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->&■' 'no man lay-VA'^s" , A.RANSOM FOR ALU^j-
Vol. L
No. 20
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October 15, 1929
Satan's Organization (Part 2) ...................
Counterfeit .....................................................
The True .......................................................
The False .......................................................
The Other Sign ...........................................
Present Powers of Control .......................
Modern Egypt .............................................
Modern Assyria ...........................................
Opposing God ...............................................
Moral Conditions .........................................
Whz Is the World Still Unconverted?
Who Is Jehovah? Who Is Jesus? ..........
Radio Service .................................................
Philadelphia Convention ..........................
Scripture Study Special ............................
Berean Bible Studies ..................................
"I will stand upon my watch a^d will set my foot upon the Tower, and will watch to see what Ue will say unto me, and what answer I shall make to theny that oppose me”—Habakkuk 2:1,
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for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of beaten shall_be। shak . . redemptiOn
things begin to come to pass, then know that the Kingdom of God is at band. Look up, and lift up your heads, y draweth nigh.—Luke 21: 25-31; Matthew 24: 33; Mark 13 :29.
THIS journal is published for the purpose of aiding tlio people to understand the divine plan. It provides systematic Bible study in which all its readers may regularly engage. It gives announcement of the visits made to Bible classes by traveling speakers, announces conventions, and gives reports thereof. It announces radio programs and publishes suitable Bible instruction for broadcasting.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as God’s revealed Word of Truth. It stands firmly upon the great ransom sacrifice as the fundamental doctrine by which all doctrines are measured. It is free from parties, sects and creeds of men. It does not assume a dogmatic attitude, but confidently invites a careful examination of its utterances in the light of the infallible V ord of God. It does not indulge in controversies, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and is from everlasting to everlasting; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation; that the Logos became a man; that he is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in heaven and in earth.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of Adam’s wrongful act all men are born sinners and without the right to life. .
THAT JESUS was made a human being in order that he might become the Redeemer of man; that he gave his life a sacrifice for man and thereby produced the ransom price; that Jesus the divine was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and presented the value of his human sacrifice as the redemptive price for man.
THAT FOR MANY CENTURIES God, through Christ, has been selecting from amongst men the members of his church, which constitutes the body of Christ; that the mission of the church is to follow in the footsteps of her Lord Christ Jesus, grow in his likeness, give testimony to the name and plan of Jehovah God, and ultimately be glorified with Christ Jesus in his heavenly kingdom; that Christ, Head and body, constitutes the “seed of Abraham” through which all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
THAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED; that the Lord Jesus has returned and is now present; that Jehovah has placed Christ Jesus upon his throne and now commands all nations and peoples to hear and obey him.
THAT THE HOPE OF THE PEOPLES of earth is restoration to human perfection during the reign of Christ; that the reign of Christ will afford opportunity to every man to have n fair trial for life, and those who obey will Eve on earth for ever in a state of happiness.
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■United States, $1.00; Canada and Miscellaneous Foreign, $1.50; Great Britain, Australasia and South Africa, 7s. American remittances should be made by Express or Postal Money Orders, or by Bank Draft Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances should be made to branch offices only. Remittances from scattered foreign territory may be made to the Brooklyn office, but by International Postal Money Orders only. (Foreign translations of this journal appear in several languages.) Terms to the Lord’s Poor : All Bible Students who, by reason of old age or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to pay for this journal, will be supplied free if they send a postal card each May stating their case and requesting such provision. We are not only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continually and in touch with the Berean* studies.
Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal subscription will be sent only when requested. Change of address,, when requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month.. A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
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J. F. RUTHERFORD Present W. E. VAN AMBURGH Secretary
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rler.se address the Society in every case
Beports received at the office of the Society indicate there will be a large attendance at the Philadelphia convention, to be held October 31 to November 3 inclusive. Many, from different parts of the country, are signifying their purpose of attending. All the regional service directors will be present.
Tho annual meeting will be hold at 10 o’clock on Thursday morning, and the convention will begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
The brethren at Philadelphia will render all assistance possible in securing desirable accommodations at a reasonable rate. We advise all who contemplate attending to write immediately to the secretary, George G. Calhoon, 6019 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The convention will continue from Thursday afternoon until Sunday evening. Sunday morning the chain radio program will be broadcast from a Philadelphia station, and then the entire convention will participate in the field service. The first meeting on Sunday will be at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. There will also be a meeting Sunday evening.
Let all who are devoted to Jehovah and who can attend this convention present the matter before the Lord for his blessing, and come with a heart devoted to him, determined to be a blessing to others, to receive a blessing and to be an honor to Jehovah’s name. The convention will doubtless be a great stimulus to the brethren who are in the Lord’s army.
Those who desire to find an excuse to oppose the Society’s work make the charge that we are not putting the Studies in the Scriptures, written by Pastor Russell, in the hands of the people. The Society has decided to designate the week beginning November 10 as a special drive week for the sale of Studies in the Scriptures.
Consignments are being shipped to the classes. The price of the full set of seven volumes of Studies in the Scriptures, for that week, will be $1.25 in the United States and Canada, and a corresponding price in other countries. Let all the class workers, pioneers, and colporteurs prepare for this special drive.
Immediately following this special drive week, canvassers will all return to the sale of the other volumes.
| I.B.S.A. Berean Bible Studies
i by means of
1 Week beginning November 3.....fl 1-32 |
| Week beginning November 10.....if 33-52 |
| “Satan’s Organization” (Part 1)
| Week beginning November 17.....IT 1-32 |
t Week beginning November 24.....IT 33-61 |
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Vol. L
October 15, 1929
No. 20
“The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.”—Isa. 24:20.
JEHOVAH having declared that he made the literal earth and that it shall abide for ever (Eccl. 1:4; Isa. 45:12,18), it is certain that the earth mentioned in Isaiah’s prophecy first above quoted means that it is such an organization that it is opposed to God; and it is therefore used as the symbol of Satan’s organization. Satan has already been cast out of heaven, and it now remains only for God through Christ to destroy his organization of the earth.—• Matt. 24: 21, 22.
2 The three great earthly organizations, namely, Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria, were all Satan’s organizations which show his wicked organization from different viewpoints. Babylon is the mother, and Jehovah in his Word represents her as “the great whore” and “mother of harlots”. (Rev. 17:1-5) The Devil’s organization is that which gives birth to all the other organizations that have opposed and still oppose Jehovah God and bring reproach upon his name and persecute his anointed. It is the Devil religion that has corrupted the political rulers and the commercial giants of the world and turned them against Jehovah. God’s Word indicates that when the time comes the political and financial powers will awake and, learning a measure of the truth, will hate the old “whore” and make her desolate and every thing that is visible of that wicked organization. —Rev. 17:1-17 ; Isa. 10: 5, 6.
8 Assyria therefore more particularly represents the Devil’s organization at a time when political rulers dominate the nations and work together with and under the direction of their commercial allies and support and uphold a false religion, and shows that they will so continue until the crash comes. Egypt, being the Devil’s organization, particularly magnifies the commercial part as predominating, which produces and maintains the military power, while at the same time the politicians and the religionists work together to carry out its policies. Babylon stands as the “mother” of the whole wicked system, and specifically and primarily represents the Devil’s organization ; and all who become a part of her properly take her name and are designated as Babylon.
4 The student of prophecy will find that every part of God’s great organization has been counterfeited and duplicated by Satan, so far as it has been possible. It is apparent that Satan’s purpose has at all times been to defy Jehovah God, mock and ridicule him, bring his name into disrepute and reproach before all creation, and turn all creation away from the great God. A comparison between the two will here be found of interest.
8 ALMIGHTY GOD: He is the Creator, the Father, and the “husband” of Zion, and is holy.
6 ZION: The woman symbolizing God’s organization Zion; the mother; the wife that gives birth to that which is holy and is approved by Jehovah.
’ THE SEED: The anointed of God, Jesus Christ being the Chief thereof, to carry out God’s purposes.
8 SATAN, THE FALSE AND MIMIC GOD: The creator and father of Babylon; the husband of that old “whore”; and the father of the wicked ones.
8 BABYLON: The woman symbolizing the Devil’s organization; the mother of Satan’s organization ; the wife; the harlot and “mother of harlots” organization.
10 THE SEED: Satan’s anointed rulers, that is to say, those whom he authorizes and uses to carry on the visible rule of his evil-organization on earth, and particularly the religious leaders.—John 8:42-44.
11 In the first great prophecy the Lord Jehovah God said: “And I will put enmity [hatred and hostility| between thee [Satan] and the woman [God’s woman, his organization], and between thy [Satan’s] seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Gen. 3:15) That prophecy must be fulfilled, and is now in course of fulfilment; but the great climax is not yet, but in the future. The two seeds are now developed and made manifest. The hostility not only exists, but is also made manifest.
12 “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” (Rev. 12:3) The other great sign or wonder mentioned in the text just above quoted is seen at the same time as the great wonder or sign mentioned in the first verse of the same chapter. The first sign or wonder is the woman ready to give birth to the man child; the second is the great red dragon ready to devour the man child. Both of the signs existed long before, but both appeared at the same time to those who were watching as Jesus had advised them to watch.—Matt. 24: 42.
13 These two great signs or wonders are discerned after the opening of the temple in heaven, and are discerned by those who are devoted to Jehovah and who are privileged to be brought into the temple condition. It was in the year 1918 that the temple was opened in heaven; and after that time that the true followers of Christ on earth discerned the wonders or signs. The first duty of those seeing the signs is to call the attention of their fellow Christians thereto, and then to tell these truths to all who have a desire to hear. These signs are conclusive proof of the presence of the Lord and of the beginning of his kingdom, and of that which opposes his kingdom; and the truth concerning the same becomes of vital importance to every one who would know the truth.
14 Many professed Christians have failed to see either of the great signs or wonders. They fail to realize that Jehovah God has an organization. They do not see that the Devil has an organization, and therefore think it wrong to say anything about Satan and his organization and the agencies which he uses. Evidently such have been lulled into a sleep or semi-comatose state, and have therefore not been awake to the unfolding of the divine plan. Jesus prophesied that there would be just such a class of professed Christians on earth at this time, and he counsels such to ‘anoint their eyes with eye salve [of light and truth], that they may see’. (Rev. 3:18) Failing to do so, these are evidently not permitted to enter the temple condition.
15 That such a condition of lukewarmness of professed Christians would exist in the very last days of the church’s earthly experience, is made certain, because Jesus, the great Prophet of God, so stated. It is the hope that the truth herein set forth may aid some such lukewarm or sleepy ones to awake and avail themselves of the great privileges that the Lord has afforded them.
16 Now it clearly appears to those who are thoroughly awake and devoted to the Lord that the first great sign or wonder described by the Lord Jesus in the scriptures heretofore cited is God’s organization, marking the beginning of the reign of Christ Jesus. It also appears that the other great wonder or sign is the Devil’s organization, putting forth all its power and manifesting all its viciousness to destroy the “seed” of God’s organization and to bring further reproach upon Jehovah’s name.
17 That Satan began the forming of his organization in the day of Nineveh, the proof hereinbefore set out clearly shows. God caused the records of Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria to be made in his Word for the very purpose of aiding and enlightening his people at the time of the end of the world, where we now are. (Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11) Therefore it is now God’s due time for the understanding of the meaning of those records concerning the three great world powers above mentioned. It will not do to say that what is here recorded about these world powers is ancient history with which we have nothing to do. The fact that the sign or wonder is revealed to men only after the Lord builds up Zion in these modern times is proof that now is the time when God would have his people to carefully examine that ancient history and learn its meaning. That history is made prominent in the Divine Record concerning Babylon, Egypt and Assyria, manifestly for the purpose of enabling the student to see the hideousness and wickedness of the Devil’s organization at and after the time when the “great red dragon” sign or wonder appears.
18 The Devil will make a strong effort to cause many to misunderstand what is here written, because it exposes him and his way of wickedness. Every thoughtful person should expect that very thing. Satan’s methods have ever been fraudulent and marked by lies and deception, and are yet. He is the deceiver of men, the slanderer of all who try to do right, the opposer of God and all righteousness, and the de-vourer of everything that would bring honor to Jehovah God’s name.
19 Satan will attempt to induce some to believe that what is here written is written to cause rebellion of the people against the respective governments of earth. That is not the purpose of what is here written. The people could accomplish nothing by rebellion or revolution. The people are now tied hand and foot and are powerless. They are in complete bondage to the Devil and his organization. There is no possible way for the people to free themselves. As the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, so now are all the peoples of earth in bondage to the Devil’s organization. God will set them free in his good way and time, as the Scriptures describe and as is herein set out. The sole purpose of calling attention to the Devil’s organization is that the people may flee from it and turn themselves wholly to the Lord God so as to have his blessings.
20 The masses of the human race are held in bondage to the Devil’s organization, but they are blind as to what is holding them. Without doubt many of the officials or rulers of the nations of earth honestly desire to see a better condition established among the people. Many honest endeavors are put forth by such men to better the government and the people, but God’s time has come when the people and the rulers must know that there is no power that can bring relief and blessings except the power of Almighty God. It is therefore important for us to see and appreciate God’s organization, and at the same time to see and understand the power and wickedness of Satan’s organization.
21 The strongest nations on earth today jointly designate themselves as “Christendom”, because they claim that their religion is the “Christian religion”. Other nations, which make no pretense of worshiping God and Christ, but worship idols, are called “heathen”. There are two great organizations existing, to wit, God’s organization and Satan’s organization. To which organization do the nations of the earth today belong? Surely all fair and honest persons would want to determine this question in the right way, because the vital welfare of all the people is involved. It could be of no lasting advantage to any one to blind himself to the truth. Let the facts be dispassionately and honestly weighed, and then let the question be answered according to the truth.
22 The religion of the nations called “Christendom” is claimed to be Christian. But is it? To be a Christian one must be a true follower of Christ Jesus, and must recognize, serve, worship and obey Jehovah God. He must take God’s Word as the truth, because the great Prophet Christ Jesus stated that God’s Word is the truth. (John 17:17) The majority of the religious leaders of so-called “Christendom” today deny the truth of the Bible, and deny that the blood of Jesus furnishes the purchase price to redeem man from the bondage of sin and death. The very basis of Christianity is the great ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. There is no other means of salvation, as the Word of God plainly states. (Acts 4:12) Every modernist preacher on earth denies that God created man perfect, that man fell because of sin, and that the sacrifice of Jesus was to provide redemption for man; and yet these men claim to be Christians and are the leaders of the religion of Christianity.
23 There can not be two classes of leaders in God’s organization, because God is not the author of confusion. There are two, and more, classes of leaders in Christendom, namely, the Modernist and the Fundamentalist, the Christian Scientists, so called, and others. The Fundamentalists, without exception, teach that every man has an inherently immortal soul which therefore can not die, and that when that which is called death ensues, the soul continues to live either in bliss or in torment. Such is based upon Satan’s lie, and Jesus declared him to be the father of lies. (Gen. 3:4; John 8: 44) Every Fundamentalist leader denies that the blood of Jesus was shed that every man might have an opportunity for life, and denies that God will give every one an onportunity for such relief and restoration to life on earth.
24 Jesus Christ, whose name Christendom adopts, restated his Father’s commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,” and specifically applied that commandment to all true Christians. He further taught that the man who hates his brother is a murderer. During the World War practically all clergymen, Modernists and Fundamentalists, taught and instilled into the people the spirit of hatred, and urged them to kill one another. There were two sides in that great war, and the clergymen of Christendom and the principal ones of their flocks were about equally divided on the respective sides; yet all of them urged the killing of their fellow men on the opposite side. Surely this could not be the spirit of God’s organization.
25 Jesus refused to have anything to do with the politics of the world. He was not of the world, even though he was in it. He overcame the world and told all his followers that they must overcome the world. (John 16:33; 8:23; 18:36-38) The reason he assigned was and is that Satan is the invisible ruler or god of the world. (John 12:31; 14:30) His true disciples, authorized teachers and representatives of God, told the followers of Jesus that they must keep themselves separate and distinct from the world and devote themselves to telling the truth about God’s King and his righteous kingdom.-—2 Cor. 6:17,18; Jas. 1: 27.
26 Furthermore, they taught that he who claims to be the follower of Christ and who makes himself a part or friend of the world is an adulterer and the enemy of God. (Jas. 4:4; 1 John 2:15) All the clergy of all the denominations, both Catholic and Protestant, participate in worldly politics and diligently seek to control the political element of the governments of earth called “Christendom”. All of them had to do with the carrying on of the World War. Such course is contrary to God’s organization.
27 But some one will say, ‘Was not the Christian church organized by Jesus and his apostles, and are not these clergymen still holding to the Christian church?’ Jesus and his apostles did organize the Christian church on earth, and for some time thereafter that organized body of men called Christians followed the teachings of Jesus. The church was then pure, and the apostle refers to the same as a pure virgin espoused to Clirist. (2 Cor. 11:2) Later that organization was overreached by Satan through his organization.
28 It is also true that the Israelites took the name of Jehovah God, and were his covenant people and agreed to do his will. They were a prophetic people foretelling the Christian people of God. Because of the unfaithfulness of the Israelites God withdrew his favor from them, and they became the captives to Babylon. What happened to that people was prophetic, and foretold what would happen, and what did come to pass, with those who control the organization called the ‘ ‘ Christian church ’
20 Many centuries ago the religion named the "Christianreligion”, and which was organized, ceased to be the true religion because the leaders and principal ones in the flock thereof fell away and became captive to Babylon, which is the Devil’s organization. Their unfaithfulness to God and to Christ was the reason therefor. Satan therefore overreached and corrupted the organization and in due time controlled it. Satan blinded the people and drew them away from the truth of God’s Word and from the study thereof, and since that time the organization has been Christian in name only, having within its folds some good, honest people, and many hypocrites.
30 ‘But,’ another asks, ‘surely it can not be denied that the religion of ‘‘Christendom” holds to the name of Christ and of God and publicly calls upon the name of God and of Christ and prays to God in public, and is not their religion therefore still the true Christian religion?’ To such the answer is that Satan’s method is always fraudulent. He induced men in the very dawn of man’s history to hypocritically call themselves by the name of the Lord, and he has been doing that time and again since.—Gen. 4: 26.
31 The Israelites were God’s chosen and covenant people and they called themselves by the name of the Lord, and because of their unfaithfulness God said to them: ‘ ‘ This people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart [devotion] far from me.” (Isa. 29:13) To the same effect Paul wrote a prophecy concerning the very time in which we are now living, in which he said: ‘ ‘ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be . . . lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”— 2 Tim. 3:1-3.
32 As men in the days of Enos were hypocrites and called themselves by the name of God (Gen. 4:26); as the Pharisees and other religious leaders of the Jews called themselves by the name of God and were hypocritical (Matt. 23:12-35) ; even so the religionists of Christendom are hypocritical, because they claim to be God’s people and take the name of Christ and call themselves Christians, but by their very words and course of action deny that they serve God and follow Christ. Thus the old "whore”, Babylon, has defiled and debauched that which is called "organized Christianity”. Satan accomplished this evil result by his fraud and deception, and by turning the people away from Jehovah.
33 Before the Lord came to his temple many students of the Scriptures believed and taught that the Catholic system is "Babylon” and "the mother of harlots”. In that they were in error. Babylon is Satan’s organization and gives birth to every evil organization. Babylon, being the harlot and mother of harlots, is the one that causes other organizations to commit harlotry. When the early church fell away from God and was seduced by the Devil and became a part of his organization, that organization then called the church took the name of the "mother” as well as of the father. The Catholic church became a part of the Deval’s organization; and also the Protestant church, when it fell away and joined hands with Satan’s organization and made an alliance therewith and thereby became guilty of adultery. Leaders of both the Catholic and the Protestant systems were blinded and led away into evil by Satan’s fraud and deception.
34 In both Catholic and Protestant church organizations there have been and are now honest and sincere persons; but they have failed to walk in the light of Christ, and therefore Satan has blinded them to the truth. Many of these are crying for relief because they are "prisoners” in the Babylonish or devilish organization, and the Lord has given his promise that in due time these shall be delivered.
35 The clergy leaders of Christendom now bring into their pulpits politicians and financiers to teach the people, well knowing that such would-be teachers have no understanding of or faith in God and Christ Jesus. They also welcome in their pulpits the Jewish rabbis, who deny the blood of Christ. They also have in their pulpits the teachers of Hinduism, Buddhists and Christian Scientists, so called, and all manner of religious leaders; and they tell the people to ‘believe anything they like, because they can be saved by one religion as well as by another’. Because of their attempt to follow a way of salvation contrary to the Lord God’s provision, there has resulted confusion in all the organized systems of so-called ‘ ‘ Christianity ’ ’.
36 It has been Babylon, the Devil’s organization, working by and through the Devil religion, that has brought the politicians and the rulers of the world into the fold of so-called "organized religion” and caused these rulers to commit fornication with that unholy system. (Rev. 18:9) It has been this same Devil organization called Babylon that has opened her foul arms and received the commercial giants and profiteers and merchants of the earth into her fold, and has bidden them to partake of her illicit delica-cics. These have been made the principal ones in the religious flock. (Rev. 18:3; Jer. 25:34) The history of ancient Babylon therefore clearly and prophetically foretold the present religious condition of so-called “Christendom” or organized Christianity.
37 Satan’s organization is called “the world” because it consists of an invisible and a visible part, and the nations and peoples have for centuries been under Satan’s control and therefore form a part of the world. For this reason it is designated in the Scriptures as the “evil world”. Satan is the prince or god of this world. (John 14:30; 2 Cor. 4: 3, 4) God caused the record of ancient Egypt to be made as a prophecy foretelling the conditions that would obtain on earth at the time of the coming of Christ and his kingdom. Therefore ancient Egypt more particularly magnified the commercial and military part of the modern Satanic organization. Jesus Christ was crucified in the world, and the place is therefore mentioned by the Scriptures as “Egypt”. (Rev. 11:8) This is another proof that Egypt was Satan’s organization and that his organization still persists on earth.
38 Egypt was noted for her wealth and for her military power. The wealth of the world was never so great as it is today, particularly in the nations called Christendom. There are a few millionaires and billionaires, but there are hundreds of millions of paupers, in Christendom. The latter are oppressed by the ultra-rich, even as the poor of ancient Egypt were oppressed. It is the commercial power that makes wars, and this in turn opens the way for them to greatly increase their material wealth. All the great transportation systems; all the great banks and financial institutions; all the light and power corporations ; all the great buildings in the cities; and almost all the food-producing lands and nearly all the material wealth of the world today, are owned and controlled by the great commercial giants of Christendom. All the great battleships, submarines, aircraft, explosives, guns, and other weapons of war, are held and owned by the rich governmental powers of Christendom. Does this great material wealth, and do these instruments of destruction, form a part of God’s organization? Does Jehovah God’s organization, of which Christ is the Head, have any need of such weapons and instruments of destruction? It is so manifest that all these are owned by Satan’s organization that no one should doubt.
39 The commercial giants of earth today accept the so-called “Christian religion” because they can pay the purchase price thereof, and they hope to be saved thereby from dire penalties that might be brought upon them for evil-doing. By reason of the Devil’s fraudulent religion the merchants of earth have waxed rich and enjoyed many delicacies. They have paid for religious protection and consolation, but the time rapidly approaches when they will awaken to the fact that they have been duped by the Devil’s arrangement or organization named Babylon, and particularly by the religious part thereof.
40 Ancient Assyria was a powerful political organization, with the political rulers in the van. The great power, however, was really exercised by the commercial interests. The political power or representative was in fact the spokesman for the commercial power. Great military organizations were formed and employed to enforce the decrees of the rulers. The Devil religion furnished the camouflage for the bloody and cruel operations of that organization. This was done, as the prophet says, “because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.”—Nah. 3:4.
41 “ Christendom, ” so called, is modern Assyria, corresponding so exactly that it seems certain that God caused the record of ancient Assyria to be made prophetically foretelling the condition on earth at the present time. Today the politicians of the nations of earth are in the van and are speaking great swelling words of their ability to adjust the difficulties of the world and to establish a satisfactory condition. The power behind these political rulers and spokesmen is the great commercial factors of the world. It is the latter that really provide the means for the mighty military machines to enforce the decrees of the rulers.
42 As the political and financial element of ancient Assyria adopted the Devil religion of that time, even so the religious element of Christendom today ably supports the political and financial factors in world policies. Catholics and Protestants, Jewish rabbis and all other “approved” religionists, join today in extolling the virtues of the modem ruling powers, and boast of the ability to establish peace on earth and good-will toward men.
43 Ancient Assyria was a bloody organization. There is more human blood properly charged up to modern Assyria, otherwise called “Christendom”, than any other period of the world’s history. In the World War millions of people poured out their life-blood, and many more millions have been the prey of the great military powers of Christendom.
44 Ancient Assyria was “full of lies and robbery”. (Nah. 3:1) The ten years immediately following tho World War have been made prominent by the divers fraudulent and false schemes to exploit and rob the people. The farmer has been exploited and robbed by schemes of the financiers, in which the other two ruling factors have rendered aid in wrong-doing. The burden of taxation has been greatly increased, and many persons have lost their homes and lands by reason of exorbitant and unreasonable tax burdens placed against their property for public improvements. Public officials have become the bosses of the people instead of being servants of the people. Tho great financiers name the political candidates and permit the people to go through the form of voting for them, and then elect those whom the financial power desires. This is particularly true in America. Tho great financial institutions control the food and raiment supply that the people must have for their maintenance and support.
45 Material wealth was never so great as it is in modern Christendom, but this wealth is held by a few. Every nation is bristling with guns, warships, aircraft and high explosives, and other means for the destruction of human life. The political rulers are making peace pacts and thereby claiming that they will outlaw war, while at the same time every nation of Christendom is making greater preparation for war than at any time past. In this policy the political element is strongly supported by the commercial and the religious element.
46 ppie reiigious element of Christendom, while claiming to follow Christ, deny his second coming and his kingdom, and refuse to hear and to obey the Word of God. The clergy and religious leaders are proud, haughty, boasters, false accusers of those who serve God, and despisers of all who diligently seek to tell the people the truth in the name of the Lord God. Being a factor of Satan’s organization, the religionists are supported by the other ruling factors because the latter believe it expedient for them so to do.
47 Paul wrote a prophecy which is in this very day coming to pass, even as he said: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. ’ ’—2 Tim. 3:1-5.
48 Babylon, Egypt and Assyria emphasize, therefore, the three elements of Satan’s visible organization. Thereafter the three ruling elements were manifested in all succeeding world powers. Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome followed in the order named. Each of those world powers practised the Devil religion. The religion of ancient Rome was called pagan. In the course of time the stronger political rulers of Rome adopted the “Christian religion” and carried into that organization, so formed, many of the ceremonies practised by the pagans. Rome became a great military power and her commercial and political and religious interests walked hand in hand in oppressing the people.
49 Then came the British Empire as a mighty world power, and in this the three elements, commercial, political and religious, formed the ruling factors, and continue to rule. It too has become a tremendous commercial power and a great and cruel military power, and the religionists form a part of the government. Surely it would not be said that any one of these world powers is any part of God’s organization. Since there are but two great organizations, this empire must of necessity be of Satan’s organization.
50 Exactly the same is true concerning America, ■where the three elements of Satan’s organization rule the people.
51 The World War produced a condition making possible the formation of the eighth world power, to wit, the League of Nations, and that was foretold in prophecy. (Isa. 8: 8-10; Rev. 17: 9,11) That alliance or pact was formed by the political element, aided and supported by the financial and military factors, and fully supported and approved by the religionists of Christendom. The latter openly declared in 1919 that 'the League of Nations constitutes God’s kingdom on earth and substitutes therefor’. Can it be honestly contended that the League of Nations constitutes any part of God’s organization? If not, then certainly it is of Satan’s organization.
52 In 1914 Christ Jesus was placed upon his throne by Jehovah. That same year the World War began, and during that war the hatred of combined Christendom was made manifest against all who sincerely served Jehovah God. The great Prophet of God foretold that condition when he said: “And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” (Matt. 24: 9) It was in 1918 that all the nations of Christendom involved in the World War openly expressed and manifested a hatred against those who insisted on serving God and telling the people of his coming kingdom for their blessing. Those humble followers of Christ were haled into court, were tried upon false charges and perjured testimony, and were wrongfully convicted. Many were imprisoned, others beaten, and others killed. They were thrown into military prisons and grossly ill-treated because they humbly asked the privilege to serve God and tell his Word of truth and obey his injunction not to kill. Such hatred could have been expressed only by Satan’s organization and instigated by Satan himself.
53 The “seed of Satan” and the “seed of the woman” were at that time brought forth and made manifest, and Jehovah said that there would be enmity between them, and that the ‘seed of Satan would bruise the heel of the seed of the woman’. Christ is the ‘seed of the woman’, and his last faithful followers on earth, constitute the “feet of him”, including the heel. That prophecy long ago uttered began to have its fulfilment in 1918.
54 The other great wonder or sign, which appeared after 1918 to those who by the grace of God have been enabled to see heavenly things, is Satan’s cruel, blood-guilty organization standing ready to devour the kingdom of God, represented by the man child which was born. (Rev. 12:1-4) It is well known to all that the clergy and religious leaders of “Christendom”, so called, hate and violently oppose those who insist on telling the people that Jehovah is God, that Christ is King, that his kingdom is here, that Jehovah has set him upon his throne, and that shortly he will establish a righteous government and destroy all evil. The Devil hates those who faithfully represent Jehovah, and seeks to devour them; and the clergy and religious leaders of Christendom also hate them, because they do the will of their father whose children or “seed” they arc.—John 8:42,44.
55 Satan has made Christendom a part of Babylon, and therefore the name Babylon applies to Christendom because it is of Satan’s organization. Through the false religionists of Satan’s organization, the political and commercial rulers of earth have been drawn into that evil system. The Lord makes it evident that they have been deceived, because he says that in his due time these shall awake to the truth, in a measure at least, and rid themselves of the vile religious system.
so prjor f0 the World War the moral conditions of the earth were bad enough, but all will agree that since the World War the moral degeneracy is far worse. There is great corruption in public official places. The exploiting of the people is boldly carried on; the public press is full of accounts of crime and scandal. Even among the young students the vice has become such that it is appalling and causing great concern to parents. Many honest persons join in the effort to prohibit the manufacture and use of intoxicating liquors, believing that in so doing they will aid in the moral status of the people. The facts show that the Devil has seized upon this condition to increase immorality and debauchery.
57 Prior to the World War it was thought to be wrong for men to indulge in the use of tobacco and liquor. Since the war women use both tobacco and liquor, even more freely than men, and this is extended even to young girls and boys in the public schools. Because of these alarming conditions many good people are now seeking earnestly to find the remedy. There must be a reason for this terrible condition. There is a reason, and the Lord’s great Prophet assigned that reason, and it is this:
B8 In 1914 Jehovah placed his King upon his throne. (Ps. 2:6) There followed a war in heaven, with Christ Jesus and his angels on one side against Satan and his angels on the other side, which resulted in the casting of Satan out of heaven. (Rev. 12: 7-9) Then it is recorded that, because Satan was cast out of heaven, there was great rejoicing; and at the same time it was announced, “Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ.” (Rev. 12:10) Then says the prophet of God: “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” (Rev. 12:12) Thus the prophecy shows that the Devil is now devoting his entire attention to the things of this earth. The “inhabiters of the earth” are those who control the affairs of the earth; and, in fulfilment of this prophecy, at this time there is great perplexity and distress among those who rule, and they are unable to ascertain the reason why. (Luke 21:25,26) The “sea” in this prophecy represents the masses of restless humanity, the condition of which grows worse day by day. This explains the reason why there has been such a great moral degeneracy during the past ten years.
59 The evidence is conclusive that Satan’s organization is now in control of the affairs of earth. The great Prophet of God foretold this condition, and it has now come to pass. Carrying out his well-laid plan, Satan is now desperately trying to turn all the peoples of earth away from Jehovah God and to plunge all humanity into the depths of wickedness. He knows that the climax is at hand; hence his desperate deeds of corruption and debauchery.
60 The politicians and commercial giants may try to reform the conditions; the clergy may talk of bringing about ideal conditions on earth; and all together they may make peace pacts and declare that they will bring about lasting peace, but the joint efforts of all will fail.
61 There is no power on earth now that is able to remedy earth’s evils. Satan’s organization is in control, and the people’s hands are shackled. There are many people of good will, in the church denominations and outside thereof, who by their combined efforts will try to remedy present conditions; but they can not.
62 There is a remedy, and it is complete. It is the only remedy; and it is of much vital importance that the peoples of the nations of earth now be given an opportunity to know what that remedy is. To give such information is the very purpose of this publication. It is of vital importance that the people know the cause of the evil, before they can appreciate how the evil can be eradicated. When we see what constitutes Satan’s organization, how cruel, wicked. harsh, bloody, immoral and powerful it is, then we can begin to see the necessity of a greater power to destroy it. At once it becomes apparent that no human powers could accomplish this end. When we see also that the so-called “Christian religion’’ or “organized Christianity’’ upholds, aids and supports in carrying on this devilish and oppressive system, then we may know that “organized Christianity”, so called, is not God’s religion, but the religion of the Devil; and we may know it is a part of the Devil’s organization. It is therefore apparent why the clergy and religious leaders of today oppose the truth that is being promulgated by a company of humble Christians who are generally known as Bible Students.
G3 Never was it so important as now that the people know the truth. Satan is putting forth all his efforts to prevent the people from knowing the truth. Many of the rulers are deceived and blinded by Satan, and likewise the people are blind to the truth. What, then, shall be done that the people may know the truth?
04 Through his prophet Isaiah, and in many other places in the Bible, Jehovah plainly expresses his determination to destroy Satan’s organization, that it shall fall and not rise again, and that this will clear away every evil thing in the earth and make ready for the reconstruction work under Christ to begin.
65 Jesus commanded the anointed that just preceding this final overthrow of Satan’s organization there must be a great witness to the nations, and declared that then the end shall come. (Matt. 24:14) It is therefore apparent that the anointed now must see the clear distinction between the enemy organization and that of Jehovah and must keep themselves in exact line with God’s organization and show their full and complete devotion to him.
K 1. Harmonize the statement that “the earth abide th for ever” with that in our text, that ‘the earth shall reel and fall and not rise again’.
V 2, 3. Explain the relation of Babylon, of Egypt, and of Assyria to Satan’s present organization. What prominence is given to Babylon, and why? What is her judgment?
U 4-10. Show, by parallel comparison, how Satan has duplicated in counterfeit the prominent features of God’s organization. What is here apparent as to Satan’s constant purpose?
H 11. What is the present situation with respect to fulfilment of Genesis 3: 15?
If 12, 13. Describe the two “wondeis” appearing in heaven. When are they discerned, and by whom? Point out the significance of these signs.
If 14-16. Describe the circumstances calling for counsel to “anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see”. What is to be seen?
If 17. What was God’s purpose, manifestly, in giving a record of Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria, and of its being now brought so clearly to the attention and understanding of his people?
V 18-20. What may be expected from the Devil in this connection, and why? Compare the present condition of the people with that of the Israelites in Egypt, as indicating the importance of the witness to be given at this time.
T 21, 22. To what do the terms “Christendom” and “heathendom” apply? Prove whether Christendom is Christian.
If 23, 24. Point out the prominent doctrinal errors of Christendom. Account for the confusion. Show whether its conduct is in line with its claims.
If 25, 26. As to participating in the affairs of the world, Jesus’ course presents what lesson? Where have the clergy stood in this respect?
If 27-29. Draw a parallel between Israel and the Christian church, as to (a) organization, (b) regard for their covenant relationship, and (c) result of their course of action.
If 30-32. Show from scriptures and by illustration whether openly calling upon the name of God and of Christ identifies a people as approved of God.
11 33, 34. What is designated by “Babylon”? Trace her relationship as “the mother” in ‘harlotry’ of other religious organizations.
If 35, 36. Point out her relationship as such also to the political and commercial systems of the world.
If 37. Why is Satan’s organization called “the world”? How are the nations and peoples related thereto? The record of ancient Egypt serves what purpose in prophecy? What is indicated in the statement that ‘our Lord was crucified in Egypt’?
T 38, 39. Describe Christendom as pictured in Egypt’s wealth and military power. What does this clearly rndreate as to the headship of such organization? Account for the general acceptance of the so-called “Christian religion” by the commercial element of today.
If 40-42. Show how ancient Assyria pictured particularly the political factor of Christendom. What is pictured by Assyria’s adoption of the Devil religion at that time?
U 43-45. Describe how ancient Assyria’s being a “bloody” organization and “full of lies and robbery” illustrated the duplicity and selfishness of Christendom in these last days.
If 46, 47. What does the Apostle Paul say of the ‘perilous times that shall come in the last days’? How does his description thereof apply to the religious element of Christendom ?
If 48. To what extent have the three ruling elements emphasized in Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria been manifest in succeeding world powers? Explain why Roman “Christianity” is so peculiarly and distinctly pagan.
If 49-51. Show whether Britain, America, or the League of Nations is any part of God’s organization.
If 52, 53. Point out the fulfilment of Matthew 24: 9.
1f 54,55. How have the activities of the “red dragon” been manifest since 1918?
If 56, 57. Describe how the world War has affected the moral conditions of the earth.
If 58. When did the “war in heaven” take place? What was the result? How was this received in heaven? What does it mean to “the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea”?
If 59-61. Of what avail are human efforts to stem the rising tide of evil in the earth? Why?
If 62. Is the situation of the people hopeless? What is evident as to the greatness of that power which will bring deliverance to the people?
If 63, 64. How important, then, is the proclaiming of Jehovah’s purpose to destroy the enemy’s organization and deliver the people from oppression?
If 65. Who will now proclaim the tidings of deliverance? Why is it essential that the anointed have a clear vision of the situation?
[Thirty-minute radio lecture]
NEARLY all Christian people believe that eventually the world will be converted. Evidently they base their expectations on certain Scripture texts which in most clear and positive language describe a condition of peace, righteousness, justice and love prevailing all over the earth. These texts warrant the conclusion that eventually all peoples of earth will be in fullest harmony with and doing the will of Jehovah God. These texts picture this happy condition as existing right on this earth of ours. There are many of such texts. We quote but a few, however.
In Isaiah 45:22, 23 we read: “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.” Again, in Psalm 150: 6 wo read: “Let every thing that hath breath praise tho Lord. ’ ’ Still again, in Psalm 98:1-3 it is recorded that “his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory”, and that “all the ends of the earth havo seen the salvation of our God”.
In Isaiah 11: 9, also, we read: “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom] : for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. ’ ’ Still again, in Isaiah 2: 4 we read: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more”; and to this is added the testimony of David, who said: “He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder: he burnetii the chariot in the fire.” (Ps. 4G: 9) Then to all this Jesus himself adds the climax to the picture, in these words: “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. ’ ’—Rev. 21: 4.
Many other texts corroborate these thoughts. Indeed it is impossible for the human mind to properly grasp all the blessings which God has in store for thoso who will eventually come into full harmony with him; and it is utterly impossible for words to describe tho same.
In sharp contrast with these texts depicting peace, liberty, health, prosperity and happiness, are many other texts which describe great trouble in the earth, “such as never was since there was a nation,” which speak of the “wrath of God” and “the day of vengeance of our God”, which speak of the elements melting with fervent heat and ‘the earth and the things that are therein being burned up’, of the whole earth being consumed with the fire of God’s jealousy. These texts seem to picture great desolations all over the earth.
The question before us now is, How can we harmonize these scenes of destruction and desolation with the other texts picturing peace and blessings for all the people? When properly understood, these seemingly conflicting texts are thoroughly consistent with each other. It should be self-evident that if wars are to cease on the earth, and righteousness and peace and happiness are to prevail, then there must be a stupendous change, not only in earth’s affairs, but in the hearts of men. It is self-evident that all oppression, tyranny, graft, profiteering, selfishness and greed must end, if such conditions are to exist.
Jehovah God knew this fact, and so has arranged to rid the earth of evil and all evil-doers before he will even begin to try to convert the world. Hence the Bible tells us of the “day of God’s wrath”, of the “great and terrible day of the Lord”. This will cause ‘a time of trouble such as was not since the world began’.
The great trouble in the earth must precede the era of blessing and peace which the Scriptures describe as covering the entire earth. It must occur before the world is converted.
But why must the trouble come first? The answer to this is that Satan has a wicked, corrupt kingdom on the earth; a kingdom that has blinded and deceived the people with false doctrines about God and the Bible; a kingdom that has oppressed the people with wars, poverty and distress and that has filled the earth with crime, graft, profiteering, lawlessness and violence. All the sin and wickedness on the earth result from the fact that Satan has a well-organized, world-wide and very popular kingdom that is working to the injury of the people and for the destruction of their God-given rights.
This kingdom must be destroyed before the work of converting the world begins; and the Devil must be bound, placed under permanent restraint before the world can possibly be converted. The Bible repeatedly tells us that the Lord will destroy this kingdom, and that it will be the first work of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This is why a “day of wrath” is mentioned in the Bible. It will be a manifestation of God’s wrath or vengeance against evil and all evil-doers.
Let us examine some of the many texts on this point. In Psalm 2: 9 we are told that the nations shall be dashed in pieces as a potter’s vessel. Again, in Isaiah 34: 2 we read: ‘ ‘ The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. ’ ’
In Isaiah 30 is recorded a most remarkable picture of the destruction of the Devil’s organization, and then in verses 27 and 30 are these words: ‘ ‘ Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy; his lips ava
full of indignation, and his tongue as devouring fire. And the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall shew the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones.”
These texts and many others picture, not the destruction of the earth itself, but the complete and everlasting destruction of the kingdom of Satan on the earth that has oppressed and injured the people for many centuries.
According to the Bible, the time is coming when the world will be converted and when there will be no sin on the earth. Most Christian people, however, claim that this will not occur in our day, but at some far distant future time; and nearly all clergymen agree to this thought. On the surface of the proposition this would be the natural conclusion for any one to draw, because the world today is farther from being converted than ever before. One hundred years ago there were about 500,000,000 heathen on the earth, but today there are at least 1,000,000,000; and there are at least a thousand heathen born where there is one converted. Any one can see that by present methods the world would never be converted.
What has just been said refers to the heathen nations. But are the so-called Christian nations of earth really converted? Let us look at the facts. The vices of tobacco-using, whiskey-drinking, rum-smuggling, white slavery, bribery, graft, war, divorce and scandals, murder and immorality are peculiarly the vices of so-called Christian nations. Any thoughtful person can see that these vices are rapidly increasing; so much so that it is impossible to build prisons and penitentiaries enough to properly care for the law-breakers that are convicted, to say nothing of the many thousands of instances where convictions are not secured and the offenders go scot free. Then again, clergymen are increasingly complaining of empty pews and the resultant empty collection boxes. Statistics show that there are over 30,000 churches in the United States without a pastor. Indeed, in order to show an increase in membership, many churches have had to resort to what is called the “cradle roll”, which means that when a child is a few days or few weeks old, it is placed in the cradle which is kept in the church and is thereafter counted as a member of the church. All these things tend to show the lack of interest in religion which characterizes our day.
To be converted a person must come to have faith in God; must believe that Jesus is the Son of God; that Jesus was separate from sinners; that he died for the sins of the people; that he was raised from the dead; and that salvation comes only through faith in his shed blood. It means to believe in the Bible as the Word of God, and that its message is the truth; and also to obey the teachings of that word. No man can be a Christian, neither can he win everlasting life, unless he thus believes and obeys.
But why have clergymen and others failed to convert the world? One reason for their failure is that they lack both the power and the wisdom to do it. They lack the power to bind the Devil and restrain evil, and the Scriptures teach that it is necessary to bind the Devil in order to convert the world. Hence the reason for their failure is that the Devil is not yet bound.
Another reason is that it is not God’s due time for converting the world. When men learn the lesson that God has times and seasons for doing all the various features of his work, and that he has set the times and seasons in his own power, they will have learned a good lesson. The Apostle Paul says, “God hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained. ’ ’ (Acts 17: 31) Ah, yes! Jehovah God has appointed a great day of judgment, one thousand years long. He has also ordained a particular man, the Lord Jesus Christ. The world will be converted when the work of that judgment day is finished. During that judgment day of a thousand years Satan shall be bound.
For nearly 1900 years Jesus has been waiting for God’s due time, God’s appointed time for him to begin his work of converting the world. During those 1900 years, while Jesus has been waiting, clergymen and missionaries have been very active in trying to convert the world. God had foreseen the result of their many efforts, and had it all recorded in the Bible over eighteen centuries ago. Let us read the record, and then each one can judge as to whether the statements are true or not.
2 Timothy 3:13: “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Verses one to five of the same chapter: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. ’ ’
Since the Bible clearly teaches that the world is to be converted, a proper question to ask at this point is, How does God intend to do the work? The answer is found in the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 1:21 we read: “After that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” In plain phrase this means: After the wise men have failed to convert the world, God purposes to do it by the simple and seemingly foolish method of preaching. It is comforting to know that the time has come, and the work of preaching has begun.
Another proper question to ask at this point is, What must be preached? Let us note particularly what the Bible says must be preached. Isaiah 61:1: “Jehovah hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; ... to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn.’’ Jesus said: “I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.’’ (Luke 4:43) In Luke 9: 2 we read that Jesus sent the twelve apostles out to preach the kingdom of God. Paul says: “Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel; . . . we preach Christ crucified.” (1 Cor. 1:17, 23) Again, Paul says, “Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16) And again, “If any man preach any other gospel, let him be accursed. ’ ’
Thus we have seen that the preaching of the truth, which will show to the people that God is love, is God’s way of converting the world. In harmony -with this thought are the many Scripture texts which tell us that the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth as the waters cover the sea.
But when is this to be done? Again we go to the Bible for the answer. In Acts 17:31 we read: ‘ ‘ He hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained.” Let us get this thought. God has appointed a day, foreordained it, tells us that it is a thousand years long, and tells us that Satan shall be bound during that day; and it is during this day that the world will be converted.
This text says that God will judge the world; which means he will give the people the truth, and each must decide whether he will accept it or not, whether he will bring his life into harmony with it or not. Those who do will get everlasting life, and those who do not will get everlasting destruction, or second death. Thus the truth will be the judge, as Jesus said, “The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.” (John 12:48) Again, in Isaiah 26:9 we read: “When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” Thus we see that the judgment day and the kingdom of Christ are one and the same thing. The kingdom of Christ is ordained for the purpose of doing a judgment work; and that is why Jesus said, “The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.”—John 5: 22.
Another feature of this judgment work is that Jesus will have the church with him in glory, to aid him in this judgment work. The apostle says: “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?” (1 Cor. 6:2) The saints are the true church; they are the ones whose names have been written in the Lamb’s book of life all down through the Christian era. According to Revelation 14:1-4, there are to be only 144,000 members.
These saints are called the bride, the Lamb’s wife, also the church of God; they are to be joint-heirs with Jesus in the kingdom; and they are to reign with him a thousand years. John says that “they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years”. (Rev. 20:6) God has not been trying to convert the world during this Christian era. He has been engaged exclusively in the work of finding this church class. The conversion of the world will be accomplished during the reign of Christ, during the kingdom of Christ, during the world’s great judgment day, by Jesus Christ and his church.
Will Jesus and the church succeed in converting all the people? According to the Bible, those who will be living on the earth when the kingdom is fully established, and all those in their graves, will share alike in this work of blessing at the hand of the Lord. They will have to learn that God’s purpose was to people the earth with a race of perfect and sinless human beings. They will have to learn that by the one sin of Adam the entire human family was condemned; and that this condemnation came upon them by the operation of God’s law of heredity. They will learn that this penalty meant their death, and that it would have been a perpetual death unless God had arranged to ransom the race; that God in his love and pity gave to death the dearest treasure of his heart, namely, his only and well-beloved Son, that the race might be ransomed from the power of the grave. They will have to learn that Jesus died for their sins, and that God raised him from the dead on the third day; that whosoever will accept these facts, believe them and be grateful for them, to the extent of ever afterward trying to live to the pleasement of Jehovah God, will be given the right and the privilege to live on the earth for ever, in perfect happiness and health. Every one must come to a knowledge of these truths, as the apostle tells us: “ This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. ’ ’ (1 Tim. 2: 3, 4) We notice that this text says that the people will first be saved, and later brought to a knowledge of the truth. This is exactly in harmony with the facts. The people are first saved from the Adamic death, because of the ransom price paid by Jesus. Then they are brought to a knowledge of the truth.
But will everybody come to the point of believing on Christ Jesus and acknowledging him as their Savior? The Bible answers, No. It tells us that there will be some who, when they learn the truth, will be so stubborn and wilful that they will refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior. These will not be converted; for true conversion means a change of heart, as well as a change of conduct. The apostle mentions this wilful class, saying that ‘if we sin wilfully after we have re-ceivcd an accurate knowledge of the truth, there remains no more a sacrifice for sins’. (Heb. 10: 26) This means that the sacrifice which Jesus made for all mankind will not avail for such wilful sins.
A wilful sin is a wilful and premeditated rejection of the truth, when it is seen to be the truth; and for such a sin there is no forgiveness. Such a heart is wicked beyond the power of words to describe. Such a person is unfit to enjoy the blessings of life which God intends for all. Such a person would always be a menace to the life, liberty and happiness of others; and God has decreed that such shall never have eternal life, but that they shall die the second death, which the Revelator pictures as a lake of fire and brimstone. A fire of brimstone is utterly destructive; hence a lake of fire and brimstone is a perfect picture of the second death, destruction. Those who will be left will be soundly converted. Then everything that hath breath shall praise the Lord.
Clergymen, evangelists, missionaries and others are not to blame for their failure to convert the world, for several reasons: First, God did not want it converted until during the thousand years. Second, they did not have the wisdom or power to do it. Third, their method has been entirely wrong. Fourth, the Devil has not been bound.
[Fifteen-minute radio lecture]
IT IS a deplorable fact that the majority of people know very little about the two greatest beings in the universe, Jehovah God and his Son Jesus. The Bible gives us a clear revelation of both, yet very few people are sufficiently interested in the Bible to read it, and the number who study it is far less.
The purpose of this lecture is to review briefly what the Bible has to say about Jehovah God and his Son Jesus. Who are they, and what is their relationship to each other?
Let us first consider Jehovah. What does the Bible say about him? It teaches, first, that he is not a created being, but that he has always existed and hence is without beginning or ending, from everlasting to everlasting. In Psalm 90: 2 we read: ‘ ‘ From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.” It further reveals that all life, either animate or inanimate, comes from Jehovah God. Paul says that there is but one God, and that he is the Father of all. (Eph. 4: G) We are further told that he is all-wise, all-powerful, loving and just, and that his mercy endures for ever. He is the creator of all things; and says James (chapter 1, verse 17), ‘Every good and perfect gift cometh down from the father of lights.’
His name is Jehovah, and he declares that he will not give his name or honor to another. In Isaiah 42: 8 we read: “I am Jehovah; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another. ’ ’ He has lovingly and benevolently purposed that all who will obey his law, when once they understand it, shall have everlasting life, and through his holy prophets he repeatedly assures us that his purpose shall ultimately be fully accomplished.
Isaiah 45: 23 reads: “I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. ’ ’ Again, in Isaiah 55:11 we read: “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. ’ ’
There is no other being in the wide universe who can speak with such positiveness. He is the almighty and supreme One. His wisdom and power are limited only by his justice and love. He can and will do anything that justice and love will approve.
Jehovah God declares that he is the author of the book known among men today as the Bible; that he inspired holy men to write it. We read in 2 Peter 1: 21 that “prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy spirit”. The Bible is preeminently a book of prophecy, in which God has recorded his purposes concerning the earth and the human family; it declares that God has set due times and seasons for the fulfilment of these prophecies, and that each prophecy will be fulfilled exactly on time, not before or after God’s foreordained time.
Many prophecies were fulfilled at the first advent, enough to prove to a person who gives the matter careful thought, that no man could foretell these things without divine inspiration. The Bible is the only book written by inspiration; therefore it is the only book that contains the truth. In providing this record God was careful to arrange it in such a way that his enemies could not understand it. Jesus himself is authority for this statement.
On one occasion Jesus’ disciples asked him why he always spoke in parables when addressing the multitudes. His answer was: “Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing, see not; and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” (Matt. 13:13-15) This means simply that the people did not want to hear the truth, and closed their eyes and ears to the same.
No one who loves unrighteousness, who is hypocritical, dishonest, or prejudiced, can understand the Bible. Such a person will resist the truth and close his mind to it. Such person, when confronted with a text which does not please him or conform to his creed, invariably exclaims: ‘Well, you can’t make me believe that! ’
Any one who criticizes, contradicts or denies the statements of the Bible is not only presumptuous, but thereby discloses the faet that he has too high an opinion of himself. To understand the Bible, one must approach it with honest heart, a reverent mind, and in prayerful mood. He must be willing to be taught.
No human being can fully grasp the grandeur and majesty of Jehovah God. When properly appreciated, however, every human being will render to God his heart’s most loyal devotion; his tongue will sing God’s praises for ever, and his life will be spent in God’s service.
Now let us consider briefly the second great being brought to our attention in the Bible. His name is Jesus. Who is he? Over and over the Bible declares that Jehovah God is the Father of Jesus, and that Jesus is the Son of God. Notwithstanding this, the majority of people believe the nonsensical idea that God and Jesus are one and the same person. They close their minds to the fact that a father and a son can not be one and the same person. How foolish it is to think of a son as being his own father, and of a father as being his own son! Many people have failed to see that while God had no beginning, Jesus did have a beginning. The Bible tells us repeatedly that he is the only begotten Son of God. The word “beget” means to begin.
While God was never created, we are told that Jesus was “the beginning of the creation of God”. (Rev. 3:14) Again, had Jesus been God himself when he died on the cross, it would mean that there was no God in the universe for three days; because Jesus was dead, and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arima-thaea for three days, and on the third day God raised him from the dead. In 1 Corinthians 15:4 we read that Jesus was raised on the third day; and in Acts 2:24, as well as in sixteen other texts, it is clearly stated that God raised Jesus from the dead. This proves that God was alive and that it was Jesus who died. It further proves that Jesus was really dead, and that it required the omnipotent power of Jehovah to raise him from the dead.
The doctrine of the “trinity” teaches that God and Jesus are one and the same person, and that when Jesus died, it was really God that died. This doctrine is found in creeds and song books, but is not supported by a single text of the Scriptures. It is now known that in the text found in 1 John 5: 7 which says that ‘ ‘ there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one”, the words “the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one” are not found in any original manuscript, and are therefore a forgery, and hence no part of the Bible.
The words of Jesus, found in John 10: 30, which read, “I and my Father are one,” do not prove the doctrine of the “trinity”. They do not prove that God and Jesus are one and the same person. Jesus prayed to his Father in behalf of his disciples, saying, ‘I pray that thejr all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.’ (John 17: 20, 21) Surely Jesus did not pray that the eleven apostles might be one in person with Jesus and God. The oneness here mentioned is a oneness of purpose and effort, and not a oneness of person.
Thus the doctrine of the “trinity” falls, unsupported by a single text of Scripture; and surely it is unsupported by common sense.
Who then is Jesus? The answer is: He is the Son of Jehovah God, and is God’s first begotten and only begotten Son. This means that he was the only one whom God ever directly created. After creating his Son, God committed the work of creation to his Son, and delegated to him the power and authority to create all other beings and things. The Scriptures are most clear and positive on this subject.
In Ephesians 3: 9 we read that “God . . . created all things by Jesus Christ”. Again, in Colossians 1: 15, 16 we read of Jesus that he “is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible”. Still again, Jesus said, “My Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28) And again, Jesus said: “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge.”—John 5: 30.
On one occasion Jesus said: “Before Abraham was I am.” What did he mean by this statement? Surely he did not mean that he was God, but did mean that he existed before Abraham did. In John 1:1 we are plainly told that Jesus had a beginning. The corrected translation of the Greek reads: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and the Word was a god.” Thus do the Scriptures show that there were two gods, or mighty ones: Jehovah God, the Supreme and Almighty One; and Jesus, another mighty one, to whom God delegated great power and authority, and who was the Father’s agent in all his creative work. Thus do the Scriptures teach that God and Jesus are two separate and distinct beings, and are always referred to as the Father and the Son. In 2 John 9 we read: “He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ . . . hath both the Father and the Son.” Those who claim that God and Jesus are one and the same person deny this doctrine.
International Bible Students Association
The message of the kingdom of Jehovah Is broadcast by these and other stations in Australasia, Canada and the United States. Local radio representatives are requested to send (1) prompt advice of change in schedules and (2) a monthly report to Radio and Lecture Department, 117 Adams St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Adelaide ............ -..... SKA
Sun pm 8.15-10
Sun pin 7-8.30
Vancouver, B. C
Sun am 10-11 (second, monthly) Winnipeg, id an. -.............. CKY
Sun am 10-11
(first, monthly)
Sydney, N. S................. CJCB
Sun pm 9-10
Hamilton, Ont.................CKOC
Sun am 10-111 i
London, Ont.....................CJGC
Sun pm 2-3 (every other week)
Moose Jaw, Sask.............CJKM
Sun am 10.15- (monthly)
Saskatoon, Sask.............CJ11S
Sun pm 1-2
NEWFOUNDLAND St. John’s ................... VOSA
Sun pm 8.30 9.30
ALABAMA Birmingham .......-...........WBRC
Sun pm 8-8.45
Fresno ................................
Sun pm 4-5 Holly wood .......
Sun pm 1-2
Los Angeles —......-------
Sun am 9-10
Oakland ............................Kb'WM
Sun am 9.45-11; pm 12-2.30, 0-7.45, 9.15-10.30
Mon Wed Eri am 8-9; pm
2 30-3.30, 4.30-6, 7-8.30
Tue Thu Sat am 8-9, 11-12;
pm 1.30-6, 7-8.30, 9-11
Colorado Springs ............KFUM
Wed pm 8.30-9 Denver ................... KLZ
Sun am 10-10.30
Pueblo ................................KGHF
Mon pm 8-8.30
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washi ng t o n ....................W MAL
Sun am 10-111
FLORIDA Jacksonville ......................WJAX
Sun (Oct. 20) pm 7.30-9
Sun (Nov. 10) am 11-12
Miami ................................W1OD
Sun am 11-11.30 Tampa ..............................WDAE
Mon pm 7.40-8
Chicago ............................WORD
Sun am 9-121 ; pm 1-7 30
Mon Tue Wed Thu Eri Sat am 10-11 : pm 7-8
INDIANA Evansville ......................... WG BE
Sun am 9-101
Foit Wayne ..........—.^WOWO
Sun am 9-101
Indianapolis .......-.^..^...WKBF
Sun am 9-101
Terre Haute .......-..^..^...VVBOW
Sun pm 1-1.40
Cedar Rapids ..................KWCR
Sun am 9-10.30; pm 4-5 Wed pm 9-10
Council Bluffs ..................KOIL
Sun am 10-11
Davenport ........................ VVOC
Sun pm 10.15-10.45
Muscatine ...................-.....KTNT
Sun am 9-101
KANSAS Milford ............................KF KB
Fri pm 5.30-G Wichita .............................. KFH
Suu am 9.30-10.15
Hopkinsville ....................WFIW
Sun am 9-101 Louisville ..........................WLAP
Sun am 9-101
LOUISIANA Shreveport ........................KTSL
Thu pm 8-9
MAINE Bangor ..............................WLBZ
Suu am 10-111
MARYLAND Baltimore ..................._...WCBM
Suu pm 6-8 (every other week) Thu Sat pm 9.30-10 Cumberland ......................WTBO
Sun pin 2.30-3
MASSACHUSETTS Boston ..............................WMES
Sun am 10.30-1 pm ;
pm 7.45-9
Gloucester ........................WHDII
Sun am 10-111
New Bedtord ....... WNB11
Tue pm 8-9
MICHIGAN Bay City ..........................WDCM
Tue pm 7.45-8.15 Detroit .......................-...WGHP
Sun pm 5-5.30 Eli nt ....................... WFUF
Eri pm 9.30-10
Grand Rapids ..................WOOD
Sun pm 9-10
Jackson ..............................WIBM
Suu pm 2-2.45
MINNESOTA Duluth ..............................WEBC-
Sun pm 1-1.45 Minneapolis ....................WRUM
Sun am 9.30-10.45
Hattiesburg ......................WRBJ
Mon pm 8.30-9
Meridian ......................^....WCOC
Sun pm 1-1.30
MISSOURI Joplin ............................ WJIBH
Sun pm G-7
Kansas City ........................WHB
Sun pm 12 30-1
St. Joseph ............... KFEQ
Sun am 9-101
St. Louis ........................... WIL
Sun pm G.30-7
MON'I ANA Billings ..............................KGHL
Sun am 9.30-10.30
York .................................KGBZ
Sun am 9.45-10.45
NEW JERSEY Paterson ..........................WODA
Sun am 10-111
Sun pm 2-3
Fri pm 2-4, 6-8 New York ........... WOV
Sun am 10-111
New York ........... WWRL
Sun pm 5-6
Thu pm 9-9.30
Poughkeepsie .................. WOKO
Sun am 10-111
Saranac Lake ................WNBZ
Sun am 10-10.30
Syracuse ............................WFBL
Suu am 10-111
Tupper Lake ...........-.......W11DL
Sun pm 3.30-4
Charlotte .......................... WBT
Sun am 10-111
Greensboro ......................WNRC
Fri pm 7-7.30 Raleigh ..............................WPTF
Suu am 10-111
Fargo ....... WDAY
Sun pm 2-3
Akron ...........................—..WFJC
Wed pm 7.30-8 Cincinnati ........................WFBE
Sun pm 5'6 Cleveland .......................... WHK
Sun am 9.30-111 ; pm 2-3, 7 8
Alon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
am 8-8 30 ; Thu pm 7.45 9
Columbus ..........................WAIU
Sun am 10-111 Columbus ..........................WCAII
Sun pm 12-1, 9-10
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat am 11.30-12 noon
Thu pm 7.30-9
Day ton ................... WSMK
Sat pm 5.30 6 Mansfield ..............................WJY
Sun pm 9-10 Toledo ................... .„.„...WSPD
Sun pm 1.30-2
Youngstown ...........-.......WKBN
Sun am 10-111
OKLAHOMA Chickasha ........... .....KOCW
Sun pm G 30-7 Enid ....................................KCRC
Sun am 10-10.30
Oklahoma City ..................KFJF
Sun am 9-9.30
Thu pm 8.30-9.15
OREGON Portland ...................-.......KTBR
Sun am 10-112 pm 8.30-9 (Greek or Ger.) pm 9-9.30 (English
PENNSYLVANIA Altoona ...... ...WFBG
Binghamton ......................VVNBF
Sun am 11-1; pm 7-9
Thu pm 8-9
Buffalo _____________________________WEBR
Jamestown ...............„.......VVOCL
Sun am 11-12 (first and third, monthly)
Long Island City ............WLBX
Fri pm 7-8
New York ........................WBBR
•Sun am 8.30-11*; pm 5 9
Mon am 10-12 ; pm 2-4
Tue pm 12-2 ; 6-8
Wed am 10-12 ; pm 9-12
Thu pm 1-3, 8-10
Sun pm |
7-7.30 | |
Erie .......... |
________WED1I | |
Sun pm Harrisburg |
9-9.30 |
__________ W1IP |
Sun am |
10-111 | |
Oil City |
..........WLBW | |
Sun pm |
5 30-6 | |
Philadelphia ......... Sun pm 2.30-3.3 |
............ WLP | |
0 (German, | ||
Greek, |
Italian, |
Polish) |
Wed pm |
3.45-4 ( |
English) |
Pittsburgh |
............ KQV | |
Sun am |
10-111 ; |
pm 1-2, 7-8 |
Fri pm |
8.30 9.30 | |
Reading . |
.........WRAW | |
Sun pm Scranton . |
7-8 |
...........WGBX |
Sun am |
10-111 |
RHODE ISLAND Providence ..........................WLSI
Sun am 10-111
SOUTH DAKOTA Sioux Falls ......................KSOO
Sun am 9-101 ; pm 2-3 (German and Norwegian occasionally)
TENNESSEE Knoxville ..........................WNOX
Fri pm 7.30-8 Memphis ............................WREC
Sun pm 2.30-3
Dallas ................................ WRR
Sun am 10-11; Fri pm 7.30-8
Houston ..............................Kl’RC
Sun pm 1.30-2 San Antonio ....................KGRG
Sun pm 1-2 Waco ..................................WJAD
Sun pm G.45-7.30
UTAH Salt Lake City .................. KSL
Sun pm 1-1.30
Norfolk ....
Sun am Petersburg
Sun am
..........................WTAk 10-111 ; pm 7-7.30 ......-................WL1»G 10-111 ; pm 3-4, 4.30-
WASHTNGTON Aberdeen ..........................KXRO
Mon Wed Fri pm 7.30-8
Beiling!mm .................____KVOS
Sun'am 10-112
Everett ...................—— KFBL
Sun am 10-112
Seattle ....................... KOMO
Sun am 10-112
Seattle ..................................KXA
Daily (except Sun) am 8.45-9
Spokane ........................... K1IQ
Sun am 10-112
Charleston ........................WOBU
Sun pm 7-7.30 Wheeling ..........................WWVA
Sun am 10-111
Madison ..............................WIBA
Sun pm 12.15-12.45 (fourth monthly) Milwaukee ..........................WISN
Sun am 10-11
Sun am 9-10 (Polish, every other week)
Sun am 11-11.30 (last, month
ly, German)
watchtower chain program.
Northwest network program.