. This could hardly be true. Neither literal nor symbolic Babylon was ever espoused to the Bridegroom Jesus, and the church could not therefore be guilty of fornication in this sense. Babylon was espoused and married to the Devil, and the doctrines that she has put forth have caused others to commit fornication and adultery with her. Earth’s kings have committed fornication with her.

  • 27 Babylon, being the product of the Devil’s power, could not be represented otherwise than as an unchaste or immoral woman, representing an immoral organization in the sight of God; and hence the ruling factors of the earth, uniting with her and adopting her religion, would be guilty of uncleanness; and any system uniting with her or being seduced by her, and that had once belonged to the Lord’s organization, would be guilty of fornication and adultery. The worship of idols, especially on the part of those who had once been in a covenant with Jehovah, brands them with idolatry and unclcanness, all of which Babylon is guilty of starting or originating.

  • 28 “Moreover he [Jehoram, king of Judah] made high places in the mountains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication, and compelled Judah thereto.” (2 Chron. 21:11) The inhabitants of Jerusalem were God’s covenant people, but when they adopted the Devil religion they committed fornication with the Devil’s organization, to wit, Babylon. The same rule applies to spiritual Israel. These, having once been God’s covenant people, who thereafter became contaminated by the wine or false doctrines of the Devil and adopted the Devil religion, committed fornication with Babylon the mother of harlots, and her name attaches to them by reason of their being adopted into her family.

  • 29 Jehovah brands Babylon as “the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth”. She is the mother of everything that is abominable in God’s sight. She is the mother of ‘the abomination that maketh desolate, spoken of by Daniel the prophet’. (Matt. 24:15) The name Babylon applies primarily to Satan’s organization, and attaches to all the seed which that organization produces and which represents that evil organization.

  • 80 The primary purpose of Satan is to reproach Jehovah God, turn the people away from him, and compel worship of himself. Knowing that God’s creatures who love him would sing his praises and worship Him, Satan brought into being his organization, and at the very beginning thereof made religion the most prominent part; and then he makes the commercial and the political or ruling powers a part of his organization, and they adopt his devilish religion. It is the religious element of Satan’s organization that he uses chiefly to blind the people concerning Jehovah God, and therefore the religious element was made the most prominent in the beginning and is the most reprehensible before God.

  • 31 Until iniquity was found in Lucifer he was a part of God’s organization. By reason of his covetous desire to have the worship of creation he produced a wicked religion. By the multitude of his merchandise, or the commercial factor, he has produced violence; and by his selfish desire to rule creation he produced the political or ruling elements, all of which appear in his organization.—Ezek. 28:14-18.

  • 32 It was unfaithfulness on Lucifer’s part that caused him to rebel against God and to form the wicked organization and become the husband thereof. Therefore Babylon is represented as an unchaste woman and means an immoral organization, and hence is the mother of all “harlot” systems. The visible part of Satan’s organization, to wit, the earthly governments, is represented under the symbol of “beast”, because harsh, cruel and oppressive. It is the “beast” that carries or bears up the organization of Satan; and she, the organization of Satan, rules over and sits upon the peoples and nations of the earth. (Rev. 17: 3, 5, 15, 18) The prophet of God calls the Devil’s organization “The lady of kingdoms”. (Isa. 47:5) This is manifestly an ironical statement. The Scriptural proof is conclusive, therefore, that Babylon was organized by the Devil and that it represents the Devil’s complete organization.


  • 33 Although Babylon was first organized, Egypt was the first nation of great and dominating strength. The predominating factor of Egypt was her military power, which stands for the commercial factor of the government. The real reason for building up the military power is to acquire or hold property. Almost all wars have been prompted by a covetous desire to acquire the property of others, and have been promoted by the commercial factors of the rulers of the nations. The wars which Jehovah commanded his chosen people to fight were fought either for the execution of God’s judgment against evil-doers or to maintain his good name, and were always carried on for good. God is the Giver of life, and he has the perfect right to take it away when he sees good. Not so with others. The Devil’s organization has carried on war for a selfish and unrighteous purpose, and has builded great military force for that purpose.

  • 31 Egypt was so called by the Greeks and Romans. The Hebrew name is Mizraim, which means “the en-closer or the embanker of the sea”, probably referring to the fact that the first Pharaoh turned the Nile River into its course by embankments. This is supported by the words ascribed to Satan: “My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.” (Ezek. 29:3) The name is derived from the Hebrew word Mazor (Maw-tsor), and according to Strong, means “something hemming in, a mound, a siege and distress”. Sometimes the Hebrew word Mazor is used as the name for Egypt. See Isaiah 19:6; 37:25; Micah 7:11, R. V., margin.

  • 35 “Rahab,” which means proud, is the ecclesiastical name applied to Egypt, doubtless because of her pride, arrogance and boastfulness against God. (Ps. 87:4; 89:10) “The land of Ham” is another designation, probably because of one of Ham’s sons whose name was Mizraim.—Gen. 10:6.

  • 33 In ancient times the land of Egypt was very fertile, especially along the valley of the Nile. Its productivity depended on the regular and annual overflow of the Nile River. The people worshiped the river, evidently because Satan used this means to turn the people away from the true God and make them believe that their gods, of which he was chief, brought the blessings to them through the River Nile. The Scriptures note the absence of rain in Egypt. (Deut. 11:10, 11) Hail, lightning and thunder were probably unknown to the Egyptians until the Lord sent the plagues at the time he sent Moses there. “And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven; and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. ” (Ex. 9:23, 24) The extraordinary phenomenon of the fire, which manifestly was lightning, running along upon the ground, called the attention of the people to the fact that Jehovah is the Mighty God, and made for him a name among the people.

  • 37 The natives of Egypt were afflicted with skin diseases, denoting a bad condition of the blood; thus suggesting a bad condition because of sin, as the life is in the blood. God told his people, the Israelites, that if they would be diligent and hearken unto his voice and do right, then he would put none of these diseases upon them which were upon Egypt. (Ex. 15: 26; Deut. 7:15) Disobedience to God would bring upon Israel such loathsome diseases as afflicted the Egyptians. (Deut. 28:27, 60) Thus God would teach his people that only he has the power to remove sin and affliction.

  • 38 The Egyptians were noted for the use of the horse. “And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt. . . . And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty.” (1 Ki. 10: 28, 29; see also Ezek. 17:15) The primary use of horses was for military purposes. The chariots were drawn by horses, and the chariots were used for war purposes. This arrangement made Egypt a great military power that dominated all the other nations. Because of the misuse of the horse and because it destroys trust in Jehovah, he, the Lord, does not speak favorably concerning the horse: “Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord! ’ ’■—Isa. 31:1.

  • 39 The displeasure of God concerning the use of horses is shown when he directed Josiah to remove them: “And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in of the house of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathan-melcch the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire.”—2 Ki. 23:11.

  • 40 Tiie enemies of Israel came with horses and chariots of war to fight against the people of God: “And the Lord said unto Joshua, Be not afraid because of them: for tomorrow about this time will I deliver them up all slain before Israel: thou shalt hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire. ’ ’ (Josh. 11:6; To hough means to hamstring a horse and make it useless. David did the same thing with the horses of the Philistines. (2 Sam. 8:4) It does not appear that the word “horse” can properly apply to doctrines; but, in particular, the horse does symbolize war, war policies, and war propaganda, and therefore fitly represents a military organization.

  • 41 A further proof that Egypt was a military power is that the Egyptians hated the peaceable occupation of the herders of sheep. “For every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians.” (Gen. 46:34) It is well known that men or organizations that have used horses and military equipment have little use for the peaceable occupation of a shepherd; and this was first manifested by the Egyptians, and the Lord has shown it in his Word.

  • 42 The Egyptians worshiped the Devil and practised the Devil religion. The magicians of Egypt were scribes or horoscopists who drew magical lines and circles, and claimed to state thereby what their invisible gods had determined concerning a person. The commercial or military power was subject to and practised the Devil religion, as did also the political or ruling power. The rulers were against Jehovah and oppressed the people. With indignation the king said to Moses: “Who is the Lord [Jehovah] that I should obey his voice?”—Ex. 5: 2.

  • 43 The religion of Egypt, used of the Devil and opposed to Jehovah, is shown by the following Scriptural proofs: “Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord [Jehovah].” (Ex. 12:12) “And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh. ” (Gen. 41: 8) “And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof; and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.” (Isa. 19:3) “He shall break also the images of Beth-shemcsh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire.”—Jer. 43:13.

  • 44 The ruling factors of Egypt therefore comprised the king and princes, the religious professors, the militarists and the building engineers. “The princes of Pharaoh saw her [Sarah] and commended her before Pharaoh.” This shows that the king had his politicians looking after his personal interests. Concerning Joseph who was in Egypt it is written: “The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance; to bind his princes at his pleasure, and teach his senators wisdom.”—Ps. 105:20-22.

  • 4j Special provision was made in Egypt for the mongers of religion. “Only the land of the priests bought ho not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.” (Gen. 47:22) In the Devil's organization he had seen to it that the religionists were particularly taken care of and provided for. The Devil has always kept religion prominent and to the fore.

  • 46 Concerning the military forces it is written that Pharaoh had a great host of chariots, and horses to draw those chariots, and horsemen. (Ex. 14: 7, 9; 15:4) “Harness the horses; and get up, ye horsemen, and stand forth with your helmets; furbish the spears, and put on the brigandines. Egypt riseth up like a flood [of the Nile] . . . Come up, ye horses; and rage, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth; the Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the shield; and the Lydians, that handle and bend the bow.” (Jer. 46:4, 8, 9) The Ethiopians and Libyans and Lydians were the allies of Egypt, and their place of residence was on the border of Egypt.

  • 47 As proof that they were great builders and engineers, it is written: ‘ ‘ Therefore they did set over them taskmasters, to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.” (Ex. 1:11) It is in the land of Egypt that great pyramids and temples have been budded, and without a doubt they were built at the instance of Satan. These combined ruling factors of Egypt were haughty, domineering, blood-guilty, oppressive, presumptuous and blasphemous.—Job 21:14, 15; Isa. 19:11.

  • 48 The proof is conclusive that Egypt was Satan’s organization and that the dominating element in the visible part of that organization was the commercial power, which created and operated the military for its selfish purposes and caused the politicians to do the bidding of that element. The religious element of the nation was that of the Devil, and wielded an uncanny influence over the other ruling factors. Here again the manifest purpose was to turn the people away from God and to corrupt them and keep them in subjection to the Devil, who was particularly represented in Egypt by Pharaoh the king. To further strengthen the proof, God in his Word definitely says that Egypt is the dragon or Devil organization, created and organized by Satan who claims the earth and everything therein for his own selfish purposes: “Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh [the Devil] king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself [let Jehovah keep his hands off].”—Ezek. 29:3.

  • 49 The common people of Egypt were kept in subjection to the rulers, even as Satan keeps the peoples of earth in subjection to himself by and through the rulers. The common people were not so harsh to the Israelites as were the rulers. It is even so today; the common people arc not harsh against God’s people, as are the ruling factors. The financial lords today claim the natural resources of the earth which God intended for the people. They also advance the opinion that they properly rule and control the people, and that by divine right. Egypt was a house of bondage to God’s people, Israel; and so the Devil’s organization is holding the peoples of earth in bondage.


  • 50 Assyria was also an organization of the Devil. Three elements or governing factors, to wit, religious, commercial and political, appeared therein, but that which is made the foremost is a political religion, or a political rule, or a form of religion that is used by the politicians. By that is meant that the politicians who controlled the people accepted the religion as a matter of expediency. The prophetic books of Jonah and Nahum are devoted exclusively to Assyria and Nineveh, its capital city, and strikingly foretell a state of the Devil’s organization in which a political class will be in the saddle and adopt and follow a false religion because it is thought expedient in carrying out the political purposes. In this the political factor is strongly and consistently supported by the commercial power, the “giants”, which together with the politicians are made the principal ones of the flock of the religious system. The prophetic record concerning the Assyrian world power seems to clearly foretell a condition of the Devil’s organization existing during the period of preparation and immediately before the great conflict between Satan’s organization and God’s organization. Otherwise stated, it foretold a condition existing on earth when approaching the time of the establishment of God’s kingdom, which is the present time.

  • 51 Nimrod wras Satan’s chief man on earth. He had built Babylon and three other cities in the land of Shinar, and became a great campaigner against the peacefully-disposed Shemites who lived in Mesopotamia. Asshur was one of the sons of Shem, and evidently he and his offspring settled that part of the valley of Mesopotamia that lies north of Babylon. Nineveh was the capital city of Assyria and, according to the Common or Authorized Version of our Bible, it was built by Asshur. (See Genesis 10:11.) The accuracy of that translation is disputed by many who claim that it was Nimrod who built Nineveh, the capital city. There is much force to their contention. Genesis 10:10 tells of the beginning of Nimrod’s exploits. From verses six to twenty the record pertains to the sons of Ham, of which Nimrod was the most prominent. It does not seem reasonable that in the very midst of the description of that family the continuity of the description would be broken by interjecting the statement concerning the sons of Shorn, who are mentioned in the same chapter, beginning with the twenty-second verse.

  • 52 One well-recognizcd authority on translation (Hislop) contends with much force that the proper translation should read thus: “And he [Nimrod], being strengthened [after he had built Babylon, and Ercch, and Accad, and Calnch, in the land of Shinar; and had become a ‘mighty’ man in the earth], went forth out of the land [Shinar], and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah.” The marginal rendering of the Common or Authorized Version supports that conclusion. It reads: “And he [Nimrod] went out into Assyria.” The weight of authority, therefore, is that Nimrod extended his domain and increased his might in the earth by invading Assyria and bringing Assyria into subjection to him, and that he built Nineveh as its capital city.

  • 52 One of the prophets of the Lord calls the land of Assyria the land of Nimrod. (Mie. 5:6) Being the capital city, Nineveh wras the official residence of the ruler who is called “the king of Assyria”. (Jonah3: G) It wras the royal city of the second world power, and Babylon became the capital city of the third world power. These facts show that Assyria, and its chief city Nineveh, was an organization of Satan the Devil.

  • 54 Nineveh was a city or organization of great importance, and is called “Nineveh, that great city”; and, again, the prophet says, “Now Nineveh was an exceeding groat city of three days’ journey.” (Jonah 1:2; 3:3) The Hebrew day’s journey being approximately twenty miles, the city would, therefore, be approximately sixty miles in circumference. The prophet says that there were more than six score thousand persons (120,000) that could not discern between the right hand and the left hand. This mani* festly refers to infants, and would wmrrant the conclusion that the total population of the city was between 600,000 and 1,000,000.

  • 53 In the Scriptures the lion is used to symbolize a ruler. (Gen. 49:10) Fierce lions would therefore symbolize harsh, cruel and oppressive rulers. Such rulers or political instruments operate selfishly at the behest of the mighty commercial power, and their evil deeds are screened by the hypocritical religionists. Describing the capital city of Nineveh and its rulers, the prophet says: “Where is the den of the lions, and the feeding-place of the young lions, where the lion and the lioness walked, the lion’s whelp, and none made them afraid? The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his caves with prey, and his dens with ravin.”—Nah. 2:11, 12, R. V.

  • 56 In prophetic phrase is here described a company of cruel political rulers, who exploited the people to feed themselves and their allies in the Devil’s organization. Manifestly this record of the prophet is made that the predominating element of that part of Satan’s organization could be disclosed. God then expressly declared that he is against that organization. This is the best proof that the organization mentioned there is that of Satan the Devil.—Nah. 2:13.

  • 57 The king boasted of his political power and that he had a tremendous political organization: “For he saith, Are not my princes altogether [all of them] kings [politicians]?” (Isa. 10:8) Nineveh was permeated with and debauched by the Devil religion. Here is proof that the “whore” is the Devil’s organization, and particularly the religious part thereof, which the Devil uses to seduce and turn the people away from Jehovah and cause both rulers and people to walk on in darkness and evil. “Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot [Nineveh], the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts. ’ ’—Nah. 3: 4.

  • 58 The Devil, by appealing to the superstitions of the political and commercial giants and rulers of the land, seduces them and causes the nation to be under his (Satan’s) control. At the present day there is much evidence showing that both politicians and big financiers consult spirit mediums and thus receive information from the Devil. While the politicians in Nineveh were in the van of the organization, the commercial factor was exercising its part. The organization of Assyria, and particularly the capital city, Nineveh, was noted for its commercial wealth. “Tako ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold; for there is none end of the store and glory out of all the pleasant furniture.” (Nah. 2:9) “Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven: the cankerworm spoileth, and fleeth away.” (Nah. 3:16) Let the reader now have in mind the present commercialmilitary powers of the world and see how well the prophet long ago described the same.

  • 69 Assyria, and its capital city, was a great military power and was strongly fortified. “Thy crowned [rulers or officers of authority] are as the locusts, and thy captains [field marshals or military commanders] as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day [the latter sitting around, ready to act at the bidding of their owners]. ’ ’—Nah. 3:17.

  • 60 The Assyrian army which encamped before Jerusalem approximated 200,000 warriors. There were probably many more than that, but the record is that 185,000 of them were killed by the Lord in one night. The king of Assyria defied Jehovah God, and endeavored to turn even God’s consecrated people away from him and cause them to give allegiance to the Devil. (Isa. 36:13-20) And thus is proven her military strength and her use by the Devil.

  • 61 Assyria, and particularly Nineveh, her capital city, Satan’s organization, and which was ruled by the politicians, profiteers, militarists, and religionists, was a bloody organization preying upon others, lying to deceive, exploiting and robbing the people. “Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not; the noise of a whip, and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the prancing horses, and of the jumping chariots.”—Nah. 3: 1, 2.

  • 62 It was the rulers of Nineveh who brought about the Samaritans, that company of religious hybrids who mingled their paganism, the Devil religion, with a pretended and superstitious worship of Jehovah. The Lord plainly names them as “adversaries” of his people, who wanted to join with those who were God’s people and to call themselves by the name of the Lord and at the same time practise the Devil’s religion in the name of Jehovah. “Then they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chief of the fathers, and said unto them, Let us build with you: for we seek your God, as ye do; and we do sacrifice unto him since the days of Esar-haddon king of Assur [Assyria], which brought us up hither.”—Ezra 4:2, 3.

  • 63 When God’s chosen people refused to join with them, these same hypocritical religionists became the avowed enemies of the Israelites and persecuted them. (Ezra 4:4-7) The Assyrian rulers had carried these aliens into Samaria to repopulate that land, and to establish there the Devil religion in order to corrupt their neighbors the Jews.—2 Ki. 17: 24, 29.

ei Satan, by and through his organization, has always opposed God. Every one devoted to the Lord must therefore take his stand on the side of Jehovah and give his entire love and devotion to Jehovah and serve him joyfully.

(To be continued)


1, 2. Jehovah requires what standard of devotion in order to have his approval? Explain the term “world”, as used in this text. Account for any one’s scoffing at the statement that Satan has an organization.

3. Why is the 'other wonder’ which appeared in heaven described as a “red dragon”? What does it represent? Identify the “man child”.

H 4-6. What is significant in the fact of the great red dragon’s appearing in heaven at the time of the birth of the man child? Explain the symbolism of the “seven crowns” and of the “ten horns”. How is the fact of Satan’s rulership confirmed by the words of Jesus and of Paul?

fl 7. Give proof that Satan’s government is definitely organized.

fl 8, 9. In what sense is Satan himself “transformed into an angel of light’’? How effective have his methods been in this respect?

fl 10. How did Lucifer become Satan? Describe his procedure in organizing in opposition to Jehovah.

fl 11, 12. By whom was Babylon founded? Account for the extending of that kingdom to include in part the land of Shinar. Show the appropriateness of God’s calling Abraham out from his early home and directing him toward the land of Canaan. What is the significance of the name ‘ ‘ Babylon ’ ’ ?

fl 13. Identify the deity of Babylon, and show the relationship thereof to Satan himself. As Satan is also called ‘ ‘ the dragon”, how is Babylon here identified?

fl 14-16. Why should Baal-w'orship be featured in the organization of Babylon?

fl 17. Who was Nimrod’s successor as ruler of Babylon? What was his religious policy? Why is he referred to as “like a dragon”? What is significant in his being called “the king of Sheshach”?

fl IS. How does the prophecy of Isaiah support the identification of Lucifer the Devil as the ruler of Babylon? What does this prophecy also show as to Nimrod’s invading the land settled by others? What is clearly evidenced as to the identity of Babylon and its relationship to Satan?

fl 19-21. Prove whether Babylon ever represented God.

fl 22. Of what parts does the Devil’s organization consist? By what terms are these designated?

fl 23. Describe how the city of Babylon represented both parts of Satan’s organization.

fl 24. Point out from the Scriptures various grave charges on which Babylon is brought to judgment.

fl 25. Explain Babylon’s ‘drunkenness’.

fl 26, 27. In what sense has Babylon ‘ corrupted the earth with her fornication’?

fl 28. How were “the inhabitants of Jerusalem” brought under the influence of Babylon’s “wine”? Apply the rule to spiritual Israel.

fl 29. Why does Jehovah brand Babylon “the mother of harlots and abominations of tho earth”?

fl 30. What prominence has Satan given the religious element of his organization?

fl 31, 32. Prove whether Lucifer was ever a part of God’s organization. Account for his present status. What is his relationship to Babylon? Identify the “beast” and “The lady of kingdoms ’ ’.

fl 33. Justify approval of Israel’s wars and disapproval of wars of nations generally.

fl 34, 35. What factor was featured in the organization ot Egypt as a world power? Why? What is significant in the diiferent names by which Egypt is known?

fl 36. Account for the Egyptians’ worship of the Nile. How was the attention of the people called to the fact of Jehovah’s being the Mighty God?

fl 37. Point out the lesson contained in Exodus 15: 2(5.

fl 38-40. Explain the significance of “horses” and “chariots”, and show with scriptures how the Lord regards them.

fl 41-43. Prove that Egypt was a military power and opposed to Jehovah.

fl 44-47. Who constituted the ruling factois of Egypt? What provision was made for each of these? What was their attitude toward the people?

fl 48, 49. How does tho cooperation of its ruling factors identify Egypt as the Devil’s oiganization? Compare it with conditions in the world today.

fl 50. How did the prophecies of Jonah and Nahum concerning Assyiia and Nineveh foretell conditions existing at. this time?

fl 51-54. What is the evidence as to who built Nineveh? What is said of the importance of that city?

fl 55, 56. Why is Nineveh referred to as “the den of lions”? Apply Nahum 2: 11, 12.

fl 57, 58. How does Nahum 3: 4 prefigure present conditions in Christendom?

fl 59, 60. What is the evidence that Assyiia was a great military power?

fl 61. Identify the “bloody city” described in Nahum 3: 1, 2, and justify the description there recorded.

fl 62. Who were the Samaritans? What lesson for God’s people is contained in tho proffer of ‘cooperation’ and the reply thereto as recorded in Ezra 4: 2, 3?

fl 63. Why is Babylon appropriately called “the mother ot harlots and abominations of the earth”? What is her portion, according to Revelation 17:16? Why do the Scriptures include a record of all three of these ancient dominions, Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria?

fl 64. Seeing that Satan’s organization has always opposed God and is especially manifest today, what responsibility faces every one who is devoted to the Lord?


[Thirty-minute radio lecture]

FAITH is a Bible term, and refers to belief in Jehovah God, in our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the teachings and inspiration of the Bible. There are millions of people on earth, living in professed Christian lands, who freely acknowledge that they have no faith in Jehovah, in Jesus Christ, or in the Bible. There are other millions of people who claim to have a faith in all these, yet are without a faith that is pleasing to God, for the reason that what they call faith is not faith according to the Bible.

Very few people have any proper conception of what constitutes faith; for a false conception is extant, -which has gained wide credence, because it is almost universally taught. This false conception of faith is that it means to believe something that can not be understood, or to believe something without any evidence or proofs that it is true.

Millions of people on earth today are trying to make themselves believe something without any evidence upon which to base their belief. These people are credulous; which means that they are ready to believe that which is improbable or impossible. They have no basis for their belief. This false conception is very injurious because it leads the holder into a self-satisfied condition where he is not aware of his danger, and resents any attempt to warn him of the same. It leads him to have a feeling of superiority to others; and in this condition of mind, of course, he can not be taught by others, because he is confident that he knows more than anybody else about the subject.

What is faith? According to the Bible, knowledge is essential to a proper faith; which means that no person can have a faith which will please God unless he has some knowledge of what he is required to believe.

God does not ask his children to believe that which is impossible or unreasonable, but always gives us a reason for the hope that is in us, as suggested by Peter. I quote: “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.”—1 Pet. 3:15.

Before proceeding, let us notice the importance of faith, so that all may see the necessity for investigating the subject. The Apostle Paul says that 'without faith it is impossible to please God’. (Heb. 11:6) In Romans 14:23 we read that ‘ ‘ whatsoever is not of faith is sin”. Again, in Romans 1:17: “The just shall live by faith.” James tells us that God has chosen to be the heirs of salvation only those who are “rich in faith”. (Jas. 2:5) In Romans 5:1 we are told that we are “justified” by our faith; and in Romans 4:5, that God counts us righteous because of our faith. The Apostle Peter tells us that the object or end of our faith is the salvation of our souls. It was a lack of faith that kept the children of Israel out of the promised land, for it is written: ‘Because of unbelief they did not enter in.’ Jesus agrees with all the apostles on this subject, and often rebuked his disciples for their lack of faith. When he healed the sick he said: “According to your faith be it unto you.” Jesus tells us that everlasting life is dependent on our faith, saying, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be-lieveth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” To this testimony let us add that of John, who wrote: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. ’ ’—Rev. 2:10.

In Hebrews 11:1, the Apostle Paul gives us a definition of faith, saying, “Faith is a basis of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen.” Now let us ask: Are you convinced that there are unseen things that are desirable? Have you a basis for your hope? And, if so, how were you convinced, and what is the basis of your hope?

No man can be properly convinced unless he has some evidences that appear reasonable, some proofs that his mind can grasp. God never asks us to believe anything without giving us the proper proof. This being true, a proper definition of faith would be, to believe something because we have some proper, reasonable evidence upon which to base our belief, and then to have a confident reliance upon this proof. Hence we read in the Bible about the “full assurance of faith”.

In harmony with these presentations, the Apostle Paul says, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17) This means that no person can have a proper faith unless he has some Scripture evidence upon which to base his faith, some evidence that will appeal to reason, common sense, and his sense of right and justice.

This conception of faith is entirely different from that which most people have. The majority of people think that faith means to believe something without evidence, without proof; and as a result we find people believing foolish, fantastic and unreasonable things, and claiming that the Bible warrants them in so doing. Such beliefs make bigots; and the worst bigots on earth are those people who believe something without any proof or evidence that their belief is correct. The reason that they are so bigoted is that, not having proofs or evidences for what they believe, they rely on sentiment or prejudice as proofs.

Let me illustrate this bigotry which results from a false conception of faith. God told Adam that if he would sin he would surely die and return to the dust as he was before he was created. Paul, referring to this condemnation, says, ‘ ‘ The wages of sin is death. ’ ’ The Lord did not leave us to guess as to what death means, but gave us proof after proof that death means to cease to live. Let me quote some of the proof texts:

Ecclesiastes 9: 5 says, ‘ ‘ The dead know not anything.” Psalm 146:4 says, “He [man] returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Again, in Ecclesiastes 3:19-22 we are told that a man dies just like a beast and that both go to the same place; that both are of the dust and that both return to the dust again.

In addition to these texts we have the fact that Jesus called Lazarus forth from the tomb after he had been dead four days, so long that the body had begun to putrefy; and Lazarus never mentioned that he had been alive either in heaven or in torment. Here is positive proof that the dead are actually dead.

Now, all this is very simple. A child can understand it; and to believe that the dead are really dead, based on these evidences found in the Bible, is faith. But the majority of people, even Christian people, do not believe that the dead are really dead; and when asked for a reason for their faith, they give answers like the following: ‘Why, everybody believes that the dead are more alive than they were when on earth.’ And again, they will say: ‘You can’t make me believe that my mother is not alive in heaven, or that my dead baby is not alive in heaven. ’ When asked for a scripture to support these views, they will answer: ‘Well, it is in the Bible somewhere, for I have heard it and read it myself.’ These arguments do not prove anything, except that the individual is swayed by prejudice, ignorance, or sentiment. When shown the texts that state plainly that the dead know not anything, they almost invariably answer, ‘Well, you can’t make me believe that.’ Such people are bigots, and their minds are not open to reason, nor will they accept Scripture texts as proof. This false conception of faith is responsible for the closed condition of their minds.

Such have no basis for their beliefs, and what they call their faith is not faith in the Scriptural sense of the word; for, as we have seen, the Bible conception of faith is to believe something regarding the unseen or spiritual things after having reasonable and proper evidences that that thing is a fact. To believe something about the unseen or heavenly things, or about the condition of the dead, because your parents told you these things, is not faith; to believe them because your Sunday school teacher or pastor told you so, is not faith; neither is it faith to believe something because everybody else believes it, or because in your own feelings or sentiment you would love to have it so. All these are snares and delusions of the adversary, put forth for the very purpose of blinding the people to the truth as to what real faith is. The Devil does not want people to have faith in God or in his Word. If the Devil can get sensible people to believe something that is incredible and nonsensical, not only is he deceiving such persons and leading them into following a course displeasing to God and into teaching doctrines that are not true, but he is belittling Jehovah God, mocking him and misrepresenting him by teaching people that these foolish things which they believe are really found in the Bible and that God is the author of the same. Millions of good and well-intentioned people are thus cooperating with Satan in misrepresenting Jehovah God.

Many people believe that God is not a personality, that he is not an intelligent being; but regard him as “natural law’’, or as “good principle’’, both of which beliefs deny him intelligence and personality.

The Bible is very clear in its statements that God is a being with a spirit body, living, intelligent, wise, just, loving and powerful. It tells us that he created all things, animate and inanimate; that he is the giver of life, and of every other good and perfect gift; that he is a Father, and that Jesus is his Son; that he is the author of the Bible; that he possesses foreknowledge; that he has thousands of angels doing his bidding; that he has set times and seasons in his own power; that he invites us to reason with him; that he is angry with the wicked every day. It tells of a coming day of wrath, a day of vengeance, a day of judgment; that God has a law and will punish those who violate it; that he sentenced Adam and his race to death; that he sent his Son to ransom Adam and his race from the power of the grave; that he has promised a resurrection for all the dead; and that he will punish with the second death all the wicked and wilfully disobedient.

How foolish to think of the Creator, Jehovah, as being simply “natural law” or “good principle”! No person who believes either of these things has any faith at all. He is trying to believe incredible and impossible things. He has no proof to support his views. He is making the Word of God a lie, and charging God himself with being a liar.

These false conceptions of faith lead honest people to unwittingly misrepresent Jehovah God, to unwittingly cooperate with the Devil in his own purpose of deceiving the people; and also lead them to believe very foolish and unreasonable things, which, under ordinary circumstances, they would be ashamed to believe.

Let us note some more of these foolish things that millions of good people pretend to believe. The majority of Christian people believe a doctrine which they call “trinity”. They all acknowledge that they can not understand it. They acknowledge also that the word “trinity” does not occur in the Bible. Yet they believe it and hold tenaciously to it without a scrap of evidence to support the theory. They will get very angry if any one tries to show them that it is a libel against God and against the Bible.

Briefly stated, this doctrine assumes that there are three separate and distinct gods, which are called “god the father, god the son, and god the holy ghost”, and that while these three are separate and distinct, yet in some unaccountable way they are all one god. It should be evident to any one that if they are separate and distinct, they can not be one, and that if they are one they can not be separate and distinct. No wonder it is acknowledged to be a great mystery. The great wonder is how Satan ever got anybody to believe it. It is foolish and unreasonable, and there is no vestige of proof of this doctrine to be found in the Bible, but it is contradicted by scores of texts.

The Bible declares that Jesus is the Son of God, and that God is the Father of Jesus. This claim, repeated over and over again in the Bible, is a most positive denial of the doctrine of the “trinity”. Again, the Bible declares that God is from everlasting to everlasting, without beginning, without ending, but also declares in most unequivocal terms that Jesus had a beginning, that he was created. In Revelation 3:14 Jesus is called “the beginning of the creation of God”. Jesus himself said that he was the ‘only begotten Son of God’. (John 3:16) Again, in John 14: 28 we read that Jesus said: “My Father is greater than I. ’ ’ All these texts are point-blank contradictions of the claim that Jesus and God are one, and hence disprove the doctrine of the ‘ ‘ trinity ’ ’.

People who believe this doctrine do not have faith; for there is no proof that the doctrine is Scriptural, but plenty of proof to show that it is unscriptural. Such people have been imposed upon by Satan; they have been deceived into believing that which is false, that which misrepresents God, and that which makes them appear foolish and ridiculous.

Why is it that people are slow to believe that which is reasonable and which is supported by evidence, and quick to believe the mysterious, the ridiculous, the unreasonable, and even that which is wicked, about God and his Word? The answer is that Satan has taught them all a wrong conception of faith. It is generally supposed that faith consists in believing that which is unreasonable, mysterious and foolish, and that which has no proof to support it. On the contrary, faith means to believe that which is supported by reasonable evidence.

Jesus reproved his disciples for their lack of faith, saying, “0 fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” (Luke 24:25) It is so to this day. People are slow to believe what the prophets, the apostles and Jesus have said, but are quick to believe what so-called scientists and wise men say, especially if what they say contradicts the Bible. Most people seem anxious to prove that the Bible is not true.

Every little while some would-be scientist or wise man digs up a bone or a skull and immediately achieves fame by announcing that the said bone or skull is four million years old. Another digs up another bone or skull and guesses that his bone is four hundred million years old. They at once announce their find and their guess in the newspapers, and the people read about it with wonder and amazement, and proceed to build monuments and statues to these “wise” men who have “proven” the Bible not true.

They believe what these men say, and call it faith. The real facts are that they have again been imposed upon by the Devil, and that the Devil has used these men to confuse the people and make them doubt God’s Word and misrepresent the great Jehovah God. The guesses of these so-called scientists vary from one hundred thousand to six hundred million years, and yet the people overlook these discrepancies and pin their faith to the nonsense.

The Bible declares that Adam was the first man. (1 Cor. 15:45) Now let each one who is listening take a pencil and paper and convince himself that man has not been on the earth as long as these scientists claim. It is a wonderfully easy proposition.

In Luke 3: 23-38 is given every generation, from father to son, giving the name of each father and son, from Jesus back to Adam. By counting these generations you will see that there are exactly seventy-five generations. Now let us be liberal and count one hundred years to a generation, and we have only 7,500 years from Adam to Jesus. Add to this the 1,929 years from Jesus’ time to our day, and we have only 9,429 years. I call all of you to witness that these figures fall far short of the four-hundred-million, or even the four-million-year guesses of the so-called scientists. But one hundred years to a generation is far too much. The Bible shows that there had passed 4,128 years at the birth of Jesus, and this would make about fifty-six years for each generation before that time; and we know that each generation since that time has been about thirty-five years, and this would make a general average of about forty-five years for each generation from Adam’s day. Thus the wisdom of this world is seen to be foolishness again. Thus the Bible confounds the wisdom of the wise and makes the wisdom of their wise men to perish. The deductions from the Bible are reasonable, as well as Scriptural, and afford a basis for a real faith.

To believe the guesses of these worldly-wise scientists is not faith. It is really a lack of faith in God and in the Bible. It gives a greater value to the opinions of men than to the inspired Word of God.

Many Christian people hold to another theory which has no foundation in Scripture, which is unreasonable, and which is actually wicked, because it charges God with wickedness and cruelty. I refer to the “eternal torment” theory. The Bible declares that God is love. If “eternal torment” were true, he would be a fiend. The Bible declares that God is merciful, but if “eternal torment” were true, he would be utterly devoid of mercy. The Bible also declares that God is wise and just; but if “eternal torment” were true, he would be very unjust and unwise. To believe that God is unwise or unjust, and without mercy or love, when the Bible declares most emphatically that he possesses all these attributes, is not faith, but shows that such persons arc without faith.

The Bible is the only source of information about future and unseen things, and faith means to accept its teachings about these things. To hold to some visionary teaching, or to some teaching that flatters our vanity, or to some doctrines that appeal to our sentimentality and that have no basis in the Scriptures, is not faith. Faith means to believe what the Bible teaches, based on the evidence that is produced therein; and to those who will carefully investigate these evidences, they are always found to be reasonable, just, loving and true.

Paul tells us that not all men have faith. (2 Thess. 3:2) They find it impossible to believe anything unless they can appreciate it through one of the five natural senses, touch, taste, sight, smell or hearing. Faith means to believe something that one can not touch, taste, see, smell or hear; that is, things that pertain to the unseen or heavenly realm. God does not ask his creatures to believe anything without convincing proofs that such a thing is real or true. However, these proofs are not given to us through the natural senses, but arc evidences that appeal to the mind, to the intelligence, and convince us through our reasoning faculties. To believe such proof about things that we can not see, touch, hear, taste or smell is' faith. Everything else is nonsense, deception and fraud, instigated by Satan for the purpose of turning the people away from God and casting reproach upon the Bible, God’s Word.

Throughout this Christian era God is dealing only with those who can and will exercise faith. To them he offers the prize of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus. What is this prize? To those who investigate the Bible reveals that this prize is the great privilege of proving that they have a proper faith now, and of receiving the reward of glory, honor and immortality in the future, at the resurrection of the just, if they prove faithful even unto death. This reward is invisible. The only description of it given in the Bible is in these words, from 1 Corinthians 2:9, “ Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” We are told elsewhere, however, that ‘we shall be satisfied when we awake in his likeness’.

The terms and conditions upon which this prize can be obtained are clearly laid down in the Bible. No one can win this prize without faith that there is such a prize, and faith that it is possible to win it, or without fulfilling all the conditions. These conditions are very rigid. Let me briefly call your attention to some of the conditions: “Search the Scriptures”; “Pray without ceasing”; “Confess your sins”; ‘Preach the word, in season and out of season’; ‘Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow in Jesus’ footsteps’; “Love your enemies”; “Bless them that persecute you”; “Pray for them that despite-fully use you”; “Do good to them that hate you”; and “Be thou faithful unto death”. The Apostle Peter exhorts: ‘Add to your faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and love,’ and then says, ‘If ye do these things, ye shall have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’

It requires faith to do these things; and in all candor I ask, How many people do you know who are doing these things? You will admit that they are very few. Those who do these things are called in the Scriptures “the household of faith”, and to them the Lord has promised that they shall come up in the first resurrection and live and reign with Christ a thousand years.—Rev. 20: 6.

During this thousand years the Lord will convince those who have no faith, and will give them such evidences as will appeal to their natural senses. These, however, will not get the prize of the high calling of God as a reward, but will get everlasting life right here on the earth as human beings; they will get back what Adam lost in Eden, namely, an earthly home with life, liberty, peace and happiness. This will be the reward for their obedience then, but will not be a reward for their faith.

We are living in the faith age now, and God is testing the faith of his saints now. The apostle says that ‘the trial of your faith is much more precious than of gold that perisheth’. Let us lay aside the foolish and nonsensical ideas of faith and realize that faith consists in believing God’s Word and obeying it.



Dear Brother Rutherford:

We hesitate to take up a few moments of your consecrated time, but the small handful of workers here desires to go on record as being in full harmony with the Lord’s work as directed through his channel, the Society, at this time.

We are very grateful to the Lord for providing “food convenient” for our special needs in his service now, and we concur with the statements in the February 15 Watch Tower that it is good and needful for the ‘ ‘ remnant ’ ’ class to have the precious temple ‘ ‘ lightnings ’ ’ continually brought to their attention, to inspire them and to maintain their vision of the Lord’s work and arrangements in this time of stress.

Be assured of our continued prayer on behalf of the kingdom work; our humble determination is to remain loyal and true witnesses of Jehovah of hosts. This class finds that Sunday is by far the best day to take the message of truth to the homes of the people.

May Jehovah continue to use your humble and fearless work to his own glory.

Yours in his service,

Leamington (Ont.) Ecclesia,

Omer Cox, Secretary.


Our beloved Brother Rutherford:

Loving Memorial greetings to you and to all the Bethel Family.

The Cleveland ecclesia wish to express at this sacred season their loving devotion to the Lord and to our blessed Redeemer, the Head of the church, and their loyalty to you, dear Brother Rutherford, who are so faithfully endeavoring to announce far and wide the glad tidings of the Kingdom!

As you do not “shun to declare” the evidences of the travail preceding the birth of the new order, the shaking and sifting processes of the judgment day of all now dwelling on the earth, the refining of silver, and the ever-increasing manifestations of his presence and reign begun, together with the exposition of Satan’s organization and activities, etc., we realize more and more the great weight of responsibility that rests upon you as God’s servant leading his people in this great strife against the ruler of darkness; and we see Jehovah’s protection ovei shadowing you and us as we earnestly strive to praise and honor his holy name and word!

We most sincerely offer you our hearty cooperation in this great work, and pray God to strengthen, sustain and stimulate you with untiring zeal and humble spirit as you continue to herald abroad “in”, “above” and “through” the earth the message of deliverance, reconciliation, government, and sound the strings of the harp that all creation may have the promised witness!

Our warm, fervent Christian love and prayers are sent from the hearts of all in the Cleveland ecclesia!

H. Mathews, Secretary.


Dear Brother Rutherford:

The friends in convention assembled at Winnipeg, Canada, desire to send to you their love, and to express to you their appreciation of your untiring efforts in honoring Jehovah’s name and exposing the Devil’s organization. We wish to go on record as to our determination to fight shoulder to shoulder with you in this great battle.

We wish to assure you of the benefits which we are receiving from the Tower articles, and which are such a stimulus to activity in the witness work.

The convention expressed the hope that the way will open up for you to pay a visit to Western Canada before long.

Winnipeg Ecclesia.

F. .Almond, Secretary.

International Bible Students Association


The message of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast by these and other stations in Australasia, Canada and the United States. Local radio representatives are requested to send (1) prompt advice of change in schedules and (2) a monthly report to Radio and Lecture Department, 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

AUSTRALIA Adelaide .............................. 5KA

Sun pm 8.15-10 Melbourne

Sun pm 6.30-8.30 Newcastle

Sun pin 7-8.30 Sydney

Sun pm 7-8; Thu pm 8-9

Sydney   ......................... 2KY

Mon Tue pm 8.30


Vancouver, B. C............. CJOR

Sun am 30-11

Brandon, Man................... CKX

Sun am 10-11 (second,mouthy)

Winnipeg, Man................. CKY

Sun am 10-11 (first, monthly)

Sydney, N. S................. CJCB

Sun pm 9-10

Hamilton, Ont.................CROC

Sun am 10-111 2

London, Ont....................CJGC

Sun pm 2-3 (every other week)

Moose Jaw, Sask............C.JKM

Sun am 10.15- (monthly)

Saskatoon, Sask.............CJBS

Sun pm 1-2


St. John's ..........................VO8A

Sun pm 8.30-9.30

ALABAMA Birmingham .......-...........WBRC

Sun pm 8-8.45


Fresno ................................ KMJ

Sun pm 4-5 Hollywood .......................        KNX

Sun pm 1-2 Los /Angeles ....  KTM

Sun am 9-10

Oakland ............................KEWM

Sun am 9.45-11 ; pm 12-2.30, 6-7.45, 9 15-10.30

Mon Wed Fri am 8-9; pm 2.30-3.30, 4.30-6, 7-8.30

Tue Thu Sat am 8-9, 11-12 ; pm 1.30-6. 7-8.30, 9-11


Colorado Springs ............KFUM

Wed pm 8.30-9

Denver ...................   KLZ

Sun am 10-10.30 Pueblo .............  KGHF

Mon pm 8-8.30


Washington ....................WMAL

Sun am 10-112


Jacksonville ...................- WJAX

Sun (Oct. 20) pm 7.3b ?

Miami   ..........................Wlc-D

Sun am 11-11.30

Tampa ..............................WDAE

Mon pm 7.40-8


Chicago ............................WORD

Sun am 9-122; pm 1-7.30

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat am 10-11 ; pm 7-8


Evansville ...............-.......WGBF

Sun am 8-92 Fort Wayne ....................WO\V O

Sun pm 4-4.30

Indianapolis ..................WKBF

Sun am 8-92

Terre Haute ....................WBOW

Sun pm 1-1.40


Cedar Rapids ..................KWCR

Sun am 9-10.30; pm 4-5

Wed pm 9-10

Council Bluffs ..................FOIL

Sun am 10-11

Davenport ........................ WOC

Sun pm 10.15-10.45

Muse a tine ..........................KT N T

Sun pm 12-1

(eiery other week)


Milford ....... KFKB

Fri pm 5.30-6 Wichita .............................. KFH

Sun am 9.30-10.15


Hopkinsville ....................WFIW

bun am 8-9K


Shreveport ........................KTSL

Thu pm 8-9


Bangor .............................WLBZ

Sun am 10-112


Baltimore ........................WCBM

Sun pin 6-8

(every other week)

Thu Sat pm 9.30-10


Boston ..............................WMES

Sun am 10.30-1 pm;

pm 7.45-9

New Bedford ....................WNBH

Tue pm 8-9


Bay City ..........................WBCM

Tue pm 7.45-8.15

Detroit .......................„..WGHP

Sun pm 5-5.30 Flint .......................  WFDF

Fri pm 9 30-10 Grand Rapids ..................WOOD

Sun pm 9-10

Jackson ...................„.........W1BM

Sun pm 2-2.45


Duluth .......  WEBC

Sun pm 1-1.45 Minneapolis ....................W RIIM

Sun am 9.30-10.45

■MISSISSIPPI Hattiesburg ....................WRBJ

i ■" . ^.AU-9


Joplin ............................ WMBH

Sun pm 6-7

Kansas City ...........  WHB

Sun pm 12 30-1

St. Joseph ...............-.......KFEQ

Sun am 10-10.45

St. Louis ............................ WIL

Sun pm 6 30-7


Billings ...................  KGIIL

Sun am 9.30-10.30


York .......  KGBZ

Sun am 9.45-10.45

NEW JERSEY Paterson ..........................WODA

Suu am 10-112

NEW YORK Binghamton ......................WNBF

Sun am 11-1 ; pm 7-9 Thu pm 8-9

Buffalo ..............................WEBR

Sun pm 2 3

Jamestown .......................WOCL

Sun am 11-12 (first and third, monthly)

Long Island City ............WLBX

Fri pm 7-8

New York ......................WBBIt

Sun am 8.30-112 ; pm 5 9 Mon am 10-12; pm 2-4 Tue pm 12 2 ; 6-8 Wed am 10-12 ; pm 9-12 Thu pm 1-3. 8-10 Fri pm 2-4, G-S

Now York ....................... WOV

Sun am 10-llH

New York ........................WWRL

San pm 5-6

Thu pm 9-9 30 Poughkeepsie ................. WOKO

Sun am 10-112 oaianac Lake ................WNBZ

Sun am 10-10.30

Syracuse ............................WFBL

Sun am 9-102

Tupper Lake ..........._.......WIIDL

Sun pm 3.30-4

NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte .......................... WBT

Sun am 9-102

Greensboro ......................WNRC

Fri pm 7-7-30


Akron ................................WFJC

Wed pm 7.30-8

Cincinnati ........................WFBE

Sun pm 5-6

Cleveland .......................... WHK

Sun am 9.30-112 ; pm 2-3, 7 8 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat am 8-8 30; Thu pm 7.45 9 Columbus ..........................WAIU

Sun am 9-102

Columbus ..........................WCAI1

Sun pm 12-1, 9-10 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat am 11.30-12 noon

Thu pm 7.30-9 Dayton ..............................WSMK

Sat pm 5.30-6 Mansfield  .............................WJY

Sun pm 9-10 Toledo ................................WSPD

Sun pm 1.30-2


Chickasha ........................KOCW

Sun pm 6.30-7

Enid ....................................KCRC

Sun am 10-10.30

Oklahoma City ...........  KFJF

Sun am 9-9.30 Thu pm 8.30-9.15


Portland ............................KTBR

Sun am 10-11**

pm 8.30-9 (Greek or Ger.)

pin 9-10 (English)


Altoona ..............................TVFBG

Sun pm 7-7.30 Erie ..................■.............-...WEDH

Sun pm 9-9.30 Harrisburg ......  WHP

Sun am 10-112 Oil City ..........................WLBW

Sun |>m 5.30-6 Philadelphia ...................... WIP

Sun pm 2.30-3 30 (German,

Greek, Italian. Polish)

Wed pm 3.45-4 (English j Pittsburgh ...................... KQV

Sun am 10-11': pm 1-2, 7-8

Fri pm 8.30-9 30

Reading ..........................WRAW

Sun pm 7-8 Scranton ...........................WGBI

Sun am 10-112

RHODE 1ST AND Providence ........ WLSI

Sun am 10-112

south dnkota

Sioux Falls ..................... KSOO

Sun am 9.30-11 ; pm 2 3 (German and Norwegian occasionally)

TENNESSEE K n ox vill e  ........................W N O X

LT i pm 7.30-8

Memphis ............................1\ REC

Sun pm 2 30-3


Dallas ................................ WRR

Sun am 10-11; Fri pm 7.30-8 Houston   ......................KPRC

Sun pm 1.30-2 San Antonio ....................KGRC

Sun pm 1-2 Waco .................................WJAD

Sun pm 6.45-7.30


Salt Lake City .................. KSL

Sun pm 1-1.30


Norfolk ..............................WTAR

Sun am 10-112; pm 7-7.30 Petersburg ........................WLBG

Suu am 9-10 ; pm 3-4, 4.30-5.30


Aberdeen ..........................KXRO

Mon Wed Fri pm 7.30-8

Bellingham ........................KVOS

Sun am 10-11**

Everett .......................-.....KFBL

Sun am 10-11**

Seattle ...........................-.KOMO

Sun am 10-11**

Spokane .............................. KHQ

Sun am 10-11**

WEST VIRGINIA Charleston ........................WOBU

Sun pm 7-7.30


Madison ..............................WI BA

Sun pm 12.15-12.45 (fourth monthly) Milwaukee ..........................WISN

Sun am 10-11

Sun am 9-10 (Polish, every other week)

Sun am 11-11.30 (last, monthly, German)


• watchtower chain program.


• Northwest network program.