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Vol. L
December 15, 1929
No. 24
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The Days of Daniel ............................
'‘The Holy People” ............................
“1290 Days” ......................................
“The Abomination” .............................
Blessed Time .......................................
Questions for Berean Study ..............
Jehovah, a God of War .......................
Highway to Perfect Life on Barth Service Conventions ..........................
Radio Service ........................................
Index for 1929 .....................................
Service Conventions ...........................
San Antonio Convention ..............._....
‘Prophecy* Campaign ..................-
.380 .382 .383 _3S4 .370 .370
tcI will stand upon my watch a.td will set my foot! upon the Tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what answer I shall make to thfflb that oppose me.”—Hahakkuk 2:2.
Upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the Naves [the restless, discontented! roaring; mens hearts fa g for fear, and for looking after those things which are coining on the earth : for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. . . . vv e’ ..
things begin to come to pass, then know that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Look up, and lift up your heads; for your r P draweth nigh.—Luke 21:25-31; Matthew 24 : 33; Mark 13 ; 29*
THIS journal is published for the purpose of aiding the people to understand the divine plan. It provides systematic Bible study in which all its readers may regularly engage. It gives announcement of the visits made to Bible classes by traveling speakers, announces conventions, and gives reports thereof. It announces radio programs and publishes suitable Bible instruction for broadcasting.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as God’s revealed Word of Tiuth. It stands firmly upon the great ransom sacrifice as the fundamental doctrine by wliich all doctrines are measured. It is free from parties, sects and creeds of men. It does not assume a dogmatic attitude, but confidently invites a careful examination of its utterances in the light of the infallible Won! of God. It does not indulge in controversies, and its columns are not open to peisonalities.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, the linker of beaten and earth, and is from everlasting to everlasting; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation; that the Logos became a man; that he is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in heaven and in earth.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man for the earth and placet! him upon it; that man nil fully disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of Adam's wrongful act all men are born sinners and without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made a human being in order that he might become the Redeemer of man; that he gave his life a sacrifice for man and thereby produced the ransom price; that Jesus the divine was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and presented the value of his human sacrifice as the redemptive price for man.
THAT FOR MANY CENTURIES God, through Christ, has been selecting from amongst men the members of his church, which constitutes the body of Christ; that the mission of the church is to follow in the footsteps of her Lord Chiist Jesus, grow in his likeness, give testimony to the name and plan of Jehovah God, and ultimately bo glorified with Christ Jesus in his heavenly kingdom; that Christ, Head and body, constitutes the ‘;sced of Abraham” tlnough which all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
THAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED; that the Lord Jesus has returned and is now picsent; that Jehovah has placed Christ Jesus upon his throne and now commands all nations and peoples to hear and obey him.
THAT THE HOPE OF THE PEOPLES of earth is restoration to human perfection during the reign of Christ; that the reign of Christ will afford opportunity to every man to have a fair trial for life, and those who obey will live on earth for ever in a state of happiness.
Yearly Subscbiptiox IT.icl:
Exited States, $1.00; Canada anti Miscei.t.axeovs rormmx, $1.50; Great Briiaix, A vstc.alasia am> Bourn Aviuca. 7s. American remittances should be imide bv Express or Postal Money Orders, or by Bank Draft. Canadian, Briti-h, South African and Australasian remittances should be made to luimc/i offices only. Jlemiilances from scattered foreign leriitory may be made to the Brooklyn office, but by Intel national Postal Money Orders only. (Foreign translations of this journal appear in several languages.') Trims to the Lord’s Poor : All Bible Students who, by reason of old age or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to pay for this journal, will be supplied free if they send a postal card each May staring their case and requesting such provi.-ion. We are not only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continually and in touch with the Berean studies.
ffotice to Subscribe! s: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal subscription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when requested, may bo expected to appear on addre-s label within one month. A renewal blank (carrjing notice of expiration) will be sent with the journal one month before the .subseiiptmn expires. Unteied as Second Class Mail Matter at Drool.lyn, A. Y-> 1’ostoffice.
Act of March 3, IS'ffJ,
J. F. RUTHERFORD President W. E. VAN AMBURGH Secretary
British ........... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England Canadian ............. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Australasian .... 7 Beresford Rd , Strathfield, Sydney, N. S. W , Australia South African .......... 6 Lelie St., Cape Town, South Africa Please address the Society in every case
(tn each instance the class service directoffs name and address art th i an.)
St. Petersburg, Fla. December 13-15
A. P. Walker, 3140 21st St., N.
Washington, D. C. December 13-15
W. Jackson, 3549 Tenth St., NW.
Coloied: Francis Richardson, 1503 R St., NW.
Greek: Sotirios Konstantin, 1630 Fourteenth St., NW.
Miami, Fla. December 20-22
G. Ia De Frese, Box 64, Naranja, Fla.
Jacksonville, Fla. December 27-29
Fred L. Boyer, 1929 Pearl St.
Colored: A. W. Perry, 1618 Jefferson St.
Houston, Tex. January 3-5
H. A. McElvy, 1518 Stanford St.
Colored: Jas. .Baily, 2917 Conti St.
Spanish: Jos. Renteria, 1807 Congress Ave.
Chester, Pa. January 3-5
Chas. G. Ferguson, 1218 Prospect Ave.
ri.rainian: Nike Lesko, 3017 W. Sixth St.
San Antonio, Tex. January 10-12
I. R. Peoples, 616 Hollywood Ave.
Colored: N. II. Keller, 619 Kentucky Ave.
Spanish: P. C. Moreyra, 1718 Guadalupe St.
Richmond, Va. January 10-12
W. G. Ridgway, Route 7
Denver, Colo. January 17-19
F. B. Wilkinson, 4876 Quitman St.
Gieek: John Contant, 1530 Glenarm
Polish; W. Tomkowicz, 4614 Logan St.
Service conventions will be held in Texas in January, but the chief convention for the winter in Texas will be that of San Antonio January 10 to 12 inclusive. Brother Rutherford expects to be at the San Antonio convention. Several other speakers will be there to serve the brethren. Information concerning the convention and accommodations may be obtained by writing to I. R. Peoples, 616 Hollywood Avenue, San Antonio, Texas.
January 25 to February 2, inclusive, has been determined as a period in which all class workers are to concentrate on distribution of'the new book, Prophecy. Our hope is that many thousands of this book will be disposed of during the time that in the past has been set aside for work with the five-cent booklets.
A consignment of Prophecy will be made to each class so as to be delivered in time for this special one-book campaign.
Pioneer and auxiliary colpoiteurs will find instructions for their part in this particular work in a special bulletin now m course of prepm nt ion.
Vol. L December 15, 1929 No. 24
“And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that livelh for ever, that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.”—Dan. 12:7.
JEHOVAH “alone doeth great wonders”. (Ps. 136:4) Daniel had been specifically directed by Jehovah’s message to “shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end”. In the last preceding issue of The 'Watch Tower the Scriptural proof is set forth to show that the fixed “time of the end” mentioned by Daniel, as quoted above, was 1914 A.D. Seeing that Daniel spoke, not for himself, but for God’s covenant people, whom he represented, then we may with propriety place Daniel at “the time of the end” when he utters the words that follow: “Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders ? ’ ’—Dan. 12: 5, 6.
2 It was in 1914 that Michael stood up when God directed him to arise and to take his place of authority and power upon the holy throne in Zion and to begin his reign. (Ps. 2: 6) That marked the birth of the kingdom, or the holy nation. The vision of Daniel had disclosed beastly world powers that must continue until Christ should take his power as King and begin his reign, and that then the supremacy of these wicked world powers would be disputed, which would result in trouble. Neither Daniel nor the people whom he represented could understand the vision until after that time. The great event looked forward to by all of those devoted to the Lord God has been and is the coming of the Lord Jesus, his kingdom, and the beginning of his reign. When Jehovah placed him upon the throne and the holy nation was born, that was one of the great wonders seen but not understood by Daniel. There was a great battle in heaven, resulting in the easting out of Satan from heaven. Later, the temple was opened and there appeared to the class represented by Daniel the two great wonders, to wit, the wonder of God’s kingdom organization and the other wonder of Satan and his organization. (Dan. 12: 6; Kev. 12:1-3) The opening of the temple marks the beginning of the time to understand. To be sure, these wonders existed before they were made to appear unto the anointed of God whom Daniel represented.
3 Concerning these wonders Daniel asked: “How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?” Having in mind that the understanding of the vision is the important thing, Daniel’s words must mean, ‘How long before these wonders are due to be understood?’ The answer which he received was: “It shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he [the enemy] shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things [days] shall be finished.” That would mark the beginning of the time to understand. The word “things” appearing in the Authorized Version of the above-quoted text is in italics, showing that it is a word supplied by the translators. In the light of present truth we can better supply the vacant place by inserting the word “days”. The end of the 1260 days is therefore definitely indicated.
‘Daniel, meaning God’s anointed people, saw standing on each side of the river, or great flood, a creature. That river, or flood, served to divide the two inquirers concerning the fulfilment of prophecy, and it may well represent the fixed or dividing point in history, to wit, the year 1914, when Satan would no longer be permitted to rule without interruption. There Satan’s rule came to an end and Christ’s rule by right began. Approximately October 1,1914, seems to be the date marked, and therefore is the beginning of the three and one-half times mentioned as “a time, times, and an half”, otherwise stated, 1260 days.
5 The controlling words, which plainly fix the end of the three and one-half times, or 1260-day period, are these, to wit: “And when he [the enemy] shall have accomplished [finished or completed, Strong] to scatter the power of the holy people, all these [days] shall be finished.” The persecution of the followers of Christ began in the early days of the period desig-
nated as the Christian era. It could hardly be said that all of those persecuted were God’s holy people. That persecution continued without interruption over a period of many centuries. It is true that the Papacy exercised supremacy from the year 539 A.D. to 1799, when it received a severe blow. It could not be truly said, however, that the persecution of God's holy people was completed in 1799. It could hardly be contended that the reformation movements before or after 1799 were carried on entirely by the anointed of the Lord. From time to time there was persecution of professed Christians, and reformation movements, but even those fighting for reformation soon united with Satan’s organization. Even though this was done by them because of ignorance, that does not alter the matter.
6 If the three and one-half times covered a period of 1260 years, and began with Papacy’s supremacy in 539, then with the ending of 1799 the work of scattering God’s holy people must be finally ended or completed. The indisputable facts do not agree with this conclusion, that 1799 saw the end of the scattering of God’s holy people. Furthermore, a careful reading of Daniel shows that “the time of the end” and the end of the 1260 days are not the same by any means.
7 But, as above observed, the proof shows that the three and one-half times of Daniel began at the “time of the end”, to wit, October 1, 1914. At that time there were on the earth a number of persons consecrated to God and wholly devoted to his cause. They had entirely separated themselves from and broken off all alliance with worldly organizations. They were putting forth their best endeavors to preach the truth of God’s kingdom. The Scriptures and the facts then, and those which follow, show that this class exactly fits the prophet’s description of “the holy people”.
8 Just exactly three and one-half literal years, or 1260 days, by Biblical method of calculation, after the time of the end, there began, to wit, 1918, a great persecution of these holy people of God. Early in February, 1918, many of “the holy people”, or God’s anointed, in Canada were arrested and thrown into, prison. In the same month the books of account and private papers of the Society’s office at Brooklyn headquarters were seized. A few days later the officers of the Society at Brooklyn were arrested. They were indicted at the instance of Satan’s representatives and were tried, convicted, and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, and were, on the 20th day of June, 1918, confined in prison. At the same time many others of like precious faith and devotion to God, and in different parts of the earth, were arrested and imprisoned. The main office of the Society was completely dismantled, all communication between the main office and branch offices was cut off, and the work of giving the witness to the truth throughout the earth virtually and effectually stopped. It was at this climax of the experiences of the church ‘when he [Satan the enemy, by and through his agencies] accomplished [that is to say, completed and finished] the work of scattering the power of God’s holy people’. This work was the wicked expression of Satan, who had been expelled from heaven and who was wroth with God’s holy people.—Rev. 12:13-17.
8 As many of the numerals in Revelation appear to be literal, even so the same appears to be true in the prophecy of Daniel. According to Biblical method of calculation of time, a year of 360 days is “a time”. Therefore “a time, times, and an half”, or three and one-half times, is equivalent to 1260 days, or three and one-half literal years. The beginning of this period, which must be at “the time of the end”, to wit, October 1, 1914, would necessarily end in the spring of 1918. The Scriptural statement and the physical facts as they are well known to exist are therefore exactly in harmony and show that 1260 days are literal in time and began October 1, 1914, and ended practically the first of April, 1918.
10 The aforementioned ‘scattering the power of the holy people’ seems to be the last scattering, as the Scriptures indicate. The coming of the Lord to his temple at the time of the accomplishing of this scattering of the power of his holy people marked the beginning of the time when he gathered the approved ones under the robe of righteousness and into the temple, therefore into the secret place of the Most High. The promise is that those thus gathered and abiding in the secret place of the Most High shall be saved from all harm. (Ps. 91:1-3) “The Lord doth build up Jerusalem [his holy people]; he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel.” (Ps. 147: 2) The facts show that this work began in 1918. “They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.”—Ps. 125:1, 2.
11 “Before she [Zion] travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.” (Isa. 66:7) This marked the birth of the kingdom, or nation, by the placing of Christ the King upon his throne. (Ps. 2: 6; 110: 2) After the birth of the nation Zion travailed and brought forth her children. (Isa. 66: 8) This has a peculiar significance concerning the end of the persecution of his holy people. “Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.” (Mic. 5:3) “Henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.” (Isa. 52:1) “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” (Isa. 60:18) “And the residue [remnant] of the people shall not be cut off from the city.”—Zech. 14: 2.
12 If these scriptures apply now, and from and after 1918, then to a certainty Satan accomplished the scattering of the holy people of God for the last time, in his persecution of 1918. That corroborates the above conclusion and marks the end of the strange things or great wonders seen by Daniel, and the time for understanding, and shows that the end of the 1260 days, according to the facts, came with the coming of the Lord to his temple in 1918. It is a further assurance to the people of God that the kingdom has actually begun. (Dan. 12:6) The evidence therefore seems to fix conclusively the beginning of the 1260 days, and the end thereof, and that this period of time has no relationship to the Papacy except so far as the Papacy forms a part of Satan’s organization and participated in the persecution of God’s holy people as above mentioned.
13 It seems certain that God's way of revealing prophecy to his people is to set forth the prophecy by his prophets and afterward permit the coming to pass of events fulfilling that prophecy, and later to permit his anointed to see the fulfilment thereof. If this conclusion is correct it further supports and definitely shows that no man is entitled to any credit for the understanding of prophecy.
“1290 DAYS”
14 Two other fixed times are set down in the prophecy of Daniel, one of which is designated as 1290 days and the other as 1335 days. There does not seem to be any Scriptural reason why these two latter periods of time should begin at the same time that the 1260-day period begins. Rather the Scriptural proof and the facts support the conclusion that the 1290-day period followed the 1260-day period in sequence or in the order given by Daniel the prophet. With this conclusion in mind let us now proceed to the examination of the Scriptures and the facts.
15 After speaking of the time of the purging and purifying of God’s people, then Daniel makes the following further report: “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” (Dan. 12:11) There are two things mentioned in these words of the prophet that must exist at the same time and within that period of time, which two things are, to wit, (1) the taking away of the daily sacrifice, and (2) the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate. In considering the prophetic utterance here quoted it will not do to take into consideration only one part of Satan’s organization to the exclusion of the other. It should always be kept in mind that the great controversy is not between Jehovah and the Papacy, but between Jehovah and Satan, his adversary, the enemy. That the Papacy is a part of Satan’s organization can not be denied; but it is not all of his organization, by any means. It is not even all of the religious part of his organization. It would therefore hardly do to give Papacy all the credit for what the Devil through his organization accomplishes in connection with this prophecy.
7G The sacrifice of Christ Jesus was for once and for all. and there is no more sacrifice for sin. (Heb, 10:26) The false doctrine and practice of the mass, in effect, sets aside this complete sacrifice of Christ Jesus. The false doctrine is that the bread and wine used by some ceremony of the priest officiating is changed into the actual body of Christ; and therefore such teaching and practice takes away the efficacy or completeness of the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Such practice began many centuries ago and continues to this day. It may well be said, then, that the taking away of the daily sacrifice began centuries ago. But the Papacy is not the only part of the religious clement of Satan's organization. Doubtless the Catholic church was organized in good conscience, but Satan soon got control thereof. Likewise the Protestant system of religion was sincerely and honestly organized for a good purpose and in due time Satan got control of that system.
17 The time came when not only had Papacy taken away the daily sacrifice, but the Protestant system did the same thing in an even more glaring and blasphemous way. Today the majority of the clergy of the Protestant system openly deny that there is any beneficial result from the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ and declare that it has no purchasing value whatever. The teaching of the doctrine of evolution, which now prevails in the Protestant systems, as well as elsewhere, is an open, flagrant, and blasphemous taking away of the daily sacrifice. But this is not all that must exist at the time of the fulfilment of Daniel's prophecy.
13 The establishment of God's kingdom through Christ has ever been the desire and hope of the people of God. Both Catholics and Protestants have led the people to believe that there would be some kind of setting up of a kingdom of God, but both take a position different from what the Bible says the meaning of the setting up of the kingdom is, and they say that it means some action performed by men. Satan’s policy has ever been to turn men away from God, and such is an abomination in the sight of God. To accomplish his purposes he has turned the minds and thoughts of men away from the Creator to the creature. In harmony with what is here said, Jesus stated: “For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” (Luke 16:15) Referring to the things that are an abomination, it is written: “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”—Prov. 6:16-19.
19 The clergy and the principal ones of their flocks in every division of the religious element of Satan’s organization are guilty of all these abominable things. They are proud and haughty, resort to lies concerning God’s purpose, urge men into war to shed innocent blood, and especially put forth efforts to turn the people away from the true God. Their wrongful course of action in this regard reached a climax when the Federation of Churches issued the following blasphemous statement:
The time has come to organize the world for truth, right, justice and humanity. To this end as Christians we urge the establishment of a League of Free Nations at the coming Peace Conference. Such a league is not merely a peace expedient; it is rather the political expression of the kingdom of God on earth. The League of Nations is rooted in the gospel. Like the gospel, its objective is “Peace on earth, good will toward men’’. Like the gospel, its appeal is universal.
The heroic dead will have died in vain unless out of victory ehall como a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.—2 Peter 3: 13.
The church [nominal] can give a spirit of good will, without which no League of Nations can endure.
2 X1 Proud and boastful in word and in manner this combined element of the religious part of Satan’s organization set up in place of God’s kingdom under Christ that man-made thing, highly esteemed among men, the League of Nations. The whole tendency of the League of Nations is to turn the people away from God and from Christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of Satan, and an abomination in the sight of God. One of the translators renders the text ‘‘the horrid abomination”; and that is what tho counterfeit of Christ’s kingdom is.
21 That the League of Nations is highly esteemed among men is shown by the facts that, according to the public press, 140,000 pastors of denominational churches in the United States alone engaged in a united drive to force the United States legislative body to approve that compact and enter the League. They lauded and praised the League of Nations as that which will establish peace on earth and good will toward men, thereby wrongfully and blasphemously appropriating the words sentby Jehovah God through his angel to the peoples of earth. This act upon their part meets every requirement of the Scripture concerning ‘‘the abomination that maketh desolate”, because it would turn the peoples of the earth away from Jehovah and turn their devotion entirely to a man-made thing.
22 The Papacy took the lead in the vicious doctrine and practice of taking away the daily sacrifice, and when “the time of the end” had been reached the Protestants had adopted the same devilish doctrines expressed in a more pointed way and direct manner by denying the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ. The Protestant clergy took the lead in setting up the “horrid abomination which maketh desolate”, and all the religious systems have joined hands in support thereof. All are therefore a part of Satan’s organization. Satan, acting through his agencies, has caused the “abomination that maketh desolate” to “stand in the holy place”, that is to say, in the place and stead of Jehovah’s kingdom with Christ as King. There is now but one class of people on earth that stands separate and aloof from that “horrid abomination”, and that people is God’s anointed ones, or “holy people”, who are his witnesses.
23 Jesus, approving those who are devoted to Jehovah and to his King, said: “When ye, therefore, shall sec the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) then let them which be in Judtea flee into the mountains.” His plain statement is that “the abomination” would be seen after the end of the world. He tells the faithful that they must bear the message of the gospel of Jehovah and his kingdom to the nations of the earth as a witness. The faithful have joined in doing this, and all such are therefore in Juda?a (meaning the condition of “praise” to Jehovah’s name), and in obedience to the words thus uttered by Christ Jesus they have turned themselves wholly to the kingdom of God and to his Christ. Now the question is, How do these indisputable facts fit the period of time of 1290 days as spoken by Daniel the prophet ?
24 Seeing that the two things, to wit, ‘the taking away of the daily sacrifice’ and ‘the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate’ must be fully accomplished facts at the time of the beginning of the 1290-day period, then we must look at the facts showing when this was actually accomplished. If we find the date when it was actually accomplished, then it is easy to count forward 1290 days and find the end thereof. It was in the latter part of January, 1919, that the Federation of Churches set up a substitute, the League of Nations, as ‘the expression of God’s kingdom on earth’. The period of 1290 days (Biblical method of reckoning) is equal to three years and seven months. Counting three years and seven months from and after January, 1919, brings us to the beginning of September, 1922. Since the Scriptures and the facts show that the 1260 days is a period of literal time, we are warranted in concluding that the same rule applies to the other days mentioned in this same connection.
23 It seems certain that the fulfilment of the 1290-day period and that which immediately follows must be for the benefit, encouragement, and comfort of the people of God; otherwise there would have been no reason to make a record thereof. “The time of the end” is therefore of special interest, aid and comfort to tho church because it marks the beginning of Christ’s kingdom; the end of the 1260-day period, and that which immediately followed, was of special interest, aid and comfort to the church because it marked the end of the complete scattering of the power of God’s holy people. We must therefore expect that the end of the 1290-day period, and that which immediately follows, must be of special interest, aid and comfort to the holy people of God. This must be true, because whatsoever is written in the Scriptures is written for the benefit, aid and comfort of God's anointed people.—Rom. 15 : 4.
20 As above stated, the period of 1290 days, according to the undisputed facts, had its beginning with the end of January, 1919. Three years and seven months thereafter must of necessity end with the beginning of September, 1922. What immediately followed that time that was of aid, encouragement, and comfort to the church of God? At the beginning of September, 1922, there assembled at Cedar Point, Ohio, a convention of the consecrated people of God made up of men and women who spoke many different languages. The program and other arrangements for that convention were made in advance, with no knowledge that the date or dates were at all important. At that convention, amidst great enthusiasm, at the general assembly of those of many languages, was made the first announcement of the slogan “Advertise the King and the Kingdom”. From that time forward there has been greater activity in the service of Jehovah, and a more earnest and organized preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, than previously. It has been suggested, and with force, that it was that time which marked the second outpouring of the holy spirit as mentioned by the Prophet Joel. That convention, at the general assembly of those speaking various languages, also unanimously adopted a resolution, and sent it forth by the millions to the peoples of the world, announcing, among other things, that Jehovah is the only true God; that Christ Jesus is the Redeemer and Deliverer of man; that the clergy and the principal of their flock have denied the value of Christ Jesus’ sacrifice and have otherwise repudiated the Lord and his kingdom by endorsing and approving the League of Nations, which is the product of Satan, is disapproved of Jehovah, and must therefore completely fail. (See The, 'Watch Tower, November 1, 1922.)
27 Exactly 1290 days after the accomplished facts of ‘taking away the daily sacrifice and the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate’, to wit, the substitution of a man-made thing for God's kingdom, God’s anointed people were permitted to announce that Christendom, so named, had openly declared unfaithfulness to Jehovah and had become abominable in his sight. That was certainly a time of encouragement, aid and comfort to the anointed of the Lord. All the consecrated who approved the action taken at the Cedar Point convention above mentioned were greatly benefited, aided and comforted thereby, which benefit proceeded from the Lord. There must be something more than a coincidence in what the Lord had foretold and what he brought to pass at that time. It is a small thing, but it may here be mentioned as important, that the day the announcement of the slogan advertising the King and his kingdom was made was designated on the program as “The Day”, and was a day of rejoicing. God, through his prophet, had said: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”-—Ps. 113: 24.
23 That the aforementioned resolution was regarded by others than the anointed as an important point in history the following editorial from the Bridgeport (Conn.) Herald is of interest:
With Mustapha Kemal tliundeiing at the gates of Constantinople, demanding the return of the Dardanelles control to Turkey, while the British lion is rushing her wairior bleed to the Golden Hom, with the revolutionary spirit of “led” Russia threatening to Bolshevikize all Europe, with the American public murmuring fiercely at atrociously high prices of coal and other necessities caused in pait by two costly national stiikes, it is interesting to note what one of the largest and most active Christian organizations in the world thinks of this crisis in history.
Upward of 20,000 aident churchmen attended the meetings of the International Bible Students Association at Cedar Point, Ohio, during its recent convention. That they are disgusted with the morals and Spirit of our world, statesmen, and even the ways of the League of Nations, is obvious in their unanimous resolution on world affairs.
We submit that, regaidlcss of what the individual reader may think of its philosophy, the ensuing resolution deserves incorporation in history as a vivid reflection of what many of our churchmen think of these times.
What a documentary study it affords for psychologists—this modern discourse on that eternal duel between God and Satan!
How we would like to note the expressions of Lloyd George, Clemenceau, Venizelos, Lenin, Hughes or Root, could we but see them reading the resolution.
22 Then Daniel was caused to write down these words: “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” (Dan. 12:12) Without a doubt this was written for the aid, comfort and encouragement of God's anointed ones because those remaining faithful at that time are the only ones that would really be in a blessed condition. The word “waiteth'', in the above text, is from the Hebrew word meaning “to entrench as in the fortification, to adhere, stick fast or remain stedfast and fixed’’. This meaning seems to be specifically significant. The coming of the Lord to his temple in 1918 marked the beginning of tests upon God's people and the falling away of many who had claimed to be in the covenant with God. It is from that time, however, that those who have continued to stand stedfast and fixed in the Lord have been so marvelously blessed, and they have continued to talk of the blessed time and to sing the praises to Jehovah’s name. They see eye to eye and together lift up the voice and sing and tell of the excellent things Jehovah has done and is doing.—Isa. 52: 8; 12 : 2-6.
30 According to the Biblical method of reckoning, 1335 days equals three years eight and one-half months. Understanding that the period of 129tt days ended with September 1, 1922, and marked a time of encouragement to the church, we should expect that the period of 1335 days would mark a time in which God’s people would begin to have special blessings. From September 1, 1922, a period of three years eight and one-half months brings us to the middle of May, 1926. Immediately following thereafter there came to pass events of special interest, aid and comfort to the people of God. On the twenty-fifth day of May, 1926, a great convention of God’s anointed people assembled in London, England, and was in session for seven days. That convention unanimously adopted a resolution which, among other things, announced to the rulers of the world that London, which is the capital of the British Empire, is the “seat of the beast”; that the British Empire is the greatest among the world powers; that Satan is its god; that Satan is the father and the British Empire the mother of the League of Nations; that Jehovah has made Christ earth’s rightful King and has placed him upon his throne and calls upon the rulers of the nations of earth to give their allegiance and devotion to Christ, who is earth’s rightful King. (See The, Walch Tower, July 15, 1926.)
31 At that convention ecclesiasticism, which breeds hypocrisy and which to a large degree had obtained amongst the brethren, was given a deathblow. The brethren realized as never before their duty and privilege to throw off formalism and boldly and plainly speak the truth to the glory of God. The field service of carrying the message to the people was the greatest ever known up to that same time. Many brethren, even elders attending that convention who had prior thereto failed and refused to enter the service, went out in the field service with great joy and with splendid results and freely expressed the great blessedness and joy therein. The number of books and booklets put in the hands of the people by brethren at that convention totaled 120,900 volumes. The Watch Tower (1926-217) carried the report of that convention, and from the last paragraph thereof the following is quoted:
Nothing like this had ever been known on Service Day at a convention.
32 The friends were bubbling over with enthusiasm. They felt that they had done their best to obey the commandments of Jehovah: “Ye are my witnesses, that I am God.” It was a blessed time, and those who had stood firm up until that time rejoiced and gave God thanks that they were still in his favor.
33 Ever since that time until now has been a blessed time for those who are in Christ. Jehovah’s lightnings have continued to flash, revealing to his people a clearer vision of his purposes, and he has continued to feed them upon his Word; and, showing diligence in his service, his people have enjoyed the blessed assurance of the love and approval of God. From that time forward God has continued to reveal to his anointed the meaning of many things not before understood. Among the blessed things that have been made known to them by the grace of God are these, to wit: the temple of God; the servant; the wine press; the stone laid in Zion; the prisoners; the secret place of the Most High; sure mercies of David; God’s lightnings; the altar in Egypt; the higher powers; meaning of the book of Job; and many other precious things.
34 Since then the Lord has caused the building of factories to manufacture books, giving a greatly increased production thereof; and has sent an army of devoted ones into the field to put the message in the hands of the people, and has widely used the radio to open the way therefor. Never before have the anointed had such a blessed time. The field service has taken on an activity since then as never before, and all the anointed of the Lord delight in having a part in preaching the gospel of the kingdom and magnifying the name of Jehovah God in obedience to his commandments.
33 Seeing that at the fixed time of the end Michael must stand up and a great time of trouble begin, and that a careful scrutiny of the Word of God and an increase of knowledge of God’s people must follow, there does not seem to have been anything that came to pass in 1799 to fulfil this prophecy. The facts do show, however, that many things have come to pass from 1914 onward in fulfilment thereof. Seeing that the 1260 days must end with the ‘scattering of the power of the holy people’ and the purifying of many, that they might understand the prophecies of God, there does not seem to be anything that came to pass in 1799 or in 1829 in fulfilment of this prophecy. The two periods, to wit, the “time of the end” and the “1260 days” could not be the same. Seeing that the 1290-day period must end at the time when both the taking away of the daily sacrifice has been accomplished and the abomination that maketh desolate is set up and stands in the holy place, there appears to be nothing that came to pass in 1829 that fulfilled this prophecy. But the facts, as above stated, do show many things in fulfilment thereof from 1919 to 1922. Seeing that the 1335-day period must end with a blessed time to the people of God, it does not appear that anything came to pass to show a fulfilment thereof in 1874, even though the latter date marks the beginning of the Lord’s presence and the beginning of his work in preparing the way before Jehovah. The time of blessedness could not come until after the purifying took place, when the Lord came to his temple; and that did not occur until 1918. But when we understand from the Scriptures and the physical facts that the “time of the end” was a definitely fixed time and must come when God places his King upon his throne, and that this occurred in 1914, then the other prophecies and the facts fit exactly as herein stated. Briefly, then, these prophecies and the dates of their fulfilment are as follows, to wit:
86 The fixed “time of the end” is October 1, 1914 A.D.
87 The 1260-day period ended in April, 1918.
88 The 1290-day period ended September, 1922.
89 The 1335-day period of blessedness began May, 1926, and goes on for ever.
40 Another fact in corroboration of the above is this: Since 1918, when the Lord began judgment at his temple, there has been a shaking and a falling away of those not approved by the Lord. From these the foretold “wicked servant” has been formed. These have not understood the grand and progressive unfolding of the prophecies, which unfolding Jehovah has given to his people. They have rebelled against God and his Christ, have spurned and scoffed at the truth he has given to his people, have opposed the service of giving a bold and fearless witness to the name of Jehovah, and have gnashed their teeth upon those who have joyfully gone forth in the service; they have hated instruction and cast God’s words behind them; they have given their mouths to evil and have slandered their own mother’s (covenant’s) son. And they have not understood the truth, for the reason God gave through Daniel: “None of the wicked shall understand.”—Ps. 50:17, 21; Dan. 12: 10.
41 On the other side, those who have been brought under the robe of righteousness and into the temple have understood and have greatly rejoiced in the Lord, and have said: “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.” (Isa. 61:10) They have been made members of Zion, have taken a wise course in obedience to God’s commandments, and have shone forth as God’s witnesses. (Ps. 50:2) Such have been purified by the Lord and have offered an ‘offering in righteousness unto the Lord’, even their unstinted service and joyful praise to the great Jehovah God. (Dan. 12:10; Mal. 3: 3; Heb. 13:15) They not only have understood the unfolding of prophecy, but have delighted and continue to delight in praising Jehovah and in ‘declaring his doings among the people’. Theirs is a blessed lot!
42 The book of Daniel concludes with a personal message from the Lord to Daniel himself. He was not permitted to understand the prophecy, but the Lord said to him: “Go thou thy way till the end [that is, the completion of the class whom Daniel represented] be; and [margin] thou shalt rest [sleep in death], and stand [rise again] in thy lot at the end of the days.” Clearly this means that when the church is complete and raised to heavenly glory, Daniel, the beloved, shall be resurrected and stand as a perfect man on earth to the vindication of the word and the gracious and glorious name of
J 1, 2. What had Daniel been directed to do regarding that which in revelation and vision was given to him for record? Point out the importance of the year 1914 (a) with respect to fulfilment of Daniel 12: 1; (b) in regard to the kingdom of God; (c) as to the state of affaiis in Satan’s dominion. What did 1918 bring in relation thereto?
fl 8, 4. What did Daniel then see? Explain the question, and the answer thereto, which Daniel then heard spoken.
fl 5, 6. Show whether 1799 marked the fulfilment of the prophecy regarding ‘the scattering of the holy people, and the end of the 1200 days’.
fl 7-9. Describe the conditions and events which fit the prophecy, and verify the application of the time feature thereof.
fl 10-12. With scriptures and facts, show conclusively when that ‘scattering’ took place, and whether it was final.
fl 13. What is now manifest as to Clod’s way of re\ealing prophecy? What has man himself to do with his coming to an understanding of prophecy?
fl 14-17. Point out the two events which mark the beginning of the “one thousand two hundred and ninety days’’. What is meant by ‘the taking away of the daily sacrifice’? Describe the parts taken therein by the Catholic and Protestant divisions of the religious element of Satan’s organization.
fl 18-20. Explain the meaning of “the abomination that maketh desolate”. Describe how it was “set up”.
fl 21, 22. Point out the parts taken by the Catholics and Protestants in fulfilment of this condition of the prophecy. Identify “the holy people”, as here made manifest.
fl 23. Who would ‘see the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place’? Identify “them which be in Judaia”, and explain how they would ‘ ‘ flee into the mountains ’ ’.
fl 24-28. Point out, then, the period of 1290 days. Describe the significant event which marked the end of that period. Give some of the evidence of the importance of that event.
fl 29. The statement in Daniel 12: 12 was, doubtless, recorded for what purpose? Who are they that ‘waited’, and how were they ‘blessed’ while waiting?
fl 30-32. Describe the event of May, 1926, as part of the ‘blessedness’ of those who had ‘waited’.
fl 33, 34. Point out some of the many things with which the Lord’s faithful people have been blessed in fulfilment of this text (verse 12).
fl 35-39. Summarize the evidence as to the periods referred to in Daniel’s record as “a time, times, and an half”, “one thousand two hundred and ninety days, ’ ’ and ‘ ‘ one thousand three hundred and five and thirty days”.
fl 40. Show whether the evidence foregoing is supported by the statement that ‘the wicked shall do wickedly, and shall not understand’, and its fulfilment.
fl 41. What has been the blessed condition and privilege of the obedient?
fl 42. Explain the personal message to Daniel, with which his record concludes.
Long in bondage we have waited For the dawning of the light;
Error’s chains we’ve felt and hated Through the long and weary night. Now the blessed light appearing Fills our hearts with joy and peace, Doubt and fear for aye dispelling;
Oh, what rest in this release!
[Fifteen-minute radio lecture]
THE word “god” as used in the Bible means simply “a mighty one”, and is applied to many different beings and things. In John 1:1 it is applied to the Lord Jesus, because he is the Son of God and therefore a mighty one. Heathen people apply the name to their deities because they consider them mighty and powerful. Satan is also called “the god of this world”, for the reason that he is a mighty and powerful being. In Psalm 82: 6 and John 10: 34 men of prominence and power are called gods, while other texts speak of “graven images”, a golden calf, idols of gold and of silver, as being gods. The name “god” is applied to a person or thing because it is supposed to possess some great power which entitles it to be reverenced and worshiped.
The Bible reveals the fact that the name “God” can properly apply only to Jehovah God and his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Jehovah is entitled to be reverenced because he is the Almighty God. Jesus Christ is entitled to be reverenced and worshiped because, while not the almighty God, he is a mighty one and both Jehovah and Jesus use their power lovingly, justly and wisely.
Not appreciating the power and might of Jehovah and his Son, and their wise, just and loving use of the same, mankind have made gods for themselves. Some worship their fellow men; others worship gold and silver; others graven images; still others the host of heaven, or birds and beasts; and some worship a god which they are pleased to call “Nature”.
In this lecture, however, we are discussing Jehovah God. Who is he ? Whence did he come ? and why does he command his creatures, saying, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”? Is he worthy to be worshiped?
The Bible sets forth the fact that Jehovah is “from everlasting to everlasting”; that his power is unlimited. It declares that “God is love”; that “his mercy endureth for ever”; that he created everything in the universe; that all “his work is perfect”; that “he is holy”; and that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights”. He is the Author of the book called “The Bible”, and in this book makes the astounding claim that eventually there shall be ‘peace on earth and good will to men’, that the time is coming when ‘every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess’; a time when “there shall be no more death”, “no more sin,” and when “sorrow and sighing shall flee away”. If these claims are true, then surely Jehovah is entitled to the worship and praise of all his creatures.
No other being is entitled to the name Jehovah. In Psalm 83:18 we read: “Thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” In
1 Corinthians 8: 6 we read: “To us there is but ono God, the Father.” Thus does the Bible present to us the fact that there is but one great, eternal, almighty and everlasting being, who is worthy to be worshiped, and that his name is Jehovah. He is declared to be the Father of the God called Jesus Christ.
While the Bible dius sets forth Jehovah God as a God of love, wisdom, justice and power, it also declares him to be a God of vengeance. It speaks of his wrath and declares him to be a God of war. In Exodus 15:3 we read these words: “Jehovah is a man of war: Jehovah is his name.” On many occasions he fought the battles of Israel and gave them marvelous victories over their enemies and destroyed entire armies in his wrath.
Skeptics, higher critics, and modernists seize upon these texts to prove that God is unjust, cruel, merciless, and therefore not worthy of our reverence and worship. Militarists and others seize upon these texts and use them to attempt to convince many that God approves of war, and that it is right to murder millions of our fellow men in time of war. Thus the Bible is apparently made to contradict itself in its description of the great Jehovah. The true Bible student and the true lover of Jehovah God desires and seeks to harmonize both sets of texts. This is the purpose of this lecture. A proper question, then, is this: In what sense is Jehovah a God of war?
The wars of men are always waged for selfish purposes. One nation, with covetous eyes, seeks to possess the oil wells, coal fields, or iron mines of another, or to enlarge its own domain. Hence some pretext for war is sought, and usually found. Financiers and profiteers desire to make millions of money and see an opportunity to do so by furnishing shot, shell, powder, cannon and other war supplies; and so they see to it that a pretext for war is found.
However, God does not approve of wars based on selfishness, that inculcate hatred of our fellow men, or that profit the few at the expense of the many. These man-made wars are condemned both in the Old and in the New Testament; and the time is coming when God will destroy them from the earth.
Let us note some texts. Isaiah 34:2 reads: “The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them. ’ ’ 1 Samuel 17:47: “ All this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s.” Again, in Hosea 1:7 we read: “I . . . will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen.”
In Hosea 2:18 we read, ‘ ‘ I will break the bow, and the sword, and the battle out of the earth.” Still again, in Isaiah 2: 4 and Micah 4: 3 we read: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their
spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” And again, in Psalm 46:9 we read: “He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder.” And, finally, in Jeremiah 49:26: “All the men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the Lord of hosts.”
According to the New Testament, Jesus taught that even to hate an enemy is murder; and when Peter would defend Jesus with the sword, he said to Peter, “Put up again thy sword into its place: for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.” Nowhere does the Bible encourage either preparedness or militarism. Neither does it encourage hate or murder. It always inculcates principles of righteousness, truth, justice, peace and love.
This being true, how can Jehovah be called a God of war? and in what kind of wars does he engage? To understand the matter it is necessary to grasp the thought that Satan is the enemy of God and has been an enemy ever since he deceived Adam in Eden. Satan has led some of the angels in heaven to be the enemies of God, and he has deceived multitudes of men into being God’s enemies. All men who are controlled by selfishness, or who believe and teach false doctrines about God, are his enemies. Also all those men who injure the people of God, by cruelty and oppression, are his enemies. When Satan and his armies, either angels or men, unite to oppose or misrepresent God or to injure his people, it is then that God becomes a God of war. He defends his people against their enemies, both seen and unseen. He fights for them. He also fights for those principles of righteousness and truth which he promulgates; and he will continue this fight until, ultimately, victory shall crown his efforts, and righteousness, peace and love shall prevail over all the earth.
Under the master hand of Satan, wickedness was great in the earth in Noah’s day. (Gen. 6:5) Noah and his family of eight persons were the only just ones on earth. (Gen. 6:9) In defense of his faithful Noah and of righteousness and truth, God destroyed the race in the flood. It was a merciful death. This was a justifiable battle and was not prompted by selfish motives.
Pharaoh and the Egyptians, who were enemies of God, controlled by Satan, wickedly and cruelly oppressed and persecuted God’s chosen people; and finally God arose in his wrath and took vengeance on them by drowning them in the Red Sea. Here again Jehovah was defending his people and warring for truth, justice, equity and righteousness, and the death of the Egyptians was a merciful death. They did not have to die by long lingering processes of disease and pain. It ofttimes occurred that God’s chosen people Israel broke their covenant with Jehovah, and worshiped Baal, and burned their own sons and daughters with fire to appease a false god. Thus they united with God’s enemy, the Devil; and in righteous indignation Jehovah permitted their enemies to take them away captive and to destroy them with great slaughters.
These experiences were for their good, and were intended to teach' them lessons which will be helpful to them when God brings them all forth from the tomb and plants them again in their own land, as he has promised to do. There is no selfishness in the battles which God wages; there is no hatred in them; and since the people were already condemned to death, and would all have a resurrection in the future, God was not injuring them. Unlike the wars of men, the death of the Egyptians, the Sodomites, and those who perished in the flood was quickly accomplished, and there were no millions of maimed and wounded, and war-gassed living wrecks to suffer on for years in agony untold. In mercy he put them all to sleep until such time as he would awaken them to life again and they could profit by their experiences.
In the near future Jehovah is to wage another battle, called “the battle of that great day of God Almighty”. The Bible assures us that God will win this battle and that Satan shall be bound a thousand years so that he shall deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years are ended. It further reveals that the cruel, wicked armies of Satan, together with all their war weapons, including cannon, shot and shell, poison gas and liquid fire, battleships and submarines, will for ever be destroyed.
Jehovah will then awaken all who have gone down into the graves, and will write his law on their inward parts until all shall know him from the least to the greatest. Those who perished in the flood will be there; so will the Sodomites and the Egyptians. The curse of death will be removed, because Jesus Christ has tasted death for every man; and then mankind will be given an opportunity to gain life, liberty, peace and happiness under the just, loving, and wise reign of Jesus Christ, who is the God to whom Jehovah has committed this work.
After the thousand years are ended, we are told, Satan shall be loosed for a little season and will gather his forces again for another battle against the Lord, against truth and righteousness; and the record in Revelation 20: 7-10 says that ‘fire shall come down from God out of heaven, and devour [destroy] them’, and that Satan will be cast into the lake of fire, which will mean his destruction. From that time on for evermore Jehovah God will not be a God of war, for the reason that all enemies, all opposers of God and his people and of truth and righteousness, will have been for ever destroyed.
EVEN with the coining of the airplane the value of good highways to any country is now well recognized. They are built chiefly by the government, local or national, and contribute to the convenience, prosperity, freedom, health and life of the people. But no earthly government as yet has built or can build a highway to bring earth’s weary travelers to the blessed destination of everlasting life in perfect health, liberty, happiness and peace in a perfect community on this earth.
The Bible has much to say about roads and highways, both literal and figurative ones. God Jehovah, who by his spirit inspired the writing of the Bible, pictures as a grand highway his arrangement for the people and the course of action they must take to gain eternal life on earth. Jesus, his faithful Son, said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) He said also: ‘‘I am the resurrection, and the life.” (John 11: 25) These sayings of Jesus mean that Jehovah God has provided the way for dying and dead human beings to get life, and that way is through the Savior Jesus as the channel or God’s agency; and that man’s hope of attaining life is, not through a supposed immortality of the human soul, but through a resurrection of all the dead from their graves.
‘‘The first man” on our earth was Adam, so 1 Corinthians 15, verse 45, positively states, and all the rest of the Bible backs up that divine statement. Adam was created perfect and was a pioneer in the way to everlasting existence in earthly happiness; but he blazed the trail or way to death for all of us. He disobeyed the supreme government of Jehovah God his Maker and left the course or way to life that the great Guide Jehovah had mapped out for him. God gave Adam a wife to be a helpmeet to him on the road, intending that all their children should be born in that glorious way to life unending in a terrestrial paradise. But, losing sight of his great debt to God, and abandoning faith and gratitude toward him, Adam yielded to selfishness and chose to please his wife and himself rather than God. Thus Adam caused the way to life to be blocked; he is now dead and his offspring have been dying off down to this very day. ‘‘The wages of sin is death.” (Rom. 6:23) Lest Adam should try to evade the enforcement of the divine law against sin, God banished him and his wife from Eden’s paradise; as it is written: ‘‘And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever; therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground whence he was taken. So he drove out the man: and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden
radio lecture]
cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.” (Gen. 3: 22-24) Thus the way to eternal youth was barred.
God had closed the way. No man nor any government of man nor any group of ‘‘brain age” scientists has been able or ever will be able to open up that way to the glorious prize of life. The unseen cause of it all was God’s unfaithful heavenly son, Lucifer. (Isa. 14:12-14) Lucifer had been ‘‘perfect in [his] ways” (Ezek. 28:14,15) until he yielded to the iniquity of selfish pride and ambition and transformed himself into the Devil or Satan, the opposer of God. Jesus stated that Lucifer, now the Devil, became a murderer by inducing Adam to take a course contrary to God’s law and which brought death upon Adam and all his race. (John 8:44) In this manner ‘the broad road to destruction’ was opened, and Adam was the first human being to step thereinto. We, his children, have all been born to earthly existence on this broad road; hence we die. (Rom. 5:12) God’s judgment against sin required him to turn man over to that road, as it is written: ‘‘From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men.” —Ps. 90: 2, 3.
God’s love, however, did not fail the occasion. All mankind should have “perished”, that is, remained dead for ever; but “God so loved the world, that ho gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. God’s love provided a way for man to escape from the -broad road and the destruction in which it ends, which way of escape lies through Jesus.
Christians, those truly consecrated to do God’s will in following Christ during this Christian era, are the first creatures of earth to get off the broad road to destruction. To them Jesus said: “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matt. 7:13,14) God has provided “a highway” to life to accommodate the world of mankind; but this narrow way to life is for only Christ’s true church to travel. A “little flock” he called it. This narrow way does not lead to perfect life here below: it leads to “glory and honour and immortality, eternal life ’ ’ in the kingdom of heaven with Christ Jesus.—Rom. 2: 7.
In mentioning the narrow way Jesus was giving an invitation to merely his disciples or prospective followers, for to them he had just said: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, . . . seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.” And he added: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord,
Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:20,33; 7:21) Those who thus keep the narrow way by doing the Father’s will and are “faithful unto death” will receive “the vrown of life” in heaven. They have part in “the first resurrection”.
But the world in general do not want to go to heaven ; not even the major portion of church-going people. Of course they ‘want to escape purgatorial suffering or eternal torment if there is such a thing’, but their fondest desire is for a life of peace and joy amid ideal conditions right here on this earth to which they are naturally adapted. Such never did find the strait gate into the narrow’ way, and neither have any of the heathen, the natural Jews, young children who have <lied, nor imbeciles and the insane, ever found that gate to life.
When Christ has received his faithful followers to himself in heaven and fully set up his kingdom, the narrow way will for ever close. (Luke 13 : 23-25) That does not mean that the heathen, dead infants, and all others who have never entered the narrow way are abandoned to endless destruction. No! Jesus “gave himself a ransom for all” (1 Tim. 2:5,6), and all must therefore in justice have an opportunity to know of and accept the benefits of that ransom. That opportunity will come under the incoming kingdom of Christ. King Jesus will call forth all the dead from the graves to give them that opportunity, whereas those still alive “at his kingdom and appearing” will at once be able to take advantage of that opportunity. God’s kingdom through Christ will, figuratively speaking, “cast up the highway” to life, and all the ransomed race, those still living and the awakened dead, may travel up that highway in holiness back to paradise and reconciliation with God through Christ as mediator.
Zion is the spiritual name of that government or kingdom of which Christ Jesus is Head, as many scriptures show; for instance, Psalm 2:6: “Yet have I set my king [Christ] upon my holy hill of Zion.” And Micah 4:7: “The Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion.” (See also Psalm 110: 2 ; 146 :10.) Natural Jews have never accepted Ciiri d as their Messiah and King in Zion, but God's Word assures us that they shall duly seek to line up with Christ’s government, Zion. Jeremiah (50; 5) prophesies: “They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.” Jehovah God will show them, and not only them but also all the Gentiles, “the way to Zion,” the righteous government of Christ. Though they never found the narrow way, they will then find and enter the highway to life.
After telling of God's coming indignation upon all nations and their armies (Isa. 34:1-8) and how God will deliver the people from Satan’s wicked rule, the Prophet Isaiah beautifully pictures the highway to life, saying: “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose [that is, paradise shall be restored on earth]. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing. [Other scriptures tell us that even the dead shall be restored to human life.] And an highway shall be there, and a way [that is, a way to make progress up this highway to perfect life], and it shall be called, The way of holiness; the unclean [those who refuse cleansing from sin and unfaithfulness to God] shall not pass over it [they shall be destroyed in the second death (Rev. 20:15)] ; but it shall be for those [that is, the redeemed ones who turn to the way of holiness],: the wayfaring men, though fools [that is, not versed in worldly wisdom], shall not err therein. [Therefore how unlike the narrow road it will be!] No lion shall be there [no, but Satan who now goes about as a roaring lion seeking to devour will be bound then (1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 20: 1-3)], nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there [that is, no bestial government or organization operated by wicked men will be allowed to exist and molest] ; but the redeemed [and whom did Christ redeem but all mankind?] shall walk there. And the ransomed of the Lord shall nturn, and come to Zion [Christ’s incoming government] with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall lice away.”
Ye chosen Israel of God,
Rejoice and turn your faces t’ward
The King at God’s right hand.
He’s crowned! With sceptre he doth reign, To rescue man from sin’s domain.
His kingdom is at hand.
The mighty King of earth is here
To bring the boon that man holds dear, E'en life for evermore.
On those who will his law obey
And walk in light of Christ’s glad day His blessings he’ll outpour.
Though men The Stone have disallowed, ’Tis chosen, precious unto God,
’Tis set on Zion’s hill.
O Zion, called of God, be strong!
Take up thy coronation song, And bid thy King, All hail!
ALL of God’s anointed on earth are a part of God’s organization. All the work of his anointed should be orderly, that the best results may be obtained. Coming together for consultation and encouragement and to strengthen the organization is for the well-being of the anointed and the Lord’s work. The fact that there are different languages spoken amongst the anointed in the same vicinity should not separate them in these conventions. The Society is therefore arranging for week-end conventions, to be held at stated intervals at certain points. Therefore all the anointed of all classes and languages within a radius of sixty miles of the city or point where the convention is held will please convene together so far as it is possible. It would be well if these meetings are attended by colporteurs, sharpshooters, class workers, and all others who have a real interest in the Lord’s work. The great and important questions before the church will be considered and the brethren instructed how they can best perform the terms of their covenant unto the Lord.
Each one of these conventions will be under the general supervision of the Society. A chairman will be selected by the Society, and the programs made out by the Society. The chairman will have general supervision of the assembly, and the regional service director will direct the field work. Where there are various languages spoken and some can not understand the English, an effort will be made to have special meetings held for such and a competent brother speaking the language assigned to serve, or an interpreter provided to interpret the English speech.
Those desiring to communicate with the representative of the convention will please address their communications to the service director of the ecclesia where the convention is to be held, -whose name and address will appear in The Watch Tower when the convention is fixed. The service director will work in conjunction with the regional service director in preparing for the convention and the activities in the field.
All these conventions will open on Friday evening, with an address by the chairman or some person assigned for that purpose; and then will be given instructions concerning the work in the field for the day following. From nine o’clock Saturday morning until 2:30 Saturday afternoon will be devoted to field service. At 3:30 Saturday afternoon there will be a talk to the assembly on some up-to-date subject, discussed as treated in a recent issue of The Watch Tower. A similar course of activity will be followed on Sundays.
When the suggestion is made that discourses be on subjects discussed in the recent issues of The Watch Tower the purpose is, not to take The Tower and read it literally, but to consider the matter in harmony with The Tower and to support what is set forth and explain it more fully. The brethren should remember that now the most important thing for consideration is God’s kingdom. That involves a better knowledge of Jehovah and of his beloved Son as well as of the setting up of the kingdom. The conventions so arranged will enable brethren to get a better view of their privileges in connection with the kingdom interests. There is much to be done, and great is the privilege to have a part in that work.
The year 1930 should make the best record ever yet in giving the witness which the Lord has commanded shall be given. It is hoped that every one in the vicinity of these conventions will take a keen interest in seeing that the coming together is an honor to the Lord and a blessing to those who attend. Following are set forth a number of conventions that have already been arranged. Later another list will be published. We earnestly request that the brethren will avoid having other conventions or assemblies in these districts that will conflict with the ones herein named. Let us all work together to the glory of the Lord and to the advancement of his cause.
(C Colored; E English; X German; G Greek; H Hungarian ; I Italian; P Polish; S Spanish; K Ukrainian.)
St. Petersburg, Fla. |
E |
December |
13-15 |
Washington, D. C. |
E, C, G |
99 |
13-15 |
Miami, Fla. |
E |
9 9 |
20-22 |
Jacksonville, Fla. |
E, C |
27-29 | |
Houston, Tex. |
e, c, g |
January |
3-u |
Chester, Pa. |
E, K |
9 f |
3-5 |
San Antonio, Tex.' |
E, C, S |
rr |
10-12 |
Richmond, Va. |
E |
9 9 |
10-12 |
Denver, Colo. |
E, G, P |
99 |
17-19 |
Spokane, Wash. |
E |
February |
7-9 |
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. , |
E, P |
) f |
7-9 |
Binghamton, N. Y. |
E |
9 9 |
14-16 |
Everett, Wash. |
E |
j j |
21-23 |
Tacoma, Wash. |
E |
” 28-Mar. 2 | |
Portland, Oreg. |
E |
March |
7-9 |
Buffalo, N. Y. |
E, C, X, H, I, P |
9 9 |
7-9 |
Medford, Oreg. |
E |
f 9 |
14-16 |
Oakland, Calif. |
E |
f 9 |
21-23 |
Syracuse, N. Y. |
E, P |
9 9 |
21-23 |
Fresno, Calif. |
E |
9 1 |
2S-30 |
Los Angeles, Calif. |
E, G, I, 3 |
April |
4-6 |
Schenectady, N. Y. |
E, P |
> f |
4-6 |
Pueblo, Colo. |
E |
9 9 |
11-13 |
Topeka, Kans. |
E, C |
9 9 |
18-20 |
St. Louis, Mo. |
E, C, G, P |
9 9 |
25-27 |
Indianapolis, Ind. |
E, C, H |
May |
2-4 |
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. |
E |
9 9 |
2-4 |
Columbus, Ohio |
E, C, G, H |
99 |
9-12 |
Port Chester, N. Y. |
E, I |
99 |
9-12 |
Warren, Ohio |
E, G, H, P |
9 9 |
16-18 |
New Haven, Conn. |
E, C, G, P |
9 9 |
23-25 |
International Bible Students Association
The message of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast by these and other stations in Australasia, Canada and the United States. Local radio representatives are requested to send (1) prompt advice of change in schedules and (2) a monthly report to Radio and Lecture Department, 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Adelaide ............................ 5KA
Sun pm 8.15-10 Newcastle ............................ 211D
Sun pm 7-8.30
CANADA Vancouver, B. C............. CJOR
Sun am 10-11
Brandon, Man................... CKX
Sun am 10-11 (second, monthly)
Winnipeg, Man................... CKY
Sun am 10-11.15
(first, month!})
Sidney, N. S................... C'JCB
Sun pm 9-10
Hamilton, Ont................. CROC
Sun am L0-11*
London, Ont..................... CJGC
Sun pm 2-3 (ever} other week) Fleming, Sask............ UJRW
Sun am 10-11 (lourtb, monthly)
Saskatoon, Sask.........CFQC
Suu pm 12.30-1.30
Yorkton, Sask............. c.JGX
Sun am 10-11.15 (thud, monthly)
Cedar Rapids .................. KWCR
Sun am 10-11; pm 4-5
Wed pm 9-10
Council Blulls .................... KOIL
Sun am 10-11
Davenport .......................... WOC
Sun am 10-10 30 or pm 6.30-7 (alternately)
Muscatine ........................ KTNT
Suu am 9-10*
Milford .............................. KFKB
Fn pm 4-4.30
Topeka ............................ WIBW
Sun pm 1-1.30
Wichita ............................ KFH
Sun am 9.30-10.15
Hopkinsville .................... WFIW
Sun am 9-10* Louisville ........................ WLAP
Sun am 9-10*
Paterson .......................... WO DA
Sun am 10-11*
Binghamton .................... WNBF
Sun am 11-1; pm 7-9
Thu pm 8-9
Buffalo ...................-....... WEBR
Sun pm 2-3 Jamestown ...................... WOCL
Fri pm 8-S.15 New York ...................... WBBR
Sun am 8 30-11* ; pm 5-9
Mon am 10-12; pm 2-1
Tue pm 12-2; 6-8
Wed am 10-12 ; pm 9-12
Thu pm 1-3, 8-10
NEWFOUNDLAND St. John’s ........................ YOSA
Sun pm 8.30-9.30
LOUISIANA Shreveport ........................ KTSL
Thu pm 8.30-9.30
ALABAMA Birmingham .................. WBRC
Sun pm 5.30-6.15
Bangor ............................ WLBZ
Sun am 10-11*
Fri pm 2-4, 6-8 New York ........................WMCA
Sun am 10-11* Poughkeepsie .................. WOKO
Sun am 10-11*
Saranac Lake .................. WNBZ
Sun am 10-10.30
Syracuse .......................... WFBL
Sun am 10-11*
Tupper Lake .................. WHDL
Sun pm 3.30-4
Altoona ............................ WFBG
Sun pm 7-7.30
Ene ................................ WEDH
Sun pm 12 30-1 (Polish, hr-'t and third, monthly) (Slovak, second and fourth, monthly)
(Ukrainian, fifth, monthly) Sun pm 9-9.30 (English)
Harrisburg ........................ WIIP
Sun am 10-11*
Oil City ..........................WLBW
Sun pm 6 6 30
Philadelphia ........................ WIP
Sun pm 2.30-3.30 (German, Greek, Italian, Polish)
Wed pm 3.-15-4 (English)
Pittsburgh ........................ KQV
Suu am 10-11* ; pm 1-2, 7-8
Fri pm 8-9
Reading ......................... WRAW
Sun pm 6.30-7.15
Scranton ....... WGBI
Sun am 10-11*
Providence .................... WLSI
Sun am 10-11*
Cumberland .................... WTBO
Fresno ................................ KM.J
Sun pm 3.30-4.30
Holl}wood ......................... KNX
Sun pm 1-2
Los Angeles ....................... KTM
Sun am 9-10
Oakland .......................... KFWM
Sun pm 2.30-3
Sun am 9.15-11; pm J 2.30, 6-7, 9.15-10
Tue Thu Sat pm 8 9
Boston ............................ WMES
Sun am 11-1 pm; pm 7.45-9
Thu pm 8-9.45
Lexington ........................ WLEX
Sun am 10-11* : pm 6 30-8
Fri pm 7.45-8.15
New Bedford .................. WNBH
Tue pm 8-9
Charlotte ........................... WBT
Sun am 10-11*
Greensboro ...................... WNRC
Fri pm 6.15-6.45
Raleigh ............................ WPTF
Sun am 10-11*
Sioux Falls ...................... KSOO
Sun am 9-10*, 10-11 ; pm 2-3
Knoxville ............... WNOX
Fri pm 7.30-8 Memphis .............. WREC
Sun pm 1.30-2
Colorado Springs ............ KFL'M
Wed pm 8.30-9 .
Denver ............................... KLZ
Sun am 10-10.30
Pueblo ....... KGHF
Mon pm S-8.30
Fargo .............................. WDAY
Suu pm 2-3
Minot ................................KLPM
Sun pm 4.30-5 (first, monthly)
Sun pm 4-5 (third, monthly)
DELAWARE Wilmington ................... WDEL
Sun pm 9-9.30 (first ami thiid, monthly)
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIX Washington .................... WMAL
Sun am 10-11*
FLORIDA Jacksonville .................. WJAX
Sun (Dec. 22) pm 7 30 9
Tampa.............................. WDAE
Mon pm 7.40-8
Chicago ............................ WCTL
Sun am 9-10*
Chicago ............................ WORD
Bay City ........................ WBCM
Tue pm 7.45-8.15 (German, second, monthly)
Detroit ................. WGIIP
Sun pm 5-5.30
Flint ........................... WFDF
Fri pm 9.30-10
Grand Rapids ................ WOOD
Sun pm 9-10
Jackson .......................... W1BM
Sun pm 2-2.45
Duluth ............................ WEBC
Sun am 9-9.45
Minneapolis ................. WRIIM
Sun am 9 30-10.45
llattiesbuig .................... WRBJ
Mon pin 8.30-9 Meridian ......................... WCOC
Sun pm 1-1.30
Sun am 9-12* ; pm 1-7
Mon Tue am 10-11, pm 9-10;
Wed Thu Fri Sat am 10-11, pm 7-8
St. Joseph ........................ KFEQ
Sun am 9-10* St. Louis ............................ WIL
Sun pm 6.30-7
Evansville........................ WGBF
Sun am 9-10*
Fort Wajne.................... WOWO
Sun am 9-10*
Indianapolis .................... WKBF
Suu am 9-10* Terre Haute ............... WBOW
Sun pm 1-1.55
♦ watchtower chain program.
♦* Northwest network program.
MONTANA Billings ........................... KGIIL
Sun am 9.30-10.30
Butte ............... KG1R
Sun pm 2.30-3
G’-eat Falls ......................Kl'BB
Sun am 9 30-10.30
NEBRASKA York ............................ KGBZ
Sun am 10-11
Cincinnati ........................ WFBE
Sun pm 5-5.30
Cleveland .......................... WIIK
Sun am 8.50-11* ; pm 2-3, 7-8 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fn Sat am 7.30-8 ; Thu pm 7 8
Columbus ........................ WA1U
Sun am 10-11*
Columbus ........................ WCAH
Sun pm 12-1, 9-10
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat am 11.30-12 noon
Thu pm 7.30-9
Dayton .......................... WSMK
Sat pm 5.30-6
Mansfield .......................... WJW
Sun pm 9-10
Toledo ............................ WSPD
Suu pm 1.30-2
Youngstown .................... WKBN
Sun am 10-11*
Corpus Christi ................ KGFI
Sun pm 3-3.30
Dallas ............................... WRR
Sun am 10-11; Thu pm 7-7.30
Galveston ........................ KFLX
Suu am 9-9.45
San Antonio .................... KT SA
Sun pm 1-2
Waco ............................... WJAD
Sun pm 6.45-7.30
Norfolk ............................ WTAR
Sun am 10-11* 1’etorsbuig........................ WLBG
Sun am 10-11* ; pm 3-4, 7-8
Bellingham ...................... KVO3
Sun am 10-11 * Everett .......................... KF BL
Sun am 10-11**
Seattle ........................... KOMO
Suu am 10-11*9
Seattle ..........................— KXA
Daily (except Sun) am 8 4->-9
Spokane .............. KUQ
Sun am 10-11 ' ;
Daily (except Sun) am 6.15-7
Chickasha ........................ KOCW
Sun pm 6.30-7
Emd .................................. KCRC
Sun am 10-10.30
Oklahoma City ............. KFJF
Sun am 9-9 30
Charleston .................... WOBU
Sun pm 7-7.30 Huntington ..................... WSAZ
Thu pm 4-4.30 Wheeling ........................ WWVA
Sun am 10-11 *
Thu pm 8.30-9.15
Medford .........-.................KMED
Sun pm 9-9.30 Portland .......................... KGW
Sun am 10-11**
Milwaukee ....................... W1SN
Suu am 10-11
Sun am 9-10 (Polidi, every other week)
Sun am 11-11.30 (last, monthly, German)
I Will Praise My God ...........................-
God’s Rule in the Kingdom of Men
Organized Religion ...........,
Delight Thyself in Jehovah .....
Who Goes to Heaven? ...............-
Good Hopes for 1929-1930 .......-
Service Appointments ...............—
Service Conventions .................
Vacation ........................
The Mystery of the Kingdom of God ....265
The Sin That Will Never Be Forgiven ....268
Radio and the Printed Word — .
Jesus and the Sciiptures .......-
Special Service Weeks .......................-
MAY 15
Jehovah Supreme ...........................-
Power Conferred .........................
Satan’s Organization (Part 1) _
Assy ria ..........------....................................2si
London ...................................................29
Scripture Study Special ..........................364
Division Two ..........................................5 I
Has Your Subscription Expired?
Jehovah, the Great Schoolmmder
Opposition to Christ’s Kingdom
Radio Service .......................-
August 25 Nation-wide Broadcast
Job Disputes with Satan’s Agents
Prosperity Under God's Kingdom
Man’s Return from the Eneinv's Land 331
Jehovah Our God, Jehovah Is One
Advertising Chain Broadcast ................240
Broadcast Opens IBSA Week ................226
God of Battle ............................................115
Vindication of His Name ........................
Commission ............................................
All Nations ............................................
Egypt ......................................................
Resurrection ............................................
Why Are the Churches a Failure?
August 25 "Public Meeting” ...........-
Philadelphia Convention _______ .....242